20 Januari 2012
Penemuan Miller"s Grizzled Langurs terjadi secara kebetulan. |
Tim peneliti internasional
menemukan kembali salah satu monyet yang dianggap sudah punah, Miller's
Grizzled Langur, di luar habitat yang diketahui sebelumnya.
Monyet dengan nama Latin Presbytis hosei
canicrus ditemukan di hutan lindung Wehea, Kalimantan Timur, dan
penemuannya diterbitkan di American Journal of Primatology hari Jumat
(20/1).Dia menambahkan penemuan monyet yang dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Miller's Grizzled Langur mengejutkan para penelitu karena hutan Wehea berada jauh dari jangkauan monyet ini.
Habitat rusak
Presbytis hosei canicrus ini sebelumnya ditemukan di sepanjang Kalimantan bagian timur laut, Sumatra, Jawa, dan semenanjung Thailand-Malaysia.Namun beberapa tahun lalu muncul kekhawatiran monyet sudah punah karena habitatnya sudah rusak akibat kebakaran hutan, penjarahan manusia, dan penambangan.
Survei lapangan yang diadakan pada 2005 menunjukkan habitat sudah bersih dari Miller's Grizzled Langur.
Penemuan kembali monyet ini terjadi secara tidak sengaja. Tim peneliti memasang kamera di hutan Wehea pada Juni 2010 dengan harapan bisa menangkap gambar orangutan dan binatang-binatang liar lain yang diketahui biasa berkumpul di sejumlah titik.
Foto-foto yang mereka dapatkan mengejutkan mereka karena ada sekelompok monyet yang belum pernah mereka lihat sebelumnya.
January 20, 2012Miller " s Grizzled langursThe discovery of Miller " s Grizzled langurs occur by chance .
The international research team rediscover one of the monkeys that are considered extinct , Miller 's Grizzled Langur , beyond the previously known habitat .
Monkey with a Latin name Presbytis hosei canicrus found in protected forests Wehea , East Kalimantan , and the discovery was published in the American Journal of Primatology on Friday ( 20/1 ) .
" We are all very pleased to find the fact that this monkey still lives , and also in Wehea , " said Brent Loken , a researcher from Simon Fraser University , Canada , as quoted by AP news agency .
He added that the discovery of the monkey in English called the Miller 's Grizzled Langur surprising because the penelitu Wehea forest was far from the reach of the monkey .damaged habitat
Presbytis hosei canicrus previously found along the northeastern part of Borneo , Sumatra , Java and the Thai - Malaysian peninsula .
But a few years ago, there were fears monkey extinct because their habitats have been damaged by forest fires , looting humans , and mining .
Field surveys were conducted in 2005 showed the habitat has been cleared of Miller 's Grizzled Langur .
The discovery of this monkey returned happen by accident . The research team put the camera in Wehea forest in June 2010 in hopes of capturing images of orangutans and other wild animals are known to congregate at several points regular .
The photos that they get their surprise as there are a bunch of monkeys that they had never seen before .
Lutung selang ini
Lutung selang itu (Presbytis hosei) adalah spesies primata dalam keluarga Cercopithecidae. Ini adalah endemik pulau Kalimantan, termasuk Brunei, Kalimantan (Indonesia), dan Malaysia Timur. Habitat alamnya adalah hutan kering subtropis atau tropis. Hal ini terancam oleh hilangnya habitat. Ini pertama kali diidentifikasi di Taman Nasional Kutai dan Sangkulirang Peninsula, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, pada tahun 1985.
Lutung beruban Miller, subspesies, sangat langka dan telah dianggap punah, sampai pers mengumumkan pada Januari 2012 yang "penemuan kembali". Populasi lutung beruban Miller pertama kali dijelaskan di Taman Nasional Kutai dan Sangkulirang Peninsula, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, pada tahun 1985.
Di masa lalu primata tersebut telah diburu untuk daging mereka dan batu bezoar sesekali. Bersama dengan hilangnya habitat alami populasi ini telah menurun.
Sebuah tim ilmuwan internasional dari Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dan Republik Ceko, telah mempelajari populasi baru ini dan menerbitkan temuan mereka di American Journal of Primatologi.
Para ilmuwan telah menyiapkan peralatan perekaman time-lapse di hutan Wehea dari ujung timur pulau Kalimantan, pada Juni 2011. Mereka ditemukan di lebih dari 4.000 gambar mereka primata, yang sangat langka butuh upaya para ilmuwan untuk memverifikasi dari foto lama apa yang mereka temukan. Daerah ini hutan ini tampaknya di luar jangkauan dikenal primata 'sebelumnya, menjadi utara-timur bagian dari Kalimantan, serta pulau Sumatera dan Jawa dan semenanjung Thailand-Malaysia.
Bagian jenis
Lutung beruban Miller, Presbytis hosei canicrus
Lutung beruban Everett, Presbytis hosei everetti
Lutung beruban selang itu, Presbytis hosei hosei
Saban lutung beruban, Presbytis hosei sabana
Kepunahan Terancam Pada tahun 1996, lutung yang Hose di Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, berada di antara primata yang paling umum di daerah. Pada tahun 2003, kepadatan populasi lutung yang Hose ini telah menurun dari 50-80% selama kurun waktu tujuh tahun. Penurunan tiba-tiba dalam populasi muncul dari meningkatnya permintaan untuk batu bezoar dan untuk mencegah pengambilan hasil tanaman pertanian, dan laju deforestasi dan penghapusan habitat primata itu.
Kepadatan lutung Hose secara positif berkorelasi dengan tinggi pohon, ketinggian dahan pertama, diameter pohon, dan tutupan kanopi, dan negatif dengan penutupan vegetasi pada tingkat rendah dan tanah. Dengan deforestasi dan perusakan habitat yang konstan, lutung yang Hose itu terus kehilangan habitatnya. Setiap daerah yang dikenal di mana bertempat tinggal primata telah terpengaruh parah, dengan pengecualian daerah terdalam hutan yang telah relatif tak tersentuh oleh manusia.
Miller beruban Langur
Presbytis hosei canicrus, atau Miller beruban Langur, adalah salah satu primata paling langka di Kalimantan. Dengan sedikit informasi tentang hal itu, ia berpikir untuk menjadi berkali-kali punah. Pada tahun 2012, sebuah tim ilmuwan internasional menemukan kembali Miller beruban Langur di Hutan Wehea di Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan, menyanggah rumor kepunahan. Terbatas pada rentang geografis dari pantai tengah Kalimantan Timur ke Taman Nasional Kutai, spesies tersebut sangat dianggap sebagai primata endemik dan sangat rentan.
Dengan beberapa faktor seperti penggundulan hutan habitatnya dan diburu untuk batu bezoar dan sumber makanan, para ahli berspekulasi subspesies punah dalam waktu dekat.
The surilis adalah kelompok monyet Dunia Lama dan membuat keseluruhan dari genus Presbytis. Mereka tinggal di Semenanjung Thai-Malay, di Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa dan pulau-pulau kecil di dekatnya.
Surilis agak kecil, primata ramping dibangun. Bulu mereka di atas berwarna coklat, abu-abu, hitam atau oranye, dan pada permukaan bawah putih atau keabu-abuan, kadang-kadang juga oranye, dengan beberapa spesies yang memiliki desain bulu di kepala atau di pinggul. Nama Jerman mereka Mützenlanguren ("lutung capped") berasal dari rambut di kepala mereka, yang membentuk seberkas a. Mereka berbeda dari lutung lain dengan karakteristik bentuk kepala mereka (terutama tulang alis kurang berkembang atau tidak ada, dan tulang hidung yang menonjol), pada gigi dan dengan ukuran jempol kecil mereka. Surilis rentang panjang dewasa 40-60 cm (dengan ekor panjang 50-85 cm) dan berat 5 sampai 8 kg.
Penghuni hutan diurnal, mereka menghabiskan hampir seluruh hidup mereka di pohon-pohon. Mereka hidup berkelompok hingga 21 hewan (rata-rata 10 atau kurang di sebagian besar spesies hewan) yang terdiri dari laki-laki, beberapa perempuan, dan anak-anak mereka. Beberapa spesies telah diamati pada pasangan monogami (khususnya lutung Mentawai), meskipun ini mungkin reaksi terhadap penurunan habitat mereka. Laki-laki tunggal dan kelompok semua laki-laki juga telah dilaporkan. Kelompok-kelompok hirarkis dikembangkan, dengan komunikasi antarkelompok yang bersifat vokal dan postural.
Diet surilis 'terdiri dari daun, buah-buahan, dan biji-bijian.
Kehamilan adalah waktu lima sampai enam bulan, dan kelahiran biasanya tunggal muda. Hewan yang baru lahir berwarna putih dan memiliki strip hitam di bagian belakang, meskipun beberapa memiliki tanda silang berbentuk. Pada satu tahun muda disapih dan pada usia empat hingga lima tahun mereka sepenuhnya matang. Harapan hidup yang khas di alam liar masih kurang dikenal untuk sebagian besar spesies, tetapi captive surilis Sumatera telah hidup selama lebih dari 18 tahun.
Beberapa spesies dalam genus ini dibatasi untuk daerah dengan kerusakan habitat yang luas, dan juga terancam oleh perburuan. Akibatnya, 8 dari 11 spesies yang dinilai sebagai rentan atau lebih buruk oleh IUCN, dan Surili Sarawak telah disebut sebagai "salah satu primata paling langka di dunia." Baru-baru ini sebuah subspesies lutung Hose disebut lutung beruban Miller, dianggap punah, ditemukan kembali di hutan Wehea di ujung timur pulau Kalimantan, [6] meskipun tetap menjadi salah satu primata dunia yang paling terancam punah.
Taksonomi Dua genera tambahan, Trachypithecus dan Semnopithecus, yang sebelumnya dianggap subgenera dari Presbytis. Spesies-level taksonomi Presbytis adalah kompleks, dan perubahan signifikan telah diusulkan selama beberapa tahun terakhir.
Genus Presbytis
Surili Sumatera, Presbytis melalophos
Kuning tangan Surili simpai, Presbytis melalophos melalophos
Presbytis melalophos bicolor,
Presbytis melalophos sumatrana,
Presbytis melalophos mitrata,
Banded Surili, Presbytis femoralis
Raffles banded Surili, Presbytis femoralis femoralis
Robinson banded Surili, Presbytis femoralis robinsoni
Sumatra Timur banded Surili, Presbytis femoralis percura
Sarawak Surili, Presbytis chrysomelas
Surili banded Borneo, Presbytis chrysomelas chrysomelas
Surili triwarna, Presbytis chrysomelas cruciger
White-thighed Surili, Presbytis siamensis
Malayan Surili putih thighed, Presbytis siamensis siamensis
Presbytis siamensis rhionis
Presbytis siamensis cana
Presbytis siamensis paenulata
White-fronted Surili, Presbytis frontata
Surili Jawa, Presbytis comata
Beruban monyet daun, Presbytis comata comata
Lutung jawa fuscous, Presbytis comata fredericae
Thomas lutung, Presbytis thomasi
Lutung selang itu, Presbytis hosei
Lutung beruban selang itu, Presbytis hosei hosei
Lutung beruban Everett, Presbytis hosei everetti
Saban lutung beruban, Presbytis hosei sabana
Lutung beruban Miller, Presbytis hosei canicrus
Maroon monyet daun, Presbytis rubicunda
Lutung merah marun Muller, Presbytis rubicunda rubicunda
Presbytis rubicunda rubida
Presbytis rubicunda ignita
Lutung merah marun Davis, Presbytis rubicunda chrysea
Karimata Pulau maroon lutung, Presbytis rubicunda carimatae
Lutung Mentawai atau Joja, Presbytis potenziani
Golden-bellied Mentawai lutung, Presbytis potenziani potenziani
Sombre-bellied Mentawai lutung, Presbytis potenziani siberu
Pulau Natuna Surili, Presbytis natunae
Hose's langur
Hose's langur (Presbytis hosei) is a species of primate in the Cercopithecidae family. It is endemic to the island of Borneo, including Brunei, Kalimantan (Indonesia), and East Malaysia. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests. It is threatened by habitat loss. It was first identified in Kutai National Park and Sangkulirang Peninsula, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 1985.
Miller's grizzled langur, a subspecies, is very rare and had been thought to be extinct, until the press announced in January 2012 its "rediscovery". Populations of Miller's grizzled langurs were first described in Kutai National Park and Sangkulirang Peninsula, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 1985.
In the past these primates had been hunted for their meat and occasional bezoar stones. Together with loss of natural habitats these populations have declined.
An international team of scientists from Indonesia, USA, Canada, and Czech Republic, have studied this new population and published their findings in the American Journal of Primatology.
Scientists had set up time-lapse recording equipment in the Wehea forest of the eastern tip of Borneo island, in June 2011. They discovered in over 4,000 of their images the primate, which was so rare it took efforts for the scientists to verify from old pictures what they had discovered. This area of forest is apparently outside of the primates' previous known range, being north-eastern part of Borneo, as well as the islands of Sumatra and Java and the Thai-Malay peninsula.
Miller's grizzled langur, Presbytis hosei canicrus
Everett's grizzled langur, Presbytis hosei everetti
Hose's grizzled langur, Presbytis hosei hosei
Saban grizzled langur, Presbytis hosei sabana
Threatened Extinction
In 1996, the Hose’s langurs of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, were among the most common primates in the area. In 2003, the population densities of the Hose's langurs have decreased from 50-80% over the seven year span. The sudden drop in population arises from the rising demand for its bezoar stones and to prevent crop-raiding, and the rapid deforestation and removal of the primate's habitat.
Densities of Hose's langurs positively correlate with tree height, height of the first bough, tree diameter, and canopy cover, and negatively with vegetation cover at low and ground level. With the constant deforestation and destruction of its habitat, the Hose's langurs continue to lose its habitat. Every known area in which the primate resides have been affected severely, with the exception of the innermost areas of forests that have been relatively untouched by humans.
Miller's Grizzled Langur
Presbytis hosei canicrus, or the Miller's Grizzled Langur, are one of the rarest primates in Borneo. With little information about it, it was thought to be extinct numerous times. In 2012, a team of international scientists rediscovered the Miller's Grizzled Langur in Wehea Forest in East Kalimantan, Borneo, disproving the rumors of its extinction. Limited to a geographical range from the central coast of East Kalimantan to the Kutai National Park, the species is highly regarded as an endemic and extremely vulnerable primate.
With the multiple factors such as deforestation of its habitat and its overhunting for its bezoar stones and food source, experts speculate the subspecies becoming extinct in the very near future.
The surilis are a group of Old World monkeys and make up the entirety of the genus Presbytis. They live in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, on Sumatra, Borneo, Java and smaller nearby islands.
Surilis are rather small, slim built primates. Their fur at the top is brown, grey, black or orange, and at the lower surface whitish or greyish, sometimes also orange, with some species having fur designs at the head or at the hips. Their German name of Mützenlanguren ("capped langurs") comes from the hair on their head, which forms a tuft. They differ from the other langurs by characteristics in the shape of their head (particularly the poorly developed or absent brow ridges, and the prominent nasal bones), in the teeth and by the size of their small thumbs. Surilis range in adult length from 40 to 60 cm (with a 50 to 85 cm long tail) and a weight of 5 to 8 kg.
Diurnal forest dwellers, they spend nearly their entire life in the trees. They live in groups of up to 21 animals (average 10 or less animals in most species) consisting of a male, several females, and their young. A few species have been observed in monogamous pairings (particularly the Mentawai langur), although this might be a reaction to the decrease of their habitat. Lone males and all-male groups have also been reported. The groups are hierarchically developed, with intergroup communication that is both vocal and postural.
The surilis' diet consists of leaves, fruits, and seeds.
Gestation time is five to six months, and births are typically of single young. Newborn animals are white colored and have a black strip at the back, although some have a cross-shaped mark. By one year the young are weaned and at an age of four to five years they are fully mature. The typical life expectancy in the wild remains poorly known for most species, but captive Sumatran surilis have lived for more than 18 years.
Several species in this genus are restricted to regions with extensive habitat destruction, and are also threatened by hunting. Consequently, 8 of the 11 species are rated as vulnerable or worse by IUCN, and the Sarawak surili has been referred to as "one of the rarest primates in the world." Recently a subspecies of Hose's langur called Miller's grizzled langur, thought to be extinct, was rediscovered in the Wehea Forest on the eastern tip of Borneo island,[6] though it remains one of the world's most endangered primates.
Two additional genera, Trachypithecus and Semnopithecus, were formerly considered subgenera of Presbytis. The species-level taxonomy of Presbytis is complex, and significant changes have been proposed for several in recent years.
Genus Presbytis
Sumatran surili, Presbytis melalophos
Yellow-handed mitered surili, Presbytis melalophos melalophos
Presbytis melalophos bicolor,
Presbytis melalophos sumatrana,
Presbytis melalophos mitrata,
Banded surili, Presbytis femoralis
Raffle's banded surili, Presbytis femoralis femoralis
Robinson's banded surili, Presbytis femoralis robinsoni
East Sumatran banded surili, Presbytis femoralis percura
Sarawak surili, Presbytis chrysomelas
Bornean banded surili, Presbytis chrysomelas chrysomelas
Tricolored surili, Presbytis chrysomelas cruciger
White-thighed surili, Presbytis siamensis
Malayan white-thighed surili, Presbytis siamensis siamensis
Presbytis siamensis rhionis
Presbytis siamensis cana
Presbytis siamensis paenulata
White-fronted surili, Presbytis frontata
Javan surili, Presbytis comata
Grizzled leaf monkey, Presbytis comata comata
Javan fuscous langur, Presbytis comata fredericae
Thomas's langur, Presbytis thomasi
Hose's langur, Presbytis hosei
Hose's grizzled langur, Presbytis hosei hosei
Everett's grizzled langur, Presbytis hosei everetti
Saban grizzled langur, Presbytis hosei sabana
Miller's grizzled langur, Presbytis hosei canicrus
Maroon leaf monkey, Presbytis rubicunda
Muller's maroon langur, Presbytis rubicunda rubicunda
Presbytis rubicunda rubida
Presbytis rubicunda ignita
Davis's maroon langur, Presbytis rubicunda chrysea
Karimata Island maroon langur, Presbytis rubicunda carimatae
Mentawai langur or joja, Presbytis potenziani
Golden-bellied Mentawai langur, Presbytis potenziani potenziani
Sombre-bellied Mentawai langur, Presbytis potenziani siberu
Natuna Island surili, Presbytis natunae
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