Kisah Genius Orang Indonesia Yang Berkarya Di Luar Negeri

  1. Prof Nelson Tansu, PhD- Pakar Teknologi Nano

Berita dari Medan itu membuat Nelson Tansu lemas. Di Universitas Lehigh, Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat, tempatnya bekerja sehari-hari, Agustus 2 tahun lalu ia meradang. Kabar itu demikian membuatnya shocked: mama tercintanya, Auw Lie Min, dan papa tersayangnya, Iskandar Tansu, direktur percetakan PT Mutiara Inti Sari, tewas. Mereka dibunuh oleh perampok di area perkebunan karet PTPN II Tanjung Morawa.

Peristiwa itu sempat membuatnya "tak percaya" terhadap Indonesia. Pria kelahiran 20 Oktober 1977 ini adalah seorang jenius. Ia adalah pakar teknologi nano. Fokusnya adalah bidang eksperimen mengenai semikonduktor berstruktur nano.

Teknologi nano adalah kunci bagi perkembangan sains dan rekayasa masa depan. Inovasi-inovasi teknologi Amerika, yang mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari seluruh orang di dunia, bertopang pada anak anak muda brilian semacam Nelson. Nelson, misalnya, mampu memberdayakan sinar laser dengan listrik superhemat. Sementara sinar laser biasanya perlu listrik 100 watt, di tangannya cuma perlu 1,5 watt.


Matahari setengah rebah di Medari, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Asar sudah datang. Zakaria bergegas mencari anaknya, Muhammad Arief Budiman. Dia bisa berada di mana saja: di sawah, di kebun salak pondoh, atau—jika sedang beruntung—ia akan ditemukan di sekitar rumah. Zakaria harus menemukannya sebelum matahari terlalu rebah, agar anaknya tak melewatkan salat asar dan mengaji di musala.

Saint Louis, Missouri, Amerika Serikat. Tiga puluh tahun kemudian....

Di sebuah ruang kerja di kompleks Orion Genomic, salah satu perusahaan riset bioteknologi terkemuka di negeri itu, seorang lelaki Jawa berwajah "dagadu"—sebab senyum tak pernah lepas dari bibirnya—kerap terlihat sedang salat. Dialah anak Zakaria itu. Pada mulanya bercita-cita menjadi pilot, lalu ingin jadi dokter karena harus berkacamata sewaktu SMP, anak pekerja pabrik tekstil GKBI itu sekarang menjadi motor riset utama di Orion. Jabatannya: Kepala Library Technologies Group. Menurut BusinessWeek, ia merupakan satu dari enam eksekutif kunci perusahaan genetika itu.

Genetika adalah cabang ilmu biologi yang mempelajari gen, pembawa sifat pada makhluk hidup. Peran ilmu ini bakal makin sentral di masa depan: dalam peperangan melawan penyakit, rehabilitasi lingkungan, hingga menjawab kebutu*an pangan dunia.


Bangkai burung, balsam gosok, dan kisah mumi Firaun. Siapa mengira tiga benda sepele itu ada gunanya. Tapi itulah trio yang "menghidupkan" pria kampung seperti Khoirul Anwar. Dia kini menjadi ilmuwan top di Jepang. Wong ndeso asal Dusun Jabon, Desa Juwet, Kecamatan Kunjang, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur, itu memegang dua paten penting di bidang telekomunikasi. Dunia mengaguminya. Para ilmuwan dunia berkhidmat ketika pada paten pertamanya Khoirul, bersama koleganya, merombak pakem soal efisiensi alat komunikasi seperti telepon seluler.

Prof Dr. Khoirul Anwar adalah pemilik paten sistem telekomunikasi 4G berbasis OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) adalah seorang Warga Negara Indonesia yang kini bekerja di Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Jepang.

Dia mengurangi daya transmisi pada orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. Hasilnya, kecepatan data yang dikirim bukan menurun seperti lazimnya, melainkan malah meningkat. "Kami mampu menurunkan power sampai 5dB=100 ribu kali lebih kecil dari yang diperlukan sebelumnya," kata dia. Dunia memujinya. Khoirul juga mendapat penghargaan bidang Kontribusi Keilmuan Luar Negeri oleh Konsulat Jenderal RI Osaka pada 2007.

Pada paten kedua, lagi-lagi Khoirul menawarkan sesuatu yang tak lazim. Untuk mencapai kecepatan yang lebih tinggi, dia menghilangkan sama sekali guard interval (GI). "Itu mustahil dilakukan," begitu kata teman-teman penelitinya. Tanpa interval atau jarak, frekuensi akan bertabrakan tak keruan. Persis seperti di kelas saat semua orang bicara kencang secara bersamaan.


Hari-hari Andrivo Rusydi menetap di negeri sendiri hanya bisa dihitung dengan jari. Pemuda 33 tahun ini mesti wira wiri antarbenua sepanjang tahun untuk menjalani riset-risetnya di bidang teknologi nano. Ia memang salah satu dari sedikit anak bangsa negeri ini yang menguasai teknologi pengontrol skala atom dan molekul itu. Sebuah keahlian yang—terutama—banyak dibutu*kan di negara maju.

Maka negeri-negeri semacam Singapura, Amerika Serikat, Jerman, dan Kanada membuka lebar-lebar pintu riset bagi urang awak ini. Mari kita lihat jejak-jejak kejeniusannya, yang sudah diakui dunia internasional, itu. Saat ini Andri adalah peneliti tetap dan pengajar mata kuliah nanotechnology dan nanoscience di Universitas National Singapura (NUS). Di universitas ini pula ia mendapatkan gelar profesor pada usia 31 tahun. Sejak awal tahun ini, dia diangkat menjadi anggota Singapore International Graduate Award atau supervisi para doktor lulusan NUS.

Lalu, di Jerman, suami Sulistyaningsih ini menjadi profesor tamu pada Center for Free Electron Laser dan Institute for Applied Physics of University of Hamburg. Di sini, selain mengajar, Andri membimbing mahasiswa diploma sampai doktoral.
Penjelajahannya yang intensif di ranah teknologi nano juga membuat sulung dari empat bersaudara ini juga menjadi peneliti tamu di Departemen Fisika Universitas Illinois di Urbana, Amerika Serikat, dan Universitas British Columbia, Kanada.

    Belasan tahun belajar di luar negeri. Tanpa bantuan pemerintah, penelitian mereka berhasil di Tanah Air.

Robot itu bernama Sona CT x001. Di sebuah jendela ruko di perumahan Modernland, Tangerang, robot yang dibekali dua lengan itu sedang memindai tabung gas sepanjang 2 meter. Di bagian atas robot, layar laptop menampilkan grafik hasil pemindaian. Selasa dua pekan lalu itu, Sona—buatan Ctech Labs (Center for Tomography Research Laboratory) Edwar Technology—sedang diuji coba. Alat ini sudah dipesan PT Citra Nusa Gemilang, pemasok tabung gas bagi bus Transjakarta. "Di dalam ruko tidak ada tempat lagi untuk menyimpan Sona dan udaranya panas," kata Dr Warsito P. Taruno, pendiri dan pemilik Edwar Technology.

Sona harus berada di ruangan yang suhunya di bawah 40 derajat Celsius. Perusahaan migas Petronas, kata Warsito, tertarik kepada alat buatannya. Kini mereka masih dalam tahap negosiasi harga dengan perusahaan raksasa milik pemerintah Malaysia tersebut. Selain Sona, Edwar Technology mendapat pesanan dari Departemen Energi Amerika Serikat. Nilai pesanan lumayan besar, US$ 1 juta atau sekitar Rp 10 miliar.

Bahkan Badan Antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA) pun memakai teknologi pemindai atau Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) temuan Warsito. Lembaga ini mengembangkan sistem pemindai komponen dielektrik seperti embun yang menempel di dinding luar pesawat ulang-alik yang terbuat dari bahan keramik. Zat seperti itu bisa mengakibatkan kerusakan parah pada saat peluncuran karena perubahan suhu dan tekanan tinggi.


Penampilan mereka memukau publik musisi klasik, dari Eropa hingga Amerika. Diganjar pelbagai penghargaan internasional bergengsi.

Suatu hari, di hadapan publik musik klasik Berlin, Jerman, penampilan duo pianis kembar Sonja dan Shanti Sungkono tampak eksotis. Di atas pentas, tubuh kedua perempuan berwajah Jawa ini dibalut kebaya dengan siluet brokat keperakan. Rambut mereka disanggul. Penampilan keduanya jauh dari penampilan panggung para musisi klasik yang konservatif—yang umumnya muncul dengan gaun panjang warna hitam.

Duet Sonja-Shanti tak sedang ingin tampil unik, apalagi nyentrik, dengan gaya tersebut. Model penampilan itu boleh dibilang telah menjadi ciri khas sekaligus identitas mereka sebagai perempuan Indonesia dalam pelbagai pentas di mancanegara. Selain penampilan, dalam setiap pertunjukan, keduanya selalu memperkenalkan diri sebagai duo pianis Indonesia. "Dari penampilan saja kelihatan, kami bukan orang Jerman," kata keduanya, yang sejak 1991 bermukim di Berlin.

Toh, bukan lantaran penampilan itu yang membuat mereka memukau. Kepiawaian jari-jari mereka menari di atas tuts pianolah yang dikagumi penikmat musik klasik, baik di Jerman maupun di kota-kota besar lain di mancanegara.
Bahkan permainan Sonja-Shanti telah mencuri perhatian para musisi dan kritikus musik klasik Eropa. Di Jerman, penampilan mereka dipuji sebagai, "Benar-benar pertunjukan yang indah, mengagumkan, dan profesional."


Koki asal Korea Selatan itu berusia di kisaran 30 tahun dan bekerja di satu hotel di Praha. Suatu hari ia meminta bertemu dengan Ari Munandar, ahli masak kelahiran Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah, yang sekarang memimpin pasukan koki di Hotel Hilton Praque Old Town, Praha, Republik Cek.

Tanpa basa-basi ia mengatakan ingin direkrut dan bekerja di bawah Ari, yang jabatan resminya biasa disebut executive chef atau chef de cuisine. Mengapa? "Karena Anda satu-satunya executive chef dari Asia di Eropa," begitu Ari menirukan ucapan koki Korea Selatan itu kepada dirinya.

Executive chef merupakan jabatan sangat bergengsi, apalagi di jaringan hotel top seperti Hilton. Ari, yang baru berusia 37 tahun, sebelumnya tidak pernah berpikir ia satu-satunya executive chef asal Asia di hotel berbintang lima di Eropa. Tapi, setelah ia coba mencari tahu, ucapan koki Korea itu mungkin benar.

Tidak ada nama Asia—termasuk dari Jepang—yang menjadi executive chef di hotel prestisius di Eropa. "Kecuali di Amsterdam, mungkin," kata Ari. Di Amsterdam, ada beberapa koki top asal Indonesia. Wajar bila Ari menepuk dada. Lebih bangga lagi karena sekitar tiga bulan silam, saat mulai pindah ke Zinc di Hilton Praque Old Town, ia masuk berita di media massa setempat. Sebelum Ari masuk, Hilton memiliki restoran bernama Maze yang dikelola koki top yang bahkan sudah menjadi pesohor di Inggris,


Di negeri orang, mereka menebarkan bela diri tradisional Indonesia itu dengan kegigihannya sendiri.

Bertopeng kingkong, Yuli Purwanto, 47 tahun, tangkas memainkan beberapa jurus pencak silat di panggung. Gerakannya lincah. Kadang terlihat lentur meliuk, acap kali berkelebat cepat. Diiringi iringan kendang nan rancak, penampilan pria yang akrab dipanggil Ipung ini memang memikat. Di puncak aksinya, Ipung kemudian menyurukkan wajahnya ke selembar batik yang dihamparkan di panggung, topengnya dilepas, lalu tampillah wajah aslinya dengan kain batik yang dibikinnya menjadi udheng.

Gerakan pencak silat Ipung itu bisa dinikmati pemirsa di mana pun lewat situs YouTube. Dari situs ini pula wawancara Ipung dalam bahasa Jepang dengan televisi pemerintah nasional Jepang, NHK, bisa diakses. Di tayangan ini Ipung menjawab segala hal soal silat. Jangan heran jika Ipung membicarakan silat dalam bahasa Jepang. Dia, bersama Soesilo Soedarmadji dari perguruan Perisai Diri dan Djaja dari Panglipur, adalah penyebar seni bela diri tradisional Indonesia itu di Jepang 13 tahun lalu. Ini tentu menjadi petualangan menarik bagi ketiganya. Maklum, negeri itu sudah punya tradisi bela diri sendiri yang berusia panjang, yakni karate, judo, kendo, aikido dan ju-jitsu.

Tantangan lain adalah adanya persoalan bahasa dan budaya yang berbeda. Tapi ketiga pendekar itu tak putus asa, apalagi dukungan moril dari Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia cukup kuat. Ini masih ditambah adanya dukungan dana dari Bimantara pada tiga tahun pertama. "Setelah itu, bergantung pada iuran peserta," kata Ipung. Penyebaran pencak silat di Jepang dimulai dari masyarakat Indonesia, sekolah-sekolah Indonesia, dan karyawan Departemen Luar Negeri. Penyebaran ke khalayak banyak dan penggemar bela diri dilakukan dengan cara memperbanyak pergelaran. Pergelaran-pergelaran itu rupanya cukup ampuh.

"Gerakan meliuk-liuk seperti tarian dalam kembangan diiringi musik tradisional Indonesia sangat menarik khalayak," kata Ipung. Untuk menarik praktisi bela diri, Ipung berduet dengan Soesilo menggelar pertunjukan di dojo (tempat latihan karate) dan pemusatan aikido serta bela diri setempat lainnya.

  1. Sehat Sutardja, Ph.D - CEO dan Pendiri Marvell Technology Group
Sehat Sutardja, Ph.D, adalah CEO dan pendiri Marvell Technology Group dan menjadi presiden, pemimpin eksekutif sejak 1995. Ia juga menjadi presiden, pemimpin eksekutif, dan direktur pada perusahaan semikonduktor Marvell.

Ia dilahirkan di Jakarta, Indonesia. Sehat Sutardja menamatkan pendidikan menengahnya di Kolese Kanisius. Kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan di Amerika Serikat dan meraih sarjana sains di teknik elektrik dari Universitas Negeri Iowa. Ia juga menjalani pendidikan pascasarjana Master of Science (M.Sc) dan Ph.D. dalam bidang teknik elektrik dan ilmu komputer dari Universitas California, Berkeley.

Ia menikahi Weili Dai, dan merupakan saudara dari Pantas Sutardja, yang juga turut mendirikan Marvell. Dia beserta istri dan adik termudanya, Patan adalah miliarder yang memiliki saham di Intel sebesar 22 persen. Marvell menguasai seluruh aset perusahaan Intel termasuk sumber daya manusianya. Sebagian besar pekerja dari sekitar 1400 orang tetap dipertahankan Marvell pada unit bisnis yang baru dibelinya dari Intel.

Karirnya dimulai dari tahun 1989 hingga 1995 ketika menduduki manajer dan pemimpin teknis proyek 8×8.

Marvell yang juga berpusat di Santa Clara, AS merupakan vendor chip dan komponen yang banyak dipakai di berbagai perangkat elektronika. Sedangkan unit bisnis yang dibeli dari Intel menghasilkan prosesor yang dibangun dari teknologi XScale Intel. Prosesor-prosesor berbasis XScale telah dipakai di banyak perangkat elektronika, misalnya Blackberry dan Treo.

  1. JOHNY SETIAWAN, Ph.D - Penemu Planet Pertama dan Bintang Muda
Johny Setiawan membuat mata dunia tercengang dengan penemuan planet pertama yang mengelilingi bintang baru TW Hydrae.

PENEMUAN itu sangat spektakuler karena dari 270 planet di luar tata surya yang telah ditemukan astronom dalam 12 tahun terakhir, tak satu pun planet yang muncul dari bintang muda.

Johny yang memimpin tim peneliti di Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), Heidelberg, Jerman itu menemukan planet pertama yang disebut TW Hydrae b dan bintang baru TW Hydrae dengan menggunakan teleskop spektrograf F EROS sepanjang 2,2 meter di La Silla Observatory, Chile.

"Ketika kami mengamati kecepatan lingkaran gas TW Hydrae, kami mendeteksi sebuah variasi periodik yang tidak berasal dari aktivitas TW Hydrae. Kami mengamati kehadiran sebuah planet baru (TW Hydrae b)," ungkap Johny kepada SINDO tadi malam. Planet baru yang ditemukan itu memiliki bobot sekitar sepuluh kali berat Planet Yupiter, planet terbesar dalam Sistem Tata Surya.

Planet baru itu mengorbiti TW Hydrae dalam waktu 3,56 hari dengan jarak sekitar 6 juta kilometer. Ini dapat disamakan dengan 4% jarak antara Matahari dan Bumi. Dengan penemuan tim yang dipimpin Johny tersebut, peneliti dapat membuat kesimpulan penting tentang waktu pembentukan planet.Sejumlah pertanyaan pelik yang selama ini dihadapi peneliti, seperti bagaimana dan di mana sistem planet terbentuk?

Bagaimana arsitektur planet? Seberapa lama proses pembentukannya? Bagaimana posisi planet-planet seperti bumi di Galaksi Bima Sakti? Akan segera terjawab. Johny menyadari pentingnya penemuannya tersebut. Dia menjelaskan, bagaimana planet yang baru berumur 8–10 juta tahun (sekitar 1/500 tahun umur Matahari) itu sebagai sebuah kejutan di Tahun Baru ini.

  1. Endri Rachman - Pencipta UAV Tamingsari dari Arcamanik Bandung

Tamingsari Vs Kujang

In Malay story, Tamangsari is Hang Tuah's sacred weapon in the form of Kris which can fly looking for the target without the owner's control. That name then become the name of an unmanned planed called unmanned Aerical Vehicle/UAV. Tamingsari is now a UAV identical made in Malaysia. Whereas in fact, UAV Tamingsari is purely made in Indonesia, even it's made in Arcamanik, Bandung.

Like the famous Malaysia customs to claims others' belonging, UAV which is developed by the former of IPTN worker Endri Rachman since 2000 and made in Arcamanik in 2004 is not missed from their claim. Let's see the headline of Malaysian newspaper, The Star, 25 September 2005 which is provocative "Our Own Spy Plane Prototype", strengthen that claim.

"Actually, I made the UAV Tamingsari, it's made in Arcamanik. Fortunately, Tamingsari is still controlled manually using remote control, not using autopilot logic like I develop," said Endri when meeting Kompas in his UAV plane factory in Arcamanik.


Hurt by Malaysia manner, Endri silently continues UAV development which is different to Tamingsari. It is UAV that follows autopilot logic flight because of software that he designed.

Now, together with his colleagues in Globalindo Technology Services Indonesia (GTSI), he established a company made UAV with its office in Cihampelas Street, Bandung. He still completes his UAV flying ability.

In this company, run by four German, ITB, and IPTN technicians and 12 workers graduated from STM who work daily in plane factory in Arcamanik, born UAV named Kujang. Even though it can't fly automatically like Tamingsari, Kujang is still Sundanese weapon with shape like crescent which is famous with its power.

Unfortunately, the first buyer for Kujang is a Malaysia research institution. In his own country, Endri with his developed UAV is no one!

"At least, when brought to Malaysia, the name is Kujang," hoped Endri, who diasporas to the neighbor country as a lecturer after the agony of IPTN.

The glaring differences between Tamingsari and Kujang which both are made by Endri is on their work. Tamingsari is controlled by remote control so its exploration is limited because it has always seen by the eye sight. Miss a little from radio wave radius which is limited, it flies uncontrolled and never hopes it will come back.

Different from Kujang which is an unmanned smart plane, in the try out in Sulaeman airport, Bandung, Kujang has successfully follows automatically flight logic based on determined coordinate dots. Something that will never be done by Tamingsari!
Even though Endri admits that he's irritated to Malaysian claim in his work result, he said that he is thankful to this country which has willingness to accommodate he and his family this long.

  1. Kendro Hendra - Pencipta Setting Wizard di Nokia

Kendro Hendra, pria kelahiran Palembang, 31 Desember 1955, orang Indonesia yang mampu menciptakan aplikasi peranti bergerak yang memungkinkan sebuah ponsel lebih bermakna dan bergaya. Sarjana Ilmu Komputer dari University of Manitoba, Kanada, ini telah mencipta puluhan aplikasi peranti lunak untuk membuat ponsel memiliki kelebihan.

Jika sulit membayangkan aplikasi peranti lunak, bayangkan seseorang yang menciptakan permainan (games) yang ditanamkan pada ponsel. Ponsel itu pun akan memiliki fitur lebih dibandingkan ponsel lainnya.

Apa yang Kendro ciptakan bukan sekadar dolanan, tetapi sebuah aplikasi yang memungkinkan ponsel memiliki tingkat keamanan tinggi, meski dicuri orang. Mungkin harga sebuah Nokia communicator sebagai devices "tidak seberapa" dibandingkan data-data yang tersimpan di dalamnya, entah teks, foto, atau video. Jika data rahasia turut lenyap seiring hilangnya ponsel, maka celakalah. Kendro menciptakan hal-hal kecil yang tidak banyak dipikirkan orang, tetapi bermanfaat bagi banyak orang.

"Salah satu peranti yang saya ciptakan untuk menyelamatkan data yang hilang itu bernama AirGuard, yang sudah ditanamkan di ponsel communicator Nokia. Saya bisa menghubungi pencuri telepon, meski dia sudah mengganti simcard-nya dengan nomor lain," kata Kendro saat ditemui di arena Nokia World 2007 di Amsterdam, Belanda, 5 Desember lalu. Sebagai mitra, Kendro yang membangun perusahaan InTouch itu hadir atas undangan Nokia.

InTouch adalah satu dari sedikit perusahaan komunikasi dan informasi Indonesia dengan reputasi internasional. Kantor pemasaran perusahaan yang didirikan tahun 1996 itu berada di Singapura. Di Indonesia, InTouch mempekerjakan sekitar 60 karyawan yang setiap hari berkutat menciptakan peranti lunak.

Lisensi peranti lunak yang memiliki kata depan "Air" selain AirGuard tersebut antara lain AirAlbum, AirFax, AirRadio, dan AirVouchers. Tetapi, aplikasi paling luas dan banyak digunakan adalah SettingsWizard dan S80-DataMover yang dilisensi Nokia secara global untuk dimasukkan dalam setiap ponsel Symbian S60 Nokia. Kini, temuan Kendro itu diterjemahkan ke dalam 127 bahasa.

SettingsWizard adalah peranti lunak yang ditanamkan di ponsel Nokia, di mana saat pemilik ponsel memasukkan simcard dari operator seluler mana pun, ponsel itu otomatis bisa men-setting sendiri, baik SMS, MMS, e-mail, maupun GPRS, sehingga tidak harus diketik ulang. Demikian juga S80-DataMover yang memungkinkan pemindahan data secara otomatis dari satu ponsel ke ponsel lain atau dari satu communicator ke communicator lain, juga tanpa harus mengetik ulang.

"Banyak orang enggak percaya bahwa itu aplikasi buatan orang Indonesia. Dengan aplikasi yang diterjemahkan ke dalam 127 bahasa, menunjukkan orang Indonesia punya kemampuan," kata Kendro yang mempekerjakan dua orang Singapura sebagai tenaga pemasaran global bagi produk-produk InTouch.

  1. Prof Dr. Ing BJ Habibie - Pemegang 46 Paten di bidang Aeronautika
rof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Sc. H.C. Mult. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie lahir tanggal 25 Juni 1936 di Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia. Anak ke empat dari delapan bersaudara dari pasangan Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie dan R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardoyo. Dia hanya satu tahun kuliah di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) karena pada tahun 1955 dia dikirim oleh ibunya belajar di Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Honuchscule, Aschen Jerman.

Setelah menyelesaikan kuliahnya dengan tekun selama lima tahun, B.J. Habibie memperoleh gelar Insinyur Diploma dengan predikat Cum Laude di Fakultas Teknik Mekanik Bidang Desain dan Konstruksi Pesawat Udara. Pemuda Habibie adalah seorang muslim yang sangat alim yang selalu berpuasa Senin dan Kamis. Kejeniusannya membawanya memperoleh Gelar Doktor Insinyiur di Fakultas Teknik Mekanik Bidang Desain dan Konstruksi Pesawat Udara dengan predikat Cum Laude tahun 1965.

B.J. Habibie memulai kariernya di Jerman sebagai Kepala Riset dan Pembangunan Analisa Struktur Hamburger Flugzeugbau Gmbh, Hamburg Jerman (1965-1969). Kepala Metode dan Teknologi Divisi Pesawat Terbang Komersial dan Militer MBB Gmbh, Hamburg dan Munchen (1969-1973). Wakil Presiden dan Direktur Teknologi MBB Gmbh Hambur dan Munchen (1973-1978), penasehat teknologi senior untuk Direktur MBB bidang luar negeri (1978). Pada tahun 1977 dia menyampaikan orasi jabatan guru besarnya tentang konstruksi pesawat terbang di ITB Bandung.

  1. Sang Penemu 23 Kromosom dari Indonesia

Siapa sangka seorang ilmuwan dari Indonesia ternyata berperan penting dalam perkembangan bioteknologi khususnya genetika. Dia bersama koleganyalah yang menemukan dan memastikan bahwa kromosom manusia berjumlah 23 pasang, padahal sebelumnya para ilmuwan meyakini bahwa jumlah kromosom manusia adalah 24.

Kisahnya bermula tahun 1921, ada 3 orang yang datang kepada Theophilus Painter meminta untuk dikebiri. Dua pria kulit hitam dan seorang pria kulit putih itu merelakan 'senjata' mereka dicopot berdasarkan kepercayaan yang mereka anut. Painter yang orang Texas ini lantas mengamati isi testis ketiga orang tadi, dia sayat tipis-tipis, lalu diproses dengan larutan kimia, dan dia amati di bawah mikroskop. Ternyata ia melihat ada serabut-serabut kusut yang merupakan kromosom tak berpasangan pada sel testis. Hitungan dia saat itu ada 24 kromosom. Dia sangat yakin, ada 24.

'Keyakinan' ini dikuatkan oleh ilmuwan lain yang mengamati dengan cara berbeda, mereka pun mendapat hasil yang sama, 24 kromosom. Bahkan hingga 30 tahun 'keyakinan' ini bertahan. Begitu yakinnya para ilmuwan akan hitungan ini sampai-sampai ada sekelompok ilmuwan meninggalkan penelitian mereka tentang sel hati manusia karena mereka tidak menemukan kromosom 'ke-24′ dalam sel tersebut, mereka 'hanya' menemukan 23 saja. Ilmuwan lain berhasil memisah-misahkan kromosom manusia dan menghitungnya, jumlahnya? Tetap 24 pasang.

Barulah 34 tahun setelah 'tragedi' pengebirian oleh Painter, ilmuwan menemukan cara untuk memastikan bahwa jumlah kromosom manusia hanya ada 23, bukan 24. Adalah Joe-Hin Tjio yang bermitra dengan Albert Levan di Spanyol menemukan teknik yang lebih baik untuk mendapatkan jumlah 23 pasang kromosom manusia. Bahkan ketika mereka menghitung ulang gambar eksperimen terdahulu yang menyebutkan bahwa jumlahnya ada 24, mereka mendapati hanya ada 23. Benar-benar aneh, mata siapa yang bisa error begini?

Dan memang kenyataan bahwa manusia hanya memiliki 23 pasang kromosom dianggap aneh dan mengejutkan. Pasalnya, simpanse, orang utan dan gorila, yang kandungan genetiknya mirip dengan manusia memiliki 24 pasang kromosom. Jadi kromosom manusia ini lain daripada bangsa ungka (ape) yang lain. Dan usut punya usut, ternyata ada dua kromosom pada gorila yang jika digabungkan ukurannya akan mirip dengan kromosom 2 pada manusia. Sungguh ajaib memang, perbedaan yang 'kecil' ini ditambah sedikit keragaman antara gen-gen manusia dan gorila, membuat 'penampakan' keduanya jauh berbeda.

Oh ya, kembali ke sang penemu 23 pasang kromosom pada manusia, salah satunya, yaitu Joe-Hin Tjio, adalah orang Indonesia.

Sekilas Joe-Hin Tjio

Seperti ditulis dalam Encyclopædia Britannica, Tjio (diucapkan CHEE-oh) lahir di Jawa tanggal 2 November 1919. Tjio kecil bersekolah di sekolah penjajah Belanda, kemudian dia sempat mendalami fotografi mengikuti jejak ayahnya yang juga seorang fotografer profesional. Namun selanjutnya Tjio memutar stir ke bidang pertanian dengan kuliah di Sekolah Ilmu Pertanian di Bogor, waktu itu Tjio berusaha mengembangkan tanaman hibrida yang tahan terhadap penyakit. Dari sinilah pondasi ilmu genetika membawanya menjadi seorang ahli genetik terkemuka kelak.


Lelaki itu selalu memulai dengan sederhana: bersepeda menuju kantornya, NSK Ltd. Setiap hari, sepanjang tahun, dia mengayuh sepeda selama 15 menit dari rumahnya di House Malonie Nomor 2, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa, Jepang Sekilas dia adalah pria kampung Jepang biasa. Nyaris tak ada yang tahu bahwa dia pria penting. Dia adalah salah satu ahli top di Jepang dalam bidang analisis keamanan struktur terhadap benturan.

Di kantornya itu, design engineer berusia 33 tahun ini selalu menghabiskan sebagian harinya di Automotive Bearing Technology Department. "Pulang kantor pukul 18.00, kalau lagi lembur pukul 20.00," ujar Azhari kepada Tempo melalui surat elektronik pekan lalu.

Doctor of engineering dari Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jepang, itu bergabung dengan produsen bearing dan komponen otomotif tersebut sejak April 2005. Awalnya ia berkarier sebagai research engineer di NSK Research and Development Center. "Tema penelitian saya cukup beragam, berkisar pada analisis struktur dan bahan terhadap benturan," ujar Azhari.

Salah satu riset pria kelahiran Majene, Sulawesi Barat, itu adalah tentang desain kemudi kendaraan yang aman. Dalam penelitian itu, tugasnya melakukan perhitungan apakah rancangan kemudi yang diajukan oleh bagian desain sudah memenuhi syarat keamanan ketika terjadi tabrakan. Dari aneka penelitian itu, Azhari dan timnya di NSK menghasilkan enam paten yang kini terdaftar di Japan Patent Office.


Demi menambal biaya penelitian, para ilmuwan kita di sini harus jungkir balik. Ada yang patungan menyewakan lapangan futsal.

Berbongkah batu alam tergeletak di dalam kardus di ruangan yang tak terlalu luas itu. Serbuk silika berwarna kuning, pasir besi, beberapa alat pemotong besi, dan pemisah magnet tampak berserakan di lantai berlapis kayu.

"Beginilah kalau sedang bekerja, berantakan," ujar Dr Nurul Taufiqu Rochman, MEng, Jumat malam lalu. Di ruang berukuran 5 x 8 meter itulah peneliti fisika di Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Puspiptek Serpong, Tangerang, ini melakukan riset teknologi nano.

uangan yang terletak di lantai dua Pusat Penelitian Fisika LIPI itu nyaris seperti kapal pecah. Sejumlah diktat dan proposal berserakan di atas meja. Beberapa unit komputer serta alat-alat eksperimen rakitan Nurul dan delapan stafnya juga belum dibereskan.

Malam itu, pria lulusan Kagoshima University, Jepang, ini menunjukkan kehebatan pemisah magnet temuannya. Nurul tak perlu terbang jauh ke luar negeri untuk membeli komponen alat itu karena tersedia di Glodok, Jakarta Barat. Nurul memasukkan sejumput pasir besi ke alat tersebut. Setelah diputar, pasir yang mengandung besi oksida turun dan yang tak mengandung besi oksida menempel pada lempengan karet yang melengkung ke bawah.

Dari serbuk pasir yang telah dinanokan itu bisa dibentuk batangan besi dan tabung besi. Menurut Nurul, pasir besi sangat mudah dicari. "Sekilo paling cuma Rp 250. Kalau sudah dinanokan, bisa mencapai Rp 1 juta. Ini peluang bisnis untuk mengolah kekayaan alam Indonesia," ujarnya.

Teknologi nano yang sederhana dan pengolahan yang tak rumit membuat pasir besi selanjutnya bisa diolah menjadi tinta printer seharga Rp 250 ribu. Kekayaan alam Indonesia yang melimpah itulah yang membuat Nurul pulang kampung setelah 15 tahun kuliah dan bekerja di Negeri Sakura. Pria kelahiran Malang, Jawa Timur, 5 Agustus 1970, itu menyelesaikan S1 sampai S3 teknik mesin di Kagoshima University atas biaya Habibie Center.

"Saya gemes banget. Apa yang mungkin orang lain tidak lakukan, saya bisa kerjakan. Makanya saya ingin di bengkel ini mestinya juga lahir Apollo berteknologi nano," katanya seraya menunjuk sejumlah mesin.


Sudah hampir 10 bulan Fauzy Ammari bergelut di Jalan Sutra. Di jalur utama perdagangan dunia yang menghubungkan Asia, Eropa, dan Afrika 3.000 tahun silam itulah, karier emas Fauzy kini dipertaruhkan. Lelaki kelahiran Ternate, Maluku Utara, 42 tahun silam ini dipercaya menjadi salah seorang konsultan dalam proyek pembangunan jalan di salah satu bagian rute kuno itu di wilayah Uzbekistan.

Proyek prestisius yang dinamakan Proyek Jalan Sutra atawa Silk Road ini membentang 131 kilometer sepanjang rute Guzar-Bukhara- Nukus-Dautata. Pemerintah Presiden Islam Karimov mengucurkan sedikitnya US$ 270 juta atau Rp 2,7 triliun, yang dipinjamnya dari Bank Pembangunan Asia (ADB).

Dalam proyek tersebut, Fauzy duduk sebagai penasihat internasional untuk bidang infrastruktur transportasi. Tanggung jawabnya menangani proyek-proyek fasilitas umum dan penyediaan alat-alat berat. Tak tanggung-tanggung, ia pun diminta membentuk departemen transportasi, departemen baru di Uzbekistan.

17. Profesor Dr. Ken Kawan Soetanto - Peraih Empat Gelar Doktor dan Juga Peraih 31 Paten di Jepang

Prestasi membanggakan ditorehkan Profesor Dr. Ken Kawan Soetanto. Pria kelahiran Surabaya ini berhasil menggondol gelar profesor dan empat doktor dari sejumlah universitas di Jepang. Lebih hebatnya, puncak penghargaan akademis itu dicapainya pada usia 37 tahun.

Sepintas, penampilan fisiknya nyaris tak berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan kebanyakan orang Jepang. Kulitnya kuning. Rambut lurusnya, disisir rapi. Kemejanya yang diseterika licin dipadu jas menunjukkan dia menyukai formalitas. Tapi, begitu berbicara, akan terkesan bahwa Prof Soetanto -demikian dia dipanggil- bukan orang Jepang. Bicaranya ceplas-ceplos dengan logat suroboyoan-nya yang khas.

Penemu konsep pendidikan tinggi "Soetanto Effect" di Negeri Sakura itu beberapa hari ini berkunjung ke Indonesia. Soetanto mendampingi sejumlah koleganya, Dr Kotaro Hirasawa (dekan Graduate School Information Production & System Waseda University) dan Yukio Kato (general manager of Waseda University), menandatangani memorandum of understanding (MoU) antara Waseda University dan President University, Jababeka Education Park, Cikarang, Jawa Barat, Sabtu lalu.

Waseda University adalah perguruan tinggi swasta terbesar di Jepang. Reputasinya setara dengan universitas negeri semisal Tokyo University, Kyoto University, atau Nagoya University. Mahasiswa yang berguru di Waseda University 51.499 orang. Di anatar jumlah itu, 1.234 orang berasal dari luar Jepang.

18. Dr. Ir. Yogi Erlangga - Matematikawan Numerik Anak Tasik Jawa Barat

Persamaan Helmholtz Pecah di Tangan Dosen ITB

Persamaan matematika Helmholtz sering dipakai untuk mencari titik lokasi minyak bumi.

Dulu, BJ Habibie menemukan rumus yang mampu mempersingkat prediksi perambatan retak. Banyak lembaga di berbagai negara memakai rumus ini, termasuk NASA di Amerika.

Kini, Yogi Ahmad Erlangga mengulang kesuksesan Habibie. Melalui riset PhD-nya, Yogi berhasil memecahkan rumus persamaan Helmholtz, Desember 2005 lalu. Selama 30 tahun terakhir, tak ada yang berhasil memecahkan persamaan matematika Helmholtz yang sering dipakai untuk mencari titik lokasi minyak bumi itu. Persamaan matematika itu sendiri dikenal sejak satu abad silam.

Media Barat menyebut Yogi sebagai matematikawan Belanda. Padahal, ia adalah pria kelahiran Tasikmalaya, dosen Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), dan saat itu sedang menempuh program PhD di Delft University of Technology (DUT).

Keberhasilan itu memuluskan jalan bagi perusahaan perminyakan untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih besar dengan biaya lebih rendah. Selama ini, industri perminyakan sangat membutu*kan pemecahan rumus Helmholtz itu agar bisa lebih cepat dan efisien dalam melakukan pencarian minyak bumi. Setelah Yogi memecahkan persamaan Helmholtz yang selama ini justru banyak dihindari oleh para ilmuwan, perusahaan minyak bisa 100 kali lebih cepat dalam melakukan pencarian minyak — bila dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya.

Tak cuma itu, dari kebutu*an hardware pun, industri minyak bisa mereduksi sekitar 60 persen dari hardware yang biasanya. Sebagai contoh, program tiga dimensi yang sebelumnya diselesaikan dengan 1.000 komputer, dengan dipecahkannya rumus Helmholtz oleh Yogi, bisa diselesaikan hanya dengan 300 komputer.

Yogi mengungkapkan, penelitian mengenai persamaan Helmholtz ini dimulai pada Desember 2001 silam dengan mengajukan diri untuk melakukan riset di DUT. Waktu itu, perusahaan minyak raksasa Shell datang ke DUT untuk meminta penyelesaian persamaan Helmholtz secara matematika numerik yang cepat atau disebut robust (bisa dipakai di semua masalah).

19. Liem Tiang Gwan - Ahli Radar Eropa Asli Semarang

Anda yang pernah atau berkali-kali mendarat di Bandara Heathrow, London, Inggris, barangkali tidak mengetahui bahwa radar (radio detection and ranging) yang digunakan untuk memantau dan memandu naik-turunnya pesawat dirancang oleh putra Indonesia kelahiran Semarang. Selain itu, banyak negara di Eropa serta militer menggunakan jasanya untuk merancang radar pertahanan yang pas bagi negaranya.

Itulah Liem Tiang-Gwan, yang selama puluhan tahun bergelut dan malang melintang dalam dunia antena, radar, dan kontrol lalu lintas udara. Maka, bagi mereka yang biasa berkecimpung dalam dunia itu, pasti tidak asing dengan pria kelahiran Semarang, 20 Juni 1930, ini.

Namanya sudah mendunia dalam bidang radar, antena, dan berbagai seluk-beluk sistem gelombang elektromagnetik yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi, mengukur jarak, dan membuat peta benda-benda, seperti pesawat, kendaraan bermotor, dan informasi cuaca.

”Sekolah saya dulu berpindah-pindah. Saya pernah di Jakarta, lalu di Taman Siswa Yogyakarta, kemudian menyelesaikan HBS (Hoogere Burgerschool) di Semarang tahun 1949. Setelah itu, saya masuk Institut Teknologi Bandung dan meraih sarjana muda tahun 1955. Saya melanjutkan studi di Technische Universiteit (TU) Delft, lulus tahun 1958,” ujar pria yang kini berusia 78 tahun dan bermukim di kota Ulm, negara bagian Bavaria, Jerman.

”Lalu saya ke Stuttgart dan bekerja sebagai Communication Engineer di Standard Elektrik Lorenz, yang sekarang dikenal dengan nama Alcatel,” kata Liem.

Meskipun sudah bekerja dan mendapatkan posisi yang lumayan, Liem muda masih berkeinginan untuk kembali ke Tanah Air. Ia masih ingin mengabdikan diri di Tanah Air. Maka, tahun 1963 ia memutuskan keluar dari tempatnya bekerja di Stuttgart dan kembali ke Indonesia.

”Apa pun yang terjadi, saya harus pulang,” ujarnya mengenang

20. Ir. ADI RAHMAN ADIWOSO MSc - Pelopor Teknologi Baru dalam Telepon Bergerak Berbasis Satelit
Berbekal keahliannya di bidang telekomunikasi satelit, ia menghasilkan teknologi sekaligus produk baru yang belum ada di pasaran dunia. Inovasi Adi memungkinkan komunikasi lewat telepon genggam bisa dilakukan di mana saja. Ketika jaringan kabel belum menjangkau dan telepon seluler konvensional kehilangan sinyal, sistem telekomunikasi temuannya tetap “on”.

“Selama di atas kepala terlihat langit, komunikasi lewat telepon genggam bisa dilakukan”, kata Adi, Chief Executive Officer & President Director PT. Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN), yang juga menduduki jabatan yang sama di Asia Cellular Satelite (ACeS). Alat telekomunikasi bebas blank spot dan irit tempat ini dimungkinkan berkat ide memasang satelit telekomunikasi di orbit geostationer. Di lintasan imajiner yang letaknya 36.000 km di atas permukaan bumi itulah, Adi menempatkan satelit Garuda 1. Satelit gagasannya itu berbobot 4,5 ton yang dilengkapi dua antena payung kembar selebar 12 meter dan mampu menjangkau sepertiga kawasan dunia. Karena ukurannya cukup besar, intensitas pancaran sinyalnya juga cukup besar.

Peluncuran satelit sipil terbesar di dunia pada Februari 2000 itu kontan membuat ciut para operator telepon satelit dunia. Ketika itu, bisa dibilang, seluruh satelit telekomunikasi dunia diluncurkan di orbit rendah (600 – 1.000 km) dan menengah (7.000 – 10.000 km). Daya jangkau satelit-satelit itu terbatas. Agar dapat meliput satu belahan dunia butu* sekitar 60 satelit berorbit rendah atau 12 satelit berorbit menengah. Kelemahan lain pengoperasian sistem telekomunikasi satelit pada telepon bergerak ketika itu adalah pesawatnya yang tidak praktis. Perangkat telepon bergerak yang bisa digunakan untuk berkomunikasi via satelit ukurannya lumayan besar, hampir sebesar kopor traveling. Untuk mengoperasikannya juga perlu stasiun bumi, berupa antena parabola berdiameter satu meter.

Terobosan yang dilakukan Adi tak hanya memperluas cakupan satelit, juga memperkecil dimensi pesawat telepon bergerak berbasis satelit ini. Dengan daya pancar 10 kw, sinyal Garuda 1 bisa diterima dengan pesawat telepon genggam yang sekaligus merupakan stasiun bumi. ”Inilah stasiun bumi terkecil dan termurah yang pernah dibuat manusia”, ujar Adi sambil menunjukkan telepon genggam Ericsson R190. Jaringan telepon satelit yang berinduk ke Garuda 1 itu kemudian dikemas dengan merek dagang Byru.

Cara kerja telepon ini sangat bergantung pada Garuda 1, yang dikendalikan fasilitas pengontrol satelit di pulau Batam. Di situ juga dibangun pusat kendali jaringan (network control center – NCC), yakni pengatur arus percakapan dengan panel pengaturnya. Garuda 1 mampu melayani 22.000 pembicaraan pada saat bersamaan. Selain itu, dibangun pula sebuah pintu gerbang (gateway) yang berfungsi sebagai operator lokal. Dengan Byru, pelanggan bisa menghubungi sesama telepon satelit, ke telepon GSM serta ke telepon rumah. Tiap permintaan sambungan akan dilakukan melalui satelit. Permintaan itu dianalisis oleh NCC Batam, untuk menentukan identitas penelepon dan menentukan gateway mana yang cocok dengan tujuan panggilan. Setelah itu, permintaan sambungan akan diteruskan ke telepon tujuan. Pembicaraan pun berlangsung. Semua proses itu berjalan sangat cepat, hanya dalam hitungan detik.

Untuk mewujudkan gagasan itu, Adi memang tak melakukannya sendirian. Meskipun Garuda 1 dibuat oleh Hughes Aircraft (dimana ia pernah bekerja), Amerika Serikat dan R190 dibuat Ericsson, Swedia, rancangannya dibuat sendiri oleh Adi dan timnya di PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN), yang didirikan Adi dan Prof Dr. Ir. Iskandar Alisjahbana (guru besar ITB) pada 1991. Bersama guru besar dan mantan rektor ITB itulah, lahir Byru dan Pasti – merek dagang sistem telepon satelit buatan PSN. ”Kekuatan Adiwoso adalah kewirausahaannya”, kata Iskandar. Tanpa keberanian memasarkan sendiri, bisa jadi temuan telepon satelit geostationer itu cuma jadi prototipe di laboratorium. Atau malah menjadi barang dagangan perusahaan asing yang mampu memodali temuan tersebut.

21. Prof. Ir. Said D. Jenie, ScD (Aernautics) - Chief Designer and Technology IPTN

"Ia adalah seorang yang luar biasa di bidangnya," kata pakar dirgantara Adi Sadewo Salatun saat menyampaikan kesannya terhadap pakar aerodinamika, Prof Dr Said Djauharsjah Jenie, Kepala Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) yang menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya pada Jumat pukul 07.48 WIB. Ilmu dan keahlian di bidang dinamika wahana antariksa berbadan besar yang elastis yang ditekuni Said adalah bidang yang sangat rumit dan disegani.

"Karyanya yang paling menonjol adalah N-250, pesawat pertama di dunia kelas two-engine, fly by wire (terkomputerisasi) dengan 50 penumpang, yang dirancangnya dari mulai disain hingga terbang," ujarnya.

Doktor lulusan Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) di Amerika Serikat (AS) itu, menurut Salatun, bahkan tidak segan-segan turut terbang ke udara pada percobaannya. Saat itu, Said masih menjabat sebagai Direktur Teknologi Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN), yang kemudian menjadi PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI).

Salatun juga menyesalkan, maha karya tersebut terpaksa dihentikan setelah dibuat dua unit. Padahal, ia menilai, permintaan masyarakat dunia dan domestik untuk pesawat sekelas N-250 itu tinggi, apa lagi harganya bersaing.

Selain N-250, Said juga menjadi salah seorang tokoh untuk pesawat hasil kerjasama dengan Casa Spanyol, CN-235 yang kemudian sangat laku di pasar dunia, termasuk Angkatan Udara AS yang membeli 50 unit untuk versi Casa.

"Tidak ada orang Indonesia seahli dia, selain teorinya kuat, praktiknya pun kuat. Kita kehilangan putera terbaik di bidang kedirgantaraan yang banyak menyumbangkan keahliannya dalam soal pesawat dan roket," katanya.

Sementara itu, Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi (Menristek), Kusmayanto Kadiman, berkomentar bahwa Said Djauharsjah Jenie adalah sosok yang sangat pendiam, namun akan menjadi sangat cerewet jika dipancing untuk bicara seluk-beluk teknologi dirgantara, baik mengenai sejarahnya sampai pada hal-hal yang futuristik.

22. Prof Dr. Mezak Arnold Ratag - Ahli Planetary Nebula Cluster dari Manado

Professor Mezak Arnold Ratag is one of the most brilliant astronomers in the world. The International Astronomical Union has hailed his work on planetary nebula — a glowing shell of gas and plasma that certain types of stars form when they die — as “a major step forward in science.” His name has been perpetuated in 120 planetary nebula clusters, including the Ratag-Ziljstra-Pottasch-Menzies and Ratag-Pottasch clusters, which he helped discover. He has also received an award of the highest distinction for chivalry for pioneering work in climate modeling. Prof. Ratag has also worked as the director of the Indonesian Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, as well as a researcher in the National Space and Aeronautics Bureau. He argues that astrology does not have a scientific basis because of its inability to explain the cause-and-effect relationship required in scientific methodology

Prof Dr. Mezak Arnold Ratag dilahirkan di Malang pada tanggal 24 September 1962 sebagai anak ketiga dari Prof. Alexander Ratag dan Grietje Kawengian. Pendidikan sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama diperolehnya di SD dan SMP Laboratorium IKIP Manado. Pada bulan Agustus 1980 ia terpilih sebagai Pelajar Teladan tingkat SLTA Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dan selanjutnya sebagai salah satu dari tiga Pelajar Teladan Nasional tahun 1980. Beberapa bulan sebelum kelulusannya di SMA Negeri 1 Manado pada bulan Juni 1981, melalui program seleksi Perintis II, ia dibebaskan dari ujian saringan masuk perguruan tinggi dan diterima sebagai mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

Setelah menyelesaikan keseluruhan program studi 9 semester dalam waktu kurang dari empat tahun dengan dibimbing oleh Prof. Bambang Hidayat, pada Oktober 1985 Mezak A. Ratag diwisuda sebagai Sarjana Astronomi dengan predikat cum laude. Universitas Kerajaan Belanda di Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen membebaskannya dari keharusan untuk menempuh ujian doktoral (magister) dan memperbolehkannya langsung mengikuti program doktor pada tahun 1988. Di bawah bimbingan Prof. Dr. Stuart Pottasch, Mezak Ratag memperoleh gelar doktor (summos honoris) pada bulan Juni 1991 dengan disertasi yang berjudul "A Study of Galactic Bulge Planetary Nebulae". Prof. Dr. Harm Habing dari Komisi Materi Antar Bintang IAU dalam komentar tertulisnya menyebut disertasi ini sebagai “a major step forward in science”. Laporan resmi Kapteyn Astronomical Institute memberi catatan tentang disertasi ini sebagai berikut: “It is the first time that a discussion of chemical composition in the bulge, taking into account planetary abundances, has been given. It may become a reference for some time to come”.

Mezak Ratag telah mempresentasikan dan mempublikasikan lebih dari seratus karya ilmiah nasional dan internasional. Lebih dari 100 buah planetary nebulae (PN) baru telah ditemukannya dan dipublikasikan bersama mitra kerjanya. Dalam katalog penemuan PN yang diterbitkan oleh Observatorium Strasbourg, sejumlah besar di antaranya diberi nama dengan namanya dan nama mitra kerjanya. Lebih dari 100 international citations tentang karya-karya ilmiahnya dapat dijumpai dalam berbagai jurnal, buku, dan prosiding internasional.


Prof. Nelson Tansu , PhD - Nano Technology SpecialistsNews from the field that makes Nelson Tansu limp . At Lehigh University , Pennsylvania , USA , where he worked daily , August 2 last year he was inflamed . Thus making the news shocked : his beloved mother , Ow Lie Min , and her beloved papa , Iskandar Tansu , director of PT Mutiara printing Essence , was killed . They were killed by robbers in the area of ​​rubber plantation PTPN II Tanjung Morawa .The incident had made ​​him " do not believe " to Indonesia . Men born October 20, 1977 This is a genius . He is an expert in nano technology . The focus is on the experimental field of nanostructured semiconductors .Nanotechnology holds the key to the development of future science and engineering . American technological innovations , which affect the daily lives of all people in the world , rely on some sort of brilliant young children Nelson . Nelson, for example , is able to empower the laser beam with the electric superhemat . While the laser beam usually need 100 watts of electricity , in hand only needs 1.5 watts .

MUHAMMAD ARIEF BUDIMAN : RED - WHITE IN SAINT LOUISHalf of the sun fall on Medari , Sleman , Yogyakarta . Asar has come . Zakaria rushed to his son , Muhammad Arief Budiman . He could be anywhere : in the fields , in the garden barking pondoh , or - if you're lucky - he will be found around the house . Zakaria must find her before the sun too collapsed , so that his son did not miss the asr prayer and study in the prayer room .Saint Louis , Missouri , USA. Thirty years later ....In a workspace in Genomic Orion complex , one of the leading biotechnology research companies in the country , a Java -faced man " Dagadu " - because the smile never left his lips - are often seen praying . He is the son Zakaria . At first, dreams of becoming a pilot , and then wanted to be a doctor because they have glasses as junior , son of textile mill workers GKBI it is now a major research motors in Orion . Title : Head of Library Technologies Group . According to BusinessWeek , he is one of six key executives that genetics company .Genetics is the branch of biology that studies the genes , the nature of the living being . The role of science is to be even more central in the future : in the battle against disease , environmental remediation , to answer the need is satisfied * 's food world .

Prof Dr . Khoirul Anwar : INSPIRED STORY PharaohDead birds , rub balm , and the story of Pharaoh mummy . Who would have thought three was a trivial matter of no use . But that's a trio that " turn on " hometown guy like Khoirul Anwar . He is now the top scientists in Japan . Wong rustic origin Jabon Hamlet , Village juwet , District Kunjang , Kediri , East Java , it holds two important patents in the field of telecommunications . World admired . Scientists submissive world when the first patent Khoirul , and colleagues , remodel grip about the efficiency of communication tools such as cell phones .Prof Dr . Khoirul Anwar is the patent owner OFDM -based 4G telecommunications system ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) is an Indonesian citizen who now works at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology , Japan .He reduces the transmitting power in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing . As a result, the speed of data sent is not declining as usual , but actually increased . " We were able to reduce power up to 5dB = 100 thousand times smaller than that required previously , " he said . World praised . Khoirul also received an award in the Foreign Scientific Contributions by the Consulate General Osaka in 2007 .In the second patent , again Khoirul offer something unusual . In order to achieve higher speeds , he eliminates altogether guard interval ( GI ) . " That's impossible , " said the researcher friends . Without interval or distance , the frequency will collide frivolous . Just like in class when all people speak simultaneously taut .

ANDRIVO Rushdi : NANO TECHNOLOGY ORIGIN TOKYO CHEFSAndrivo days Rushdi settled in their own country can only be counted on the fingers . Youth must be 33 years of intercontinental wiri officer throughout the year to undergo research - research in the field of nanotechnologies . He was one of a handful of the nation 's foreign controller technology which controls the scale of atoms and molecules . An expertise - especially - many dibutu * right in the developed world .So countries such as Singapore , United States , Germany , and Canada opened wide the doors urang research for this crew . Let's see traces of his genius , which has been recognized internationally , it is . Currently Andrew is a permanent researcher and lecturer nanotechnology and nanoscience courses at the National University of Singapore ( NUS ) . At the university he also earned a professor at the age of 31 years . Since the beginning of this year , he was appointed a member of the Singapore International Graduate Award or supervision of doctoral graduates NUS .Then , in Germany , Sulistyaningsih husband is a visiting professor at the Center for Free Electron Laser and the Institute for Applied Physics of the University of Hamburg . Here , in addition to teaching , guiding Andri diploma to doctoral students .Intensive exploration in the realm of nano technology also makes the eldest of four siblings also became a visiting researcher at the Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana , USA , and University of British Columbia , Canada .

A dozen years studying abroad . Without government assistance , they managed to study in the country .The robot is named Sona CT X001 . In a shop window in the housing Modernland , Tangerang , the robot is equipped with two arms that were scanned along the gas tube 2 meters . At the top of the robot , the laptop screen displays graphs the results of the scan . Tuesday two weeks ago , the Sona - artificial CTECH Labs ( Center for Tomography Research Laboratory ) Edwar Technology - is being tested . This tool has been ordered by PT Citra Nusa Gemilang , suppliers of gas cylinders for TransJakarta bus . " In the shop there is no place to store Sona and hot air , " said Dr. P. Warsito Taruno , founder and owner of Edwar Technology .Sona should be at room temperature below 40 degrees Celsius . Oil and gas company Petronas , said Warsito , attracted to the homemade tool . Now they are still negotiating the price with the company 's giant Malaysian government . Besides Sona , Edwar Technology received orders from the U.S. Department of Energy . Sizable order value , U.S. $ 1 million or around Rp 10 billion .Even the United States Space Agency ( NASA ) was put on the scanner technology or Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography ( ECVT ) Warsito findings . The institute is developing a system scanner like dew dielectric components are attached to the outer wall of the space shuttle is made ​​of ceramic material . Such substances can cause severe damage at launch due to changes in temperature and high pressure .

SONJA AND SHANTI Sungkono : THE TWIN BERLIN ConquerorTheir performance was riveting public classical musicians , from Europe to America . Rewarded various prestigious international awards .One day , in the classical music public Berlin , Germany , the appearance of the twin duo pianist Sonja and Shanti Sungkono looks exotic . On stage , the two -faced woman 's body is wrapped Javanese kebaya silhouette with silver brocade . Their hair in a bun . Both look away from the stage performances of classical musicians who are generally conservative - emerged with a long black dress .Sonja duo - Shanti was in the mood to look unique , especially eccentric , with the style . The appearance model has arguably been the hallmark of their identity as well as Indonesian women in various performances in foreign countries. In addition to the appearance , in every show , they always introduce ourselves as a duo pianist Indonesia . " From appearance alone visible , we are not the Germans , " said the two, who lived in Berlin since 1991 .After all , not because it makes them look stunning . Expertise of their fingers dancing on the keys pianolah admired classical music lovers , both in Germany and in other major cities in foreign countries.Even Sonja - Shanti game has caught the attention of musician and European classical music critics . In Germany , their appearance was praised as , " Truly wonderful performances , amazing , and professional . "
7 . ARI Jojo : ONE IN EUROPE ASIA EXECUTIVE CHEFSouth Korean chef in the range of 30 years old and worked in a hotel in Prague . One day he asked to meet with Ari Jojo , a cook born in Purwokerto , Central Java , which is now led forces Praque chef at the Hilton Old Town , Prague , Czech Checks .Without preamble, he said he wanted to be recruited and work under Ari , whose official title is usually called executive chef or chef de cuisine . Why ? " Because you are the only executive chef of Asia in Europe , " so Ari quoting South Korean cooks it to him .Executive chef is a very prestigious positions , especially at the top hotel chains such as Hilton . Ari , who was only 37 years old , had never thought he was the only one from Asia executive chef at a five-star hotel in Europe . But , after he tried to figure out , greeting Korean chef that's probably true .No names of the Asia - including Japan - which became executive chef at the prestigious hotels in Europe . " Except in Amsterdam , probably , " said Ari . In Amsterdam , there are some top chefs from Indonesia . Naturally, when Ari patted his chest . Even more proud because about three months ago , when I started moving to the Hilton Praque Zinc in Old Town , he entered the news in the local media . Before Ari entrance , Hilton has a restaurant called Maze maintained that even top chefs have become celebrities in the UK ,

Spreading flashed SILATIn the country , they spread the Indonesian traditional martial arts with his own perseverance .Kingkong masked , Yuli Purwanto , 47 years , fielding play some martial arts moves on the stage . Agile movements . Sometimes seen bending twisting , often flashed quickly . Accompanied by drums accompaniment smart nan , the man nicknamed appearance Ipung is indeed alluring . At the peak of the action , Ipung then shoved his face into a piece of batik is spread on the stage , the mask is removed , then arose the original face with batik cloth dibikinnya be udheng .Ipung martial arts movements that can be enjoyed by viewers everywhere via YouTube. From this site also Ipung interview in Japanese with Japanese national public television , NHK , can be accessed . In this show Ipung answer everything about martial arts . Do not be surprised if Ipung discuss in Japanese martial arts . He , along Susilo Soedarmadji of colleges and Djaja Shield Yourself from Panglipur , is a disseminator of traditional Indonesian martial art was in Japan 13 years ago . It would be an interesting adventure for all three . Understandably , the country already had a tradition of self -defense are long-lived , ie, karate , judo , kendo , aikido and ju - jitsu .Another challenge is the issue of different languages ​​and cultures . But the three warriors were not despair , let alone moral support of Indonesian Pencak Silat Association is strong enough . This is compounded by the financial support of Bimantara the first three years . " After that , depending on the participants' contributions , " said Ipung . The spread of martial arts in Japan starting from the Indonesian people , Indonesian schools , and employees of the State Department . The spread to many audiences and fans of martial arts is done by multiplying the performance . Performance - the performance was apparently quite powerful ." Snaking movement like dancing in the development of Indonesian traditional music accompanied by a very attractive audience , " said Ipung . To attract practitioners of martial arts , a duet with Susilo Ipung perform at the dojo ( karate training ground ) and the concentration of the local aikido and other martial arts .

Healthy Sutardja , Ph.D. - CEO and Founder of Marvell Technology GroupHealthy Sutardja , Ph.D. , is the CEO and founder of Marvell Technology Group and was president , chief executive since 1995. He also became president , chief executive and director of the semiconductor company Marvell .He was born in Jakarta , Indonesia. Healthy Sutardja completing his secondary education at Canisius College . Then continued his education in the United States and earned a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from Iowa State University . He also underwent graduate studies Master of Science ( M.Sc ) and Ph.D. in the field of electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California , Berkeley .He married Weili Dai , and is the brother of the wonder Sutardja , who also co-founded Marvell . He and his wife and his youngest sister , Patan is a billionaire who owns a stake in Intel by 22 percent . Marvell Intel mastered all company assets including human resources. Most of the workers of about 1400 people was maintained Marvell on a new business unit that purchased from Intel .He began his career from 1989 to 1995 when it occupied the project manager and technical leader of 8 × 8 .Marvell is also based in Santa Clara , USA a chip vendors and components are widely used in various electronic devices . While the business unit that purchased from Intel produces processors built on Intel XScale technology . XScale -based processors have been used in many electronic devices , such as Blackberry and Treo .

Johny Setiawan , Ph.D. - Inventor of First Planet and Star YoungJohny Setiawan make the eyes of the world were stunned by the discovery of the first planet around the star TW Hydrae new .DISCOVERY was very spectacular because of the 270 planets outside the solar system that astronomers have discovered in the last 12 years , none of the planet emerged from the young star .Johny who led the research team at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy ( MPIA ) , Heidelberg , Germany was the first planet discovered called TW Hydrae b and of TW Hydrae using the new telescope spectrograph F EROS along 2.2 meters at La Silla Observatory , Chile ." When we observed the circular velocity of gas TW Hydrae , we detected a periodic variation that is not derived from the activity of TW Hydrae . We observed the presence of a new planet ( TW Hydrae b ) , " Johnny said to SINDO last night . The new planet is discovered that has a weight of about ten times the weight of planet Jupiter , the largest planet in the Solar System .The new planet orbiting TW Hydrae in 3.56 days at a distance of about 6 million kilometers . It can be equated to 4% of the distance between the Sun and Earth . With the invention of the team led by Johny , researchers can make important conclusions about the formation time planet.Sejumlah difficult questions that have been faced by researchers , such as how and where the planetary system formed ?How planet architecture ? How long does the process of its formation ? How does the position of the planets like Earth in the Milky Way ? Will soon be answered . Johnny realizes the importance of his discovery . He explained how the planet was only 8-10 million years ( approximately 1/500 year age of the Sun ) as a surprise in the New Year .

Endri Rachman - Creator UAV Tamingsari of Arcamanik BandungTamingsari Vs KujangIn Malay story , Tamangsari is Hang Tuah 's sacred weapon in the form of Kris roomates can fly looking for the targets without the owner 's control . Become that name then the name of an unmanned planed called Unmanned Vehicle Aerical / UAV . Tamingsari is now a UAV identical made ​​in Malaysia . Whereas in fact , UAVs Tamingsari is purely made ​​in Indonesia , even it's made ​​in Arcamanik , Bandung .Like the famous Malaysian customs to claims others ' belonging , the which is the UAV developed by the former of IPTN Endri Rachman worker since 2000, and made ​​in Arcamanik in 2004 is not missed from their claim . Let 's see the headlines of Malaysian newspaper , The Star , 25 September 2005 the which is provocative "Our Own Spy Plane Prototype " , Strengthen that claim ." Actually , I made the UAV Tamingsari , it's made ​​in Arcamanik . Fortunately , Tamingsari is still controlled manually using the remote control , not using the autopilot logic like I develop , " said Endri when meeting compass in his factory in Arcamanik UAV plane .MalaysiaHurt by Malaysia Manner , silently continues UAV development Endri the which is different to Tamingsari . It is UAV flight that follows the autopilot logic Because of the software that he designed .Now , together with his colleagues in Globalindo Technology Services Indonesia ( GTSI ) , he established a company made ​​UAV with its office in Cihampelas Street , London . He completes his still UAV flying ability .In this company , run by four German , ITB , and IPTN technicians and 12 workers graduated from STM who work daily in plane factory in Arcamanik , born UAV named Kujang . Even though it can not fly like Tamingsari automatically , Kujang is still Sundanese weapon with crescent shape like the which is famous with its power .Unfortunately , the first buyer for Kujang is a Malaysian research institution . In his own country , with his Endri developed UAV is no one!" At least , when brought to Malaysia , the name is Kujang , " hoped Endri , who Diasporas to the neighbor country as a lecturer after the agony of IPTN .The glaring differences between roomates Kujang Tamingsari and both are made ​​by Endri is on their work . Tamingsari is controlled by a remote control so its exploration is limited Because it has always seen by the eye sight . Miss a little from the radio wave radius of the which is limited , it never flies uncontrolled and hopes it will come back .Different from Kujang the which is an unmanned plane smart , in the try out in Sulaiman airport , London , Kujang has successfully follows the logic based on Orbitz automatically determined coordinate dots . Something that will never be done by Tamingsari !Even though Endri admits that he's irritated to Malaysian claims result in his work , he said that he is thankful to this country has the willingness to a accommodate the which he and his family this long .

Kendro Hendra - Setting Wizard Creator in NokiaKendro Hendra , who was born in Palembang , December 31, 1955 , an Indonesian who is able to create a mobile device application that allows a more meaningful and stylish phone . Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Manitoba , Canada , have created dozens of application software to make the phone has its advantages .If it is difficult to imagine a software application , imagine a person who created the game ( games ) are embedded in the phone . The cell phone will have better features than other phones .What Kendro made ​​not just dolanan , but an application that allows mobile phone has a high level of security , even if it is stolen. Perhaps the price of a Nokia communicator as devices " nothing " compared to the data stored in it , whether text , images, or video . If the confidential data also disappeared with the loss of the phone , then woe . Kendro create little things that not many people think , but useful for many people ." One of the tools that I created to rescue lost data was called AirGuard , which is already embedded in Nokia Communicator phones . Thief I can call the phone , even though he had changed his sim card with another number , " Kendro said when met at the arena Nokia World 2007 in Amsterdam , Netherlands , December 5. As a partner , who built the company InTouch Kendro was present at the invitation of Nokia .InTouch is one of the few companies with the communication and information Indonesia 's international reputation . Office marketing company established in 1996 in Singapore . In Indonesia , InTouch employs approximately 60 employees who daily struggle creating software .Software license that has the next word " water " besides AirGuard include AirAlbum , AirFax , AirRadio , and AirVouchers . However , the application of the most widely used and many are SettingsWizard and S80 - DataMover Nokia globally licensed to be included in every Nokia Symbian S60 phones . Now , finding the Kendro translated into 127 languages ​​.SettingsWizard is software embedded in mobile phones Nokia , which is currently the owner of the phone insert sim card from any mobile operator , the phone can automatically download the settings yourself , either SMS , MMS , e - mail , and GPRS , so no need to re-type . Similarly, S80 - DataMover which enables automatic transfer of data from one phone to another or from one communicator to another communicator , also without having to retype ." Many people can not believe that it is an application made ​​in Indonesia . With the application translated into 127 languages ​​, shows Indonesian people have the ability , " Kendro said that employs two people of Singapore as a global sales force for the products InTouch .

Prof Dr . Ing BJ Habibie - Holder of 46 patents in the field of Aeronauticsrof . Dr.- Ing . Dr. . Sc . H.C. Mult . Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born on June 25, 1936 in Pare-Pare , South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The fourth child of eight children of Mr. Alwi partner and RA Tuti Marini Puspowardoyo . He is only one year of college at Bandung Institute of Technology ( ITB ) in 1955 because he was sent by his mother at Rheinisch Westfälische Technische learn Honuchscule , Aschen Germany .After completing his studies diligently for five years , BJ Habibie obtained his Diploma Engineer with Cum Laude in Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Design and Construction Sector Aircraft . Youth Habibie was a very pious Muslim who always fasted on Mondays and Thursdays . His genius took him gain Insinyiur Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Design and Construction Sector Aircraft with Cum Laude in 1965.B.J. Habibie began his career in Germany as Head of Research and Development of Structural Analysis Hamburger Flugzeugbau Gmbh , Hamburg Germany ( 1965-1969 ) . Head of Methods and Technology Division of Commercial and Military Aircraft MBB Gmbh , Hamburg and Munich ( 1969-1973 ) . Vice President and Director of Technology MBB Gmbh Hambur and Munich (1973-1978) , a senior technology adviser to the Director MBB foreign affairs ( 1978 ) . In 1977 he delivered a speech about his professorship aircraft construction in the ITB .

The inventor of 23 chromosomes from IndonesiaWho would have thought a scientist from Indonesia was instrumental in the development of biotechnology , especially genetic . He shared that koleganyalah find and ensure that amounted to 23 pairs of human chromosomes , whereas previously scientists believe that the number of human chromosomes is 24 .The story started in 1921 , there are 3 people who come to Theophilus Painter asked for a neutered . Two black men and a white man were to give up ' weapon ' they removed based on their religious beliefs . Texans Painter who was then observed the three men were in the testicles , he slice thinly , then processed with a chemical solution , and he observed under the microscope . Apparently he saw no tangled fibers that are unpaired chromosomes in testicular cells . Count him then there are 24 chromosomes . He was very confident , there are 24 .' Confidence ' is corroborated by other scientists who observe a different way , they got the same results , 24 chromosomes . Even up to 30 years ' belief ' is to survive . Once convinced scientists it will count to the extent that there is a group of scientists abandon their studies on human liver cells because they do not find chromosome ' to 24 ' in the cell , they are ' only ' found 23 alone . Other scientists managed to isolate a human chromosome and counted , the numbers ? Fixed 24 pairs .It was not until 34 years after the ' tragedy ' castration by Painter , scientist found a way to ensure that only human chromosome 23 , instead of 24 . Joe - Hin Tjio is partnering with Albert Levan in Spain find better techniques to get the number of 23 pairs of human chromosomes . Even when they recalculate previous experimental image that says that there are 24 in number , they found only 23 . Really weird , eye who can be an error like this ?And indeed the fact that only humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes are considered strange and surprising . Because , chimpanzees , orangutans and gorillas , which is similar to the genetic content of human has 24 pairs of chromosomes . So this human chromosomes other than the nation gibbon (ape ) to another . And investigate a investigate , it turns out there are two chromosomes in gorillas combined size will be similar to chromosome 2 in humans . It was a miracle indeed , a difference that 'small' is added a little diversity among the genes of humans and gorillas , make ' sightings ' are both much different .Oh yes , back to the inventor of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans , one of which , namely Joe - Hin Tjio , are Indonesian .Overview Joe - Hin TjioAs written in the Encyclopædia Britannica , Tjio ( pronounced chee - oh ) was born in Java, dated 2 November 1919 . Tjio small school in the Dutch colonial school , then he had studied photography following in the footsteps of his father who is also a professional photographer . But then Tjio turning the steering wheel with the agriculture sector to study at the School of Agricultural Sciences in Bogor , it Tjio time trying to develop hybrids that are resistant to disease . From this foundation of the science of genetics led him to become a leading geneticist later .

DR . Azhari Sastranegara - CONFLICT OF EXPERTS MajeneHe was always begin with a simple : cycling to his office , NSK Ltd. . Every day , throughout the year , he was riding a bike for 15 minutes from his home in House Malonie No. 2 , Fujisawa - shi , Kanagawa , Japan glance he is a man ordinary Japanese village . Almost no one knows that he's an important man . He is one of Japan 's top experts in the field of security analysis of the structure of the collision .In his office , the 33 -year -old design engineer is always spent most of day in Automotive Bearing Technology Department . " Home office at 18:00 , then again at 20:00 of overtime , " said Azhari told Tempo via email last week .Doctor of engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology , Japan , was joined by bearing manufacturers and automotive components since April 2005 . Initially he was a career as a research engineer at NSK Research and Development Center . " The theme of my research is quite diverse , ranging from the analysis of the structure and materials of the collision , " said Azhari .One study of men born in Majene , West Sulawesi , it is about the design of the wheel of the vehicle safe . In that study , doing its job of calculating whether the proposed design of the steering wheel by the design part already meet safety requirements in the event of a collision . From various studies it , Azhari and his team at NSK produces six patents currently listed in the Japan Patent Office .

Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman , MEng - RESEARCH FUND OF BUSINESS oddAfter patching the cost of research , our scientists here have to turn upside down . There is a joint lease futsal field .Berbongkah natural stone lying in a box in the room that it was too broad . Silica powder is yellow , iron sand , some cutlery iron , and magnetic separators were scattered on the floor of the wood -lined ." This is when I'm working , messy , " said Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman , MEng , last Friday night . In the room size 5 x 8 meters that physics researcher at Indonesian Institute of Sciences ( LIPI ) Puspiptek Serpong , Tangerang , is doing research nanotechnologies .financial located on the second floor of the Physics Research Center LIPI almost like a broken vessel . A number of proposals diktat and scattered on the table . Some computers and experimental equipment assemblies and eight staff Nurul has not cleared .That night , he graduated from Kagoshima University , Japan , these findings demonstrate the greatness of the magnetic separator . Nurul do not need to fly away to foreign countries to buy it because the equipment components are available in Glodok , West Jakarta . Nurul inserting tool to pinch the iron sand . After playing , sand containing iron oxide down and that do not contain iron oxide attached to the rubber slab curved downward .Of powder sand that has dinanokan it can be formed of iron bars and iron tube . Nurul , iron sand is very easy to find . " It's just another kilo of Rp 250 . Dinanokan If so , could reach $ 1 million . 's Business opportunities to cultivate the natural wealth of Indonesia , " he said .Nano technology is simple and uncomplicated processing makes the next iron sand can be processed into a printer ink for Rp 250 thousand . Indonesia's abundant natural wealth that makes Nurul return home after 15 years of college and working at Sakura . Men born in Malang , East Java , August 5, 1970 , it completed the S1 to S3 Kagoshima University mechanical engineering at the expense of the Habibie Center ." I'm really irritated . What others may not do , I can do . So I want at this workshop should also born Apollo nano-tech , " he said , pointing to a number of machines .16 . Fauzy Ammari - SILK ROAD TRAIL IN UZBEKISTAN TERNATEIt has been almost 10 months Fauzy Ammari wrestle on the Silk Road . On the main line of world trade linking Asia , Europe , and Africa 3,000 years ago that , Fauzy golden career is now at stake . Men born in Ternate , North Maluku , 42 years ago is believed to be one of the consultants in road construction projects in one part of the ancient route in the territory of Uzbekistan .Prestigious project called Silk Road Project Silk Road is neither stretches 131 kilometers along the route Guzar - Bukhara - Nukus - Dautata . The government of President Islam Karimov to disburse at least U.S. $ 270 million or Rp 2.7 trillion , which is borrowed from the Asian Development Bank ( ADB ) .In the project , Fauzy sits as an international advisor to the field of transportation infrastructure . His responsibility to handle projects of public facilities and the provision of heavy equipment . Unmitigated , he was asked to form the transport department , the new department in Uzbekistan .17 . Professor Dr . Ken Kawan Soetanto - Four Phd winner and also winner of 31 patents in JapanProfessor Dr. inscribed achievements . Ken Kawan Soetanto . Men born in Surabaya is carried off professors and four doctoral degrees from several universities in Japan . More remarkably, the peak of the academic achievement award at the age of 37 years .

At first glance , hardly different physical appearance when compared to most Japanese . His skin was yellow . Her straight hair , neatly combed . His shirt is ironed suit showing her slick combined like a formality . But , so to speak , would seem that Professor Soetanto - as he was called - not Japanese . Outspoken speech with his accent Suroboyoan typical .The inventor of the concept of higher education " Soetanto Effect " in the few days of Sakura 's visit to Indonesia . Soetanto accompany a number of his colleagues , Dr. Kotaro Hirasawa ( dean of the Graduate School of Information Production and Systems of Waseda University ) and Yukio Kato ( general manager of Waseda University ) , signed a memorandum of understanding ( MoU ) between Waseda University and President of the University , Jababeka Education Park , Cikarang , West Java , on Saturday.Waseda University is the largest private university in Japan . His reputation is equivalent to state universities such as Tokyo University , Kyoto University , or Nagoya University . Students who studied at Waseda University 51 499 people . In advance of that number, 1,234 people come from outside Japan .18 . Dr. . Ir . Erland Yogi - Son Numerical Mathematicians Tasik West JavaHelmholtz equation Broken Hand Lecturer in ITBHelmholtz mathematical equations are often used to find the point where the petroleum .Previously , BJ Habibie find a formula that is able to shorten the prediction of crack propagation . Many agencies in various countries use this formula , including NASA in the United States .Now , Ahmad grants Yogi repeat the success of Habibie . Through her ​​PhD research , Yogi managed to solve the Helmholtz equation , in December 2005. Over the past 30 years, no one managed to solve the Helmholtz equations are often used to find the point where the petroleum . The mathematical equation itself is known since a century ago .Western media call Yogi as Dutch mathematician . In fact , he is a man born in Tasikmalaya , a lecturer at the Institute of Technology Bandung ( ITB ) , and if it is currently pursuing a PhD at Delft University of Technology ( DUT ) .That success paved the way for oil companies to obtain greater profits at a lower cost . So far , the oil industry so needs windows * right solving the Helmholtz formula in order to more quickly and efficiently in search of petroleum . After Yogi solve the Helmholtz equation for this would be avoided by many scientists , oil companies can be 100 times faster in search of oil - when compared to the previous .Not only that , of the need is satisfied * else 's hardware , the oil industry could reduce about 60 percent of the usual hardware . For example , a three -dimensional program that previously settled with 1,000 computers , with the Helmholtz formula solved by Yogi , can be solved only by computer 300 .Yogi said, research on the Helmholtz equation started in December 2001, prompting the volunteer to do research on the DUT . At that time , oil giant Shell came to the DUT to request the completion of the Helmholtz equation in mathematics called numerical fast or robust ( can be used on all issues ) .19 . Liem Tiang Gwan - Original Semarang Experts European RadarYou ever or repeatedly landed at Heathrow Airport , London , England , perhaps not knowing that the radar ( radio detection and ranging ) is used to monitor and guide the ups and downs of aircraft designed by Indonesian men born in Semarang . In addition , many countries in Europe as well as military uses radar services to design an appropriate defense for his country .That Liem Tiang - Gwan , who for decades struggling and poor across the world antennas , radar , and air traffic control . So , for those who regularly dabbled in the world , certainly no stranger to the man born in Semarang , June 20, 1930 , the .His name was worldwide in the fields of radar , antennas , and various intricacies of the electromagnetic wave system used to detect , measure distances , and create a map of objects , such as aircraft , motor vehicles , and weather information ." My school used to move around . I never in Jakarta , Yogyakarta and then in the Student Park , then completed the HBS ( Hoogere Burgerschool ) in Semarang in 1949. After that , I entered the Bandung Institute of Technology and earned a bachelor's in 1955. I went on to study at the Technical University ( TU ) Delft , graduating in 1958 , " said the man who is now 78 years old and living in the city of Ulm , the state of Bavaria , Germany ." Then I am to Stuttgart and worked as a Communications Engineer at Standard Elektrik Lorenz , who is now known as Alcatel , " said Liem .Although it has been working and getting a decent position , still young Liem eager to return to the country . He still wants to devote themselves in the country . Then , in 1963 he decided to leave the work place in Stuttgart and back to Indonesia ." Whatever happens , I have to go home , " he recalled20 . Ir . ADI RAHMAN Adiwoso MSc - Pioneers New Technology in Satellite -Based Mobile PhoneArmed with his expertise in the field of satellite telecommunications , technology as well he produces a new product that does not exist in the world market . Adi innovation enables communication through mobile phones can be done anywhere. When cable network and not reach conventional cell phone signal loss , telecommunications systems findings remain "on" ." As long as the sky above the visible head , the communication can be done via mobile phone " , said Adi , Chief Executive Officer and President Director of PT . Pacific Satellite Nusantara ( PSN ) , which also occupied the same position in the Asia Cellular Satellite ( ACeS ) . Tool -free telecommunications and economical blank spot where this is possible thanks to the idea of ​​installing telecommunications satellites in geostationary orbit . In the imaginary path that is located 36,000 miles above the Earth's surface that , Adi put Garuda 1 satellite . The idea satellite weighs 4.5 tonnes which has two twin umbrella antenna 12 meters wide and capable of reaching a third world region . Because of its size is large enough , the intensity of the signal beam is also quite large .Civilian satellite launch world in February 2000 that cash makes satellite telephone operators shrunken world . When it is , arguably , the whole world of telecommunications satellites launched in low orbit ( 600-1000 km ) and intermediate ( 7000-10000 km ) . Coverage of the satellites is limited . In order to cover the rest of the world about 60 satellite butu * berorbit low or medium berorbit 12 satellites . Another drawback to the operation of the satellite telecommunication system on the mobile phone when it is the plane that is not practical . Mobile phone device that can be used to communicate via satellite size is quite large , almost as big as a suitcase traveling . To operate also need an earth station , a one -meter diameter parabolic antenna .Adi made ​​a breakthrough not only expand satellite coverage , also reduce the dimensions of a satellite -based mobile telephone this . With 10 kW of transmit power , the signal can be received by the Garuda 1 mobile phone which is also a ground station . " This is the smallest and cheapest of the earth station ever built " , Adi said , holding up the Ericsson R190 mobile phone . Satellite phone networks are hosted on an Garuda 1 was then packed with Byru trademark .The workings of this phone is very dependent on the Garuda 1 satellite controller controlled facility on the island of Batam . There are also built a network control center (network control center - NCC ) , the conversation flow regulator with the panel that directs them. Garuda 1 is able to serve 22,000 conversations at the same time . In addition , it also built a gate ( gateway ) that serves as the local operator . With Byru , customers can contact fellow satellite phone to a GSM phone and home phone into . Each request will be made via a satellite connection . The request was analyzed by NCC Batam , to determine the identity of the caller and determine which one fits the gateway call destination . After that , the connection request will be forwarded to the destination phone . Discussion was held . All the process was running very fast , in just seconds .To realize the idea, Adi did not do it alone . Although Garuda 1 made ​​by Hughes Aircraft ( where he used to work ) , the United States and made ​​R190 Ericsson , Sweden , the design made ​​by Adi and his team at PT Pacific Satellite Nusantara ( PSN ) , which was established and Prof. Dr. Adi . Ir . Iskandar Alisjahbana ( professor of ITB ) in 1991 . Together professor and former rector of the ITB that , born Byru and must - trademark artificial satellite phone PSN system . " Strength Adiwoso is entrepreneurial ," said Iskandar . Without the courage to market themselves , may be finding geostationary satellite phone so it 's just a prototype in the laboratory . Or even be a merchandise of foreign companies who are able to capitalize on these findings .21 . Prof . Ir . Said D. Jenie , ScD ( Aernautics ) - Chief Designer and Technology IPTN" He is an outstanding in his field , " said aviation expert Adi Sadewo Salatun while conveying his impression of aerodynamics expert , Prof. Dr. Said Djauharsjah Jenie , head of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology ( BPPT ) who breathed his last on Friday at 7:48 pm . Knowledge and expertise in the field of spacecraft dynamics of large-bodied elastic occupied Said is a very complicated field and respected ." His most prominent is the N - 250 , the first aircraft in the world class two - engine , fly by wire ( computerized ) with 50 passengers , which he designed from the start to design to fly , " he said .Doctoral graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) in the United States ( U.S. ) , according to Salatun , even did not hesitate to take part in the experiment flew into the air . At that time , Said still served as Director of Technology Nusantara Aircraft Industry ( IPTN ) , which later became PT Indonesian Aerospace ( DI ) .Salatun also deplored , the masterpiece had to be stopped once it is made of two units . In fact , he said , the public demand for domestic and world class N - 250 aircraft that high , let alone the cost is competitive .In addition to N - 250 , Said also become one of the characters for aircraft in collaboration with Casa Spain , CN - 235 is then highly in demand in the world markets , including the U.S. Air Force bought 50 units for Casa versions ." No one Indonesian seahli him , in addition to a strong theory , practice was strong . We lost the best son in the aerospace field that many contribute its expertise in aircraft and rocket problem , " he said .Meanwhile , Minister of State for Research and Technology ( Research and Technology ) , Kusmayanto Kadiman , commented that Djauharsjah Said Jenie is a figure that is very quiet , but it will be very choosy when lured to talk the intricacies of aerospace technology , either on its history up on the things that futuristic .22 . Prof Dr . Arnold Mezak Ratag - Expert Planetary Nebula Cluster from Manado
Professor Arnold Mezak Ratag is one of the most brilliant astronomers in the world . The International Astronomical Union has hailed his work on planetary nebula - a glowing shell of gas and plasma that certain types of stars form when they die - as " a major step forward in science . " His name has been perpetuated in 120 planetary nebulae clusters , Including the Ratag - Ziljstra - Pottasch - Menzies and Ratag - Pottasch clusters , the which he helped discover . He has also received an award of the highest distinction for Chivalry for pioneering work in climate modeling . Prof . Ratag has also worked as the director of the Indonesian Bureau of Meteorology , Climatology and Geophysics , as well as a researcher in the National Space and Aeronautics Bureau . He argues that astrology does not have a scientific basis Because of its inability to explain the cause- and- effect relationships in scientific methodology requiredProf Dr . Mezak Ratag Arnold was born in Malang on 24 September 1962 as the third child of Prof . Alexander Ratag and Grietje Kawengian . Primary school and junior secondary schools in the elementary and junior high schools earned Laboratory Manado Teachers' Training College . In August 1980 he was selected as Exemplary Student high school level and further North Sulawesi as one of three National Exemplary Student 1980. A few months before graduation in SMA 1 Manado in June 1981, through the selection Pioneers II program , he was released from the college entrance examination and was accepted as a student at the Institute of Technology Bandung ( ITB ) .After completing the entire course of study 9 semesters in less than four years with supervised by prof. Bambang Hidayat , in October 1985 Mezak A. Ratag graduated as Bachelor Astronomy cum laude . Kingdom of the Netherlands at the University of Groningen , Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen waivers for doctoral exams ( master ) and let him direct the doctoral program in 1988 . Under the guidance of Prof. . Dr. . Stuart Pottasch , Mezak Ratag obtained his doctorate ( honoris summos ) in June 1991 with a dissertation entitled " A Study of the Galactic Bulge Planetary Nebulae " . Prof . Dr. . Harm Habing interstellar matter of IAU Commission in its written comments calling this dissertation as " a major step forward in science " . Kapteyn Astronomical Institute 's official report gives an account of the dissertation is as follows : " It is the first time that a discussion of the chemical composition in the bulge , taking into account the planetary abundances , has been given . It may Become a reference for some time to come " .Mezak Ratag has presented and published over one hundred scientific papers nationally and internationally . More than 100 pieces of planetary nebulae ( PN ) has been the discovery and published together with its partners . PN discovery catalog published by the Strasbourg Observatory , a large number of which are named with his name and the name of its partners . More than 100 international citations of scientific works can be found in a variety of journals , books , and international proceedings .

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