- LIFE’s 2009 Pictures of the Year
Moving Day
Seorang penduduk salvages Mengankat salah satu perabot Ruamhnya,selama penggusuran di kota di salah satu gubuk besar di pinggiran Sao Paulo, Brazil. Hampir 800 keluarga dari rumah-rumah mereka diduduki secara ilegal di situs tersebut sejak tahun 2007.
LIFE's 2009 Pictures of the Year, Part I
2. Night Falls on Afghanistan
Seorang prajurit Amerika bersandar lelah di bawah bintang-bintang malam selama misi di Provinsi Kunar, Afghanistan.
Night Falls on Afghanistan
- Keajaiban di Hudson
Penumpang, beberapa setinggi lutut di dalam air dingin, berdiri di sayap pesawat jet US Airways, menunggu penyelamatan.
Miracle on the Hudson
- Berkerudung
Seorang perempuan Yordania di jalan-jalan ibukota negara, Amman.
- London Face Off
Seorang protestor berdiri tegak di pusat kota London pada 1 April 2009, sebagai pejalan kaki menunjukkan terhadap pertemuan G20 menemukan diri mereka ditulis oleh polisi anti huru hara.
- One President to Another
Mantan Presiden George W. Bush memeluk penggantinya, Barack Obama, setelah pelantikan Obama upacara di US Capitol, 20 Januari 2009.
One President to Another
- Love in the Time of Swine Flu
Sebuah ciuman pasangan melalui masker bedah selama puncak H1N1 ketakutan di Mexico City pada bulan April. Meskipun apa yang telah dianggap sebagai epidemi flu terbesar dalam beberapa dekade, kehidupan berjalan terus.
- Beam of Light
Cina’s Deng Lin Lin melakukan pada balok selama sesi latihan sebelum Senam Artistik Kejuaraan Dunia di London.
- Kicking Up Some Serious Dust
Sebuah awan debu menyelimuti ibukota Saudi Riyadh pada 10 Maret.
- Two Down
Josephine Moller dan Nora Subschinski dari Jerman bersaing dalam 10 meter sinkron perempuan menyelam final di Roma.
LIFE 's 2009 Pictures of the Year
Moving Day
A resident salvages furniture pick one of his, during evictions in the city in one big huts on the outskirts of Sao Paulo , Brazil . Nearly 800 families from their homes in the illegally occupied the site since 2007 .
LIFE 's 2009 Pictures of the Year , Part I
2 . Night Falls on AfghanistanAn American soldier leaned tired at night under the stars during a mission in Kunar province , Afghanistan .Night Falls on Afghanistan
Miracle on the Hudson
Passengers , some knee-deep in cold water , standing on the wing of U.S. Airways jet , waiting for rescue .
Miracle on the Hudson
A Jordanian woman on the streets of the state capital , Amman .
London Face Off
A protestor stands upright in the center of London on 1 April 2009 , as a pedestrian demonstrate against G20 summit find themselves written by riot police .
One President to Another
Former President George W. Bush embraced his successor , Barack Obama , after Obama's inauguration ceremony at the U.S. Capitol , January 20, 2009 .
One President to Another
Love in the Time of Swine Flu
A couple kissing through surgical masks for H1N1 fears peak in Mexico City in April . Despite what has been regarded as the biggest flu epidemic in decades , life goes on .
Beam of Light
China 's Deng Lin Lin performs on the beam during a training session before the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in London .
Kicking Up Some Serious Dust
A cloud of dust enveloped the Saudi capital Riyadh on March 10 .
Two Down
Josephine Moller and Nora Subschinski of Germany competes in the women's 10 -meter synchronized diving final in Rome .
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