10 Most Successful Logo Designers in the World - 10 Desainer Logo Paling Sukses di Dunia

Sang desainer logo Google. Ruth lahir di Brazil tapi kemudian pindah ke Israel untuk mendapatkan gelar arsitekturnya. Dia melanjutkan pendidikannya di Stanford University dan mendapatkan gelar Master di bidang desain, dan menjadi konsultan seni desain di Stanford selama 15 tahun. Hasil-hasil karyanya dapat di lihat di art.net

Dia adalah desainer untuk 3 majalah terkenal di luar sana, yakni majalah Eros, Fact dan Avant Garde.

Eros Magazine

Fact magazine

Avant Garde magazine

Sang desainer dari logo IBM yang terkenal dan juga desainer logo ABC. Dia adalah desainer spesialis untuk logo-logo perusahaan. Dia juga salah satu pencetus Swiss Style of Graphic Design. Sampai saat ini masih mengajar di Yale University.

logo IBM

logo ABC

Pria kelahiran Munich ini adalah desainer logo FedEX. Dia jugalah yang mendesain logo-logo produk seperti FujiFilm, Del Monte, Marlboro, Tab & Bank of America. Dan bukan hanya itu, beberapa perusahaan penerbangan seperti British Airlines, Japan Airlines dan Singapore Airlines juga menggunakan jasa kreatifnya. Keren ya.



Del Monte



Bank Of America

British Airlines

Japanese Air Lines

Singapore Airlines

Wally Olins adalah salah satu pribadi yang paling dilirik beberapa perusahaan saat mereka membutuhkan logo untuk produk barunya. Dia adalah pendiri Saffron Consultants di tahun 2001. Dia menerima penghargaan CBE pada tahun 1999 dan dinominasikan pada penghargaan desainer Pangeran Philip pada tahun 1999. Beberapa perusahaan yang menggunakan jasanya antara lain: Prudentials, Renault, Volkswagen, dan Repsol.





Pasti tau logo I LOVE NEW YORK yang suka di pajang di kaos, topi, tas, sticker, dll kan? Nah inilah sang penciptanya.

Seorang desainer dengan bakat luar biasa. Dia terkenal dengan desain-desain judul di beberapa film-film terkenal. Beberapa perusahaan yang menggunakan jasanya antara lain Universal Pictures, Rainbow Theater, Apple Corps records, High Times Magazines.

Universal Pictures

Rainbow Theater

Apple Corps records

High Times Magazines

Desainer logo Reuters, Victoria dan Albert Museum and Institute of Directors.
Bersama Colin Forbes dan Bob Gill di tahun 1962 mendirikan Fletcher/Forbes/Gill , sebuah perusahaan desain. Beberapa perusahaan yang menggunakan jasanya antara lain Pirelli, Cunard, Penguin Books.



Penguin Books

Kedua orang inilah yang mendesain logo Xerox, National Geographic, Mobil Oil, NBC, dan masih banyak lainnya. Mereka mendirikan sebuah perusahaan desain terkenal dengan Armani Exchange, Hearts Coorporations sebagai beberapa client yang menggunakan jasanya.

Seorang multitalenta, Saul Bass adalah seorang desainer dan juga pembuat film. Sebagai seorang desainer, logo hasil karyanya yang paling terkenal diantaranya logo United Airlines, logo Avery International dan logo Continental Airlines


RUTH Kedar
The Google logo designer . Ruth was born in Brazil but later moved to Israel to get a degree architecture . He continued his education at Stanford University and a Master's degree in the field of design , art design and a consultant at Stanford for 15 years . The results of his work can be seen in art.net

HERBERT I. LUBALINHe is a famous designer for 3 magazines out there , the magazine Eros , Fact and Avant Garde .

Eros MagazineFact magazineAvant Garde magazine

RAND PAULThe designer of the famous IBM logo and also the ABC logo designer . He is a specialist designer for corporate logos . He was also one of the originators of the Swiss Style of graphic design . Is still teaching at Yale University .

the IBM logoABC logo

WALTER LandorMen born in Munich this is the FedEx logo designer . He , too, who design logos such as FujiFilm products , Del Monte , Marlboro , Tab & Bank of America . And not only that , some airlines such as British Airways , Japan Airlines and Singapore Airlines also uses creative services . Cool huh .

FedExFujiFilmdel MonteMarlboroTABBank Of AmericaBritish AirwaysJapanese Air LinesSingapore Airlines

WALLY OlinsWally Olins is one of the most ogled several private companies when they need a logo for a new product . He is the founder of Saffron Consultants in 2001. He was awarded the CBE in 1999 and was nominated at the Prince Philip Designers award in 1999 . Some companies that use its services include: Prudentials , Renault , Volkswagen , and Repsol .


MILTON GLASERDefinitely know I LOVE NEW YORK logo is like on display in t-shirts, hats , bags , stickers , etc right? Well here's the creator .

BOB GILLA designer with extraordinary talent . He is famous for the title designs in several famous films . Some companies that use its services include Universal Pictures , Rainbow Theater , Apple Corps records , High Times Magazines .

Universal PicturesRainbow TheaterApple Corps recordsHigh Times Magazines

ALAN FLETCHERReuters logo designer , Victoria and Albert Museum and the Institute of Directors .With Colin Forbes and Bob Gill in 1962 founded the Fletcher / Forbes / Gill , a design company . Some companies that use its services include Pirelli , Cunard , Penguin Books .

PirelliCunardPenguin Books

Chermayeff & GEISMARBoth of these people who designed the logo Xerox , National Geographic , Mobil Oil , NBC , and many more . They founded a design firm known for Armani Exchange , Hearts Coorporations as some clients who use their services .

SAUL BASSA multitalented , Saul Bass is a designer and filmmaker . As a designer , logo handiwork of the most famous logos include United Airlines , Avery International logo and logo Continental Airlines

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