Badai Musim Dingin AS 2014 - U.S. Winter Storm 2014

Suhu di AS diperkirakan tembus rekor

5 Januari 2014
Badai Musim Dingin AS 2014 -  U.S. Winter Storm 2014
Otoritas di AS meminta penduduk tetap tinggal di rumah

Suhu dingin di sebagian wilayah AS diperkirakan akan semakin buruk dengan temperatur yang terus menurun dan kemungkinan menembus rekor terendah.
Badai musim dingin terjadi di Kanada dan bagian timur laut AS dengan ketebalan salju mencapai 60 cm.
Cuaca dingin disebutkan telah menyebabkan 16 orang tewas dan lebih dari 5.000 penerbangan tertunda, sejak Rabu (01/01) lalu.
Perkiraan cuaca menyebutkan temperatur di bagian wilayah AS diperkirakan akan menembus -50 derajat celcius, dan disertai udara dingin.
Otoritas setempat telah memperingatkan warga untuk tinggal di dalam ruangan, demi keselamatan mereka dan agar pembersihan jalanan dari tumpukan salju dapat dilakukan tanpa hambatan.
Badai Musim Dingin AS 2014 -  U.S. Winter Storm 2014
Sejumlah negara bagian yang akan mengalami temperatur paling rendah di wilayah AS, antara lain Ohio, South Dakota dan Illinois. Diperkirakan akan terjadi pada Sabtu malam hingga Selasa.
Jika itu terjadi maka akan menjadi temperatur yang paling rendah selama dua dekade,sejak 1994 lalu.
Sementara itu di Kanada, temperatur terus menurun mencapai -29 derajat celsius di Toronto dan -38C di Quebec City, dan merupakan yang terendah selama dua dekade di wilayah tersebut.
Salju tebal juga menyelimuti AS terutama di New York, Connecticut dan Massachusetts, yang menyebabkan sekolah ditutup, sistem transportasi terganggu dan masyarakat diminta untuk tetap tinggal di rumah.

Badai musim dingin di AS, 2.300 penerbangan batal

3 Januari 2014
Badai Musim Dingin AS 2014 -  U.S. Winter Storm 2014
Bandara JFK ditutup agar petugas bisa membersihkan salju di landas pacu.

Badai musim dingin mengacaukan layanan transportasi di kawasan Amerika timur laut, hari Jumat (03/01).
Ketebalan salju mencapai 60 cm di beberapa tempat dan sekitar 2.300 penerbangan dibatalkan dan angkanya diperkirakan akan bertambah.

New York dan New Jersey memberlakukan keadaan darurat sementara sekolah diliburkan.
Temperatur turun hingga -25 derajat Celcius di New York dan petugas di badan meteorologi mengatakan angin dingin dengan kecepatan 30 mil/jam bisa menyebabkan frostbite atau radang dingin dalam waktu 30 menit.
Gubernur New York, Andrew Cuomo, mengatakan kondisinya serius dan warga sebaiknya tidak keluar rumah.
Seruan yang sama juga dikeluarkan walikota New York yang baru, Bill de Blasio.
Badai Musim Dingin AS 2014 -  U.S. Winter Storm 2014
Ketebalan salju mencapai 60 cm di beberapa tempat di New York.
"Kalau memang tidak perlu keluar rumah, jangan keluar rumah. Jangan berada di jalan, jangan berada di dalam mobil," kata Del Blasio.
Gubernur New Jersey, Chris Christie, memerintahkan semua pegawai yang tidak bekerja di layanan darurat untuk tinggal di rumah.
Keputusan yang sama diambil oleh pemerintah negara bagian di Massachusetts dan Connecticut.

Pantai Timur AS dihantam badai salju

3 Januari 2014
Badai Musim Dingin AS 2014 -  U.S. Winter Storm 2014
Di tiga negara bagian AS, ribuan warga tidak memiliki listrik

Kawasan pantai utara AS dilanda badai salju besar yang membawa salju setebal 53 cm di satu kota Massachusetts.
Ribuan penerbangan dibatalkan karena badai salju bergerak ke timur dari wilayah tengah.
Gubernur New York dan New England mengumumkan status darurat dan meminta warga untuk tinggal di dalam rumah.
Di Kanada, suhu mencapai -26C di Montreal dan Winnipeg.
Pada hari Kamis, Quebec mencatat suhu terendah dalam sejarah yaitu -46C, kata ahli meteorologi dari Environment Canada Bernard Duguay kepada BBC.
Badai diperkirakan akan memburuk pada Kamis malam dan Jumat pagi.

'Selimut salju'

"Kita akan mengalami salju tebal dan angin kencang," kata Jason Tuell, dari National Weather Service AS.
"Kami prihatin dengan situasi selimut salju yang mungkin akan terjadi nanti malam."
Pada Kamis petang, badan cuaca itu mengatakan observasi tidak resmi mereka mencatat adanya salju setebal 53cm di Boxforth, Boston utara.
Wilayah lain di Massachusetts serta New York juga mengalami situasi serupa.
Sementara di negara bagian Vermont, New Hampshire dan Maine aliran listrik ke ribuan rumah dipadamkan karena badai es.


Badai es, ratusan ribu rumah AS masih padam listrik

26 Desember 2013
Badai Musim Dingin AS 2014 -  U.S. Winter Storm 2014
Cuaca masih di bawah titik beku dan es masih akan menyelimuti Kanada.

Aliran listrik di lebih 500.000 rumah di Amerika timur laut dan tenggara Kanada masih terputus menyusul badai es akhir pekan lalu.
Para petugas bekerja siang malam untuk memperbaiki aliran listrik namun para petugas memperingatkan sebagian rumah kemungkinan masih mengalami padam listrik sampai paling tidak hari Sabtu.
Di Toronto, sekitar 72.000 orang merayakan Natal tanpa listrik, kata para pejabat di Provinsi Ontario.
Paling tidak 27 orang dilaporkan meninggal akibat badai es itu.
Sebagian besar akibat keracunan karbon monoksida karena banyak yang menggunakan generator gas, kompor batubara dan perlengkapan lain sebagai alat penghangat rumah.
Di tempat lain di Kanada, puluhan ribu orang masih mengalami padam listrik di New Brunswick dan Quebec.
Perjalanan antara Toronto dan Montreal, Ottawa dan New York terganggu akibat badai ini.
Di Amerika Serikat, negara bagian dari Maine sampai Michigan terkena dampak badai salju ini.
Pakar meteorologi Kanada David Phillips memperingatkan pekan in bahwa suhu masih berada di bawah titik beku.
"Cuaca tidak membantu dan petugas yang harus berupaya membersihkan lapisan es di kawasan Kanada timur," kata David Phillips.


Temperatures in the U.S. is estimated to break its recordJanuary 5, 2014cold temperaturesU.S. authorities asked residents to stay home

Cold temperatures in parts of the U.S. is expected to get worse with the temperature continues to decline and is likely to hit a record low.Winter storm occurred in Canada and the northeastern U.S. with snow thickness reached 60 cm .Mentioned cold weather has caused 16 people were killed and more than 5,000 flights delayed , since Wednesday ( 01 / 01 ) ago.Weather forecasts say that temperatures in parts of the U.S. are expected to penetrate -50 degrees centigrade , and with cold air .Local authorities have warned residents to stay indoors , for their safety and for clearing streets of snow can be performed without a hitch .snow U.S.A number of states that will experience the lowest temperatures in the continental U.S. , including Ohio , South Dakota and Illinois . Expected to occur on a Saturday night until Tuesday .If that happens it will be the lowest temperature for two decades , since 1994 .Meanwhile in Canada , the temperature continued to decrease reaching -29 degrees Celsius in Toronto and - 38C in Quebec City , and was the lowest for two decades in the region .Heavy snow also blanketed the U.S. , especially in New York , Connecticut and Massachusetts , which led to closed schools , disrupted transport system and the public are asked to remain at home .Winter storm in the U.S. , 2,300 flights canceledJanuary 3, 2014Winter storm in New YorkJFK airport was closed so workers could clear the snow on the runway .

Winter storm messed transportation services in the northeastern U.S. , on Friday ( 03 / 01 ) .The thickness of the snow reached 60 centimeters in some places and about 2,300 flights were canceled , and the figure is expected to rise .

JFK airport in New York to be closed so that workers can move snow from the runway .New York and New Jersey declared a state of emergency while schools were closed .The temperature dropped to -25 degrees Celsius in New York and officials in the meteorological agency said cold winds with a speed of 30 miles / hour can cause frostbite or frostbite within 30 minutes .Governor of New York , Andrew Cuomo , said the condition is serious and people should not leave the house .The same appeal was also issued new mayor of New York , Bill de Blasio .Winter storm in New YorkThe thickness of the snow reached 60 centimeters in some places in New York ." If it does not have to leave the house , do not leave the house . Do not be on the road , do not be in a car , " said Del Blasio .New Jersey Governor , Chris Christie , ordered all the employees who do not work in the emergency services to stay at home .The same decision was taken by the state government in Massachusetts and Connecticut .U.S. East Coast hit by snow stormJanuary 3, 2014snow storm asIn three U.S. states , thousands of people have no electricity

U.S. northern coastal areas hit by the massive snow storm that brought snow as thick as 53 cm in one Massachusetts town .Thousands of flights were canceled because of a snow storm moves eastward from the central region .Governor of New York and New England announced a state of emergency and asked residents to stay indoors .In Canada , the temperature reached - 26C in Montreal and Winnipeg .On Thursday , Quebec recorded the lowest temperature is - 46C in history , said Environment Canada meteorologist Bernard Duguay of the BBC .The storm is expected to worsen on Thursday night and Friday morning .' Blanket of snow '" We will experience heavy snow and strong winds , " said Jason Tuell , from the U.S. National Weather Service ." We are concerned with the situation of a blanket of snow that might happen tonight . "On Thursday afternoon , the weather service said unofficial observations they noted the 53cm of snow in Boxforth , Boston north .Other areas in Massachusetts and New York are also experiencing a similar situation .While in the state of Vermont , New Hampshire and Maine off power to thousands of homes extinguished due to an ice storm .
Ice storm , hundreds of thousands of U.S. homes still without powerDecember 26, 2013Canadian ice stormThe weather was below freezing and the ice still will envelop Canada .

The flow of electricity in over 500,000 homes in the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada still uninterruptible following the ice storm last weekend .The officers worked day and night to improve the flow of electricity , but officials warned some homes may still experiencing power outages until at least Saturday .In Toronto , about 72,000 people celebrate Christmas without power , officials said in the Province of Ontario .At least 27 people are reported dead as a result of the ice storm .Largely as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning because many use gas generators , coal stoves and other equipment as a means of heating the home .Elsewhere in Canada , tens of thousands of people are still experiencing power outages in New Brunswick and Quebec .Travel between Toronto and Montreal , Ottawa and New York were disrupted by the storm .In the United States , the state of Maine to Michigan affected by the snow storm .Canada meteorologist David Phillips warned in the week that the temperature remained below the freezing point ." The weather did not help and the officer should attempt to clean the ice sheet in eastern Canada region , " said David Phillips .


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