World's Most Expensive Coffee in Indonesia There - Kopi Termahal Di dunia Ada di Indonesia

Berbicara mengenai kopi khususnya di Indonesia kita memiliki beragam jenis dan variasi dari kopi, sebut saja kopi aceh, kopi makasar dan lain sebagainya, tapi tahukah anda ternyata Indonesia juga memiliki satu kopi, dimana cita rasa kopi tersebut mampu menembus dunia, nama kopi tersebut adalah kopi luwak. Seperti apa keistimewaan kopi luwak tersebut, berikut ulasannya : Kopi luwak terkenal dengan harganya yang cukup mahal. Jika Anda ingin menyeruput kopi jenis ini di Jakarta, harga bisa ratusan ribu rupiah per cangkir.
Namun, menurut Oprah Winfrey dalam salah satu episode talkshow-nya, di Amerika, secangkir kopi luwak dihargai mencapai US$50 (Rp 500 ribu). Dan, dalam kemasan dijual sekitar US$600 (Rp 60 juta) per 4,5 kg. Itulah sebabnya kopi ini dijuluki kopi termahal di dunia. Alasan kopi ini mahal dan istimewa, karena proses menjadi kopinya yang unik. Kopi luwak adalah biji kopi yang ditemukan pada kotoran luwak, sejenis hewan tupai yang banyak hidup di pinggir hutan dekat perkebunan kopi.
Secara alamiah, luwak mempunyai insting memilih biji kopi yang benar-benar masak dan patut dimakan. Di dalam pencernaan luwak, biji kopi mengalami reaksi kimiawi dengan enzim pencernaan luwak. Proses inilah yang memberikan rasa berbeda pada kopi luwak. Nah, dari kotoran luwak tersebutlah biji kopi yang utuh yang akan diproses menjadi kopi luwak. Dan, menjadi secangkir kopi luwak yang nikmat beraroma kuat.


Speaking of coffee , especially in Indonesia, we have a variety of types and variations of coffee , namely Aceh coffee , coffee makasar and so forth , but did you know that Indonesia also has a coffee , where the coffee flavor to penetrate the world , the name of the coffee is coffee mongoose . Like what privileges the civet coffee , following his review : Mongoose is famous for its price is quite expensive . If you want this type of sipping coffee in Jakarta , the price could be hundreds of thousands of dollars per cup .However , according to Oprah Winfrey in an episode of her talk show , in America , a cup of civet coffee valued at U.S. $ 50 ( $ 500 thousand ) . And , in packs sell for around U.S. $ 600 (USD 60 million ) per 4.5 kg . That's why coffee is dubbed the most expensive coffee in the world . The reason coffee is expensive and special, because the process of becoming a unique coffee . Civet coffee is coffee beans found in civet droppings , a type of squirrel that many animals living on the edge of the woods near a coffee plantation .Naturally , the civet coffee beans have the instinct chose really ripe and should be eaten . In the digestion of civet , the beans undergo chemical reactions with enzyme digestion mongoose . This process gives a different flavor to the mongoose . Well , from the dung of civet coffee beans intact tersebutlah which will be processed into civet coffee . And , being a cup of civet coffee is delicious aromatic . 

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