Waktu terasa berlalu dengan cepat ketika kita berbincang-bincang dengan cewek cantik nan sexy. Menurut penelitian terbaru di Kanada, setelah berbicara dengan seorang wanita yang menarik, para pria menganggap percakapan mereka berlangsung begitu singkat. Para pria juga dapat mengingat topik diskusinya jika mereka berbicara dengan wanita sexy. Ketika mengobrol dengan wanita cantik, Anda mencoba untuk membuat kesan yang baik sehingga Anda jadi lebih fokus pada percakapan dan kata-kata Anda sendiri, kata Ping Dong, seorang doktor peneliti di Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. Otak Anda begitu terlibat sehingga membuat waktu cenderung berlalu tanpa Anda sadari, tambah Dong. Tapi, tentu saja itu bukan satu-satunya cara para wanita sexy memainkan pikiran Anda. Beberapa hal di bawah ini perlu Anda waspadai agar Anda tidak mudah terjebak dalam masalah.
- Wanita sexy mengacaukan memori. Setelah berbohong demi mengesankan seorang wanita cantik, para pria ternyata harus menghadapi waktu yang sulit untuk memisahkan realitas dari dari khalayan mereka, hingga beberapa minggu kemudian. Penelitian terbaru dari Texas Christian University menemukan bahwa berbohong kepada seorang calon pasangan seksual benar-benar dapat membingungkan memori Anda. Dan, semakin Anda berbohong, maka otak Anda semakin menganggap kebohongan tersebut sebagai fakta. Begitu menurut penelitian tersebut.
- Wanita sexy membuat Anda tidak sabaran. Para pria lebih mudah menerima persyaratan pinjaman uang yang buruk jika iklan tentang pinjaman tersebut menampilkan gambar wanita cantik. Menurut laporan dari McMaster University dan National Bureau of Economic Research, dengan memicu pusat-pusat kesenangan di otak Anda, para wanita sexy dapat membuat Anda mengacuhkan masa depan dan hanya fokus pada kepuasan saat ini.
- Wanita sexy mengubah Anda menjadi Robin Hood. Para pria cenderung untuk bertindak tanpa pamrih dan memberikan uang kepada orang miskin ketika ada wanita sexy yang memerhatikannya, jelas satu studi dari Inggris. Penelitian tersebut juga menjelaskan, prospek seks mendorong para pria untuk memamerkan sisi baik mereka, dan hal itu disukai oleh para wanita.
- Wanita sexy membuat Anda mabuk kepayang. Dalam satu studi di University of Texas, para pria seperti mengalami sensasi mabuk kepayang setelah melihat foto jam pasir yang berbentuk bokong dan pinggul seorang wanita. Rasio pinggang hingga pinggulnya memang tampak seperti gambaran sempurna suatu potensi reproduksi, sehingga dapat mengirimkan sentakan kenikmatan melalui pusat-pusat kesenangan di otak pria.
Time was passing quickly when we chat with beautiful and sexy girls . According to a recent study in Canada , after talking to an attractive woman , men assume their conversation lasted so short . The men also can recall the topic of discussion when they talk to sexy women . When
chatting with a beautiful woman , you try to make a good impression so
that you become more focused on the conversation and your own words ,
said Ping Dong , a doctoral researcher at Toronto 's Rotman School of
Management . Your brain is so involved that tends to make the time go by without you knowing , Dong added . But , of course that's not the only way to play the sexy women of your mind . Some of the things below need to be aware that you do not easily get caught up in the problem .
Sexy lady screwed memory . After an impressive lie for a pretty woman , the man turns to face a difficult time separating reality from khalayan of them , until a few weeks later . Recent studies from Texas Christian University found that lying to a prospective sexual partner can really confuse your memory . And , the more you lie , the more your brain considers the lie as fact . So according to the study .
Sexy woman make you impatient . The men are more easily accept the terms of bad loans on the loan if the ads show pictures of beautiful women . According to reports from McMaster University and the National Bureau of Economic Research , the trigger pleasure centers in your brain , sexy women can make you ignore the future and just focus on the moment of satisfaction .
Sexy women turn you into Robin Hood . The men tend to act selflessly and give money to the poor when there are sexy women who notice , obviously the study of English . The study also explains , the prospect of sex encouraged the men to show off their good side , and it is favored by women .
Sexy woman make you intoxicated . In one study at the University of Texas , the men like to experience the thrill intoxicated after seeing photos hourglass shaped buttocks and hips of a woman . The ratio of waist to hips do look like the perfect picture of a reproductive potential , so that can send a jolt of pleasure through the pleasure centers in the brains of men .
Sexy lady screwed memory . After an impressive lie for a pretty woman , the man turns to face a difficult time separating reality from khalayan of them , until a few weeks later . Recent studies from Texas Christian University found that lying to a prospective sexual partner can really confuse your memory . And , the more you lie , the more your brain considers the lie as fact . So according to the study .
Sexy woman make you impatient . The men are more easily accept the terms of bad loans on the loan if the ads show pictures of beautiful women . According to reports from McMaster University and the National Bureau of Economic Research , the trigger pleasure centers in your brain , sexy women can make you ignore the future and just focus on the moment of satisfaction .
Sexy women turn you into Robin Hood . The men tend to act selflessly and give money to the poor when there are sexy women who notice , obviously the study of English . The study also explains , the prospect of sex encouraged the men to show off their good side , and it is favored by women .
Sexy woman make you intoxicated . In one study at the University of Texas , the men like to experience the thrill intoxicated after seeing photos hourglass shaped buttocks and hips of a woman . The ratio of waist to hips do look like the perfect picture of a reproductive potential , so that can send a jolt of pleasure through the pleasure centers in the brains of men .
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