Barang kali kita pantas berterima kasih kepada Momofuku Ando, orang Jepang kelahiran Taiwan 1911. berkat kerja keras dan jerih payahnya kita sekarang bisa menikmati kelezatan mie instan. Makanan cepat saji dengan berjibun penggemar, yang masuk ke Indonesia pada pertengahan tahun 1960-an.
Begini ceritanya Ditinggal orang tuanya, Ando yang berumur 3 tahun harus membantu neneknya mengurus rumah. Balita ingusan itupun mesti menjaga toko. Belum lagi harus mencuci pakaian dan mamasak. Hasilnya positif, ia jadi pintar masak-memasak, sebaliknya sekolahnya terlantar.
Menjadi pedagang adalah angan2nya. Harta peninggalan ortunya pun digunakan untuk berdagang pakaian rajutan di Taiwan dan Osaka, jepang. Usahanya terbilang maju. Ia pun bisa kembali ke bangku sekolah menyelesaikan pendidikan yang sempat terbengkalai.
Namun kemudian ia dituduh korupsi dalam perdagangan senjata dan onderdil pesawat. Ia lantas dijebloskan ke bui. Setelah 2 tahun hidup di Hotel Prodeo, ia pun dibebaskan. Pada 1956, satu-satunya harta yang tertinggal adalah rumah.
Masa itu Amerika Serikat sedang gencar2nya menyumbangkan gandum ke Jepang yang sedang paceklik pangan. Harga terigu menjadi murah. Pemerintah Jepang pun menganjurkan rakyatnya mengonsumsi roti dan terigu sebagai pengganti nasi.
Melihat banyak orang melahap mie, di dekat toserba hankyu di Osaka, pikiran Ando terbuka. Mengapa tidak membuat mie dari terigu? Bukankah orang Jepang sangat menyukai mie.
Apalagi mie dirasa enak, murah, tahan lama, dan tidak sulit mengolahnya.
Ide liar itu terus bergulir di benaknya. Cuma ia tidak mau membikin mie biasa yang sudah banyak beredar di pasaran. Ia ingin membuat mie bentuk lain yang enak, lebih cepat dan mudah diolah, serta gampang didapat dimana-mana.
Ando mulai mewujudkan impiannya dengan membeli mesin pembuat mie dan bereksperimen membuat mie instant di emper belekang rumahnya. Mula2 mie digoreng agar lebih awet, gurih, dan cepat diolah. Lalu menimbang2 rasa yang pas untuk kuah itu. Dipilihnya kuah ayam karena yang netral. Ando membawa contoh mie instannya ke sebuah toko serba ada. Ternyata semuanya ludes hari itu juga. Waktu itu tahun 1958.
Emper rumahnya tak kuasa menampung pesanan. Ia memindahkan usahanya ke sebuah gudang kosong di Osaka. Di sana Ando membuat mie instant dibantu keluarganya. Sejak itu perusahaan2 besar berebut ingin menjadi penyalur mie instannya. Desember 1958 ando menamai perusahaannya Nissin Foods. Beberapa bulan kemudian ia pindah ke sebuah pabrik seluas 20000m2. tahun 1960 ia membuka pabrik kedua, dan tahun berikutnya lahir pabrik baru lagi.
Meski mie instant laris manis, Ia tak bosan2 bereksperimen untuk terus memperbaiki mutu. Bahkan ada keinginan memperkenalkan dan mejualnya ke luar negeri. Untuk menjajaki kemungkinan itu, ia pergi berkeliling Eropa dan Amerika tahun 1966. di sana ia melihat orang makan mie dengan garpu, tanpa kuah dan memakai piring, meyeruput mie dianggap tidak span.
Ia juga mengamati ada kaldu yang bisa dilarutkan dengan air panas tanpa harus dimasak. Ada gelas kertas sekali pakai dan kertas almunium sebagai wadah kedap udara. Ando pun mendapat ilham membuat mie instant dalam wadah berbagan stereofoam, yang lantas ditutup rapat dengan lembaran aluminium. Mie gelas itu tidak perlu dimasak, cukup diseduh. Supaya tidak hancur terkocok2, mie dibuat lebih tebal. Disediakan pula garpu untuk memakannya.
Di puncak keberhasilannya ando yang pada tahun 1988 genap berumur 77 tahun, membuka Foodeum di Shinjuku, Tokyo. Gedung itu disebut pula ISTANA MIE karena mempunyai beberapa restoran mie, tempat disko, dan museum mie.
Perhaps we deserve grateful to Momofuku Ando , the Japanese born in Taiwan in 1911 . thanks to hard work and his efforts we now can enjoy the delights of instant noodles . Fast food with berjibun fans , who entered Indonesia in the mid 1960s .
Here's the story Left by his parents , 3 -year -old Ando had to help take care of her grandmother's house . Toddler runny nose and even then must keep the store . Not to mention having to wash clothes and mamasak . The results are positive , he so smart cooking , otherwise abandoned school .
Being a trader is angan2nya . Ortunya legacy was used for knitted garments trade in Taiwan and Osaka , Japan. His efforts were fairly advanced . He could go back to finish school education was neglected .
But then he was accused of corruption in the arms trade and aircraft parts . He was then thrown into prison . After 2 years of living in the Hotel Prodeo , he was released . In 1956 , the only property that is left is home .
That time the United States was gencar2nya donate wheat to Japan which was famine food . Wheat prices to be cheap . The Japanese government was encouraging people to eat bread and flour as a substitute for rice .
Seeing a lot of people devouring noodles , near the Hankyu department store in Osaka , Ando open mind . Why not make the noodles from flour ? Is not the Japanese people really like noodles .
Moreover noodles felt good, cheap , durable , and not difficult to cultivate .
The wild idea kept rolling in his mind . He just did not want to make a regular noodles that have been circulating in the market . He wants to create another form of delicious noodles , processed more quickly and easily , as well as easy to get everywhere.
Ando began to realize his dream by buying a noodle -making machine and experimenting to make instant noodles at home belekang porch . Mula2 fried noodles to be more durable , savory , and quickly processed . Then menimbang2 right flavor to the gravy . Chicken broth chosen as neutral . Ando bring examples of instant noodles into a department store . It turns out that all sold the same day . The year was 1958.
Porch of his house could not accommodate orders . He moved his business to a vacant warehouse in Osaka . There Ando helped his family make instant noodles . Since it was a big scramble perusahaan2 want to be distributor of instant noodles . December 1958 ando named his company Nissin Foods . A few months later he moved to a factory covering an area of 20000m2 . In 1960 he opened a second factory , and next year a new plant is born again .
Though instant noodles are selling well , he did not bosan2 experiment to continue to improve the quality . In fact there is a desire to introduce and mejualnya abroad . To explore this possibility , he went around Europe and America in 1966. there he saw people eating noodles with a fork , and put on a plate without sauce , noodles meyeruput deemed span .
He also observed no broth that can be dissolved in hot water without having to be cooked . There cup disposable paper and aluminum paper as an airtight container . Ando was inspired to make instant noodles in a Styrofoam container berbagan , which is then sealed with aluminum sheet . The glass noodles do not need to be cooked , it is brewed . In order not destroyed terkocok2 , noodles made thicker . Also provided a fork to eat it .
At the peak of the ando success in 1988 even 77 years old , open Foodeum in Shinjuku , Tokyo . The building also called PALACE MIE because it has some noodle restaurants , discos , museums and noodles .
Here's the story Left by his parents , 3 -year -old Ando had to help take care of her grandmother's house . Toddler runny nose and even then must keep the store . Not to mention having to wash clothes and mamasak . The results are positive , he so smart cooking , otherwise abandoned school .
Being a trader is angan2nya . Ortunya legacy was used for knitted garments trade in Taiwan and Osaka , Japan. His efforts were fairly advanced . He could go back to finish school education was neglected .
But then he was accused of corruption in the arms trade and aircraft parts . He was then thrown into prison . After 2 years of living in the Hotel Prodeo , he was released . In 1956 , the only property that is left is home .
That time the United States was gencar2nya donate wheat to Japan which was famine food . Wheat prices to be cheap . The Japanese government was encouraging people to eat bread and flour as a substitute for rice .
Seeing a lot of people devouring noodles , near the Hankyu department store in Osaka , Ando open mind . Why not make the noodles from flour ? Is not the Japanese people really like noodles .
Moreover noodles felt good, cheap , durable , and not difficult to cultivate .
The wild idea kept rolling in his mind . He just did not want to make a regular noodles that have been circulating in the market . He wants to create another form of delicious noodles , processed more quickly and easily , as well as easy to get everywhere.
Ando began to realize his dream by buying a noodle -making machine and experimenting to make instant noodles at home belekang porch . Mula2 fried noodles to be more durable , savory , and quickly processed . Then menimbang2 right flavor to the gravy . Chicken broth chosen as neutral . Ando bring examples of instant noodles into a department store . It turns out that all sold the same day . The year was 1958.
Porch of his house could not accommodate orders . He moved his business to a vacant warehouse in Osaka . There Ando helped his family make instant noodles . Since it was a big scramble perusahaan2 want to be distributor of instant noodles . December 1958 ando named his company Nissin Foods . A few months later he moved to a factory covering an area of 20000m2 . In 1960 he opened a second factory , and next year a new plant is born again .
Though instant noodles are selling well , he did not bosan2 experiment to continue to improve the quality . In fact there is a desire to introduce and mejualnya abroad . To explore this possibility , he went around Europe and America in 1966. there he saw people eating noodles with a fork , and put on a plate without sauce , noodles meyeruput deemed span .
He also observed no broth that can be dissolved in hot water without having to be cooked . There cup disposable paper and aluminum paper as an airtight container . Ando was inspired to make instant noodles in a Styrofoam container berbagan , which is then sealed with aluminum sheet . The glass noodles do not need to be cooked , it is brewed . In order not destroyed terkocok2 , noodles made thicker . Also provided a fork to eat it .
At the peak of the ando success in 1988 even 77 years old , open Foodeum in Shinjuku , Tokyo . The building also called PALACE MIE because it has some noodle restaurants , discos , museums and noodles .
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