Cinta. Alangkah indahnya jika para muslimah
menjulurkan jilbabnya karena cinta. Bukan karena terpaksa, bukan pula
karena kewajiban semata. Nah, di antara hal yang dapat
menumbuhkan cinta di dalam jiwa ketika mengerjakan ketaatan kepada Allah
adalah dengan mengetahui manfaatnya. Oleh sebab itu, pada kesempatan
kali ini, kita akan sejenak membahas apa saja manfaat jilbab bagi
Pertama, meraih surga. Jilbab adalah sebuah puzzle ketaatan.
Mozaik penghambaan diri seorang muslimah tidak akan mungkin sempurna
kecuali dengan kerudung yang terjulur menutupi dada. Karena itulah,
setiap muslimah yang berjilbab akan meraih balasan yang dijanjikan untuk
hamba Allah yang taat. Dan balasan terindah tentu saja adalah
kenikmatan surga.
Surga mampu digapai karena rida Allah dan cinta-Nya kepada hamba-Nya. Nah, di antara penyebab diraihnya rida dan cinta-Nya adalah dengan menjaga diri untuk selalu menutup aurat. Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda, “Sesungguhnya Allah itu malu dan menutupi. Dia mencintai rasa malu dan menutupi.”
(HR. Ahmad, dinilai sahih oleh Al-Albani) Sebaliknya, mengumbar aurat
adalah maksiat, dan setiap maksiat akan menggiring seseorang menuju api
Kedua, jilbab bukan hanya menutup keindahan dengan keindahan. Tapi
juga perisai yang melindungi seorang muslimah dari berbagai kemaksiatan.
Jilbab memuliakan wanita dari perbuatan jahat manusia. Sebagaimana yang
diisyaratkan oleh Allah Ta’ala,
ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَنْ يُعْرَفْنَ فَلَا يُؤْذَيْنَ
“Hal itu agar mereka lebih mudah untuk dikenali, sehingga mereka tidak diganggu.” (QS. Al-Ahzab: 59)
Beda halnya dengan muslimah yang bersolek ala jahiliyah, tidak menutup auratnya dengan baik, maka sangat memungkinkan manusia berani mengganggu dan berbuat jahat terhadapnya.
Masih banyak manfaat lainnya, seperti terlindung dari penyerupaan
terhadap laki-laki alias tomboy, terlindung dari penyakit yang mungkin
terjadi disebabkan hubungan tak halal yang marak menimpa perempuan yang
tidak menutup auratnya, menumbuhkan rasa malu, menyucikan jiwa dan raga,
serta selainnya. Semoga artikel sederhana ini bisa menanamkan kecintaan
dalam diri muslimah untuk senantiasa mengenakan jilbabnya.
Risaalatu ilaa al-Mar’ati al-Muslimati fii at-Tarhiibi min at-Tabarruj wa at-Targhiibi fii al-Hijaab, karya Syaikh Abu Abdillah Hammad
Penulis : Roni Nuryusmansyah (Mahasiswa STDIIS Jember, prodi Ahwal Syakhshiyah)
Artikel Majalah Muslim.Or.Id
Of love . It would be wonderful if the Muslim scarf sticking out of love . Not out of necessity , not because of sheer obligation . Well , among the things that can grow in the love of the soul when doing obedience to God is by knowing its benefits . Therefore , on this occasion , we will briefly discuss what are the benefits of hijab for Muslim women ?
First , reach heaven . Hijab is a puzzle obedience . Mozaik servitude yourself a Muslim would not have been perfect except for the hood that stretched over his chest . Therefore, every Muslim veiled reply will achieve promised to the obedient servant of God . And the reply is certainly the most beautiful pleasures of heaven .
Heaven is able to grasp because Allah's pleasure and His love to His slaves . Well, among the causes he achieved his pleasure and love is to keep yourself to always close the genitals . The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam said , " Surely God is ashamed and cover . She loves the taste of shame and cover . " ( Narrated by Ahmad , deemed valid by Al - Albani ) In contrast , the nakedness is immoral indulgence , and every vice would lead someone to the hellfire .
Second , the veil is not only close to the beauty of beauty . But it is also a shield that protects a Muslim from a variety of immorality . Hijab woman of evil deeds ennoble human . As implied by the Almighty ,
ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين
" It 's so much easier to recognize them , so they are not disturbed . " ( Surat al - Ahzab : 59 )
Unlike the case with the Muslim -style preening ignorance , does not close properly private parts , it is possible that humans dare to disturb and harm to it .
There are many other benefits , such as sheltered from the resemblance to male aka tomboy , protected from diseases that may occur due to the rampant illicit relationship to women who do not cover her nakedness , foster a sense of shame , purify body and soul , as well as in others . Hopefully this simple article can instill a love within ourselves to always wear a Muslim headscarf .
reference :
Risaalatu ilaa al - Mar'ati al - Muslimati FII Tarhiibi min at - at- at - Targhiibi tabarruj wa fii al - Hijaab , works of Shaikh Hammad Abu Abdillah
First , reach heaven . Hijab is a puzzle obedience . Mozaik servitude yourself a Muslim would not have been perfect except for the hood that stretched over his chest . Therefore, every Muslim veiled reply will achieve promised to the obedient servant of God . And the reply is certainly the most beautiful pleasures of heaven .
Heaven is able to grasp because Allah's pleasure and His love to His slaves . Well, among the causes he achieved his pleasure and love is to keep yourself to always close the genitals . The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam said , " Surely God is ashamed and cover . She loves the taste of shame and cover . " ( Narrated by Ahmad , deemed valid by Al - Albani ) In contrast , the nakedness is immoral indulgence , and every vice would lead someone to the hellfire .
Second , the veil is not only close to the beauty of beauty . But it is also a shield that protects a Muslim from a variety of immorality . Hijab woman of evil deeds ennoble human . As implied by the Almighty ,
ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين
" It 's so much easier to recognize them , so they are not disturbed . " ( Surat al - Ahzab : 59 )
Unlike the case with the Muslim -style preening ignorance , does not close properly private parts , it is possible that humans dare to disturb and harm to it .
There are many other benefits , such as sheltered from the resemblance to male aka tomboy , protected from diseases that may occur due to the rampant illicit relationship to women who do not cover her nakedness , foster a sense of shame , purify body and soul , as well as in others . Hopefully this simple article can instill a love within ourselves to always wear a Muslim headscarf .
reference :
Risaalatu ilaa al - Mar'ati al - Muslimati FII Tarhiibi min at - at- at - Targhiibi tabarruj wa fii al - Hijaab , works of Shaikh Hammad Abu Abdillah
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