Bad Habits When Stress and How to Overcome It

When stress and anxiety started to hit, are you aware it out with little things like nail biting, shaking the legs, and other body reactions that can not be controlled?

These activities have a negative impact on health. Here are the bad habits when stress is common in most people and how to overcome them.

Nail biting

When the feeling of being tense, the body will indirectly draw energy from the cells of the nail to the vital organs. Without mengigitnya, already stressed can cause brittle nails.

Solution: Consumption of foods rich in protein, omega 3 and vitamin B such as eggs, salmon, and nuts to restore the strength of nails. Apply almond oil to cuticles at night to moisturize the nails.

wiggle Walking

Menggerak leg movement as a tailor when the stress is a sign of disruption in your body. These movements unconsciously controlled directly by the brain and emotional person.

Solution: Try to sit upright so that the foot does not move at random, and get used to sports that involve a lot of movement on foot.

Teeth gnashed

In addition to sound grates, gritted his teeth habits can cause swelling of the jaw muscles and abnormalities of the teeth like a broken tooth, date, and are not fused.

Solution: Chew gum to relieve stress and avoid damage to the teeth.

Tugging Hair

Hair pulling habit proved to be a medical disorder that is often associated with physical or mental pain symptoms will be a sense of loss about something.

Solution: If this habit is not too severe that trigger the disease trichotillosis, things done is through self-control and vigilance full of motor movement is performed.

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