Angry Birds Bakal Dibuat "Freemium" - Angry Birds Will Made "Freemium"

Angry Birds Go sudah bisa diunduh mulai Selasa (11/12/2013) - Game populer di iOS dan Android, Angry Birds akan digratiskan. Setidaknya itulah rencana Rovio Entertainment Ltd., perusahaan pembuat game, seiring dengan berubahnya strategi bisnis mereka.
Selama ini Rovio mengambil untung dari para pembeli game di Apple App Store atau Google Play Store. Namun, Rovio akan mengubah haluan game Angry Birds dengan menjadikannya game freemium.
Game Angry Birds akan digratiskan saat diunduh dan disertai beragam fitur yang jika pengguna ingin memilikinya, harus membeli.
Strategi freemium mulai banyak diadopsi para publisher game mobile, karena metode tersebut terbukti lebih menguntungkan. Freemium memang menggratiskan aplikasinya, namun saat ingin naik level dengan mudah atau membeli item tertentu, pengguna harus membelinya.
"Free-to-play" masih menjadi strategi baru bagi kami, karena itu kami akan berhati-hati," ujar Jami Laes, Executive Vice President Rovio Games. Laes juga mengatakan bahwa pergantian paradigma ini disebabkan karena Rovio ingin agar lebih banyak orang yang berinteraksi dengan Angry Birds.
"Dengan digratiskan, tentunya akan menjadi langkah yang tepat agar produk kami bisa dijangkau lebih banyak konsumen," demikian terang Laes seperti dikutip dari The Wall Street Journal, Kamis(2/1/2014).
Rovio terjun ke dunia mobile game semenjak 2009. Strategi free-to-play memang telah digunakan sejak lama, namun dengan dirilisnya "Angry Birds Go!" beberapa waktu lalu, membuat Rovio benar-benar siap bersaing dengan game freemium lain, seperti "Clash of Clans" atau "Candy Crush."
Menurut lembaga peneliti Distimo, dari 10 game tersukses yang meraih untung di App Store Apple, hanya game "Minecraft" yang merupakan aplikasi game berbayar. Angry Birds sendiri gagal masuk dalam daftar 10 besar tersebut selama 2013 ini.
Angry Birds lebih banyak mendapat untung dari penjualan lisensi, mulai dari produk kecantikan hingga taman bermain yang menggunakan karakter-karakter Angry Birds.
Diperkirakan sekitar 45 persen dari keuntungan Rovio di tahun 2012 berasal dari penjualan lisensi dan merchandise, dengan nilai sekitar 209 juta dollar AS.

Angry Birds Bakal Dibuat "Freemium" - Angry Birds Will Made "Freemium"
Reska K. Nistanto | Monday, January 6, 2014 | 11:05 pmRovioGo Angry Birds can be downloaded starting on Tuesday ( 12/11/2013 ) - a popular game on iOS and Android , Angry Birds will be available for free . At least that's the plan Rovio Entertainment Ltd. . , Game maker , along with the change in their business strategy .
So far, Rovio taking advantage of the buyer game in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store . However , Rovio will change the course of the game Angry Birds to make freemium games .
Angry Birds game will be downloaded and shared for free when accompanied by a variety of features that if users want to have , must buy .
Strategies ranging widely adopted freemium mobile game publishers , since these methods prove to be more profitable . Indeed eliminate freemium application , but when I want to level up easily or buy a specific item , the user must buy .
" Free-to -play " is still a new strategy for us , so we will be careful , "said Jami Laes , Executive Vice President of Rovio Games . Laes also said that the change of paradigm is due Rovio wants more and more people are interacting with Angry Birds .
" With the free, of course, would be the appropriate steps so that our products can reach more consumers , " said Laes bright as quoted by The Wall Street Journal , Thursday ( 02/01/2014 ) .
Rovio plunge into the world of mobile games since 2009. Strategy of free - to-play has indeed been used for a long time , but with the release of " Angry Birds Go ! " some time ago , making Rovio really ready to compete with other freemium games , such as " Clash of Clans " or " Candy Crush . "
According to Distimo research institutions , the most successful of the 10 games that achieve a profit in the Apple App Store , just a game " Minecraft " is a paid game application . Angry Birds itself fails to get listed in the top 10 during this 2013 .
Angry Birds gets more profit from the sale of licenses , ranging from beauty products to use the playground Angry Birds characters .
It is estimated that about 45 percent of Rovio profits in 2012 came from the sale of licenses and merchandise , with a value of about 209 million U.S. dollars .

Sources : The Wall Street JournalEditor : Reza Wahyudi

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