Mantan Presiden RI Ketiga, Si Jenius ilmuwan konstruksi pesawat terbang, ini selalu menjadi berita hangat . Pada masa emas kejayaan dengan segudang jabatan diemban, dialah manusia paling multidimensional di Indonesia. Ia manusia cerdas ajaib yang sempat menghadirkan selaksa harapan kemajuan teknologi demi kejayaan negeri ini.

Agak aneh, memang, anak bangsa yang satu ini. Dia hanya setahun kuliah di ITB Bandung, 10 tahun kuliah hingga meraih gelar doktor konstruksi pesawat terbang di Jerman dengan predikat Summa Cum laude. Lalu bekerja di industri pesawat terbang terkemuka MBB Gmbh Jerman, sebelum memenuhi panggilan Presiden Soeharto untuk kembali ke Indonesia.Di Indonesia dia 20 tahun menjabat Menteri Negara Ristek/Kepala BPPT, memimpin 10 perusahaan BUMN Industri Strategis, dipilih MPR menjadi Wakil Presiden RI, dan disumpah oleh Ketua Mahkamah Agung menjadi Presiden RI menggantikan Presiden RI ke-2 Soeharto.

Itulah sosok dan kilas balik singkat perjalanan hidup B.J. Habibie, lelaki kelahiran Pare-Pare, 25 Juni 1936 ini. Dia penuh kontroversi dan merupakan sosok manusia paling multidimensional di Indonesia. Begitu banyak kawan-kawannya dan nyaris segitu banyak pula orang yang tak setuju dengan sepakterjang tokoh industri pesawat terbang kelas dunia yang memperoleh berbagai penghargaan, salah satunya paling berkelas adalah Theodhore van Karman Award, yang dianugerahkan oleh International Council for Aeronautical Sciences) pada pertemuan tahunan dan konggres ke-18 ICAs yang diselenggarakan di Beijing, China tahun 1992 dari Pemerintah China.

Ketika dia mendirikan ICMI (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia) dan didaulat menjadi Ketua Umum, misalnya, sebagai antitesa berdiri pula Forum Demokrasi (Fordem) pimpinan Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur yang populis dan egaliter serta inklusif. ICMI, yang dalam perjalanan selanjutnya praktis menjadi kekuatan politik Habibie, oleh Gus Dur dituding sebagai sektarian karena itu kurang bagus untuk masa depan sebuah bangsa yang majemuk seperti Indonesia.

Ketika pada 10 Agustus 1995 dia berhasil menerbangkan pesawat terbang N-250 "Gatotkoco" kelas commuter asli buatan dan desain putra-putra terbaik bangsa yang bergabung dalam PT Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN, kini menjadi PT Dirgantara Indonesia), dia diserang pelaku ekonomi lain bahwa yang dibutuhkan rakyat Indonesia adalah beras bukan "mainan" pesawat terbang.Pemikiran ekonomi makro Habibie yang terkenal dengan Habibienomics, dihadirkan oleh lingkarannya sebagai counter pemikiran lain seperti Widjojonomics (yang sesungguhnya merupakan Soehartonomic). Ketika Habibie berhasil melakukan imbal-beli pesawat terbang "Tetuko" CN-235 dengan beras ketan itam Thailand, dia diledekin, pesawat terbangnya hanya sekelas ketan itam.

Dan kontroversi paling hangat adalah ketika dia menawarkan opsi otonomi luas atau bebas menentukan nasib sendiri kepada rakyat Timor Timur, satu propinsi termuda Indonesia yang direbut dan dipertahankan dengan susah payah oleh rezim Soeharto. Siapapun dia orangnya tentu ingin bebas merdeka termasuk rakyat Timor Timur, sehingga ketika jajak pendapat dilakukan pilihan terhadap bebas menentukan nasib sendiri (merdeka) unggul mutlak.

Dan kontroversi paling hangat adalah ketika dia menawarkan opsi otonomi luas atau bebas menentukan nasib sendiri kepada rakyat Timor-Timur (Tim-Tim), asatu propinsi termuda Indonesia yang direbut dan dipertahankan dengan susah-payah oleh Rezim Soeharto. Siapaun dia orangnya tentu ingin bebas merdeka termasuk rakyat Tim-Tim. Sehingga ketika jajak pendapat dilakukan pilihan terhadap bebas menentukan nasib sendiri (merdeka) unggulk merdeka.Masalah Tim-Tim, salah-satu yang dianggap menjadi penyebab penolakan pidato pertanggungjawaban Habibie dalam Sidang Umum MPR RI hasil Pemilu 1999. Pemilu terbaik paling demokratis setelah Pemilu tahun 1955. penolakan ini membuat BJ, Habibie tidak bersedia maju sebagai kandidat calon presiden (Capres).

Kjetika Habibie menjabat presiden hampir tidak ada hari tanpa demontrasi. Demontrasi itu mendesak Habibie merepon tuntutan reformasi dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, seperti kebebasan pers, kebebasan berpolitik, kebebasan rekrutmen politik, kebebasan berserikat dan mendirikan partai politik, mebebasan berusaha, dan berbagai kebebasan lainnya. Namun kendati Habibie merespon tuntutan reformasi itu, tetap saja pemerintahannya dianggap merupakan kelanjutan Orde Baru . Pemerintahannya yang berusia 518 hari hanya dianggap sebagai pemerintahan transisi.

Keinginan Habibi mengakselerasi pembangunan sesungguhnya sudah dimulainya di Industri pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN) dengan menjalankan program evolusi empat tahapan alih tehnologi yang dipercepat "berawal dari akhir dan berakhir diawal."Empat tahapan alih tehnologi itu, pertama, memproduksi pesawat terbang berdasarkan lisensi ituh dari industri pesawat terbang lain, hasilnya adalah NC 212 lisensi dari CASA Spanyol. Kedua, memproduksi pesawat terbang secara bersama- sama, hasilnya adalah "Tetuko" CN-235 berkapasitas 30-35 penumpang yang merupakan produksi kerjasama antara aqual antara IPTN dengan Casa Spanyol.
Ketiga, mengintegrasikan seluruh tehnologi dan sistem konstruksi pesawat terbang yang paling mutakhir yang ada di dunia menjadi sesuatu yang sama sekali didesain baru, hasilnya adalah "Gatotkoco" N-250 berkapasitas 50-60 pemumpang yang dikembangkan dengan teknologi fly-by-wire.Keempat, memproduksi pesawat terbang berdasarkan hasil riset kembali dari awal, yang diproyeksikan bernama N 2130 berkapasitas 130 penumpang dengan biaya pengembangan diperkirakan sekitar 2 milyar dolar AS.

Empat tahapan alih tehnologi yang dipercepat didefinisikan "bermula dari akhir dan berakhir di awal," memang sukar dipahami pikiran awam. Habibie dianggap hanyut dengan angan-angan teknologinya yang tidak memenuhi kebutuhan dasar tehnologi Indonesia, yang ternyata nenbuat sepeda saja secara utuh belum sampai.Pemerintah orde baru sangat memanjakan program empat tahapan alih tehnologi Habibie dengan menempatkan berbagai proyeknya sebagai industri strategis yang menyedot banyak dana. Satu diantaranya, yang paling spetakuler, adalah IPTN, yang memerlukan subsidi.

Ketika masa reformasi, IMF mencantumkan dalam LOI (Letter Of Intent), bahwa pemerintah Indonesia tidak boleh lagi memberikan subsidi kepada IPTN, (Perusahaan ini kemudian menjadi IPTD). Otomatis perusahaan yang sudah menyusun program produksi baru, terpaksa merumahkan dan mem-PHK- 6000 karyawannya. Lalu, dalam kesempatan deklarasi pendirian Masyarakat Ilmuwan dan Tehnologi Indonesia (MITI), Habibie menyebut hancurnya IPTN adalah ulah IMF yang menghambat Pemerintah RI membantu pengembangan pesawat terbang dengan mencantumkan klausal pencabutan subsidi dalam Letter Of Intent (LOI).

Istri adalah alasan utama Habibie untuk bolak-balik tinggal di Jerman. Pendamping hidup sekaligus teman suka dan duka yang sudah dikenal anak-anak umur 14 tahun, dr Hasri Ainun Habibie. Putri keempat H. Mohammad Besari itu disebut terbaring menjalani perawatan di sebuah rumahsakit di Jerman. Habibie ingin untuk selalu harus bisa mendampingi istri, dan harapnya istri juga akan sealu bisa mendampinginya. Menurut tim dokter yang menanganinya, Hasri Ainun belum dibenarkan tinggal atau berkunjung kedaerah tropis karena kelembabannya tinggi. Karena itu, tim dokter merekomendasikan untuk tinggal di Jerman sampai sehat secara tuntas.

Kendati demikian, kepulangan ke tanah air Habibie agaknya hanya karena dia ingin dikenang sebagai manusia yang baik. "Mungkin saat ini tak disadari. Tapi bisa jadi, berguna satu saat kelak, bila saya sudah tiada nanti," tutur lelaki itu, lirih,' demikian tulis Adalah stasiun TV SCTV ini, dikenal sangat dekat dengan Habibie, yang pada 2 Juli 2002 menyiarkan langsung dari Jerman kesaksian Habibie dalam kasus pelanggaran HAM berat Timtim untuk kebutuhan persidangan di Pengadilan Ad Hoc HAM Jakarta Pusat.

Habibie menyebutkan presiden itu bukan segala-galanya. Walau jenius dengan memperoleh royalti atas delapan hak paten hasil temuannya sebagai ilmuwan konstruksi pesawat terbang seperti dari Airbus dan F-16, dia mengaku masih banyak yang jauh lebih baik dari dirinya. Lama bermukim di lingkungan yang sangat menghargai ketokohan dan personality setiap orang, Habibie mendefinisikan jika ingin dihargai maka yang diperhatikan orang lain adalah sikap yang tak berubah terhadap lingkungan. Menurutnya status, jabatan, dan prestasi bukan alasan untuk berubah terhadap lingkungan. Itulah sebabnya, ketika sudah menjadi RI-1 sikap Habibie terhadap lingkungan tetap tidak berubah. Malah semakin menampakkan watak aslinya, misalnya tidak mau diam dan bergerak sesuka hati padahal sudah ada aturan protokoler yang harus dipatuhi.
Third Former President , The Genius scientist aircraft construction , this has always been a hot issue . During the heyday of the gold carried by a myriad of positions , he was the most multidimensional humans in Indonesia . He was a smart man who could bring the magic ten thousand hopes of advancement in technology for the glory of this country .
A bit strange , indeed , one of the nation 's children . He was only a year studying at ITB Bandung , 10 years of college to earning a doctorate aircraft construction in Germany with honors Summa Cum laude . Then work in the aircraft industry leading MBB Gmbh Germany , prior to the call of President Suharto Indonesia to return to her 20 -year Indonesia.Di served as Minister of State for Research and Technology / Chief BPPT , leading the 10 state-owned companies Strategic Industries , selected MPR became Vice President , and sworn by the Chief Justice became President replaces the 2nd President Suharto .
That figure and a brief flashback journey BJ Habibie , men born in Pare - Pare , June 25, 1936 this . He was full of controversy and is the most multi-dimensional human figure in Indonesia . So many of his friends and nearly that much more people who do not agree with the figures sepakterjang aircraft industry worldwide received various awards , one of which is the most classy Theodhore van Karman Award , which is awarded by the International Council for Aeronautical Sciences ) at the annual meeting and 18th ICAS congress held in Beijing , China in 1992 from the Government of China .
When he founded the ICMI ( Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals ) and was asked to become Chairman of , for example , as well as the antithesis stand Democracy Forum ( FORDEM ) leader Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur populist and egalitarian and inclusive . ICMI , which in practical next trip into a political force Habibie , Abdurrahman accused of being sectarian because it is not good for the future of a pluralistic nation such as Indonesia .
When on August 10, 1995 he successfully flew the aircraft N - 250 " Gatotkoco " commuter class of artificial and original design the best sons of the nation who joined the PT Nusantara Aircraft Industry ( IPTN , now the Indonesian PT DI ) , he attacked the other economic actors that required the people of Indonesia is rice instead of " toy " plane terbang.Pemikiran macroeconomic Habibie famous with Habibienomics , presented by the circle as another thought as Widjojonomics counter ( which is really a Soehartonomic ) . When Habibie succeeded in doing trade- aircraft buy " Tetuko " CN - 235 with ITAM Thai glutinous rice , he diledekin , the aircraft only glutinous ITAM class .
And most warm controversy was when he offered broad autonomy or freedom of self-determination to the people of East Timor , the youngest Indonesian province seized and painstakingly maintained by the Suharto regime . Whoever it was him of course want to be free , including the East Timorese independence , so that when the poll conducted on the free choice of self-determination ( independence ) is absolutely superior .
And most warm controversy was when he offered broad autonomy or freedom of self-determination to the people of East Timor ( Timor ) , the youngest Indonesian province asatu captured and maintained with difficulty by the Suharto regime . Whoever he certainly wants to free his people's independence including Tim - Tim . So when poll conducted on the free choice of self-determination ( independence ) unggulk merdeka.Masalah Tim - Tim , one that is considered to be the cause of rejection of Habibie's accountability speech at the General Assembly MPR 1999 election results . The best most democratic elections after the 1955 election . This refusal makes BJ Habibie was not willing to go forward as a presidential candidate ( candidates ) .
Kjetika Habibie became president almost no day without a demonstration . The demonstration urging Habibie merepon demands reforms in various areas of national life , such as press freedom , political freedom , freedom of political recruitment , association and freedom to establish political parties , mebebasan tried , and various other freedoms . But despite Habibie responded to the demands of reform , the government still considered a continuation of the New Order . 518 days old reign only considered the transitional government .
Habibi desire to accelerate the commencement of the construction is already in Nusantara Aircraft Industry ( IPTN ) by running programs over the four stages of technology evolution accelerated " beginning of the end and ends at the beginning . " The four stages of the technology transfer , the first aircraft produced under license ituh of industry another aircraft , the result is a licensed NC 212 from CASA of Spain . Second , make airplanes together , the result is " Tetuko " CN - 235 with a capacity of 30-35 passengers a production collaboration between aqual between IPTN with Casa Spain .
Thirdly , integrating the entire system construction technology and the most advanced aircraft in the world into something completely new design , the result is " Gatotkoco " N - 250 with a capacity of 50-60 pemumpang technology developed by fly-by - wire.Keempat , manufacture of aircraft based on the results returned from the initial research , named N projected capacity of 130 passengers in 2130 with an estimated development cost of around 2 billion U.S. dollars .
The four stages of technology diffusion is accelerated defined " starting from the end and ends at the beginning , " the common understanding is elusive . Habibie perceived drift with chimera technology that does not meet the basic needs of Indonesian technology , which turns any bike nenbuat sampai.Pemerintah whole new order has not been very indulgent four stages of technology transfer programs Habibie by placing a variety of projects as a strategic industry that suck up a lot of funds . One of them , the most spetakuler , is IPTN , which require subsidies .
When the reform period , the Fund included in the LOI ( Letter Of Intent ) , that the Indonesian government can no longer provide subsidies to IPTN , ( This company later became IPTD ) . Auto companies are already preparing a new production program , was forced to lay off and laid off 6000 employees . Then , on the occasion of the declaration of the establishment of Indonesian Society of Scientists and Technology ( MITI ) , Habibie IPTN mention the destruction was the work of the IMF which inhibits the Indonesian Government to help the development of the aircraft by stating the subsidy removal clause in the Letter Of Intent ( LOI ) .
Habibie's wife is the main reason to go back and forth to stay in Germany . Life companion and friend of the ups and downs that are already known to children aged 14 years , Dr. Ainun Habibie Hasri . The fourth daughter of H. Mohammad Habibie was called lying undergoing treatment at a hospital in Germany . Habibie want to always be able to accompany his wife , and he hoped his wife would also be sealu side. According to the team of doctors who handle , yet justified Hasri Ainun living or visiting the stricken area because of high humidity tropical . Because of this , the doctors recommend to stay in Germany until completely healthy .
Nevertheless, the return to the homeland Habibie presumably just because he wants to be remembered as a good human being . " Maybe this time unconscious . , But it could be , useful one moment later , when I was gone later , " the man said , softly , ' writes . This is a TV station SCTV , known to be very close to Habibie , who on July 2, 2002 broadcast live from Germany Habibie testimony in the case of gross human rights violations in East Timor for trial needs of the Ad Hoc Human Rights Court of Central Jakarta .
Habibie said the president was not everything . Although obtaining a genius with eight patent royalties on its findings as a scientist construction as of Airbus aircraft and the F - 16 , he admitted there is still much much better than him . Old living in a very appreciative persona and personality of each person , Habibie then define if you want to be appreciated that other people notice is unchanging attitude towards the environment . According to the status , position , and the achievement is not the reason for the change on the environment . That is why , when it became RI - 1 Habibie attitude towards the environment remains unchanged . Even more revealing original character , for example, does not want to shut up and move at will when the existing rules of protocol that must be adhered to .
Cerita romansa yang diangkat dari kisah nyata antara B.J Habibie dan mendiang istrinya (Alm.) Hasri Ainun Habibie, akan dijadikan sebuah film yang berjudul "Habibie dan Ainun" yang rencananya akan tayang pada Desember 2012.
"Saya sudah kenal Pak Habibie sejak tahun 2007, dan saya juga tahu kalau Bapak juga mau menulis buku ini (Habibie dan Ainun). Waktu pertama kali saya baca di halaman pertama, itu menarik buat saya. Menurut saya, Pak Habibie sangat manusiawi sekali di mana dia dulunya zero jadi hero itu berkat istrinya," ujar Manoj Punjabi yang merupakan produser film Habibie dan Ainun tersebut.
Film bergenre drama romantis ini mengambil lokasi syuting tak hanya di Indonesia, namun juga di Jerman tempat dimana Habibie banyak melakukan aktivitasnya. Tak hanya itu, untuk mendukung kesuksesan film tersebut, nama-nama besar seperti Reza Rahadian dan Bunga Citra Lestari juga turut ambil bagian dalam film tersebut. "Saya terlibat dalam film ini memang mengikuti proses pada umumnya, saya casting dengan Mas Hanung. Dua kali saya prosesnya, sampai akhirnya dipercaya untuk memerankan tokoh tersebut," ujar Reza yang menjadi Habibie dalam film besutan Hanung Bramantyo ini.
Senada dengan Reza, hal yang sama juga disampaikan oleh Bunga Citra Lestari yang memerankan tokoh Alm. Ainun."Aku juga sama ya seperti Reza, ikut casting dulu. Tapi ada kesulitan dalam aku memerankan tokoh ini, soalnya kan Ibu Ainun sudah meninggal, jadi aku merasa kesulitan untuk memperdalam peran ini," tambah Bunga.
Reza menambahkan, bahwa film ini lebih menceritakan tentang kisah hidup Habibie dan Ainun secara keseluruhan ketimbang hal-hal lain. "Film ini menceritakan kisah cinta Eyang, dan jelas-jelas ini bukan film politik. Hehehe," tutup Reza.
Third Former President , The Genius scientist aircraft construction , this has always been a hot issue . During the heyday of the gold carried by a myriad of positions , he was the most multidimensional humans in Indonesia . He was a smart man who could bring the magic ten thousand hopes of advancement in technology for the glory of this country .
A bit strange , indeed , one of the nation 's children . He was only a year studying at ITB Bandung , 10 years of college to earning a doctorate aircraft construction in Germany with honors Summa Cum laude . Then work in the aircraft industry leading MBB Gmbh Germany , prior to the call of President Suharto Indonesia to return to her 20 -year Indonesia.Di served as Minister of State for Research and Technology / Chief BPPT , leading the 10 state-owned companies Strategic Industries , selected MPR became Vice President , and sworn by the Chief Justice became President replaces the 2nd President Suharto .
That figure and a brief flashback journey BJ Habibie , men born in Pare - Pare , June 25, 1936 this . He was full of controversy and is the most multi-dimensional human figure in Indonesia . So many of his friends and nearly that much more people who do not agree with the figures sepakterjang aircraft industry worldwide received various awards , one of which is the most classy Theodhore van Karman Award , which is awarded by the International Council for Aeronautical Sciences ) at the annual meeting and 18th ICAS congress held in Beijing , China in 1992 from the Government of China .
When he founded the ICMI ( Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals ) and was asked to become Chairman of , for example , as well as the antithesis stand Democracy Forum ( FORDEM ) leader Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur populist and egalitarian and inclusive . ICMI , which in practical next trip into a political force Habibie , Abdurrahman accused of being sectarian because it is not good for the future of a pluralistic nation such as Indonesia .
When on August 10, 1995 he successfully flew the aircraft N - 250 " Gatotkoco " commuter class of artificial and original design the best sons of the nation who joined the PT Nusantara Aircraft Industry ( IPTN , now the Indonesian PT DI ) , he attacked the other economic actors that required the people of Indonesia is rice instead of " toy " plane terbang.Pemikiran macroeconomic Habibie famous with Habibienomics , presented by the circle as another thought as Widjojonomics counter ( which is really a Soehartonomic ) . When Habibie succeeded in doing trade- aircraft buy " Tetuko " CN - 235 with ITAM Thai glutinous rice , he diledekin , the aircraft only glutinous ITAM class .
And most warm controversy was when he offered broad autonomy or freedom of self-determination to the people of East Timor , the youngest Indonesian province seized and painstakingly maintained by the Suharto regime . Whoever it was him of course want to be free , including the East Timorese independence , so that when the poll conducted on the free choice of self-determination ( independence ) is absolutely superior .
And most warm controversy was when he offered broad autonomy or freedom of self-determination to the people of East Timor ( Timor ) , the youngest Indonesian province asatu captured and maintained with difficulty by the Suharto regime . Whoever he certainly wants to free his people's independence including Tim - Tim . So when poll conducted on the free choice of self-determination ( independence ) unggulk merdeka.Masalah Tim - Tim , one that is considered to be the cause of rejection of Habibie's accountability speech at the General Assembly MPR 1999 election results . The best most democratic elections after the 1955 election . This refusal makes BJ Habibie was not willing to go forward as a presidential candidate ( candidates ) .
Kjetika Habibie became president almost no day without a demonstration . The demonstration urging Habibie merepon demands reforms in various areas of national life , such as press freedom , political freedom , freedom of political recruitment , association and freedom to establish political parties , mebebasan tried , and various other freedoms . But despite Habibie responded to the demands of reform , the government still considered a continuation of the New Order . 518 days old reign only considered the transitional government .
Habibi desire to accelerate the commencement of the construction is already in Nusantara Aircraft Industry ( IPTN ) by running programs over the four stages of technology evolution accelerated " beginning of the end and ends at the beginning . " The four stages of the technology transfer , the first aircraft produced under license ituh of industry another aircraft , the result is a licensed NC 212 from CASA of Spain . Second , make airplanes together , the result is " Tetuko " CN - 235 with a capacity of 30-35 passengers a production collaboration between aqual between IPTN with Casa Spain .
Thirdly , integrating the entire system construction technology and the most advanced aircraft in the world into something completely new design , the result is " Gatotkoco " N - 250 with a capacity of 50-60 pemumpang technology developed by fly-by - wire.Keempat , manufacture of aircraft based on the results returned from the initial research , named N projected capacity of 130 passengers in 2130 with an estimated development cost of around 2 billion U.S. dollars .
The four stages of technology diffusion is accelerated defined " starting from the end and ends at the beginning , " the common understanding is elusive . Habibie perceived drift with chimera technology that does not meet the basic needs of Indonesian technology , which turns any bike nenbuat sampai.Pemerintah whole new order has not been very indulgent four stages of technology transfer programs Habibie by placing a variety of projects as a strategic industry that suck up a lot of funds . One of them , the most spetakuler , is IPTN , which require subsidies .
When the reform period , the Fund included in the LOI ( Letter Of Intent ) , that the Indonesian government can no longer provide subsidies to IPTN , ( This company later became IPTD ) . Auto companies are already preparing a new production program , was forced to lay off and laid off 6000 employees . Then , on the occasion of the declaration of the establishment of Indonesian Society of Scientists and Technology ( MITI ) , Habibie IPTN mention the destruction was the work of the IMF which inhibits the Indonesian Government to help the development of the aircraft by stating the subsidy removal clause in the Letter Of Intent ( LOI ) .
Habibie's wife is the main reason to go back and forth to stay in Germany . Life companion and friend of the ups and downs that are already known to children aged 14 years , Dr. Ainun Habibie Hasri . The fourth daughter of H. Mohammad Habibie was called lying undergoing treatment at a hospital in Germany . Habibie want to always be able to accompany his wife , and he hoped his wife would also be sealu side. According to the team of doctors who handle , yet justified Hasri Ainun living or visiting the stricken area because of high humidity tropical . Because of this , the doctors recommend to stay in Germany until completely healthy .
Nevertheless, the return to the homeland Habibie presumably just because he wants to be remembered as a good human being . " Maybe this time unconscious . , But it could be , useful one moment later , when I was gone later , " the man said , softly , ' writes . This is a TV station SCTV , known to be very close to Habibie , who on July 2, 2002 broadcast live from Germany Habibie testimony in the case of gross human rights violations in East Timor for trial needs of the Ad Hoc Human Rights Court of Central Jakarta .
Habibie said the president was not everything . Although obtaining a genius with eight patent royalties on its findings as a scientist construction as of Airbus aircraft and the F - 16 , he admitted there is still much much better than him . Old living in a very appreciative persona and personality of each person , Habibie then define if you want to be appreciated that other people notice is unchanging attitude towards the environment . According to the status , position , and the achievement is not the reason for the change on the environment . That is why , when it became RI - 1 Habibie attitude towards the environment remains unchanged . Even more revealing original character , for example, does not want to shut up and move at will when the existing rules of protocol that must be adhered to .
Cerita romansa yang diangkat dari kisah nyata antara B.J Habibie dan mendiang istrinya (Alm.) Hasri Ainun Habibie, akan dijadikan sebuah film yang berjudul "Habibie dan Ainun" yang rencananya akan tayang pada Desember 2012.
"Saya sudah kenal Pak Habibie sejak tahun 2007, dan saya juga tahu kalau Bapak juga mau menulis buku ini (Habibie dan Ainun). Waktu pertama kali saya baca di halaman pertama, itu menarik buat saya. Menurut saya, Pak Habibie sangat manusiawi sekali di mana dia dulunya zero jadi hero itu berkat istrinya," ujar Manoj Punjabi yang merupakan produser film Habibie dan Ainun tersebut.
Film bergenre drama romantis ini mengambil lokasi syuting tak hanya di Indonesia, namun juga di Jerman tempat dimana Habibie banyak melakukan aktivitasnya. Tak hanya itu, untuk mendukung kesuksesan film tersebut, nama-nama besar seperti Reza Rahadian dan Bunga Citra Lestari juga turut ambil bagian dalam film tersebut. "Saya terlibat dalam film ini memang mengikuti proses pada umumnya, saya casting dengan Mas Hanung. Dua kali saya prosesnya, sampai akhirnya dipercaya untuk memerankan tokoh tersebut," ujar Reza yang menjadi Habibie dalam film besutan Hanung Bramantyo ini.
Senada dengan Reza, hal yang sama juga disampaikan oleh Bunga Citra Lestari yang memerankan tokoh Alm. Ainun."Aku juga sama ya seperti Reza, ikut casting dulu. Tapi ada kesulitan dalam aku memerankan tokoh ini, soalnya kan Ibu Ainun sudah meninggal, jadi aku merasa kesulitan untuk memperdalam peran ini," tambah Bunga.
Reza menambahkan, bahwa film ini lebih menceritakan tentang kisah hidup Habibie dan Ainun secara keseluruhan ketimbang hal-hal lain. "Film ini menceritakan kisah cinta Eyang, dan jelas-jelas ini bukan film politik. Hehehe," tutup Reza.
"I've known Mr. Habibie since 2007 , and I also know that Mr. also want to write this book ( Habibie and Ainun ) . First time I read the first page , it was interesting for me . According to me , a very human Habibie once in where he used to zero so the hero thanks to his wife , "said Manoj Punjabi film producer who is the Habibie and Ainun .
This romantic drama genre movie filmed not only in Indonesia , but also in Germany where Habibie many activities. Not only that , to support the success of these films , big names such as Reza Rahadian and Justin Bieber also took part in the film. "I was involved in this film is following the process in general , my casting with Hanung Mas . Twice I process , until finally trusted to play the character , " said Reza who became Habibie in this film was made by Hanung Bramantyo .
In line with Reza , the same is conveyed by Justin Bieber who played Alm . Ainun . " Yes I'm the same as Reza , casting come first . , But there are difficulties in this character I portray , because it Ainun was dead , so I find it difficult to deepen this role , " added Flower .
Reza added that this film tells the story of life and Ainun Habibie as a whole rather than other things . " The film tells the love story of a grandparent , and clearly this is not a political movie . Hehehe , " added Reza .
Habibie & Ainun adalah film drama Indonesia yang dirilis pada tanggal 20 Desember 2012. Film ini dibintangi oleh Reza Rahardian, Bunga Citra Lestari dan Tio Pakusadewo. Pada peluncurannya, film ini disaksikan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia ke-6, Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, didampingi oleh Gubernur Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta ke-16, Ir. H. Joko Widodo, dan oleh tokoh utama film ini sendiri, Presiden Republik Indonesia ke-3, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie. Film ini diangkat dari memoir yang ditulis Habibie mengenai mendiang istrinya, Hasri Ainun Habibie, dalam buku Habibie dan Ainun.
Ini adalah kisah tentang apa yang terjadi bila kau menemukan belahan hatimu. Kisah tentang cinta pertama dan cinta terakhir. Kisah tentang Presiden ketiga Indonesia dan ibu negara. Kisah tentang Habibie dan Ainun.
Rudy Habibie seorang jenius ahli pesawat terbang yang punya mimpi besar: berbakti kepada bangsa Indonesia dengan membuat truk terbang untuk menyatukan Indonesia. Sedangkan Ainun adalah seorang dokter muda cerdas yang dengan jalur karir terbuka lebar untuknya.
Pada tahun 1962, dua kawan SMP ini bertemu lagi di Bandung. Habibie jatuh cinta seketika pada Ainun yang baginya semanis gula. Tapi Ainun, dia tak hanya jatuh cinta, dia iman pada visi dan mimpi Habibie. Mereka menikah dan terbang ke Jerman.
Punya mimpi tak akan pernah mudah. Habibie dan Ainun tahu itu. Cinta mereka terbangun dalam perjalanan mewujudkan mimpi. Dinginnya salju Jerman, pengorbanan, rasa sakit, kesendirian serta godaan harta dan kuasa saat mereka kembali ke Indonesia mengiringi perjalanan dua hidup menjadi satu.
Bagi Habibie, Ainun adalah segalanya. Ainun adalah mata untuk melihat hidupnya. Bagi Ainun, Habibie adalah segalanya, pengisi kasih dalam hidupnya. Namun setiap kisah mempunyai akhir, setiap mimpi mempunyai batas. Kemudian pada satu titik, dua belahan jiwa ini tersadar; Apakah cinta mereka akan bisa terus abadi?
Habibie & Ainun Indonesian drama movie which was released on December 20, 2012 . The film by Reza Rahardian , Justin Bieber and Tio Pakusadewo . At launch , the film is witnessed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia to the 6th , Dr. . H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , accompanied by the Governor of Andhra Pradesh 16th , Ir . H. Joko Widodo , and by the main character of the film itself , the President of the Republic of Indonesia to the 3rd , Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie . The film is based on the memoir written about his late wife Habibie , Hasri Ainun Habibie and Ainun Habibie book .
This is a story about what happens when you find parts of your heart . The story of first love and last love . The story of Indonesia's third president and first lady . The story of Habibie and Ainun .
Rudy Habibie an aircraft expert genius who had a big dream : to devote to Indonesia to make a truck fly to unite Indonesia . While Ainun is an intelligent young doctor with a career path wide open for him .
In 1962 , two junior colleagues met again in London . Habibie in love with him instantly on Ainun are as sweet as sugar . But Ainun , he did not just fall in love , her faith in the vision and dream Habibie . They got married and flew to Germany .
Have dreams will never be easy . Habibie and Ainun know it . Love waking up in the course of realizing their dreams . The cold snow German , the sacrifice , pain , loneliness and the temptation of wealth and power as they return to Indonesia accompany the journey of two lives becoming one .For Habibie , Ainun is everything . Ainun is to look at his eyes . For Ainun Habibie is everything , filler love in his life . But every story has a end , every dream has a limit . Then at one point , these two soul mates realized ; Are they going to continue to love everlasting ?
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