Kami tawarkan fakta, bukan mitos.
Karena Anda akan belajar langsung dari ahlinya, maka bersiaplah jadi pakar
- Ternyata, seks membuat orang lebih berbahagia ketimbang uang. Demikian penelitian ekonom dari Dartmouth College, David Blachflower, dan ekonom dari University of Warwick, Andrew Oswald. Hey, bukan berarti pria miskin dengan nafsu seks kuat akan hidup bahagia, melainkan banyak uang belum tentu membuat kehidupan seks Anda lebih baik.
- Satu penelitian terhadap 220 pria menemukan bahwa pria yang memiliki tekanan darah normal melakukan hubungan seks 25% lebih sering daripada pria yang mengidap tekanan darah tinggi. Mengapa? Pria dengan tekanan darah normal memiliki lebih banyak testosteron, kata dokter. Artinya, ketika terangsang, aliran darah akan mengalir lebih lancar ke penis dan menghasilkan ereksi yang lebih keras.
- Lima menit waktu yang Anda gunakan untuk membuang sampah dan memasukkan baju kotor ke mesin cuci –ternyata bisa memperbaiki kehidupan perkawinan sekaligus menggairahkan kehidupan seks Anda. Penelitian para ahli di University of California, Riverside, pada 3.500 orang, menemukan bahwa pria yang banyak melakukan tugas rumah tangga ternyata memiliki daya tarik seksual yang sangat tinggi bagi pasangannya, dan sangat akrab pada anak-anaknya. “Sifat gemar membantu memberi teladan pada anak-anak dan membuat istri Anda merasa dicintai dan merasa lebih dihargai,” kata John Gottman, Ph.D.
- Satu studi di Italia menyebutkan, jumlah pria pengidap hepatitis C yang mengalami disfungsi ereksi tiga kali lebih banyak dibandingkan pria yang tidak terinfeksi virus hepatitis C. Pemberian interferon pada penderita hepatitis memang telah dicurigai sebagai penyebab disfungsi ereksi. Namun, para peneliti Italia berspekulasi bahwa virus hepatitis juga memberikan kontribusi pada kasus ini.
- Anak yang 'dibuat' pada musim hujan dapat hidup lebih lama ketimbang anak yang 'dibuat' pada musim lain. Hal ini menurut studi internasional yang melibatkan satu juta responden. Mereka juga lebih tahan terhadap beberapa penyakit kronis.
- Penelitian baru dalam Journal of the American College of Cardiology menyebutkan, disfungsi ereksi (DE) boleh jadi merupakan gejala awal dari masalah–masalah lain yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah dalam tubuh. Para peneliti telah mengamati pembuluh darah cabang di lengan 57 orang pria, dan menemukan bahwa pria yang mengalami DE memiliki aliran darah yang lebih buruk ketimbang mereka yang tidak mengalami DE. Karena itu, kurangi risikonya dengan berhenti merokok, menurunkan tekanan darah, menurunkan kadar kolesterol, dan berolahraga secara teratur.
- Disfungsi ereksi terjadi pada 50% pria yang merokok, 64% pria pengidap kencing manis, dan 40% pria yang memiliki kolesterol tinggi. Tiga fakta ini diambil dari makalah Dr. H. Djoko Maryono., DSPD., DSJP.,FIHA.,FASE. Disampaikan pada peresmian Diabetic Center di Jakarta Eye Center.
- Terdapat 60% pria yang mengalami disfungsi ereksi berhasil sembuh setelah mengonsumsi 900 mg ginseng merah Korea, sebanyak 3 kali sehari. Demikian ulas ahli dari Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. Natan Bar-Chama.
- Setiap ejakulasi, Anda mengeluarkan sekitar 20 juta sperma per 1 cc air mani. Tapi jika Anda merokok, tiap ejakulasi hanya mengeluarkan kurang dari 10 juta sperma per 1 cc air mani. Demikian ulas Ketua Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Farid Anfasa Moeloek., SpOG.
- Pil biru ternyata bisa mencegah komplikasi bedah gawat. Demikian hasil studi American Journal of Hypertension. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa minum viagra setelah transplantasi jantung dapat menurunkan tekanan darah yang meningkat drastis –yang menjadi efek samping obat antipenolakan.
- “Dengan mengobati penyakit gusi, Anda dapat meningkatkan kesuburan,” kata seorang dokter gigi di Los Angeles, Robert Gregg, D.D.S. Dia mengatakan, bakteri penyebab penyakit gusi dapat juga menyebabkan infeksi pada sperma. “Setiap bakteri yang dapat mengalir melalui darah, kemungkinan besar dapat memasuki jalur reproduksi dan memberi efek buruk bagi kesuburan,” kata profesor urology di Cornell Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Prof. Dr. Marc Goldstein, F.A.C.S. Periksakan diri Anda untuk mengetahui apakah Anda menderita penyakit gusi dan buang jaringan-jaringan yang terinfeksi.
- Pilih anak atau pilih nikmat? Kalau Anda sayang anak, maka berhentilah melakukan oral seks dengan istri yang sedang hamil. Bakteri streptococcus (bakteri yang dapat menghancurkan sel-sel darah merah) menyebar dengan mudah selama aktivitas seks, terutama saat Anda melakukan seks oral. Sebenarnya bakteri tersebut tidak berbahaya bagi kebanyakan orang dewasa. Tapi pada bayi, bakteri itu sanggup mengundang maut, menyebabkan radang paru-paru, sepsis, dan meningitis (radang selaput otak).
We offer a fact, not a myth. Because you will learn directly from the experts, then be prepared so sex expert.
Apparently, sex makes people happier than money. Similarly, research economist at Dartmouth College, David Blachflower, and economists from the University of Warwick, Andrew Oswald. Hey, it does not mean a poor man with a strong sexual appetite will live happily, but a lot of money does not necessarily make you a better sex life.
One study of 220 men found that men who have normal blood pressure to have sex 25% more often than men who suffer from high blood pressure. Why? Men with normal blood pressure have more testosterone, the doctor said. That is, when aroused, blood flow will flow more smoothly into the penis and produces harder erections.
Five minutes of time that you use to take out the trash and put dirty clothes into the washing machine-it can improve the lives of the marriage at once excites your sex life. Research experts at the University of California, Riverside, in 3500 people, found that many men who do household chores appeared to have a sexual attraction for his partner is very high, and very close to his children. "Nature likes to help set an example to children and make your wife feel loved and feel more valued," says John Gottman, Ph.D.
One study in Italy, the number of men with hepatitis C who have erectile dysfunction three times more than men who are not infected with the hepatitis C virus Giving interferon in patients with hepatitis indeed been suspected as a cause of erectile dysfunction. However, the researchers speculate that viral hepatitis Italy also contributed in this case.
Children who 'made' in the rainy season may live longer than those who 'made' in the other seasons. This is according to an international study involving one million respondents. They are also more resistant to several chronic diseases.
New research in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology says, erectile dysfunction (ED) may be an early symptom of other problems that occur in the blood vessels in the body. Researchers have observed vascular branches in the arm 57 men and found that men with ED have poorer blood flow than those who did not have ED. Therefore, reduce the risk by quitting smoking, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, and exercising regularly.
Erectile dysfunction occurs in 50% of men who smoke, 64% of men with diabetes, and 40% of men who have high cholesterol. These three facts taken from the papers of Dr.. H. Djoko Maryono., DSPD., DSJP., FIHA., PHASE. Presented at the Diabetic Center inauguration in Jakarta Eye Center.
There are 60% of men who experience erectile dysfunction successfully recovered after taking 900 mg of Korean red ginseng, 3 times a day. Similarly, the expert commentator of Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr.. Natan Bar-Chama.
Each ejaculation, you spend about 20 million sperm per 1 cc of semen. But if you smoke, each ejaculate only spend less than 10 million sperm per 1 cc of semen. Similarly, Chairman of the Executive Board of the pillowcase Indonesian Medical Association, Prof.. Dr.. Farid Anfasa Moeloek., SpOG.
Turns blue pill can prevent serious surgical complications. Thus the results of a study of the American Journal of Hypertension. The researchers found that taking Viagra after heart transplantation may lower blood pressure increased dramatically-which became antirejection drug side effects.
"By treating gum disease, you can improve fertility," said a dentist in Los Angeles, Robert Gregg, DDS He said that, the bacteria that cause gum disease can also cause infections in the sperm. "Any bacteria that can flow through the blood, is likely to enter the reproductive tract and bad effects on fertility," says professor of urology at Cornell Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Prof.. Dr.. Marc Goldstein, F.A.C.S. Check with you to find out if you suffer from gum disease and remove the infected tissues.
Select the child or choose a favor? If you love children, then stop having oral sex with a pregnant wife. Streptococcal bacteria (bacteria that can destroy red blood cells) spread easily during sexual activity, especially when you perform oral sex. Actually, these bacteria are not harmful for most adults. But in infants, it could invite deadly bacteria, causing pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain).
We offer a fact, not a myth. Because you will learn directly from the experts, then be prepared so sex expert.
Apparently, sex makes people happier than money. Similarly, research economist at Dartmouth College, David Blachflower, and economists from the University of Warwick, Andrew Oswald. Hey, it does not mean a poor man with a strong sexual appetite will live happily, but a lot of money does not necessarily make you a better sex life.
One study of 220 men found that men who have normal blood pressure to have sex 25% more often than men who suffer from high blood pressure. Why? Men with normal blood pressure have more testosterone, the doctor said. That is, when aroused, blood flow will flow more smoothly into the penis and produces harder erections.
Five minutes of time that you use to take out the trash and put dirty clothes into the washing machine-it can improve the lives of the marriage at once excites your sex life. Research experts at the University of California, Riverside, in 3500 people, found that many men who do household chores appeared to have a sexual attraction for his partner is very high, and very close to his children. "Nature likes to help set an example to children and make your wife feel loved and feel more valued," says John Gottman, Ph.D.
One study in Italy, the number of men with hepatitis C who have erectile dysfunction three times more than men who are not infected with the hepatitis C virus Giving interferon in patients with hepatitis indeed been suspected as a cause of erectile dysfunction. However, the researchers speculate that viral hepatitis Italy also contributed in this case.
Children who 'made' in the rainy season may live longer than those who 'made' in the other seasons. This is according to an international study involving one million respondents. They are also more resistant to several chronic diseases.
New research in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology says, erectile dysfunction (ED) may be an early symptom of other problems that occur in the blood vessels in the body. Researchers have observed vascular branches in the arm 57 men and found that men with ED have poorer blood flow than those who did not have ED. Therefore, reduce the risk by quitting smoking, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, and exercising regularly.
Erectile dysfunction occurs in 50% of men who smoke, 64% of men with diabetes, and 40% of men who have high cholesterol. These three facts taken from the papers of Dr.. H. Djoko Maryono., DSPD., DSJP., FIHA., PHASE. Presented at the Diabetic Center inauguration in Jakarta Eye Center.
There are 60% of men who experience erectile dysfunction successfully recovered after taking 900 mg of Korean red ginseng, 3 times a day. Similarly, the expert commentator of Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr.. Natan Bar-Chama.
Each ejaculation, you spend about 20 million sperm per 1 cc of semen. But if you smoke, each ejaculate only spend less than 10 million sperm per 1 cc of semen. Similarly, Chairman of the Executive Board of the pillowcase Indonesian Medical Association, Prof.. Dr.. Farid Anfasa Moeloek., SpOG.
Turns blue pill can prevent serious surgical complications. Thus the results of a study of the American Journal of Hypertension. The researchers found that taking Viagra after heart transplantation may lower blood pressure increased dramatically-which became antirejection drug side effects.
"By treating gum disease, you can improve fertility," said a dentist in Los Angeles, Robert Gregg, DDS He said that, the bacteria that cause gum disease can also cause infections in the sperm. "Any bacteria that can flow through the blood, is likely to enter the reproductive tract and bad effects on fertility," says professor of urology at Cornell Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Prof.. Dr.. Marc Goldstein, F.A.C.S. Check with you to find out if you suffer from gum disease and remove the infected tissues.
Select the child or choose a favor? If you love children, then stop having oral sex with a pregnant wife. Streptococcal bacteria (bacteria that can destroy red blood cells) spread easily during sexual activity, especially when you perform oral sex. Actually, these bacteria are not harmful for most adults. But in infants, it could invite deadly bacteria, causing pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain).
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