Hasan was killed because preventing suicide bomber attacked his school. - Hasan tewas karena mencegah pengebom bunuh diri menyerang sekolahnya.

9 Januari 2014
Hangu, Pakistan
Hasan mencegah pembom bunuh diri masuk sekolah walau teman-temannya lari.

Banjir pujian dan penghormatan mengalir kepada seorang remaja Pakistan yang tewas karena mencegah pengebom bunuh diri menyerang sekolahnya.
Aitzaz Hasan yang berusia 15 tahun sedang berada di luar sekolah bersama teman-temannya, Senin (06/01) ketika melihat seorang pria dengan rompi berisi bahan peledak mendekat.
Laporan-laporan menyebutkan teman-temannya lari ke dalam sekolah namun dia menahan penyerang yang meledakkan bom di rompinya,
Pujian dan penghormatan langsung mengalir di media sosial setelah berita tentang aksinya ramai diberitakan.
Muncul juga sejumlah seruan agar Hasan mendapat bintang penghormatan tertinggi militer bagi tentara yang mengorbankan diri untuk negara walau belum jelas apakah sebagai warga sipil dia memenuhi syarat untuk menerimanya.
Upaya penyerangan sekolah tersebut terjadi di Ibrahimzai, kawasan pemukiman umat Syiah di Pakistan barat laut. Saat itu sekitar 2.000 murid berada di sekolah.
"Putra saya membuat ibunya menangis, tapi membuat ratusan ibu tidak menangis untuk anak-anak mereka," tutur ayah Hasan, Mujahid Ali kepada koran Pakistan, Express Tribune.


Hasan prevent suicide bomber in school despite his friends ran .

Flood of praise and tribute flowing to a Pakistani teenager who died because preventing suicide bomber attacked the school .
Aitzaz Hasan 15 -year -old was out of school with her friends on Monday ( 06 / 01 ) when he saw a man with a vest containing explosives approached.
Reports say his friends ran into the school , but he resisted the attackers who detonated explosives in his vest ,
Praise and respect in social media flows directly after the news of the action crowded reported .
There was also a call for Hasan received the highest military honor of the soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the country as yet unclear whether the civilians he is eligible to receive it .
Attempts school attack occurred in Ibrahimzai , Shiite neighborhoods in northwest Pakistan . At that time, about 2,000 students are in school .
"My son made ​​his mother cry , but do not make hundreds of mothers crying for their children , " said the father of Hasan , Mujahid Ali told the Pakistani newspaper , the Express Tribune .

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