1. Di Jepang, angka "4″ dan "9″ tidak disukai, sehingga sering tidak ada nomer kamar "4″ dan "9″. "4″ dibaca "shi" yang sama bunyinya dengan yang berarti "mati", sedang "9″ dibaca "ku", yang sama bunyinya dengan yang berarti "kurushii / sengsara.
2. Orang Jepang menyukai angka "8″. Harga-harga barang kebanyakan berakhiran "8″. Susu misalnya 198 yen. Tapi karena aturan sekarang ini mengharuskan harga barang yang dicantumkan sudah harus memasukkan pajak, jadi mungkin kebiasaan ini akan hilang. (Pasar = Yaoya = tulisan kanjinya berbunyi happyaku-ya atau toko 800).
3. Kalau musim panas, drama di TV seringkali menampilkan hal-hal yang seram (hantu).
4. Cara baca tulisan Jepang ada dua style : yang sama dengan buku berhuruf Roman alphabet huruf dibaca dari atas ke bawah, dan yang kedua adalah dari kolom paling kanan ke arah kiri. Sehingga bagian depan dan belakang buku berlawanan dengan buku Roman alphabet (halaman muka berada di "bagian belakang").
5. Tanda tangan di Jepang hampir tidak pernah berlaku untuk keperluan formal, melainkan harus memakai hanko/inkan/ cap. Jenis hanko di Jepang ada beberapa, a.l. jitsu-in, ginko-in, dan mitome-in. Jadi satu orang kadang memiliki beberapa jenis inkan, untuk berbagai keperluan. Jitsu-in adalah inkan yang dipakai untuk keperluan yang sangat penting, seperti beli rumah, beli mobil, untuk jadi guarantor, dsb. jenis ini diregisterkan ke shiyakusho. Ginko-in adalah jenis inkan yang dipakai untuk khusus membuat account di bank. inkan ini diregisterkan ke bank. Mitome-in dipakai untuk keperluan sehari-hari, dan tidak diregisterkan.
2. Orang Jepang menyukai angka "8″. Harga-harga barang kebanyakan berakhiran "8″. Susu misalnya 198 yen. Tapi karena aturan sekarang ini mengharuskan harga barang yang dicantumkan sudah harus memasukkan pajak, jadi mungkin kebiasaan ini akan hilang. (Pasar = Yaoya = tulisan kanjinya berbunyi happyaku-ya atau toko 800).
3. Kalau musim panas, drama di TV seringkali menampilkan hal-hal yang seram (hantu).
4. Cara baca tulisan Jepang ada dua style : yang sama dengan buku berhuruf Roman alphabet huruf dibaca dari atas ke bawah, dan yang kedua adalah dari kolom paling kanan ke arah kiri. Sehingga bagian depan dan belakang buku berlawanan dengan buku Roman alphabet (halaman muka berada di "bagian belakang").
5. Tanda tangan di Jepang hampir tidak pernah berlaku untuk keperluan formal, melainkan harus memakai hanko/inkan/ cap. Jenis hanko di Jepang ada beberapa, a.l. jitsu-in, ginko-in, dan mitome-in. Jadi satu orang kadang memiliki beberapa jenis inkan, untuk berbagai keperluan. Jitsu-in adalah inkan yang dipakai untuk keperluan yang sangat penting, seperti beli rumah, beli mobil, untuk jadi guarantor, dsb. jenis ini diregisterkan ke shiyakusho. Ginko-in adalah jenis inkan yang dipakai untuk khusus membuat account di bank. inkan ini diregisterkan ke bank. Mitome-in dipakai untuk keperluan sehari-hari, dan tidak diregisterkan.

6. Kalau kita membubuhkan tanda tangan, kadang akan ditanya orang Jepang: ini bacanya bagaimana ? Kalau di Jepang saat diperlukan tanda tangan (misalnya di paspor, dsb.) umumnya menuliskan nama mereka dalam huruf Kanji, sehingga bisa terbaca dengan jelas. Sedangkan kita biasanya membuat singkatan atau coretan sedemikian hingga tidak bisa ditiru/dibaca oleh orang lain.
7. Acara TV di Jepang didominasi oleh masak memasak.
8. Fotocopy di Jepang self-service, sedangkan di Indonesia di-service.
9. Jika naik taxi di Jepang, pintu dibuka dan ditutup oleh supir. Penumpang dilarang membuka dan menutupnya sendiri.
10. Pernah nggak melihat cara orang Jepang menghitung "satu", "dua", "tiga".... dengan jari tangannya ? Kalau di perhatiin, ada perbedaan dengan kebiasaan orang Indonesia. Orang Indonesia umumnya mulai dari tangan dikepal dan saat menghitung "satu", jari kelingking ditegakkan. Menghitung "dua", jari manis ditegakkan, dst. Kalau orang Jepang, setahu saya, kebalikannya. Mereka selalu mulai dari telapak tangan terbuka, dan cara
menghitungnya kebalikan orang Indonesia. Saat bilang "satu", maka jarinya akan ditekuk/ditutupkan ke telapak tangan. Kalo nggak percaya, coba deh… jikken dengan teman Jepang anda.
11. Sepeda tidak boleh dipakai boncengan, kecuali yang memboncengkannya berusia lebih dari 16 tahun dan anak yang diboncengkan berusia kurang dari satu tahun dan hanya seorang saja yang diboncengkan. Bila dilanggar, dendanya maksimal 20 ribu yen.
12. Kalo naik eskalator di Tokyo, kita harus berdiri di sebelah kiri, karena sebelah kanan adalah untuk orang yang terburu-buru. Jangan sekali-kali berdiri di kanan kalo kita ga langsung naik.
13. Pacaran di Jepang sungguh hemat, traktir2an bukan budaya pacaran Jepang. Jadi selama belum jadi suami-istri, siapin duit buat bayar sendiri-sendiri.
14. Nganter jemput pacar juga bukan budaya orang Jepang. Kalo mau ketemuan, ya ketemuan di stasiun.
15. Jangan pernah sekali-kali bilang ke orang jepang : "Gue maen ke rumah lu ya". Karena itu dianggap ga sopan. Ke rumahnya cuma kalo udah diijinin.

16. "Aishiteru" yang berarti aku cinta kamu, jarang dipake sama orang pacaran, kecuali kalo mereka bener-bener udah mau nikah. Biasanya mereka make "Daisuke desu" buat ngungkapin kalo mereka sayang sama pacarnya.
17. Sebelum bepergian, biasanya orang Jepang selalu ngecek ramalan cuaca. Dan 90% ramalan cuaca itu akurat. Itu sebabnya kalo ada orang bawa payung, pasti kita bakal liat orang yang lainnya lagi bawa payung juga. Dan perempatan Shibuya adalah tempat yang paling menarik ketika hujan, karena dari atas kita akan melihat lautan payung yang berwarna-warni.
18. Bunga sakura adalah bunga yang spesial di Jepang, karena bunganya hanya tumbuh 2 minggu selama setahun. Ketika tumbuh, bunganya memenuhi seluruh pohon, tanpa daun. Setelah 2 minggu, ga ada satupun bunga sakura, yang ada hanyalah daun-daun hijau, tanpa bunga, dan jadi ga menarik lagi.
19. Di Indonesia, kita bakal dapet duit kalo kita ngejual barang bekas kita ke toko jual-beli. Tapi di Jepang, kita malah harus bayar kalo mau naro barang kita di toko jual-beli. Itulah sebabnya kenapa orang Jepang lebih milih ninggalin TV bekas mereka gitu aja kalo mo pindah apartemen.
20. Di perempatan jalan Kyoto, perempatan jalan yang kecil, ga ada mobil sama sekali, tapi ada lampu merah, pejalan kaki selalu berhenti ketika lampu tanda pejalan kaki menunjukkan warna merah. Mereka santai aja, baca koran, ngobrol, ngerokok, dan kemudian jalan lagi ketika lampu sudah hijau. Padahal ga ada mobil yang lewat satupun. Mungkin kalo mereka ngelanggar peraturan juga ga akan celaka.
1 . In Japan , the number " 4 " and " 9 " is not favored , so often there is no room number " 4 " and " 9 " . "
4 " is pronounced " shi " sound the same , which means " dead " , while
" 9 " is pronounced " ku " , which sounds similar to that mean "
kurushii / miserable .
2 . Japanese people like the number " 8 " . Prices of goods mostly ending in " 8 " . Milk for example, 198 yen . But because today's rules require that listed the item price should include tax already , so maybe this habit will disappear . ( Market = Yaoya = writing kanji reads happyaku - yes or store 800 ) .
3 . If the summer , in the TV drama often featured lurid things ( ghosts ) .
4 . How to read Japanese text there are two styles : the same as the Roman alphabet letters lettered books are read from top to bottom , and the second is from the far right column to the left . So that the front and back of the book opposite the Roman alphabet book ( front page was in " the back " ) .
5 . Signature in Japan almost never true for formal purposes , but must wear hanko / Inkan / cap . Type hanko in Japan there are few , a.l. jitsu -in , ginko -in , and mitome -in . So one person sometimes has some kind Inkan , for a variety of purposes . Inkan jitsu -in is used for very important purposes , such as buying a house , buy a car , to be guarantor , etc. . These types need not be registered to Shiyakusho . Ginko -in is a kind of special Inkan used to create an account in the bank . This Inkan be registered to the bank . Mitome -in is used for everyday purposes , and not be registered .
6 . If we put a signature , sometimes are asked Japanese people : This reading how ? If the Japanese when necessary signature ( eg passport , etc. . ) Generally write their names in kanji , so it can be read clearly . While we usually make an abbreviation or a spike so that can not be replicated / read by others .
7 . TV show in Japan is dominated by cooking .
8 . Copy of self-service in Japan , while in Indonesia in - service .
9 . If you take a taxi in Japan , the door is opened and closed by the driver . Passengers are not allowed to open and close it himself .
10 . Ever notice how the Japanese do not count " one " , " two " , " three " .... with his fingers ? If in perhatiin , there is a difference with the Indonesian customs . Indonesian people generally ranging from hand clenched and while counting " one " , the little finger enforced . Count " two " , enforced the ring finger , and so on . If the Japanese , to my knowledge , the opposite . They always start from an open palm , and howcalculate the inverse of Indonesia . When saying " one " , then the finger will bend / is closed to the palm of the hand . If you do not believe , try deh ... jikken with your Japanese friends .
11 . Bicycles should not be used luggage rack , except that memboncengkannya over the age of 16 years and children aged diboncengkan less than one year and only one man who diboncengkan . If violated , the maximum fine is 20 thousand yen .
12 . If riding an escalator in Tokyo , we had to stand on the left , because the right is for people in a hurry . Never stand on the right if we ga straight up .
13 . Dating in Japan really frugal , traktir2an not courting Japanese culture . So long as the husband and wife have not finished , siapin money to pay their own .
14 . Nganter girlfriend shuttle nor the Japanese culture . If you want to make friends , meet ya at the station .
15 . Never ever say to the people of Japan : "I maen lu ya home " . Because it is considered polite ga . To his house only if already diijinin .
16 . " Aishiteru " which means I love you , rarely using the same people going out , except if they was really already getting married . Usually they make " Daisuke desu " for ngungkapin if they care about her boyfriend .
17 . Before traveling , usually Japanese people are always checking the weather forecast . And the weather forecast was 90 % accurate . That 's why if there are people carry umbrellas , we certainly would clay the other person again bring an umbrella as well . And the intersection of Shibuya is the most interesting place when it rains , because of the above we will see a sea of colorful umbrellas .
18 . Cherry blossoms is a special interest in Japan , because the flowers only grow 2 weeks for a year . When it grows , flowers fills the entire tree , without leaves . After 2 weeks , there is no single cherry blossoms , only green leaves , without interest , and so no longer attractive .
19 . In Indonesia , we are going to get money if we ngejual our thrift store to buying and selling . But in Japan , we actually have to pay if we want Naro items in the store buying and selling . That is why the Japanese chose the former TV just leave them just like that if mo moved apartments .
20 . At the intersection Kyoto , a small intersection , there is no car at all , but there is a red light , pedestrians always stop when the pedestrian signal lights show red . They wrote relaxed , read newspapers , chat , ngerokok , and then the road again when the lights went green . Though there are cars passing ga none . Maybe if they ngelanggar ga rule also would hurt.
21 . They can not believe God ( the majority of atheists ) , but they can be disciplined and obey the same rules . Maybe because it's their country forward . I do not know ...
2 . Japanese people like the number " 8 " . Prices of goods mostly ending in " 8 " . Milk for example, 198 yen . But because today's rules require that listed the item price should include tax already , so maybe this habit will disappear . ( Market = Yaoya = writing kanji reads happyaku - yes or store 800 ) .
3 . If the summer , in the TV drama often featured lurid things ( ghosts ) .
4 . How to read Japanese text there are two styles : the same as the Roman alphabet letters lettered books are read from top to bottom , and the second is from the far right column to the left . So that the front and back of the book opposite the Roman alphabet book ( front page was in " the back " ) .
5 . Signature in Japan almost never true for formal purposes , but must wear hanko / Inkan / cap . Type hanko in Japan there are few , a.l. jitsu -in , ginko -in , and mitome -in . So one person sometimes has some kind Inkan , for a variety of purposes . Inkan jitsu -in is used for very important purposes , such as buying a house , buy a car , to be guarantor , etc. . These types need not be registered to Shiyakusho . Ginko -in is a kind of special Inkan used to create an account in the bank . This Inkan be registered to the bank . Mitome -in is used for everyday purposes , and not be registered .
6 . If we put a signature , sometimes are asked Japanese people : This reading how ? If the Japanese when necessary signature ( eg passport , etc. . ) Generally write their names in kanji , so it can be read clearly . While we usually make an abbreviation or a spike so that can not be replicated / read by others .
7 . TV show in Japan is dominated by cooking .
8 . Copy of self-service in Japan , while in Indonesia in - service .
9 . If you take a taxi in Japan , the door is opened and closed by the driver . Passengers are not allowed to open and close it himself .
10 . Ever notice how the Japanese do not count " one " , " two " , " three " .... with his fingers ? If in perhatiin , there is a difference with the Indonesian customs . Indonesian people generally ranging from hand clenched and while counting " one " , the little finger enforced . Count " two " , enforced the ring finger , and so on . If the Japanese , to my knowledge , the opposite . They always start from an open palm , and howcalculate the inverse of Indonesia . When saying " one " , then the finger will bend / is closed to the palm of the hand . If you do not believe , try deh ... jikken with your Japanese friends .
11 . Bicycles should not be used luggage rack , except that memboncengkannya over the age of 16 years and children aged diboncengkan less than one year and only one man who diboncengkan . If violated , the maximum fine is 20 thousand yen .
12 . If riding an escalator in Tokyo , we had to stand on the left , because the right is for people in a hurry . Never stand on the right if we ga straight up .
13 . Dating in Japan really frugal , traktir2an not courting Japanese culture . So long as the husband and wife have not finished , siapin money to pay their own .
14 . Nganter girlfriend shuttle nor the Japanese culture . If you want to make friends , meet ya at the station .
15 . Never ever say to the people of Japan : "I maen lu ya home " . Because it is considered polite ga . To his house only if already diijinin .
16 . " Aishiteru " which means I love you , rarely using the same people going out , except if they was really already getting married . Usually they make " Daisuke desu " for ngungkapin if they care about her boyfriend .
17 . Before traveling , usually Japanese people are always checking the weather forecast . And the weather forecast was 90 % accurate . That 's why if there are people carry umbrellas , we certainly would clay the other person again bring an umbrella as well . And the intersection of Shibuya is the most interesting place when it rains , because of the above we will see a sea of colorful umbrellas .
18 . Cherry blossoms is a special interest in Japan , because the flowers only grow 2 weeks for a year . When it grows , flowers fills the entire tree , without leaves . After 2 weeks , there is no single cherry blossoms , only green leaves , without interest , and so no longer attractive .
19 . In Indonesia , we are going to get money if we ngejual our thrift store to buying and selling . But in Japan , we actually have to pay if we want Naro items in the store buying and selling . That is why the Japanese chose the former TV just leave them just like that if mo moved apartments .
20 . At the intersection Kyoto , a small intersection , there is no car at all , but there is a red light , pedestrians always stop when the pedestrian signal lights show red . They wrote relaxed , read newspapers , chat , ngerokok , and then the road again when the lights went green . Though there are cars passing ga none . Maybe if they ngelanggar ga rule also would hurt.
21 . They can not believe God ( the majority of atheists ) , but they can be disciplined and obey the same rules . Maybe because it's their country forward . I do not know ...
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