Mulai di sini! Terlepas dari lokasi yang tepat, di manapun G-spot, ia berada di suatu tempat baik pada dinding depan vagina (sisi di mana pusar berada) atau di sepanjang dinding depan vagina. Jadi, itu merupakan tempat di mana Anda bisa mulai mencari, jelas Herbenick. Jelajahi sekitar 5 cm di dalam vagina.

Biarkan si Dia menunggangi Anda. Woman on top adalah salah satu posisi paling mudah untuk dicoba ketika mencari G-spot karena si Dia memiliki banyak ruang untuk bergerak, kata Herbenick. Coba miringkan si Dia ke depan atau belakang. Dengan melakukan ini, Anda dapat membantu manuvernya untuk mencari spot tersebut. "Karena penis pria memiliki ketegangan dan lengkungan yang mengarah ke arah tertentu, posisi ini akan memberikan lebih banyak fleksibilitas kepada Anda dan pasangan untuk menemukan titik kepuasaannya," urai Herbenick.
Gunakan otot Anda. Trik lain yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan mengencangkan otot dasar panggul Anda (juga disebut sebagai "membuat penis Anda menari"), ujar Herbenick. Ketika mengencangkan otot ini, penis benar-benar bergerak dan lebih mengeras –membuatnya terangkat ke sisi depan dinding vagina. Dengan mencoba teknik ini, mungkin bisa membuat posisi penis Anda lebih dekat ke area si Dia yang membutuhkan stimulasi, terang Herbenick.
Although there is still research that questioned whether the G-spot really exist, but there is no doubt in the scientific research that this area is in the area of the front wall of the vagina, which when stimulated so much fun and can even make orgasm. Where exactly you can begin this noble quest? Consider the tips from Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., of Indiana University sex researcher and author of Great in Bed that guide you toward the object.
Start here! Regardless of the exact location, regardless of where the G-spot, he was in a good spot on the front wall of the vagina (the side where the navel is located) or along the front wall of the vagina. So, it is a place where you can start looking, obviously Herbenick. Explore around 5 cm inside the vagina.
Use pressure. By using the body or your finger, use direct pressure to the lower abdomen and her mons (the area of triangle which may or may not have pubic hair on it) which can actually increase arousal, Herbenick said. If she lies on her back, press down firmly on the area by hand, or press your body on top of him to create pressure like a sandwich. Or, if the He in the prone position, it is also a good position because there is pressure on the front side wall of her vagina, Herbenick added.
He let the riding you. Woman on top is one of the easiest positions to try when searching for the G-spot because the He has plenty of room to move, said Herbenick. He tried to tilt the front or rear. By doing this, you can help maneuver to find the spot. "Because a man has a penis and arch strain that leads to a certain direction, this position will give you more flexibility to you and your partner to find kepuasaannya point," explained Herbenick.
Use your muscles. Another trick that can be done is to tighten your pelvic floor muscles (also referred to as "make your dick dance"), said Herbenick. When these muscles tighten, the penis is really moving and more hardened -membuatnya up to the front wall of the vagina. By trying this technique, may be able to make your penis position closer to the area that requires stimulation Him, bright Herbenick.
Start here! Regardless of the exact location, regardless of where the G-spot, he was in a good spot on the front wall of the vagina (the side where the navel is located) or along the front wall of the vagina. So, it is a place where you can start looking, obviously Herbenick. Explore around 5 cm inside the vagina.
Use pressure. By using the body or your finger, use direct pressure to the lower abdomen and her mons (the area of triangle which may or may not have pubic hair on it) which can actually increase arousal, Herbenick said. If she lies on her back, press down firmly on the area by hand, or press your body on top of him to create pressure like a sandwich. Or, if the He in the prone position, it is also a good position because there is pressure on the front side wall of her vagina, Herbenick added.

Use your muscles. Another trick that can be done is to tighten your pelvic floor muscles (also referred to as "make your dick dance"), said Herbenick. When these muscles tighten, the penis is really moving and more hardened -membuatnya up to the front wall of the vagina. By trying this technique, may be able to make your penis position closer to the area that requires stimulation Him, bright Herbenick.
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