- Tahu Titik Paling Sensitif di Tubuh Pasangan. Jika Anda mengetahui benar titik rangsang paling sensitif di tubuh si Dia, maka jika suatu saat Anda begitu lelah untuk bercinta –tapi Anda juga menginginkannya malam ini– atau si Dia menuntut untuk mendapatkan seks sekarang juga, to the point saja! Eksplorasi area tersebut dan jika si Dia mulai panas, lanjutkan pada menu utamanya. Hal ini akan mengurangi energi yang Anda keluarkan.
- Jika Anda Tidak Tahu Titik Sensitif si Dia. Maaf, ini benar-benar kesalahan Anda. Tapi, ada satu kelemahan utama wanita, yaitu pujian. Berilah si Dia pujian, karena itu stimulus yang luar biasa untuknya. Jika hatinya senang, maka mudah bagi Anda untuk memulai seks. Tak perlu foreplay. Atau.. bahkan Anda yang minta 'dilayani' oleh si Dia malam ini.
- Menciptakan Suasana Intim. Yang paling penting adalah saling memberikan perhatian, dan suasana intim belum tentu harus berakhir dengan seks. Tapi setidaknya, suasana intim akan memberikan dua pilihan pada Anda: Seks yang hebat atau tidur dalam suasana nyaman bersama si Dia. Yang paling asyik adalah dengan mengingat-ingat kejadian unik dan menyenangkan di masa lalu. Kenangan yang indah akan menjadi stimulus yang hebat bagi Anda maupun si Dia.
Introspeksi Diri. Jarang pria yang mengaku bahwa dirinya memiliki masalah seksual. Anda harus tahu mengapa Anda tidak bergairah, dan temukan masalahnya. Boleh jadi, capek karena ‘overdosis’ pekerjaan, atau kurang berolahraga, adalah alasan yang Anda buat. Cari solusinya, bukan pembenarannya.
- Lima Menit dari Hati ke Hati. Kebanyakan pasangan yang telah lama hidup bersama akan kehilangan sentuhan untuk menanyakan kabar masing-masing. Menyedihkan memang, tapi itulah faktanya. Mestinya, Anda membuka ruang untuk berbicara dari hati ke hati, minimal selama lima menit. Lupakan soal anak, lupakan pekerjaan. Bicaralah soal Anda berdua saja. Hal ini akan memancing gairah Anda dan si Dia.
- Tapi, Jangan Lupakan Privacy-nya. Jika pada suatu malam Anda membuka isi ponselnya, atau memeriksa isi dompetnya, maka jangan marah jika si Dia merasa ill-feel pada Anda. Itu berarti Anda telah melakukan intervensi –dan hal ini membuat stres. Jika pasangan Anda stres, maka Anda pun menjadi enggan untuk mencoba.
- Lupakan Obat Penguat. Obat penguat bukanlah solusi, kecuali memang dokter Anda merekomendasikan seperti itu. Yang paling penting adalah mengonsumsi makanan sehat, plus vitamin. Cobalah mengikuti olahraga relaksasi seperti yoga. O ya, jangan lupa berolahraga. Apa pun olahraganya, akan bermanfaat untuk Anda. Stamina kuat, biasanya diikuti dengan kemampuan seks yang hebat.
What can you do to get great sex, when you are a man who is too busy? But how capekkah you so do not want to have sex? Or perhaps, you are just lazy. Consultants sex Men's Health Indonesia, Mariska Lubis, offering reconditioned so that your sex and the He re-excited.
Know The Most Sensitive point in Body Couple. If you know the correct point stimulation of the body's most sensitive at him, then if one day you are so tired to make love-but you also want this night-or the He demanded to get sex right now, to the point it! Exploration of the area and if the He started hot, continue on the main menu. This will reduce the energy you put out.
If You Do not Know Sensitive point the He. Sorry, this is really your fault. But, there is one major disadvantage of women, that is a compliment. Give Him the praise, because it's an incredible stimulus for him. If her happy, then it is easy for you to initiate sex. No need foreplay. Or .. even you who ask 'served' by the He tonight.
Creating Intimate atmosphere. The most important thing is to pay attention to each other, and the atmosphere is intimate not necessarily have to end up with sex. But at least, intimate atmosphere will give you two options to you: Great sex or sleeping in a comfortable atmosphere with the He. The most fun is to remember the unique and enjoyable events in the past. Beautiful memories will be a great stimulus for both you and the He.
Self introspection. Rarely man who claims that he has sexual problems. You must know why you are not passionate, and found the problem. Perhaps, tired of 'overdose' work, or lack of exercise, is the reason that you make. Find the solution, not a justification.
Five Minutes of Heart to Heart. Most couples who have been living together would lose touch to ask about each one. Sadly, that's a fact. Properly, you open the space to speak from heart to heart, at least for five minutes. Forget about the kids, forget about work. Talk about the two of you alone. This will provoke your passion and the He.
But, Do not Forget its Privacy Policy. If one night you open the contents of a cell phone, or check the contents of his wallet, then do not be upset if the He feels ill-feel on you. That means you have to intervene-and this is stressful. If your partner is stressed, then you also be reluctant to try.
Forget Drug amplifier. Tonic is not the solution, unless your doctor recommends it that way. The most important thing is to eat healthy foods, plus vitamins. Try following relaxation exercise such as yoga. Oh yes, do not forget to exercise. Whatever the sport, it would be beneficial to you. Strong stamina, usually followed by great sex capability.

Know The Most Sensitive point in Body Couple. If you know the correct point stimulation of the body's most sensitive at him, then if one day you are so tired to make love-but you also want this night-or the He demanded to get sex right now, to the point it! Exploration of the area and if the He started hot, continue on the main menu. This will reduce the energy you put out.
If You Do not Know Sensitive point the He. Sorry, this is really your fault. But, there is one major disadvantage of women, that is a compliment. Give Him the praise, because it's an incredible stimulus for him. If her happy, then it is easy for you to initiate sex. No need foreplay. Or .. even you who ask 'served' by the He tonight.
Creating Intimate atmosphere. The most important thing is to pay attention to each other, and the atmosphere is intimate not necessarily have to end up with sex. But at least, intimate atmosphere will give you two options to you: Great sex or sleeping in a comfortable atmosphere with the He. The most fun is to remember the unique and enjoyable events in the past. Beautiful memories will be a great stimulus for both you and the He.
Self introspection. Rarely man who claims that he has sexual problems. You must know why you are not passionate, and found the problem. Perhaps, tired of 'overdose' work, or lack of exercise, is the reason that you make. Find the solution, not a justification.

But, Do not Forget its Privacy Policy. If one night you open the contents of a cell phone, or check the contents of his wallet, then do not be upset if the He feels ill-feel on you. That means you have to intervene-and this is stressful. If your partner is stressed, then you also be reluctant to try.
Forget Drug amplifier. Tonic is not the solution, unless your doctor recommends it that way. The most important thing is to eat healthy foods, plus vitamins. Try following relaxation exercise such as yoga. Oh yes, do not forget to exercise. Whatever the sport, it would be beneficial to you. Strong stamina, usually followed by great sex capability.
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