Korupsi 'bunuh rakyat negara berkembang'
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Sekitar US$1 triliun diselewengkan dan dibawa ke luar dari negara-negara miskin. |
Menurut data organisasi anti kemiskinan, One,
sedikitnya US$1 triliun telah diselewengkan, dicuci, dan dibawa ke luar
dari negara-negara miskin. Akibat tindakan korupsi tersebut, sebanyak
3,6 juta orang meninggal dunia setiap tahun.
"Korupsi menghambat investasi
swasta, menurunkan pertumbuhan ekonomi, meningkatkan biaya untuk bisnis
dan dapat menyebabkan ketidakstabilan politik," kata laporan One.
"Tapi di negara-negara berkembang, korupsi
adalah pembunuh. Ketika sumber dana pemerintah untuk investasi perawatan
kesehatan, ketahanan pangan, dan infrastruktur penting diambil, banyak
nyawa yang terenggut dan korban terbesar adalah anak-anak."
Laporan itu lantas memberikan contoh apa yang terjadi jika korupsi diberantas di kawasan Sub-Sahara Afrika.
Pertama, akan ada tambahan 10 juta anak yang
mendapat pendidikan. Kedua, akan ada tambahan sebanyak 500 ribu guru
sekolah dasar. Ketiga, akan ada obat antiretroviral bagi orang-orang
yang mengidap HIV/AIDS.
Untuk itu, One mendesak para pemimpin anggota
kelompok G-20 yang akan bertemu di Australia pada November nanti untuk
menempuh langkah-langkah demi menanggulangi korupsi.
Salah satunya melansir informasi kepada publik daftar pemilik perusahaan yang dipakai untuk mencuci uang hasil korupsi.
About $ 1 trillion diverted and taken out of the poor countries.
Millions of lives in poor countries and developing has gone because the government does not have the funds to invest in the health and well-being. Funds should be allocated to the health sector has been corrupted.
According to data antipoverty organization, One, at least $ 1 trillion is being misused, washed, and taken out of the poor countries. As a result of such behavior, as many as 3.6 million people die each year.
"Corruption hinders private investment, lower economic growth, increase costs for businesses and could lead to political instability," One report said.
"But in developing countries, corruption is a killer. When the source of government funding for health care investment, food security, and critical infrastructure are taken, many lives have been lost and the biggest victims are the children."
The report then gives an example of what happens when corruption eradicated in the Sub-Saharan Africa.
First, there will be an additional 10 million children who receive education. Secondly, there will be an additional 500 thousand primary school teachers. Third, there will be antiretroviral drugs for people living with HIV / AIDS.
To that end, One urged the leaders of the G-20 members will meet in Australia in November to take measures to tackle corruption.
One was released a list of information to the public owner of the company that used to launder the proceeds of corruption.
Millions of lives in poor countries and developing has gone because the government does not have the funds to invest in the health and well-being. Funds should be allocated to the health sector has been corrupted.
According to data antipoverty organization, One, at least $ 1 trillion is being misused, washed, and taken out of the poor countries. As a result of such behavior, as many as 3.6 million people die each year.
"Corruption hinders private investment, lower economic growth, increase costs for businesses and could lead to political instability," One report said.
"But in developing countries, corruption is a killer. When the source of government funding for health care investment, food security, and critical infrastructure are taken, many lives have been lost and the biggest victims are the children."
The report then gives an example of what happens when corruption eradicated in the Sub-Saharan Africa.
First, there will be an additional 10 million children who receive education. Secondly, there will be an additional 500 thousand primary school teachers. Third, there will be antiretroviral drugs for people living with HIV / AIDS.
To that end, One urged the leaders of the G-20 members will meet in Australia in November to take measures to tackle corruption.
One was released a list of information to the public owner of the company that used to launder the proceeds of corruption.
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