Korvettenkapitän Albrecht Achilles (25 Januari 1914 - 27 September
1943) memulai karir angkatan lautnya tanggal 8 April 1934. Dia lalu
bertugas di kapal latih Schleswig-Holstein dan kapal perang Gneisenau
sebelum ditransfer ke unit U-boat bulan April 1940. Untuk pertama dia
menimba ilmu sebagai anakbuah Korvettenkapitän Richard Zapp di U-66 dan
berpartisipasi dalam tiga patroli. Pada bulan Januari 1942 Achilles
mengkomandani kapalnya sendiri, sebuah kapal selam tipe IXC U-161. Dia
beroperasi terutama di Karibia, tapi juga kadang masuk ke wilayah
perairan Brazilia dan bahkan Afrika. Achilles tewas bersama seluruh awak
U-161 ketika kapal mereka ditenggelamkan oleh pesawat Mariner Amerika
bulan September 1943. Dalam karirnya sebagai komandan U-boat, Achilles
tercatat menenggelamkan 14 kapal (64.542 GRT) dan merusakkan 6 kapal
(41.122 GRT). Medali-medali yang diterimanya: Dienstauszeichnung IV.
Klasse (8 April 1938); Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse (7 Agustus 1941) dan
I.Klasse (5 April 1942); Flotten-Kriegsabzeichen (15 Juli 1941);
U-Bootskriegsabzeichen (7 Agustus 1941); serta Ritterkreuz des Eisernen
Kreuzes (16 Januari 1943). Namanya juga disebut dalam Wehrmachtsbericht
edisi 12 Maret 1943
diesel dari U-178 di bawah pimpinan Korvettenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes
memperlihatkan dengan jelas betapa sempitnya ruang yang tersedia bagi
para awak u-boat untuk menjalankan tugasnya, yaitu membuat mesin
"kendaraan" mereka tetap berfungsi. Bergerak di dalam kapal selam,
terutama saat laut sedang bergejolak, membutuhkan skill yang menyerupai
pemain akrobat! Karenanya tidak heran jika banyak orang yang lecet-lecet
dan beberapa bahkan ada yang terluka serius karena berbenturan dengan
bodi kapal yang hampir seluruhnya terbuat dari besi keras!
Tugas jaga pengawasan di atas kapal selam jarak jauh U-178
(Korvettenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes) tak lama setelah meninggalkan Gironde
Estuary di Prancis untuk membuntuti sebuah konvoy kecil yang sedang
melintasi ladang ranjau pantai. Lensa kepala di periskop serang bisa
kita lihat di bagian kanan, sementara di kirinya adalah batang antena
pengintai. Di tahun-tahun kemudian kedua tiang ini dapat dioperasikan
secara elektrik dari bagian dalam U-boat, tapi pada awalnya mereka masih
dioperasikan secara manual dengan cara mengkerek menggunakan tangan
dari bagian atas menara pengawas dan tak akan turun dengan sendirinya
tanpa berpotensi merusak bagian gigi jenteranya. Akibatnya, kapal-kapal
selam tipe awal dianggap ‘tidak layak selam’ selama antenanya masih
ngaceng! Kisi-kisi yang berada di bagian dasar antena pengintai
merupakan bagian atas dari lubang ventilasi yang mengarah ke ruang
mesin. Biasanya terdapat empat pengawas ditambah satu perwira yang
bertugas dalam satu waktu di menara pengawas

Sumber :
Buku "Wolfpacks At War: The U-Boat Experience In WWII" karya Jak Mallmann Showell
Posisi dan Fungsi Awak U-Boat
Sumber :
Buku "Wolfpacks At War; The U-Boat Experience In WWII" karya Jak Mallmann Showell
Dimulai dari bulan Maret 1945 tak lama setelah selesai dibuat, kapal
selam tipe XXIII U-2330 diturunkan menggunakan kerekan ke tempat
peluncuran no.8 di galangan kapal Germania. U-2330 merupakan salah satu
dari dua U-boat yang digunakan untuk menguji varian menara pengawas yang
dilengkapi dengan lapisan yang menghadap ke dalam. Varian ini mudah
dikenali dari bentuk orsinil susunan loteng hidrofon tanpa bagian
pinggir yang melandai seperti yang terdapat di model selanjutnya. Juga
tampak jelas terlihat adalah bukaan alat pengukur suara dalam air di
bagian lunas. Dikomandani oleh Oberleutnant zur See Hans Beckmann, kapal
selam ini menjadi bagian dari 32. U-Flotille dan berfungsi sebagai
kapal latihan dari bulan September 1944 s/d Februari 1945. Dia kemudian
ditugaskan ke 11. U-Flotille (Bergen) sebagai kapal opersional.
Sayangnya, perang keburu berakhir sebelum U-2330 sempat melakukan
patroli pertamanya, dan dia kemudian ditenggelamkan oleh awaknya sendiri
di Kiel tanggal 3 Mei 1945. U-boat tipe XXIII kedua yang terlihat di
galangan adalah U-2323. Yang patut diperhatikan dari kapal ini adalah
banyaknya pegangan serta ceruk pijakan di bagian samping menara pengawas
serta ceruk pegangan tambahan di kontainer apungnya. Deflektor (sirip
pembelok) depan kanan yang penyok di depan alat penyelam muka
kemungkinan disebabkan oleh tumbukan dengan benda bawah laut, tabrakan
dengan kapal selam lainnya, atau bisa pula karena terlalu cepat
melakukan manuver bersandar saat latihan!
Sumber :
Majalah "U-Boot im Focus" edisi no.2 tahun 2007
U-4701, kapal selam tipe XXIII yang pertama kali dibuat oleh galangan
kapal Germania di Kiel, mulai “mencicipi” lautan pertama kali tanggal 10
Januari 1945. Kapal satu ini menyediakan contoh yang bagus mengenai
masalah kecepatan yang menjadi beban para “pemangku harapan” bagi satuan
U-boat tersebut di fase-fase akhir peperangan. Pengerjaannya mulai
dilakukan tanggal 19 Oktober 1944 dan selesai tanggal 14 Desember.
Kurang dari empat minggu setelahnya, tanggal 10 Januari 1945, kapal
tersebut sudah mulai dipersiapkan untuk berlayar di bawah komando
Oberleutnant zur See Arnold Wiechmann (Kru X/39). Pelatihan para awaknya
dimulai di pangkalan 5. Unterseebootsflotille di Kiel. Sayangnya,
pelatihan ini masih belum selesai saat peperangan di Eropa keburu
berakhir. Akibatnya, beberapa saat sebelum menyerah, kapal yang dibuat
dengan susah payah ini ditenggelamkan oleh awaknya sendiri di lepas
pantai Höruphaff (Horuphav), Denmark, demi mencegahnya jatuh ke tangan
musuh! Foto di atas, yang diambil saat panji komandan serta bendera
perang Reich sedang dikibarkan, jelas memperlihatkan pola rivet lapisan
kulit baja menara pengawasnya serta fairing lampu posisi yang lekuknya
disesuaikan dengan bodi kapal. Dari semua peralatan di bagian belakang
menara pengawas yang dapat ditarik masuk, hanya peilring (DF loop) yang
kelihatan. Snorkelnya kemungkinan ditarik masuk demi alasan keamanan.
Hanya satu dari dua tiang antena (ASTA-Hand) yang bisa dipanjangkan
secara manual yang terlihat nongkrong di dudukannya. Antena tersebut
mempunyai panjang 1,8m dengan bagian bawah yang dilapisi karet. Dudukan
bagian kirinya tampak kosong. UAK-Kennung (Kode UAK) terdapat di bagian
lempengan kecil berbentuk horizontal, dan merupakan cirri pengenal dari
ke-47 kapal selam Jerman dari tipe ini
Sumber :
Majalah "U-Boot im Focus" no.2 tahun 2007
Kapal selam Monsun U-861 berada dalam kondisi super butek saat tiba di
pangkalannya di Trondheim, Norwegia, tanggal 19 April 1945. Wajar saja,
karena kapal tersebut telah mengarungi pelayaran selama 13 ½ minggu
sejak pertama berangkat dari pelabuhan di Surabaya tanggal 15 Januari
1945! Kapal selam dari tipe besar IX D2 ini sebelumnya telah
meninggalkan Kiel dalam patroli pertamanya tanggal 20 April 1944 di
bawah pimpinan Ritterkreuzträger (peraih Ritterkreuz) Kapitänleutnant
Jürgen Oesten. Pada awalnya dia ditugaskan di wilayah sekitar pantai
Brazil sebelum dipindahkan ke pantai timur Afrika. U-861 tercatat
menenggelamkan empat kapal dengan total tonase 22.040 GRT serta
merusakkan kapal tanker “Daronia” yang berbobot 8.139 GRT sebelum tiba
di pangkalan pulau Penang (Malaysia) tanggal 23 September 1944. Pada
saat itu U-861 telah berlayar di lautan selama lima bulan nonstop!
U-boat tersebut mendekam di Penang sampai dengan tanggal 1 November 1944
untuk menjalani perbaikan yang diperlukan dan memberi kesempatan pada
para awaknya yang kelelahan untuk beristirahat. Pada tanggal 1 November
1944 U-861 meninggalkan Penang menuju Surabaya dan tiba disana tanggal 5
November 1944 setelah transit sebentar di Singapura. Kapal tersebut
tetap tinggal disana sebelum diperintahkan untuk balik ke Jerman tanggal
15 Januari 1945. Dalam perjalanan pulang dia membawa banyak bahan
perang yang berharga semacam biji molybdenum, yang disimpan dalam
kontainer seng yang terletak di lunas pemberat, serta karet mentah.
Jadinya, persenjataannya terbatas hanya pada dua buah torpedo untuk
membela diri bila diserang (keselamatan di jalan menjadi prioritas utama
dan bukannya penghancuran kapal musuh). Hal keselamatan ini mendapat
tantangan terberat justru di tahap akhir perjalanan saat U-861
berpapasan dengan “segerombolan” es di selatan Greenland. Karena
kehandalan kapten kapal ditambah dengan awak yang berpengalaman,
akhirnya kerusakan lapisan baja kapal bisa diminimalisir dan U-861 bisa
tiba kembali di pangkalannya dengan selamat meskipun tinggal menyisakan
800 liter solar di tangki penampung bahan-bakarnya. Perhatikan wilayah
yang dicat ulang di sekitar logo Panther! Georg Högel dalam bukunya
“Embleme, Wappen, Malings” menerangkan bahwa emblem tersebut sebenarnya
menggambarkan seekor panther yang sedang mendaki sebuah bola dunia. Hal
ini berlawanan dengan keterangan dari Jürgen Oesten yang menyatakan
bahwa bola dunia yang diklaim Högel tidaklah pernah menjadi bagian dari
emblem panther. Yang terakhir adalah yang paling menarik: ingat motto
Yamaha “Selalu di depan” yang terpampang di balapan MotoGP? Ternyata
U-861 telah “jauh di depan” dalam hal ini: sebagian dari kata “Lekas”
terpampang di menara pengawas bagian depan. Kata ini, tentu saja,
berasal dari bahasa Melayu yang berarti “cepat” atau “segera”!
Sumber :
Majalah "U-Boot im Focus" edisi no.2 tahun 2007
U-125, Tenggelam Oleh Tabrakan Kapal Perusak Inggris!
Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers merupakan salah satu komandan U-boat
paling sukses yang berasal dari 2. Unterseebootsflotille. Dalam foto ini
dia baru saja kembali ke pangkalan U-boat Lorient tanggal 6 November
1942 setelah menyelesaikan misi patroli kelimanya bersama kapal selam
tipe IX C U-125 yang berlangsung selama tiga bulan lebih! Dalam patroli
kali ini, Folkers menenggelamkan enam kapal Inggris. Masa patroli yang
lebih lama dari semestinya membuat cat yang menempel di kapal selam
menjadi sedikit “keruh” karena pengaruh cuaca dan air asin. Perhatikan
pula windscreen yang terdapat di menara pengawas U-125, sesuatu yang
sebenarnya lebih biasa terlihat di kapal torpedo! U-125 tenggelam di
malam tanggal 6 Mei 1943 di sekitar Konvoy ONS-5 di timur Newfoundland.
Tak ada awaknya yang selamat
Oleh : Alif Rafik Khan
Tipe: IXC
Perintah kerja: 7 Agustus 1939
Pembuatan: 10 Mei 1940 (AG Weser, Bremen, werk 988)
Peluncuran: 10 Desember 1940
Penugasan: 3 Maret 1941 (Kapitänleutnant Günter Kuhnke)
3 Maret 1941 - 15 Desember 1941: Korvettenkapitän Günter Kuhnke (Ritterkreuzträger)
15 Desember 1941 - 6 Mei 1943: Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers (Ritterkreuzträger)
1. 15 Juli 1941 (Kiel) - 28 Juli 1941 (Lorient): 14 hari
2. 12 Agustus 1941 (Lorient) - 5 November 1941 (Lorient): 86 hari
3. 18 Desember 1941 (Lorient) - 23 Februari 1942 (Lorient): 68 hari - 5.666 ton
4. 4 April 1942 (Lorient) - 13 Juni 1942 (Lorient): 71 hari - 47.055 ton
5. 27 Juli 1942 (Lorient) - 6 November 1942 (Lorient): 103 hari - 25.415 ton
6. 9 Desember 1942 (Lorient) - 19 Februari 1943 (Lorient): 73 hari
7. 13 April 1943 (Lorient) - 6 Mei 1943 (tenggelam): 24 hari - 4.737 ton
Total: 7 patroli dengan 439 hari di lautan
17 kapal ditenggelamkan dengan total tonase 82.873 GRT.
Ditenggelamkan tanggal 6 Mei 1943 timur Newfoundland, Kanada, di posisi
52.30N, 45.20W, setelah ditabrak oleh kapal perusak Inggris HMS Oribi
dan kemudian digempur dengan tembakan dari kapal korvet Inggris HMS
Snowflake. Keseluruh 54 awaknya tewas.
Sumber :
Majalah "U-Boot im Focus" nomor 2
Para awak U-103 berpose untuk keperluan suvenir bagi para kerabat di
kampung halaman di pangkalan U-boat Lorient. Di menara pengawas
tertempel emblem “Sig-Rune” (huruf “S” dari alfabet Runik) yang
sekaligus berfungsi sebagai “jimat” bagi kapal tersebut serta huruf
pertama dari sang kapten kapal. Simbol ini dipilih langsung oleh Victor
Schütze dan memang terbukti membawa keberuntungan bagi kapal tersebut:
faktanya, U-103 merupakan salah satu U-boat Jerman paling sukses dalam
Perang Dunia II! Dia berangkat dalam 11 patroli bersama tiga orang
kapten yang berbeda, dan tercatat menenggelamkan 45 buah kapal (237.596
GRT) serta merusakkan 3 lainnya (28.158 GRT)! U-103 berhasil selamat
dari 11 patroli yang dijalaninya tanpa mengalami kerusakan yang berarti,
dan pada bulan Januari 1944 akhirnya dipensiunkan. Kapal ini kemudian
digunakan sebagai kapal latihan oleh 2. Dan kemudian 4. ULD (Divisi
Pelatihan U-boat), sampai kemudian nasibnya berakhir tragis setelah
ditenggelamkan dalam pemboman Sekutu di Kiel tanggal 15 April 1945
Tipe: IXB
Tipe: IXB
Perintah kerja: 24 Mei 1938
Pembuatan: 6 September 1939 (AG Weser, Bremen, werk 966)
Peluncuran: 12 April 1940
Penugasan: 5 Juli 1940 (Korvettenkapitän Viktor Schütze)
5 Juli 1940 - 12 Agustus 1941: Korvettenkapitän Viktor Schütze (Eichenlaubträger)
Pembuatan: 6 September 1939 (AG Weser, Bremen, werk 966)
Peluncuran: 12 April 1940
Penugasan: 5 Juli 1940 (Korvettenkapitän Viktor Schütze)
5 Juli 1940 - 12 Agustus 1941: Korvettenkapitän Viktor Schütze (Eichenlaubträger)
13 Agustus 1941 - 14 Juli 1942: Kapitänleutnant Werner Winter (Ritterkreuträger)
15 Juli 1942 - 13 Maret 1944: Kapitänleutnant Gustav-Adolf Janssen
23 Januari 1945 - 18 Februari 1945: Oberleutnant zur See Heinz Murl
31 Maret 1945 - 15 April 1945: Oberleutnant zur See Hans-Norbert Schunck
1. 21 September 1940 (Kiel) - 19 Oktober 1940 (Lorient): 29 hari - 23.976 GRT
1. 21 September 1940 (Kiel) - 19 Oktober 1940 (Lorient): 29 hari - 23.976 GRT
2. 9 November 1940 (Lorient) - 12 Desember 1940 (Lorient): 34 hari - 38.465 GRT
3. 21 Januari 1941 (Lorient) - 24 Februari 1941 (Lorient): 35 hari - 33.464 GRT
4. 1 April 1941 (Lorient) - 12 Juli 1941 (Lorient): 103 hari - 65.172 GRT
5. 10 September 1941 (Lorient) - 9 November 1941 (Lorient): 61 hari - 10.594 GRT
6. 3 Januari 1942 (Lorient) - 1 Maret 1942 (Lorient): 58 hari - 26.539 GRT
7. 15 April 1942 (Lorient) - 22 Juni 1942 (Lorient): 69 hari - 42.169 GRT
8. 21 Oktober 1942 (Lorient) - 29 Desember 1942 (Lorient): 70 hari - 25.375 GRT
9. 7 Februari 1943 (Lorient) - 26 Maret 1943 (Lorient): 48 hari
10. 24 April 1943 (Lorient) - 26 Mei 1943 (Lorient): 33 hari
11. 25 Juli 1943 (Lorient) - 26 Juli 1943 (Lorient): 2 hari
12. 18 September 1943 (Lorient) - 19 September 1943 (Brest): 2 hari
13. 23 September 1943 (Brest) - 1 Januari 1944 (Bergen): 101 hari
14. 3 Januari 1944 (Bergen) - 7 Januari 1944 (Kiel): 5 hari
Total: 14 patroli dengan 650 hari di lautan
45 kapal ditenggelamkan dengan total tonase 237.596 GRT, dan 3 kapal dirusakkan dengan total tonase 28.158 GRT
Dipensiunkan dari tugas aktif pada bulan Maret 1944. Pada bulan Januari 1945 U-103 berangkat dari Gotenhafen ke Hamburg dan bulan April 1945 dari Hamburg ke Kiel. Pada tanggal 15 April 1945 kapal selam ini tenggelam setelah dibom pesawat Sekutu. Tidak diketahui berapa orang yang selamat, hanya saja satu orang tercatat tewas.
Sumber :
Majalah"U-Boot im Focus" nomor 2 terbitan tahun 2007
Total: 14 patroli dengan 650 hari di lautan
45 kapal ditenggelamkan dengan total tonase 237.596 GRT, dan 3 kapal dirusakkan dengan total tonase 28.158 GRT
Dipensiunkan dari tugas aktif pada bulan Maret 1944. Pada bulan Januari 1945 U-103 berangkat dari Gotenhafen ke Hamburg dan bulan April 1945 dari Hamburg ke Kiel. Pada tanggal 15 April 1945 kapal selam ini tenggelam setelah dibom pesawat Sekutu. Tidak diketahui berapa orang yang selamat, hanya saja satu orang tercatat tewas.
Sumber :
Majalah"U-Boot im Focus" nomor 2 terbitan tahun 2007
Album Foto Eksterior/Bagian Luar U-Boat
Foto ini diambil di dok St. Nazaire dan memperlihatkan sebuah kapal
selam Jerman tipe VII C dengan tambahan Flak (senjata anti pesawat
udara) dengan detail yang bisa kita telaah lebih lanjut: persenjataan
ini terdiri dari sebuah senjata Flak 20mm laras tunggal, dua pasang Flak
20mm laras ganda, dan dua senapan mesin MG 81 Z di menara pengawas
bagian depan. Disini kita juga bisa melihat botol-botol udara bertekanan
tinggi yang berfungsi untuk menerbangkan balon pengumpan "Aphrodite" di
bagian belakang boks berlapis baja dan lapisan metal berlubang di
bagian ujung platform
Foto ini diambil dari bagian haluan kapal selam VII C Snorkel tipe akhir dan memperlihatkan beberapa detail yang menarik: gambar cutout kontainer apung penyelamat bertekanan tinggi terlihat jelas di kanan depan. Kontainernya sendiri sebenarnya tidak terlihat dan bukaannya tertutup oleh plat metal. Nampak di belakangnya adalah batang snorkel deflektor ombak yang tidak didapatkan di banyak U-boat berjenis Snorkel. Perhatikan juga ketiadaan bantalan rel di tempat dimana meriam dek sebelumnya berada
Foto dari kapal selam VII C Snorkel tipe akhir dengan logo “hantu malam” di atas sampai saat ini tidak diketahui identitasnya, dan logonya sendiri bisa dibilang tidak terdapat dalam daftar logo-logo U-boat yang lebih populer! “Snorkeller” satu ini dilengkapi dengan empat buah kontainer apung penyelamat bertekanan tinggi di depan batang snorkelnya, meskipun tidak ditemukan bantalan rel di tempat dimana meriam dek sebelumnya berada. Dudukan untuk kompas magnet Askania, yang berbentuk lebih kecil dari biasanya dan berdiri sendiri, bisa kita lihat dengan jelas berada di depan menara pengawas. Modifikasi ini diperintahkan untuk ditambahkan kepada kapal-kapal baru mulai tanggal 15 Oktober 1942, juga ke sebagian kapal-kapal lama. Perhatikan bahwa sebagian besar awak U-boat yang Nampak dalam foto ini memakai jaket penyelamat serta topi wol
Foto ini diambil dari bagian haluan kapal selam VII C Snorkel tipe akhir dan memperlihatkan beberapa detail yang menarik: gambar cutout kontainer apung penyelamat bertekanan tinggi terlihat jelas di kanan depan. Kontainernya sendiri sebenarnya tidak terlihat dan bukaannya tertutup oleh plat metal. Nampak di belakangnya adalah batang snorkel deflektor ombak yang tidak didapatkan di banyak U-boat berjenis Snorkel. Perhatikan juga ketiadaan bantalan rel di tempat dimana meriam dek sebelumnya berada
Foto dari kapal selam VII C Snorkel tipe akhir dengan logo “hantu malam” di atas sampai saat ini tidak diketahui identitasnya, dan logonya sendiri bisa dibilang tidak terdapat dalam daftar logo-logo U-boat yang lebih populer! “Snorkeller” satu ini dilengkapi dengan empat buah kontainer apung penyelamat bertekanan tinggi di depan batang snorkelnya, meskipun tidak ditemukan bantalan rel di tempat dimana meriam dek sebelumnya berada. Dudukan untuk kompas magnet Askania, yang berbentuk lebih kecil dari biasanya dan berdiri sendiri, bisa kita lihat dengan jelas berada di depan menara pengawas. Modifikasi ini diperintahkan untuk ditambahkan kepada kapal-kapal baru mulai tanggal 15 Oktober 1942, juga ke sebagian kapal-kapal lama. Perhatikan bahwa sebagian besar awak U-boat yang Nampak dalam foto ini memakai jaket penyelamat serta topi wol
kapal selam tipe XXIII yang pertama kali dibuat oleh galangan kapal
Germania di Kiel, mulai “mencicipi” lautan pertama kali tanggal 10
Januari 1945. Kapal satu ini menyediakan contoh yang bagus mengenai
masalah kecepatan yang menjadi beban para “pemangku harapan” bagi satuan
U-boat tersebut di fase-fase akhir peperangan. Pengerjaannya mulai
dilakukan tanggal 19 Oktober 1944 dan selesai tanggal 14 Desember.
Kurang dari empat minggu setelahnya, tanggal 10 Januari 1945, kapal
tersebut sudah mulai dipersiapkan untuk berlayar di bawah komando
Oberleutnant zur See Arnold Wiechmann (Kru X/39). Pelatihan para awaknya
dimulai di pangkalan 5. Unterseebootsflotille di Kiel. Sayangnya,
pelatihan ini masih belum selesai saat peperangan di Eropa keburu
berakhir. Akibatnya, beberapa saat sebelum menyerah, kapal yang dibuat
dengan susah payah ini ditenggelamkan oleh awaknya sendiri di lepas
pantai Höruphaff (Horuphav), Denmark, demi mencegahnya jatuh ke tangan
musuh! Foto di atas, yang diambil saat panji komandan serta bendera
perang Reich sedang dikibarkan, jelas memperlihatkan pola rivet lapisan
kulit baja menara pengawasnya serta fairing lampu posisi yang lekuknya
disesuaikan dengan bodi kapal. Dari semua peralatan di bagian belakang
menara pengawas yang dapat ditarik masuk, hanya peilring (DF loop) yang
kelihatan. Snorkelnya kemungkinan ditarik masuk demi alasan keamanan.
Hanya satu dari dua tiang antena (ASTA-Hand) yang bisa dipanjangkan
secara manual yang terlihat nongkrong di dudukannya. Antena tersebut
mempunyai panjang 1,8m dengan bagian bawah yang dilapisi karet. Dudukan
bagian kirinya tampak kosong. UAK-Kennung (Kode UAK) terdapat di bagian
lempengan kecil berbentuk horizontal, dan merupakan cirri pengenal dari
ke-47 kapal selam Jerman dari tipe ini
Sumber :
Majalah "U-Boot Im Focus" no.2 tahun 2007
Simbol U-68 yang merupakan perpaduan antara daun dan V
toilet duduk "darurat" U-68 (Kapitänleutnant Karl-Friedrich Merten)
yang berada di bagian kiri kapal selam dan bisa dibongkar-pasang. Banyak
pembaca yang tak bisa membayangkan bahwa ada orang yang bisa tenang
berak di tengah angin laut yang berhembus kencang dengan disaksikan oleh
teman-temannya! Bagi awak U-boat veteran, hal ini tidaklah terlalu
asing meskipun desain toiletnya sendiri bermacam-macam dan ada juga
beberapa kapal yang tidak dilengkapi sarana ini sama sekali
Tipe: IXC
Perintah kerja: 7 Agustus 1939
Pembuatan: 20 April 1940 (AG Weser, Bremen, werk 987)
Peluncuran: 22 Oktober 1940
Penugasan: 11 Februari 1941 (Kapitänleutnant Karl-Friedrich Merten)
11 Februari 1941 - 21 Januari 1943: Korvettenkapitän Karl-Friedrich Merten (Eichenlaubträger)
21 Januari 1943 - 16 Juni 1943: Oberleutnant zur See Albert Lauzemis (DKiGträger)
14 Juni 1943 - Juli 1943: Oberleutnant zur See Ekkehard Scherraus
Juli 1943 - 29 Juli 1943: Oberleutnant zur See Gerhard Seehausen (DKiGträger)
30 Juli 1943 - 10 April 1944: Oberleutnant zur See Albert Lauzemis (DKiGträger)
1. 30 Juni 1941 (Kiel) - 1 Agustus 1941 (Lorient): 33 hari
2. 11 September 1941 (Lorient) - 25 Desember 1941 (Lorient): 106 hari - 23.697 ton
3. 11 Februari 1942 (Lorient) - 13 April 1942 (Lorient): 62 hari - 39.350 ton
4. 14 Mei 1942 (Lorient) - 10 Juli 1942 (Lorient): 58 hari - 50.774 ton
5. 20 Agustus 1942 (Lorient) - 6 Desember 1942 (Lorient): 109 hari - 56.330 ton
6. 3 Februari 1943 (Lorient) - 7 Mei 1943 (Lorient): 94 hari - 10.186 ton
7. 12 Juni 1943 (Lorient) - 16 Juni 1943 (Lorient): 5 hari
8. 14 Agustus 1943 (Lorient) - 15 Agustus 1943 (Lorient): 2 hari
9. 8 September 1943 (Lorient) - 23 Desember 1943 (Lorient): 107 hari - 17.661 ton
10. 22 Maret 1944 (Lorient) - 10 April 1944 (tenggelam): 20 hari
Total: 10 patroli dengan 596 hari di lautan
33 kapal ditenggelamkan dengan total tonase 197.998 GRT (32 kapal biasa dan 1 kapal perang).
Ditenggelamkan tanggal 10 April 1944 barat laut Madeira, Portugal, di
posisi 33.24N, 18.59W, oleh gempuran bom kedalaman serta roket dari
pesawat Avenger dan Wildcat yang berasal dari kapal induk Amerika USS
Guadalcanal (VC-58). 56 awak tewas dan 1 selamat.
Sumber :
Majalah "U-Boot im Focus" nomor 2
U-37, U-boat Tersukses Keenam Dalam Perang Dunia II!




Oleh : Alif Rafik Khan
Data Kapal:
Tipe: IX
Order: 29 Juli 1936
Mulai pembuatan: 15 Maret 1937 di AG Weser, Bremen (werk 942)
Peluncuran: 14 Mei 1938
Pengoperasian: 4 Agustus 1938
4 Agustus 1938 - 24 September 1939 : Kapitänleutnant Heinrich Schuch
25 September 1939 - 6 Mei 1940 : Korvettenkapitän Werner Hartmann (Ritterkreuz)
6 Mei 1940 - 26 Oktober 1940 : Kapitänleutnant Victor Oehrn (Ritterkreuz)
26 Oktober 1940 - 2 Mei 1941 : Kapitänleutnant Asmus Nicolai Clausen (Ritterkreuz)
3 Mei 1941 - 15 November 1941 : Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers (Ritterkreuz)
16 November 1941 - 30 Juni 1942 : Oberleutnant zur See Gustav-Adolf Janssen
1 Juli 1942 - 3 Januari 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Albert Lauzemis
4 Januari 1943 - 19 November 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Hinrich Kelling
20 November 1943 - 8 Januari 1944 : Oberleutnant zur See Peter Gerlach
9 Januari 1944 - 21 Desember 1944 : Oberleutnant zur See Wolfgang Seiler
22 Desember 1944 - 8 Mei 1945 : Kapitänleutnant Eberhard von Wenden
11 patroli (280 hari di lautan)
1 April 1938 - 31 Agustus 1939 : 6. Flottille (kapal front)
1 September 1939 - 31 Desember 1939 : 6. Flottille (kapal front)
1 Januari 1940 - 30 April 1941 : 2. Flottille (kapal front)
1 Mei 1941 - 31 Maret 1942 : 26. Flottille (kapal sekolah)
1 April 1942 - 30 Juni 1944 : 22. Flottille (kapal sekolah)
1 Juli 1944 - 3 Mei 1945 : 4. Flottille (kapal uji)
53 kapal ditenggelamkan dengan total tonase 200.124 GRT
2 kapal perang ditenggelamkan dengan total tonase 2.404 GRT
1 kapal dirusakkan dengan total tonase 9.494 ton
Ditenggelamkan pada tanggal 8 Mei 1945 di Teluk Sonderburg, Flensburg (posisi 54.55N, 09.47E), dan nantinya sisa-sisanya dijual sebagai rongsokan terpisah.
Pada tanggal 18 April 1943 U-37 kembali ke pangkalannya di
Wilhelmshaven setelah menyelesaikan patroli keempatnya. Pada misinya
kali ini, kapal selam tersebut beroperasi di lepas pantai Norwegia di
bawah pimpinan Korvettenkapitän Werner Hartmann sebagai bagian dari
“Unternehmen Weserübung”. Sayangnya, prestasi yang didapat tidak
sesukses misi-misi sebelumnya. Pada patroli ke-2 dan ke-3-nya, U-37
masing-masing berhasil menenggelamkan 8 buah kapal. Kali ini dia “hanya”
membawa pulang tiga panji saja di atas periskopnya. Teriakan semangat
bangsa Viking “Westward-ho!” yang menghiasi menara pengawas U-37
kemudian diadaptasi oleh Hartmann untuk kapalnya yang baru, U-198, yang
menyelesaikan patroli pertama dan satu-satunya di bawah komandonya
dengan hasil yang memuaskan di tahun 1943. Sekedar informasi, Nicolai
Clausen, mantan Perwira Pengawas ke-1 di U-37 yang kemudian naik pangkat
menjadi komandannya, juga menggunakan emblem “Westward-ho!” di
kapal-kapal lain yang kemudian dikapteninya, yaitu U-129 dan U-182
Sumber :
Majalah "U-Boot Im Focus" edisi ke-2 tahun 2007
Foto koleksi pribadi Thomas Craig
Album Foto U-570









Sumber :
U-124, Kapal Selam Jerman (U-boat) Dengan Lambang Edelweiss!




Oleh : Alif Rafik Khan
U-124 adalah kapal selam dari tipe IXB yang pertama kali diluncurkan tanggal 9 Maret 1940. Dari bulan Juni 1940 s/d September 1941 dia dikomandani oleh Korvettenkapitän Georg-Wilhelm Schulz. Selanjutnya Korvettenkapitän Johann Mohr mengambil-alih komando sampai sisa karirnya.
U-124 meninggalkan Wilhelmshaven untuk patroli perang pertamanya tanggal 19 Agustus 1940. Selama 11 patroli yang telah dijalaninya dalam kurun waktu 2 tahun 8 bulan, U-boat satu ini mencatatkan salah satu pencapaian terbaik yang diraih oleh kapal selam Jerman di Perang Dunia II dalam hal prestasi kapal musuh yang ditenggelamkan: Tidak kurang dari 48 kapal Sekutu (46 kapal dagang, 2 kapal perang) dikirim ke dasar lautan dengan total tonase 225.637 GRT; 4 kapal dirusakkan dengan total tonase 30.067 GRT; dan satu pesawat terbang ditembak jatuh!
Data U-boat:
Nama: U-124
Pemesanan: 15 Desember 1937
Galangan pembuat: AG Weser
Nomor Seri: 956
Diletakkan: 11 Agustus 1939
Diluncurkan: 9 Maret 1940
Ditugaskan: 11 Juni 1940
Akhir: Ditenggelamkan tanggal 2 April 1943 dengan seluruh 53 awaknya tewas tenggelam
Kelas dan Tipe: U-boat tipe IXB
Berat: Di permukaan 1.051 ton, di dalam air 1.178 ton
Panjang: keseluruhan 76,5 m (251 ft), lambung utama 58,7 m (192 ft 7 in)
Lebar: Keseluruhan 6,8 m (22 ft 4 in), lambung utama 4,4 m (14 ft 5 in)
Tinggi: 4.7 m (15 ft 5 in)
Tenaga Penggerak: Diesel/listrik, 2x MAN M9V40/mesin diesel 9 silinder - 46 supercharged, 4,400 hp (3,300kW), 2xSSW GU345/motor listrik double acting 34, 1000 hp (740kW)
Kecepatan: Permukaan 18,2 knot (33,7 km/jam), dalam air 7,3 knot (13,5 km/jam)
Jarak Jangkau: Permukaan: 22.200 km (12.000 nmi) dengan kecepatan 10 knot, dalam air: 118 km (64 nmi) dengan kecepatan 4 knot (7 km/jam)
Test kedalaman: 230 m (750 ft)
Awak: 48 sampai 56 orang (perwira dan pelaut)
Persenjataan: 6 buah tabung torpedo 53,3cm : 4 haluan, 2 buritan (22 torpedo); 1 buah Utof 105/45 dengan 110 round amunisi
Catatan Perang:
Patroli Pertama
- 25 Agustus 1940: Merusakkan kapal Inggris Stakesby (3.900 ton) dari (Konvoy) HX 65A
- 25 Agustus 1940: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Harpalyce (5.169 ton) dari HX 65A
- 25 Agustus 1940: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Fircrest (5.394 ton) dari HX 65A
Patroli Kedua
- 16 Oktober 1940: Menenggelamkan kapal Kanada Trevisa (1.813 ton) dari SC 7
- 20 Oktober 1940: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Sulaco (5.389 ton) dari OB 229
- 20 Oktober 1940: Menenggelamkan kapal Norwegia Cubano (5.810 ton) dari OB 229
- 31 Oktober 1940: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Rutland (1.437 ton) dari HX 82
- 1 November 1940: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Empire Bison (5.612 ton) dari HX 82
Patroli Ketiga
- 6 Januari 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Empire Thunder (5.965 ton) dari OB 269. 30 dari 39 awaknya diselamatkan oleh HMS Kingston Onyx (Captain J.B.Wright)
Patroli Keempat
Patroli keempat U-124 selama bulan Maret dan April 1941 adalah yang paling sukses dari semua patroli yang telah dan akan dijalaninya!
- 8 Maret 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Hindpool (4.897 ton) dari SL 67
- 8 Maret 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Lahore (5.304 ton) dari SL 67
- 8 Maret 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Tielbank (5.984 ton) dari SL 67
- 8 Maret 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Nardana (7.974 ton) dari SL 67
- 30 Maret 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Umona (3.767 ton)
- 4 April 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Marlene (6.507 ton)
- 7 April 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Kanada Portadoc (1.746 ton)
- 8 April 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Tweed (2.697 ton)
- 11 April 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Yunani Aegeon (5.285 ton)
- 12 April 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris St Helena (4.313 ton)
- 13 April 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Corinthic (4.823 ton)
Patroli Kelima
- 10 Juli 1941: U-124 meninggalkan Lorient di bawah pimpinan Georg-Wilhelm Schulz dan tiba kembali di Lorient 6½ minggu kemudian tanggal 25 Agustus 1941 tanpa hasil!
Patroli Keenam
- 16 September 1941 meninggalkan Lorient di bawah pimpinan Johann Mohr
- 20 September 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Baltallinn (1.303 ton) dari OG 74
- 20 September 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Empire Moat (2.922 ton) dari OG 74
- 25 September 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Empire Stream (2.922 ton) dari HG 73
- 26 September 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Lapwing (1.348 ton) dari HG 73
- 26 September 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Petrel (1.354 ton) dari HG 73
- 26 September 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Cervantes (1.810 ton) dari HG 73
Patroli Ketujuh
- 24 November 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal penjelajah ringan Inggris HMS Dunedin (4.850 ton)
- 3 Desember 1941: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika Sagadahoc (6.275 ton)
- 9 Desember 1941: Mendekati Georgetown di permukaan dengan niat untuk membombardir pangkalan kabel atau menenggelamkan kapal mana saja yang sedang berlabuh. Sebuah baterai meriam pantai tiba-tiba menyalak dan hampir mengenainya sehingga U-124 buru-buru menyelam dan kabur!
- 29 Desember 1941: Tiba di pangkalannya di Prancis dengan membawa 104 orang awak yang selamat dari kapal selam suplai Jerman yang ditenggelamkan oleh Inggris
Patroli Kedelapan
- 14 Maret 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Resource (7.209 ton)
- 17 Maret 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Ceiba (1.698 ton)
- 17 Maret 1942: Merusakkan kapal Amerika Acme (6.878 ton)
- 18 Maret 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Yunani Kassandra Louloudi (5.106 ton)
- 18 Maret 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika Papoose (5.939 ton)
- 18 Maret 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika EM Clark (9.647 ton)
- 19 Maret 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika WE Hutton (7.076 ton)
- 21 Maret 1942: Merusakkan kapal Amerika Esso Nashville (7.934 ton)
- 21 Maret 1942: Merusakkan kapal Amerika Atlantic Sun (11.355 ton)
- 23 Maret 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika Naeco (5.373 ton)
Patroli Kesembilan
- 12 Mei 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Yunani Mount Parnes (4.371 ton) dari ONS 92
- 12 Mei 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Llanover (4.959 ton) dari ONS 92
- 12 Mei 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Cristales (5.389 ton) dari ONS 92
- 12 Mei 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Empire Dell (7.065 ton) dari ONS 92
- 9 Juni 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal korvet Prancis Mimose (925 ton) dari ONS 100
- 12 Juni 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Dartford (4.093 ton) dari ONS 100
- 18 Juni 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika Seattle Spirit (5.627 ton) dari ONS 102
Patroli Kesepuluh
- 28 Desember 1942: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Treworlas (4.692 ton)
- 1 Januari 1943: U-124 mendapat serangan dari pesawat terbang Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat, VP-53 squadron. U-124 tidak mengalami kerusakan berarti dan malah berhasil menembak balik pesawat musuh dan menghancurkannya dengan menggunakan senjata anti serangan udara yang terdapat di dek!
- 9 Januari 1943: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika Minotaur (4.554 ton) dari TB 1
- 9 Januari 1943: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika Collingsworth (5.101 ton) dari TB 1
- 9 Januari 1943: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika Birmingham City (6.194 ton) dari TB 1
- 9 Januari 1943: Menenggelamkan kapal Amerika Broad Arrow (7.718 ton) dari TB 1
Patroli Kesebelas (Terakhir)
- 2 April 1943: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Katha (4.357 ton) dari OS 45
- 2 April 1943: Menenggelamkan kapal Inggris Gogra (5.190 ton) dari OS 45
Dalam penyerangan terhadap Konvoy OS 45 ini, kapal-kapal pengawal HMS Black Swan dan HMS Stonecrop balik menyerang U-124 dan membombardirnya dengan bom dalam sehingga menenggelamkannya bersama seluruh awaknya di hari yang sama (2 April 1943).
Sumber :
Interior U-Boat


Kompartemen diesel dari U-178 di bawah pimpinan Korvettenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes memperlihatkan dengan jelas betapa sempitnya ruang yang tersedia bagi para awak u-boat untuk menjalankan tugasnya, yaitu membuat mesin "kendaraan" mereka tetap berfungsi. Bergerak di dalam kapal selam, terutama saat laut sedang bergejolak, membutuhkan skill yang menyerupai pemain akrobat! Karenanya tidak heran jika banyak orang yang lecet-lecet dan beberapa bahkan ada yang terluka serius karena berbenturan dengan bodi kapal yang hampir seluruhnya terbuat dari besi keras!

Sumber :
Buku "Wolfpacks At War: The U-Boat Experience In WWII" karya Jak Mallmann Showell
U-boat Tipe II


Sumber :
Buku "Wolfpacks At War: The U-Boat Experience In WWII" karya Jak Mallmann Showell
Sketsa U-boat-U-boat anggota 5. U-Boots-Flottille
5. U-Boots-Flottille di Kiel, di bawah
pimpinan Korvettenkapitän Karl-Heinz Moehle, bertugas melengkapi dan
mensuplai para U-boat yang menjalani patroli perang pertama mereka.
Kebanyakan U-boat Jerman nongkrong di Flotilla ini terlebih dahulu
sebelum dipindahkan ke unit lain, karenanya 5. U-Boots-Flottille menjadi
Flotilla (armada kecil) terbesar di antara flotilla-flotilla lainnya.
Adalah tradisi bagi setiap kapal yang akan meninggalkan 5.
U-Boots-Flottille untuk meninggalkan sedikit ‘kenang-kenangan’ berupa
sketsa di buku pengunjung yang memperlihatkan ciri khas mereka. Tak lama
buku pengunjung ini dipenuhi oleh sketsa-sketsa semacam itu dan menjadi
sebuah peninggalan sejarah yang berharga sekaligus unik. Buku
pengunjung 5. U-Boots-Flottille saat ini disimpan di U-Boot-Archiv di
Cuxhaven-Altenbruch (Jerman).
Sketsa-sketsa yang ditampilkan di bawah ini dipilih dari yang terbaik di antaranya, baik dalam hal desain maupun cerita di balik U-boat itu sendiri. Kadang-kadang salah seorang awak kapal selam mempunyai kemampuan artistik yang begitu baik sehingga sketsa yang tercipta kemudian layak disebut sebagai sebuah karya seni daripada sekedar corat-coret!
Garis terakhir dari caption di bawah gambar memberikan tiga jenis informasi: WP mengindikasikan berapa kali si U-boat meninggalkan pelabuhan untuk melakukan patroli perang; S adalah jumlah total awaknya yang selamat sampai perang usai; dan K adalah jumlah awak yang terbunuh, bila kapalnya ditenggelamkan oleh musuh.
Sketsa-sketsa yang ditampilkan di bawah ini dipilih dari yang terbaik di antaranya, baik dalam hal desain maupun cerita di balik U-boat itu sendiri. Kadang-kadang salah seorang awak kapal selam mempunyai kemampuan artistik yang begitu baik sehingga sketsa yang tercipta kemudian layak disebut sebagai sebuah karya seni daripada sekedar corat-coret!
Garis terakhir dari caption di bawah gambar memberikan tiga jenis informasi: WP mengindikasikan berapa kali si U-boat meninggalkan pelabuhan untuk melakukan patroli perang; S adalah jumlah total awaknya yang selamat sampai perang usai; dan K adalah jumlah awak yang terbunuh, bila kapalnya ditenggelamkan oleh musuh.

WP=5, S=0, K=48

WP=4, S=16, K=43

WP=1, S=46(?), K=1

WP=9, S=0, K=48
Kapitänleutnant Carl Emmermann, salah satu dari sedikit komandan kapal selam Jerman legendaris, menahkodai U-172 selama lima patroli yang panjang dan berliku sampai dengan bulan November 1943 ketika dia menyerahkan tongkat kepemimpinannya ke tangan Oberleutnant zur See Hermann Hoffmann. U-172 meninggalkan pangkalan terbesar Jerman di Pantai Biscay, Lorient, tanggal 22 November 1943 hanya untuk ditenggelamkan beberapa minggu kemudian tanggal 13 Desember. Selama karirnya, U-172 menyerang dan menenggelamkan 27 kapal sehingga membuat dia masuk ke dalam jajaran salah satu dari 3% u-boat dengan skor kemenangan paling banyak! Tentunya terdapat seniman yang berbakat di antara salah satu awaknya karena versi lebih gede dari gambar Dewa Neptunus di atas terdapat pula di menara pengawasnya
WP=6, S=46, K=13

WP=1, S=0, K=50
Sumber :
Buku "Wolfpacks At War: The U-Boat Experience In WWII" karya Jak Mallmann Showell
Daftar Jagoan U-boat Nazi Jerman
Otto "Der Schweigsame" Kretschmer (1 Mei 1912 - 5 Agustus 1998)
Komando U-boat : U-35, U-23 dan U-99Pangkat terakhir: FregattenkapitänMedali tertinggi : Schwerter (26 Desember 1941)Total patroli : 16 patroli (224 hari di lautan)Jumlah kemenangan : 47 kapal tenggelam (274.418 GRT) dan 5 kapal rusak (37.965 GRT)Catatan
: Dianugerahi Schwerter saat sudah menjadi tawanan perang sehingga
medalinya dikirimkan melalui Palang Merah Internasional!
Wolfgang August Eugen Lüth (15 Oktober 1913 - 13 Mei 1945)Komando U-boat : U-13, U-9, U-138, U-43 dan U-181Pangkat terakhir: Kapitän zur SeeMedali tertinggi : Brillanten (9 Agustus 1943)Total patroli : 15 patroli (640 hari di lautan)Jumlah kemenangan : 47 kapal tenggelam (225.756 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (17.343 GRT)Catatan
: Menemui kematian tragis setelah ditembak oleh seorang penjaga
fasilitas Angkatan Laut Jerman secara tidak sengaja di waktu malam!
Erich Topp (2 Juli 1914 - 26 Desember 2005)
Komando U-boat : U-57, U-552, U-3010 dan U-2513Pangkat terakhir: FregattenkapitänMedali tertinggi : Schwerter (17 Agustus 1942)Total patroli : 12 patroli (352 hari di lautan)Jumlah kemenangan : 36 kapal tenggelam (198.650 GRT) dan 4 kapal rusak (32.317 GRT)Catatan : Setelah perang melanjutkan karir di Bundesmarine Jerman Barat dan pensiun dengan pangkat terakhir Konteradmiral
Günther Prien (16 Januari 1908 - 7 Maret 1941)
Komando U-boat : U-47
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (20 Oktober 1940)
Total patroli : 10 patroli (238 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 31 kapal tenggelam (191.919 GRT) dan 8 kapal rusak (62.751 GRT)
Catatan : Terkenal berkat penyerangan beraninya ke Scapa Flow
Heinrich Liebe (29 Januari 1908 - 27 Juli 1997)
Komando U-boat : U-2 dan U-38Pangkat terakhir: FregattenkapitänMedali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (10 Juni 1941)Total patroli : 9 patroli (333 hari di lautan)Jumlah kemenangan : 34 kapal tenggelam (187.267 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (3.670 ton)Catatan : Liebe adalah salah satu dari sedikit kapten kapal selam Jerman yang punya pengalaman panjang dan solid di posisinya dari sejak zaman sebelum perang
Viktor Schütze (16 Februari 1906 - 23 September 1950)
Komando U-boat : U-19, U-11, U-25, dan U-103
Pangkat terakhir: Kapitän zur See
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (14 Juli 1941)
Total patroli : 7 patroli (306 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 35 kapal tenggelam (180.073 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (14.213 GRT)
Catatan : Di akhir perang menjadi "FdU Ausbildungsflottillen"
Heinrich Lehmann-Willenbrock (11 Desember 1911 - 18 April 1986)
Komando U-boat : U-8, U-5, U-96, dan U-256
Pangkat terakhir: Fregattenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (31 Desember 1941)
Total patroli : 10 patroli (327 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (179.125 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (15.864 GRT)
Catatan : Kisah kehidupannya sebagai kapten U-boat menjadi inspirasi film "Das Boot"
Karl-Friedrich Merten (15 Agustus 1905 - 2 Mei 1993)
Komando U-boat : U-68
Pangkat terakhir: Kapitän zur See
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (16 November 1942)
Total patroli : 5 patroli (368 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 27 kapal tenggelam (170.151 GRT)
Catatan : Beroperasi di seluruh perairan di dunia, dalam kurun waktu September/Oktober 1942 dia menenggelamkan tidak kurang dari 100.000 GRT pelayaran Sekutu!
Herbert-Emil Schultze (24 Juli 1909 - 3 Juni 1987)
Komando U-boat : U-2 dan U-48
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (12 Juni 1941)
Total patroli : 8 patroli (227 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 26 kapal tenggelam (169.709 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (9.456 ton)
Catatan : Sempat menjadi komandan U-48 yang kemudian menjadi kapal selam paling sukses dalam Perang Dunia II!
Werner Henke (13 Mei 1909 - 15 Juni 1944)
Komando U-boat : U-515
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän (anumerta)
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (4 Juli 1943)
Total patroli : 7 patroli (341 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (157.064 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (7.954 GRT)
Catatan : Di malam tanggal 30 April/1 Mei 1943, Henke menenggelamkan 8 kapal (49.456 GRT) hanya dalam waktu 8 jam! Atas prestasi ini dia dianugerahi Eichenlaub
Georg Lassen (12 Mei 1915 - 18 Januari 2012)
Komando U-boat : U-29 dan U-160
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (7 Maret 1943)
Total patroli : 4 patroli (328 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 26 kapal tenggelam (156.082 GRT) dan 5 kapal rusak (34.419 GRT)
Catatan : Dalam patroli pertamanya sebagai kapten dia menenggelamkan 6 kapal (43.560 GRT), dan dalam patroli terakhirnya juga menenggelamkan 6 kapal (41.076 GRT)!
Joachim Schepke (8 Maret 1912 - 17 Maret 1941)
Komando U-boat : U-3, U-19 dan U-100
Pangkat terakhir: Kapitänleutnant
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (1 Desember 1940)
Total patroli : 14 patroli (200 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 37 kapal tenggelam (155.882 GRT) dan 4 kapal rusak (17.229 GRT)
Catatan : Schepke dianugerahi Ritterkreuz setelah di bulan September 1940 berhasil menenggelamkan 7 kapal (50.340 GRT) hanya dalam waktu dua hari!
Heinrich Bleichrodt (21 Oktober 1909 - 9 Januari 1977)
Komando U-boat : U-48, U-67 dan U-109
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (23 September 1942)
Total patroli : 8 patroli (405 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (152.320 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (11.684 GRT)
Catatan : Bleichrodt menolak menerima Ritterkreuz sebelum perwira pengamatnya yang brilian, Oberleutnant zur See Teddy Suhren, juga menerimanya!
Carl Emmermann (6 Maret 1915 - 25 Maret 1990)
Komando U-boat : U-172 dan U-3037
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (4 Juli 1943)
Total patroli : 5 patroli (373 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 26 kapal tenggelam (152.080 GRT)
Catatan : Prestasi terbesar Emmermann adalah penenggelaman kapal pengangkut pasukan Inggris "Orcades" yang berbobot 23.456 ton!
Robert Gysae (14 Januari 1911 - 26 April 1989)
Komando U-boat : U-98 dan U-177
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (31 Mei 1943)
Total patroli : 8 patroli (506 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (146.815 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (2.588 ton)
Catatan : Gysae adalah salah satu dari sangat sedikit perwira Kriegsmarine yang menjadi kapten U-boat tanpa didahului menjadi perwira pengawas kapal selam terlebih dahulu!
Ernst Kals (2 Agustus 1905 - 2 November 1979)
Komando U-boat : U-130
Pangkat terakhir: Kapitän zur See
Medali tertinggi : Ritterkreuz (1 September 1942)
Total patroli : 5 patroli (286 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 20 kapal tenggelam (145.656 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (6.986 ton)
Catatan : Prestasi terbesarnya adalah saat dia menyerang kapal-kapal transport yang dijaga ketat di perairan Maroko tahun 1942 dan menenggelamkan tiga di antaranya (34.507 GRT)!
Adolf Cornelius Piening (16 September 1910 - 15 Mei 1984)
Komando U-boat : U-155
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Ritterkreuz (13 Agustus 1942)
Total patroli : 9 patroli (462 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 26 kapal tenggelam (140.449 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (6.736 ton)
Catatan : Piening terkenal melalui apa yang dinamakan sebagai "Rute Piening" yang dia ciptakan sebagai jalan meloloskan diri dari pesawat-pesawat Sekutu di Bay of Biscay
Johann Mohr (12 Juni 1916 - 2 April 1943)
Komando U-boat : U-124
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (13 Januari 1943)
Total patroli : 6 patroli (268 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 29 kapal tenggelam (135.751 GRT) dan 3 kapal rusak (26.167 GRT)
Catatan : Pada malam tanggal 12 Mei 1942 Mohr dan U-124 menenggelamkan empat kapal (21.784 GRT) dari konvoy ONS-92!
Klaus Scholtz (22 Maret 1908 - 1 Mei 1987)
Komando U-boat : U-108
Pangkat terakhir: Fregattenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (10 September 1942)
Total patroli : 8 patroli (361 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (128.190 GRT)
Catatan : Pada bulan April 1941 Scholtz berhasil menenggelamkan kapal dagang bersenjata Inggris "Rajputana" (16.644 ton) dalam sebuah pengejaran yang menegangkan!
Helmut Witte (6 April 1915 - 3 Oktober 2005)
Komando U-boat : U-159
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Ritterkreuz (22 Oktober 1942)
Total patroli : 4 patroli (261 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 23 kapal tenggelam (119.554 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (265 ton)
Catatan : Seusai perang menjadi manajer perusahaan industri terkemuka Jerman
Günter Hessler (14 Juni 1909 - 4 April 1968)
Komando U-boat : U-107
Pangkat terakhir: Fregattenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Ritterkreuz (24 Juni 1941)
Total patroli : 3 patroli (200 hari di lautan)Jumlah kemenangan : 21 kapal tenggelam (118.822 GRT)
Catatan : Menantu Dönitz ini tercatat melakukan patroli tersukses dalam Perang Dunia II dimana dia menennggelamkan 14 kapal hanya dalam satu patroli!
Sumber :

Komando U-boat : U-57, U-552, U-3010 dan U-2513Pangkat terakhir: FregattenkapitänMedali tertinggi : Schwerter (17 Agustus 1942)Total patroli : 12 patroli (352 hari di lautan)Jumlah kemenangan : 36 kapal tenggelam (198.650 GRT) dan 4 kapal rusak (32.317 GRT)Catatan : Setelah perang melanjutkan karir di Bundesmarine Jerman Barat dan pensiun dengan pangkat terakhir Konteradmiral

Komando U-boat : U-47
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (20 Oktober 1940)
Total patroli : 10 patroli (238 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 31 kapal tenggelam (191.919 GRT) dan 8 kapal rusak (62.751 GRT)
Catatan : Terkenal berkat penyerangan beraninya ke Scapa Flow

Komando U-boat : U-2 dan U-38Pangkat terakhir: FregattenkapitänMedali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (10 Juni 1941)Total patroli : 9 patroli (333 hari di lautan)Jumlah kemenangan : 34 kapal tenggelam (187.267 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (3.670 ton)Catatan : Liebe adalah salah satu dari sedikit kapten kapal selam Jerman yang punya pengalaman panjang dan solid di posisinya dari sejak zaman sebelum perang

Komando U-boat : U-19, U-11, U-25, dan U-103
Pangkat terakhir: Kapitän zur See
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (14 Juli 1941)
Total patroli : 7 patroli (306 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 35 kapal tenggelam (180.073 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (14.213 GRT)
Catatan : Di akhir perang menjadi "FdU Ausbildungsflottillen"

Komando U-boat : U-8, U-5, U-96, dan U-256
Pangkat terakhir: Fregattenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (31 Desember 1941)
Total patroli : 10 patroli (327 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (179.125 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (15.864 GRT)
Catatan : Kisah kehidupannya sebagai kapten U-boat menjadi inspirasi film "Das Boot"

Komando U-boat : U-68
Pangkat terakhir: Kapitän zur See
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (16 November 1942)
Total patroli : 5 patroli (368 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 27 kapal tenggelam (170.151 GRT)
Catatan : Beroperasi di seluruh perairan di dunia, dalam kurun waktu September/Oktober 1942 dia menenggelamkan tidak kurang dari 100.000 GRT pelayaran Sekutu!

Komando U-boat : U-2 dan U-48
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (12 Juni 1941)
Total patroli : 8 patroli (227 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 26 kapal tenggelam (169.709 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (9.456 ton)
Catatan : Sempat menjadi komandan U-48 yang kemudian menjadi kapal selam paling sukses dalam Perang Dunia II!

Komando U-boat : U-515
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän (anumerta)
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (4 Juli 1943)
Total patroli : 7 patroli (341 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (157.064 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (7.954 GRT)
Catatan : Di malam tanggal 30 April/1 Mei 1943, Henke menenggelamkan 8 kapal (49.456 GRT) hanya dalam waktu 8 jam! Atas prestasi ini dia dianugerahi Eichenlaub

Komando U-boat : U-29 dan U-160
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (7 Maret 1943)
Total patroli : 4 patroli (328 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 26 kapal tenggelam (156.082 GRT) dan 5 kapal rusak (34.419 GRT)
Catatan : Dalam patroli pertamanya sebagai kapten dia menenggelamkan 6 kapal (43.560 GRT), dan dalam patroli terakhirnya juga menenggelamkan 6 kapal (41.076 GRT)!

Komando U-boat : U-3, U-19 dan U-100
Pangkat terakhir: Kapitänleutnant
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (1 Desember 1940)
Total patroli : 14 patroli (200 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 37 kapal tenggelam (155.882 GRT) dan 4 kapal rusak (17.229 GRT)
Catatan : Schepke dianugerahi Ritterkreuz setelah di bulan September 1940 berhasil menenggelamkan 7 kapal (50.340 GRT) hanya dalam waktu dua hari!

Komando U-boat : U-48, U-67 dan U-109
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (23 September 1942)
Total patroli : 8 patroli (405 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (152.320 GRT) dan 2 kapal rusak (11.684 GRT)
Catatan : Bleichrodt menolak menerima Ritterkreuz sebelum perwira pengamatnya yang brilian, Oberleutnant zur See Teddy Suhren, juga menerimanya!

Komando U-boat : U-172 dan U-3037
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (4 Juli 1943)
Total patroli : 5 patroli (373 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 26 kapal tenggelam (152.080 GRT)
Catatan : Prestasi terbesar Emmermann adalah penenggelaman kapal pengangkut pasukan Inggris "Orcades" yang berbobot 23.456 ton!

Komando U-boat : U-98 dan U-177
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (31 Mei 1943)
Total patroli : 8 patroli (506 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (146.815 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (2.588 ton)
Catatan : Gysae adalah salah satu dari sangat sedikit perwira Kriegsmarine yang menjadi kapten U-boat tanpa didahului menjadi perwira pengawas kapal selam terlebih dahulu!

Komando U-boat : U-130
Pangkat terakhir: Kapitän zur See
Medali tertinggi : Ritterkreuz (1 September 1942)
Total patroli : 5 patroli (286 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 20 kapal tenggelam (145.656 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (6.986 ton)
Catatan : Prestasi terbesarnya adalah saat dia menyerang kapal-kapal transport yang dijaga ketat di perairan Maroko tahun 1942 dan menenggelamkan tiga di antaranya (34.507 GRT)!

Komando U-boat : U-155
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Ritterkreuz (13 Agustus 1942)
Total patroli : 9 patroli (462 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 26 kapal tenggelam (140.449 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (6.736 ton)
Catatan : Piening terkenal melalui apa yang dinamakan sebagai "Rute Piening" yang dia ciptakan sebagai jalan meloloskan diri dari pesawat-pesawat Sekutu di Bay of Biscay

Komando U-boat : U-124
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (13 Januari 1943)
Total patroli : 6 patroli (268 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 29 kapal tenggelam (135.751 GRT) dan 3 kapal rusak (26.167 GRT)
Catatan : Pada malam tanggal 12 Mei 1942 Mohr dan U-124 menenggelamkan empat kapal (21.784 GRT) dari konvoy ONS-92!

Komando U-boat : U-108
Pangkat terakhir: Fregattenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Eichenlaub (10 September 1942)
Total patroli : 8 patroli (361 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 25 kapal tenggelam (128.190 GRT)
Catatan : Pada bulan April 1941 Scholtz berhasil menenggelamkan kapal dagang bersenjata Inggris "Rajputana" (16.644 ton) dalam sebuah pengejaran yang menegangkan!

Komando U-boat : U-159
Pangkat terakhir: Korvettenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Ritterkreuz (22 Oktober 1942)
Total patroli : 4 patroli (261 hari di lautan)
Jumlah kemenangan : 23 kapal tenggelam (119.554 GRT) dan 1 kapal rusak (265 ton)
Catatan : Seusai perang menjadi manajer perusahaan industri terkemuka Jerman

Komando U-boat : U-107
Pangkat terakhir: Fregattenkapitän
Medali tertinggi : Ritterkreuz (24 Juni 1941)
Total patroli : 3 patroli (200 hari di lautan)Jumlah kemenangan : 21 kapal tenggelam (118.822 GRT)
Catatan : Menantu Dönitz ini tercatat melakukan patroli tersukses dalam Perang Dunia II dimana dia menennggelamkan 14 kapal hanya dalam satu patroli!
Foto koleksi pribadi Gordon Williamson
Jadwal Tugas Jaga dan Pengawasan di U-Boat Jerman





Oleh : Alif Rafik Khan
masalah tugas pengawasan di U-boat Jerman dalam Perang Dunia II, 12
orang dibutuhkan untuk kapal selam tipe VII yang merupakan kapal selam
Jerman paling banyak dibuat sepanjang perang (lebih dari 600 buah).
Kapal selam tipe IX yang berukuran lebih besar dan lebih cocok untuk
tugas-tugas jarak jauh membutuhkan 16 orang untuk tugas yang sama
meskipun bisa pula dilakukan oleh lebih sedikit orang kalau tidak
memungkinkan. Karena tipe VII biasanya diisi oleh sekitar empat perwira
dan 44 pelaut, maka ini berarti bahwa setiap orang setidaknya kebagian
satu tugas jaga dari tiga. Untuk lebih memperburuk masalah, anggota
divisi teknik jumlahnya lebih sedikit lagi dan harus menjalani dua tugas
jaga dari tiga!
Jadwal tugas jaga pengawasan adalah sebagai berikut:
00:00 – Jaga Laut Pertama dan anggota jaga ruang mesin kanan yang kebagian bertugas.
04:00 – Jaga Laut Kedua menggantikan Jaga Laut Pertama.
05:30 – Membangunkan anggota jaga ruang mesin kiri untuk sarapan pagi.
06:00 – Membangunkan seisi kru. Anggota jaga ruang mesin kiri bertugas jaga.
06:30 – Sarapan untuk seisi kru yang tidak kebagian tugas jaga.
07:00 – Tugas pemeliharaan, pembukaan dan bersih-bersih.
08:00 – Jaga Laut Ketiga.
08:45 – Pemeliharaan rutin, pemeriksaan alat secara seksama serta perbaikan bilamana dibutuhkan bagi orang-orang yang tidak kebagian tugas jaga.
11:30 – Makan siang untuk Jaga Laut Pertama dan anggota jaga ruang mesin kanan.
12:00 – Jaga Laut Pertama dan anggota jaga ruang mesin kanan mulai bertugas. Sisa kru yang lain makan siang.
13:00 – Pemeliharaan rutin, pemeriksaan alat secara seksama serta perbaikan bilamana dibutuhkan bagi orang-orang yang tidak kebagian tugas jaga.
15:30 – Makanan ringan bagi orang yang bertugas jaga.
16:00 – Jaga Laut Kedua mulai bertugas.
17:00 – Makan sore untuk para kru yang tidak bertugas jaga.
18:00 – Anggota ruang mesin kiri bertugas jaga. Makan sore untuk anggota ruang mesin kanan yang baru selesai bertugas.
20:00 – Jaga Laut Ketiga mulai bertugas. Makan sore bagi siapa saja yang belum diisi perutnya.
21:00 – Semua bunyi yang tidak perlu dihentikan dan lampu-lampu dimatikan. Para awak tidur.
23:40 – Anggota Jaga Laut Pertama dan jaga ruang mesin kanan bangun untuk bersiap-siap tugas tengah malam.
Sumber :
Buku “Wolfpacks At War: The U-Boat Experience In World War II” karya Jak Mallmann Showell
Jadwal tugas jaga pengawasan adalah sebagai berikut:
00:00 – Jaga Laut Pertama dan anggota jaga ruang mesin kanan yang kebagian bertugas.
04:00 – Jaga Laut Kedua menggantikan Jaga Laut Pertama.
05:30 – Membangunkan anggota jaga ruang mesin kiri untuk sarapan pagi.
06:00 – Membangunkan seisi kru. Anggota jaga ruang mesin kiri bertugas jaga.
06:30 – Sarapan untuk seisi kru yang tidak kebagian tugas jaga.
07:00 – Tugas pemeliharaan, pembukaan dan bersih-bersih.
08:00 – Jaga Laut Ketiga.
08:45 – Pemeliharaan rutin, pemeriksaan alat secara seksama serta perbaikan bilamana dibutuhkan bagi orang-orang yang tidak kebagian tugas jaga.
11:30 – Makan siang untuk Jaga Laut Pertama dan anggota jaga ruang mesin kanan.
12:00 – Jaga Laut Pertama dan anggota jaga ruang mesin kanan mulai bertugas. Sisa kru yang lain makan siang.
13:00 – Pemeliharaan rutin, pemeriksaan alat secara seksama serta perbaikan bilamana dibutuhkan bagi orang-orang yang tidak kebagian tugas jaga.
15:30 – Makanan ringan bagi orang yang bertugas jaga.
16:00 – Jaga Laut Kedua mulai bertugas.
17:00 – Makan sore untuk para kru yang tidak bertugas jaga.
18:00 – Anggota ruang mesin kiri bertugas jaga. Makan sore untuk anggota ruang mesin kanan yang baru selesai bertugas.
20:00 – Jaga Laut Ketiga mulai bertugas. Makan sore bagi siapa saja yang belum diisi perutnya.
21:00 – Semua bunyi yang tidak perlu dihentikan dan lampu-lampu dimatikan. Para awak tidur.
23:40 – Anggota Jaga Laut Pertama dan jaga ruang mesin kanan bangun untuk bersiap-siap tugas tengah malam.
Sumber :
Buku “Wolfpacks At War: The U-Boat Experience In World War II” karya Jak Mallmann Showell
U - 161Korvettenkapitän Albrecht Achilles ( January 25, 1914 - September 27 1943) naval career began on April 8, 1934. He
then served on the training ship Schleswig- Holstein and Gneisenau
warships before being transferred to the U - boat in April 1940. For the first he studied as Korvettenkapitän Richard Zapp 's men in the U - 66 and participated in three rounds. In January 1942 Achilles mengkomandani own ship , a Type IXC submarine U - 161 . He operates mainly in the Caribbean , but also sometimes get into the territorial waters of Brazil, and even Africa . Achilles was killed along with the entire crew of U - 161 when their ship sunk by American Mariner aircraft in September 1943. In
his career as commander of the U - boat , drown Achilles recorded 14
vessels ( 64 542 GRT ) and damaged 6 ships ( 41,122 GRT ) . Received medals : Dienstauszeichnung IV . Klasse
( 8 April 1938 ) ; Eisernes II.Klasse Kreuz ( August 7, 1941 ) and
I.Klasse ( 5 April 1942 ) ; Flotten - Kriegsabzeichen ( July 15, 1941 ),
U - Bootskriegsabzeichen ( August 7, 1941 ) , as well as the Knight des
eisernen Kreuzes ( January 16, 1943 ) . His name is also mentioned in the issue of March 12, 1943 Wehrmachtsbericht
U - 178
Diesel compartment of U - 178 under the leadership of Wilhelm Dommes Korvettenkapitän shows clearly how little space available for the u - boat crew to do its job , namely making machine " vehicle " they are still functioning . Moving inside the submarine , especially when the sea was turbulent , requires skills that resembles an acrobat ! Therefore do not be surprised if many people abrasions and some have even seriously injured by colliding with a ship body made almost entirely of iron hard !
Guard duty control over long-distance submarine U - 178 ( Korvettenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes ) shortly after leaving the Gironde Estuary in France to trail a little convoy was crossing a minefield beach . Head in the attack periscope lens we can see on the right side , while on the left is a surveillance antenna rod . In later years the two poles can be operated electrically from the inside of the U - boat , but at first they were still operated manually by means mengkerek hand from the top of the control tower and will not go down by itself without potentially damaging the teeth jenteranya . As a result , the submarines early type deemed 'unfit subs ' long antennae still ngaceng ! Grilles located at the base of the antenna is the top of the reconnaissance vent hole that leads to the engine room . Usually there are four supervisors plus one officer on duty at a time in the control tower
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
The position and function of the U - Boat crewsources :The book " At War Wolfpacks ; The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
U - 2330Starting from March 1945 shortly after completion , type XXIII submarine U - 2330 lowered using the hoist to the launch site no.8 in Germania shipyard . U - 2330 is one of the two U-boats were used to test the variants are equipped with a control tower overlooking the layer . This variant is easily recognizable from an indigenous form of attic hydrophone arrangement without sloping edges as contained in subsequent models . Also clearly visible is the opening of a voice in the water gauge at the keel . Commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Hans Beckmann , these submarines to be part of the 32 . U - Flotille and serves as a training ship of the month September 1944 s / d in February 1945 . He was then assigned to the 11 . U - Flotille ( Bergen ) as an operational vessel . Unfortunately , the war ended before the trigger- U - 2330 had his first patrol , and he was later sunk by its own crew in Kiel dated May 3, 1945 . Type XXIII U - boat second shipyard is seen in the U - 2323 . A notable of these vessels is the number of grip as well as a niche foothold in the side of the control tower and extra grip in the container niche apungnya . Deflector ( fin pembelok ) dent on the front right of the front face of the tool diver probably caused by collisions with underwater objects , collisions with other submarines , or it could also be due to too fast to maneuver lean at practice !
sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " edition no.2 of 2007U - 4701U - 4701 , Type XXIII submarines were first made by the Germania shipyard in Kiel , started to " taste " the oceans first time on January 10, 1945 . This vessel provides a good example of the problem of the load speed into " stakeholder expectations " for the U-boat force in the final phases of the war . The work start on October 19, 1944 and completed on 14 December . Less than four weeks later , on January 10, 1945 , the ship has begun to be prepared to sail under the command of Oberleutnant zur See Arnold Wiechmann ( Crew X/39 ) . Crew training begins at the base 5 . Unterseebootsflotille in Kiel . Unfortunately , this training is not finished when the war in Europe ended trigger . As a result , a few moments before giving up , the ship made it painstakingly sunk by its own crew off the coast of Höruphaff ( Horuphav ) , Denmark , in order to prevent it falling into enemy hands ! The above photo , taken when the banner commanders and Reich war flag was raised, the rivet pattern clearly shows the skin layer and the steel tower supervisor position lamp fairing curves adjusted for body board. Of all the equipment in the back of the control tower that can be drawn in, just peilring ( DF loop ) are visible . Retractable snorkel possibilities for security reasons . Only one of the two- pole antenna ( ASTA - Hand ) manually extendable seen hanging in the stand . The antenna has a length of 1.8 m with a rubber -coated bottom . Holder left side looked empty . UAK - Kennung ( UAK Code ) contained in tiny plate -shaped horizontal section , and an identifying hallmark of the 47th German submarine of this type
sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " No.2 of 2007
U - 861Monsoon submarine U - 861 is in super condition upon arrival at troubled base in Trondheim , Norway , April 19, 1945. Naturally, because cruise ships have sailed for 13 ½ weeks since the first set out of port in Surabaya on January 15, 1945 ! Large submarines of the type IX D2 has previously been left Kiel on her first patrol dated 20 April 1944 under the leadership of Ritterkreuzträger ( Knight's Cross winner ) Kapitänleutnant Jürgen Oesten . At first he was stationed in the area around the coast of Brazil before being moved to the east coast of Africa . U - 861 was recorded drown four ships with a total tonnage of 22,040 GRT and damaged the tanker " Daronia " which weighs 8,139 GRT before arriving at the base of the island Penang ( Malaysia ) dated 23 September 1944 . At that time the U - 861 had been sailing in the sea for five months nonstop ! The U - boat languishing in Penang until November 1, 1944 to undergo the necessary repairs and provide an opportunity for the crew to rest weary . On 1 November 1944 the U - 861 left Penang to Surabaya and arriving there dated 5 November 1944 after a short transit in Singapore . The ship remained there before it was ordered to return to Germany on 15 January 1945. On the way home he brings a lot of valuable war materials sort of seed molybdenum , zinc stored in containers located in the ballast keel , and raw rubber . And so, weaponry is limited to two torpedoes to defend themselves when attacked ( road safety a top priority and not the destruction of enemy ships ) . It 's got safety toughest challenge it in the final stages of the trip when the U - 861 passed by a " swarm " of ice in southern Greenland . Because the ship's captain reliability coupled with an experienced crew , the ship eventually damage the steel layer can be minimized and the U - 861 could arrive back at their base safely despite living leaves 800 liters of diesel in tank - grilled material . Note the repainted area around Panther logo ! Georg Högel in his book " Embleme , Wappen , Malings " explaining that the actual emblem depicts a panther who was climbing a globe . This is in contrast with the statement of Jürgen Oesten stating that the globe is claimed Högel not been a part of the panther emblem . The latter is the most interesting : Yamaha recall the motto " Always in front " on display at the MotoGP race ? It turns out that U - 861 had been " way ahead " in this case : the majority of the word " Hurry " emblazoned on the front of the control tower . The word is , of course , is derived from the Malay language meaning " fast " or " soon " !
sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " edition no.2 of 2007U - 125 , sunk by British destroyer Ship Collision !Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers is one of the commanders of the most successful U-boat coming from 2 . Unterseebootsflotille . In this photo she had just returned to the U-boat base Lorient dated 6 November 1942 after completing her fifth patrol mission along the C type IX submarine U - 125 which lasted for three months more ! In this time patrols , Folkers drowned six British ships . Patrol period longer than it should make the paint stuck to the submarine became a bit " muddy " due to the influence of weather and salt water . Note also that there is a windscreen in the control tower of U- 125 , which is actually something more commonly seen in the torpedo boat ! U - 125 sank on the night of May 6, 1943 at approximately Konvoy ONS - 5 in eastern Newfoundland . There are no crew members who survivedBy : Alif Rafik KhanspecificationType : IXCWork orders : August 7, 1939Manufacture : May 10, 1940 ( AG Weser , Bremen , werk 988 )Launch : December 10, 1940Assignment : March 3, 1941 ( Kapitänleutnant Günter Kuhnke )commanderMarch 3, 1941 - December 15, 1941 Korvettenkapitän Günter Kuhnke ( Ritterkreuzträger )December 15, 1941 - May 6, 1943 : Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers ( Ritterkreuzträger )patrol1 . July 15, 1941 ( Kiel ) - July 28, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 14 days2 . August 12, 1941 ( Lorient ) - 5 November 1941 ( Lorient ) : 86 days3 . December 18, 1941 ( Lorient ) - February 23, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 68 days - 5,666 tons4 . 4 April 1942 ( Lorient ) - June 13, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 71 days - 47 055 tonnes5 . July 27, 1942 ( Lorient ) - 6 November 1942 ( Lorient ) : 103 days - 25,415 tons6 . December 9, 1942 ( Lorient ) - February 19, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 73 days7 . 13 April 1943 ( Lorient ) - May 6, 1943 ( sink ) : 24 days - 4,737 tonsTotal : 7 patrols with 439 days at seaachievement17 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 82,873 GRT .endDated May 6, 1943 sunk east of Newfoundland , Canada , in position 52.30N , 45.20W , after being hit by a British destroyer HMS Oribi and then pounded with a shot of a British corvette HMS Snowflake . Throughout the 54 crew were killed .sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " number 2www.uboat.net
U - 103
The U - 103 crew pose for souvenir purposes for relatives back home in Lorient U-boat bases . In the control tower attached to the emblem " Sig - Rune " ( the letter " S " of the alphabet Runik ) which also functions as a " fetish " for the ship as well as the first letter of the captain of the ship . This symbol is directly elected by Victor Schütze and is proven to bring good luck to the ship : in fact , the U - 103 is one of the German U-boats of the most successful in World War II ! He set off in 11 patrols with three different captains , and carrying 45 crew drowned ( 237,596 GRT ) and damaged the other 3 ( 28 158 GRT ) ! U - 103 survived the 11 patrol who lived without sustaining significant damage , and in January 1944 finally retired . This ship was later used as a training ship by 2 . And then 4 . ULD ( U - boat Training Division ) , until then his fate ended tragically drowned after the Allied bombing of Kiel dated 15 April 1945specificationType : IXBWork order : May 24, 1938Manufacture : 6 September 1939 ( AG Weser , Bremen , werk 966 )Launch : 12 April 1940Assignment : July 5, 1940 ( Korvettenkapitän Viktor Schütze )commanderJuly 5, 1940 - August 12 1941 Korvettenkapitän Viktor Schütze ( Eichenlaubträger )August 13, 1941 - July 14 1942 Kapitänleutnant Werner Winter ( Ritterkreuträger )July 15, 1942 - March 13, 1944 : Gustav - Adolf Janssen KapitänleutnantJanuary 23, 1945 - February 18, 1945 : Oberleutnant zur See Heinz MurlMarch 31, 1945 - 15 April 1945 : Oberleutnant zur See Hans - Norbert Schunckpatrol1 . 21 September 1940 ( Kiel ) - October 19, 1940 ( Lorient ) : 29 days - 23.976 GRT2 . 9 November 1940 ( Lorient ) - December 12, 1940 ( Lorient ) : 34 days - 38 465 GRT3 . January 21, 1941 ( Lorient ) - February 24, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 35 days - 33 464 GRT4 . 1 April 1941 ( Lorient ) - July 12, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 103 days - 65 172 GRT5 . 10 September 1941 ( Lorient ) - 9 November 1941 ( Lorient ) : 61 days - 10,594 GRT6 . January 3, 1942 ( Lorient ) - March 1, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 58 days - 26 539 GRT7 . 15 April 1942 ( Lorient ) - June 22, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 69 days - 42 169 GRT8 . October 21, 1942 ( Lorient ) - December 29, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 70 days - 25 375 GRT9 . February 7, 1943 ( Lorient ) - March 26, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 48 days10 . 24 April 1943 ( Lorient ) - May 26, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 33 days11 . July 25, 1943 ( Lorient ) - July 26, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 2 days12 . 18 September 1943 ( Lorient ) - 19 September 1943 ( Brest ) : 2 days13 . 23 September 1943 ( Brest ) - January 1, 1944 ( Bergen ) : 101 days14 . January 3, 1944 ( Bergen ) - January 7, 1944 ( Kiel ) : 5 daysTotal : 14 patrols with 650 days at seaachievement45 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 237,596 GRT , and 3 ships damaged for a total tonnage of 28,158 GRTendRetired from active duty in March 1944. In January 1945 U - 103 departed from Hamburg and Gotenhafen to April 1945 from Hamburg to Kiel . On 15 April 1945 the submarine was sunk after the Allies bombed . It is not known how many of the survivors , only one person was recorded killed .sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " issue number 2 of 2007www.uboat.net
Exterior Photo Album / Exterior U - BoatThis photo was taken in St. docks . Nazaire and shows a German submarine Type VII C with additional Flak ( anti-aircraft guns ) with the details we can examine further : This armament consisted of a single -barreled 20mm Flak guns , two pairs of double -barreled 20mm Flak , and two machine guns MG 81 Z in the front of the control tower . Here we can also see the bottles that serve high -pressure air to blow balloon feeder " Aphrodite " in the back of an armored box and perforated metal layer on the ends of the platform
This photo was taken from the bow of the submarine type VII C Snorkel end and shows some interesting details : the image cutout floating container lifesaver high pressure clearly visible on the right front . Container itself is not visible , and its opening is covered by a metal plate . Nampak is rod snorkel behind the wave deflector that is not found in many U - boat snorkels manifold . Note also the absence of the bearing rails on the deck where the cannons previously were
Photos of the submarine type VII C Snorkel end with the logo " ghost night " at the top so far not been identified , and the logo itself is arguably not on the list of logos U -boats were more popular ! " Snorkellers " This one is equipped with four high -pressure containers lifesaver floating in front of the trunk snorkel , although not found in the place where the sleepers before being cannon deck . Dahlia holder for magnetic compass , which is shaped smaller than usual and stand-alone , we can see clearly is in front of watchtowers . These modifications were ordered to be added to new ships starting on October 15, 1942 , also in part to the old ships . Note that most of the crew of the U - boat that appears in this photo wearing a life jacket and wool capU - 4701 , Type XXIII submarines were first made by the Germania shipyard in Kiel , started to " taste " the oceans first time on January 10, 1945 . This vessel provides a good example of the problem of the load speed into " stakeholder expectations " for the U-boat force in the final phases of the war . The work start on October 19, 1944 and completed on 14 December . Less than four weeks later , on January 10, 1945 , the ship has begun to be prepared to sail under the command of Oberleutnant zur See Arnold Wiechmann ( Crew X/39 ) . Crew training begins at the base 5 . Unterseebootsflotille in Kiel . Unfortunately , this training is not finished when the war in Europe ended trigger . As a result , a few moments before giving up , the ship made it painstakingly sunk by its own crew off the coast of Höruphaff ( Horuphav ) , Denmark , in order to prevent it falling into enemy hands ! The above photo , taken when the banner commanders and Reich war flag was raised, the rivet pattern clearly shows the skin layer and the steel tower supervisor position lamp fairing curves adjusted for body board. Of all the equipment in the back of the control tower that can be drawn in, just peilring ( DF loop ) are visible . Retractable snorkel possibilities for security reasons . Only one of the two- pole antenna ( ASTA - Hand ) manually extendable seen hanging in the stand . The antenna has a length of 1.8 m with a rubber -coated bottom . Holder left side looked empty . UAK - Kennung ( UAK Code ) contained in tiny plate -shaped horizontal section , and an identifying hallmark of the 47th German submarine of this type
sources :Magazine " U - Boot Im Focus " No.2 of 2007
U - 68
Symbol U - 68 which is a blend of leaves and V
Installing a toilet seat " emergency " U - 68 ( Karl - Friedrich Merten Kapitänleutnant ) located at the left side of the submarine and can be dismantled and reassembled . Many readers can not imagine that anyone could calm defecate in the middle of the sea breeze blowing hard in the presence of his friends ! For the crew of U - boat veterans , it is not so strange though its own toilet designs vary and there are also some boats that are not equipped for it at allspecificationType : IXCWork orders : August 7, 1939Manufacture : 20 April 1940 ( AG Weser , Bremen , werk 987 )Launch : October 22, 1940Assignment : February 11, 1941 ( Karl - Friedrich Merten Kapitänleutnant )commanderFebruary 11, 1941 - January 21, 1943 : Karl - Friedrich Merten Korvettenkapitän ( Eichenlaubträger )January 21, 1943 - June 16, 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Albert Lauzemis ( DKiGträger )June 14 1943 - July 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Ekkehard ScherrausJuly 1943 - July 29, 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Gerhard Seehausen ( DKiGträger )July 30, 1943 - 10 April 1944 : Oberleutnant zur See Albert Lauzemis ( DKiGträger )patrol1 . June 30, 1941 ( Kiel ) - August 1, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 33 days2 . 11 September 1941 ( Lorient ) - December 25, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 106 days - 23 697 tonnes3 . February 11, 1942 ( Lorient ) - 13 April 1942 ( Lorient ) : 62 days - 39 350 tonnes4 . May 14, 1942 ( Lorient ) - July 10, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 58 days - 50 774 tonnes5 . August 20, 1942 ( Lorient ) - December 6, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 109 days - 56 330 tonnes6 . February 3, 1943 ( Lorient ) - May 7, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 94 days - 10,186 tons7 . June 12, 1943 ( Lorient ) - June 16, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 5 days8 . August 14, 1943 ( Lorient ) - August 15, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 2 days9 . 8 September 1943 ( Lorient ) - December 23, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 107 days - 17 661 tonnes10 . March 22, 1944 ( Lorient ) - 10 April 1944 ( sink ) : 20 daysTotal : 10 patrols with 596 days at seaachievement33 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 197,998 GRT ( 32 regular ships and warships 1 ) .endDated 10 April 1944 sunk northwest of Madeira , Portugal , in position 33.24N , 18.59W , by depth bombs and a rocket barrage from Avenger and Wildcat aircraft from the aircraft carrier USS Guadalcanal ( VC - 58 ) . 56 crew members were killed and one survived .
sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " number 2www.uboat.net
U - 37 , U -boats most successful Sixth In World War II !U - 37 ( under the command of Kapitänleutnant Asmus Nicolai Clausen ) back to its base in Kiel on March 22, 1941 , after returning from her last war patrol . After the U - 37 pulled from the front and used as a school ship for the training of new crew German U-boats . We can see the remnants of the damage in the tower supervisor , which most likely resulted from a mild collision with HMS Walker ( current U - 37 rush immersed himself only 90 meters away from the British destroyers ! ) . The incident occurred in the same battle in which Germany lost whiz - whiz best U - boat : Günther Prien , Schepke Joachim , Joachim Matz , and Otto Kretschmer
By : Alif Rafik KhanShip Data :Type : IXOrder : July 29, 1936Start making of : March 15, 1937 at AG Weser , Bremen ( werk 942 )Release date: May 14, 1938Operation : August 4, 1938commander :August 4, 1938 - 24 September 1939 : Heinrich Schuch Kapitänleutnant25 September 1939 - May 6, 1940 : Korvettenkapitän Werner Hartmann ( Knight )May 6, 1940 - October 26, 1940 : Victor Kapitänleutnant Oehrn ( Knight )October 26, 1940 - May 2 1941 Kapitänleutnant Asmus Nicolai Clausen ( Knight )May 3, 1941 - November 15, 1941 Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers ( Knight )16 November 1941 - June 30th 1942 Oberleutnant zur See Gustav - Adolf JanssenJuly 1, 1942 - January 3, 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Albert LauzemisJanuary 4, 1943 - 19 November 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Hinrich Kelling20 November 1943 - January 8 1944, Oberleutnant zur See Peter GerlachJanuary 9, 1944 - December 21, 1944, Oberleutnant zur See Wolfgang SeilerDecember 22, 1944 - 8 May 1945: Eberhard von Wenden Kapitänleutnantcareer :11 patrols ( 280 days at sea )1 April 1938 - 31 August 1939 6 . Flottille ( front boat )1 September 1939 - 31 December 1939 6 . Flottille ( front boat )January 1, 1940 - April 30, 1941 2 . Flottille ( front boat )May 1, 1941 - March 31, 1942 26 . Flottille ( school ship )1 April 1942 - June 30th 1944 22 . Flottille ( school ship )July 1, 1944 - May 3 1945: 4 . Flottille ( test vessel )achievement :53 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 200,124 GRT2 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 2,404 GRT1 ship damaged for a total tonnage of 9494 tonsFinal :Drowned on May 8, 1945 in Sonderburg Bay , Flensburg ( position 54.55N , 09.47E ) , and later the remains sold as a separate wrecks .-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
On 18 April 1943 U - 37 back to base in Wilhelmshaven after completing her fourth patrol . At the time of this mission , the submarine operating off the coast of Norway under the leadership of Werner Hartmann Korvettenkapitän as part of the " Unternehmen Weserübung " . Unfortunately , the achievements obtained are not as successful as previous missions . On patrol to the 2nd and 3rd of his , U - 37 , respectively sank 8 ships . This time he's " only " took home three banner just above the periscope . Cries of the spirit of the Vikings " Westward - ho ! " That adorn guard towers U - 37 was later adapted by Hartmann for a new boat , U - 198 , which completed the first patrol and the only one under his command with satisfactory results in 1943. As information , Nicolai Clausen , a former officer of Trustees to - 1 in U - 37, which later was promoted to commander , also using the emblem " Westward - ho ! " On other ships which then dikapteninya , namely U - 129 and U - 182
sources :Magazine " U - Boot Im Focus " 2nd edition 2007Private photo collection of Thomas Craigwww.en.wikipedia.orgwww.uboat.netwww.ubootwaffe.netwww.wehrmacht - awards.com
U - 570 Photo AlbumThis series of photos taken on August 28, 1941 , the day after U - 570 attacked and forced to surrender to a squadron of 269 Hudson . Destroyer HMS Burwell and HMCS Niagra and towboat ASW HMT Wastwate , Windermere , Kingston Agathe , and Northern Chief join berpartisisapi eh participate in moving the crew of U- 570 submarine at the same time interesting to Iceland area
A mine stretched from Britain to the towing vessel U - 570 crew gathered on the bridge
It seems that this photo was taken shortly after the U - 570 fuel pump out in his attempt to memyeimbangkan surface ship so as not to tilt and sink
U - 570 after in the hands of the British in 1943 . On 19 September 1941 the German U - boat was renamed HMS Graph and became a British submarine
Diagram type VIIC submarine U - 570 which is reproduced and translated by David Taylor Model basin based on the German original photo found in the U - 570 . The scans above size 2.9 MB and you can use it as a desktop wallpaper on your computer / laptop !
sources :www.uboatarchive.netwww.uboat.net
U - 124 , German submarines ( U -boats ) Edelweiss Coat !U - 124 emblem flower shaped Kahitutan eh Edelweiss . This symbol is inspired from the sinking of U - 64 in April 1940. The captain of the submarine and its crew also is also the captain and crew of the U - 124 later , and they were rescued from the waters of Norway by members Gebirgsjäger - Regiment 139 which has the same emblem
When Johann Mohr took over command of U - 124 from the Georg - Wilhelm Schulz in the month of September 1941 , he added the symbol of this frog in addition to the submarine from Edelweiss flower emblem preexisting . Several other U-boats some are taking pictures of frogs as the emblem , it's just the shape of frogs depicted above is only used by the U - 124
The first commander of U- 124 is Korvettenkapitän Georg - Wilhelm Schulz ( March 10, 1906 - July 5, 1986) . He is a master of the U - boat that sank 19 ships ( 89,886 GRT ) and damaged one ship ( 3,900 tons ) in eight war patrols ( 263 days at sea ) . Schulz became commander of U - 124 the period June 11, 1940 s / d 7 September 1941 , and prior to serving in the submarine he's also been placed in the U - 10 and U - 64 . Achievements that have been achieved is the Knight ( 4 April 1941 ) , Eisernes Kreuz klasse I and II ( 25 September 1940 ) , U - boots - Kriegsabzeichen ( December 23, 1939 ) , and Spanienkreuz in Bronz ohne Schwerter ( June 6, 1939 )
Commander of U - 124 is both Korvettenkapitän Johann " Jochen " Mohr (June 12, 1916-2 April 1943) . He is a master of the U - boat that sank 29 ships ( 135,751 GRT ) and damaged three ships ( 26,167 GRT ) in 6 war patrols ( 268 days at sea ) . Mohr became commander of U - 124 period 8 September 1941 s / d 2 April 1943 . Achievements that have been achieved is the Knight ( March 27, 1942 ) mit Oak Leaves ( January 13, 1943 ) , Eisernes Kreuz I klasse ( May 4, 1941 ) und klasse II ( 29 November 1939 ) , and U - boots - Kriegsabzeichen ( May 4, 1941 )
Three of the crew of U- 124 torpedoes are preparing to put into the ship . Edelweiss flower images displayed clearly on the side of the control tower . Coat numbered and there are two on the left and right edge of the U - 124
By : Alif Rafik KhanU - 124 is of the type IXB submarine that was first launched on March 9, 1940 . From June 1940 s / d September 1941 he commanded by Georg - Wilhelm Schulz Korvettenkapitän . Furthermore Korvettenkapitän Johann Mohr took command until the rest of his career .U - 124 left Wilhelmshaven for her first war patrol on 19 August 1940. During the 11 patrol who had lived in the period of 2 years and 8 months , the U - boat has recorded one of the best achievements attained by a German submarine in World War II in terms of achievement enemy ships sunk : Not less than 48 Allied ships ( 46 merchant ships , warships 2 ) was sent to the bottom of the ocean with a total tonnage of 225,637 GRT ; 4 ships damaged for a total tonnage of 30,067 GRT , and the aircraft was shot down !Data U - boat :Name : U - 124Booking : December 15, 1937Shipyard maker : AG WeserSerial Number : 956Laid : August 11, 1939Launched : March 9, 1940Commissioned : June 11, 1940Final : drowned dated 2 April 1943 with all 53 crew were drownedClass and type : Type IXB U - boatWeight : On surface of 1,051 tons , 1,178 tons in the waterLength : overall 76.5 m ( 251 ft ) , the main hull 58.7 m ( 192 ft 7 in )Width : Overall 6.8 m ( 22 ft 4 in ) , the main hull 4.4 m ( 14 ft 5 in )Height : 4.7 m ( 15 ft 5 in )Mobilization : Diesel / electric , 2x MAN 9 -cylinder diesel M9V40/mesin - 46 supercharged , 4,400 hp ( 3,300 kW ) , double acting electric GU345/motor 2xSSW 34 , 1000 hp ( 740kW )Speed : Surface 18.2 knots ( 33.7 km / h ) , in water 7.3 knots ( 13.5 km / h )Reach distance : Surface : 22,200 km ( 12,000 nmi ) with a speed of 10 knots , the water : 118 km ( 64 nmi ) with a speed of 4 knots ( 7 km / h )Test depth : 230 m ( 750 ft )The crew : 48 to 56 people ( officers and sailors )Armament : 6 pieces 53.3 cm torpedo tubes : 4 bow , 2 stern ( 22 torpedoes ) ; 1 piece Utof 105/45 with 110 rounds of ammunitionWar Notes :First patrol- August 25, 1940 : Tampering Stakesby British ship ( 3,900 tons ) of ( Konvoy ) HX 65A- August 25, 1940 : Sink the UK ships Harpalyce ( 5,169 tons ) of HX 65A- August 25, 1940 : Sink the UK ships Fircrest ( 5,394 tons ) of HX 65ASecond patrol- October 16, 1940 : Sink vessel Trevisa Canada ( 1,813 tons ) of SC 7- October 20, 1940 : Sink the British ship Sulaco ( 5,389 tons ) of OB 229- October 20, 1940 : Sink the ship Norwegian Cubano ( 5,810 tons ) of OB 229- October 31, 1940 : Sink the UK ships Rutland ( 1,437 tons ) of HX 82- 1 November 1940 : Sink the ship British Empire Bison ( 5,612 tons ) of HX 82Third patrol- January 6, 1941 : Sink the ship British Empire Thunder ( 5,965 tons ) of OB 269 . 30 of the 39 crew were rescued by HMS Kingston Onyx ( Captain JBWright )
U - 178
Diesel compartment of U - 178 under the leadership of Wilhelm Dommes Korvettenkapitän shows clearly how little space available for the u - boat crew to do its job , namely making machine " vehicle " they are still functioning . Moving inside the submarine , especially when the sea was turbulent , requires skills that resembles an acrobat ! Therefore do not be surprised if many people abrasions and some have even seriously injured by colliding with a ship body made almost entirely of iron hard !
Guard duty control over long-distance submarine U - 178 ( Korvettenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes ) shortly after leaving the Gironde Estuary in France to trail a little convoy was crossing a minefield beach . Head in the attack periscope lens we can see on the right side , while on the left is a surveillance antenna rod . In later years the two poles can be operated electrically from the inside of the U - boat , but at first they were still operated manually by means mengkerek hand from the top of the control tower and will not go down by itself without potentially damaging the teeth jenteranya . As a result , the submarines early type deemed 'unfit subs ' long antennae still ngaceng ! Grilles located at the base of the antenna is the top of the reconnaissance vent hole that leads to the engine room . Usually there are four supervisors plus one officer on duty at a time in the control tower
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
The position and function of the U - Boat crewsources :The book " At War Wolfpacks ; The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
U - 2330Starting from March 1945 shortly after completion , type XXIII submarine U - 2330 lowered using the hoist to the launch site no.8 in Germania shipyard . U - 2330 is one of the two U-boats were used to test the variants are equipped with a control tower overlooking the layer . This variant is easily recognizable from an indigenous form of attic hydrophone arrangement without sloping edges as contained in subsequent models . Also clearly visible is the opening of a voice in the water gauge at the keel . Commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Hans Beckmann , these submarines to be part of the 32 . U - Flotille and serves as a training ship of the month September 1944 s / d in February 1945 . He was then assigned to the 11 . U - Flotille ( Bergen ) as an operational vessel . Unfortunately , the war ended before the trigger- U - 2330 had his first patrol , and he was later sunk by its own crew in Kiel dated May 3, 1945 . Type XXIII U - boat second shipyard is seen in the U - 2323 . A notable of these vessels is the number of grip as well as a niche foothold in the side of the control tower and extra grip in the container niche apungnya . Deflector ( fin pembelok ) dent on the front right of the front face of the tool diver probably caused by collisions with underwater objects , collisions with other submarines , or it could also be due to too fast to maneuver lean at practice !
sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " edition no.2 of 2007U - 4701U - 4701 , Type XXIII submarines were first made by the Germania shipyard in Kiel , started to " taste " the oceans first time on January 10, 1945 . This vessel provides a good example of the problem of the load speed into " stakeholder expectations " for the U-boat force in the final phases of the war . The work start on October 19, 1944 and completed on 14 December . Less than four weeks later , on January 10, 1945 , the ship has begun to be prepared to sail under the command of Oberleutnant zur See Arnold Wiechmann ( Crew X/39 ) . Crew training begins at the base 5 . Unterseebootsflotille in Kiel . Unfortunately , this training is not finished when the war in Europe ended trigger . As a result , a few moments before giving up , the ship made it painstakingly sunk by its own crew off the coast of Höruphaff ( Horuphav ) , Denmark , in order to prevent it falling into enemy hands ! The above photo , taken when the banner commanders and Reich war flag was raised, the rivet pattern clearly shows the skin layer and the steel tower supervisor position lamp fairing curves adjusted for body board. Of all the equipment in the back of the control tower that can be drawn in, just peilring ( DF loop ) are visible . Retractable snorkel possibilities for security reasons . Only one of the two- pole antenna ( ASTA - Hand ) manually extendable seen hanging in the stand . The antenna has a length of 1.8 m with a rubber -coated bottom . Holder left side looked empty . UAK - Kennung ( UAK Code ) contained in tiny plate -shaped horizontal section , and an identifying hallmark of the 47th German submarine of this type
sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " No.2 of 2007
U - 861Monsoon submarine U - 861 is in super condition upon arrival at troubled base in Trondheim , Norway , April 19, 1945. Naturally, because cruise ships have sailed for 13 ½ weeks since the first set out of port in Surabaya on January 15, 1945 ! Large submarines of the type IX D2 has previously been left Kiel on her first patrol dated 20 April 1944 under the leadership of Ritterkreuzträger ( Knight's Cross winner ) Kapitänleutnant Jürgen Oesten . At first he was stationed in the area around the coast of Brazil before being moved to the east coast of Africa . U - 861 was recorded drown four ships with a total tonnage of 22,040 GRT and damaged the tanker " Daronia " which weighs 8,139 GRT before arriving at the base of the island Penang ( Malaysia ) dated 23 September 1944 . At that time the U - 861 had been sailing in the sea for five months nonstop ! The U - boat languishing in Penang until November 1, 1944 to undergo the necessary repairs and provide an opportunity for the crew to rest weary . On 1 November 1944 the U - 861 left Penang to Surabaya and arriving there dated 5 November 1944 after a short transit in Singapore . The ship remained there before it was ordered to return to Germany on 15 January 1945. On the way home he brings a lot of valuable war materials sort of seed molybdenum , zinc stored in containers located in the ballast keel , and raw rubber . And so, weaponry is limited to two torpedoes to defend themselves when attacked ( road safety a top priority and not the destruction of enemy ships ) . It 's got safety toughest challenge it in the final stages of the trip when the U - 861 passed by a " swarm " of ice in southern Greenland . Because the ship's captain reliability coupled with an experienced crew , the ship eventually damage the steel layer can be minimized and the U - 861 could arrive back at their base safely despite living leaves 800 liters of diesel in tank - grilled material . Note the repainted area around Panther logo ! Georg Högel in his book " Embleme , Wappen , Malings " explaining that the actual emblem depicts a panther who was climbing a globe . This is in contrast with the statement of Jürgen Oesten stating that the globe is claimed Högel not been a part of the panther emblem . The latter is the most interesting : Yamaha recall the motto " Always in front " on display at the MotoGP race ? It turns out that U - 861 had been " way ahead " in this case : the majority of the word " Hurry " emblazoned on the front of the control tower . The word is , of course , is derived from the Malay language meaning " fast " or " soon " !
sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " edition no.2 of 2007U - 125 , sunk by British destroyer Ship Collision !Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers is one of the commanders of the most successful U-boat coming from 2 . Unterseebootsflotille . In this photo she had just returned to the U-boat base Lorient dated 6 November 1942 after completing her fifth patrol mission along the C type IX submarine U - 125 which lasted for three months more ! In this time patrols , Folkers drowned six British ships . Patrol period longer than it should make the paint stuck to the submarine became a bit " muddy " due to the influence of weather and salt water . Note also that there is a windscreen in the control tower of U- 125 , which is actually something more commonly seen in the torpedo boat ! U - 125 sank on the night of May 6, 1943 at approximately Konvoy ONS - 5 in eastern Newfoundland . There are no crew members who survivedBy : Alif Rafik KhanspecificationType : IXCWork orders : August 7, 1939Manufacture : May 10, 1940 ( AG Weser , Bremen , werk 988 )Launch : December 10, 1940Assignment : March 3, 1941 ( Kapitänleutnant Günter Kuhnke )commanderMarch 3, 1941 - December 15, 1941 Korvettenkapitän Günter Kuhnke ( Ritterkreuzträger )December 15, 1941 - May 6, 1943 : Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers ( Ritterkreuzträger )patrol1 . July 15, 1941 ( Kiel ) - July 28, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 14 days2 . August 12, 1941 ( Lorient ) - 5 November 1941 ( Lorient ) : 86 days3 . December 18, 1941 ( Lorient ) - February 23, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 68 days - 5,666 tons4 . 4 April 1942 ( Lorient ) - June 13, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 71 days - 47 055 tonnes5 . July 27, 1942 ( Lorient ) - 6 November 1942 ( Lorient ) : 103 days - 25,415 tons6 . December 9, 1942 ( Lorient ) - February 19, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 73 days7 . 13 April 1943 ( Lorient ) - May 6, 1943 ( sink ) : 24 days - 4,737 tonsTotal : 7 patrols with 439 days at seaachievement17 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 82,873 GRT .endDated May 6, 1943 sunk east of Newfoundland , Canada , in position 52.30N , 45.20W , after being hit by a British destroyer HMS Oribi and then pounded with a shot of a British corvette HMS Snowflake . Throughout the 54 crew were killed .sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " number 2www.uboat.net
U - 103
The U - 103 crew pose for souvenir purposes for relatives back home in Lorient U-boat bases . In the control tower attached to the emblem " Sig - Rune " ( the letter " S " of the alphabet Runik ) which also functions as a " fetish " for the ship as well as the first letter of the captain of the ship . This symbol is directly elected by Victor Schütze and is proven to bring good luck to the ship : in fact , the U - 103 is one of the German U-boats of the most successful in World War II ! He set off in 11 patrols with three different captains , and carrying 45 crew drowned ( 237,596 GRT ) and damaged the other 3 ( 28 158 GRT ) ! U - 103 survived the 11 patrol who lived without sustaining significant damage , and in January 1944 finally retired . This ship was later used as a training ship by 2 . And then 4 . ULD ( U - boat Training Division ) , until then his fate ended tragically drowned after the Allied bombing of Kiel dated 15 April 1945specificationType : IXBWork order : May 24, 1938Manufacture : 6 September 1939 ( AG Weser , Bremen , werk 966 )Launch : 12 April 1940Assignment : July 5, 1940 ( Korvettenkapitän Viktor Schütze )commanderJuly 5, 1940 - August 12 1941 Korvettenkapitän Viktor Schütze ( Eichenlaubträger )August 13, 1941 - July 14 1942 Kapitänleutnant Werner Winter ( Ritterkreuträger )July 15, 1942 - March 13, 1944 : Gustav - Adolf Janssen KapitänleutnantJanuary 23, 1945 - February 18, 1945 : Oberleutnant zur See Heinz MurlMarch 31, 1945 - 15 April 1945 : Oberleutnant zur See Hans - Norbert Schunckpatrol1 . 21 September 1940 ( Kiel ) - October 19, 1940 ( Lorient ) : 29 days - 23.976 GRT2 . 9 November 1940 ( Lorient ) - December 12, 1940 ( Lorient ) : 34 days - 38 465 GRT3 . January 21, 1941 ( Lorient ) - February 24, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 35 days - 33 464 GRT4 . 1 April 1941 ( Lorient ) - July 12, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 103 days - 65 172 GRT5 . 10 September 1941 ( Lorient ) - 9 November 1941 ( Lorient ) : 61 days - 10,594 GRT6 . January 3, 1942 ( Lorient ) - March 1, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 58 days - 26 539 GRT7 . 15 April 1942 ( Lorient ) - June 22, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 69 days - 42 169 GRT8 . October 21, 1942 ( Lorient ) - December 29, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 70 days - 25 375 GRT9 . February 7, 1943 ( Lorient ) - March 26, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 48 days10 . 24 April 1943 ( Lorient ) - May 26, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 33 days11 . July 25, 1943 ( Lorient ) - July 26, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 2 days12 . 18 September 1943 ( Lorient ) - 19 September 1943 ( Brest ) : 2 days13 . 23 September 1943 ( Brest ) - January 1, 1944 ( Bergen ) : 101 days14 . January 3, 1944 ( Bergen ) - January 7, 1944 ( Kiel ) : 5 daysTotal : 14 patrols with 650 days at seaachievement45 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 237,596 GRT , and 3 ships damaged for a total tonnage of 28,158 GRTendRetired from active duty in March 1944. In January 1945 U - 103 departed from Hamburg and Gotenhafen to April 1945 from Hamburg to Kiel . On 15 April 1945 the submarine was sunk after the Allies bombed . It is not known how many of the survivors , only one person was recorded killed .sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " issue number 2 of 2007www.uboat.net
Exterior Photo Album / Exterior U - BoatThis photo was taken in St. docks . Nazaire and shows a German submarine Type VII C with additional Flak ( anti-aircraft guns ) with the details we can examine further : This armament consisted of a single -barreled 20mm Flak guns , two pairs of double -barreled 20mm Flak , and two machine guns MG 81 Z in the front of the control tower . Here we can also see the bottles that serve high -pressure air to blow balloon feeder " Aphrodite " in the back of an armored box and perforated metal layer on the ends of the platform
This photo was taken from the bow of the submarine type VII C Snorkel end and shows some interesting details : the image cutout floating container lifesaver high pressure clearly visible on the right front . Container itself is not visible , and its opening is covered by a metal plate . Nampak is rod snorkel behind the wave deflector that is not found in many U - boat snorkels manifold . Note also the absence of the bearing rails on the deck where the cannons previously were
Photos of the submarine type VII C Snorkel end with the logo " ghost night " at the top so far not been identified , and the logo itself is arguably not on the list of logos U -boats were more popular ! " Snorkellers " This one is equipped with four high -pressure containers lifesaver floating in front of the trunk snorkel , although not found in the place where the sleepers before being cannon deck . Dahlia holder for magnetic compass , which is shaped smaller than usual and stand-alone , we can see clearly is in front of watchtowers . These modifications were ordered to be added to new ships starting on October 15, 1942 , also in part to the old ships . Note that most of the crew of the U - boat that appears in this photo wearing a life jacket and wool capU - 4701 , Type XXIII submarines were first made by the Germania shipyard in Kiel , started to " taste " the oceans first time on January 10, 1945 . This vessel provides a good example of the problem of the load speed into " stakeholder expectations " for the U-boat force in the final phases of the war . The work start on October 19, 1944 and completed on 14 December . Less than four weeks later , on January 10, 1945 , the ship has begun to be prepared to sail under the command of Oberleutnant zur See Arnold Wiechmann ( Crew X/39 ) . Crew training begins at the base 5 . Unterseebootsflotille in Kiel . Unfortunately , this training is not finished when the war in Europe ended trigger . As a result , a few moments before giving up , the ship made it painstakingly sunk by its own crew off the coast of Höruphaff ( Horuphav ) , Denmark , in order to prevent it falling into enemy hands ! The above photo , taken when the banner commanders and Reich war flag was raised, the rivet pattern clearly shows the skin layer and the steel tower supervisor position lamp fairing curves adjusted for body board. Of all the equipment in the back of the control tower that can be drawn in, just peilring ( DF loop ) are visible . Retractable snorkel possibilities for security reasons . Only one of the two- pole antenna ( ASTA - Hand ) manually extendable seen hanging in the stand . The antenna has a length of 1.8 m with a rubber -coated bottom . Holder left side looked empty . UAK - Kennung ( UAK Code ) contained in tiny plate -shaped horizontal section , and an identifying hallmark of the 47th German submarine of this type
sources :Magazine " U - Boot Im Focus " No.2 of 2007
U - 68
Symbol U - 68 which is a blend of leaves and V
Installing a toilet seat " emergency " U - 68 ( Karl - Friedrich Merten Kapitänleutnant ) located at the left side of the submarine and can be dismantled and reassembled . Many readers can not imagine that anyone could calm defecate in the middle of the sea breeze blowing hard in the presence of his friends ! For the crew of U - boat veterans , it is not so strange though its own toilet designs vary and there are also some boats that are not equipped for it at allspecificationType : IXCWork orders : August 7, 1939Manufacture : 20 April 1940 ( AG Weser , Bremen , werk 987 )Launch : October 22, 1940Assignment : February 11, 1941 ( Karl - Friedrich Merten Kapitänleutnant )commanderFebruary 11, 1941 - January 21, 1943 : Karl - Friedrich Merten Korvettenkapitän ( Eichenlaubträger )January 21, 1943 - June 16, 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Albert Lauzemis ( DKiGträger )June 14 1943 - July 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Ekkehard ScherrausJuly 1943 - July 29, 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Gerhard Seehausen ( DKiGträger )July 30, 1943 - 10 April 1944 : Oberleutnant zur See Albert Lauzemis ( DKiGträger )patrol1 . June 30, 1941 ( Kiel ) - August 1, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 33 days2 . 11 September 1941 ( Lorient ) - December 25, 1941 ( Lorient ) : 106 days - 23 697 tonnes3 . February 11, 1942 ( Lorient ) - 13 April 1942 ( Lorient ) : 62 days - 39 350 tonnes4 . May 14, 1942 ( Lorient ) - July 10, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 58 days - 50 774 tonnes5 . August 20, 1942 ( Lorient ) - December 6, 1942 ( Lorient ) : 109 days - 56 330 tonnes6 . February 3, 1943 ( Lorient ) - May 7, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 94 days - 10,186 tons7 . June 12, 1943 ( Lorient ) - June 16, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 5 days8 . August 14, 1943 ( Lorient ) - August 15, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 2 days9 . 8 September 1943 ( Lorient ) - December 23, 1943 ( Lorient ) : 107 days - 17 661 tonnes10 . March 22, 1944 ( Lorient ) - 10 April 1944 ( sink ) : 20 daysTotal : 10 patrols with 596 days at seaachievement33 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 197,998 GRT ( 32 regular ships and warships 1 ) .endDated 10 April 1944 sunk northwest of Madeira , Portugal , in position 33.24N , 18.59W , by depth bombs and a rocket barrage from Avenger and Wildcat aircraft from the aircraft carrier USS Guadalcanal ( VC - 58 ) . 56 crew members were killed and one survived .
sources :Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " number 2www.uboat.net
U - 37 , U -boats most successful Sixth In World War II !U - 37 ( under the command of Kapitänleutnant Asmus Nicolai Clausen ) back to its base in Kiel on March 22, 1941 , after returning from her last war patrol . After the U - 37 pulled from the front and used as a school ship for the training of new crew German U-boats . We can see the remnants of the damage in the tower supervisor , which most likely resulted from a mild collision with HMS Walker ( current U - 37 rush immersed himself only 90 meters away from the British destroyers ! ) . The incident occurred in the same battle in which Germany lost whiz - whiz best U - boat : Günther Prien , Schepke Joachim , Joachim Matz , and Otto Kretschmer
By : Alif Rafik KhanShip Data :Type : IXOrder : July 29, 1936Start making of : March 15, 1937 at AG Weser , Bremen ( werk 942 )Release date: May 14, 1938Operation : August 4, 1938commander :August 4, 1938 - 24 September 1939 : Heinrich Schuch Kapitänleutnant25 September 1939 - May 6, 1940 : Korvettenkapitän Werner Hartmann ( Knight )May 6, 1940 - October 26, 1940 : Victor Kapitänleutnant Oehrn ( Knight )October 26, 1940 - May 2 1941 Kapitänleutnant Asmus Nicolai Clausen ( Knight )May 3, 1941 - November 15, 1941 Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers ( Knight )16 November 1941 - June 30th 1942 Oberleutnant zur See Gustav - Adolf JanssenJuly 1, 1942 - January 3, 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Albert LauzemisJanuary 4, 1943 - 19 November 1943 : Oberleutnant zur See Hinrich Kelling20 November 1943 - January 8 1944, Oberleutnant zur See Peter GerlachJanuary 9, 1944 - December 21, 1944, Oberleutnant zur See Wolfgang SeilerDecember 22, 1944 - 8 May 1945: Eberhard von Wenden Kapitänleutnantcareer :11 patrols ( 280 days at sea )1 April 1938 - 31 August 1939 6 . Flottille ( front boat )1 September 1939 - 31 December 1939 6 . Flottille ( front boat )January 1, 1940 - April 30, 1941 2 . Flottille ( front boat )May 1, 1941 - March 31, 1942 26 . Flottille ( school ship )1 April 1942 - June 30th 1944 22 . Flottille ( school ship )July 1, 1944 - May 3 1945: 4 . Flottille ( test vessel )achievement :53 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 200,124 GRT2 ships sunk for a total tonnage of 2,404 GRT1 ship damaged for a total tonnage of 9494 tonsFinal :Drowned on May 8, 1945 in Sonderburg Bay , Flensburg ( position 54.55N , 09.47E ) , and later the remains sold as a separate wrecks .-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
On 18 April 1943 U - 37 back to base in Wilhelmshaven after completing her fourth patrol . At the time of this mission , the submarine operating off the coast of Norway under the leadership of Werner Hartmann Korvettenkapitän as part of the " Unternehmen Weserübung " . Unfortunately , the achievements obtained are not as successful as previous missions . On patrol to the 2nd and 3rd of his , U - 37 , respectively sank 8 ships . This time he's " only " took home three banner just above the periscope . Cries of the spirit of the Vikings " Westward - ho ! " That adorn guard towers U - 37 was later adapted by Hartmann for a new boat , U - 198 , which completed the first patrol and the only one under his command with satisfactory results in 1943. As information , Nicolai Clausen , a former officer of Trustees to - 1 in U - 37, which later was promoted to commander , also using the emblem " Westward - ho ! " On other ships which then dikapteninya , namely U - 129 and U - 182
sources :Magazine " U - Boot Im Focus " 2nd edition 2007Private photo collection of Thomas Craigwww.en.wikipedia.orgwww.uboat.netwww.ubootwaffe.netwww.wehrmacht - awards.com
U - 570 Photo AlbumThis series of photos taken on August 28, 1941 , the day after U - 570 attacked and forced to surrender to a squadron of 269 Hudson . Destroyer HMS Burwell and HMCS Niagra and towboat ASW HMT Wastwate , Windermere , Kingston Agathe , and Northern Chief join berpartisisapi eh participate in moving the crew of U- 570 submarine at the same time interesting to Iceland area
A mine stretched from Britain to the towing vessel U - 570 crew gathered on the bridge
It seems that this photo was taken shortly after the U - 570 fuel pump out in his attempt to memyeimbangkan surface ship so as not to tilt and sink
U - 570 after in the hands of the British in 1943 . On 19 September 1941 the German U - boat was renamed HMS Graph and became a British submarine
Diagram type VIIC submarine U - 570 which is reproduced and translated by David Taylor Model basin based on the German original photo found in the U - 570 . The scans above size 2.9 MB and you can use it as a desktop wallpaper on your computer / laptop !
sources :www.uboatarchive.netwww.uboat.net
U - 124 , German submarines ( U -boats ) Edelweiss Coat !U - 124 emblem flower shaped Kahitutan eh Edelweiss . This symbol is inspired from the sinking of U - 64 in April 1940. The captain of the submarine and its crew also is also the captain and crew of the U - 124 later , and they were rescued from the waters of Norway by members Gebirgsjäger - Regiment 139 which has the same emblem
When Johann Mohr took over command of U - 124 from the Georg - Wilhelm Schulz in the month of September 1941 , he added the symbol of this frog in addition to the submarine from Edelweiss flower emblem preexisting . Several other U-boats some are taking pictures of frogs as the emblem , it's just the shape of frogs depicted above is only used by the U - 124
The first commander of U- 124 is Korvettenkapitän Georg - Wilhelm Schulz ( March 10, 1906 - July 5, 1986) . He is a master of the U - boat that sank 19 ships ( 89,886 GRT ) and damaged one ship ( 3,900 tons ) in eight war patrols ( 263 days at sea ) . Schulz became commander of U - 124 the period June 11, 1940 s / d 7 September 1941 , and prior to serving in the submarine he's also been placed in the U - 10 and U - 64 . Achievements that have been achieved is the Knight ( 4 April 1941 ) , Eisernes Kreuz klasse I and II ( 25 September 1940 ) , U - boots - Kriegsabzeichen ( December 23, 1939 ) , and Spanienkreuz in Bronz ohne Schwerter ( June 6, 1939 )
Commander of U - 124 is both Korvettenkapitän Johann " Jochen " Mohr (June 12, 1916-2 April 1943) . He is a master of the U - boat that sank 29 ships ( 135,751 GRT ) and damaged three ships ( 26,167 GRT ) in 6 war patrols ( 268 days at sea ) . Mohr became commander of U - 124 period 8 September 1941 s / d 2 April 1943 . Achievements that have been achieved is the Knight ( March 27, 1942 ) mit Oak Leaves ( January 13, 1943 ) , Eisernes Kreuz I klasse ( May 4, 1941 ) und klasse II ( 29 November 1939 ) , and U - boots - Kriegsabzeichen ( May 4, 1941 )
Three of the crew of U- 124 torpedoes are preparing to put into the ship . Edelweiss flower images displayed clearly on the side of the control tower . Coat numbered and there are two on the left and right edge of the U - 124
By : Alif Rafik KhanU - 124 is of the type IXB submarine that was first launched on March 9, 1940 . From June 1940 s / d September 1941 he commanded by Georg - Wilhelm Schulz Korvettenkapitän . Furthermore Korvettenkapitän Johann Mohr took command until the rest of his career .U - 124 left Wilhelmshaven for her first war patrol on 19 August 1940. During the 11 patrol who had lived in the period of 2 years and 8 months , the U - boat has recorded one of the best achievements attained by a German submarine in World War II in terms of achievement enemy ships sunk : Not less than 48 Allied ships ( 46 merchant ships , warships 2 ) was sent to the bottom of the ocean with a total tonnage of 225,637 GRT ; 4 ships damaged for a total tonnage of 30,067 GRT , and the aircraft was shot down !Data U - boat :Name : U - 124Booking : December 15, 1937Shipyard maker : AG WeserSerial Number : 956Laid : August 11, 1939Launched : March 9, 1940Commissioned : June 11, 1940Final : drowned dated 2 April 1943 with all 53 crew were drownedClass and type : Type IXB U - boatWeight : On surface of 1,051 tons , 1,178 tons in the waterLength : overall 76.5 m ( 251 ft ) , the main hull 58.7 m ( 192 ft 7 in )Width : Overall 6.8 m ( 22 ft 4 in ) , the main hull 4.4 m ( 14 ft 5 in )Height : 4.7 m ( 15 ft 5 in )Mobilization : Diesel / electric , 2x MAN 9 -cylinder diesel M9V40/mesin - 46 supercharged , 4,400 hp ( 3,300 kW ) , double acting electric GU345/motor 2xSSW 34 , 1000 hp ( 740kW )Speed : Surface 18.2 knots ( 33.7 km / h ) , in water 7.3 knots ( 13.5 km / h )Reach distance : Surface : 22,200 km ( 12,000 nmi ) with a speed of 10 knots , the water : 118 km ( 64 nmi ) with a speed of 4 knots ( 7 km / h )Test depth : 230 m ( 750 ft )The crew : 48 to 56 people ( officers and sailors )Armament : 6 pieces 53.3 cm torpedo tubes : 4 bow , 2 stern ( 22 torpedoes ) ; 1 piece Utof 105/45 with 110 rounds of ammunitionWar Notes :First patrol- August 25, 1940 : Tampering Stakesby British ship ( 3,900 tons ) of ( Konvoy ) HX 65A- August 25, 1940 : Sink the UK ships Harpalyce ( 5,169 tons ) of HX 65A- August 25, 1940 : Sink the UK ships Fircrest ( 5,394 tons ) of HX 65ASecond patrol- October 16, 1940 : Sink vessel Trevisa Canada ( 1,813 tons ) of SC 7- October 20, 1940 : Sink the British ship Sulaco ( 5,389 tons ) of OB 229- October 20, 1940 : Sink the ship Norwegian Cubano ( 5,810 tons ) of OB 229- October 31, 1940 : Sink the UK ships Rutland ( 1,437 tons ) of HX 82- 1 November 1940 : Sink the ship British Empire Bison ( 5,612 tons ) of HX 82Third patrol- January 6, 1941 : Sink the ship British Empire Thunder ( 5,965 tons ) of OB 269 . 30 of the 39 crew were rescued by HMS Kingston Onyx ( Captain JBWright )
Fourth patrolThe fourth patrol U - 124 during March and April 1941 was the most
successful of all the patrols that have been and will be lived !- March 8, 1941 : Sink the UK ships Hindpool ( 4,897 tons ) of SL 67- March 8, 1941 : Sink the Lahore British ship ( 5,304 tons ) of SL 67- March 8, 1941 : Sink the UK ships Tielbank ( 5,984 tons ) of SL 67- March 8, 1941 : British ships Nardana Drown ( 7974 tons ) of SL 67- March 30, 1941 : Sink the UK ships Umona ( 3,767 tons )- 4 April 1941 : Sink the UK ships of Marlene ( 6,507 tons )- 7 April 1941 : Sink vessel Portadoc Canada ( 1,746 tons )- 8 April 1941 : British Tweed Sink ships ( 2,697 tons )- 11 April 1941 : Drown Aegeon Greek ship ( 5,285 tons )- 12 April 1941 : Sink the British ship St Helena ( 4,313 tons )- 13 April 1941 : Sink the UK ships Corinthic ( 4,823 tons )Fifth patrol- July 10, 1941 : U - 124 left Lorient under the command of Georg -
Wilhelm Schulz and arrived back at Lorient 6 ½ weeks later, on August
25, 1941 with no results !Sixth patrol- 16 September 1941 left Lorient under the command of Johann Mohr- 20 September 1941 : Sink the UK ships Baltallinn ( 1,303 tons ) of OG 74- 20 September 1941 : Sink the ship British Empire Moat ( 2,922 tons ) of OG 74- 25 September 1941 : British Empire Stream Sink ships ( 2,922 tons ) of HG 73- 26 September 1941 : Sink the UK ships Lapwing ( 1,348 tons ) of HG 73- 26 September 1941 : Sink the British ship Petrel ( 1,354 tons ) of HG 73- 26 September 1941 : Sink the UK ships Cervantes ( 1,810 tons ) of HG 73Seventh patrol- 24 November 1941 : Sink the British light cruiser HMS Dunedin ( 4,850 tons )- December 3, 1941 : Sink the U.S. ships Sagadahoc ( 6,275 tons )-
December 9, 1941 : Nearing Georgetown on the surface with the intention
to bombard the base cables or sink the ship anchored anywhere . A cannon battery suddenly barked beach and almost hit him so that U - 124 dived hurriedly and run away !- December 29, 1941 : Arriving at his base in France with a crew of
104 men who survived the supply German submarine sunk by BritishEighth patrol- March 14, 1942 : British ships Drown Resource ( 7,209 tons )- March 17, 1942 : Sink the ship Ceiba ( 1,698 tons )- March 17, 1942 : Tampering Acme American ship ( 6,878 tons )- March 18, 1942 : Sink the Greek ship Kassandra Louloudi ( 5,106 tons )- March 18, 1942 : Sink the U.S. ships Papoose ( 5,939 tons )- March 18, 1942 : EM Clark Drown the American ship ( 9,647 tons )- March 19, 1942 : WE Hutton Drown the American ship ( 7,076 tons )- March 21, 1942 : Tampering American ship Esso Nashville ( 7934 tons )- March 21, 1942 : Atlantic Sun Tampering American ships ( 11,355 tons )- March 23, 1942 : Sink the U.S. ships Naeco ( 5,373 tons )Ninth patrol- May 12, 1942 : Sink Mount Parnes Greek ship ( 4,371 tons ) of ONS 92- May 12, 1942 : Sink the UK ships Llanover ( 4,959 tons ) of ONS 92- May 12, 1942 : Sink the UK ships Cristales ( 5,389 tons ) of ONS 92- May 12, 1942 : Sink the British Empire Dell ships ( 7,065 tons ) of ONS 92- June 9, 1942 : Sink the French corvette Mimose ( 925 tons ) of ONS 100- June 12, 1942 : Sink the UK ships Dartford ( 4,093 tons ) of ONS 100- June 18, 1942 : Seattle Spirit Drown the American ship ( 5,627 tons ) of ONS 102Tenth patrol- December 28, 1942 : Sink the UK ships Treworlas ( 4,692 tons )- January 1, 1943 : U - 124 came under attack from an aircraft the U.S. Navy , VP - 53 Squadron . U - 124 did not experience significant damage and even managed to
shoot behind the enemy aircraft and destroy the anti- air attacks using
weapons that are in the deck !- January 9, 1943 : Sink the U.S. ships Minotaur ( 4,554 tons ) of TB 1- January 9, 1943 : Sink the U.S. ships Collingsworth ( 5,101 tons ) of TB 1- January 9, 1943 : Sink the U.S. ships Birmingham City ( 6,194 tons ) of TB 1- January 9, 1943 : Broad Arrow Drown the American ship ( 7,718 tons ) of TB 1Eleventh Patrol (Last )- 2 April 1943 : Sink the UK ships Katha ( 4,357 tons ) of OS 45- 2 April 1943 : Sink the UK ships Gogra ( 5,190 tons ) of OS 45In the attack on the 45 Konvoy OS , escort ships HMS Black Swan and
HMS Stonecrop behind the U - 124 attacked and bombarded him with a bomb
in that sink with all hands on the same day ( 2 April 1943 ) .
sources :www.ebay.cawww.en.wikipedia.orgwww.u124.dewww.uboat.net
The interior of the U - BoatCondition of the main control room at once central nervous submarine type IIB (possibly U - 18 under the command of Hans Pauckstadt ) shortly after being released into the ocean in 1936. On the left side ( slightly obstructed by the officer ) is the main steering wheel , while the other wheel is controlling the front launcher . Controls are a little behind the launcher on the right . This photo was not taken when the ship docked in the harbor , but when he was in the water , as indicated by the depth of the needle on the meter round being stared at by the officers . Fractions become less functional when the meter reaches a depth of 25 meters or more , and therefore required some extra meter to accurately measure the depth of dive boats . A pair of meter which is above the head of an officer of the telegraph machine that indicates whether the diesel engine is on or not . More to the right again is the speaker of the gyro compass with an extension cord to reach the deck . Near the roof lights is a periscope to see clearly that there is a magnetic compass in the bulge at the bottom of the control tower . Of course, the magnetic compass will not work in a submarine made of iron , hence the control tower made exclusively from non - magnetic material bronze , which makes it one of the most expensive parts of a submarine !Right side of the central control room with control wheels to balance the position of the submarine . A set of taps are painted green tank serves as the controller right , while the left tank is controlled by a tap - tap red and counterweight system by the handle of gray . But in fact different coloring is not very influential because people who operate them must be able to use it in the dark ! Photos of the interior condition of the U - 995 in Laboe near Kiel taken by Christoph Aschmoneit , one of the designers of the most prominent U-boats . Although sailors usually retains ' language ' when they 're sailing ( using the word ' port ' and ' starboard ' instead of ' left ' and ' right ' ) , but when the condition is in grave danger or emergency , they usually identify the side that is meant by mentioning the color only . This color can sometimes also be remembered easily by mengidentikannya with certain objects , such as port wine red
Diesel compartment of U - 178 under the leadership of Wilhelm Dommes Korvettenkapitän shows clearly how little space available for the u - boat crew to do its job , namely making machine " vehicle " they are still functioning . Moving inside the submarine , especially when the sea was turbulent , requires skills that resembles an acrobat ! Therefore do not be surprised if many people abrasions and some have even seriously injured by colliding with a ship body made almost entirely of iron hard !
Ballast pump (reject ) the main . Water entering the inside of the submarine can be removed through this kind of electric powered pump . At the bottom are some of the fabric cover that can be moved around and used to cleanse the inside of the pipe system
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
Type II U-boatsAlthough this photo shows the control tower of a small coastal submarines of type II , but at least we can imagine how vulnerable the current state of the ongoing supervision of guard duty , especially when the weather is not friendly when making big waves seawater continuously flush the top of the tower . Submarines are larger in size certainly does have a more spacious tower anyway , it's just the size of the tower itself is not much higher than the previous type . The lack of lapels at collar guy who was leaning on the door hatch officer indicated that he was part of the machine . Anti - hatch entrance pressure into the inside of the U - boat was nearly a hundred feet below , and this low altitude deliberately created to prevent people seriously injured when falling from a hole opening in the upper deck . While at sea , the control tower hatch only used as a means in and out , but when you're leaning on it more convenient to use the harbor entrance to the bottom . The trees in the background and the presence of civilians at the top of the tower indicate that this photo was taken close to the port
This photo shows the small coastal submarines of type II . The main tower hatch can be seen in an open, just behind the periscope buffer cable stretched between two people who are in this photo . Sailor who was standing on the upper deck looks 're opening the hatch that leads to the kitchen . This is where the exit / main entrance when the U - boat docked at the port , and becomes the main source of nagging ship cooks ! In the foreground is a red and white buoys with lights on it . This lifesaver buoy will be removed from the submarine only in an emergency . The conspicuous objects will be put into a container with a sliding cover so as not to disturb those who are indulge in the deck . At the end of the war this kind of thing into a ' luxury ' and some U - boat out into the ocean without furnished by him
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
Sketch of U - boat U - boat - 5 members . U - Boots - Flottille5 . U - Boots - Flottille in Kiel , under the leadership of Karl - Heinz Moehle Korvettenkapitän , equip and supply the charge of the U-boats were undergoing their first war patrol . Most of the German U - boat Flotilla hanging out at this first before being transferred to another unit , hence 5 . U - Boots - Flottille become Flotilla ( small fleet ), the largest among the flotilla flotilla - other . It is a tradition for every ship that will leave 5 . U - Boots - Flottille to leave a little ' keepsake ' in the form of sketches in the book showing visitors their hallmark . Shortly visitors book is filled with sketches like that and become a valuable historical heritage and unique . 5 visitors book . U - Boots - Flottille currently stored in the U - Boot - Archiv in Cuxhaven - Altenbruch ( Germany ) .The sketches are shown below have been selected from the best of them , both in terms of design as well as the story behind the U - boat itself. Sometimes one of the submariners who have artistic ability is so good that the sketch is created then appropriately referred to as a work of art rather than graffiti !The last line of the caption under the picture gives three types of information : WP indicates how many times the U - boat leaving the port to patrol war, S is the total number of crew members who survived until the war was over , and K is the number of the crew were killed , when his ship sunk by enemy .
U - 89 is a type VIIC submarine of the manufacturer Flender Werft in Lubeck small enough . On 19 November 1941 ( when the image is created ) the ship is headed by Dietrich Lohmann Korvettenkapitän . The picture above , which shows the Pied Piper of Hamelin was standing on a globe with mice around him , also appeared in the ship 's control tower and an official logo . In the evening on 11-12 May 1943 , U - 89 was spotted by a reconnaissance plane Swordfish aircraft from the carrier ship ' HMS biter ' around 9.5 km in front of the convoy HX237 . U - 89 then sunk by a depth bomb attacks spewed by the frigates ' Lagan ' ( Lieutenant - Commander A. Ayre ) and destroyers ' Broadway ' ( Lieutenant - Commander EH Chevasse ) . Broadway also previously been accomplished boast of having caught intact - intact U - 110 leader Fritz - Julius Lemp Kapitänleutnant in the month of May 1941 .WP = 5 , S = 0 , K = 48
U - 118 released into the sea in a festive party dated December 6, 1941 . Less than 24 hours later came the news that the Japanese had attacked pangkatan U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor . Four days later Hitler declared war on America . U - boat U - boat , which until then was banned from approaching close to U.S. waters , are now allowed to operate further to the west again . U - 118 while it is undergoing training in the Baltic and the crew was so excited when he heard the news of the success of the German submarines period in the Western Atlantic . But this success has begun to evaporate when Korvettenkapitän Czygan Werner led the U - 118 in its first operational cruise . Although designated as a spreader of mine , but this ship is also met by the supply of provisions to supply other U-boats were smaller in the middle of the Atlantic . When the war situation began to deteriorate over time , and most of the U - boat that was sent was not able to sink the enemy ship even a single one ! Even so , later U - 118 successfully run one of the most successful operation deployment of mines in war , by sinking four ships in the west of Gibraltar !WP = 4 , S = 16 , K = 43
" Horridoh ... screams professional hunters ! " Sentence below it underlines that an ' eel ' ( torpedo ) is not an Indian arrow . Leaving Kiel dated 27 November 1941 for the purpose of the North Atlantic , the type IXC submarine joined the ' Wolfpack ' to attack the convoy HG76 gets new protection from what will be a serious U-boat threat : armed merchant ship converted to escort a ship carrying plane . Although U - 131 became the first submarine shot down a plane ( piloted by Lieutenant G. Fletcher ) , but this does not provide any benefits for the crew . Five destroyers called upon to hunt submarines of this one , and he were drowned in the 21st presence in the oceansWP = 1 , S = 46 ( ? ) , K = 1
During his career , U - 134 did nine war patrols so listed as one of the U - boat 's longest- operating . But all that he just menengggelamkan only two or three ships , the first victim is a German freighter ' Steinbeck ' ! First commander , Korvettenkapitän Rudolf Schendel , somewhat lucky because he had moved when U - 134 sunk along with the entire crew . Schendel then entrusted with the command of a new vessel of the type XXI electro Blohm und Voss at ( Hamburg ) dated 21 September 1944 . The ship was destroyed in an air strike while docked in shipyard manufacture. By the time the war ended , Schendel served as commander of a tank destroyer group in the mainland ! The second U - 134 commander , Hans - Günther Kapitänleutnant Brosin of Hannover , 26 years old when he was killed along with all his men dated August 24, 1943 in a bomb attack by the depth of a Wellington bomber from 179 Squadron , RAF , in the south of Cape FinisterreWP = 9 , S = 0 , K = 48Carl Kapitänleutnant Emmermann , one of the few legendary German submarine commander , menahkodai U - 172 for five patrol the long and winding until November 1943 when he handed over to the leadership baton hands Oberleutnant zur See Hermann Hoffmann . U - 172 left Germany's biggest base in Biscay Beach , Lorient , dated 22 November 1943 only to be drowned a few weeks later on December 13 . During his career , U - 172 attacked and sank 27 ships that made him into the ranks of one of the 3 % U - boat with the winning score at the most ! Surely there are talented artists in the crew because one more big version of the image above Neptune are also in the tower supervisorWP = 6 , S = 46 , K = 13
U - 184 under the command of Günther Kapitänleutnant Dangschat is a mysterious submarine . Crew training lasted for five months and then she left Kiel dated October 22, 1942 to operate against the convoy ONS 144 off the coast of Newfoundland . U - 184 transmit radio last report dated 20 November 1942 and shortly thereafter disappeared are unknown ! So far , all of the post - war evaluation failed to provide convincing information about the cause of the sinking . U - boat Command reported as ' missing ' dated 22 November 1942 after no response description of the location of the submarine , and it seems all the crew are all killed 50 people . Moto U - boat on this one is " It is better to die in battle rather than rotting in the chain confinement . "WP = 1 , S = 0 , K = 50
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
List Stud Nazi German U-boatsOtto " Der Schweigsame " Kretschmer (May 1 1912-5 august 1998) ofCommand U-boats : U - 35 , U - 23 and U - 99Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Schwerter ( December 26, 1941 )Total Patrol : 16 patrols ( 224 days at sea )Number of victories : 47 ships sunk ( 274,418 GRT ) and 5 ships damaged ( 37,965 GRT )Note : Awarded Schwerter when it became a prisoner of war so that the medal be sent through the International Red Cross !
Wolfgang August Eugen Lüth ( October 15, 1913 - May 13 1945)Command U-boats : U - 13 , U - 9 , U - 138 , U - 43 and U - 181Last Rank : Kapitan zur SeeThe highest medal : Brillanten ( August 9, 1943 )Total Patrol : 15 patrols ( 640 days at sea )Number of victories : 47 ships sunk ( 225,756 grt ) and 2 ships damaged ( 17,343 GRT )Note : To see the tragic death after being shot by a guard facility German Navy accidentally in the night !
Erich Topp (July 2, 1914-26 December 2005)Command U-boats : U - 57 , U - 552 , U - 3010 and U - 2513Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Schwerter ( August 17, 1942 )Total Patrol : 12 patrols ( 352 days at sea )Number of victories : 36 ships sunk ( 198,650 GRT ) and 4 ships damaged ( 32,317 GRT )Note : After the war Bundesmarine continue his career in West Germany and retired with the rank of Konteradmiral
Günther Prien ( January 16, 1908 - March 7, 1941)Command U-boats : U - 47Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( October 20, 1940 )Total Patrol : 10 patrols ( 238 days at sea )Number of victories : 31 ships sunk ( 191,919 GRT ) and 8 ships damaged ( 62,751 GRT )Note : Famous thanks to dare to attack Scapa Flow
Heinrich Liebe ( January 29, 1908 - July 27, 1997 )U - boat Command : U - 2 and U - 38Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( June 10, 1941 )Total Patrol : 9 patrols ( 333 days at sea )Number of victories : 34 ships sunk ( 187,267 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 3,670 tons )Note : Liebe is one of the few German submarine captain who had a long and solid experience in the position from the days before the war
Viktor Schütze (February 16, 1906-23 September 1950)Command U-boats : U - 19 , U - 11 , U - 25 and U - 103Last Rank : Kapitan zur SeeThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( July 14, 1941 )Total Patrol : 7 patrols ( 306 days at sea )Number of victories : 35 ships sunk ( 180,073 grt ) and 2 ships damaged ( 14,213 GRT )Note : At the end of the war became " FDU Ausbildungsflottillen "
Heinrich Lehmann - Willenbrock (December 11 1911-18 April 1986)Command U-boats : U - 8 , U - 5 , U - 96 and U - 256Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( December 31, 1941 )Total Patrol : 10 patrols ( 327 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 179,125 grt ) and 2 ships damaged ( 15,864 GRT )Note : The story of his life as a U-boat captain became inspiration for the film " Das Boot "
Karl- Friedrich Merten ( August 15, 1905 - May 2 1993)Command U-boats : U - 68Last Rank : Kapitan zur SeeThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( 16 November 1942 )Total patrol : 5 patrols ( 368 days at sea )Number of victories : 27 ships sunk ( 170,151 GRT )Note : Operates in all waters in the world , in the period September / October 1942 she drowned no less than 100,000 GRT cruise Allies !
- Emil Herbert Schultze ( July 24, 1909 - June 3, 1987)U - boat Command : U - 2 and U - 48Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( June 12, 1941 )Total Patrol : 8 patrols ( 227 days at sea )Number of victories : 26 ships sunk ( 169,709 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 9456 tons )Note : Could be the commander of the U - 48 which later became the most successful submarine in World War II !
Werner Henke ( May 13, 1909 - June 15, 1944)Command U-boats : U - 515Last Rank : Korvettenkapitän ( posthumous )The highest medal : Oak Leaves ( July 4, 1943 )Total Patrol : 7 patrols ( 341 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 157,064 GRT ) and damaged 2 ships ( 7,954 GRT )Note : On the night of April 30 / May 1, 1943 , Henke sink the 8 vessels ( 49 456 GRT ) in just 8 hours ! For this achievement he was awarded the Oak Leaves
Georg Lassen ( May 12, 1915 - January 18 2012)Command U-boats : U - 29 and U - 160Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( March 7, 1943 )Total Patrol : 4 patrols ( 328 days at sea )Number of victories : 26 ships sunk ( 156,082 GRT ) and 5 ships damaged ( 34,419 GRT )Note : In his first patrol as captain she drowned 6 ships ( 43,560 GRT ) , and in his last patrol boat also drowned 6 ( 41 076 GRT ) !
Joachim Schepke ( March 8, 1912 - March 17, 1941 )Command U-boats : U - 3 , U - 19 and U - 100Last Rank : KapitänleutnantThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( December 1, 1940 )Total Patrol : 14 patrols ( 200 days at sea )Number of victories : 37 ships sunk ( 155,882 GRT ) and 4 ships damaged ( 17,229 GRT )Note : Schepke was awarded the Knight's Cross in September 1940 after sank 7 ships ( 50,340 GRT ) in just two days !
Heinrich Bleichrodt ( October 21, 1909 - January 9, 1977)Command U-boats : U - 48 , U - 67 and U - 109Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( 23 September 1942 )Total Patrol : 8 patrols ( 405 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 152,320 grt ) and 2 ships damaged ( 11,684 GRT )Note : Bleichrodt refused to accept the Knight before a brilliant observer officer , Oberleutnant zur See Teddy Suhren , also accept it !
Carl Emmermann ( March 6, 1915 - March 25, 1990 )Command U-boats : U - 172 and U - 3037Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( July 4, 1943 )Total patrol : 5 patrols ( 373 days at sea )Number of victories : 26 ships sunk ( 152,080 GRT )Note : Emmermann greatest achievement was the sinking of the British transport vessel " Orcades " which weighs 23,456 tons !
Robert Gysae ( January 14, 1911 - April 26, 1989)Command U-boats : U - 98 and U - 177Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( May 31, 1943 )Total Patrol : 8 patrols ( 506 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 146,815 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 2,588 tons )Note : Gysae is one of the very few Kriegsmarine officer who captained the U - boat without first becoming superintendent submarine officer in advance !
Ernst Kals (August 2, 1905-2 November 1979)Command U-boats : U - 130Last Rank : Kapitan zur SeeHighest Medal : Knight ( 1 September 1942 )Total patrol : 5 patrols ( 286 days at sea )Number of victories : 20 ships sunk ( 145,656 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 6,986 tons )Note : His biggest achievement was when he attacked the transport ships closely guarded in Moroccan waters in 1942 and drowned three of them ( 34 507 GRT ) !
Adolf Cornelius Piening ( 16 September 1910 - 15 May 1984)Command U-boats : U - 155Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänHighest Medal : Knight ( August 13, 1942 )Total Patrol : 9 patrols ( 462 days at sea )Number of victories : 26 ships sunk ( 140,449 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 6,736 tons )Note : Piening famous through what is called the " Route Piening " which he created as a way to escape from Allied aircraft in the Bay of Biscay
Johann Mohr (June 12, 1916-2 April 1943)Command U-boats : U - 124Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( January 13, 1943 )Total Patrol : 6 patrols ( 268 days at sea )Number of victories : 29 ships sunk ( 135,751 GRT ) and 3 ships damaged ( 26,167 GRT )Note : On the night of May 12, 1942 Mohr and the U - 124 sink the four ships ( 21,784 GRT ) from convoy ONS - 92 !
Klaus Scholtz ( March 22, 1908 - May 1 1987)Command U-boats : U - 108Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( 10 September 1942 )Total Patrol : 8 patrols ( 361 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 128,190 GRT )Note : In April 1941 Scholtz managed to sink the British armed merchant ships " Rajputana " ( 16 644 tonnes ) in a thrilling chase !
Helmut Witte ( 6 April 1915 - October 3, 2005)Command U-boats : U - 159Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänHighest Medal : Knight ( October 22, 1942 )Total Patrol : 4 patrols ( 261 days at sea )Number of victories : 23 ships sunk ( 119,554 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 265 tons )Note : After the war became manager of Germany 's leading industrial companies
Günter Hessler ( June 14, 1909 - 4th April 1968)Command U-boats : U - 107Last Rank : FregattenkapitänHighest Medal : Knight ( June 24, 1941 )Total Patrol : 3 patrols ( 200 days at sea )Number of victories : 21 ships sunk ( 118,822 GRT )Note : This Doenitz -law recorded the most successful patrols in World War II where he menennggelamkan 14 ships in just one patrol !
sources :Private photo collection Gordon Williamsonwww.finearts - autographs.comwww.gmic.co.ukwww.johannmohr.deviantart.comwww.maritimequest.comwww.thirdreichcolorpictures.blogspot.comwww.uboat.netwww.u - boote.frwww.web.iwebcenters.comwww.wehrmacht - awards.comwww.weitze.net
Keep Task Schedule and Supervision in the German U - BoatGuard duty control over long-distance submarine U - 178 ( Korvettenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes ) shortly after leaving the Gironde Estuary in France to trail a little convoy was crossing a minefield beach . Head in the attack periscope lens we can see on the right side , while on the left is a surveillance antenna rod . In later years the two poles can be operated electrically from the inside of the U - boat , but at first they were still operated manually by means mengkerek hand from the top of the control tower and will not go down by itself without potentially damaging the teeth jenteranya . As a result , the submarines early type deemed 'unfit subs ' long antennae still ngaceng ! Grilles located at the base of the antenna is the top of the reconnaissance vent hole that leads to the engine room . Usually there are four supervisors plus one officer on duty at a time in the control tower
Remarkable series of color photographs taken over the U - 177 , a long-distance submarine type Korvettenkapitän IXD2 under the leadership of Robert Gysae . He operates in the South Atlantic at the same time with the U - 178 that came near of field operations in Indonesian waters
Round tool on the left is a repeater ( repeater ) of the gyro compass
Keep an eye around the area is one of the most important jobs and the most attention over the U - boat . Whatever the circumstances , the crew is required to stand for four hours at a time on top of the control tower while sharpening vision around the horizon in order to look for any sign of enemy ships - the first part saw the enemy ship is usually the first part of the congratulations !
By : Alif Rafik KhanFor the problem of supervisory duties in the German U - boat in World War II , 12 were required to type VII submarine German submarine which is the most widely made throughout the war ( over 600 pieces ) . Type IX submarines are larger and better suited for tasks remotely requires 16 people for the same task although it can also be done by fewer people if it is not possible . Because type VII usually filled by about four officers and 44 sailors , then this means that everyone gets at least one of the three guard duty . To further exacerbate the problem , members of the engineering division of a smaller number of longer and had to undergo two tasks in case of three !Supervision of guard duty schedule is as follows :00:00 - Keep watch and a member of the First Marine engine room that gets served right .04:00 - Keep replaces the Second Sea Marine First Take .05:30 - Waking guard members left the engine room for breakfast .06:00 - Awaken the whole crew . Guard members left the engine room on guard duty .06:30 - Breakfast for the whole crew who missed the guard duty .07:00 - maintenance tasks , opening and cleaning.08:00 - Keep Third Sea .08:45 - Regular maintenance , inspection and repair tools carefully when needed for those who missed the guard duty .11:30 - Lunch to Keep and member of the First Marine engine room right guard .12:00 - Keep watch and a member of the First Marine engine room right to the assignment . The rest of the other crew lunch .13:00 - Regular maintenance , inspection and repair tools carefully when needed for people who are not assigned to guard duty .15:30 - Snacks for people who are on call .16:00 - Keep the Second Sea came on duty .17:00 - evening meal for the crew who are not on guard duty .18:00 - Members of the engine room left on guard duty . Evening meal for members of the new engine room right off duty .20:00 - Keep the Third Marine took office. Evening meal for anyone who has not filled his stomach .21:00 - All the sound that does not need to be stopped and the lights turned off . The crew slept .23:40 - Keep Members First Marine engine room right and keep getting up to get ready task midnight .
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in World War II " by Jak Mallmann Showell
Photo Album German U - Boat In Asia Owned Ibrahim Ahmad
sources :www.ebay.cawww.en.wikipedia.orgwww.u124.dewww.uboat.net
The interior of the U - BoatCondition of the main control room at once central nervous submarine type IIB (possibly U - 18 under the command of Hans Pauckstadt ) shortly after being released into the ocean in 1936. On the left side ( slightly obstructed by the officer ) is the main steering wheel , while the other wheel is controlling the front launcher . Controls are a little behind the launcher on the right . This photo was not taken when the ship docked in the harbor , but when he was in the water , as indicated by the depth of the needle on the meter round being stared at by the officers . Fractions become less functional when the meter reaches a depth of 25 meters or more , and therefore required some extra meter to accurately measure the depth of dive boats . A pair of meter which is above the head of an officer of the telegraph machine that indicates whether the diesel engine is on or not . More to the right again is the speaker of the gyro compass with an extension cord to reach the deck . Near the roof lights is a periscope to see clearly that there is a magnetic compass in the bulge at the bottom of the control tower . Of course, the magnetic compass will not work in a submarine made of iron , hence the control tower made exclusively from non - magnetic material bronze , which makes it one of the most expensive parts of a submarine !Right side of the central control room with control wheels to balance the position of the submarine . A set of taps are painted green tank serves as the controller right , while the left tank is controlled by a tap - tap red and counterweight system by the handle of gray . But in fact different coloring is not very influential because people who operate them must be able to use it in the dark ! Photos of the interior condition of the U - 995 in Laboe near Kiel taken by Christoph Aschmoneit , one of the designers of the most prominent U-boats . Although sailors usually retains ' language ' when they 're sailing ( using the word ' port ' and ' starboard ' instead of ' left ' and ' right ' ) , but when the condition is in grave danger or emergency , they usually identify the side that is meant by mentioning the color only . This color can sometimes also be remembered easily by mengidentikannya with certain objects , such as port wine red
Diesel compartment of U - 178 under the leadership of Wilhelm Dommes Korvettenkapitän shows clearly how little space available for the u - boat crew to do its job , namely making machine " vehicle " they are still functioning . Moving inside the submarine , especially when the sea was turbulent , requires skills that resembles an acrobat ! Therefore do not be surprised if many people abrasions and some have even seriously injured by colliding with a ship body made almost entirely of iron hard !
Ballast pump (reject ) the main . Water entering the inside of the submarine can be removed through this kind of electric powered pump . At the bottom are some of the fabric cover that can be moved around and used to cleanse the inside of the pipe system
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
Type II U-boatsAlthough this photo shows the control tower of a small coastal submarines of type II , but at least we can imagine how vulnerable the current state of the ongoing supervision of guard duty , especially when the weather is not friendly when making big waves seawater continuously flush the top of the tower . Submarines are larger in size certainly does have a more spacious tower anyway , it's just the size of the tower itself is not much higher than the previous type . The lack of lapels at collar guy who was leaning on the door hatch officer indicated that he was part of the machine . Anti - hatch entrance pressure into the inside of the U - boat was nearly a hundred feet below , and this low altitude deliberately created to prevent people seriously injured when falling from a hole opening in the upper deck . While at sea , the control tower hatch only used as a means in and out , but when you're leaning on it more convenient to use the harbor entrance to the bottom . The trees in the background and the presence of civilians at the top of the tower indicate that this photo was taken close to the port
This photo shows the small coastal submarines of type II . The main tower hatch can be seen in an open, just behind the periscope buffer cable stretched between two people who are in this photo . Sailor who was standing on the upper deck looks 're opening the hatch that leads to the kitchen . This is where the exit / main entrance when the U - boat docked at the port , and becomes the main source of nagging ship cooks ! In the foreground is a red and white buoys with lights on it . This lifesaver buoy will be removed from the submarine only in an emergency . The conspicuous objects will be put into a container with a sliding cover so as not to disturb those who are indulge in the deck . At the end of the war this kind of thing into a ' luxury ' and some U - boat out into the ocean without furnished by him
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
Sketch of U - boat U - boat - 5 members . U - Boots - Flottille5 . U - Boots - Flottille in Kiel , under the leadership of Karl - Heinz Moehle Korvettenkapitän , equip and supply the charge of the U-boats were undergoing their first war patrol . Most of the German U - boat Flotilla hanging out at this first before being transferred to another unit , hence 5 . U - Boots - Flottille become Flotilla ( small fleet ), the largest among the flotilla flotilla - other . It is a tradition for every ship that will leave 5 . U - Boots - Flottille to leave a little ' keepsake ' in the form of sketches in the book showing visitors their hallmark . Shortly visitors book is filled with sketches like that and become a valuable historical heritage and unique . 5 visitors book . U - Boots - Flottille currently stored in the U - Boot - Archiv in Cuxhaven - Altenbruch ( Germany ) .The sketches are shown below have been selected from the best of them , both in terms of design as well as the story behind the U - boat itself. Sometimes one of the submariners who have artistic ability is so good that the sketch is created then appropriately referred to as a work of art rather than graffiti !The last line of the caption under the picture gives three types of information : WP indicates how many times the U - boat leaving the port to patrol war, S is the total number of crew members who survived until the war was over , and K is the number of the crew were killed , when his ship sunk by enemy .
U - 89 is a type VIIC submarine of the manufacturer Flender Werft in Lubeck small enough . On 19 November 1941 ( when the image is created ) the ship is headed by Dietrich Lohmann Korvettenkapitän . The picture above , which shows the Pied Piper of Hamelin was standing on a globe with mice around him , also appeared in the ship 's control tower and an official logo . In the evening on 11-12 May 1943 , U - 89 was spotted by a reconnaissance plane Swordfish aircraft from the carrier ship ' HMS biter ' around 9.5 km in front of the convoy HX237 . U - 89 then sunk by a depth bomb attacks spewed by the frigates ' Lagan ' ( Lieutenant - Commander A. Ayre ) and destroyers ' Broadway ' ( Lieutenant - Commander EH Chevasse ) . Broadway also previously been accomplished boast of having caught intact - intact U - 110 leader Fritz - Julius Lemp Kapitänleutnant in the month of May 1941 .WP = 5 , S = 0 , K = 48
U - 118 released into the sea in a festive party dated December 6, 1941 . Less than 24 hours later came the news that the Japanese had attacked pangkatan U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor . Four days later Hitler declared war on America . U - boat U - boat , which until then was banned from approaching close to U.S. waters , are now allowed to operate further to the west again . U - 118 while it is undergoing training in the Baltic and the crew was so excited when he heard the news of the success of the German submarines period in the Western Atlantic . But this success has begun to evaporate when Korvettenkapitän Czygan Werner led the U - 118 in its first operational cruise . Although designated as a spreader of mine , but this ship is also met by the supply of provisions to supply other U-boats were smaller in the middle of the Atlantic . When the war situation began to deteriorate over time , and most of the U - boat that was sent was not able to sink the enemy ship even a single one ! Even so , later U - 118 successfully run one of the most successful operation deployment of mines in war , by sinking four ships in the west of Gibraltar !WP = 4 , S = 16 , K = 43
" Horridoh ... screams professional hunters ! " Sentence below it underlines that an ' eel ' ( torpedo ) is not an Indian arrow . Leaving Kiel dated 27 November 1941 for the purpose of the North Atlantic , the type IXC submarine joined the ' Wolfpack ' to attack the convoy HG76 gets new protection from what will be a serious U-boat threat : armed merchant ship converted to escort a ship carrying plane . Although U - 131 became the first submarine shot down a plane ( piloted by Lieutenant G. Fletcher ) , but this does not provide any benefits for the crew . Five destroyers called upon to hunt submarines of this one , and he were drowned in the 21st presence in the oceansWP = 1 , S = 46 ( ? ) , K = 1
During his career , U - 134 did nine war patrols so listed as one of the U - boat 's longest- operating . But all that he just menengggelamkan only two or three ships , the first victim is a German freighter ' Steinbeck ' ! First commander , Korvettenkapitän Rudolf Schendel , somewhat lucky because he had moved when U - 134 sunk along with the entire crew . Schendel then entrusted with the command of a new vessel of the type XXI electro Blohm und Voss at ( Hamburg ) dated 21 September 1944 . The ship was destroyed in an air strike while docked in shipyard manufacture. By the time the war ended , Schendel served as commander of a tank destroyer group in the mainland ! The second U - 134 commander , Hans - Günther Kapitänleutnant Brosin of Hannover , 26 years old when he was killed along with all his men dated August 24, 1943 in a bomb attack by the depth of a Wellington bomber from 179 Squadron , RAF , in the south of Cape FinisterreWP = 9 , S = 0 , K = 48Carl Kapitänleutnant Emmermann , one of the few legendary German submarine commander , menahkodai U - 172 for five patrol the long and winding until November 1943 when he handed over to the leadership baton hands Oberleutnant zur See Hermann Hoffmann . U - 172 left Germany's biggest base in Biscay Beach , Lorient , dated 22 November 1943 only to be drowned a few weeks later on December 13 . During his career , U - 172 attacked and sank 27 ships that made him into the ranks of one of the 3 % U - boat with the winning score at the most ! Surely there are talented artists in the crew because one more big version of the image above Neptune are also in the tower supervisorWP = 6 , S = 46 , K = 13
U - 184 under the command of Günther Kapitänleutnant Dangschat is a mysterious submarine . Crew training lasted for five months and then she left Kiel dated October 22, 1942 to operate against the convoy ONS 144 off the coast of Newfoundland . U - 184 transmit radio last report dated 20 November 1942 and shortly thereafter disappeared are unknown ! So far , all of the post - war evaluation failed to provide convincing information about the cause of the sinking . U - boat Command reported as ' missing ' dated 22 November 1942 after no response description of the location of the submarine , and it seems all the crew are all killed 50 people . Moto U - boat on this one is " It is better to die in battle rather than rotting in the chain confinement . "WP = 1 , S = 0 , K = 50
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in WWII " by Jak Mallmann Showell
List Stud Nazi German U-boatsOtto " Der Schweigsame " Kretschmer (May 1 1912-5 august 1998) ofCommand U-boats : U - 35 , U - 23 and U - 99Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Schwerter ( December 26, 1941 )Total Patrol : 16 patrols ( 224 days at sea )Number of victories : 47 ships sunk ( 274,418 GRT ) and 5 ships damaged ( 37,965 GRT )Note : Awarded Schwerter when it became a prisoner of war so that the medal be sent through the International Red Cross !
Wolfgang August Eugen Lüth ( October 15, 1913 - May 13 1945)Command U-boats : U - 13 , U - 9 , U - 138 , U - 43 and U - 181Last Rank : Kapitan zur SeeThe highest medal : Brillanten ( August 9, 1943 )Total Patrol : 15 patrols ( 640 days at sea )Number of victories : 47 ships sunk ( 225,756 grt ) and 2 ships damaged ( 17,343 GRT )Note : To see the tragic death after being shot by a guard facility German Navy accidentally in the night !
Erich Topp (July 2, 1914-26 December 2005)Command U-boats : U - 57 , U - 552 , U - 3010 and U - 2513Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Schwerter ( August 17, 1942 )Total Patrol : 12 patrols ( 352 days at sea )Number of victories : 36 ships sunk ( 198,650 GRT ) and 4 ships damaged ( 32,317 GRT )Note : After the war Bundesmarine continue his career in West Germany and retired with the rank of Konteradmiral
Günther Prien ( January 16, 1908 - March 7, 1941)Command U-boats : U - 47Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( October 20, 1940 )Total Patrol : 10 patrols ( 238 days at sea )Number of victories : 31 ships sunk ( 191,919 GRT ) and 8 ships damaged ( 62,751 GRT )Note : Famous thanks to dare to attack Scapa Flow
Heinrich Liebe ( January 29, 1908 - July 27, 1997 )U - boat Command : U - 2 and U - 38Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( June 10, 1941 )Total Patrol : 9 patrols ( 333 days at sea )Number of victories : 34 ships sunk ( 187,267 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 3,670 tons )Note : Liebe is one of the few German submarine captain who had a long and solid experience in the position from the days before the war
Viktor Schütze (February 16, 1906-23 September 1950)Command U-boats : U - 19 , U - 11 , U - 25 and U - 103Last Rank : Kapitan zur SeeThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( July 14, 1941 )Total Patrol : 7 patrols ( 306 days at sea )Number of victories : 35 ships sunk ( 180,073 grt ) and 2 ships damaged ( 14,213 GRT )Note : At the end of the war became " FDU Ausbildungsflottillen "
Heinrich Lehmann - Willenbrock (December 11 1911-18 April 1986)Command U-boats : U - 8 , U - 5 , U - 96 and U - 256Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( December 31, 1941 )Total Patrol : 10 patrols ( 327 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 179,125 grt ) and 2 ships damaged ( 15,864 GRT )Note : The story of his life as a U-boat captain became inspiration for the film " Das Boot "
Karl- Friedrich Merten ( August 15, 1905 - May 2 1993)Command U-boats : U - 68Last Rank : Kapitan zur SeeThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( 16 November 1942 )Total patrol : 5 patrols ( 368 days at sea )Number of victories : 27 ships sunk ( 170,151 GRT )Note : Operates in all waters in the world , in the period September / October 1942 she drowned no less than 100,000 GRT cruise Allies !
- Emil Herbert Schultze ( July 24, 1909 - June 3, 1987)U - boat Command : U - 2 and U - 48Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( June 12, 1941 )Total Patrol : 8 patrols ( 227 days at sea )Number of victories : 26 ships sunk ( 169,709 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 9456 tons )Note : Could be the commander of the U - 48 which later became the most successful submarine in World War II !
Werner Henke ( May 13, 1909 - June 15, 1944)Command U-boats : U - 515Last Rank : Korvettenkapitän ( posthumous )The highest medal : Oak Leaves ( July 4, 1943 )Total Patrol : 7 patrols ( 341 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 157,064 GRT ) and damaged 2 ships ( 7,954 GRT )Note : On the night of April 30 / May 1, 1943 , Henke sink the 8 vessels ( 49 456 GRT ) in just 8 hours ! For this achievement he was awarded the Oak Leaves
Georg Lassen ( May 12, 1915 - January 18 2012)Command U-boats : U - 29 and U - 160Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( March 7, 1943 )Total Patrol : 4 patrols ( 328 days at sea )Number of victories : 26 ships sunk ( 156,082 GRT ) and 5 ships damaged ( 34,419 GRT )Note : In his first patrol as captain she drowned 6 ships ( 43,560 GRT ) , and in his last patrol boat also drowned 6 ( 41 076 GRT ) !
Joachim Schepke ( March 8, 1912 - March 17, 1941 )Command U-boats : U - 3 , U - 19 and U - 100Last Rank : KapitänleutnantThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( December 1, 1940 )Total Patrol : 14 patrols ( 200 days at sea )Number of victories : 37 ships sunk ( 155,882 GRT ) and 4 ships damaged ( 17,229 GRT )Note : Schepke was awarded the Knight's Cross in September 1940 after sank 7 ships ( 50,340 GRT ) in just two days !
Heinrich Bleichrodt ( October 21, 1909 - January 9, 1977)Command U-boats : U - 48 , U - 67 and U - 109Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( 23 September 1942 )Total Patrol : 8 patrols ( 405 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 152,320 grt ) and 2 ships damaged ( 11,684 GRT )Note : Bleichrodt refused to accept the Knight before a brilliant observer officer , Oberleutnant zur See Teddy Suhren , also accept it !
Carl Emmermann ( March 6, 1915 - March 25, 1990 )Command U-boats : U - 172 and U - 3037Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( July 4, 1943 )Total patrol : 5 patrols ( 373 days at sea )Number of victories : 26 ships sunk ( 152,080 GRT )Note : Emmermann greatest achievement was the sinking of the British transport vessel " Orcades " which weighs 23,456 tons !
Robert Gysae ( January 14, 1911 - April 26, 1989)Command U-boats : U - 98 and U - 177Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( May 31, 1943 )Total Patrol : 8 patrols ( 506 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 146,815 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 2,588 tons )Note : Gysae is one of the very few Kriegsmarine officer who captained the U - boat without first becoming superintendent submarine officer in advance !
Ernst Kals (August 2, 1905-2 November 1979)Command U-boats : U - 130Last Rank : Kapitan zur SeeHighest Medal : Knight ( 1 September 1942 )Total patrol : 5 patrols ( 286 days at sea )Number of victories : 20 ships sunk ( 145,656 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 6,986 tons )Note : His biggest achievement was when he attacked the transport ships closely guarded in Moroccan waters in 1942 and drowned three of them ( 34 507 GRT ) !
Adolf Cornelius Piening ( 16 September 1910 - 15 May 1984)Command U-boats : U - 155Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänHighest Medal : Knight ( August 13, 1942 )Total Patrol : 9 patrols ( 462 days at sea )Number of victories : 26 ships sunk ( 140,449 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 6,736 tons )Note : Piening famous through what is called the " Route Piening " which he created as a way to escape from Allied aircraft in the Bay of Biscay
Johann Mohr (June 12, 1916-2 April 1943)Command U-boats : U - 124Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( January 13, 1943 )Total Patrol : 6 patrols ( 268 days at sea )Number of victories : 29 ships sunk ( 135,751 GRT ) and 3 ships damaged ( 26,167 GRT )Note : On the night of May 12, 1942 Mohr and the U - 124 sink the four ships ( 21,784 GRT ) from convoy ONS - 92 !
Klaus Scholtz ( March 22, 1908 - May 1 1987)Command U-boats : U - 108Last Rank : FregattenkapitänThe highest medal : Oak Leaves ( 10 September 1942 )Total Patrol : 8 patrols ( 361 days at sea )Number of victories : 25 ships sunk ( 128,190 GRT )Note : In April 1941 Scholtz managed to sink the British armed merchant ships " Rajputana " ( 16 644 tonnes ) in a thrilling chase !
Helmut Witte ( 6 April 1915 - October 3, 2005)Command U-boats : U - 159Last Rank : KorvettenkapitänHighest Medal : Knight ( October 22, 1942 )Total Patrol : 4 patrols ( 261 days at sea )Number of victories : 23 ships sunk ( 119,554 GRT ) and 1 ship damaged ( 265 tons )Note : After the war became manager of Germany 's leading industrial companies
Günter Hessler ( June 14, 1909 - 4th April 1968)Command U-boats : U - 107Last Rank : FregattenkapitänHighest Medal : Knight ( June 24, 1941 )Total Patrol : 3 patrols ( 200 days at sea )Number of victories : 21 ships sunk ( 118,822 GRT )Note : This Doenitz -law recorded the most successful patrols in World War II where he menennggelamkan 14 ships in just one patrol !
sources :Private photo collection Gordon Williamsonwww.finearts - autographs.comwww.gmic.co.ukwww.johannmohr.deviantart.comwww.maritimequest.comwww.thirdreichcolorpictures.blogspot.comwww.uboat.netwww.u - boote.frwww.web.iwebcenters.comwww.wehrmacht - awards.comwww.weitze.net
Keep Task Schedule and Supervision in the German U - BoatGuard duty control over long-distance submarine U - 178 ( Korvettenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes ) shortly after leaving the Gironde Estuary in France to trail a little convoy was crossing a minefield beach . Head in the attack periscope lens we can see on the right side , while on the left is a surveillance antenna rod . In later years the two poles can be operated electrically from the inside of the U - boat , but at first they were still operated manually by means mengkerek hand from the top of the control tower and will not go down by itself without potentially damaging the teeth jenteranya . As a result , the submarines early type deemed 'unfit subs ' long antennae still ngaceng ! Grilles located at the base of the antenna is the top of the reconnaissance vent hole that leads to the engine room . Usually there are four supervisors plus one officer on duty at a time in the control tower
Remarkable series of color photographs taken over the U - 177 , a long-distance submarine type Korvettenkapitän IXD2 under the leadership of Robert Gysae . He operates in the South Atlantic at the same time with the U - 178 that came near of field operations in Indonesian waters
Round tool on the left is a repeater ( repeater ) of the gyro compass
Keep an eye around the area is one of the most important jobs and the most attention over the U - boat . Whatever the circumstances , the crew is required to stand for four hours at a time on top of the control tower while sharpening vision around the horizon in order to look for any sign of enemy ships - the first part saw the enemy ship is usually the first part of the congratulations !
By : Alif Rafik KhanFor the problem of supervisory duties in the German U - boat in World War II , 12 were required to type VII submarine German submarine which is the most widely made throughout the war ( over 600 pieces ) . Type IX submarines are larger and better suited for tasks remotely requires 16 people for the same task although it can also be done by fewer people if it is not possible . Because type VII usually filled by about four officers and 44 sailors , then this means that everyone gets at least one of the three guard duty . To further exacerbate the problem , members of the engineering division of a smaller number of longer and had to undergo two tasks in case of three !Supervision of guard duty schedule is as follows :00:00 - Keep watch and a member of the First Marine engine room that gets served right .04:00 - Keep replaces the Second Sea Marine First Take .05:30 - Waking guard members left the engine room for breakfast .06:00 - Awaken the whole crew . Guard members left the engine room on guard duty .06:30 - Breakfast for the whole crew who missed the guard duty .07:00 - maintenance tasks , opening and cleaning.08:00 - Keep Third Sea .08:45 - Regular maintenance , inspection and repair tools carefully when needed for those who missed the guard duty .11:30 - Lunch to Keep and member of the First Marine engine room right guard .12:00 - Keep watch and a member of the First Marine engine room right to the assignment . The rest of the other crew lunch .13:00 - Regular maintenance , inspection and repair tools carefully when needed for people who are not assigned to guard duty .15:30 - Snacks for people who are on call .16:00 - Keep the Second Sea came on duty .17:00 - evening meal for the crew who are not on guard duty .18:00 - Members of the engine room left on guard duty . Evening meal for members of the new engine room right off duty .20:00 - Keep the Third Marine took office. Evening meal for anyone who has not filled his stomach .21:00 - All the sound that does not need to be stopped and the lights turned off . The crew slept .23:40 - Keep Members First Marine engine room right and keep getting up to get ready task midnight .
sources :The book " Wolfpacks At War : The U - Boat Experience in World War II " by Jak Mallmann Showell
Photo Album German U - Boat In Asia Owned Ibrahim Ahmad
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