Konon semakin lama pasangan hidup bersama dan makin tua usia mereka,
aktivitas intim yang mereka lakukan juga makin berkurang, belum lagi
dengan kehadiran anak. Namun sebuah studi baru mengatakan hal ini takkan
terjadi bila mereka masih menganggap seks itu penting.
Kondisi ini berlaku utamanya bagi wanita paruh baya yang biasanya sudah malas bercinta. Temuan ini sendiri didasarkan pada pengamatan terhadap 602 wanita berusia 40-65 tahun yang diminta mengungkapkan seberapa aktif kehidupan seksual mereka dan seberapa penting seks bagi mereka.
Tiap partisipan juga mengerjakan sebuah tes yang khusus dirancang untuk mengukur fungsi seksual dan kesehatan mereka secara umum melalui serangkaian pertanyaan, seperti apakah mereka mengalami nyeri atau masalah lubrikasi saat bercinta atau tidak.
Di awal studi tercatat 354 partisipan (66,3 persen) mengaku punya kehidupan seksual yang aktif, namun empat tahun kemudian dilaporkan hanya tinggal 228 orang yang masih melakukannya. "Terutama mereka yang mengaku seks itu sangat penting, mereka lebih cenderung untuk tetap aktif bercinta," tandas peneliti Dr. Holly Thomas dari University of Pittsburgh, AS.
Ketika ditanya seberapa penting seks bagi mereka, hanya 10 persen partisipan menjawab sangat penting, sedangkan 50 persen lainnya mengatakan cukup penting dan 20 persen yang mengaku kurang begitu penting. Sisanya tidak menjawab.
Namun peneliti menemukan aktif tidaknya kehidupan seksual seorang wanita ternyata bukan semata dipengaruhi oleh kualitas fungsi seksual mereka.
"Faktanya meski mereka mungkin mengalami disfungsi seksual setelah diukur, bukan berarti mereka berhenti berhubungan intim sama sekali. Dan ini tak hanya berlaku untuk seks vaginal, mereka juga mementingkan bentuk seks lainnya seperti berciuman, sentuhan intim dan seks oral," imbuhnya.
Seperti dikutip dari Livescience, Selasa (18/2/2014), peneliti juga menemukan faktor lain yang bisa memprediksi seberapa lama aktivitas seksual mereka akan bertahan. Lagi-lagi tak ada kaitannya dengan usia, karena faktor lain seperti ras/etnis, tingkat pendidikan dan status pernikahan justru lebih berpengaruh.
Kondisi ini berlaku utamanya bagi wanita paruh baya yang biasanya sudah malas bercinta. Temuan ini sendiri didasarkan pada pengamatan terhadap 602 wanita berusia 40-65 tahun yang diminta mengungkapkan seberapa aktif kehidupan seksual mereka dan seberapa penting seks bagi mereka.
Tiap partisipan juga mengerjakan sebuah tes yang khusus dirancang untuk mengukur fungsi seksual dan kesehatan mereka secara umum melalui serangkaian pertanyaan, seperti apakah mereka mengalami nyeri atau masalah lubrikasi saat bercinta atau tidak.
Di awal studi tercatat 354 partisipan (66,3 persen) mengaku punya kehidupan seksual yang aktif, namun empat tahun kemudian dilaporkan hanya tinggal 228 orang yang masih melakukannya. "Terutama mereka yang mengaku seks itu sangat penting, mereka lebih cenderung untuk tetap aktif bercinta," tandas peneliti Dr. Holly Thomas dari University of Pittsburgh, AS.
Ketika ditanya seberapa penting seks bagi mereka, hanya 10 persen partisipan menjawab sangat penting, sedangkan 50 persen lainnya mengatakan cukup penting dan 20 persen yang mengaku kurang begitu penting. Sisanya tidak menjawab.
Namun peneliti menemukan aktif tidaknya kehidupan seksual seorang wanita ternyata bukan semata dipengaruhi oleh kualitas fungsi seksual mereka.
"Faktanya meski mereka mungkin mengalami disfungsi seksual setelah diukur, bukan berarti mereka berhenti berhubungan intim sama sekali. Dan ini tak hanya berlaku untuk seks vaginal, mereka juga mementingkan bentuk seks lainnya seperti berciuman, sentuhan intim dan seks oral," imbuhnya.
Seperti dikutip dari Livescience, Selasa (18/2/2014), peneliti juga menemukan faktor lain yang bisa memprediksi seberapa lama aktivitas seksual mereka akan bertahan. Lagi-lagi tak ada kaitannya dengan usia, karena faktor lain seperti ras/etnis, tingkat pendidikan dan status pernikahan justru lebih berpengaruh.
is said that the longer couples living together and getting their old
age , they do intimate activity also progressively reduced , not to
mention the presence of children .
But a new study says this would not have happened if they still think sex is important .
This condition applies particularly for middle-aged women who usually lazy fuck . This finding itself is based on the observation of 602 women aged 40-65 years were asked to reveal how active their sex lives and how important sex is to them .
Each participant is also working on a test specifically designed to measure sexual function and their general health through a series of questions , such as whether they are experiencing pain or problems lubrication during sex or not .
At the beginning of the study recorded 354 participants ( 66.3 per cent ) admitted to having an active sexual life , but four years later was reported only 228 people were still living doing it . " Especially those who claim that sex is very important , they are more likely to remain active lovemaking , " said researcher Dr . Holly Thomas of the University of Pittsburgh , USA .
When asked how important sex is to them , only 10 percent of participants responded very important , while 50 percent said fairly important and 20 per cent claiming less important . The rest did not answer .
However, investigators found an active sexual life of a woman whether it was not only influenced by the quality of their sexual functioning .
" In fact , although they may experience sexual dysfunction as measured , does not mean they stop having sex altogether . And this not only applies to vaginal sex , they are also concerned with other forms of sex such as kissing , intimate touching and oral sex , " he added .
As quoted by LiveScience , Tuesday ( 18/02/2014 ) , the researchers also found other factors that could predict how long they will last sexual activity . Again, nothing to do with age , due to other factors such as race / ethnicity , education level and marital status are even more influential .
This condition applies particularly for middle-aged women who usually lazy fuck . This finding itself is based on the observation of 602 women aged 40-65 years were asked to reveal how active their sex lives and how important sex is to them .
Each participant is also working on a test specifically designed to measure sexual function and their general health through a series of questions , such as whether they are experiencing pain or problems lubrication during sex or not .
At the beginning of the study recorded 354 participants ( 66.3 per cent ) admitted to having an active sexual life , but four years later was reported only 228 people were still living doing it . " Especially those who claim that sex is very important , they are more likely to remain active lovemaking , " said researcher Dr . Holly Thomas of the University of Pittsburgh , USA .
When asked how important sex is to them , only 10 percent of participants responded very important , while 50 percent said fairly important and 20 per cent claiming less important . The rest did not answer .
However, investigators found an active sexual life of a woman whether it was not only influenced by the quality of their sexual functioning .
" In fact , although they may experience sexual dysfunction as measured , does not mean they stop having sex altogether . And this not only applies to vaginal sex , they are also concerned with other forms of sex such as kissing , intimate touching and oral sex , " he added .
As quoted by LiveScience , Tuesday ( 18/02/2014 ) , the researchers also found other factors that could predict how long they will last sexual activity . Again, nothing to do with age , due to other factors such as race / ethnicity , education level and marital status are even more influential .
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