Kenali Kode Seksual Wanita - Recognize Female Sexual Code

Kenali Kode Seksual Wanita
Geliat wanita di bawah sengatan matahari tak hanya menunjukkan si Dia sedang merasa kegerahan. Bisa jadi ini adalah sinyal bagi Anda untuk segera mendekatinya. Pecahkan kode seksual yang diperlihatkan si Dia.

Penggemar fanatik Anda. “Jika dia melihat Anda dan menghembuskan napas ke arah Anda, berarti dia sedang menggoda Anda,” ujar Py Kim Conant, penulis Sex Secrets of an American Geisha. Ini taktik klasik wanita untuk menarik perhatian pria yang diincarnya.
Langkah Anda: Tawari si Dia minuman, tapi jangan dari jenis yang beralkohol. Air cukup memadai untuk memasok cairan pada otaknya untuk menjaga melanocortin receptor –yang bertanggung jawab terhadap gairah seksual berdasarkan penelitian di Journal of Impontence Research – tetap berfungsi.

Isyarat pandangan mata. Tatapan mata sayu darinya mungkin hanya berarti si Dia sedang kepanasan. Tapi, coba pertajam insting Anda: Satu penelitian di Durham University mengungkap, pria menilai pandangan mata polos wanita bisa berarti penawaran seks tanpa ikatan. “Insting pria bisa mendeteksi tatapan wanita yang menginginkan hubungan seks tanpa ikatan,” ujar kepala penelitian, Dr. Lynda Boothroyd. Langkah Anda: “Tatap si Dia lebih lama untuk melihat isyarat dari matanya,” ujar David Wygant, penulis Always Talk to Strangers. Jangan mundur jika si Dia terlihat khawatir, pertahankan kontak mata.

Kibasan rambut di bahu. “Menyibakkan rambut melintasi bahu adalah siasat yang disengaja,” ujar James. Isyarat yang diberikan si Dia makin kuat jika ia memamerkan ketiaknya. “Ini pengaruh dari pheromone,” tambah James. Langkah Anda: Merasa sedang bergairah? Lakukan aktivitas yang membuat Anda berkeringat. “Respons wanita terhadap keringat pria yang sedang bergairah berbeda dibanding keringat biasa,” tegas professor Denise Chen, yang menulis kajian tentang hal ini di Rice University, Texas. Chen menemukan, ketika para pria bangkit gairahnya, komponen kimia yang menyusun keringatnya berubah dan mengaktifkan sisi romantis di otak kanan yang berhubungan dengan orbitofrontal cortex dan fusiform cortex pada wanita. Sebut saja ‘efek sisi liar wanita’.

Tipe sentuhan. Tak hanya Anda yang bisa tergoda melihat kulit tubuh yang menggairahkan. “Wanita bereaksi terhadap godaan itu –seperti saat melihat bagian kulit Anda yang biasanya tertutup– dengan membelai tubuh mereka sendiri,” tukas Dr. Pam Spurr penulis Sinful Sex. Langkah Anda: ’Bersihkan’ kacamata Anda dengan bagian bawah t-shirt Anda, sehingga perut Anda yang berotot padat terlihat jelas. “Perhatikan reaksinya,” tambah Spurr. “Jika si Dia tertarik, pandangannya akan mengikuti gerakan Anda dan tangannya akan bergerak dengan gelisah.” Saat Anda membuat gerakan, usahakan melakukan kontak kulit Anda dan si Dia. Melakukan sentuhan ringan saat bertemu seorang wanita membuat Anda jadi terlihat lebih menarik di matanya.

Cara memegang gelas.
“Aksi sederhana memegang minuman memperlihatkan sosok si Dia lebih banyak dari yang disadarinya,” terang Dr. Glenn Wilson, konsultan psikolog pada King’s College, London. Penelitian Wilson kepada 500 peminum menemukan, wanita mengungkapkan kesediaan seksualnya melalui cara mereka memegang gelas minuman. Langkah Anda: “Perhatikan, apakah saat mereguk minuman posisi gelas berada di atas belahan dadanya  untuk menarik perhatian Anda, atau melirik ke arah Anda dari ujung matanya,” ujar Wilson. Pertimbangkan ini sebagai undangan untuk mendekatinya.



Stretching woman under the sun not only showed he was feeling the swelter. It may be that this is a signal for you to immediately approach him. Break the code shown him sexually.
Your rabid fans. "If he sees you and exhale towards you, meaning he was teasing you," said Py Kim Conant, author of Sex Secrets of an American Geisha. This is a classic tactic of women to attract men's after.Your Step: Tawari the He drinks, but not of the alcoholic kind. Sufficient water to supply fluid to the brain to keep the melanocortin receptor-which is responsible for sexual arousal is based on research in the Journal of Research Impontence - still functioning.
Cue the eye. Her glazed eyes may simply mean the He medium heat. But, try to sharpen your instinct: A study at Durham University revealed that men judge women innocent eyes could mean casual sex offers. "Instinct can detect the gaze of men women who want sex without bond," said head of research, Dr. Lynda Boothroyd. Your Step: "Look at the He longer to see the cue from his eyes," says David Wygant, author of Always Talk to Strangers. Do not resign if the He looks worried, maintain eye contact.
Flick of the hair on the shoulder. "Hair brushed across his shoulders is a deliberate strategy," said James. He was given the cue stronger if he showed off his armpit. "This is the effect of pheromones," added James. Your Step: Feeling're excited? Do activities that make you sweat. "The response of women to men who are passionate sweat is different than regular sweat," said Professor Denise Chen, who wrote a study about this at Rice University, Texas. Chen found, when men rose passion, the chemical components that make up the sweat turns and turn on the romantic side of the brain associated with right orbitofrontal cortex and the fusiform cortex in women. Call it the 'wild side effects women'.
Type the touch. Not only you can see the skin tempted exciting. "Women react to temptation when she saw it-as part of your skin that is usually covered-by stroking their own bodies," said Dr.. Pam Spurr author of Sinful Sex. Your Step: 'Clean' your glasses to the bottom of your t-shirt, so that your stomach is clearly visible solid muscular. "Note the reaction," added Spurr. "If the interested him, his eyes will follow your movements and restless hands will move." When you make a move, try to contact your skin and the He. Doing a light touch when meeting a woman make you look more attractive in his eyes.
How to hold a glass. "Simple action holds the figure shows the He drinks more than he realized," explained Dr. Glenn Wilson, a consultant psychologist at King's College, London. Research Wilson to 500 drinkers found that women express their sexual willingness by the way they hold drinks. Your Step: "Consider, when sipping drinks if the glasses were on top of her cleavage to attract your attention, or glancing at you from the corner of his eye," said Wilson. Consider this as an invitation to approach.

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