Tonton film porno harus bayar di Jerman - Watching porn must pay in Germany

13 Desember 2013
Tonton film porno harus bayar di Jerman - Watching porn must pay in Germany
Penerima surat dituduh melanggar hak cipta dengan menonton film porno secara online

Ribuan warga Jerman dilaporkan telah dikirimi surat agar mereka membayar ongkos menonton film porno di internet secara ilegal.
Firma hukum Urmann (U+C) mewakili firma proteksi hak cipta Swiss, Archive, dan meminta pembayaran 250 euro (Rp4,1 juta).
U+C memberikan konfirmasi kepada BBC bahwa surat telah dikirim tetapi mereka tidak mengatakan jumlahnya.
Semakin banyak orang yang menerima surat tersebut menyatakan firma itu salah alamat.


Menurut sebuah situs berita Jerman, lebih dari 10.000 orang diduga menonton film porno gratis di internet.
Ini adalah pertama kalinya konsumen film porno dituduh melakukan pelanggaran hukum karena menonton dan bukan mengunggah.
Dalam kasus ini, U+C mengatakan sasaran mereka adalah orang yang sudah menonton film di situs Redtube.
Firma hukum itu tidak bersedia mengatakan kepada BBC mengenai informasi rinci dari kasus ini.
Tindakan firma-firma hukum yang mengejar orang-orang yang diduga melanggar hak cipta menuai keprihatinan aktivis.
"Dalam kasus-kasus sebelumnya, kami melihat orang-orang yang dipaksa membayar meski mereka tidak melakukan kesalahan apa pun," kata Peter Bradwell dari Open Rights Group.
"Tampaknya lebih mahal atau lebih memalukan jika orang menggugat tuduhan itu.
"Jika sebuah perusahaan ingin mengirim surat kepada orang yang diduga melanggar hak cipta, pengadilan harus memastikan bahwa bukti yang dimiliki sesuai standar dan surat yang dikirim mudah dipahami."

Tonton film porno harus bayar di Jerman - Watching porn must pay in Germany


December 13, 2013sex shopRecipients accused of violating copyrights by watching porn online

Thousands of Germans are reported to have sent a letter that they pay to watch porn on the internet illegally .The law firm Urmann ( U + C ) copyright protection firm representing Switzerland , Archive , and requesting payment of 250 euros ( Rp 4 , 1 million ) .U + C confirmed to the BBC that a letter had been sent but they did not say the amount.The more people who received the letter stating that the wrong firm .' Embarrassing 'According to a German news site , more than 10,000 people are thought to watch free porn on the internet .This is the first time porn consumers accused of violating the law by not watching and uploading .In this case , U + C say their targets are people who have watched the film on the website Redtube .The law firm was not willing to say to the BBC about the details of this case .Action law firms pursuing those suspected of violating copyright concerns reap activists ." In previous cases , we see people who are forced to pay even though they did not do anything wrong , " said Peter Bradwell of the Open Rights Group ." It looks more expensive or more embarrassing if the person suing the allegations." If a company wants to send a letter to the person who allegedly violated copyright , the court must ensure that the appropriate standard of proof which is owned and letters sent easily understood . "

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