4 Maret 2014
Singapura menjadi kota termahal 2014 menggantikan Tokyo
Singapura merupakan kota
termahal pada 2014 dibandingkan 131 kota di dunia, menurut survei
lembaga ekonomi, Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).
Kota ini memiliki nilai tukar mata uang yang
kuat dengan biaya sangat tinggi untuk kepemilikan kendaraan dan kenaikan
tarif listrik membuat Singapura naik ke posisi sebagai kota termahal.Singapura menggantikan Tokyo, yang sebelumnya berada di urutan teratas sebagai kota termahal pada 2013.
Kota termahal di dunia
Daftar 10 kota termahal tahun ini didominasi oleh kota di Asia dan Australia, dan Eropa.
Meski demikian, tak semua kota di Asia merupakan kota termahal.
Kota-kota besar di India, termasuk Mumbai dan New Delhi - yang berada dalam urutan terakhir dalam daftar EIU.
Gaji para pekerja di kota-kota tersebut yang rendah menyebabkan pengeluaran mereka sedikit, dan subsidi pemerintah membantu mereka.
Sementara, Damaskus di Suriah menjadi kota keempat di dunia dengan biaya hidup termurah, menyusul konflik yang terjadi di negara tersebut.
Sementara survei EIU menghitung biaya hidup, lembaga lain menggunakan metode penelitian yang berbeda.
Mercer melakukan riset untuk mencari gambaran kota termahal bagi pekerja asing.
Pada 2013, penelitian itu menyebutkan Luanda, Angola merupakan kota termahal untuk pekerja asing, karena sulitnya mencari tempat tinggal yang aman dan kenaikan harga barang.
Singapore became the most expensive city in 2014 replacing Tokyo
Singapore is the most expensive city in 2014 compared to 131 cities in the world , according to a survey of economic institutions , the Economist Intelligence Unit ( EIU ) .
The city has a currency exchange rate that is strong with very high costs of vehicle ownership and a rise in electricity rates make Singapore rose to the position as the most expensive city .
The survey also said Singapore is the most expensive place to buy clothes .
Singapore replaces Tokyo , who had previously been at the top as the most expensive city in 2013 .The most expensive city in the world
Singapore, Singapore
Paris , France
Oslo , Norway
Zurich , Switzerland
Sydney , Australia
Another city that comes out the top five as the most expensive city is Paris , Oslo , Zurich and Sydney , while Tokyo fell to sixth .
List of 10 most expensive cities this year was dominated by cities in Asia and Australia , and Europe .
However, not all cities are the most expensive city in Asia .
Major cities in India , including Mumbai and New Delhi - which is in the order of the list EIU .
The salaries of the workers in those cities are low causing them a little spending , and government subsidies to help them .
Meanwhile , Damascus in Syria became the fourth city in the world with the lowest cost of living , following the conflict in that country .
While the EIU survey to calculate the cost of living , other institutions using different research methods .
Mercer did some research to find a picture of the most expensive city for foreign workers .
In 2013 , the study says Luanda , Angola is the most expensive city for foreign workers , because of the difficulty of finding a safe place to live and an increase in the price of goods .
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