Lahir di Mississisipi dari pasangan Afro-Amerika dengan nama Oprah Gail Winfrey. Ayahnya mantan serdadu yang kemudian menjadi tukang cukur, sedang ibunya seorang pembantu rumahtangga. Karena keduanya berpisah maka Oprah kecil pun diasuh oleh neneknya di dilingkungan yang kumuh dan sangat miskin. Luarbiasanya, di usia 3 tahun Oprah telah dapat membaca Injil dengan keras. "Membaca adalah gerai untuk mengenal dunia" katanya dalam suatu wawancaranya.
Setelah kejadian itu, Oprah lari ke rumah ayahnya di Nashville. Ayahnya mendidik dengan sangat keras dan disiplin tinggi. Dia
diwajibkan membaca buku dan membuat ringkasannya setiap pekan. Walaupun tertekan berat, namun kelak disadari bahwa didikan keras inilah yang menjadikannya sebagai wanita yang tegar, percaya diri dan berdisiplin tinggi.
Prestasinya sebagai siswi teladan di SMA membawanya terpilih menjadi wakil siswi yang diundang ke Gedung Putih. Beasiswa pun di dapat saat memasuki jenjang perguruan tinggi. Oprah pernah memenangkan kontes kecantikan, dan saat itulah pertama kali dia menjadi sorotan publik..
Karirnya dimulai sebagai penyiar radio lokal saat di bangku SMA. Karir di dunia TV di bangun diusia 19 tahun. Dia menjadi wanita negro pertama dan termuda sebagai pembaca berita stasiun TV lokal tersebut. Oprah memulai debut talkshow TVnya dalam acara People Are Talking. Dan keputusannya untuk pindah ke Chicago lah yang akhirnya membawa Oprah ke puncak karirnya. The Oprah Winfrey Show menjadi acara talkshow dengan rating tertinggi berskala nasional yang pernah ada dalam sejarah pertelevisian di Amerika. Sungguh luar biasa!
Latar belakang kehidupannya yang miskin, rawan kejahatan dan diskriminatif mengusik hatinya untuk berupaya membantu sesama.
Tayangan acaranya di telivisi selalu sarat dengan nilai kemanusiaan, moralitas dan pendidikan. Oprah sadar, bila dia bisa mengajak seluruh pemirsa telivisi, maka bersama, akan mudah mewujudkan segala impiannya demi membantu mereka yang tertindas.
Oprah juga dikenal dengan kedermawanannya. Berbagai yayasan telah disantuni, antara lain, rumah sakit dan lembaga riset penderita AIDs, berbagai sekolah, penderita ketergantungan, penderita cacat dan banyak lagi.
Dan yang terakhir, pada 2 januari 2007 lalu, Oprah menghadiri peresmian sekolah khusus anak-anak perempuan di kota Henley-on-Klip, di luar Johannesburg, Afrika selatan, yang didirikannya bersama dengan pemirsa acara televisinya. Oprah menyisihkan 20 juta pounsterling ( 1 pons kira2 rp. 17.000,- )atau 340 milyiar rupiah dari kekayaannya. "Dengan memberi pendidikan yang baik bagi anak2 perempuan ini, kita akan memulai mengubah bangsa ini" ujarnya berharap.
Kisah Oprah Winfrey ialah kisah seorang anak manusia yang tidak mau meratapi nasib. Dia berjuang keras untuk keberhasilan hidupnya, dan dia berhasil. Dia punya mental baja dan mampu mengubah nasib, dari kehidupan nestapa menjadi manusia sukses yang punya karakter. Semangat perjuangannya pantas kita teladani!
Born in Mississisipi of Afro - American couple named Oprah Gail Winfrey . His father was a former soldier who later became a barber , his mother was a housemaid . Because they split the smallest Oprah was raised by his grandmother in a slum environment and the very poor . Extraordinary, at the age of 3 years Oprah has been able to read the Bible aloud . " Reading is an outlet for the world to know " he said in an interview .
At the age of 9 years , Oprah experienced sexual harassment , she was raped by her mother 's cousin and her friends and occur repeatedly . At the age of 13 years Oprah had to accept the fact pregnant and gave birth , but the baby died two weeks after birth .
After the incident , Oprah ran to her father's house in Nashville . His father was very hard to educate and discipline. herequired to read the book and make a summary of each week . Despite heavy pressure , but later realized that this is what makes it hard upbringing as a strong woman , confident and disciplined .
His achievements as an exemplary student in high school took him elected student representatives who were invited to the White House . Scholarships else in the can when entering the college level . Oprah never win a beauty contest , and that's when he first became public ..
He began his career as a local radio announcer while in high school . Career in TV in the wake of 19 years of age . He became the first Negro woman and the youngest as a local TV news station is . The TV talk show Oprah debut in the show People Are Talking . And the decision to move to Chicago that finally brings Oprah to the top of his career . The Oprah Winfrey Show became the highest-rated talk show on a national scale that never existed in the history of American television . It is remarkable !
Background of life is poor , crime-prone and discriminatory harass him to try to help others .Impressions of the show on television has always loaded with humanitarian values , morality and education . Oprah realized , if she could invite all viewers telivisi , then together , will easily fulfill all his dreams to help those who are oppressed .
Oprah is also known for his generosity . Various foundations have disantuni , among others , hospitals and research institutes AIDs sufferers , various schools , people with addiction , people with disabilities and more .
And finally, on 2 January 2007, Oprah attended the inauguration of a special school girls in the town of Henley -on - Klip , outside Johannesburg , South Africa , which he founded along with the television audience . Oprah set aside 20 million pound sterling ( 1 pound kira2 rp . 17,000 , - ) or 340 milyiar dollars of his fortune . " By giving a good education for women anak2 this , we will begin to change this nation " he hoped .
Oprah Winfrey is the story of the story of a young man who did not want to lament the fate . He fought hard for his success , and he succeeded . He had the mental steel and able to change fate , the sorrow of life into a successful man who has character . Emulate the spirit of struggle we deserve !
Pada usia 9 tahun, Oprah mengalami pelecehan sexual, dia diperkosa oleh saudara sepupu ibunya beserta teman-temannya dan terjadi berulang kali. Di usia 13 tahun Oprah harus menerima kenyataan hamil dan melahirkan, namun bayinya meninggal dua minggu setelah dilahirkan.
Setelah kejadian itu, Oprah lari ke rumah ayahnya di Nashville. Ayahnya mendidik dengan sangat keras dan disiplin tinggi. Dia
diwajibkan membaca buku dan membuat ringkasannya setiap pekan. Walaupun tertekan berat, namun kelak disadari bahwa didikan keras inilah yang menjadikannya sebagai wanita yang tegar, percaya diri dan berdisiplin tinggi.
Prestasinya sebagai siswi teladan di SMA membawanya terpilih menjadi wakil siswi yang diundang ke Gedung Putih. Beasiswa pun di dapat saat memasuki jenjang perguruan tinggi. Oprah pernah memenangkan kontes kecantikan, dan saat itulah pertama kali dia menjadi sorotan publik..
Karirnya dimulai sebagai penyiar radio lokal saat di bangku SMA. Karir di dunia TV di bangun diusia 19 tahun. Dia menjadi wanita negro pertama dan termuda sebagai pembaca berita stasiun TV lokal tersebut. Oprah memulai debut talkshow TVnya dalam acara People Are Talking. Dan keputusannya untuk pindah ke Chicago lah yang akhirnya membawa Oprah ke puncak karirnya. The Oprah Winfrey Show menjadi acara talkshow dengan rating tertinggi berskala nasional yang pernah ada dalam sejarah pertelevisian di Amerika. Sungguh luar biasa!
Latar belakang kehidupannya yang miskin, rawan kejahatan dan diskriminatif mengusik hatinya untuk berupaya membantu sesama.
Tayangan acaranya di telivisi selalu sarat dengan nilai kemanusiaan, moralitas dan pendidikan. Oprah sadar, bila dia bisa mengajak seluruh pemirsa telivisi, maka bersama, akan mudah mewujudkan segala impiannya demi membantu mereka yang tertindas.
Oprah juga dikenal dengan kedermawanannya. Berbagai yayasan telah disantuni, antara lain, rumah sakit dan lembaga riset penderita AIDs, berbagai sekolah, penderita ketergantungan, penderita cacat dan banyak lagi.
Dan yang terakhir, pada 2 januari 2007 lalu, Oprah menghadiri peresmian sekolah khusus anak-anak perempuan di kota Henley-on-Klip, di luar Johannesburg, Afrika selatan, yang didirikannya bersama dengan pemirsa acara televisinya. Oprah menyisihkan 20 juta pounsterling ( 1 pons kira2 rp. 17.000,- )atau 340 milyiar rupiah dari kekayaannya. "Dengan memberi pendidikan yang baik bagi anak2 perempuan ini, kita akan memulai mengubah bangsa ini" ujarnya berharap.
Kisah Oprah Winfrey ialah kisah seorang anak manusia yang tidak mau meratapi nasib. Dia berjuang keras untuk keberhasilan hidupnya, dan dia berhasil. Dia punya mental baja dan mampu mengubah nasib, dari kehidupan nestapa menjadi manusia sukses yang punya karakter. Semangat perjuangannya pantas kita teladani!
Born in Mississisipi of Afro - American couple named Oprah Gail Winfrey . His father was a former soldier who later became a barber , his mother was a housemaid . Because they split the smallest Oprah was raised by his grandmother in a slum environment and the very poor . Extraordinary, at the age of 3 years Oprah has been able to read the Bible aloud . " Reading is an outlet for the world to know " he said in an interview .
At the age of 9 years , Oprah experienced sexual harassment , she was raped by her mother 's cousin and her friends and occur repeatedly . At the age of 13 years Oprah had to accept the fact pregnant and gave birth , but the baby died two weeks after birth .
After the incident , Oprah ran to her father's house in Nashville . His father was very hard to educate and discipline. herequired to read the book and make a summary of each week . Despite heavy pressure , but later realized that this is what makes it hard upbringing as a strong woman , confident and disciplined .
His achievements as an exemplary student in high school took him elected student representatives who were invited to the White House . Scholarships else in the can when entering the college level . Oprah never win a beauty contest , and that's when he first became public ..
He began his career as a local radio announcer while in high school . Career in TV in the wake of 19 years of age . He became the first Negro woman and the youngest as a local TV news station is . The TV talk show Oprah debut in the show People Are Talking . And the decision to move to Chicago that finally brings Oprah to the top of his career . The Oprah Winfrey Show became the highest-rated talk show on a national scale that never existed in the history of American television . It is remarkable !
Background of life is poor , crime-prone and discriminatory harass him to try to help others .Impressions of the show on television has always loaded with humanitarian values , morality and education . Oprah realized , if she could invite all viewers telivisi , then together , will easily fulfill all his dreams to help those who are oppressed .
Oprah is also known for his generosity . Various foundations have disantuni , among others , hospitals and research institutes AIDs sufferers , various schools , people with addiction , people with disabilities and more .
And finally, on 2 January 2007, Oprah attended the inauguration of a special school girls in the town of Henley -on - Klip , outside Johannesburg , South Africa , which he founded along with the television audience . Oprah set aside 20 million pound sterling ( 1 pound kira2 rp . 17,000 , - ) or 340 milyiar dollars of his fortune . " By giving a good education for women anak2 this , we will begin to change this nation " he hoped .
Oprah Winfrey is the story of the story of a young man who did not want to lament the fate . He fought hard for his success , and he succeeded . He had the mental steel and able to change fate , the sorrow of life into a successful man who has character . Emulate the spirit of struggle we deserve !
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