20 Juni 2014
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Produsen sepeda motor populer Harley-Davidson telah mengeluarkan produk terbaru, yaitu motor bertenaga listrik perdana.
Sejumlah penggemar bereaksi berbeda terhadap sepeda motor ini.
"Proyek LiveWire itu seperti gitar elektrik pertama - dan bukan (dianggap sebagai) mobil elektrik," kata Wakil Presiden Senior Harley-Davidson, Mark-Hans Richer.
"Ini adalah ekspresi individu dan gaya ikonik yang kebetulan saja elektrik. Proyek LiveWire adalah pernyataan yang berani bagi perusahaan dan merek ini."
Namun reaksi awal dari Klub Pengendara Harley-Davidson Inggris tampaknya cukup sinis.

Anggota lain, bernama Dazzlin, bertanya seberapa aman kendaraan itu: "Untuk sebuah sepeda motor elektrik tampilannya cukup bagus, tetapi saya berpikir motor yang tidak mengeluarkan suara (seperti layaknya mobil elektrik) adalah sebuah resep bencana di jalan-jalan yang sibuk."
Dalam video yang dirilis oleh perusahaan sepeda motor tampak melintasi Rute 66 nyaris tanpa suara.
Popular motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson has released its latest product, namely the first electric-powered motors.This bike will not be on general sale, but will only be offered to a number of consumers in the United States to be tried and asked for his comments.Motorcycle - dubbed Project LiveWire - will travel to the famous street in the U.S., Route 66, visiting more than 30 sellers Harley-Davidson from now until the end of the year.Some fans reacted differently to this motorcycle."Projects such as LiveWire's first electric guitar - and not (regarded as) an electric car," said Senior Vice President of Harley-Davidson, Mark-Hans Richer."It is an expression of individual and iconic style electrically isolated case. LiveWire Project is a bold statement for the company and the brand."But the initial reaction of the Harley-Davidson Riders Club England seems quite cynical.Dave Scott said: "It seems OK but I need a real machine."Another member, named Dazzlin, ask how safe the vehicle is: "For an electric motorcycle looks pretty good, but I think the motor is not a sound (like electric cars) is a recipe for disaster in the busy streets."In a video released by the motorcycle company looked across Route 66 almost without sound.
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