11 Januari 2014
Jajak pendapat internasional
menempatkan pendiri Microsoft dan dermawan Bill Gates sebagai sosok
hidup yang paling dikagumi di seluruh dunia.
Tokoh kedua yang paling dikagumi masyarakat
dunia adalah Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama. Presiden Rusia
Vladimir Putin menempati urutan ketiga diusul oleh Paus Fransiskus.Di Indonesia, Barack Obama berada di puncak daftar tokoh dunia yang paling dikagumi, disusul dua pemain sepak bola masing-masing Christiano Ronaldo dan Lionel Messi.
Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo berada di bawah Messi.
Di Cina, Bill Gates tercatat sebagai tokoh yang paling dikagumi, bahkan mengalahkan Presiden Xi Jinping.
Survei yang dilakukan oleh You.Gov untuk surat kabar Times melibatkan 14.000 responden di 13 negara.
Menurut You.Gov, bila mantan Presiden Afrika Selatan Nelson Mandela masih hidup, ia akan menduduki tempat pertama jika saja survei dilakukan satu bulan sebelumnya.
January 11, 2014Bill GatesBill Gates donates some of his wealth to charitable purposes in many countries .
International poll puts Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates as the most admired life figure around the world .The second figure is the most admired people of the world is the United States President Barack Obama . Russian President Vladimir Putin was third, proposed by Francis Pope .Specifically in the area of the United States , the prestige of the Pope Francis beat Obama , or two times more admired than their president .In Indonesia , Barack Obama topped the list of world 's most admired figures , followed by two football players each Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi .Jakarta Governor , Joko Widodo is under Messi .In China , Bill Gates noted as the most admired figures , even beating President Xi Jinping .A survey conducted by the Times newspaper You.Gov for involving 14,000 respondents in 13 countries .According You.Gov , when former South African President Nelson Mandela is still alive , he would occupy the first place if only one month prior to the survey .
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