Orang yang jatuh cinta biasanya beda dari orang
yang biasa. Ada aura-aura bahagia dan tidak biasa yang ditunjukkan orang
jatuh cinta, dan segala macam tingkah aneh mereka. Kalau Anda sedang
tidak jatuh cinta, pasti akan menganggap orang yang sedang jatuh cinta
itu aneh dan lebay. Tapi sebaliknya, saat Anda jatuh cinta, Anda tidak
akan sadar melakukan semua ke-lebay-an itu.
Kenapa sih orang jatuh cinta agak-agak mirip orang gila? Dilansir oleh mindbodygreen.com,
jatuh cinta memang akan memberi efek gila dan mirip pemakai narkoba,
namun dalam sisi positif. Akan ada perubahan di otak Anda yang
membanjiri tubuh dengan hormon tertentu. Karena itu, wajar jika orang
yang jatuh cinta bertingkah aneh, lebay, drama dan agak mirip orang
Pernah jatuh cinta? Anda pasti pernah mengalami kegilaan ini:
Orang yang jatuh cinta akan dibanjiri hormon bahagia, maka akan
kelihatan beda 'aura'nya dengan orang yang biasa, apalagi yang sedang
putus cinta. Orang yang sedang jatuh cinta seringkali melamun dalam
kondisi apapun. Yang dilamunkan ya siapa lagi kalau bukan pria yang
membuatnya jatuh cinta.
Selain itu, orang yang jatuh cinta sering
senyum-senyum sendiri. Tidak peduli sedang di dalam kamar, sedang kelas
kuliah, atau bahkan saat sendirian di kendaraan umum, dia akan
senyum-senyum sendiri. Nah, yang ini sudah mirip orang gila kan? Tapi
ngaku deh, Anda pasti pernah mengalaminya.
Mau makan ingat si dia. Mau tidur ingat si dia. Bahkan saat Anda
melihat piring makan, Anda jadi memikirkan "Dia sudah makan belum ya?"
Semua yang Anda lihat mengingatkan padanya, bau parfumnya, warna
kesukaannya, lagu kesukaannya, semua terekam jelas di kepala Anda.
aneh lagi, tiba-tiba Anda ingin menyukai apa yang dia sukai. Jika
selama ini Anda tidak suka musik klasik, tapi dia suka, maka Anda akan
menganggap musik klasik itu keren dan jadi mendengarkannya sepanjang
hari. Anda tidak suka seafood, tapi dia suka, akhirnya Anda juga jadi
doyan seafood. Begitulah cinta..
Mau hujan, mau panas. Mau lagi di rumah, mau lagi di kampus dengan
sahabat, semua cerita Anda adalah tentang dia. "Dia lagi, dia lagi,"
mungkin itulah pikiran sahabat Anda. Ya wajar sih, saat jatuh cinta,
semua isi kepala Anda hanya tertuju padanya. Mau obrolan tema apapun,
ujung-ujungnya pasti kembali ke si dia.
"Iya kemarin aku baca berita tentang hilangnya pesawat Malaysia Airlines. Kasihan keluarganya, semoga cepat ketemu. Eh tau nggak sih, waktu pacarku naik pesawat ke Surabaya, ada goncangan gitu waktu mendarat, terus pacarku panik.. bla bla bla.."
Apapun isunya, semua akan kembali ke si dia.
Benar apa yang dikatakan semua orang, jatuh cinta itu benar-benar
indah. Masalah apapun terasa ringan (bahkan tidak ingat lagi masalah
yang sedang terjadi). Semua hal jadi menyenangkan, semua jadi penuh
bunga-bunga. Seolah hidup terasa lebih ringan dan bisa membuat Anda
Nikmati saja perasaan ini, karena inilah salah
satu efek jatuh cinta yang mirip orang pemakai narkoba. Rasanya dunia
begitu menyenangkan, jadi kreatif, hidup lebih bersemangat, bahkan Anda
akan jadi orang yang romantis dan puitis. Keren banget kan?
Satu hal yang sepertinya jadi efek negatif jatuh cinta, yaitu Anda
akan jadi orang yang melupakan orang lain. Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan
sebelumnya, orang yang jatuh cinta hanya akan fokus dengan si dia atau
pacarnya. Semua hal tentang si pacar terasa hebat dan sempurna,
sedangkan orang lain "Ah lewaaat," bahkan orang tua sendiri.
yang sedang jatuh cinta biasanya tidak peduli nasihat orang lain.
Bahkan ketika orang tuanya meminta pertimbangan dan tidak setuju, orang
yang sedang jatuh cinta lebih sering mengabaikan apapun kata orang.
Baginya, sang pacar adalah orang terhebat. Ini sangat sering terjadi,
maka jangan heran kalau Anda sangat sulit menasihati orang yang sedang
jatuh cinta.
Hayo ngaku, siapa yang pernah mengalami hal-hal 'gila' ini saat jatuh cinta?
People who fall in love are usually different from ord
inary people . There auras happy and unusual shown people fall in love , and all sorts of strange behavior them. If you 're not in love , will definitely assume people who are in love it's strange and Animashaun . But instead, when you fall in love , you will not be aware of all the to - do 's that Animashaun .Why do people fall in love is somewhat like a crazy person ? Reported by mindbodygreen.com , falling in love is crazy and will give a similar effect of drug users , but on the positive side . There will be changes in your brain that flood the body with certain hormones . Therefore, natural that people who fall in love acting weird , Animashaun , drama and a bit like a crazy person .Ever fallen in love ? You must have experienced this madness :People fall in love will be flooded with happy hormones , then it will look different ' aura'nya with ordinary people , let alone being a breakup . People who are in love are often daydream under any circumstances . Which dilamunkan yes none other than the man who made him fall in love .In addition , people who fall in love often smiling himself . No matter was in the room , was a class lecture , or even when alone in public transport , he would smile alone . Well , that 's been like a crazy person , right? But admit me, you must have experienced it .
Want to eat remember him . Remember him going to bed . Even when you see the dinner plate , you be thinking " He's already eaten yet huh ? " Everything you see reminds her , smell her perfume , her favorite color , favorite songs , all recorded clearly in your head .The strange thing again , all of a sudden you want to like what she likes . If all this time you do not like classical music , but he likes , then you will think it's cool and classical music so listen to all day . You do not like seafood , but she likes , so finally you also fond of seafood . That's love ..Want rain , heat going . Want some more at home , going again on campus with friends , all the stories you are about him . " He again , he again , " maybe that's the mind of your friend . Yes fair anyway , while falling in love , all the contents of your head just on him . Want to chat any theme , the edges are definitely back to him ."Yes I read the news yesterday about the loss of aircraft Malaysia Airlines . Pity his family , hopefully quickly met . Uh kicker anyway , when my boyfriend boarded a plane to Jakarta, so there is shock when landing , my boyfriend kept panic .. blah blah blah .. "Whatever the issue , it will all come back to him .
True what everyone says , fall in love it is really beautiful . Any issue feels light ( not even remember the problem is happening ) . All of it so fun , so full of all the flowers . As if life feels lighter and can make you hover .Just enjoy this feeling , because this is one of the effects of falling in love is similar to the drug user . I think the world is so fun , so creative , more vibrant life , even you will be someone who is romantic and poetic . How cool is not it ?
One thing that seems to be the negative effects of falling in love , that you 'll be the one to forget the others. As explained earlier , people who fall in love just going to focus with him or his girlfriend . All things about the perfect boyfriend and feels great , while others " Ah lewaaat , " even parents themselves .People who are in love usually do not care about other people's advice . Even when parents ask for consideration and do not agree , people who are in love more often ignore anything they say . For him , the boyfriend is the greatest . It is very often the case , then do not be surprised if you are very difficult to advise people who are in love .Hayo admit , anyone who has experienced things crazy is when they fall in love ?
inary people . There auras happy and unusual shown people fall in love , and all sorts of strange behavior them. If you 're not in love , will definitely assume people who are in love it's strange and Animashaun . But instead, when you fall in love , you will not be aware of all the to - do 's that Animashaun .Why do people fall in love is somewhat like a crazy person ? Reported by mindbodygreen.com , falling in love is crazy and will give a similar effect of drug users , but on the positive side . There will be changes in your brain that flood the body with certain hormones . Therefore, natural that people who fall in love acting weird , Animashaun , drama and a bit like a crazy person .Ever fallen in love ? You must have experienced this madness :People fall in love will be flooded with happy hormones , then it will look different ' aura'nya with ordinary people , let alone being a breakup . People who are in love are often daydream under any circumstances . Which dilamunkan yes none other than the man who made him fall in love .In addition , people who fall in love often smiling himself . No matter was in the room , was a class lecture , or even when alone in public transport , he would smile alone . Well , that 's been like a crazy person , right? But admit me, you must have experienced it .
Want to eat remember him . Remember him going to bed . Even when you see the dinner plate , you be thinking " He's already eaten yet huh ? " Everything you see reminds her , smell her perfume , her favorite color , favorite songs , all recorded clearly in your head .The strange thing again , all of a sudden you want to like what she likes . If all this time you do not like classical music , but he likes , then you will think it's cool and classical music so listen to all day . You do not like seafood , but she likes , so finally you also fond of seafood . That's love ..Want rain , heat going . Want some more at home , going again on campus with friends , all the stories you are about him . " He again , he again , " maybe that's the mind of your friend . Yes fair anyway , while falling in love , all the contents of your head just on him . Want to chat any theme , the edges are definitely back to him ."Yes I read the news yesterday about the loss of aircraft Malaysia Airlines . Pity his family , hopefully quickly met . Uh kicker anyway , when my boyfriend boarded a plane to Jakarta, so there is shock when landing , my boyfriend kept panic .. blah blah blah .. "Whatever the issue , it will all come back to him .
True what everyone says , fall in love it is really beautiful . Any issue feels light ( not even remember the problem is happening ) . All of it so fun , so full of all the flowers . As if life feels lighter and can make you hover .Just enjoy this feeling , because this is one of the effects of falling in love is similar to the drug user . I think the world is so fun , so creative , more vibrant life , even you will be someone who is romantic and poetic . How cool is not it ?
One thing that seems to be the negative effects of falling in love , that you 'll be the one to forget the others. As explained earlier , people who fall in love just going to focus with him or his girlfriend . All things about the perfect boyfriend and feels great , while others " Ah lewaaat , " even parents themselves .People who are in love usually do not care about other people's advice . Even when parents ask for consideration and do not agree , people who are in love more often ignore anything they say . For him , the boyfriend is the greatest . It is very often the case , then do not be surprised if you are very difficult to advise people who are in love .Hayo admit , anyone who has experienced things crazy is when they fall in love ?
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