Laporan sebuah studi terbaru pada Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy menyatakan, para wanita yang memiliki hubungan berkomitmen mengalami penurunan gairah seksual seiring berjalannya waktu. Dari jumlah itu, 0,02 di antaranya mengalami penurunan setiap bulannya, padahal hasrat seorang pria tetap tak berubah.
Karena itu, kami meminta beberapa pakar seks untuk menjelaskan hal terburuk yang mungkin Anda lakukan di sekitar rumah dan dalam kamar yang membuat nafsunya meredup. Berjanjilah untuk tidak pernah melakukan hal-hal yang bisa membunuh mood-nya – dan coba untuk membuang kebiasaan-kebiasaan buruk itu sehingga kehidupan seks memanas lagi.
- Mengabaikan penampilannya. “Orang yang memiliki hubungan jangka panjang cenderung cenderung berhenti memuji saat pasangannya terlihat cantik, sedangkan banyak hasrat seksual wanita yang terkait dengan rasa harga diri,” jelas Ian Kerner, Ph.D., konselor seks dan penulis She Comes First. Untuk memperbaikinya cukup mudah: bayar si Dia dengan sebuah pujian yang sederhana setiap hari, seperti membiarkan si Dia tahu bahwa Dia seksi, saran Kerner.
- Menempatkan dirinya di bawah tekanan. Jangan khawatir atau menanyai si Dia untuk mencapai orgasme, ujar Marnia Robinson, penulis Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow. Tetap rileks dan fokus pada sentuhan yang menyenangkan, sarannya. “Ini berarti tidak ada tekanan di antara Anda. Biarkan apa yang akan terjadi terjadi pada waktunya sendiri – atau tidak. Seks yang baik adalah tentang koneksi dan kepuasan sensual, bukan jumlah orgasme yang dihasilkan.” Dan berikut adalah benefit tambahan agar tetap tenang: “Relaksasi bagus untuk ereksi,” terang Robinson.
- Menggunakan pornografi sebagai patokan. Menjaga seks agar selalu panas memang baik. Tapi lebih penting untuk menjaganya agar tetap nyata. Lupakan gerakan keren di film porno. ”Hanya karena Anda melihat praktek seksual pada film tidak berarti itu aman atau memuaskan,” jelas Robinson. Dan bahkan mungkin bukan sesuatu yang diinginkannya. “Jika Anda butuh stimulasi ekstrem untuk dilakukan dengan pasangan, Anda mungkin akan mengurangi rangsangan yang berlebihan. Otak yang peka juga bisa menemukan jika seks kurang menggairahkan. Ketika Anda mengembalikan otak pada kepekaan normal, perilaku seks yang seperti itu biasanya jadi menyenangkan lagi.” Waktunya untuk menemukan kembali keajaiban posisi misionaris.
- Membiarkan bibirnya tak tersentuh. Ketika pria merasa nyaman dalam suatu hubungan, pendekatan mereka untuk foreplay cenderung fokus pada saat-saat menjelang seks, ungkap Kerner. “Tapi hasrat wanita tidak beroperasi seperti tombol lampu yang menyala on dan off—itu lebih seperti dimmer,” katanya. Tindakan-tindakan kecil keintiman seperti berpelukan dan berciuman bisa menumbuhkan moodnya. Tapi jangan gelisah: “Jangan berharap si Dia akan segera ‘panas’,” tambah Kerner.
Reports a new study in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy states, the woman who had committed relationship decreased sexual desire over time. Of that amount, 0.02 of which has decreased each month, whereas a man's desire remained unchanged.Therefore, we ask for some sex experts to explain the worst possible thing you do around the house and in the room that makes lust dimmed. Promise to never do things that could kill her mood - and try to get rid of the bad habits that sex life heats up again.
Ignoring his appearance. "People who have long-term relationships tend to tend to stop praising when her partner look pretty, while many female sexual desire associated with a sense of self-esteem," explains Ian Kerner, Ph.D., sex counselor and author of She Comes First. To fix this quite easily: the He paid with a simple compliment every day, such as letting the He knew that He sexy, Kerner suggestions.
Put himself under pressure. Do not worry or ask the him to reach orgasm, said Marnia Robinson, author of Cupid's Poisoned Arrow. Remain relaxed and focused on fun touch, he advised. "This means there is no pressure in between you. Let what happens happen in his own time - or not. Good sex is about connection and sensual satisfaction, not the number of orgasms produced. "And here are additional benefits for calm:" Great Relaxation for erection, "said Robinson. Using pornography as a benchmark. Keeping the hot sex that is always good. But more important for keeping it real. Forget cool motion in pornographic films. "Just because you look at the sexual practices of the movie does not mean it's safe or satisfactory," said Robinson. And maybe not even something he wanted. "If you need extreme stimulation to be done with a partner, you probably will reduce excessive stimulation. Sensitive brain can also find if sex is less exciting. When you return the brain to normal sensitivity, sexual behavior as it used to be fun again. "It's time to rediscover the magic of the missionary position.
Letting his lips untouched. When men feel comfortable in a relationship, their approach to foreplay tend to focus on the moments leading up to sex, says Kerner. "But women do not desire to operate like a light switch that turns on and off-it was more like a dimmer," he said. Small acts of intimacy such as hugging and kissing can grow the mood. But do not be anxious: "Do not expect the He will soon be 'hot'," said Kerner.
Reports a new study in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy states, the woman who had committed relationship decreased sexual desire over time. Of that amount, 0.02 of which has decreased each month, whereas a man's desire remained unchanged.Therefore, we ask for some sex experts to explain the worst possible thing you do around the house and in the room that makes lust dimmed. Promise to never do things that could kill her mood - and try to get rid of the bad habits that sex life heats up again.
Ignoring his appearance. "People who have long-term relationships tend to tend to stop praising when her partner look pretty, while many female sexual desire associated with a sense of self-esteem," explains Ian Kerner, Ph.D., sex counselor and author of She Comes First. To fix this quite easily: the He paid with a simple compliment every day, such as letting the He knew that He sexy, Kerner suggestions.
Put himself under pressure. Do not worry or ask the him to reach orgasm, said Marnia Robinson, author of Cupid's Poisoned Arrow. Remain relaxed and focused on fun touch, he advised. "This means there is no pressure in between you. Let what happens happen in his own time - or not. Good sex is about connection and sensual satisfaction, not the number of orgasms produced. "And here are additional benefits for calm:" Great Relaxation for erection, "said Robinson. Using pornography as a benchmark. Keeping the hot sex that is always good. But more important for keeping it real. Forget cool motion in pornographic films. "Just because you look at the sexual practices of the movie does not mean it's safe or satisfactory," said Robinson. And maybe not even something he wanted. "If you need extreme stimulation to be done with a partner, you probably will reduce excessive stimulation. Sensitive brain can also find if sex is less exciting. When you return the brain to normal sensitivity, sexual behavior as it used to be fun again. "It's time to rediscover the magic of the missionary position.
Letting his lips untouched. When men feel comfortable in a relationship, their approach to foreplay tend to focus on the moments leading up to sex, says Kerner. "But women do not desire to operate like a light switch that turns on and off-it was more like a dimmer," he said. Small acts of intimacy such as hugging and kissing can grow the mood. But do not be anxious: "Do not expect the He will soon be 'hot'," said Kerner.
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