Menikmati makanan favorit rasanya tidak lengkap bila tanpa minuman yang sempurna. Selain memuaskan dahaga, minuman dapat membawa pengaruh kesegaran baru. Boleh dikata hampir tiap negara di dunia memiliki minuman khasnya sendiri-sendiri, seperti yang dilansir dari Forbes. Mari kita simak 10 di antaranya.
Mojito, Kuba
Mojito, Kuba

Sake, Jepang dan China

Sake erat kaitannya dengan keningratan. Minuman berbahan dasar air beras hasil fermentasi ini sering dihidangkan dengan sushi atau penganan Asia lainnya. Sake nikmat disajikan hangat maupun dingin, biasanya disuguhkan dalam sakazuki (cawan kecil datar, seperti tempat saus), ochoko (cawan mungil), atau ditaruh dalam masu (kotak kayu). Sake juga kerap dipakai dalam upacara adat Jepang.
Pisco Sour, Peru dan Chile
Pisco Sour, Peru dan Chile

Minuman keras ini merupakan hasil penyaringan buah anggur, yang diproduksi di Peru dan Chile. Minuman ini dikombinasi dengan brandy, sirup, jus lemon, dan putih telur. Biasanya disajikan dalam gelas anggur model dulu. Di Chile, minuman ini kadang dicampur dengan coke dalam penyajiannya.
Brennivin, Islandia

Bila Anda dapat meneguk minuman ini tanpa meringis, berarti Anda lebih kuat dari kebanyakan orang Islandia yang pernah mencicipinya. Minuman keras Skandinavia ini terbuat dari kentang lembek yang difermentasi, dan biji-biji tanaman. Minuman ini biasanya menemani 2 hidangan lezat nan antik seperti rotted shark meat (daging hiu yang dibusukkan lalu dibakar dan dijemur hingga kering supaya racunnya hilang) dan hakarl (daging hiu yang difermentasi).
Soju, Korea Selatan dan Jepang

Soju, minuman Asia lainnya yang juga adalah hasil dari air beras yang difermentasi. Minuman ini mengandung alkohol kurang dari 35%, seperti yang ditetapkan oleh peraturan pemerintah setempat. Menurut kebiasaan, biasanya minuman ini dikonsumsi beramai-ramai dan Anda tidak boleh mengisi gelas Anda sendiri, harus ada orang lain yang menuangkannya untuk Anda. Saat Anda mulai meminumnya dari cawan Anda, Andapun harus menghabiskannya sampai tetes terakhir.
Negroni, Italia

Italia yang terkenal dengan minuman wine-nya, ternyata juga terkenal dengan koktail manisnya. Minuman beralkohol ini merupakan perpaduan antara vermouth (sejenis air anggur yang putih atau agak kuning warnanya), gin dan Campari. Biasanya minuman ini disajikan dengan potongan lemon atau kulit jeruk di dalamnya.
Singapore Sling, Singapura

Resepnya telah banyak mengalami perubahan dari resep aslinya pada awal tahun 1900an. Menurut resep aslinya, minuman ini merupakan campuran gin, brandy ceri dan benedictine yang dikocok. Penyajiannya dipermanis dengan soda, grenadine, jus nanas, atau Cointreau, disesuaikan dengan selera pemesannya.
Akvavit, Denmark

Arti namanya adalah air kehidupan. Minuman beralkohol ini dapat membahayakan nyawa Anda kalau Anda tidak berhati-hati ketika mengkonsumsinya. Kadar alkoholnya cukup tinggi. Akvavit (atau 'Aquavit') diperoleh dari penyaringan air beras atau kentang, seperti vodka, namun ditambah dengan unsur herbal seperti ketumbar, biji adas, dan dill (tumbuh-tumbuhan yang bijinya harum dipakai untuk asinan, masak-masakan, minyak wangi dan obat-obatan).
Caipirinha, Brazil

Ini adalah minuman koktail nasional di Brazil, merupakan kombinasi antara Cachaca (sejenis rum, terbuat dari sirup sugarcane), gula dan limau. Minuman ini biasanya disajikan dalam gelas standard model dulu, beserta dengan potongan kulit jeruk dan lebih nikmat bila dicampur dengan es batu.
Enjoy your favorite foods when it's not complete without the perfect drink . In addition to quench thirst , drinks can bring a new freshness effect . It can be said almost every country in the world has its own distinctive drinks , as reported by Forbes . Let's look at 10 of them .
Mojito , Cuba
The traditional Cuban drink has evolved into one of America's favorite beverage . Original concoction consisting of rum , mint leaves , carbonated water , and canned sweet juice . However , in the present racikannya been modified with the addition of fruits such as blueberries , raspberries , peaches , and pomegranates .
Sake , Japanese and Chinese
Sake is closely related to nobility . Beverages made from fermented rice water is often served with sushi or other Asian snacks . Sake delicious served warm or cold , usually presented in sakazuki ( flat saucer , like a sauce ) , ochoko ( small cup ) , or put the masu ( wooden box ) . Sake is also often used in Japanese traditional ceremonies .
Pisco Sour , Peru and Chile
This liquor is filtered grapes , produced in Peru and Chile . This drink is combined with brandy , syrup , lemon juice , and egg white . Usually served in a wine glass models first . In Chile , the drink is sometimes mixed with coke in its presentation .
BrennivĂn , Iceland
When you can sip a drink without wincing , you are stronger than most people have ever tasted Iceland . Scandinavian liquor made from fermented potatoes mushy , and the seeds of plants . These drinks usually accompany the delicious dishes nan 2 antique like rotted shark meat ( which is decomposed shark meat and dried and then burned it to dry so that the poison is lost ) and hakarl ( fermented shark meat ) .
Soju , South Korea and Japan
Soju , other Asian drink that also is a result of fermented rice water . These drinks contain alcohol less than 35 % , as determined by the local government regulations . According to custom , the drinks are usually consumed rollicking and you should not fill your own glass , there must be other people who poured for you . When you start to drink from your cup , you also have to spend it to the last drop .
Negroni , Italy
Italy is famous for its wine beverages , it is also famous for sweet cocktails . This alcoholic beverage is a blend of vermouth (a type of white wine or slightly yellow color ) , gin and Campari . This drink is usually served with a piece of lemon or orange peel in it .
Singapore Sling , Singapore
The recipe has undergone many changes from the original recipe in the early 1900s . According to the original recipe , this drink is a mixture of gin , cherry brandy and Benedictine were shaken . Presentation sweetened with soda , grenadine , pineapple juice , or Cointreau , tailored to the tastes of the buyers .
Akvavit , Denmark
His name means water of life . Alcoholic beverages can endanger your life if you are not careful when taking it. Its alcohol content is high enough . Akvavit ( or ' Aquavit ' ) is obtained from water filtration rice or potatoes , like vodka , but coupled with herbal elements such as coriander , fennel seeds , and dill ( the herbs are fragrant seed used for pickles , cooking - food , perfumes and drugs pharmaceuticals ) .
Caipirinha , Brazil
It is the national cocktail of Brazil , is a combination of Cachaca (a type of rum , made from sugarcane syrup ) , sugar and lime . This drink is usually served in a glass standard models used , along with pieces of orange peel and more delicious when blended with ice cubes .
Sangria , Spain and PortugalAlthough originating from Spain , but the drink is more popular among foreign tourists than in the original population . Sweet wine, fruit mixture is combined with the original recipe of this drink . This drink is usually served in a glass of wine with citrus fruits floating on its surface .
Mojito , Cuba
The traditional Cuban drink has evolved into one of America's favorite beverage . Original concoction consisting of rum , mint leaves , carbonated water , and canned sweet juice . However , in the present racikannya been modified with the addition of fruits such as blueberries , raspberries , peaches , and pomegranates .
Sake , Japanese and Chinese
Sake is closely related to nobility . Beverages made from fermented rice water is often served with sushi or other Asian snacks . Sake delicious served warm or cold , usually presented in sakazuki ( flat saucer , like a sauce ) , ochoko ( small cup ) , or put the masu ( wooden box ) . Sake is also often used in Japanese traditional ceremonies .
Pisco Sour , Peru and Chile
This liquor is filtered grapes , produced in Peru and Chile . This drink is combined with brandy , syrup , lemon juice , and egg white . Usually served in a wine glass models first . In Chile , the drink is sometimes mixed with coke in its presentation .
BrennivĂn , Iceland
When you can sip a drink without wincing , you are stronger than most people have ever tasted Iceland . Scandinavian liquor made from fermented potatoes mushy , and the seeds of plants . These drinks usually accompany the delicious dishes nan 2 antique like rotted shark meat ( which is decomposed shark meat and dried and then burned it to dry so that the poison is lost ) and hakarl ( fermented shark meat ) .
Soju , South Korea and Japan
Soju , other Asian drink that also is a result of fermented rice water . These drinks contain alcohol less than 35 % , as determined by the local government regulations . According to custom , the drinks are usually consumed rollicking and you should not fill your own glass , there must be other people who poured for you . When you start to drink from your cup , you also have to spend it to the last drop .
Negroni , Italy
Italy is famous for its wine beverages , it is also famous for sweet cocktails . This alcoholic beverage is a blend of vermouth (a type of white wine or slightly yellow color ) , gin and Campari . This drink is usually served with a piece of lemon or orange peel in it .
Singapore Sling , Singapore
The recipe has undergone many changes from the original recipe in the early 1900s . According to the original recipe , this drink is a mixture of gin , cherry brandy and Benedictine were shaken . Presentation sweetened with soda , grenadine , pineapple juice , or Cointreau , tailored to the tastes of the buyers .
Akvavit , Denmark
His name means water of life . Alcoholic beverages can endanger your life if you are not careful when taking it. Its alcohol content is high enough . Akvavit ( or ' Aquavit ' ) is obtained from water filtration rice or potatoes , like vodka , but coupled with herbal elements such as coriander , fennel seeds , and dill ( the herbs are fragrant seed used for pickles , cooking - food , perfumes and drugs pharmaceuticals ) .
Caipirinha , Brazil
It is the national cocktail of Brazil , is a combination of Cachaca (a type of rum , made from sugarcane syrup ) , sugar and lime . This drink is usually served in a glass standard models used , along with pieces of orange peel and more delicious when blended with ice cubes .
Sangria , Spain and PortugalAlthough originating from Spain , but the drink is more popular among foreign tourists than in the original population . Sweet wine, fruit mixture is combined with the original recipe of this drink . This drink is usually served in a glass of wine with citrus fruits floating on its surface .
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