Inilah penjara-penjara yang paling 'mengerikan' di dunia. Disebut 'mengerikan' bukan hanya karena kebrutalan, tapi bisa juga karena kondisi penjara yg memang sudah tak layak. Salah satu yang paling mengerikan adalah Carandiru Prison di Brasil. Di sanalah sempat terjadi pembataian masal oleh polisi Brasil yg menewaskan ratusan narapidana. Atau anda tentu pernah dengar tentang Alcatraz Island. Saking terkenalnya penjara itu sampai pernah dibuat film.
Di antara 10 penjara 'mengerikan' ini terselip satu penjara dari Asia Tenggara, yakni, Bang Kwang Prison Atau dikenal 'Bangkok Hilton'. Inilah penjara paling 'mematikan' di Asia Tenggara. Bukan hanya penuh sesak dan tak layak, tapi jg krn kebrutalan di sana.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Perlakuan brutal dari pihak kepolisian memicu protes di mana-mana, tak terkecuali Amnesty Internasional yang mengkampanyekan penjara tersebut ditutup tahun 2002. Amnesty Internasional melaporkan telah terjadi pelanggaran hak-hak azasi manusia di sana yang tak bisas ditelerir lagi. Bukan itu saja fasilitas penjara juga sedemikian buruk sehingga menyebarkan penyakit mematikan.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Pada masa itu Kepala Kepolisian Metropolitan Sao Paulo adalah Ubiratan Guimaraes, dia dianggap orang yang paling bertanggungjawab meletusnya tragedy ini. Kasus yang menimbulkan kemarahan dunia ini membawa Guimaraes ke kursi pesakitan. Ia sempat diadili dengan tuduhan pembunuhan terhadap 102 orang. Namun Pengadilan kemudian membebaskan Guimaraes karena yg bersangkutan mengatakan polisi melakukan itu karena ditembaki. Pemerintah Brasil menganggap bahwa tragedy itu terjadi bukan tanggung jawab pihak kepolisian.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Dikenal sebagai "Bangkok Hilton". Penjara ini boleh dibilang sudah tidak layak lagi, selain penuh sesak, juga kekurangan tenaga sipir. Para napinya dirantai. Kabarnya banyak napi jadi gila akibat stress melewati bulan bulan pertama di tahanan itu. Direktur penjara Khun Nattee mengakui, kalau penjaranya adalah paling keras diseluruh Thailand. Di sini fasilitas sangat minim, termasuk perawatan kesehatan terhadap napi yg sangat standar. Napi yg sakit hy bisa meringkuk dengan kaki dirantai di kamarnya, sambil menunggu datangnya obat (kalau dapat).
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Menjadi narapida di ADX adalah suatu mimpi buruk tak tak terlupakan bagi mereka. Di sasna mereka menerima kondisi paling jelek dari yg terjelek. Karenanya mereka yg masuk ke sini adalah para penjahat kelas kakap termasuk yg telah berkali-kali masuk penjara. Di sinilah 'neraka' penjara yg bisa mengakibatkan derita seumur hidup.
Selama 13 tahun beroperasi, dua orang tawanan dikabarkan mati terbunuh di ADX Florence. Salah satunya Lawrence Klaker. Ada yg menyebut dia mati ditembak, tp ada juga yg bilang bunuh diri.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Pejabat penjara yg arogan, sipir yg kasar, kebijakan yg tdk manusiawi mewarnai hari-hari para napi di sana. Tak usah heran kalo byk yg terkena gangguan jiwa akibat tekanan psikologis yg luar biasa. Bayangkan saja, di sana ada larangan untuk tdk bercakap cakap dgn napi lain, kalo tdk menurut, hukuman menunggu. Napi dilarang mengeluarkan emosinya. Mereka dipaksa diam! Hak hak sbg manusia, di Alcatraz, telah dicabut. Sungguh penjara 'neraka'. Penjara ini ditutup pada 1963, tetapi warisan kegelapan terus 'hidup' dan menjadi legenda. (Pengen tau seperti apa, nonton aja escape from alcatraz)
5.San Quentin Prison: (San Quentin, California)
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Tahun 1930′a an, pengelolaan penjara ini sarat dengan korupsi, sampai akhirnya muncul direktur baru Clinton Truman Duffy yg melihat kondisi tak manusiawi dari penjara ini, memutuskan melakukan perbaian di tahun 1940 an. Tapi sebelum masuknya direktur baru, penjara ini dikenal sangat tidak manusiawi memperlakukan para napi. Kepala mereka dibotaki dan dipaksa memakai seragam yg diberi nomor, mereka makan dengan wadah ember2. Menghuni sel sempit tanpa diberi lampu.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Di sini nyawa tidak ada harganya. Kerusuhan antar ras kerap terjadi.Rasio antara penjaga penjara dan napi tidak sebanding, itu sebabnya banyak hal terjadi diluar kontrol.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Para napi sebenarnya telah melakukan protes terhadp pengelolaan penjara. Mereka melakukan mogok makan, bahkan membakar diri sendiri sebagai bentuk protes. Namunn tdk berhasil. Fasilitas penjara ini 'sangat mengerikan' jauh dari standar. Di sini pernah terjadi peristiwa menggerkan di mana anak-anak dijebloskan di sini dan mendapat hukuman penjara seumur hidup. Kejahatan terhadap kemanusian sepertinya menjadi peristiwa biasa saja. Tak heran penjara ini masuk dalam saslah sastu penjara yg paling menyeramkan di dunia.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Kondisi napi di Penjara La Sabaneta adalah yang jelek dari yang terjelek. Tak heran kalo wabah kolera sempat mampir kemari dan memakan korban 700 napi. Di sini pun pernah terjadi pembataian masal yg mengambil korban 100 an napi tahun 1994. Kematian merajalela di La Sabaneta. Salah sedikit, nyawa bisa melayang. Para staf penjara yg malas mengurusi napi, sehingga para napi bisa leluasa berbuat semaunya. mereka berkelahi bahkan membunuh sesama napi. Para penjaga 'menutup mata' atas kejadian2 ini.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Sungguh ironis dengan arti kata ' La Sante' yg berarti health (kesehatan) dalam bahasa Inggris. Karena pada kenyataannya hidup di sana sungguh tdk sehat. Perbudakan antar sipir ke napi, napi ke sesama napi, sudah menjadi biasa. Kasus perkosaan antar sesama napi sangat tinggi dan terjadi setiap hari. Tak heran kalo banyak napi tak tahan akhirnya bunuh diri, atau menjadi gila. Sepanjang tahun 2002 dikabarkan terjadi 122 kasus bunuh diri napi. Disusul 73 napi pada pertengahan 2003.
Kecenderungan bunuh diri ini kemungkinan karena kondisi hidup yang mengerikan di sana. Penjara yg terlalu padat, fasilitas minim, serta aneka kekerasan yg terjadi di sana, diduga sebagai pemicu tindakan bunuh diri.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Penyiksaan brutal membuat penjara ini begitu dikenal di amerika. Pada 2007, tawanan Charles Afflic mengalami penyiksaan yg berlebihan dari penjaga penjara sehingga harus menjalani pembedahan otak. Sebanyak 6 napi bunuh diri di selnya krn tak tahan dgn suasana penjara yg menekan, pada 2003.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Kematian di penjara ini seperti tak terhitung banyaknya. Kekerasan di Tadmor begitu mengerikan dan benar-benar tak kenal ampun. Seorang mantan napi Tadmor menggambarkan penjara ini sebagai kerajaan maut dan kegilaan mengerikan
Tadmor memiliki penjaga haus darah, narapidana penjagal,dan tawanan politik. Pada 1980, sesudah percobaan pembunuhan pada Presiden (di Damaskus), narapidana terpaksa membayar mahal. Para perajurit penyerang penjara, mereka menggunakan halicopter dan mendarat di Tadmor. Para prajurit ini membatai 500 orang tawanan di sel mereka. Para napi ini mati mengenaskan, tidak dapat menyelamatkan diri karena para sipir merantai kaki mereka di sel.
This is the most prisons ' appalling ' in the world . Called ' terrible ' not only because of the brutality , but it could be due to the condition of the prison that is already not feasible . One of the most terrible is Carandiru Prison in Brazil . It was there had been a mass massacre by Brazilian police who killed hundreds of inmates . Or you would have heard about Alcatraz Island . So famous prison movie ever made it up .
Among the 10 prisons ' appalling ' is tucked into a prison of Southeast Asia , namely , Bang Kwang Prison Or known ' Bangkok Hilton ' . This is the prison's most ' lethal ' in Southeast Asia . Not only is crowded and not worth it, but there jg krn brutality .
1 . Carandiru Prison : ( Brazil )
This prison had horrendous Brazil is also the world when peca big riot in the prison in 1992 . The tragedy of genocide involving local police . Hundreds of casualties , 103 ( some sources mention 111 inmates ) of them were killed . Caradiru tragedy stems from the outbreak of war ' between gang ' in the prison , which extends to involve a lot of prisoners . Police then brought in reinforcements . Actually, at that time many prisoners had surrendered by throwing their weapons . they asked for police protection . But the police replied by shooting at them .
The brutal treatment of the police sparked protests everywhere , not to mention Amnesty International is campaigning for the prison was closed in 2002. Amnesty International reports there has been a violation of human rights there is no ditelerir they can be again . Not only that prison facilities are also so poor that spread the deadly disease .
At that time the head of the Metropolitan Police of Sao Paulo is Ubiratan Guimaraes , he considered the person most responsible for the outbreak of this tragedy . The case sparked outrage the world to bring Guimaraes chair prisoner . He was on trial on charges of the murder of 102 people . However, the court later freed due Guimaraes who said the police do it because of fire . The Government of Brazil considers that the tragedy occurred is not the responsibility of the police .
2 . Bang Kwang Prison ( Thailand )
Known as the " Bangkok Hilton " . Prison is arguably no longer feasible , in addition to overcrowded , understaffed warden also . The napinya chained . Reportedly many inmates went insane as a result of the stress passes through the first month in detention . The prison director Khun Nattee admit , if prison is the harshest throughout Thailand . Here the facilities are minimal , including health care for inmates who are very standard . Hy ill inmates who can curl up with a foot chained in his room , while waiting for the drug ( if it can ) .
3 . ADX Florence Supermax Prison : ( Colorado )
The prison was built in response to the attack on the guards and staff that occurred in other prisons in America . In applying the maximum security prison for inmates prevent attacks against guards or prison staff . Therefore the prisoners were isolated from prison staff . The inmates suffered psychological torture for over 23 hours just spent diselnya . they can not go anywhere.
Being narapida in ADX is a nightmare for them was unforgettable . In sasna they accept the condition that the worst of the worst . Therefore those who come in here are the hardened criminals including who has many times in jail . This is where the ' hell ' that could lead to prison for life suffered .
During 13 years of operation , two people reportedly killed prisoners at ADX Florence . One was Lawrence Klaker . There was a call he was shot , there are also sources say tp suicide .
4 . Alcatraz Island Prison : ( San Francisco , CA )
This prison , known as " The Rock " , or " Devil 's Island " . Built 1920s . Any inconvenience is here . Alcatraz is designed so that small possibility amaty prisoner can escape from here . Alcatraz really creates its own world . The inmates really lost contact with life out there .
Prison officials who arrogantly , warden rough , ill- humane policy coloring the days of the prisoners there . Do not be surprised if that BYK mental disorder due to psychological stress that incredible . Just imagine , there are no restrictions for the ill and chatting with other inmates , if naughty , awaiting sentence . Inmates are prohibited from issuing his emotions . They were forced to be silent ! Rights as human rights , at Alcatraz , has been revoked . It's a prison ' hell ' . The prison closed in 1963 , but the legacy of darkness kept ' alive ' and become a legend . ( Want to know what , watching aja escape from alcatraz )
5.San Quentin Prison : ( San Quentin , California )
1930'a years late , the management of this prison is full of corruption , until finally emerging new director Clinton Truman Duffy who see the inhumane conditions of the prison , decided to do perbaian in the 1940's . But before the entry of a new director , prison is known very inhumane treat the prisoners . Dibotaki their heads and forced to wear uniforms that are numbered , they eat with ember2 container . Inhabit the narrow cell without any light .
Here life is worthless . Racial riots often terjadi.Rasio between prison guards and inmates are not comparable , that is why a lot of things happen out of control .
6 . Diyarbakr Prison : ( Turkey )
The prison called the harshest prison in Turkey where all the brutality and sadism all too common . From 1981 to 1984 , 34 prisoners died due to excessive torture , both mental and physical . Not to mention the rampant cases of sexual perversion .
The inmates have actually protested terhadp prison management . They are on a hunger strike , even burning themselves in protest . Namunn unsuccessfully . The prison facility ' terrible' far from standard . Here menggerkan had occurred where the kids thrown in here and got a life sentence . Crimes against humanity seems to be the normal course of events . No wonder this prison into the prison that saslah sastu most horrific in the world .
7 . La Sabaneta Prison : ( Venezuela )
Venezuela also has no less brutal prison , namely La Sabanetaa , where violence becomes ' fine dining' day -to-day . Facility which is very minimal , making it so easy to spread plague . Understandably, physician services were minimal , barely even there . Less food with a menu that is far from simple .
Conditions at La Sabaneta prison inmates is that bad from the worst . No wonder if the cholera epidemic had stopped here and took the lives of 700 prisoners . Here the mass massacre ever occurred that took the victim 's 100 inmates in 1994. Death is rampant at La Sabaneta . One little, life could be floated . The lazy staff who take care of the prison inmates , so that the inmates can freely do as they wish . they fight and even kill a fellow prisoner . The guards ' close eye ' for this kejadian2 .
8 . La Sante Prison : ( Paris , France )
Like a prison ' death ' other , here was a worthless human lives . rampant brutal treatment . Abuses managers prison inmates make life really is not worth it . Many prisoners eventually become insane . Prison cells full of fleas and rats that , increasingly made prisoner stress .
It is ironic to the meaning of the word ' La Sante' which means health ( health ) in English . Because in reality there really life morbidly obese. Slavery among the guards to inmates , inmate to inmate , has become commonplace . Cases of rape among inmates is very high and occur every day . No wonder if many inmates can not bear eventually commit suicide , or become insane . Throughout 2002 reported 122 cases of suicide occurred inmates . Followed by 73 inmates in mid- 2003.
Suicidal tendency is probably due to the terrible living conditions there . That prison overcrowding , lack of facilities , as well as a variety of violence that occurred there , allegedly as a trigger to suicide .
9 . Rikers Island Prison : ( Rikers Island , New York )
Brutal torture make this prison is so well known in America . In 2007 , Charles Afflic prisoners tortured overabundance of the prison guards had to undergo brain surgery . A total of 6 inmates committed suicide in his cell Because not stand with a prison atmosphere which presses , in 2003 .
10 . Tadmor Prison : ( Syria )
Death in this prison like innumerable . Violence at Tadmor is so gruesome and totally unforgiving . A former prison inmate Tadmor describe this as the kingdom of death and madness terrible
Tadmor has bloodthirsty guards , inmates butcher , and political prisoners . In 1980 , after the assassination attempt on the President ( in Damascus ) , inmates are forced to pay dearly . The soldier attackers jail , they use halicopter and landed at Tadmor . These soldiers membatai 500 people prisoners in their cells . The prisoner 's death tragic , can not escape because the guards chained their feet in the cell .
1. Carandiru Prison: (Brasil)
Penjara ini sempat menghebohkan Brasil juga dunia ketika peca kerusuhan besar di penjara tersebut tahun 1992. Tragedi pembantaian masal yang melibatkan polisi setempat. Ratusan korban berjatuhan, 103 (ada yg menyebut 111 napi) di antaranya tewas terbunuh. Tragedi Caradiru bermula dari meletusnya perang 'antar gank' di penjara tersebut, yang melebar hingga melibatkan banyak narapidana. Polisi kemudian mendatangkan bala bantuan. Sebenarnya saat itu banyak napi telah menyerah dengan melemparkan senjata mereka . mereka meminta perlindungan polisi. Namun dijawab polisi dengan menembaki mereka.![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Perlakuan brutal dari pihak kepolisian memicu protes di mana-mana, tak terkecuali Amnesty Internasional yang mengkampanyekan penjara tersebut ditutup tahun 2002. Amnesty Internasional melaporkan telah terjadi pelanggaran hak-hak azasi manusia di sana yang tak bisas ditelerir lagi. Bukan itu saja fasilitas penjara juga sedemikian buruk sehingga menyebarkan penyakit mematikan.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Pada masa itu Kepala Kepolisian Metropolitan Sao Paulo adalah Ubiratan Guimaraes, dia dianggap orang yang paling bertanggungjawab meletusnya tragedy ini. Kasus yang menimbulkan kemarahan dunia ini membawa Guimaraes ke kursi pesakitan. Ia sempat diadili dengan tuduhan pembunuhan terhadap 102 orang. Namun Pengadilan kemudian membebaskan Guimaraes karena yg bersangkutan mengatakan polisi melakukan itu karena ditembaki. Pemerintah Brasil menganggap bahwa tragedy itu terjadi bukan tanggung jawab pihak kepolisian.
2. Bang Kwang Prison (Thailand)
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Dikenal sebagai "Bangkok Hilton". Penjara ini boleh dibilang sudah tidak layak lagi, selain penuh sesak, juga kekurangan tenaga sipir. Para napinya dirantai. Kabarnya banyak napi jadi gila akibat stress melewati bulan bulan pertama di tahanan itu. Direktur penjara Khun Nattee mengakui, kalau penjaranya adalah paling keras diseluruh Thailand. Di sini fasilitas sangat minim, termasuk perawatan kesehatan terhadap napi yg sangat standar. Napi yg sakit hy bisa meringkuk dengan kaki dirantai di kamarnya, sambil menunggu datangnya obat (kalau dapat).
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
3. ADX Florence Supermax Prison: (Colorado)
Penjara ini dibangun sebagai respon atas serangan terhadap para sipir dan staf yang terjadi di penjara lain di Amerika. Di penjara ini menerapkan maximum security untuk mencegah terjadinya serangan para napi terhadap sipir ataupun staf penjara. Karenanya para napi diisolasi dari staf penjara. Para napi mengalami penyiksaaan psikologis karena selama 23 jam hanya dihabiskan diselnya. mereka tak bisa kemana mana.![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Menjadi narapida di ADX adalah suatu mimpi buruk tak tak terlupakan bagi mereka. Di sasna mereka menerima kondisi paling jelek dari yg terjelek. Karenanya mereka yg masuk ke sini adalah para penjahat kelas kakap termasuk yg telah berkali-kali masuk penjara. Di sinilah 'neraka' penjara yg bisa mengakibatkan derita seumur hidup.
Selama 13 tahun beroperasi, dua orang tawanan dikabarkan mati terbunuh di ADX Florence. Salah satunya Lawrence Klaker. Ada yg menyebut dia mati ditembak, tp ada juga yg bilang bunuh diri.
4. Alcatraz Island Prison: (San Francisco, CA)
Penjara ini, yang dikenal sebagai "The Rock", atau "Devil's Island" . Dibangun 1920-an. Segala ketidak nyamanan ada di sini. Alcatraz dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga amaty kecil kemungkinan napi bisa lolos dari sini. Alcatraz benar benar menciptakan dunia sendiri. Para napi benar-benar terputus kontak dengan kehidupan di luar sana.![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Pejabat penjara yg arogan, sipir yg kasar, kebijakan yg tdk manusiawi mewarnai hari-hari para napi di sana. Tak usah heran kalo byk yg terkena gangguan jiwa akibat tekanan psikologis yg luar biasa. Bayangkan saja, di sana ada larangan untuk tdk bercakap cakap dgn napi lain, kalo tdk menurut, hukuman menunggu. Napi dilarang mengeluarkan emosinya. Mereka dipaksa diam! Hak hak sbg manusia, di Alcatraz, telah dicabut. Sungguh penjara 'neraka'. Penjara ini ditutup pada 1963, tetapi warisan kegelapan terus 'hidup' dan menjadi legenda. (Pengen tau seperti apa, nonton aja escape from alcatraz)
5.San Quentin Prison: (San Quentin, California)
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Tahun 1930′a an, pengelolaan penjara ini sarat dengan korupsi, sampai akhirnya muncul direktur baru Clinton Truman Duffy yg melihat kondisi tak manusiawi dari penjara ini, memutuskan melakukan perbaian di tahun 1940 an. Tapi sebelum masuknya direktur baru, penjara ini dikenal sangat tidak manusiawi memperlakukan para napi. Kepala mereka dibotaki dan dipaksa memakai seragam yg diberi nomor, mereka makan dengan wadah ember2. Menghuni sel sempit tanpa diberi lampu.
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Di sini nyawa tidak ada harganya. Kerusuhan antar ras kerap terjadi.Rasio antara penjaga penjara dan napi tidak sebanding, itu sebabnya banyak hal terjadi diluar kontrol.
6. Diyarbakr Prison: (Turki)
Penjara ini disebut sebagai penjara terkejam di turki di mana segala kebrutalan dan kesadisan begitu lumrah terjadi. Dari 1981 sampai 1984, 34 orang tawanan tewas karena penyiksaan berlebihan, baik jiwa maupun fisiknya. Belum lagi kasus penyimpangan seksual yg merajalela.![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Para napi sebenarnya telah melakukan protes terhadp pengelolaan penjara. Mereka melakukan mogok makan, bahkan membakar diri sendiri sebagai bentuk protes. Namunn tdk berhasil. Fasilitas penjara ini 'sangat mengerikan' jauh dari standar. Di sini pernah terjadi peristiwa menggerkan di mana anak-anak dijebloskan di sini dan mendapat hukuman penjara seumur hidup. Kejahatan terhadap kemanusian sepertinya menjadi peristiwa biasa saja. Tak heran penjara ini masuk dalam saslah sastu penjara yg paling menyeramkan di dunia.
7. La Sabaneta Prison: (Venezuela)
Venezuela juga memiliki penjara tak kalah brutalnya, yakni La Sabanetaa, di mana kekerasan menjadi 'santapan' hari-hari. Fasilitas yg sangat minim, membuat wabah penyakit begitu mudah menyebar. Maklum, pelayanan dokter sangatlah minim, bahkan nyaris tak ada. Makanan kurang dengan menu yg jauh dari sederhana.![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Kondisi napi di Penjara La Sabaneta adalah yang jelek dari yang terjelek. Tak heran kalo wabah kolera sempat mampir kemari dan memakan korban 700 napi. Di sini pun pernah terjadi pembataian masal yg mengambil korban 100 an napi tahun 1994. Kematian merajalela di La Sabaneta. Salah sedikit, nyawa bisa melayang. Para staf penjara yg malas mengurusi napi, sehingga para napi bisa leluasa berbuat semaunya. mereka berkelahi bahkan membunuh sesama napi. Para penjaga 'menutup mata' atas kejadian2 ini.
8. La Sante Prison: (Paris, Perancis)
Seperti penjara 'maut' lainnya, di sini pun nyawa manusia tak berharga. perlakuan brutal merajalela. Kesewenangan pengelola penjara membuat kehidupan napi benar benar tidak berharga. Banyak napi akhirnya menjadi gila. Sel-sel penjara yg penuh kutu dan tikus, semakin membuat napi stress.![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Sungguh ironis dengan arti kata ' La Sante' yg berarti health (kesehatan) dalam bahasa Inggris. Karena pada kenyataannya hidup di sana sungguh tdk sehat. Perbudakan antar sipir ke napi, napi ke sesama napi, sudah menjadi biasa. Kasus perkosaan antar sesama napi sangat tinggi dan terjadi setiap hari. Tak heran kalo banyak napi tak tahan akhirnya bunuh diri, atau menjadi gila. Sepanjang tahun 2002 dikabarkan terjadi 122 kasus bunuh diri napi. Disusul 73 napi pada pertengahan 2003.
Kecenderungan bunuh diri ini kemungkinan karena kondisi hidup yang mengerikan di sana. Penjara yg terlalu padat, fasilitas minim, serta aneka kekerasan yg terjadi di sana, diduga sebagai pemicu tindakan bunuh diri.
9. Rikers Island Prison: (Rikers Island, New York)
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Penyiksaan brutal membuat penjara ini begitu dikenal di amerika. Pada 2007, tawanan Charles Afflic mengalami penyiksaan yg berlebihan dari penjaga penjara sehingga harus menjalani pembedahan otak. Sebanyak 6 napi bunuh diri di selnya krn tak tahan dgn suasana penjara yg menekan, pada 2003.
10. Tadmor Prison: (Suriah)
![Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia Harshest prison in the World - Penjara Terkejam Di Dunia](
Kematian di penjara ini seperti tak terhitung banyaknya. Kekerasan di Tadmor begitu mengerikan dan benar-benar tak kenal ampun. Seorang mantan napi Tadmor menggambarkan penjara ini sebagai kerajaan maut dan kegilaan mengerikan
Tadmor memiliki penjaga haus darah, narapidana penjagal,dan tawanan politik. Pada 1980, sesudah percobaan pembunuhan pada Presiden (di Damaskus), narapidana terpaksa membayar mahal. Para perajurit penyerang penjara, mereka menggunakan halicopter dan mendarat di Tadmor. Para prajurit ini membatai 500 orang tawanan di sel mereka. Para napi ini mati mengenaskan, tidak dapat menyelamatkan diri karena para sipir merantai kaki mereka di sel.
This is the most prisons ' appalling ' in the world . Called ' terrible ' not only because of the brutality , but it could be due to the condition of the prison that is already not feasible . One of the most terrible is Carandiru Prison in Brazil . It was there had been a mass massacre by Brazilian police who killed hundreds of inmates . Or you would have heard about Alcatraz Island . So famous prison movie ever made it up .
Among the 10 prisons ' appalling ' is tucked into a prison of Southeast Asia , namely , Bang Kwang Prison Or known ' Bangkok Hilton ' . This is the prison's most ' lethal ' in Southeast Asia . Not only is crowded and not worth it, but there jg krn brutality .
1 . Carandiru Prison : ( Brazil )
This prison had horrendous Brazil is also the world when peca big riot in the prison in 1992 . The tragedy of genocide involving local police . Hundreds of casualties , 103 ( some sources mention 111 inmates ) of them were killed . Caradiru tragedy stems from the outbreak of war ' between gang ' in the prison , which extends to involve a lot of prisoners . Police then brought in reinforcements . Actually, at that time many prisoners had surrendered by throwing their weapons . they asked for police protection . But the police replied by shooting at them .
The brutal treatment of the police sparked protests everywhere , not to mention Amnesty International is campaigning for the prison was closed in 2002. Amnesty International reports there has been a violation of human rights there is no ditelerir they can be again . Not only that prison facilities are also so poor that spread the deadly disease .
At that time the head of the Metropolitan Police of Sao Paulo is Ubiratan Guimaraes , he considered the person most responsible for the outbreak of this tragedy . The case sparked outrage the world to bring Guimaraes chair prisoner . He was on trial on charges of the murder of 102 people . However, the court later freed due Guimaraes who said the police do it because of fire . The Government of Brazil considers that the tragedy occurred is not the responsibility of the police .
2 . Bang Kwang Prison ( Thailand )
Known as the " Bangkok Hilton " . Prison is arguably no longer feasible , in addition to overcrowded , understaffed warden also . The napinya chained . Reportedly many inmates went insane as a result of the stress passes through the first month in detention . The prison director Khun Nattee admit , if prison is the harshest throughout Thailand . Here the facilities are minimal , including health care for inmates who are very standard . Hy ill inmates who can curl up with a foot chained in his room , while waiting for the drug ( if it can ) .
3 . ADX Florence Supermax Prison : ( Colorado )
The prison was built in response to the attack on the guards and staff that occurred in other prisons in America . In applying the maximum security prison for inmates prevent attacks against guards or prison staff . Therefore the prisoners were isolated from prison staff . The inmates suffered psychological torture for over 23 hours just spent diselnya . they can not go anywhere.
Being narapida in ADX is a nightmare for them was unforgettable . In sasna they accept the condition that the worst of the worst . Therefore those who come in here are the hardened criminals including who has many times in jail . This is where the ' hell ' that could lead to prison for life suffered .
During 13 years of operation , two people reportedly killed prisoners at ADX Florence . One was Lawrence Klaker . There was a call he was shot , there are also sources say tp suicide .
4 . Alcatraz Island Prison : ( San Francisco , CA )
This prison , known as " The Rock " , or " Devil 's Island " . Built 1920s . Any inconvenience is here . Alcatraz is designed so that small possibility amaty prisoner can escape from here . Alcatraz really creates its own world . The inmates really lost contact with life out there .
Prison officials who arrogantly , warden rough , ill- humane policy coloring the days of the prisoners there . Do not be surprised if that BYK mental disorder due to psychological stress that incredible . Just imagine , there are no restrictions for the ill and chatting with other inmates , if naughty , awaiting sentence . Inmates are prohibited from issuing his emotions . They were forced to be silent ! Rights as human rights , at Alcatraz , has been revoked . It's a prison ' hell ' . The prison closed in 1963 , but the legacy of darkness kept ' alive ' and become a legend . ( Want to know what , watching aja escape from alcatraz )
5.San Quentin Prison : ( San Quentin , California )
1930'a years late , the management of this prison is full of corruption , until finally emerging new director Clinton Truman Duffy who see the inhumane conditions of the prison , decided to do perbaian in the 1940's . But before the entry of a new director , prison is known very inhumane treat the prisoners . Dibotaki their heads and forced to wear uniforms that are numbered , they eat with ember2 container . Inhabit the narrow cell without any light .
Here life is worthless . Racial riots often terjadi.Rasio between prison guards and inmates are not comparable , that is why a lot of things happen out of control .
6 . Diyarbakr Prison : ( Turkey )
The prison called the harshest prison in Turkey where all the brutality and sadism all too common . From 1981 to 1984 , 34 prisoners died due to excessive torture , both mental and physical . Not to mention the rampant cases of sexual perversion .
The inmates have actually protested terhadp prison management . They are on a hunger strike , even burning themselves in protest . Namunn unsuccessfully . The prison facility ' terrible' far from standard . Here menggerkan had occurred where the kids thrown in here and got a life sentence . Crimes against humanity seems to be the normal course of events . No wonder this prison into the prison that saslah sastu most horrific in the world .
7 . La Sabaneta Prison : ( Venezuela )
Venezuela also has no less brutal prison , namely La Sabanetaa , where violence becomes ' fine dining' day -to-day . Facility which is very minimal , making it so easy to spread plague . Understandably, physician services were minimal , barely even there . Less food with a menu that is far from simple .
Conditions at La Sabaneta prison inmates is that bad from the worst . No wonder if the cholera epidemic had stopped here and took the lives of 700 prisoners . Here the mass massacre ever occurred that took the victim 's 100 inmates in 1994. Death is rampant at La Sabaneta . One little, life could be floated . The lazy staff who take care of the prison inmates , so that the inmates can freely do as they wish . they fight and even kill a fellow prisoner . The guards ' close eye ' for this kejadian2 .
8 . La Sante Prison : ( Paris , France )
Like a prison ' death ' other , here was a worthless human lives . rampant brutal treatment . Abuses managers prison inmates make life really is not worth it . Many prisoners eventually become insane . Prison cells full of fleas and rats that , increasingly made prisoner stress .
It is ironic to the meaning of the word ' La Sante' which means health ( health ) in English . Because in reality there really life morbidly obese. Slavery among the guards to inmates , inmate to inmate , has become commonplace . Cases of rape among inmates is very high and occur every day . No wonder if many inmates can not bear eventually commit suicide , or become insane . Throughout 2002 reported 122 cases of suicide occurred inmates . Followed by 73 inmates in mid- 2003.
Suicidal tendency is probably due to the terrible living conditions there . That prison overcrowding , lack of facilities , as well as a variety of violence that occurred there , allegedly as a trigger to suicide .
9 . Rikers Island Prison : ( Rikers Island , New York )
Brutal torture make this prison is so well known in America . In 2007 , Charles Afflic prisoners tortured overabundance of the prison guards had to undergo brain surgery . A total of 6 inmates committed suicide in his cell Because not stand with a prison atmosphere which presses , in 2003 .
10 . Tadmor Prison : ( Syria )
Death in this prison like innumerable . Violence at Tadmor is so gruesome and totally unforgiving . A former prison inmate Tadmor describe this as the kingdom of death and madness terrible
Tadmor has bloodthirsty guards , inmates butcher , and political prisoners . In 1980 , after the assassination attempt on the President ( in Damascus ) , inmates are forced to pay dearly . The soldier attackers jail , they use halicopter and landed at Tadmor . These soldiers membatai 500 people prisoners in their cells . The prisoner 's death tragic , can not escape because the guards chained their feet in the cell .
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