Kamasutra Ala Bugis
1 . Assikalabineng Kitab Persetubuhan Bugis
2 . Ucapkan Mantra, Hatimu Lenyap di Hatiku
3 . Jika Lima Menit Terasa Kurang
4 . Di Mana Pusat Rangsangan Tertinggi
5 . Hadiah Pernikahan Terindah
6 . Mengukur Kejantanan dari Hembusan Nafas
7 . Daerah G-Spot Ala Bugis
8 . Terapi Kelingking Untuk Tetap Langsing
9 . Mau Anak Putih, Bersetubuh Setelah Jam 5 Subuh
Baca Artikel Di bawah untuk mengetahui lebih jauh...!!
Assikalabineng Kitab Persetubuhan Bugis
Assikalabineng, Kitab Persetubuhan Orang Bugis SEBAGAIMANA di kebudayaan
lainnya, seks bagi masyarakat Bugis selalu dipandang sebagai sesuatu
yang eksklusif, sakral, dan tabu untuk dibicarakan secara luas.
2 . Ucapkan Mantra, Hatimu Lenyap di Hatiku
3 . Jika Lima Menit Terasa Kurang
4 . Di Mana Pusat Rangsangan Tertinggi
5 . Hadiah Pernikahan Terindah
6 . Mengukur Kejantanan dari Hembusan Nafas
7 . Daerah G-Spot Ala Bugis
8 . Terapi Kelingking Untuk Tetap Langsing
9 . Mau Anak Putih, Bersetubuh Setelah Jam 5 Subuh
Baca Artikel Di bawah untuk mengetahui lebih jauh...!!
Assikalabineng Kitab Persetubuhan Bugis

Maka pengetahuan tentang hal itu sedapat mungkin dijaga dengan rapat. Selain karena ini menyangkut pola komunikasi paling personal antara sesama manusia, seks juga dipandang sebagai bagian dari kehormatan manusia.
Adalah Muhlis Hadrawi yang menjadi salah satu dari sekian ahli naskah kuno Universitas Hasanuddin yang mengungkap bahwa di masyarakat Bugis, pengetahuan tentang seks sebenarnya juga terangkum dan terdokumentasi dengan baik.
Berbekal ketekunan menghimpun naskah kuno Bugis dalam bentuk lontara, lahirlah buku Assikalabineng Kitab Persetubuhan Bugis yang diterbitkan Penerbit Ininnawa akhir tahun lalu. Buku ini sekaligus menjadi penjelas dari sekian tabir yang hanya bisa dilewati orang tertentu sejak dulu kala. Dan uniknya, semua pengetahuan itu masih bisa dipraktikkan dengan baik di zaman modern ini.
Berbeda dengan Kama Sutra yang lebih mengedepankan pada teknik belaka, Assikalabineng lebih dari hal itu. Pengetahuan tentang organ genital dan alat reproduksi, filosofi seks, teknik penetrasi, sentuhan bagian sensitif, penentuan jenis kelamin, pengendalian kehamilan, serta waktu baik untuk berhubungan intim, juga terangkum di dalamnya.
Tak hanya itu, juga terdapat pengetahuan cara membuat tubuh istri tetap seksi dan berwajah cerah dengan menggunakan medium seks. Pengobatan alat kelamin pun dibahas dengan indah.
Mari kita simak Assikalabineng memandang seks dari sudut agama pada halaman 113.
"dan perbaikilah perasaanmu kepada Allah. Apabila kamu telah terbaring, niatkanlah menempatkan neraka di kiri dan durga di kanan...".
Atau pada teknik pendahuluan (foreplay) di halaman 92 yang bercerita mengenai tindakan apa saja yang bisa membangkitkan gairah. "Lalu ciumlah pipi kirinya tiga kali kemudian bacalah ini. Cium lagi pangkal lehernya dan bacalah ini..."
Soal bagaimana mendapatkan anak berkulit putih pun dijelaskan, seperti di halaman 93. "Adapun untuk mendapat anak berkulit putih kita melakukannya waktu isya. Anak yang berkulit hitam, kita melakukannya tengah malam. Anak berkulit kemerah-merahan pada antara dua waktu itu melakukannya.
Lalu yang tak kalah menakjubkan dari kitab ini yakni betapa orang Bugis, terutama yang menguasai kitab ini, memahami dengan benar jenis-jenis organ genital wanita. Cara mengungkapkannya pun sangat simbolik dengan mengasosiasikannya dengan bunga yang cenderung mekar. Pada jenis tertentu ada yang disebut dengan bunga melati atau bunga sibollo.
Pada akhirnya, sebagai karya yang diadaptasi dari disertasi yang dipertahankan di Universitas Indonesia, apa yang dibuat oleh Muhlis Hadrawi menjadikan khasanah pengetahuan kita tentang seks, lebih meluas lagi.
Ucapkan Mantra, Hatimu Lenyap di Hatiku
Lain lagi tanggapan dari A Lagaligo Mappangara, ahli pertambangan perusahaan Chevron yang sedang berdinas di Doha, Qatar.
Ia keponakan Bupati Luwu Timur A Hatta Marakarma.
"Hhhmmmmm... pantas kulitnya anakku putih2 semua :)".
Yang serius menulis seperti ini: "dmana bisa dapat bukunya itu????mau buat hadiah he he".
Mau buat hadiah atau untuk diri sendiri?
Namun inti dari semua tanggapan itu tampaknya lebih mengacu pada pandangan bahwa sisi fungsional dari Assikalabineng masih cocok diterapkan saat ini karena sifat seks yang sangat universal.
Ini dikuatkan oleh pernyataan Muhlis Hadrawi, si penulis buku ini.
"Hal ihwal pengetahuan seksualitas yang terkandung di dalam Assikalabineng pada dasarnya menjadi teks practical knowledge, karena menyajikan pengetahuan yang dapat dipraktikkan langsung oleh masyarakat di dalam kehidupan rumah tangganya." (halaman 7).
Meskipun pengetahuan praktis (practikal knowledge) di Assikalabineng ini ditujukan untuk masyarakat umum, namun tak mudah mendapatkan informasi yang lengkap dalam bentuk tertulis seperti pada naskah lontara. Hanya segelintir orang dengan strata sosial tertentu yang bisa menyimpan naskah-naskah kuno itu atau mendapatkannya dari penuturan. Dan karena itu boleh jadi Assikalabineng ini pernah menjadi paddissengang atau pengetahuan yang eksklusif.
Mari lihat tentang cara mendekati istri (halaman 93) menurut Assikalabineng.
"Jika kamu mau menyentuh pintu kiri, tekuk kaki kirimu dan luruskan kaki kanannya, pastilah kamu menyentuh pintu kiri. Pada akhirnya di situlah perempuan akan menemukan kenikmatan..."
Di halaman 102. "Perlakukan semampu kamu hingga kenikmatan mencapai puncak. Pertemukan mulutmu dengan mulutnya. Hidungmu dengan hidungnya. Matanya dengan matamu. Dahinya dengan dahimu. Pastikan bahagian tubuhmu dan tubuhnya bertemu. Arahkan salah satu tanganmu ke farjinya. Tangan satunya lagi memegang kepalanya. Julurkan lidahmu, gigit lidahnya dan isaplah nafasnya. Ucapkan zikir ini A-I-U. Ucapkan dalam hati, "tubuhmu lenyap di tubuhku. Hatimu lenyap di hatiku, rahasiamu lenyap di rahasiaku..."
Tentang bagaimana menghadapi orgasme (halaman 112).
"Apabila zakarmu telah masuk, tahanlah nafasmu. Janganlah lupa diri dan jangan terlalu bernafsu. Ingatlah kata syariat dalam persetubuhan. Jika mani telah keluar, maka lepaslah nafas sedikit demi sedikit. Jangan melepasnya sekaligus. Lepaskan sebanyak empat tahap lalu merasakan kenikmatannya."
Ada pula cara memanjakan istri sehabis berhubungan (halaman 120).
"Apabila kamu selesai bersetubuh, luruskan kaki dan sejajarkan lutut istri dengan baik. Tekan panggulnya dan usap pula keringatnya. Pegang pula persendiannya. Usap-usaplah seluruh tubuhnya sampai dia tertidur baru kamu berhenti."
Tentang waktu dan hari bersetubuh yang ideal pun dikemukakan.
Ada empat hari baik yakni malam Senin, Rabu, Kamis, dan Jumat.
Kendati demikian, malam-malam itu tidak begitu mengikat, terutama jika berkaitan dengan vitalitas tubuh, situasimental, dan lingkungan.(
Jika Lima Menit Terasa Kurang
RELASI dalam hubungan suami istri, menurut lontara Assikalabineng, merupakan relasi dua pihak yang sepadan dan saling membutuhkan.
Tidak boleh ada sedikit pun pemaksaan satu sama lain dalam hubungan seksual. Praktik melampiaskan hasrat di saat istri sedang tertidur lelap, malah dianggap sebagai bentuk penghinaan. Ini digambarkan seolah-olah istri diperlakukan sebagai budak dan bukan mahluk yang patut dijaga dan disayangi.
Penekanan pada pemaksaan beberapa kali disebutkan dalam lontara Assikalabineng, meski secara mutlak disebutkan pula bahwa suami merupakan "pengatur irama" dan "pemegang kendali" dari seluruh proses hubungan intim itu.
Karena itu, suami sebagai subyek dan istri sebagai obyek, sedapat mungkin mengarahkan hubungan itu pada kenikmatan bersama. Kegagalan memberi kenikmatan bersama di tempat tidur bisa membuat suami digelari orowane bonggo atau lelaki yang dungu. Sebaliknya, laki-laki yang mampu membuat istrinya puas, disebut sebagai orowane mapata, suami yang cerdas.
"Demikianlah yang disebut laki-laki yang berpenetahuan terhadap istrinya. Jika tidak demikian halnya, maka itulah yang dinamakan perilaku laki-laki dungu yang membosankan." (halaman 120-121).
Masalahnya kemudian adalah, pada umumnya suami hanya bisa menjalani hubungan seksual rata-rata tidak lebih dalam lima menit. Sedangkan pada rentang waktu itu, si istri malah belum bisa merasakan puncak kepuasaan. Atas kendala itulah, terletak fungsi pengetahuan yang terdapat dalam lontara Assikalabineng.
Assikalabineng sangat menuntut si suami mengetahui teknik-teknik foreplay. "Lakukanlah tidur bersama dalam satu sarung dan melakukannya terlebih dahulu, istri akan merasa dirinya dimuliakan. Kemudian lanjutkan tidur dalam satu sarung.... Itu berarti kamu melakukan perbuatan yang membangkitkan gairahnya". (halaman 94).
Selanjutnya ada tahap yang harus dilakukan (halaman 104). "Peganglah pusarnya. Jengkalkan tanganmu, ibu jarimu dipusarnya dan kelingkingmu di farjinya. Bila tampak bagimu nafsunya telah bangkit maka berilah penciuman dua belas. Pertama-tama, ciumlah ubun-ubunnya..."
Hingga kemudian terjadilah orgasme. "Jika dia mencapai orgasme, janganlah melepasnya sebab dia sedang mencapai puncak kenikmatan.. ( nalolongennitu rennue makkunraiyye enrengnge nyamengnge. Alliangngani aja'na mulappessangngi)." (halaman 73).
Assikalabineng pun menjelaskan cara merangsang pada titik peka di tubuh istri. Cara yang dimaksud antara lain memegang perut, mencium ubun-ubun, mencium pipi, mencium pangkal leher, dan mencium farji.
Ada 12 titik rangsangan pada tubuh si perempuan yakni ubun-ubun (buwung), telinga (docciling), perantara kening (lawa enning), mata (mata), pipi (pili), hidung (inge'), dagu (sadang), pangkal leher (edda'), tengkuk (cekkong), telapak tangan (pale' lima), buah dada (pangolo), dan pusar (posi).
Sedangkan pada laki-laki ada tiga titik rangsangan yakni mulut (timu), tangan (jari), dan zakar (kalamung). Tiga titik rangsangan ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai alat untuk merangsang perempuan. Bila ketiga alat itu dikombinasikan pergerakannya pada titik rangsangan perempuan maka akan membangkitkan sensasi yang luar biasa.
Yang tak kalah menarik dari Assikalabineng yakni mengandung informasi bahwa pola seksual akan berpengaruh pada kualitas fisik anak yang dilahirkan. Suara yang merdu, sikap yang jantan, mata yang memikat, bisa dipersiapkan sejak dini di tempat tidur.
Di Mana Pusat Rangsangan Tertinggi

Di bagian awal buku yang didedikasikan sebagai tesis untuk meraih gelar master di Universitas Indonesia (UI) ini, penulis menyebutkan ada 44 naskah Lontara yang dipakai sebagai rujukan utama.
Sebanyak 28 teks beraksara Bugis dan 16 sisanya manuskrip lontara Makassar. "Aksaranya macam-macam, ada sulapa eppa, serang, dan jangang-jangang." (hal.10)
Tak mengherankan, tips, trik, sekaligus mantra yang disajikan pun bervariasi, namun pada intinya sama, dan menyesuaikan dengan kultur Bugis pesisir atau Makassar pedalaman.
Seperti proses seleksi hadis, penulis memaparkannya utuh dan menganalisanya.
Dalam naskah Bunga Rampai Budaya, yang berisi, "tata cara mandi junub, sebelum melakuklan hubungan seks untuk membangkitkan gairah wanita serta doa-doanya, dan tata cara agar awet muda setelah berhubungan seks," misalnya, diperoleh dari manuskrip tua 52 halaman yang disalin dari pemilik aslinya, Amiruddin, warga Paccerakkang.
Secara teratur buku ini mengklasifikasi titik-titik rangsangan perempuan, manfaat mandi sebagai foreplay atau siklus perubahan titik rangsangan wanita yang berubah sesuai siklus haid, dan hari di masa subur istri, dan siklus mani perempuan yang berpindah-pindah.
Di mana titik mani berada, maka di situlah pusat rangsangan tertinggi, dan akan membuat pasangan suami istri menggelinjang, laiknya gerakan pangkal ekor ikan mujair di lumpur berair.
"Inilah pengetahuan dari Baginda Ali ketika hendak berhubungan dengan Fatimah/Malam jumat dia mencium ubun-ubun sebab di situlah maninya berada/ Sabtu dia mencium kepalanya, sebab di situlah maninya berada/ malam Ahad, Ali mencium mata Fatimah sebab di situlah maninya berada/malam Senin diciuminya perantara keningnya....//
Di manuskrip lain, disebutkan tujuh titik rangsangan yang menjadi daerah sensasi selama peredaran malam;
- pertama, Ubun-ubun (buwung) di malam Jumat;
- Dua, kepala (ulu) di malam Sabtu;
- ketiga, mata (mata) di malam Ahad;
- keempat, perantara alis (lewa enning) di malam Senin;
- kelima, hidung (inge') di malam Selasa;
- keenam, buah dada (pangolo) di malam Rabu; dan
- ketujuh, ulu hati (ulu ati) di malam Kamis.
Ketujuh pusat rangsangan itu adalah bagian dari dua belas sensasi seksual perempuan.
"Efek rangsangan terbaik bila dilakukan pada rangkaian titik peka itu, diraba, lalu selalu diiringi ciuman, sebelum masuk ke tahap penetrasi, yang diikuti beberapa mantra dalam bahasa Arab adan Lontara.
"Efek rangsangan terbaik bila dilakukan pada rangkaian titik peka itu, diraba, lalu selalu diiringi ciuman, sebelum masuk ke tahap penetrasi, yang diikuti beberapa mantra dalam bahasa Arab adan Lontara.
Hadiah Pernikahan Terindah

India mengenal Kama Sutra yang merupakan saripati pengetahuan persetubuhan dari kitab Vatsyayana. Meski belakangan kama sutra lebih menonjolkan lelaku atau gaya seksual, tapi sebenarnya ini adalah "gaya hidup" raja-raja untuk mencapai moksa.
Kebudayaan Jawa juga mengenal Serat Centhini dan Serat Nitimani karena terpengaruh kebudayaan Islam, lelaku ini untuk mencapai makrifat.
Sebagai salah satu dari beberapa suku bangsa yang memiliki aksara sebagai medium, Lontara Assikalaibineng, bisa disejajarkan dengan kitab-kitab dari bangsa berbudaya tinggi lainnya.
Kita Assikalabineng menempatkan laki-laki sebagai inisiator. Ajaran, tata cara, syarat, atau mantra dalam bahasa Arab atau Lontara, menempatkan pria sebagai tokoh sentral.
Tak mengherankan, ajaran ini hanya diajarkan kepada lelaki yang akan menikah atau sudah menikah. Ajaran ini tidak sama sekali diperuntukkan bagi lelaki yang belum dewasa.
Masyarakat Bugis amat meyakini bahwa seorang suami yang akan menikah di masa "pingitan" sudah membekali diri dengan pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan Assikalaibineng.
Pengetahuan inilah yang mengkonfirmasikan, betapa berharganya malam pertama bagi laki-laki. Dengan ilmu dan lelaku ini, mempelai pria bisa mengetahui, apakah istrinya masih virgin atau jusrtu akan membuatnya malu.
Ritual Agama
Kitab ini menempatkan hubungan seks di malam pertama dan malam-malam selanjutnya sebagai ritual keagamaan, bukan wadah pelampiasan nafsu, atau menghabiskan masa honeymoon.
Buku ini, seperti ajaran Islam, mengajarkan bagaimana menahan dan mengatur hawa nafsu dengan prosedur teratur dan zikir.
Di halaman 140, misalnya, diajarkan tata cara awal sebelum melakukan hubungan seks. Pasangan mandi secara terpisah, lalu berwudu dan melakukan tafakkur dalam salat sunnah. Buku ini faham betul, bahwa hasrat pria selalu lebih besar, namun paling cepat "terlampiaskan". Proses ini, diebut dengan "nikah batin". Istilah ini merujuk kepada pengelaman anak mertua nabi Muhammad, Ali dengan Fatimah.
"..bila kamu dan istrimu pertama kali berhubungan, maka tafakurlah lebih dulu. Pusatkan mata hatimu, lihatlah dirimua sebagai Alif , dan istrimu sebagai huruf Ba."
Lalu peganglah lengannya lalu ucapkan salam berbunyi, Assaalamu alaikum, Ali memegang, Fatimah dipegang. Apabila kamu memegang tangannya maka ucapkan syahadat. Ucapkan dalam hati atau Jubril menikahkan saya, Muhammad Wali saya, wali saksi saya, atas kehendak Allah taala, kunfayakun. Lalu mulailah dengan ciuman, dan ...... "
Nikah Batin
Konsep nikah bathin ini adalah amalan dan ajaran tasawwuf dalam peristiwa Assikalaibineng. Proses ini adalah penyatuan unsur lahiriah dan bathiniah antara lelaki dan perempuan. Dalam kitab ini, disebut penyatuan eppa sulapa. Penyatuan tubuh dengan tubuh, hati dengan hati, nyawa dengan nyawa, dan rahasia dengan rahasia.
Dengan, konsep nikah batin inilah yang merupakan klimaks dalam konteks spiritualitas manusia dalam hubungan seks, atau "tassawuf seks".
Dan inilah, yang menyebabkan kenapa para bangsawan dan orang berilmu Bugis-Makassar dalam pesta perkawinannya biasanya memakan waktu persiapan yang lama.
Kitab Assikalaibaineng adalah ilmu yang ditunggu-tunggu atau hadiah perkawinan berharga bagi pria dewasa yang segera ke pelaminan dan akan mempraktikkannya di malam pertamanya.
Mengukur Kejantanan dari Hembusan Nafas

Karena padi dan sawah diibaratkan istri, maka suamilah diberi otoritas untuk menggarap dan menanam.
Karena ajaran lahir di masa kuatnya paternalistik dan belum ada gerakan persamaan gender, makanya ajaran Kitab Persetubuhan Bugis ini lebih banyak ditujukan kepada suami. Kitab ini paham betul emosi perempuan dan karena perasaan malunya mereka amat jarang menjadi inisiator.
Inilah yang sekaligus menjelaskan mengapa ilmu tarekat atau tasawuf seks ala Bugis-Makassar ini diajarkan terbatas ke calon mempelai pria, memilih momentum beberapa hari sebelum akad nikah.
Setelah pengetahuan mandi, berwudu, dan salat sunah lalu tafakur bersama yang disebut nikah batin, maka sampailah pada tahapan lelaku praktis, cumbu rayu, penetrasi, dan masa pascaberhubungan.
Karena konsep Assikalaibineg mengedepankan ideologi dan tata krama, disarankan agar sebelum aktivitas penetrasi dimulai dilakukan dalam satu sarung, atau kain tertutup, atau kelambu.
Masyarakat Bugis, seperti dikemukakan Christian Pelras dalam bukunya, Manusia Bugis (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006) memang memiliki sarung khusus yang bisa memuat sepasang suami istri.
Sarung jenis ini tentu sangat susah didapat di pasar-pasar sandang kebanyakan.
Namun toh, selimut bisa menjadi alternatif.
Buku ini menggunakan istilah makkarawa (meraba) dan manyyonyo (mencium) untuk tahap foreplay.
Ini dengan asumusi pihak pria sudah mengetahui 12 titik rangsangan, dan rangkaian mantra (paddoangeng).
Meraba lengan adalah titik pertama yang disarankan dikarawa, sebelum meraba atau mencium titi-titik lainnya. Pele lima (telapak tangan), sadang (dagu), edda' (pangkal leher), dan cekkong (tengkuk) adalah sejumlah titik yang dalam buku ini direkomendasikan di-karawa dan dinyoyyo di tahap awal foreplay.
Setelah bagian badan tubuh, mulailah masuk di sekitar muka.
Titik "rawan" istri dibagian ini disebutkan;
- buwung (ubun-ubun), dacculing (daun telinga),
- lawa enning (perantara kening dia atas hidung),
- lalu inge (bagian depan hidung).
Di titik ini juga disebutkan, tahapan di bagian badan sebelum penetrasi langsung adalah
- pangolo (buah dada) dan
- posi (pusar).
Dalam foreplay berupa makkarawa dan manyonyyo ini, buku menyarankan tetap tenang dan mengatur irama naffaseng (nafas).
Karena kitab persetubuhan ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh ajaran fiqhi al'jima atau ajaran berhubungan seks suami istri dalam syariat Islam, maka proses menahan nafas itu direkomendasikan dengan melafalkan zikir dan menyatukan ingatan kepada Allah Taala.
Apakah melafalkan zikir itu bersuara? Tentulah tidak. Zikir dan mantra dalam bahasa Bugis itu dilafalkan dalam hati.
Dalam komentar penulis buku ini,menyebutkan, ejakuliasi dini oleh pria banyak terjadi karena pikiran suami terlalu fokus ke pelampiasan untuk mencapai klimaks.
Perlu diketahui, seperti ajaran agama Islam, kitab Assikalaibineng bukan seperti buku-buku lain yang mengajarkan gaya dan teknis bersenggama dan melampiaskan nafsu belaka.
Laiknya ibadah, inti dari ajaran Assikalibineng adalah mengelola nafsu birahi ke arah yang lebih positif dan bermanfaat secara spiritualitas.
Bukankah seperti kata Nabi Muhammad SAW usai memenangkan Perang Badar, kepada sahabatnya yang bersuka, diperi peringatan, bahwa Perang Badar belum ada apa-apanya.
Perang terbesar manusia Muslim adalah bagaimana menahan hawa nafsu.
Dan nafsu yang amat sulit ditahan oleh manusia secara pribadi adalah nafsu birahi setelah nafsu ammarah (emosi kejiwaan).
Di bagian lanjutan tulisan ini, nantinya akan mengulas beberapa lafalan teknik menahan nafas.
Namun, bagian lain halaman buku itu juga diberikan tips parktis untuk mengetahui apakah seorang suami siap berhubungan seks atau tidak, maka disarankan bagi pria untuk mengangkat tangan kirinya, lalu menghembuskan nafas dari hidung.
Jika nafas yang keluar dari lubang hidung kanan lebih kuat berhembus, maka pertanda kejantanan yang bangkit.
Namun jika hembusan dari lubang kiri lebih kuat, maka sebaiknya sang suami menunda lebih dulu (hal 141).
".. dalam keyakinan kebatinan Bugis, nafas hidung yang lemah dan kuat berkaitan langsung dengan ilmu kelaki-lakian atau kejantanan seorang pria...".
Karena kitab persetubuhan ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh ajaran fiqhi al'jima atau ajaran berhubungan seks suami istri dalam syariat Islam, maka proses menahan nafas itu direkomendasikan dengan melafalkan zikir dan menyatukan ingatan kepada Allah Taala.
Apakah melafalkan zikir itu bersuara? Tentulah tidak. Zikir dan mantra dalam bahasa Bugis itu dilafalkan dalam hati.
Dalam komentar penulis buku ini,menyebutkan, ejakuliasi dini oleh pria banyak terjadi karena pikiran suami terlalu fokus ke pelampiasan untuk mencapai klimaks.
Perlu diketahui, seperti ajaran agama Islam, kitab Assikalaibineng bukan seperti buku-buku lain yang mengajarkan gaya dan teknis bersenggama dan melampiaskan nafsu belaka.
Laiknya ibadah, inti dari ajaran Assikalibineng adalah mengelola nafsu birahi ke arah yang lebih positif dan bermanfaat secara spiritualitas.
Bukankah seperti kata Nabi Muhammad SAW usai memenangkan Perang Badar, kepada sahabatnya yang bersuka, diperi peringatan, bahwa Perang Badar belum ada apa-apanya.
Perang terbesar manusia Muslim adalah bagaimana menahan hawa nafsu.
Dan nafsu yang amat sulit ditahan oleh manusia secara pribadi adalah nafsu birahi setelah nafsu ammarah (emosi kejiwaan).
Di bagian lanjutan tulisan ini, nantinya akan mengulas beberapa lafalan teknik menahan nafas.
Namun, bagian lain halaman buku itu juga diberikan tips parktis untuk mengetahui apakah seorang suami siap berhubungan seks atau tidak, maka disarankan bagi pria untuk mengangkat tangan kirinya, lalu menghembuskan nafas dari hidung.
Jika nafas yang keluar dari lubang hidung kanan lebih kuat berhembus, maka pertanda kejantanan yang bangkit.
Namun jika hembusan dari lubang kiri lebih kuat, maka sebaiknya sang suami menunda lebih dulu (hal 141).
".. dalam keyakinan kebatinan Bugis, nafas hidung yang lemah dan kuat berkaitan langsung dengan ilmu kelaki-lakian atau kejantanan seorang pria...".
Daerah G-Spot Ala Bugis

Penulis menggunakan istilah tasawupe' allaibinengengnge untuk menjelaskan kedudukan persetubuhan yang lebih dulu disahkan dengan akad nikah dan penegasan kedudukan manusia yang berbeda dengan binatang saat melakukan persetubuhan.
Ini juga sekaligus wujud penghormatan dan menjaga martabat keluarga dalam kerangka mendekatkan diri kepada Allah (hal 123).
Pada bagian awal bab tata laku hubungan suami-istri, Muhlis mengomentari satu dari tujuh manuskrip Assikalaibineng yang menjadi rujukan utamanya menulis buku ini.
Dikatakan ini sebagai pustaka penuntun tata cara hubungan seks untuk suami-istri sebagai ilmu yang dipraktikkan Sayyidina Ali dan Fatimah.
Muhlis memulainya dengan kisah perbincangan tertutup Ali dan istrinya, yang juga putri Nabi, di tahun ketiga pernikahan mereka.
Perkawinan keduanya menghadapi satu masalah sebab Ali belum mengetahui dengan benar bagaimana tata cara menggauli Fatimah.
"Kala itu," tulis Muhlis, "Fatimah mengeluarkan ucapan yang menyindir Ali, "Apakah kamu mengira baik apabila tidak menyampaikan titipan Tuhan?"
Ali kontan merasa malu dan sangat bersalah. "Ali mulai sadar kalau ia belum memberikan apa yang menjadi keinginan Fatimah di kamar tidur. Maka Ali meminta Fatimah memberitahu keinginan Fatimah dan memintanya untuk mempelajarinya."
"Fatimah pun merekomendasikan Muhammad Rasulullah, yang tak lain bapak Fatimah. Datanglah Ali ke Nabi Muhammad dan selanjutnya terjadilah transfer pengetahuan dari bapak mertua kepada anak menantu."
Transfer ilmu atau proses makkanre guru seperti ini amat biasa dalam tradisi Bugis-Makassar, khususnya keluarga yang mengamalkan ajaran tarekat-tarekat.
Kisah di atas sekaligus menjelaskan bahwa lelaku dan zikir Assikalaibineng tak terlambat untuk dipelajari.
Memang idealnya, tata laku hubungan Assakalaibineng ini diajarkan di awal masa nikah, namun bagi mereka yang ingin mengamalkannya hanya perlu membulatkan tekad, untuk mengubah cara padangnya, bahwa hubungan suami-istri versi Islam yang terangkum dalam lontara ini, berbeda dengan literatur, hasil konsultasi, atau frequent ask and question (FAQ) soal seks yang selama ini sumber dominannya dari ilmu kedokteran Barat.
Pada sub bab Teknik Mengendalikan Emosi Seks atau Hawa Nafsu (hal 150), buku ini menyajikan laku zikir untuk mengiringi gerakan seksual dari pihak suami.
"lelaku zikir ini menjadi penyeimbang nuansa erotis dan terkesan tidak vulgar."
Teknik mengatur napas adalah inti dari ketahanan pihak suami.
Untuk menjaga endurance napas suami agar istrinya bisa mencapai orgasme, misalnya, saat kalamung (zakar) bergerak masuk urapa'na (vagina) disarankan membaca lafal (dalam hati) Subhanallah sebanyak 33 kali disertai tarikan nafas.
"Narekko mupattamamai kalammu, iso'i nappasse'mu".
Sebaliknya, jika menarik zakar, maka hembuskanlah napasmu (narekko mureddui kalamummu, muassemmpungenggi nappase'mu), dan menyebutkan budduhung.
Bahkan bisa dibayangkan karena babang urapa'na (pintu vagina) perempuan ada empat bagian, maka di bagian awal penetrasi, disarankan hanya memasukkan sampai bagian kepala kalamummu lalu menariknya sebanyak 33 dengan tarikan napas dan disertai zikir, hanya untuk menyentuh "timungeng bunga sibollo" (klitoris bagian kiri).
Mungkin bagi generasi sekarang, lafalan zikir dalam hati saat bersetubuh akan sangat lucu, namun pelafalan Subhanallah sebanyak 33 kali dan perlahan dan diikuti tarikan napas akan membuat daya tahan suami melebihi ekspektasi istri! (hal 80)
"Mmupanggoloni kalamummu, mubacasi iyae/ya qadiyal hajati mufattikh iftahkna/.....! Pada ppuncu'ni katauwwammu pada'e tosa mpuccunna bunga'e (sibolloe)/tapauttmani' katawwammu angkanna se'kkena, narekko melloko kennai babangne ri atau, lokkongi ajae ataummu mupallemmpui aje; abeona makkunraimmu, majeppu mukennai ritu atau...., na mubacaisi yae wikka tellu ppulo tellu/subhanallah../"
Artinya, "....arahkan zakarmu, dan bacalah ini/Ya qadiyyal hajati mufattikh iftakhna/....kemudian cium dadanya,. lalu naikkan panggulnya, ... ketika itu mekarlah kelaminnya layaknya mekarnya kelopak bunga, masukkan zakarmu hingga batas kepalanya, dan bacalah subhanallah 33 kali.... (hal 144).
Penggunaan kata timungeng bunga sibollo sekaligus menunjukkan bagaimana para orang Bugis-Makassar terdahulu mengemas ungkapan-ungkapan erotis dalam bentuk perumpamaan yang begitu halus dan memuliakan kutawwa makkunraie (alat kelamin perempuan), dan ungkapan kalamummu (untuk zakar).
Terapi Kelingking Untuk Tetap Langsing

Manuskrip asli ini pulalah yang menjadi satu dari 44 lontara rujukan utama Muhlis Hadrawi, penulis buku Assikalaibineng, Kitab Persetubuhan Bugis, yang diterbitkan Penerbit Ininnawa, Makassar (2008).
Secara teknis buku ini terdiri dari 189 halaman. Sebanyak 64 halaman terdiri dari transliterasi asli "kitab assikalaibineng" lontara ke dalam abjad melayu berikut terjemahannya. Inilah matan asli dari kitab tassawupe allaibainengengeng yang merupakan peninggalan leluhur Bugis-Makassar yang teleh terpengaruh dengan ajaran Islam.
Karena buku ini merupakan disertasi untuk meraih gelar magister bidang filologi (ilmu tentang Bahasa, kebudayaan, pranata dan sejarah suatu bangsa dalam bentuk manuskrip asli) di Universitas Indonesia, maka 51 halaman di bagian awal lebih banyak mendiskripsikan latar belakang, asal usul naskah, dan metodologi penelitian.
Sedangkan di bagian akhir, Tata Laku Hubungan Suami Istri, isinya lebih merupakan ringkasan, analisis, sekaligus komentar penulisnya, yang diperkaya dengan literatur penunjang. Namun, bagi pembaca awam yang tidak lagi mengerti Bahasa-bahasa Bugis terhadulu, justru bab akhir inilah yang membatu mendapatkan intisari dari manuskrip tua, yang hingga awal decade 2000, masih beredar di kalangan elite terbatas, masyarakat kita.
Kepemilikan naskah ini oleh Lapawawoi yang kini dimuseumkan di Perpustakaan Nasional, tulis Muhlis, mempertegas sirkulasi ajaran ini selain dimiliki kalangan ulama/cendekia pesantren, pengetahuan ini juga milik bangsawan dan raja-raja Bugis Makassar.
Selain pengetahuan bersetubuh ala bugis, Kitab Persetubuhan Bugis, juga mengajarkan sistem rotasi waktu yang baik untuk berhubungan, dan tata cara perawatan tubuh bagi pihak suami dan istri. Tata laku dan tahapan ini semua dilakukan dalam satu rangkaian dan satu tempat
Untuk melangsingkan tubuh dan memperhalus kulits istri misalnya, suami tak perlu repot-repot menyisihkan uang dan mengantar pasangannya ke pusat kecantikan tubuh. Seperti spa center, steam room Jacuzzi, atau membayar kapster salon.
Di kitab mengajarkan rutinitas kesederhanaan namun tetap dalam bingkai kerahasiaan, tidak diketahui oleh orang banyak.
Untuk menjaga kebugaran tubuh, assikalaibineng misalnya merekomendasikan di kamar tidur dan massage (pijitan) rutin pasca-bersetubuh. Sedangkam untuk perawatan kulit, juga tak perlu cream pelembab atau whitening motion,
Kitab ini mengajarkan manfaat penggunaan "air mani" sisa yang biasanya meleler di bagian luar babang urapa' (vagina) istri dan kalamummu (zakar) pihak suami dan sejumlah mantra bugis-Arab, secara subtansial lebih merupakan niat, sekaligus ekspresi kasih-sayang suami kepada istri pasca-berhubungan,
Kitab ini menyindir perilaku suami yang langsung tidur lelap atau langsung meninggalkan kamar tidur, sementara istri belum mendapatkan kepuasan, biasanya akan membuat wanita terhina. Di kitab ini. Perlakuan itu diistilahkan dengan, teretta'na narekko le'ba mpusoni (adab setelah persetubuhan).
"(h.75) . Rekko mangujuni ilao manimmu takabbereno wekka eppa/urape'ni alemu, nupassamangi makkeda; alhamdulillahahi nurung Muhammad habibillah./ nareko purano mualai wae, muteggoi bikka tellu, nareko purano, mualani minyak pasaula, musaularenggi kutawwamu apa napoleammengi dodong mupogaukangeki paimeng/Apa' nasenggao manginggi'/ Aja mu papinrai gaumu denre purai mupogau, iya na ritu riyaseng temanginggi (hal. 157).
Kira, kira artinya bebasnya, jika air manimu sudah keluar maka bertakbirlah empat kali. Kemudian turunkan tubuhmu dan ucamkan hamdalah dan pujian ke nabi Muhammad. Jika engkau sudah melakuklannya, maka lakukanlah perbuatan yang menyenangkan perasaanya. (h.76) sebagai tanda sayang. Jika usai minumlahair dengan tiga tegukan, dan ambilah minyak gosokdan urutlah kelaminmu agar tubuhmu pulih kembali dan agar jagan sampai kalu lelah. Janganlah kamu mengubah perbuatanmu seperti yang kamu lakukan sebelumnya, demikianlah maka kamu akan disebut lelaki yang tidak merasa bosan dengan istrinya,"
Sedangkan tahapn selanjutnya, usai berhubungan, ambilah air mani dari liang fajri yang sudah bercampur dengan cairan perempuan. Letakakkanlah di telapak tangan mu, air mani dicampur dengan air liur dari langit-langit (sumur qalqautsar) suami, sebelum mengusap air mani tersebut ke tubuh istri, terlebih dulu membaca doa dengan lafalan bugis, "waddu waddi, mani-manikang". Mani riparewe, tajang mapparewe, tajang riparewekki..." (hal.158)
Aiar mani basuhan ini bisa dipijitkan ke titik-tikik 12 rangsangan agar tidak kembeli berkerut, atau memijit bagian panggul dengan tulang kering di ujung bawah jari kelingking, untuk membuat tubuh istri tidak melar tapi tetap ceking..
Mau Anak Putih, Bersetubuh Setelah Jam 5 Subuh

Kitab peretubuhan Bugis ini tahu betul bahwa pihak suami senantiasa lebih cepat menyelesaikan hubungan ketimbang perempuan. Menenangkan diri, sabar, konsentrasi, dan memulai dengan kalimat taksim amat disarankan sebelum foreplay.
Manuskrip Assikalaibineng amat mementingkan kualitas hubungan badan ketimbang frequensi atau multiorgasme. Assikalaibineng adalah ilmu menahan nafsu, melatih jiwa untuk tetap konsentrasi dan tak dikalahkan oleh hawa nafsu.
Namun pada intinya, Assikalaibineng bukanlah lelaku atau taswawwuf untuk berhubungan badan, lebih dari itu assikalaibnineng adalah tahapan awal untuk membuat anak yang cerdas, beriman, memiliki fisik yang sehat. Inti dari ajaran ini adalah bagaimana membuat generasi pelanjut yang sesuai tuntutan agama.
(h.151) Banyak teori seksualitas mengungkapkan bahwa potensi enjakulasi sebagai puncak kenikmatan seksual bagi laki-laki lebih tinggi ketimbang perempuan. Perbandingannya delapan kali untuk suami, dan satu kali bagi istri.
Bahkan, dapat saja seorang istri tidak pernah sekalipun merasakan orgasme seteles sekian kali, bahkan sekian lama hidup berumah tangga. "Assikalaibaineng, mengkalim bahwa ini terjadi karena pihak suami sama sekali tak tahu atau bahkan tak mau tahu dengan lelaku seks yang mengedepankan kualitas."
Mengutip sebuah buku lelaku seks sesusi ajaran Islam, yang diterbitkan di Kuala Lumpur, dalam catatan kaki di halaman 164, Muhlis mengomentari "...Hampir 99 persen lemah syahwat (kelemahan nafsu jantan) adalah timbul dari sebab-sebab kerohanian. Emonde Boas, seorang dokter asal Amerika bahkan pernah melakukan penelitian, dari 1400 lelaki yang didata mengidap penyakit lemah syahwat, hanya tujuh yang lemah karena sebab-sebab jasmani, yang lainya karena sebab rohani atau psikologis,"
Dia melanjutkan, "kejiwaanlah yang menyebabkan faktir terbesar sekaligus penggerak seseorang melakukan hubungan seks, sedangkan tubuh dan alat reproduksi hanya merupakan alat pemuasan bagi melaksanakan kehidupan kejiwaan seseorang.
Sedangkan teknik mengelola nafas dengan zikir, cara penetrasi, dan menutup hubungan dengan pijitan ke sejumlah titik rangsangan perempuan, dan menemani istri tertidur dalam satu selimut atau sarung merupakan bentuk akhir menjaga kualitas hubungan.
Pengetahuan praktis seperti waktu yang baik dan kurang baik untuk berhubungan badan juga secara rinci diatur dalam kitab ini. "Tidak sepanjang satu malam menjadi masa yang tepat untuk bersetubuh." (hal.166)
Terdapat keterkaitan waktu bersetubuh dengan kualitas anak yang terbuahi, seperti warna kulit anak. Untuk memperoleh anak yang berkulit putih, peretubuhan dilakukan setelah isya. Untuk anak yang berkulit hitam, persetubuhan dilakukan tengah malam (sebelum shalat tahajjud), anak yang warna klitnya kemwerah-memerahan dilakukan antara Isya dan tengah malam.
Sedangkan untuk anak berkulit putih bercahaya, bersetubuhan dilakukan dengan memperkirakan berakhirnya masa terbit fajar di pagi hari. Atau lebih tepatnya dilakukan usai solat subuh, antara pukul 05.15 hingga pukul 06.00 jika itu waktu di Indonesia. Ini sekaligus supaya mempermudah mandi junub.
Secara khusus kitab ini adalah menuntut pihak suami sebagai inisiator dan mengingatkan kepada istri, agar menyesuaikan waktu tidur dengan keinginan melakukan persetubuhan. Sebab ternyata, persoalan waktu amat berdampak secara psikologis maupun biologis, terutama pihak istri.
Teks assikalaibineng secara spesifik menyebutkan adanya kaitan waktu tidur istri dengan ajakan suami bersetubuh.
Assikalaibineng A hal.72-73 menyebutkan, "bila suami mengajak istri berhubungan saat menjelang tidur, maka ia merasakan dirinya diperlakukan [penuh kasih sayang (ricirinnai) dan dihargai (ripakalebbiri). Akan tetapi jika istri sedang tidur pulas, lantas suami membangunkannya untuk bersetubuh, maka istri akan merasa diperlakukan laiknya budak seks, yang disitilahkan dengan ripatinro jemma'.
Soal bangun membangunkan istri yang tidur pulas, assikalaibineng juga memberikan cara efektif. Kitab ini sepertinya tahu betul, bahwa jika usai orgasme sang istri biasanya langsung tertidur. Untuk menuntnjukkan kasih sayang, maka usai berhubungan lelaki bisa mengambil air, lalu mercikkan satu dua tetas ke muka istri. Setelah istri terbangun, lelaki memberikan pijitan awal di antara kening, mata, menciumim ubun-ubun, memijit bagian panggul lalu bercakap-cakap sejenak. Percakapan ini bagi istri akan selalu diingat dan membuatnya.
Kamasutra Ala Bugis
1 . Assikalabineng Book Intercourse Bugis2 . Say Charms , Heart in My Heart Gone3 . If Five Minutes Feels Less4 . Where Stimulation Center Top5 . Most Beautiful Wedding Gifts6 . Measuring Masculinity of Blowing Breath7 . G - Spot area Ala Bugis8 . Therapeutic little finger To Stay Slim9 . Mau Son White , intercourse after Fajr 5 Hours
Read article below to know more ...!Assikalabineng Book Intercourse BugisAssikalabineng , Book Intercourse AS Bugis people in other cultures , sex for the Bugis people are always seen as something exclusive , sacred , and is widely taboo .So knowledge about it as far as possible be kept tightly . In addition because it involves the most personal communication pattern between human beings , sex is also seen as part of human dignity .Is Muhlis Hadrawi which became one of the codex experts who reveal that Hasanuddin University in Bugis society , knowledge about sex was also summarized and documented.Armed with persistence collecting ancient manuscripts in the form lontara Bugis , born Assikalabineng book Intercourse Book Publishers Ininnawa Bugis published late last year . The book is both a descriptive of the veil that only certain people can be skipped since time immemorial . And unique , all the knowledge it can still be well practiced in modern times .In contrast to the Kama Sutra which put on sheer technique , Assikalabineng over it . Knowledge of the genital and reproductive organs , philosophy of sex , penetration techniques , touch sensitive parts , determination of sex, birth control , as well as a good time to have sex , also nested within them .Not only that , there is also a knowledge of how to make his wife 's body still sexy and bright faced with using the medium of sex . Treatment of genital was covered beautifully .Let's look from the point of view sex Assikalabineng religion on page 113 ." and amend feelings to God . 'When you have been lying , niatkanlah put hell on the left and on the right durga ... " .Or the preliminary engineering ( foreplay ) on page 92 which tells about what actions can arouse. " Then kiss her left cheek three times and then read this . Smell the base of his neck again and read this ... "Problem how to get a white child was described , as on page 93 . " As for the white kids to get us to do it when Isha . Blacks Child , we do it the middle of the night . Ruddy complexions Children between the two at that time to do it .And last but not least of the book 's amazing how the Bugis people , especially those who master this book , to understand correctly the types of female genital organs . How to express it is very symbolic that tend to associate it with flowers blooming . In no particular type called jasmine flower or flowers sibollo .In the end , as the work is adapted from a dissertation defended at the University of Indonesia , what is made by Muhlis Hadrawi make our repertoire of knowledge about sex , more widespread again ............................................................................................................................Say Charms , Heart in My Heart GoneJust a day after a brief review of the book is scattered in cyberspace , baragam sprung response . There are jokes , some are serious . " Why did not publish today after birth of five children , hehehe , " wrote a doctoral candidate in Japan .Another response from a Lagaligo Mappangara , a mining company Chevron who was on duty in Doha , Qatar .He is the nephew Regent Luwu A Marakarma Hatta ." ... Inappropriate Hhhmmmmm putih2 all :) my skin " .Serious writing like this : " could recruit can book it ? ? ? ? Want to make a gift he he " .Want to make a gift or for yourself ?But the core of all the responses it seems to be referring to the view that the functional side of Assikalabineng still be appropriate at this time because of the nature of sex that is very universal .This is corroborated by the statement Muhlis Hadrawi , the author of this book ." It happenings sexuality knowledge contained in the text Assikalabineng basically become practical knowledge , because it provides knowledge that can be practiced directly by the people in the home life . " ( page 7 ) .Although practical knowledge ( knowledge practikal ) in Assikalabineng is intended for the general public , but not easy to get complete information in written form as the manuscript Lontara . Only a handful of people with a certain social strata that can store old manuscripts it or get it from the narrative . And because it may never be this Assikalabineng paddissengang or proprietary knowledge .Let's see on how to approach the wife ( page 93 ) by Assikalabineng ." If you want to touch the left door , bend your left leg and straighten your right leg , you must touch the left door . Ultimately that is where women will discover the pleasure of ... "On page 102 . " Treat it as best you to reach peak enjoyment . Contacts will fuck with her mouth . Nose to nose . Eyes with your eyes . Forehead to forehead . Sure a portion of your body and body meet . Move one hand to farjinya . The other hand holding his head . Stick out your tongue , bite tongue and suck his breath . AIU Say this remembrance . Say to yourself, " my body disappeared . Your heart in my heart vanished , disappeared in secret secret ... "About how to deal with orgasm ( page 112 ) ." If zakarmu been entered , resist your breath . Never forget yourself and do not be too eager . Remember the word Shari'a in intercourse . If semen has come out , it must let loose breath little by little . Do not take it off all at once . Disconnect the four stages of feeling pleasure . "There are also ways to pamper his wife after touch ( page 120 ) ."When you finish intercourse , straighten your legs and knees align with either wife . Press pelvis and wipe the sweat anyway . Grasp also joints . Wipe - wipe all over her body until she falls asleep you just stop . "On the time and day that is ideal intercourse was raised .There are four good days the evening Monday , Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday .Nevertheless, the nights were not so binding , especially when it comes to the vitality of the body , situasimental , and the environment . (..................................................................................................................If Five Minutes Feels LessRELATIONSHIP in the marital relationship , according lontara Assikalabineng , an equivalent relationship and the two parties need each other .There should be no coercion whit each other in a sexual relationship . Practice vent desire in when she is fast asleep , even considered as a form of humiliation . It is described as if the wives are treated as slaves and not a creature that should be guarded and cherished .Emphasis on coercion several times mentioned in lontara Assikalabineng , although implicitly mentioned that the husband is a " regulatory rhythm " and " in control " of the entire process that intimate relationship .Therefore, the husband and wife as the subject as an object , as far as possible direct relationship with it at pleasure . Failure to give pleasure together in bed can make a man dubbed orowane bonggo or foolish man . In contrast , men are able to make her satisfied , referred to as orowane mapata , intelligent husband ." So -called men who berpenetahuan against his wife . If not the case , then it was called a dumb male behavior that is boring . " ( pages 120-121 ) .The problem then is , in general, the husband can only undergo sexual intercourse an average of no more in five minutes . While in that time span , the wife could not even feel the peak of satisfaction . The above constraints that , is the function of the knowledge contained in Lontara Assikalabineng .Assikalabineng very demanding husband know the foreplay techniques . " Do it to sleep together in one glove and do it first , his wife would feel honored . Then proceed to sleep in a glove .... That means you do something that evokes passion " . ( page 94 ) .Furthermore, there are steps that must be done ( page 104 ) . " Hold her belly button . Jengkalkan hand , your thumb and kelingkingmu dipusarnya in farjinya . Whenever it appears you lust has risen , then give a twelve smell . First of all , kiss top of his head ... "Until then there was an orgasm . " If he reaches orgasm , do not take it off because she was reaching climax .. ( nalolongennitu rennue makkunraiyye enrengnge nyamengnge . Alliangngani aja'na mulappessangngi ) . " ( page 73 ) .Assikalabineng also explains how to stimulate the sensitive points in the body of his wife . Another way is the belly hold , kiss of the crown, cheek kissing , kissing the base of the neck , and kissed pussy .There are 12 points of stimulation on the woman's body that is the fontanel ( buwung ) , ears ( docciling ) , intermediate forehead ( lawa Enning ) , eye ( eye ) , cheek ( pili ) , nose ( inge ' ) , chin ( sadang ) , the base neck ( edda ' ) , nape ( cekkong ) , palms (pale ' five ) , breast ( pangolo ) , and navel ( posi ) .Whereas in males there are three points that oral stimulation ( Timu ) , hand ( finger ) , and testes ( kalamung ) . Three- point stimulation can also be used as a tool to stimulate the female . If all three instruments were combined movement at the point of stimulation evokes the sensation of women it will be incredible .No less interesting than the Assikalabineng contain information that sexual patterns will affect the physical quality of children born . Melodious voice , manly attitude , alluring eyes , can be prepared early in bed ....................................................................................................................Where Stimulation Center TopAssakalabineng is a collection of original manuscripts Lontara collected , translated, and processed by philologists lontara from the University of Hasanuddin ( UNHAS ) , Muhlis Hadrawi , be ready for reading and knowledge into practice .At the beginning of the book is dedicated as a thesis for a master's degree at the University of Indonesia ( UI ) , the author mentions that there are 44 manuscripts Lontara used as the main reference .A total of 28 text beraksara Bugis and Makassar Lontara 16 remaining manuscripts . " Aksaranya all kinds, there sulapa eppa , attack , and jangang - jangang . " ( p.10 )Not surprisingly , tips , tricks , spells simultaneously presented were varied , but in essence the same , and adjust to the culture Bugis Makassar coast or inland .Like the selection process tradition , the authors expose and analyze intact .In Cultural Potpourri Flowers manuscript , which contains , " junub bath procedures , before melakuklan sex to arouse women and his prayers , and ordinances in order to stay young after sex , " for example , is obtained from an old manuscript of 52 pages are copied from original owner , Amiruddin , Paccerakkang residents .This book regularly dotted classify stimuli women , the benefits of a bath as foreplay or stimulation cycle changes at women who change according to the menstrual cycle , and the wife in the fertile period , and seminal cycle of women on the move .At which point the semen was , then that's where the highest arousal center , and will make a couple menggelinjang , Like the base of the tail movement tilapia fish in watery mud ." This is the knowledge of the king was about to relate to Ali when Fatimah / Night Friday she kisses the head crown because that is where semen was / Saturday she kissed his head , because that's where the semen was / Sunday night , eyes Fatimah Ali kissing because that's where the semen was / night He kissed her forehead intermediary Monday .... / /In other manuscripts , mentioned seven point stimuli which become the sensation during the night cycle ;
First , lt ( buwung ) on Friday night ;
Two , the head ( ulu ) on Saturday night ;
Third , the eye ( eye ) on Sunday night ;
fourth , intermediate eyebrows ( Enning passing t ) in Monday night ;
fifth , nose ( inge ' ) on Tuesday night ;
sixth , breasts ( pangolo ) on Wednesday evening , and
seventh , heartburn ( ulu ati ) on Thursday night .The seven centers are part of the stimulus was twelve female sexual sensation ." The best stimulus effects when performed on the sensitive point of the circuit , touched , and always accompanied by a kiss , before getting to the stage of penetration , which followed several spells in Arabic adan Lontara ............................................................................................................................Most Beautiful Wedding GiftsBOOK intercourse Bugis , Assikalabineng , has its own characteristics . He was wrestling knowledge , experience , and spirituality Bugis community about cultural peak is very private ( personal ) .India knows the Kama Sutra which is the quintessence of knowledge from the book of Vatsyayana intercourse . Despite recent further highlight the kama sutra lelaku or sexual style , but actually it is a " lifestyle " of kings to attain moksha .Javanese culture also know Fibers and Fiber Nitimani Centhini influenced Islamic culture , this lelaku to achieve makrifat .As one of the few tribes who have literacy as a medium , Lontara Assikalaibineng , can be equated with the books of other cultured nations .We Assikalabineng placing men as initiator . Doctrine, procedures , requirements , or spell in Arabic or Lontara , placing him as the central figure .Not surprisingly , this doctrine is only taught to men who are getting married or are already married . This teaching is not at all intended for immature men .Bugis community is convinced that a husband who will be married in the " seclusion " is equip themselves with knowledge and wisdom Assikalaibineng .Confirming this knowledge , how precious the first night for men . With science and lelaku this , the groom can see if she is still virgin or jusrtu going to embarrass him .Religious ritualThis book puts sex on the first night and subsequent nights as a religious ritual , not lust container , or spend a honeymoon period .This book , like the teachings of Islam , teaches how to restrain and regulate the passions with regular procedures and remembrance .On page 140 , for example , are taught early ordinances before sex . Couples separate shower and ablution and perform tafakkur the sunnah prayers . This book is very well understand , that a man's desire is always greater , but the most rapid " terlampiaskan " . This process , diebut with " inner marriage " . This term refers to pengelaman son -in-law of Prophet Muhammad , Ali to Fatimah ." .. when you and your wife first connected , then the first tafakurlah . Center eyes of your heart , look dirimua as Alif , Ba and wife as the letter . "Then hold the arm and say hello reads , Assaalamu alaikum , Ali holds , Fatimah held . If you hold her hand then say the shahada . Say in the liver or Jubril marry me , my Wali Muhammad , guardian my witness , the will of God Almighty , kunfayakun . Then start with a kiss , and ...... "Inner MarriagesThe concept of the spiritual marriage is the practice and teaching of tasawwuf in Assikalaibineng events . This process is the union of the outer element and bathiniah between men and women . In this book , called unification eppa sulapa . Union of body with body , heart by heart , lives with lives , and the secret of secrets .With the concept of mental marriage which is the climax in the context of human spirituality in sex , or " tassawuf sex " .And this , is why the nobles and people knowledgeable in the Bugis- Makassar marriage feast usually takes a long time to prepare .Book Assikalaibaineng is the long-awaited science or valuable wedding gift for a grown man to the altar soon and will put them into practice in his first night ........................................................................................................................Measuring Masculinity of Blowing BreathAssikalaibineng literally means sexual relationships . The root of the word is also used rice farming community in the early growing season .Because rice and paddy likened wife , then the husband is given the authority to work and grow .Because the doctrine was born in the strong paternalistic and gender equality has been no movement , so the teachings of the Book of Bugis Intercourse is more directed to the husband . The book is well aware of the emotions of women and feeling embarrassed because they very rarely be the initiator .This is also explains why the science of Sufism congregation or Bugis-Makassar -style sex is taught limited to the prospective groom , pick momentum a few days before the ceremony .Having knowledge baths , ablutions , and an Islamic prayer and meditation with the so-called inner marriage , then comes the stage of practical lelaku , jest cooed , penetration , and pascaberhubungan period .Because the concept of ideology and promote Assikalaibineg manners , it is suggested that before the activity begins penetration done in a glove , or fabric covered , or netting .Bugis society , as expressed in his book Christian Pelras , Human Bugis ( Oxford : Blackwell , 2006) did have a special glove that can carry a married couple .This type of holster is certainly very hard to come by in these markets mostly clothing .But anyway , the blanket can be an alternative .This book uses the term makkarawa ( fingering ) and manyyonyo ( kissing ) for the foreplay stage .This is the asumusi the 12 men already know the point of stimulation , and a series of spells ( paddoangeng ) .Fingering arm was first suggested dikarawa point , before touching or kissing other po - point . Pele five (palms ) , sadang ( chin ) , edda ' ( base of the neck ) , and cekkong ( NAPE ) is a point in this book was recommended in - karawa and dinyoyyo in the early stages of foreplay .After the body parts of the body , start coming in around the face .The point of " vulnerable " wife this section mentioned ;
buwung ( fontanel ) , dacculing ( earlobe ) ,
Enning cross beam ( intermediaries her forehead above the nose ) ,
then inge ( front nose section ) .At this point also mentioned , the steps in the agency directly before penetration is
pangolo ( breasts ) and
posi ( navel ) .In a form of foreplay and manyonyyo makkarawa this , the book advised to remain calm and regulate the rhythm naffaseng ( breath ) .Because promiscuity book is heavily influenced by the teachings of Fiqhi al'jima sex husband or wife in Islamic law, then process it is recommended to hold your breath reciting dhikr and remembrance to Allah Ta'ala unite .Is it a voice reciting dhikr ? Surely not . Recitation and spells in the Bugis language is pronounced in the liver .In this book the author comments , mentions , ejakuliasi early by many men occurs because the husband thought too focused to an outlet to reach climax .Keep in mind , such as the teachings of Islam , the book Assikalaibineng not like other books that teach the style and technical intercourse and sheer lust .Like the worship , the core of the teaching is managing Assikalibineng lust towards a more positive and beneficial manner spirituality .Did not like the Prophet Muhammad said after winning the Battle of Badr , the friend who delights , diperi warning , that the Battle of Badr yet nothing .Muslim man's greatest war is how abstinence .And lust is very difficult detained by individual human lust is lust after ammara ( spiritual emotion ) .In the advanced section of this paper , will be to review some techniques consistent spellings hold your breath .However , another part of the book pages are also given tips parktis to find out if a man is ready to have sex or not , it is advisable for him to lift his left hand , then exhale from the nose .If the breath coming out of the right nostril is more powerful blows , it is a sign of virility risen .But if blowing from the left hole is stronger , then the husband should delay first ( case 141 ) ." .. In Bugis mystical beliefs , breath weak and strong nose directly related to the science of manliness or virility of a man ... " ...................................................................................................................G - Spot area Ala BugisMuhlis Hadrawi , the author of this book , constantly reminded at the beginning , middle , and lock in the final chapter of his writings , that Assikalaibineng not desire impingement biological sciences as the most natural form as being alone .The author uses the term tasawupe ' allaibinengengnge to explain the position of first intercourse was passed with the marriage ceremony and the affirmation of human position different from animals while doing intercourse .It was also a form of respect and maintain the dignity of the family in terms of getting closer to God (p. 123 ) .At the beginning of the chapter code of conduct between husband and wife , Muhlis comment on one of the seven manuscripts Assikalaibineng that leads into the main writing of this book .This is said ordinance as a guide book for the sex spouses as science is practiced Sayyidina Ali and Fatimah .Muhlis closed conversation started with the story of Ali and his wife , who is also the daughter of the Prophet , in the third year of their marriage .Second marriage face a problem because Ali did not know properly how screwed Fatimah procedures ." At that time , " wrote Muhlis , " Fatimah Ali issued a satirical remark , " Do you think if the good Lord did not submit a deposit ? "Cash Ali felt embarrassed and very guilty . " Ali began to realize that he was not given what the Fatima desire in the bedroom . Then Ali asked Fatimah Fatimah and asked him to tell the desire to learn . "" Prophet Muhammad Fatimah was recommended , which is none other than the father of Fatima . Come Ali to the Prophet Muhammad and then there was a transfer of knowledge from father to son son- in-law . "Transfer of knowledge or a teacher like this makkanre process very usual in the tradition of the Bugis - Makassar , especially families practicing congregations .The story also explains that lelaku and remembrance Assikalaibineng not too late to learn .Ideally , the code of conduct Assakalaibineng relationship is taught in the beginning of the marriage , but for those who want to practice it only needs to be determined , to change the way pastures , that the husband-wife relationship version of Islam that is summarized in this lontara , in contrast to the literature , the results of the consultation , or frequent and ask question ( FAQ ) about sex which has been the dominant source of Western medicine .In the section Controlling Emotions Sex Techniques or Lust ( case 150 ) , this book presents a remembrance to accompany the movement behavior of the husband's sexual ." This remembrance becomes a balancing lelaku erotic and vulgar not impressed . "Regulate breathing technique is the core of the durability husband .To keep the airway endurance husband so she could reach orgasm , for example , when kalamung ( balls) move in urapa'na ( vagina ) recommended reading pronunciation ( in the liver ) Subhanallah 33 times accompanied breath ." Narekko mupattamamai kalammu , iso'i nappasse'mu " .Conversely , if the attractive penis , then blow your breath ( narekko mureddui kalamummu , muassemmpungenggi nappase'mu ) , and mentions budduhung .It could even be imagined as gaping urapa'na ( vaginal entrance ) there are four female parts , then at the beginning of penetration , it is advisable to only insert the head and pulling as many as 33 kalamummu breath and accompanied with remembrance , just to touch " flowers timungeng sibollo " ( clitoris the left ) .Perhaps the present generation , consistent spellings of the dhikr in the heart during intercourse would be very funny , but as much as 33 times Subhanallah pronunciation and breath slowly and followed will make the durability exceeds expectations husband and wife! (p. 80 )" Mmupanggoloni kalamummu , mubacasi iyae / O qadiyal hajati mufattikh iftahkna / ..... ! At ppuncu'ni katauwwammu pada'e tosa mpuccunna bunga'e ( sibolloe ) / tapauttmani ' katawwammu angkanna se'kkena , narekko melloko kennai babangne ri or , lokkongi ajae ataummu mupallemmpui aje ; abeona makkunraimmu , majeppu mukennai ritu or .... , na mubacaisi Yae wikka Tellu ppulo Tellu / subhanallah .. / "That is, " .... point zakarmu , and read it / Yes qadiyyal hajati mufattikh iftakhna / ....kemudian kiss her chest . Then raise the pelvis , genitals ... when it mekarlah like a blossoming flower petals , enter zakarmu to limit head , and read Subhan Allah 33 times .... (p. 144 ) .The use of the word timungeng sibollo interest as well as showing how the Bugis - Makassar previous pack erotic expressions in the form of imagery that is so smooth and glorify kutawwa makkunraie ( female genitalia ) , and expression kalamummu ( for balls) ..............................................................................................................................Therapeutic little finger To Stay SlimLapawawoi Karaeng Sigeri , King 's famous Bone intelligent , including a husband who study and practice the teachings of assikalaibineng . This fact is confirmed stidaknya of Bone Mangkau lontara The 31 's are neatly documented in the National Library in Jakarta .This is also the original manuscript into one of 44 major reference lontara Muhlis Hadrawi , author Assikalaibineng , Book Intercourse Bugis , published Publisher Ininnawa , Makassar (2008 ) .Technically, this book consists of 189 pages . A total of 64 pages consist of a transliteration of the original " Book of assikalaibineng " lontara into the following alphabetical Malay translation. This is the original of the book tassawupe honor allaibainengengeng which is the ancestral Bugis - Makassar teleh influenced by the teachings of Islam .Because this book is a dissertation for a master's degree field of philology ( the study of language , culture , institutions and history of a nation in the form of the original manuscript ) at the University of Indonesia , then 51 pages at the beginning of much more to describe the background , the origin of the manuscript , and methodology research .While in the end , Husband Wife Relationship Code , it is more of a summary , analysis , as well as the author comments , which is enriched with supporting literature . However , for the lay reader who no longer understand English - language Bugis terhadulu , it is this final chapter is petrified to get the essence of the old manuscripts , which until the beginning of the decade of 2000, was circulated among the elite limited , our society .Ownership of this manuscript by Lapawawoi dimuseumkan now in the National Library , wrote Muhlis , reinforce this teaching circulation among scholars held apart / boarding scholars , this knowledge also belong to nobles and kings Bugis Makassar .In addition to knowledge of Bugis -style intercourse , Book Intercourse Bugis , also teaches a rotation system a good time to get in touch , and body care procedures for the husband and wife . Code of Conduct and these stages are all done in one series and one placeFor slimming and smoothing wife kulits for example , the husband did not bother to set aside money and his partner drove to the beauty center body . Such as spa center , steam room Jacuzzi , or pay the salon stylist .In the book teaches routines simplicity but still within the frame of confidentiality , is not known by many people .To keep in shape , for example assikalaibineng recommended in the bedroom and massage ( pijitan ) routine post - intercourse . Sedangkam for skin care , also do not need whitening cream moisturizer or motion ,This book teaches the benefits of the use of " semen " is usually wander in the rest of the outside of the gaping urapa ' ( vagina ) and kalamummu wife ( testicles) the husband and a number of spells Bugis - Arab , substantially more of an intention , as well as expression of affection to husband wife of post - related ,The book is insinuated that the husband 's behavior directly deep sleep or leave the room immediately , while the wife is not getting satisfaction , will usually make the woman insulted . In this book . Treatment was termed , teretta'na narekko le'ba mpusoni ( adab after intercourse ) ." ( h.75 ) . Rekko mangujuni ilao manimmu takabbereno wekka eppa / urape ' ni Alemu , nupassamangi makkeda ; alhamdulillahahi nurung Muhammad habibillah . / nareko purano mualai wae , muteggoi Bikka Tellu , nareko purano , oil mualani pasaula , musaularenggi kutawwamu what dodong napoleammengi mupogaukangeki paimeng / What ' nasenggao manginggi ' / mu Aja papinrai gaumu denre purai mupogau , iya na ritu riyaseng temanginggi ( p. 157 ) .Guess , guess that means its free , if the water is out then bertakbirlah manimu four times . Then lower your body and ucamkan hamdalah and praise to the prophet Muhammad . If you already melakuklannya , then do act nice feelings . ( h.76 ) as a sign of affection . If after minumlahair with three gulps , and oil gosokdan urutlah Take your gender so that your body recover and try not to kalu tired . Do you change your actions as you did before , so you will be called a man who does not feel bored with his wife , "While tahapn further , after having , take fajri semen from the hole that has been mixed with liquid women . Letakakkanlah in the palm of your hand , semen is mixed with saliva from the ceiling ( well qalqautsar ) husband , before wiping the semen into the wife 's body , first read the prayer with consistent spellings Bugis , " waddu waddi , mani - manikang " . Mani riparewe , tajang mapparewe , tajang riparewekki ... " ( p.158 )Sewer seminal Aiar can dipijitkan to tikik 12 - point stimuli in order not kembeli wrinkled , or massaging the pelvis to the tibia at the lower end of the little finger , to make the wife 's body is not stretchy but still skinny ...............................................................................................................................Mau Son White , intercourse after Fajr 5 HoursENGINEERING persist in persetubvuhan becomes very important and have a special place in Assikalaibineng . And once again , the husband becomes a key factor .The Bugis peretubuhan Book know well that the husband is always faster than women complete the connection . Calm down , patience , concentration , and begin with a sentence taksim highly recommended before foreplay .Manuscript Assikalaibineng very concerned with the quality or frequency of intercourse than multiorgasme . Assikalaibineng is abstinence science , train the soul to keep the concentration and was defeated by lust .
1 . Assikalabineng Book Intercourse Bugis2 . Say Charms , Heart in My Heart Gone3 . If Five Minutes Feels Less4 . Where Stimulation Center Top5 . Most Beautiful Wedding Gifts6 . Measuring Masculinity of Blowing Breath7 . G - Spot area Ala Bugis8 . Therapeutic little finger To Stay Slim9 . Mau Son White , intercourse after Fajr 5 Hours
Read article below to know more ...!Assikalabineng Book Intercourse BugisAssikalabineng , Book Intercourse AS Bugis people in other cultures , sex for the Bugis people are always seen as something exclusive , sacred , and is widely taboo .So knowledge about it as far as possible be kept tightly . In addition because it involves the most personal communication pattern between human beings , sex is also seen as part of human dignity .Is Muhlis Hadrawi which became one of the codex experts who reveal that Hasanuddin University in Bugis society , knowledge about sex was also summarized and documented.Armed with persistence collecting ancient manuscripts in the form lontara Bugis , born Assikalabineng book Intercourse Book Publishers Ininnawa Bugis published late last year . The book is both a descriptive of the veil that only certain people can be skipped since time immemorial . And unique , all the knowledge it can still be well practiced in modern times .In contrast to the Kama Sutra which put on sheer technique , Assikalabineng over it . Knowledge of the genital and reproductive organs , philosophy of sex , penetration techniques , touch sensitive parts , determination of sex, birth control , as well as a good time to have sex , also nested within them .Not only that , there is also a knowledge of how to make his wife 's body still sexy and bright faced with using the medium of sex . Treatment of genital was covered beautifully .Let's look from the point of view sex Assikalabineng religion on page 113 ." and amend feelings to God . 'When you have been lying , niatkanlah put hell on the left and on the right durga ... " .Or the preliminary engineering ( foreplay ) on page 92 which tells about what actions can arouse. " Then kiss her left cheek three times and then read this . Smell the base of his neck again and read this ... "Problem how to get a white child was described , as on page 93 . " As for the white kids to get us to do it when Isha . Blacks Child , we do it the middle of the night . Ruddy complexions Children between the two at that time to do it .And last but not least of the book 's amazing how the Bugis people , especially those who master this book , to understand correctly the types of female genital organs . How to express it is very symbolic that tend to associate it with flowers blooming . In no particular type called jasmine flower or flowers sibollo .In the end , as the work is adapted from a dissertation defended at the University of Indonesia , what is made by Muhlis Hadrawi make our repertoire of knowledge about sex , more widespread again ............................................................................................................................Say Charms , Heart in My Heart GoneJust a day after a brief review of the book is scattered in cyberspace , baragam sprung response . There are jokes , some are serious . " Why did not publish today after birth of five children , hehehe , " wrote a doctoral candidate in Japan .Another response from a Lagaligo Mappangara , a mining company Chevron who was on duty in Doha , Qatar .He is the nephew Regent Luwu A Marakarma Hatta ." ... Inappropriate Hhhmmmmm putih2 all :) my skin " .Serious writing like this : " could recruit can book it ? ? ? ? Want to make a gift he he " .Want to make a gift or for yourself ?But the core of all the responses it seems to be referring to the view that the functional side of Assikalabineng still be appropriate at this time because of the nature of sex that is very universal .This is corroborated by the statement Muhlis Hadrawi , the author of this book ." It happenings sexuality knowledge contained in the text Assikalabineng basically become practical knowledge , because it provides knowledge that can be practiced directly by the people in the home life . " ( page 7 ) .Although practical knowledge ( knowledge practikal ) in Assikalabineng is intended for the general public , but not easy to get complete information in written form as the manuscript Lontara . Only a handful of people with a certain social strata that can store old manuscripts it or get it from the narrative . And because it may never be this Assikalabineng paddissengang or proprietary knowledge .Let's see on how to approach the wife ( page 93 ) by Assikalabineng ." If you want to touch the left door , bend your left leg and straighten your right leg , you must touch the left door . Ultimately that is where women will discover the pleasure of ... "On page 102 . " Treat it as best you to reach peak enjoyment . Contacts will fuck with her mouth . Nose to nose . Eyes with your eyes . Forehead to forehead . Sure a portion of your body and body meet . Move one hand to farjinya . The other hand holding his head . Stick out your tongue , bite tongue and suck his breath . AIU Say this remembrance . Say to yourself, " my body disappeared . Your heart in my heart vanished , disappeared in secret secret ... "About how to deal with orgasm ( page 112 ) ." If zakarmu been entered , resist your breath . Never forget yourself and do not be too eager . Remember the word Shari'a in intercourse . If semen has come out , it must let loose breath little by little . Do not take it off all at once . Disconnect the four stages of feeling pleasure . "There are also ways to pamper his wife after touch ( page 120 ) ."When you finish intercourse , straighten your legs and knees align with either wife . Press pelvis and wipe the sweat anyway . Grasp also joints . Wipe - wipe all over her body until she falls asleep you just stop . "On the time and day that is ideal intercourse was raised .There are four good days the evening Monday , Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday .Nevertheless, the nights were not so binding , especially when it comes to the vitality of the body , situasimental , and the environment . (..................................................................................................................If Five Minutes Feels LessRELATIONSHIP in the marital relationship , according lontara Assikalabineng , an equivalent relationship and the two parties need each other .There should be no coercion whit each other in a sexual relationship . Practice vent desire in when she is fast asleep , even considered as a form of humiliation . It is described as if the wives are treated as slaves and not a creature that should be guarded and cherished .Emphasis on coercion several times mentioned in lontara Assikalabineng , although implicitly mentioned that the husband is a " regulatory rhythm " and " in control " of the entire process that intimate relationship .Therefore, the husband and wife as the subject as an object , as far as possible direct relationship with it at pleasure . Failure to give pleasure together in bed can make a man dubbed orowane bonggo or foolish man . In contrast , men are able to make her satisfied , referred to as orowane mapata , intelligent husband ." So -called men who berpenetahuan against his wife . If not the case , then it was called a dumb male behavior that is boring . " ( pages 120-121 ) .The problem then is , in general, the husband can only undergo sexual intercourse an average of no more in five minutes . While in that time span , the wife could not even feel the peak of satisfaction . The above constraints that , is the function of the knowledge contained in Lontara Assikalabineng .Assikalabineng very demanding husband know the foreplay techniques . " Do it to sleep together in one glove and do it first , his wife would feel honored . Then proceed to sleep in a glove .... That means you do something that evokes passion " . ( page 94 ) .Furthermore, there are steps that must be done ( page 104 ) . " Hold her belly button . Jengkalkan hand , your thumb and kelingkingmu dipusarnya in farjinya . Whenever it appears you lust has risen , then give a twelve smell . First of all , kiss top of his head ... "Until then there was an orgasm . " If he reaches orgasm , do not take it off because she was reaching climax .. ( nalolongennitu rennue makkunraiyye enrengnge nyamengnge . Alliangngani aja'na mulappessangngi ) . " ( page 73 ) .Assikalabineng also explains how to stimulate the sensitive points in the body of his wife . Another way is the belly hold , kiss of the crown, cheek kissing , kissing the base of the neck , and kissed pussy .There are 12 points of stimulation on the woman's body that is the fontanel ( buwung ) , ears ( docciling ) , intermediate forehead ( lawa Enning ) , eye ( eye ) , cheek ( pili ) , nose ( inge ' ) , chin ( sadang ) , the base neck ( edda ' ) , nape ( cekkong ) , palms (pale ' five ) , breast ( pangolo ) , and navel ( posi ) .Whereas in males there are three points that oral stimulation ( Timu ) , hand ( finger ) , and testes ( kalamung ) . Three- point stimulation can also be used as a tool to stimulate the female . If all three instruments were combined movement at the point of stimulation evokes the sensation of women it will be incredible .No less interesting than the Assikalabineng contain information that sexual patterns will affect the physical quality of children born . Melodious voice , manly attitude , alluring eyes , can be prepared early in bed ....................................................................................................................Where Stimulation Center TopAssakalabineng is a collection of original manuscripts Lontara collected , translated, and processed by philologists lontara from the University of Hasanuddin ( UNHAS ) , Muhlis Hadrawi , be ready for reading and knowledge into practice .At the beginning of the book is dedicated as a thesis for a master's degree at the University of Indonesia ( UI ) , the author mentions that there are 44 manuscripts Lontara used as the main reference .A total of 28 text beraksara Bugis and Makassar Lontara 16 remaining manuscripts . " Aksaranya all kinds, there sulapa eppa , attack , and jangang - jangang . " ( p.10 )Not surprisingly , tips , tricks , spells simultaneously presented were varied , but in essence the same , and adjust to the culture Bugis Makassar coast or inland .Like the selection process tradition , the authors expose and analyze intact .In Cultural Potpourri Flowers manuscript , which contains , " junub bath procedures , before melakuklan sex to arouse women and his prayers , and ordinances in order to stay young after sex , " for example , is obtained from an old manuscript of 52 pages are copied from original owner , Amiruddin , Paccerakkang residents .This book regularly dotted classify stimuli women , the benefits of a bath as foreplay or stimulation cycle changes at women who change according to the menstrual cycle , and the wife in the fertile period , and seminal cycle of women on the move .At which point the semen was , then that's where the highest arousal center , and will make a couple menggelinjang , Like the base of the tail movement tilapia fish in watery mud ." This is the knowledge of the king was about to relate to Ali when Fatimah / Night Friday she kisses the head crown because that is where semen was / Saturday she kissed his head , because that's where the semen was / Sunday night , eyes Fatimah Ali kissing because that's where the semen was / night He kissed her forehead intermediary Monday .... / /In other manuscripts , mentioned seven point stimuli which become the sensation during the night cycle ;
First , lt ( buwung ) on Friday night ;
Two , the head ( ulu ) on Saturday night ;
Third , the eye ( eye ) on Sunday night ;
fourth , intermediate eyebrows ( Enning passing t ) in Monday night ;
fifth , nose ( inge ' ) on Tuesday night ;
sixth , breasts ( pangolo ) on Wednesday evening , and
seventh , heartburn ( ulu ati ) on Thursday night .The seven centers are part of the stimulus was twelve female sexual sensation ." The best stimulus effects when performed on the sensitive point of the circuit , touched , and always accompanied by a kiss , before getting to the stage of penetration , which followed several spells in Arabic adan Lontara ............................................................................................................................Most Beautiful Wedding GiftsBOOK intercourse Bugis , Assikalabineng , has its own characteristics . He was wrestling knowledge , experience , and spirituality Bugis community about cultural peak is very private ( personal ) .India knows the Kama Sutra which is the quintessence of knowledge from the book of Vatsyayana intercourse . Despite recent further highlight the kama sutra lelaku or sexual style , but actually it is a " lifestyle " of kings to attain moksha .Javanese culture also know Fibers and Fiber Nitimani Centhini influenced Islamic culture , this lelaku to achieve makrifat .As one of the few tribes who have literacy as a medium , Lontara Assikalaibineng , can be equated with the books of other cultured nations .We Assikalabineng placing men as initiator . Doctrine, procedures , requirements , or spell in Arabic or Lontara , placing him as the central figure .Not surprisingly , this doctrine is only taught to men who are getting married or are already married . This teaching is not at all intended for immature men .Bugis community is convinced that a husband who will be married in the " seclusion " is equip themselves with knowledge and wisdom Assikalaibineng .Confirming this knowledge , how precious the first night for men . With science and lelaku this , the groom can see if she is still virgin or jusrtu going to embarrass him .Religious ritualThis book puts sex on the first night and subsequent nights as a religious ritual , not lust container , or spend a honeymoon period .This book , like the teachings of Islam , teaches how to restrain and regulate the passions with regular procedures and remembrance .On page 140 , for example , are taught early ordinances before sex . Couples separate shower and ablution and perform tafakkur the sunnah prayers . This book is very well understand , that a man's desire is always greater , but the most rapid " terlampiaskan " . This process , diebut with " inner marriage " . This term refers to pengelaman son -in-law of Prophet Muhammad , Ali to Fatimah ." .. when you and your wife first connected , then the first tafakurlah . Center eyes of your heart , look dirimua as Alif , Ba and wife as the letter . "Then hold the arm and say hello reads , Assaalamu alaikum , Ali holds , Fatimah held . If you hold her hand then say the shahada . Say in the liver or Jubril marry me , my Wali Muhammad , guardian my witness , the will of God Almighty , kunfayakun . Then start with a kiss , and ...... "Inner MarriagesThe concept of the spiritual marriage is the practice and teaching of tasawwuf in Assikalaibineng events . This process is the union of the outer element and bathiniah between men and women . In this book , called unification eppa sulapa . Union of body with body , heart by heart , lives with lives , and the secret of secrets .With the concept of mental marriage which is the climax in the context of human spirituality in sex , or " tassawuf sex " .And this , is why the nobles and people knowledgeable in the Bugis- Makassar marriage feast usually takes a long time to prepare .Book Assikalaibaineng is the long-awaited science or valuable wedding gift for a grown man to the altar soon and will put them into practice in his first night ........................................................................................................................Measuring Masculinity of Blowing BreathAssikalaibineng literally means sexual relationships . The root of the word is also used rice farming community in the early growing season .Because rice and paddy likened wife , then the husband is given the authority to work and grow .Because the doctrine was born in the strong paternalistic and gender equality has been no movement , so the teachings of the Book of Bugis Intercourse is more directed to the husband . The book is well aware of the emotions of women and feeling embarrassed because they very rarely be the initiator .This is also explains why the science of Sufism congregation or Bugis-Makassar -style sex is taught limited to the prospective groom , pick momentum a few days before the ceremony .Having knowledge baths , ablutions , and an Islamic prayer and meditation with the so-called inner marriage , then comes the stage of practical lelaku , jest cooed , penetration , and pascaberhubungan period .Because the concept of ideology and promote Assikalaibineg manners , it is suggested that before the activity begins penetration done in a glove , or fabric covered , or netting .Bugis society , as expressed in his book Christian Pelras , Human Bugis ( Oxford : Blackwell , 2006) did have a special glove that can carry a married couple .This type of holster is certainly very hard to come by in these markets mostly clothing .But anyway , the blanket can be an alternative .This book uses the term makkarawa ( fingering ) and manyyonyo ( kissing ) for the foreplay stage .This is the asumusi the 12 men already know the point of stimulation , and a series of spells ( paddoangeng ) .Fingering arm was first suggested dikarawa point , before touching or kissing other po - point . Pele five (palms ) , sadang ( chin ) , edda ' ( base of the neck ) , and cekkong ( NAPE ) is a point in this book was recommended in - karawa and dinyoyyo in the early stages of foreplay .After the body parts of the body , start coming in around the face .The point of " vulnerable " wife this section mentioned ;
buwung ( fontanel ) , dacculing ( earlobe ) ,
Enning cross beam ( intermediaries her forehead above the nose ) ,
then inge ( front nose section ) .At this point also mentioned , the steps in the agency directly before penetration is
pangolo ( breasts ) and
posi ( navel ) .In a form of foreplay and manyonyyo makkarawa this , the book advised to remain calm and regulate the rhythm naffaseng ( breath ) .Because promiscuity book is heavily influenced by the teachings of Fiqhi al'jima sex husband or wife in Islamic law, then process it is recommended to hold your breath reciting dhikr and remembrance to Allah Ta'ala unite .Is it a voice reciting dhikr ? Surely not . Recitation and spells in the Bugis language is pronounced in the liver .In this book the author comments , mentions , ejakuliasi early by many men occurs because the husband thought too focused to an outlet to reach climax .Keep in mind , such as the teachings of Islam , the book Assikalaibineng not like other books that teach the style and technical intercourse and sheer lust .Like the worship , the core of the teaching is managing Assikalibineng lust towards a more positive and beneficial manner spirituality .Did not like the Prophet Muhammad said after winning the Battle of Badr , the friend who delights , diperi warning , that the Battle of Badr yet nothing .Muslim man's greatest war is how abstinence .And lust is very difficult detained by individual human lust is lust after ammara ( spiritual emotion ) .In the advanced section of this paper , will be to review some techniques consistent spellings hold your breath .However , another part of the book pages are also given tips parktis to find out if a man is ready to have sex or not , it is advisable for him to lift his left hand , then exhale from the nose .If the breath coming out of the right nostril is more powerful blows , it is a sign of virility risen .But if blowing from the left hole is stronger , then the husband should delay first ( case 141 ) ." .. In Bugis mystical beliefs , breath weak and strong nose directly related to the science of manliness or virility of a man ... " ...................................................................................................................G - Spot area Ala BugisMuhlis Hadrawi , the author of this book , constantly reminded at the beginning , middle , and lock in the final chapter of his writings , that Assikalaibineng not desire impingement biological sciences as the most natural form as being alone .The author uses the term tasawupe ' allaibinengengnge to explain the position of first intercourse was passed with the marriage ceremony and the affirmation of human position different from animals while doing intercourse .It was also a form of respect and maintain the dignity of the family in terms of getting closer to God (p. 123 ) .At the beginning of the chapter code of conduct between husband and wife , Muhlis comment on one of the seven manuscripts Assikalaibineng that leads into the main writing of this book .This is said ordinance as a guide book for the sex spouses as science is practiced Sayyidina Ali and Fatimah .Muhlis closed conversation started with the story of Ali and his wife , who is also the daughter of the Prophet , in the third year of their marriage .Second marriage face a problem because Ali did not know properly how screwed Fatimah procedures ." At that time , " wrote Muhlis , " Fatimah Ali issued a satirical remark , " Do you think if the good Lord did not submit a deposit ? "Cash Ali felt embarrassed and very guilty . " Ali began to realize that he was not given what the Fatima desire in the bedroom . Then Ali asked Fatimah Fatimah and asked him to tell the desire to learn . "" Prophet Muhammad Fatimah was recommended , which is none other than the father of Fatima . Come Ali to the Prophet Muhammad and then there was a transfer of knowledge from father to son son- in-law . "Transfer of knowledge or a teacher like this makkanre process very usual in the tradition of the Bugis - Makassar , especially families practicing congregations .The story also explains that lelaku and remembrance Assikalaibineng not too late to learn .Ideally , the code of conduct Assakalaibineng relationship is taught in the beginning of the marriage , but for those who want to practice it only needs to be determined , to change the way pastures , that the husband-wife relationship version of Islam that is summarized in this lontara , in contrast to the literature , the results of the consultation , or frequent and ask question ( FAQ ) about sex which has been the dominant source of Western medicine .In the section Controlling Emotions Sex Techniques or Lust ( case 150 ) , this book presents a remembrance to accompany the movement behavior of the husband's sexual ." This remembrance becomes a balancing lelaku erotic and vulgar not impressed . "Regulate breathing technique is the core of the durability husband .To keep the airway endurance husband so she could reach orgasm , for example , when kalamung ( balls) move in urapa'na ( vagina ) recommended reading pronunciation ( in the liver ) Subhanallah 33 times accompanied breath ." Narekko mupattamamai kalammu , iso'i nappasse'mu " .Conversely , if the attractive penis , then blow your breath ( narekko mureddui kalamummu , muassemmpungenggi nappase'mu ) , and mentions budduhung .It could even be imagined as gaping urapa'na ( vaginal entrance ) there are four female parts , then at the beginning of penetration , it is advisable to only insert the head and pulling as many as 33 kalamummu breath and accompanied with remembrance , just to touch " flowers timungeng sibollo " ( clitoris the left ) .Perhaps the present generation , consistent spellings of the dhikr in the heart during intercourse would be very funny , but as much as 33 times Subhanallah pronunciation and breath slowly and followed will make the durability exceeds expectations husband and wife! (p. 80 )" Mmupanggoloni kalamummu , mubacasi iyae / O qadiyal hajati mufattikh iftahkna / ..... ! At ppuncu'ni katauwwammu pada'e tosa mpuccunna bunga'e ( sibolloe ) / tapauttmani ' katawwammu angkanna se'kkena , narekko melloko kennai babangne ri or , lokkongi ajae ataummu mupallemmpui aje ; abeona makkunraimmu , majeppu mukennai ritu or .... , na mubacaisi Yae wikka Tellu ppulo Tellu / subhanallah .. / "That is, " .... point zakarmu , and read it / Yes qadiyyal hajati mufattikh iftakhna / ....kemudian kiss her chest . Then raise the pelvis , genitals ... when it mekarlah like a blossoming flower petals , enter zakarmu to limit head , and read Subhan Allah 33 times .... (p. 144 ) .The use of the word timungeng sibollo interest as well as showing how the Bugis - Makassar previous pack erotic expressions in the form of imagery that is so smooth and glorify kutawwa makkunraie ( female genitalia ) , and expression kalamummu ( for balls) ..............................................................................................................................Therapeutic little finger To Stay SlimLapawawoi Karaeng Sigeri , King 's famous Bone intelligent , including a husband who study and practice the teachings of assikalaibineng . This fact is confirmed stidaknya of Bone Mangkau lontara The 31 's are neatly documented in the National Library in Jakarta .This is also the original manuscript into one of 44 major reference lontara Muhlis Hadrawi , author Assikalaibineng , Book Intercourse Bugis , published Publisher Ininnawa , Makassar (2008 ) .Technically, this book consists of 189 pages . A total of 64 pages consist of a transliteration of the original " Book of assikalaibineng " lontara into the following alphabetical Malay translation. This is the original of the book tassawupe honor allaibainengengeng which is the ancestral Bugis - Makassar teleh influenced by the teachings of Islam .Because this book is a dissertation for a master's degree field of philology ( the study of language , culture , institutions and history of a nation in the form of the original manuscript ) at the University of Indonesia , then 51 pages at the beginning of much more to describe the background , the origin of the manuscript , and methodology research .While in the end , Husband Wife Relationship Code , it is more of a summary , analysis , as well as the author comments , which is enriched with supporting literature . However , for the lay reader who no longer understand English - language Bugis terhadulu , it is this final chapter is petrified to get the essence of the old manuscripts , which until the beginning of the decade of 2000, was circulated among the elite limited , our society .Ownership of this manuscript by Lapawawoi dimuseumkan now in the National Library , wrote Muhlis , reinforce this teaching circulation among scholars held apart / boarding scholars , this knowledge also belong to nobles and kings Bugis Makassar .In addition to knowledge of Bugis -style intercourse , Book Intercourse Bugis , also teaches a rotation system a good time to get in touch , and body care procedures for the husband and wife . Code of Conduct and these stages are all done in one series and one placeFor slimming and smoothing wife kulits for example , the husband did not bother to set aside money and his partner drove to the beauty center body . Such as spa center , steam room Jacuzzi , or pay the salon stylist .In the book teaches routines simplicity but still within the frame of confidentiality , is not known by many people .To keep in shape , for example assikalaibineng recommended in the bedroom and massage ( pijitan ) routine post - intercourse . Sedangkam for skin care , also do not need whitening cream moisturizer or motion ,This book teaches the benefits of the use of " semen " is usually wander in the rest of the outside of the gaping urapa ' ( vagina ) and kalamummu wife ( testicles) the husband and a number of spells Bugis - Arab , substantially more of an intention , as well as expression of affection to husband wife of post - related ,The book is insinuated that the husband 's behavior directly deep sleep or leave the room immediately , while the wife is not getting satisfaction , will usually make the woman insulted . In this book . Treatment was termed , teretta'na narekko le'ba mpusoni ( adab after intercourse ) ." ( h.75 ) . Rekko mangujuni ilao manimmu takabbereno wekka eppa / urape ' ni Alemu , nupassamangi makkeda ; alhamdulillahahi nurung Muhammad habibillah . / nareko purano mualai wae , muteggoi Bikka Tellu , nareko purano , oil mualani pasaula , musaularenggi kutawwamu what dodong napoleammengi mupogaukangeki paimeng / What ' nasenggao manginggi ' / mu Aja papinrai gaumu denre purai mupogau , iya na ritu riyaseng temanginggi ( p. 157 ) .Guess , guess that means its free , if the water is out then bertakbirlah manimu four times . Then lower your body and ucamkan hamdalah and praise to the prophet Muhammad . If you already melakuklannya , then do act nice feelings . ( h.76 ) as a sign of affection . If after minumlahair with three gulps , and oil gosokdan urutlah Take your gender so that your body recover and try not to kalu tired . Do you change your actions as you did before , so you will be called a man who does not feel bored with his wife , "While tahapn further , after having , take fajri semen from the hole that has been mixed with liquid women . Letakakkanlah in the palm of your hand , semen is mixed with saliva from the ceiling ( well qalqautsar ) husband , before wiping the semen into the wife 's body , first read the prayer with consistent spellings Bugis , " waddu waddi , mani - manikang " . Mani riparewe , tajang mapparewe , tajang riparewekki ... " ( p.158 )Sewer seminal Aiar can dipijitkan to tikik 12 - point stimuli in order not kembeli wrinkled , or massaging the pelvis to the tibia at the lower end of the little finger , to make the wife 's body is not stretchy but still skinny ...............................................................................................................................Mau Son White , intercourse after Fajr 5 HoursENGINEERING persist in persetubvuhan becomes very important and have a special place in Assikalaibineng . And once again , the husband becomes a key factor .The Bugis peretubuhan Book know well that the husband is always faster than women complete the connection . Calm down , patience , concentration , and begin with a sentence taksim highly recommended before foreplay .Manuscript Assikalaibineng very concerned with the quality or frequency of intercourse than multiorgasme . Assikalaibineng is abstinence science , train the soul to keep the concentration and was defeated by lust .
at its core , is not Assikalaibineng lelaku or taswawwuf for sex , over
the early stages assikalaibnineng is to make children smart , faithful ,
have a healthy physical . The essence of this teaching is how to make the successor generation of the corresponding religious demands .(
h.151 ) Many theories of sexuality reveals that the potential
ejaculation as the peak of sexual pleasure for men is higher than women .
Comparison eight times for a husband , and one for the wife .In fact , only a wife can never even had an orgasm seteles many times , even so long married life . " Assikalaibaineng , claiming that this happened because the husband
did not know or did not even want to know the sex lelaku which puts the
quality . "Citing
a book lelaku sex sesusi Islam , published in Kuala Lumpur , in a
footnote on page 164 , Muhlis commented " ... Nearly 99 percent of
impotence ( male lust weakness ) is arising from spiritual causes .
Emonde Boas , a American doctors have even conducted research , which recorded 1400
men suffering from impotence disease , only seven were weak due to
physical causes , the other because the spiritual or psychological
causes , "He continued , " kejiwaanlah which causes the largest number of
factors simultaneously drive a person to have sex , while the body and
reproductive gratification just a tool for carrying out one's mental
life .While the techniques to manage the breath with remembrance , means
penetration , and close relationships with a number of point stimulation
pijitan to women , and accompanied his wife asleep in a blanket or
sarong is the ultimate form maintaining the quality of the relationship .Practical knowledge such a good time and not good for intercourse as well regulated in detail in this book . " Not all of the night into the right time for intercourse . " ( p.166 )There are linkages time intercourse with a child who fertilized quality , such as a child's skin color . To obtain a white child , peretubuhan done after Isha . For a child who is black , made intercourse midnight ( before
praying Tahajjud ) , children of color klitnya kemwerah - memerahan
performed between Isha and midnight .As for the glowing white child , bersetubuhan done by estimating the expiration of dawn in the morning . Or rather do after dawn prayers , between the hours of 05:15 to 06:00 if the time in Indonesia . It is at once so facilitate junub bath .In
particular, this book is demanding the husband as initiator and remind
the wife , in order to adjust the sleep time to desire intercourse . Because it turns out , the issue of time greatly impacted psychologically and biologically , especially the wife .Text assikalaibineng specifically mention any connection with the solicitation wife sleep husband intercourse .A
Assikalaibineng p.72 - 73 states , " when the husband took his wife at
bedtime in touch , so he felt he was treated [ loving ( ricirinnai ) and
rewarded ( ripakalebbiri ) . However if the wife was fast asleep , then
wake her husband to have intercourse , then she will feel treated Like a sex slave , which disitilahkan with ripatinro jemma ' .Problem wake up wake wife who was fast asleep , assikalaibineng also provide an effective way . This book seems to know very well , that if his wife after orgasm usually fall asleep . To menuntnjukkan affection , then after having a man can take water , then mercikkan hatching to face one of two wives . After
his wife woke up , the man gave pijitan early in the forehead , eyes ,
menciumim fontanel , massaging the pelvis and chatted for a moment . This conversation will always be remembered for the wife and make it .completed
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