Liu Bolin,35, adalah seorang seniman dari Shandong, Cina yang sudah menguasai seni kamuflase. Ini foto-fotonya
Liu Bolin, 35, is an artist from Shandong, China who have mastered the art of camouflage. These photographs
He said he did this art as a form of protest against the Chinese government who shut down his art studio in 2005 and persecutes artists.
Even so, his work received appreciation from the international community. To produce a perfect work, Liu always do it in just over 10 hours.

Katanya dia melakukan seni ini sebagai bentuk protes terhadap pemerintah Cina yang menutup studio seninya pada tahun 2005 dan menganiaya para seniman.

Meski begitu, karya-karyanya mendapat apresiasi dari dunia internasional. Untuk menghasilkan karya yang sempurna, Liu selalu mengerjakannya dalam waktu lebih dari 10 jam.
Liu Bolin, 35, is an artist from Shandong, China who have mastered the art of camouflage. These photographs
He said he did this art as a form of protest against the Chinese government who shut down his art studio in 2005 and persecutes artists.
Even so, his work received appreciation from the international community. To produce a perfect work, Liu always do it in just over 10 hours.
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