Mata Air Bersuhu Tinggi di Dunia - High-temperature Fountain in the World

Sumber mata air panas dihasilkan/berasal dari kerak bumi, berada di berbagai belahan dunia. Sebagian besar dari sumber mata air ini tercipta sejak 20 sampai 45 juta tahun yang lalu akibat dari aktivitas vulkanik serta memiliki suhu hingga 350°C (662°F).
1. The Grand Prismatic Spring: America's largest

Sumber air panas Amerika yang paling besar dan ketiga terbesar di dunia, Grand Prismatic Spring di Yellowstone National Park memiliki luas sekitar 250 x 300 kaki (75 x 91 meter) dan kedalaman 160 kaki (49 meter), menghasilkan 560 galon (2000 liter) bersuhu 160°F (71°C) air/menit.
Warna yang muncul pada musim semi sangat bervariasi, mulai dari hijau, merah cemerlang dan jingga yang diakibatkan oleh ganggang dan pigmen bakteri yang bertambah besar sekitar pinggir air, banyaknya warna bergantung atas rasio klorofil. Pusat genangan mata air terasa sangat panas. (Foto: Magadelic Rock dan Bonnie Sue).
2. Mammoth Hot Springs: largest carbonate-depositing spring in the world

Berada di Yellowstone, Mammoth Hot Springs terkenal paling besar, menyerupai campuran air soda. (Foto: Mila Zinkova, C Amalia dan Thegreenj).
3. Blood Pond Hot Spring: welcome to hell

Blood Pond Hot Spring adalah salah satu "neraka" (jigoku) di Beppu, Jepang, sembilan sumber air panas alami yang menakjubkan untuk dilihat daripada mandi/berendam. "Blood Pond Hell" begitu orang menyebutnya, menampilkan kolam air merah yang panas. Menurut perkiraan ini adalah yang paling fotogenik di antara sembilan neraka. (Foto: L Plater dan phototravel).
4. Blue Lagoon: Iceland's geothermal spa

The Blue Lagoon geothermal spa adalah salah satu tujuan wisata yang paling besar di Eslandia. Perairan yang pengap seolah menunjukkan pembentukan lahar, dan kolam renang besar yang dipanaskan dengan dialiri air melalui pembangkit tenaga listrik terdekat.
Mandi di Laguna Biru dapat dijadikan terapi, dipercaya dapat menyambuhkan orang yang menderita penyakit kulit seperti penyakit psoriasis. Suhu air di kolam renang kira-kira 40°C (104°F). Sumber air mineral terletak di Grindavík, Reykjanes Peninsula, barat-daya Eslandia. Daerah ini terletak sekitar 24 mil (39 kilometer) dari ibu kota Reykjavík. (Foto: Diamanx dan Sandro Mancuso).
5. Glenwood Springs: world's largest natural hot springs swimming pool

Glenwood Springs di Colorado, AS, merupakan kolam renang yang bersumber dari mata air panas pegunungan dengan laju aliran sebanyak 143 liter/detik. Anda bisa berendam di genangan sambil melakukan terapi bersama air bercampur mineral yang asin dengan suhu 104°F (40°C), maupun berenang di kolam yang sangat besar dengan suhu 98°F (36°C). (Foto: christoph.schrey dan fishingfoolcool).
6. Jigokudani Hot Springs: home to the japanese Snow Monkeys

Jigokudani Hot Springs di Nagano Prefecture, paling terkenal di Jepang yang biasa disebut "snow monkeys", yaitu kera liar Jepang yang menikmati perairan yang panas secara alami di samping para pengunjung. Lebih dari seratus Macaques (kera asli Jepang) yang tinggal di Jigokudani Monkey Park, yang terletak di "Hell Valley" (Lembah Neraka). (Foto: Duchamp dan Tim Kelf).
7. Deildartunguhver: highest flow hot spring in Europe

Deildartunguhver terletak di Reykholtsdalur, Eslandia, memiliki karakteristik laju aliran yang sangat tinggi untuk sumber air panas (180 liter/detik) dan bersuhu 97 °C, aliran yang paling tinggi di Eropa. Sebagian dari air dipergunakan untuk memanaskan, pipa berukuran 34 kilometer disalurkan ke Borgarnes dan 64 kilometer kepada Akranes.


Hot springs produced / derived from the earth's crust , are in different parts of the world . Most of these springs are created from 20 to 45 million years ago as a result of volcanic activity and has temperatures up to 350 ° C ( 662 ° F ) .
1 . The Grand Prismatic Spring : America's Largest
Hot springs most major American and third largest in the world , the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park has an area of ​​approximately 250 x 300 feet ( 75 x 91 meters ) and a depth of 160 feet ( 49 meters ) , produces 560 gallons (2000 liters ) temperature 160 ° F ( 71 ° C ) water / minute .
Colors that appear in the spring are very varied , ranging from green , bright red and orange pigments caused by algae and bacteria that grew around the edge of the water , the amount of color dependent on the ratio of chlorophyll . Central pool of spring water was very hot . ( Photo : Magadelic Rock and Bonnie Sue ) .
2 . Mammoth Hot Springs : Reviews largest carbonate - depositing spring in the world
Being in Yellowstone , Mammoth Hot Springs most famous large , resembling a mixture of soda water . ( Photo : Mila Zinkova , C Amalia and Thegreenj ) .
3 . Blood Pond Hot Spring : welcome to hell
Blood Pond Hot Spring is one of the " hell " ( jigoku ) in Beppu , Japan , nine natural hot springs are amazing to look at than the shower / bath. " Blood Pond Hell " as people call it , featuring a red hot tubs . According to this estimate is the most photogenic of the nine hells . ( Photos : L Plater and phototravel ) .
4 . Blue Lagoon : Iceland 's geothermal spa
The Blue Lagoon geothermal spa is one of the biggest tourist destinations in Iceland . Fetid waters seemed to indicate the formation of lava , and a large swimming pool which is heated by flowing water through the power station nearby .
Bathing in the Blue Lagoon can be used as therapy , is believed to menyambuhkan people suffering from skin diseases such as psoriasis . The water temperature in the pool is approximately 40 ° C ( 104 ° F ) . Mineral water sources located in Grindavík , Reykjanes Peninsula , southwestern Iceland . This area is located approximately 24 miles ( 39 kilometers ) from the capital Reykjavik . ( Photo : Diamanx and Sandro Mancuso ) .
5 . Glenwood Springs : World's Largest natural hot springs swimming pool
Glenwood Springs, Colorado , USA , is a swimming pool which is sourced from the hot springs mountain with a flow rate of as much as 143 liters / sec . You can soak in a puddle while doing therapy with salty mineral water mixed with a temperature of 104 ° F ( 40 ° C ) , and swimming in very large with a temperature of 98 ° F ( 36 ° C ) . ( Photo : christoph.schrey and fishingfoolcool ) .
6 . Jigokudani Hot Springs : home to the japanese Snow Monkeys
Jigokudani Hot Springs in Nagano Prefecture , Japan's most renowned commonly called " snow monkeys " , ie the wild Japanese monkeys enjoying the naturally hot waters alongside the visitors . More than one hundred Macaques ( original Japanese macaque ) living in Jigokudani Monkey Park , which is located in the " Hell Valley " ( Valley of Hell ) . ( Photo : Duchamp and Tim Kelf ) .
7 . Deildartunguhver : highest flow hot spring in Europe
Deildartunguhver located in Reykholtsdalur , Iceland , has the characteristics of a very high flow rate for a hot spring ( 180 liters / sec ) and a temperature of 97 ° C , the flow of the highest in Europe . Most of the water used for heating , pipe measuring 34 kilometers channeled to Borgarnes and 64 kilometers to Akranes .

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