Ninja dalam sejarah Jepang itu seperti sebuah bayangan,,
Shinobi atau Ninja (dalam bahasa Jepang:忍者, harafiah, "Seseorang yang bergerak secara rahasia") adalah seorang pembunuh yang terlatih dalam seni ninjutsu (secara kasarnya seni pergerakan sunyi) Jepang. Ninja, seperti samurai, mematuhi peraturan khas mereka sendiri, yang disebut ninpo. Menurut sebagian pengamat ninjutsu, keahlian seorang ninja bukanlah pembunuhan tetapi penyusupan. Jadi, keahlian khusus seorang ninja adalah menyusup dengan atau tanpa suara. Saat ini, ninja seperti legenda,seperti figure yang dipuja, muncul di game-game dan kartun anak-anak, juga sebagai genre dari film action seni bela diri.
![Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History](
Ninja biasanya segera dikaitkan dengan sosok yang terampil beladiri, ahli menyusup dan serba misterius seperti yang tampak di dalam film atau manga. Dalam kenyataannya penampilan ninja yang serba hitam ada benarnya, namun jika ada anggapan bahwa ninja identik dengan pembunuh brutal, berdarah dingin, pembuat onar, tukang sabotase, tidak demikian adanya. Kata ninja terbentuk dari dua kata yaitu nin dan sha yang masing-masing artinya adalah tersembunyi dan orang. Jadi ninja adalah mata-mata profesional pada zaman feudal jepang. Sejarah ninja juga sangat sulit dilacak. Info mengenai keberadaan mereka tersimpan rapat-rapat dalam dokumen-dokumen rahasia.
![Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History](
Ninja juga bisa diartikan sebagai nama yang diberikan kepada seseorang yang menguasai dan mendalami seni bela diri ninjutsu. Nin artinya pertahanan dan jutsu adalah seni atau cara. Kata ninja juga diambil dari kata ninpo. Po artinya adalah falsafah hidup atau dengan kata lain ninpo adalah falsafah tertinggi dari ilmu beladiri ninjutsu yang menjadi dasar kehidupan seorang ninja. Jadi ninja akan selalu waspada dan terintregasi pada prinsip ninpo.
![Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History](
Ninja dalah mata-mata profesionl di zaman ketika para samurai masih memegang kekuasaan tertinggi di pemerintahan jepang pada abad 12. Pada abad 14 pertarungan memperebutkan kekuasaan semakin memanas, informasi tentang aktivitas dan kekuatan lawan menjadi penting, dan para ninja pun semakin aktif. Para ninja dipanggil oleh daimyo untuk mengumpulkan informasi, merusak dan menghancurkan gudang persenjataan ataupun gudang makanan, serta untuk memimpin pasukan penyerbuan di malam hari.karena itu ninja memperoleh latiham khusus. Ninja tetap aktif sampai Zaman Edo (1600-1868), dimana akhirnya kekuasaan dibenahi oleh pemerintah di zaman edo
![Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History](
Gerakan beladiri ninjutsu hanya tendangan, lemparan, patahan, dan serangan. Kemudian dilengkapi dengan teknik pertahanan diri seperti bantingan, rolling dan teknik bantu seperti meloloskan diri, mengendap, dan teknik khusus lainnya. Namun, dalam prakteknya ninja menghindari kontak langsung dengan lawannya, oleh karena itu berbagai alat lempar, lontar, tembak, dan penyamaran lebih sering digunakan. Berbeda dengan seni beladiri lain. Ninjutsu mengajarkan teknik spionase, sabotase, melumpuhkan lawan, dan menjatuhkan mental lawan. Ilmu tersebut digunakan untuk melindungi keluarga ninja mereka. Apa yang dilakukan ninja memang sulit dimengerti.
![Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History Sejarah Ninja - Ninja History](
Pada satu sisi harus bertempur untuk melindungi, di sisi lain ninja harus menerapkan "berperilaku kejam dan licik" saat menggunakan jurus untuk menghadapi lawan. Disisi lain ajaran ninpo memberi petunjuk bahwa salah satu tujuan ninjutsu adalah mengaktifkan indra keenam mereka. paduan intuisi dan kekuatan fisik pada jangka waktu yang lama memungkinkan para ninja untuk mengaktifkan indra keenamnya. Sehingga dapat mengenal orang lain dengan baik dan mengerti berbagai persoalan dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu.
Ninja in Japanese history was like a shadow , ,
Shinobi or Ninja ( in Japanese :忍者, literally , " A person who is engaged in secret " ) is an assassin trained in the art of ninjutsu ( roughly the art of silent movement ) Japan . Ninja , like samurai , adhere to their own peculiar rules , called Ninpo . According to some observers ninjutsu , ninja skills are not murder but an intrusion . Thus , special expertise is a ninja infiltrate with or without sound . Currently , ninja like legends , such as the revered figure , appearing in games and children's cartoons , as well as the genre of martial arts action movies .
Ninja usually immediately associated with skilled martial figure , a round infiltrate and mysterious as seen in the movie or manga . In fact, the appearance of the all- black ninja is true, but if it was thought that the ninja is identical to the brutal killer , cold-blooded , troublemaker , artisan sabotage , not so. Ninja word formed from two words namely sha nin and each meaning is hidden and people . So ninja is a professional spy on the Japanese feudal era . History ninja also very difficult to trace . Info about where they are stored in a hermetically secret documents .
Ninja can also be interpreted as the name given to a person who mastered and studied martial arts ninjutsu . Nin means of defense and jutsu is the art or way . The word is also derived from the word ninja Ninpo . Po means the philosophy of life or in other words Ninpo is the highest philosophy of martial arts ninjutsu which the life of a ninja . So ninja will always be vigilant and Integrate the principles of Ninpo .
Dalah ninja spy profesionl in an age when samurai still holds ultimate power in the government of Japan in the 12th century . In the 14th century the fight for power heats up , information about activities and force the opponent to be important , and the ninja became more active . The ninja called by the daimyo to gather information , damaging and destroying the armory or storehouse of food , as well as to lead troops in a night raid that ninja gained latiham hari.karena special . Ninja remained active until the Edo period (1600-1868) , where the power ultimately be addressed by the government in Edo era
Ninjutsu martial arts movements just kicks , throws , faults , and attacks . Then equipped with self-defense techniques such as slamming , rolling and auxiliary techniques such as escaping, settles , and other special techniques . However , in practice ninja avoid direct contact with the opponent , therefore throwing a variety of instruments , ejection , shoot , and camouflage is more commonly used . In contrast to other martial arts . Ninjutsu teaches the techniques of espionage , sabotage , paralyze the opponent , and the opponent mentally dropped . The science used to protect their ninja family . What does a ninja is difficult to understand .
On the one hand, must fight to protect , on the other hand ninja must apply " cruel and devious behavior " when using tactics to confront opponents . On the other hand the teachings of Ninpo hints that one of the goals is ninjutsu activate their sixth sense . blend of intuition and physical strength on a long period of time allows the ninja to activate the sixth sense . So that others can get to know well and understand the various issues in various disciplines .
Shinobi or Ninja ( in Japanese :忍者, literally , " A person who is engaged in secret " ) is an assassin trained in the art of ninjutsu ( roughly the art of silent movement ) Japan . Ninja , like samurai , adhere to their own peculiar rules , called Ninpo . According to some observers ninjutsu , ninja skills are not murder but an intrusion . Thus , special expertise is a ninja infiltrate with or without sound . Currently , ninja like legends , such as the revered figure , appearing in games and children's cartoons , as well as the genre of martial arts action movies .
Ninja usually immediately associated with skilled martial figure , a round infiltrate and mysterious as seen in the movie or manga . In fact, the appearance of the all- black ninja is true, but if it was thought that the ninja is identical to the brutal killer , cold-blooded , troublemaker , artisan sabotage , not so. Ninja word formed from two words namely sha nin and each meaning is hidden and people . So ninja is a professional spy on the Japanese feudal era . History ninja also very difficult to trace . Info about where they are stored in a hermetically secret documents .
Ninja can also be interpreted as the name given to a person who mastered and studied martial arts ninjutsu . Nin means of defense and jutsu is the art or way . The word is also derived from the word ninja Ninpo . Po means the philosophy of life or in other words Ninpo is the highest philosophy of martial arts ninjutsu which the life of a ninja . So ninja will always be vigilant and Integrate the principles of Ninpo .
Dalah ninja spy profesionl in an age when samurai still holds ultimate power in the government of Japan in the 12th century . In the 14th century the fight for power heats up , information about activities and force the opponent to be important , and the ninja became more active . The ninja called by the daimyo to gather information , damaging and destroying the armory or storehouse of food , as well as to lead troops in a night raid that ninja gained latiham hari.karena special . Ninja remained active until the Edo period (1600-1868) , where the power ultimately be addressed by the government in Edo era
Ninjutsu martial arts movements just kicks , throws , faults , and attacks . Then equipped with self-defense techniques such as slamming , rolling and auxiliary techniques such as escaping, settles , and other special techniques . However , in practice ninja avoid direct contact with the opponent , therefore throwing a variety of instruments , ejection , shoot , and camouflage is more commonly used . In contrast to other martial arts . Ninjutsu teaches the techniques of espionage , sabotage , paralyze the opponent , and the opponent mentally dropped . The science used to protect their ninja family . What does a ninja is difficult to understand .
On the one hand, must fight to protect , on the other hand ninja must apply " cruel and devious behavior " when using tactics to confront opponents . On the other hand the teachings of Ninpo hints that one of the goals is ninjutsu activate their sixth sense . blend of intuition and physical strength on a long period of time allows the ninja to activate the sixth sense . So that others can get to know well and understand the various issues in various disciplines .
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