Jembatan adalah salah satu sarana transportasi darat terpenting selain terowongan, tidak harus dibangun mencolok, tapi di dunia ini ada saja jembatan yang dibangun mencolok, apa sajakah itu? Berikut daftarnya:
1. Jembatan Banpo (Korea Selatan): Jembatan Air Mancur
Melintasi Teluk Hangzhou berdirilah jembatan lintas lautan terpanjang di dunia, dengan panjang 35,673 kilometer (22 mil) dengan enam lajur jalan tol dua arah. Jembatan ini dibangun untuk menangani kemacetan lalu lintas di wilayah yang sedang berkembang pesat, memotong waktu tempuh antara Shanghai dan Ningbo dari empat jam menjadi 2,5 jam.
Dirancang oleh Heatherwick Studio, Rolling Bridge pemenang penghargaan ini terletak di Paddington Basin, London. Daripada menggunakan mekanisme jembatan terbuka konvensional, yang terdiri dari elemen rigid tunggal yang naik untuk membolehkan kapal lewat, Rolling Bridge menggulung diri hingga dua ujungnya bertemu. Ketika dalam posisi horizontal, jembatan ini merupakan jembatan pejalan kaki besi dan kayu normal; terbuka penuh, jembatan ini membentuk lingkaran di satu sisi yang berbeda dari posisi lurusnya.
The bridge is one of the most important means of land transportation in addition to the tunnel , to be built not flashy , but in this world there are only a striking bridge built , what are they ? Here's the list :
1 . Banpo Bridge ( South Korea ) : Fountain Bridge
September 9, 2008 , the Banpo Bridge in Seoul ( South Korea ) underwent a massive facelift surgery : a 10,000 fountain hose that stretches on both edges . Once installed , the bridge turned into a major tourist attraction , as the bridge is firing 190 tons of water per minute using the water of the river below.
2 . Millau Viaduct ( France ) : World's Highest Bridge
As high as 1,125 feet above the Tarn Valley in southern France , the Millau Viaduct wading can be said like fly . Foster & Partners works is slightly higher than the Eiffel Tower , take three years to construct and opened in public in 2004. In addition to providing a view of the valley below , when clouds form under the bridge , Millau is not the route for people who are afraid of heights ! Millau Bridge has a total length of 8,071 feet with the longest single span of 1,122 feet and maximum clarity under is 886 feet , so this is very beautiful bridge in miniature form or original form . Bridge deck is supported by 7 Pilon and weighs 36,000 tons . 7 towers , each 292 feet tall and weighs 700 tons , mounted to a cantilever Pilon .
3 . Henderson Waves ( Singapore ) : Most Beautiful Pedestrian Bridge
At a height of 36 meters or 12 levels from the surface of the road , this bridge is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore . The 300-meter bridge connects the park at Mount Faber and Telok Blangah Hill .
4 . Hangzhou Bay Bridge ( China ) : Cross- Ocean Bridge World's Longest
Crossing the Hangzhou Bay Cross- sea bridge stand the longest in the world , with a length of 35.673 kilometers ( 22 miles) with a six- lane two-way highway . The bridge was built to address traffic congestion in the area that is rapidly growing , cutting travel time between Shanghai and Ningbo from four hours to 2.5 hours .
The bridge is undergoing a lot of learning several decades earlier before being approved in 2003 , and finally opened on May 1, 2008 . The total investment for this bridge for RMB 11.8 million ( approximately U.S. $ 1.4 billion ) .
5 . Rolling Bridge ( United Kingdom ) : The bridge that can roll themselves
Designed by Heatherwick Studio , the award-winning Rolling Bridge is located in Paddington Basin , London . Rather than using conventional open- bridge mechanism , consisting of a single rigid element that rises to allow boats pass , the Rolling Bridge rolled away until the two ends meet . When in the horizontal position , the bridge is a pedestrian bridge normal iron and wood ; fully open , the bridge is in a circle on one side different from the straight position .
Twelve feet in length , the bridge is made by the eight sections of iron and wood , and made curved by hydraulic power handrail mounted on each section .
6 . Oliveira Bridge ( Brazil ) : First X-shaped cable bridge in the world
Octavio Frias de Oliveira bridge that crosses the Pinheiros River in São Paulo , Brazil was opened in May 2008 . As high as 138 meters ( 450 feet ) , and connects Marginal Pinheiros with Roberto Marinho Avenue Jornalista . The design is unique with 2 curved deck pass one another through a tower -shaped cantilever X.
7 . Wind and Rain Bridge ( China ) : Dong Nations Bridge
Wind and Rain Bridge is a symbol of the Dong minority arsitektor nation . Wind and Rain Bridhe in Diping is the largest of its kind in Guizhou Province , where China's biggest Dong community settled . The bridge is 50 meters long and was first built in 1894 during the Qing Dynasty 100 years ago . However , the original structure burned in a major fire in 1959 and the visitor sees today is the manufacture of the finished she repeated in 1964.
Is a pure wooden architecture made up of pillars , purlin and baluster in various sizes and shapes . Agency bridge is divided into three sections , the largest in the middle of a traditional Chinese drum shaped tower . Eave bridge pilasters and decorated with flowers and sculptures and this bridge is very unique .
8 . Tower Bridge ( United Kingdom ) : Most Famous Victorian Bridge and Most Beautiful
Completed in 1894 by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry . Tower Bridge ( named after the two striking towers as high as 141 feet and the nearby Tower of London ) is one of the famous landmarks in London and one of the most beautiful in the world . This 800 foot long bridge has a space 28 feet when closed but opens in the middle to reach 140 feet which allow ships sailing on the Thames . In the days when goods were moved by sea instead of air the bridge was raised around 50 times daily. Tower Bridge using the 432 workers who built it for 8 years . At that time they sink 70,000 tons of concrete into 2 huge piers , placing second supporting structure into place each weighing 1,000 tonnes and decorate the whole bridge with Portland stone and Cornish granite to cover the 11,000 tonnes of steel beneath .
9 . Magdeburg Water Bridge ( Germany ) : Europe's Largest Water Bridge
Magdeburg Water Bridge connects the former East and West Germany on the Elbe River , and constructed as part of the reunification of Germany . Throughout 1 km , the water bridge is worth 500 million euros transports allow the river to avoid the crowded long canal along the Elbe . Shipments are often blocked at the bridge when the river water mark is in the lowest level .
10 . Ponte Vecchio ( Italy ) : Oldest and Famous Bridges
The Ponte Vecchio in Florence is one of the famous tourist attractions in Italy , and is considered the oldest stone arch bridge in Europe , although many older section . Actually built from wood until destroyed by floods in 1333 , and twelve years later the bridge was rebuilt using stone . Famous for its many shops , the bridge is laying off everyone from traders and butchers Middle Ages to the gift shop and vending artwork .
1. Jembatan Banpo (Korea Selatan): Jembatan Air Mancur
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Tanggal 9 September 2008, Jembatan Banpo di Seoul (Korea Selatan) menjalani operasi facelift besar-besaran: sebuah air mancur 10.000 selang yang membentang di kedua pinggirnya. Setelah dipasang, jembatan ini berubah menjadi atraksi turis besar, ketika jembatan ini menembakkan 190 ton air per menit menggunakan air sungai di bawahnya.
2. Jembatan Millau (Perancis): Jembatan Tertinggi di Dunia
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Setinggi 1.125 kaki di atas Lembah Tarn di selatan Perancis, mengarungi Jembatan Millau bisa dikatakan seperti terbang. Karya Foster & Partners ini sedikit lebih tinggi dari Menara Eiffel, memakan tiga tahun untuk pembangunan dan dibuka pada umum tahun 2004. Selain memberikan pemandangan lembah di bawahnya, ketika awan terbentuk di bawah jembatan, Millau bukanlah rute bagi orang yang takut ketinggian! Jembatan Millau memiliki panjang total 8.071 kaki dengan rentangan tunggal terpanjang 1.122 kaki dan kejelasan maksimum di bawah adalah 886 kaki; jadi jembatan ini sangat indah dalam bentuk miniatur ataupun bentuk aslinya. Dek jembatan ditopang oleh 7 pilon dan berbobot 36.000 ton. 7 menara, masing-masing setinggi 292 kaki dan berbobot 700 ton, dipasang ke pilon penopang.
3. Henderson Waves (Singapura): Jembatan Pejalan Kaki Terindah
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Pada ketinggian 36 meter atau 12 tingkat dari permukaan jalan, jembatan ini merupakan jembatan pejalan kaki tertinggi di Singapura. Jembatan sepanjang 300 meter ini menghubungkan taman di Mount Faber dan Telok Blangah Hill.
4. Jembatan Teluk Hangzhou (Cina): Jembatan Lintas Lautan Terpanjang di Dunia
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Jembatan ini menjalani banyak pembelajaran beberapa dekade sebelumnya sebelum disetujui tahun 2003, dan akhirnya dibuka pada 1 Mei 2008. Total investasi untuk jembatan ini senilai RMB 11.8 juta (sekitar US$1.4 milyar).
5. Rolling Bridge (Britania Raya): Jembatan yang dapat menggulung sendiri
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Dua belas meter panjangnya, jembatan ini dibuat oleh delapan bagian besi dan kayu, dan dibuat melengkung oleh tenaga hidrolik yang dipasang di handrail setiap bagian.
6. Jembatan Oliveira (Brazil): Jembatan kabel berbentuk X pertama di dunia
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Jembatan Octavio Frias de Oliveira yang melintasi Sungai Pinheiros di São Paulo, Brazil dibuka bulan Mei 2008. Setinggi 138 meter (450 kaki), dan menghubungkan Marginal Pinheiros dengan Jornalista Roberto Marinho Avenue. Desainnya unik dengan 2 dek melengkung melintas satu sama lain melalui menara penopang berbentuk X.
7. Wind and Rain Bridge (Cina): Jembatan Bangsa Dong
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Wind and Rain Bridge adalah simbol arsitektor bangsa minoritas Dong. Wind and Rain Bridhe di Diping adalah yang terbesar dalam jenisnya di Provinsi Guizhou, dimana komunitas Dong terbesar Cina menetap. Jembatan ini sepanjang 50 meter dan pertama dibangun tahun 1894 selama Dinasti Qing 100 tahun yang lalu. Tetapi, struktur aslinya terbakar dalam kebakaran besar 1959 dan yang dilihat pengunjung saat ini adalah pembuatan ulangnya yang selesai tahun 1964.
Merupakan arsitektur kayu murni yang terdiri dari pilar, purlin dan baluster dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk. Badan jembatan terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yang terbesar di tengah berbentuk menara drum Cina tradisional. Pilaster dan eave jembatan dihiasi dengan bunga dan pahatan dan jembatan ini sangat unik.
Merupakan arsitektur kayu murni yang terdiri dari pilar, purlin dan baluster dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk. Badan jembatan terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yang terbesar di tengah berbentuk menara drum Cina tradisional. Pilaster dan eave jembatan dihiasi dengan bunga dan pahatan dan jembatan ini sangat unik.
8. Tower Bridge (Britania Raya): Jembatan Victorian Paling Terkenal dan Terindah
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Selesai tahun 1894 oleh Horace Jones dan Wolfe Barry. Tower Bridge (dinamai sesuai dua menara mencolok setinggi 141 kaki dan Tower of London di dekatnya) adalah salah satu markah tanah terkenal di London dan salah satu yang terindah di dunia. Jembatan sepanjang 800 kaki ini memiliki spasi 28 kaki bila tertutup tapi terbuka di tengahnya hingga mencapai 140 kaki yang membolehkan kapal berlayar di Thames. Di hari-hari dimana barang dipindahkan melalui laut daripada udara jembatan ini dinaikkan sekitar 50 kali setiap harinya. Tower Bridge menggunakan 432 pekerja yang membangunnya selama 8 tahun. Pada waktu itu mereka menenggelamkan 70.000 ton beton ke dalam 2 pier besar, menempatkan 2 struktur penopang ke tempatnya yang masing-masing berbobot 1.000 ton dan menghiasi seluruh jembatan dengan batu Portland dan granit Cornish untuk menutupi 11.000 ton besi di bawahnya.
9. Jembatan Air Magdeburg (Jerman): Jembatan Air Terbesar di Eropa
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Jembatan Air Magdeburg menghubungkan bekas Jerman Timur dan Barat di Sungai Elbe, dan dibangun sebagai bagian dari proyek penyatuan kembali Jerman. Sepanjang 1 km, jembatan air senilai 500 juta euro ini membolehkan kapal angkut sungai menghindari kanal panjang yang padat di sepanjang Elbe. Pengapalan sering terhadang di jembatan ini bila tanda air sungai berada di tingkat terendah.
10. Ponte Vecchio (Italia): Jembatan Tertua dan Terkenal
![10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia 10 World's most unique bridge - 10 Jembatan Terunik di Dunia](
Ponte Vecchio di Florence adalah salah satu atraksi turis terkenal di Italia, dan dianggap sebagai jembatan lengkung batu tertua di Eropa, meskipun banyak bagian yang lebih tua. Sebenarnya dibangun dari kayu hingga akhirnya dihancurkan oleh banjir tahun 1333, dan dua belas tahun kemudian jembatan dibangun kembali menggunakan batu. Terkenal karena banyak pertokoan, jembatan ini merumahkan setiap orang mulai pedagang dan tukang daging Abad Pertengahan hingga toko cinderamata dan penjual karya seni.
The bridge is one of the most important means of land transportation in addition to the tunnel , to be built not flashy , but in this world there are only a striking bridge built , what are they ? Here's the list :
1 . Banpo Bridge ( South Korea ) : Fountain Bridge
September 9, 2008 , the Banpo Bridge in Seoul ( South Korea ) underwent a massive facelift surgery : a 10,000 fountain hose that stretches on both edges . Once installed , the bridge turned into a major tourist attraction , as the bridge is firing 190 tons of water per minute using the water of the river below.
2 . Millau Viaduct ( France ) : World's Highest Bridge
As high as 1,125 feet above the Tarn Valley in southern France , the Millau Viaduct wading can be said like fly . Foster & Partners works is slightly higher than the Eiffel Tower , take three years to construct and opened in public in 2004. In addition to providing a view of the valley below , when clouds form under the bridge , Millau is not the route for people who are afraid of heights ! Millau Bridge has a total length of 8,071 feet with the longest single span of 1,122 feet and maximum clarity under is 886 feet , so this is very beautiful bridge in miniature form or original form . Bridge deck is supported by 7 Pilon and weighs 36,000 tons . 7 towers , each 292 feet tall and weighs 700 tons , mounted to a cantilever Pilon .
3 . Henderson Waves ( Singapore ) : Most Beautiful Pedestrian Bridge
At a height of 36 meters or 12 levels from the surface of the road , this bridge is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore . The 300-meter bridge connects the park at Mount Faber and Telok Blangah Hill .
4 . Hangzhou Bay Bridge ( China ) : Cross- Ocean Bridge World's Longest
Crossing the Hangzhou Bay Cross- sea bridge stand the longest in the world , with a length of 35.673 kilometers ( 22 miles) with a six- lane two-way highway . The bridge was built to address traffic congestion in the area that is rapidly growing , cutting travel time between Shanghai and Ningbo from four hours to 2.5 hours .
The bridge is undergoing a lot of learning several decades earlier before being approved in 2003 , and finally opened on May 1, 2008 . The total investment for this bridge for RMB 11.8 million ( approximately U.S. $ 1.4 billion ) .
5 . Rolling Bridge ( United Kingdom ) : The bridge that can roll themselves
Designed by Heatherwick Studio , the award-winning Rolling Bridge is located in Paddington Basin , London . Rather than using conventional open- bridge mechanism , consisting of a single rigid element that rises to allow boats pass , the Rolling Bridge rolled away until the two ends meet . When in the horizontal position , the bridge is a pedestrian bridge normal iron and wood ; fully open , the bridge is in a circle on one side different from the straight position .
Twelve feet in length , the bridge is made by the eight sections of iron and wood , and made curved by hydraulic power handrail mounted on each section .
6 . Oliveira Bridge ( Brazil ) : First X-shaped cable bridge in the world
Octavio Frias de Oliveira bridge that crosses the Pinheiros River in São Paulo , Brazil was opened in May 2008 . As high as 138 meters ( 450 feet ) , and connects Marginal Pinheiros with Roberto Marinho Avenue Jornalista . The design is unique with 2 curved deck pass one another through a tower -shaped cantilever X.
7 . Wind and Rain Bridge ( China ) : Dong Nations Bridge
Wind and Rain Bridge is a symbol of the Dong minority arsitektor nation . Wind and Rain Bridhe in Diping is the largest of its kind in Guizhou Province , where China's biggest Dong community settled . The bridge is 50 meters long and was first built in 1894 during the Qing Dynasty 100 years ago . However , the original structure burned in a major fire in 1959 and the visitor sees today is the manufacture of the finished she repeated in 1964.
Is a pure wooden architecture made up of pillars , purlin and baluster in various sizes and shapes . Agency bridge is divided into three sections , the largest in the middle of a traditional Chinese drum shaped tower . Eave bridge pilasters and decorated with flowers and sculptures and this bridge is very unique .
8 . Tower Bridge ( United Kingdom ) : Most Famous Victorian Bridge and Most Beautiful
Completed in 1894 by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry . Tower Bridge ( named after the two striking towers as high as 141 feet and the nearby Tower of London ) is one of the famous landmarks in London and one of the most beautiful in the world . This 800 foot long bridge has a space 28 feet when closed but opens in the middle to reach 140 feet which allow ships sailing on the Thames . In the days when goods were moved by sea instead of air the bridge was raised around 50 times daily. Tower Bridge using the 432 workers who built it for 8 years . At that time they sink 70,000 tons of concrete into 2 huge piers , placing second supporting structure into place each weighing 1,000 tonnes and decorate the whole bridge with Portland stone and Cornish granite to cover the 11,000 tonnes of steel beneath .
9 . Magdeburg Water Bridge ( Germany ) : Europe's Largest Water Bridge
Magdeburg Water Bridge connects the former East and West Germany on the Elbe River , and constructed as part of the reunification of Germany . Throughout 1 km , the water bridge is worth 500 million euros transports allow the river to avoid the crowded long canal along the Elbe . Shipments are often blocked at the bridge when the river water mark is in the lowest level .
10 . Ponte Vecchio ( Italy ) : Oldest and Famous Bridges
The Ponte Vecchio in Florence is one of the famous tourist attractions in Italy , and is considered the oldest stone arch bridge in Europe , although many older section . Actually built from wood until destroyed by floods in 1333 , and twelve years later the bridge was rebuilt using stone . Famous for its many shops , the bridge is laying off everyone from traders and butchers Middle Ages to the gift shop and vending artwork .
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