Hula atau hula-hula adalah jenis tarian asal Kepulauan Hawaii yang diiringi nyanyian atau lagu. Hula diciptakan oleh orang Polinesia dari Kepulauan Hawaii. Lagu yang mengiringi tarian disebut mele. Hula menggambarkan atau mendramatisasikan mele.

Ada banyak jenis hula. Hula bisa digolongan menurut gaya, tema, atau periode. Hula Preservation Society mencatat sekitar 300 jenis hula.[1] Berdasarkan gaya penyajian, hula dibagi menjadi dua kategori: kahiko dan ʻauana. Kahiko adalah hula kuno yang dipentaskan sebelum warga kulit putih tiba di Hawaii. Kahiko diiringi dengan nyanyian dan permainan alat musik tradisional. Hula yang berkembang melalui pengaruh Barat disebut ʻauana. Hula ini juga diiringi nyanyian dan permainan alat musik tradisional yang sudah mengkombinasikan alat musik modern seperti gitar, ukulele, dan kontrabass.

Selain itu, terdapat pula 2 kategori hula yang lain: monarchy dan ai kahiko. Monarchy merujuk kepada berbagai jenis hula yang diciptakan dan dikoreografikan selama abad ke-19. Pada waktu itu, masuknya kebudayaan Barat ke Hawaii memberikan perubahan yang signifikan bagi kesenian Hawaii, termasuk pada hula. Ai Kahiko (berarti "dalam gaya lama") adalah hula yang ditulis di antara abad ke-20 sampai abad ke-21 yang mengikuti aturan gaya hula kahiko.

Sanggar tari yang mengajarkan hula disebut hālau. Di Hawaii terdapat ratusan sanggar hula. Guru tari hula disebut kumu hula, kumu berarti sumber ilmu pengetahuan. Dalam tari hula terdapat banyak gerakan yang ditarikan melambangkan aspek alam, seperti hula dasar dan gerakan Pohon Kelapa, atau gerakan kaki dasar seperti Kaholo, Ka'o, dan Ami.

Ada banyak jenis tarian yang berasal dari kepulauan Polinesia lain seperti dari Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga dan Aotearoa (Selandia Baru); namun, hula adalah keunikan dan khas Kepulauan Hawaii.
Hula or hula - hula dance is a type of the Hawaiian Islands to the accompaniment of origin or singing a song . Hula created by the Polynesians from the Hawaiian Islands . Songs that accompany the dance called mele . Illustrate or dramatize mele hula .
There are many types of hula . Hula can digolongan by style , theme , or period . Hula Preservation Society noted about 300 types of hula . [ 1 ] Based on the style of presentation , the hula is divided into two categories : Kahiko and auana . Kahiko is the ancient hula staged before white people arrived in Hawaii . Kahiko accompanied by singing and playing traditional musical instruments . Hula growing through the influence of the West is called auana . Hula is also accompanied by singing and playing traditional musical instruments that already combines modern musical instruments such as guitar , ukulele , and kontrabass .
In addition , there are two categories of hula another : monarchy and ai Kahiko . Monarchy refers to various types of hula were created and choreographed during the 19th century . At that time , the influx of Western culture to Hawaii to a significant change for the Hawaiian arts , including the hula . Ai Kahiko ( meaning " the old style " ) is a hula written in the 20th century to the 21st century that followed the rules Kahiko hula style .
Dance studio that teaches hula Halau called . In Hawaii there are hundreds of hula studio . Kumu hula dance teacher called hula , Kumu means source of knowledge . In dance hula danced there are many movements that symbolize aspects of nature , such as basic hula and Coconut Tree motions , or the basic leg movements such as Kaholo , Ka'o , and Ami .
There are many types of dance that originated from other Polynesian islands such as Tahiti , Samoa , Tonga and Aotearoa ( New Zealand ) ; however , the hula is unique and distinctive Hawaiian Islands .
Hula or hula - hula dance is a type of the Hawaiian Islands to the accompaniment of origin or singing a song . Hula created by the Polynesians from the Hawaiian Islands . Songs that accompany the dance called mele . Illustrate or dramatize mele hula .
There are many types of hula . Hula can digolongan by style , theme , or period . Hula Preservation Society noted about 300 types of hula . [ 1 ] Based on the style of presentation , the hula is divided into two categories : Kahiko and auana . Kahiko is the ancient hula staged before white people arrived in Hawaii . Kahiko accompanied by singing and playing traditional musical instruments . Hula growing through the influence of the West is called auana . Hula is also accompanied by singing and playing traditional musical instruments that already combines modern musical instruments such as guitar , ukulele , and kontrabass .
In addition , there are two categories of hula another : monarchy and ai Kahiko . Monarchy refers to various types of hula were created and choreographed during the 19th century . At that time , the influx of Western culture to Hawaii to a significant change for the Hawaiian arts , including the hula . Ai Kahiko ( meaning " the old style " ) is a hula written in the 20th century to the 21st century that followed the rules Kahiko hula style .
Dance studio that teaches hula Halau called . In Hawaii there are hundreds of hula studio . Kumu hula dance teacher called hula , Kumu means source of knowledge . In dance hula danced there are many movements that symbolize aspects of nature , such as basic hula and Coconut Tree motions , or the basic leg movements such as Kaholo , Ka'o , and Ami .
There are many types of dance that originated from other Polynesian islands such as Tahiti , Samoa , Tonga and Aotearoa ( New Zealand ) ; however , the hula is unique and distinctive Hawaiian Islands .
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