Dilansir dari berbagai sumber inilah beberapa olahraga yang bisa membantu mendapatkan kaki yang indah :
1. Squats
2. Swing leg
Pertama ayunkan kaki ke arah depan, dan bertujuan pada 90 derajat dari
tanah. Kemudian ayunkan kaki kearah belakang dengan posisi yang sama.
Cobalah untuk menahan posisi sudut sebentar. Kemudian kembali ke posisi
berdiri untuk relaksasi. Ulangi ini sebanyak mungkin dan sebisamu,
setidaknya 30 menit.
3. Hamstrings
4. Step up
Feet is one part of the body that makes a woman look sexy . Every woman must have longed for beautifully foot ladder belonging to the members of K-Pop idol girl group . Quite difficult to dislodge fat in the legs . But to get a beautiful slender legs and can be done by regular exercise .Reporting from various sources here are a few sports that can help get beautiful legs :
1 . squatsShaping Legs Beautiful - Shaping Legs BeautifulSquats are the best exercise for toning the legs . How to do squats is an upright posture , spread arms straight forward parallel to the shoulder . Then lower body like a sitting position to form an angle of 90 degrees . Then back again to its original position . Do as much as 20-25 times in one count . Perform this exercise routine gradually 3 to 4 times .
2 . Swing legShaping Legs Beautiful - Shaping Legs BeautifulThis is one exercise for the thighs and legs mengecangkan . Swinging leg is also a simple exercise that is very enjoyable . Simply take any seat or poles , then stood up straight and place your hands straight side edge of the seat . Make sure your spine was straight . Then lift both legs straight ahead and then swing your legs forward and backward to form an angle of 90 degrees . Make sure your legs straight with toes pointing outwards , like a ballet dancer .
First swing your legs to the front , and is aimed at 90 degrees from the ground . Then swing your legs towards the back in the same position . Try to hold the position of a short corner . Then return to a standing position for relaxation . Repeat this as much as possible and you can, at least 30 minutes .
3 . hamstringsShaping Legs Beautiful - Shaping Legs BeautifulThis exercise focuses on the hamstrings tighten , and make legs look toned and firm . The trick grab a seat to hold the body then the body bent forward and palms touching the chair , and straighten your legs . Then drag one leg straight back and bend one leg . Hold for a few moments and then back to the starting position . Repeat as many times as possible in one count , but did according to ability . Do it 4-5 times a day is gradually
4 . A step upShaping Legs Beautiful - Shaping Legs BeautifulThis is most easily done sports . In addition to this simple exercise fun and easy to do anywhere . How to simply stand on the floor with one rung . Stand straight under the stairs then pijakkan one foot to one foot and then rung again . Repeat with the alternate leg . This sport is very convenient as we climb the stairs . Do it in a matter of 8-10 , at least for 30 minutes .
1 . squatsShaping Legs Beautiful - Shaping Legs BeautifulSquats are the best exercise for toning the legs . How to do squats is an upright posture , spread arms straight forward parallel to the shoulder . Then lower body like a sitting position to form an angle of 90 degrees . Then back again to its original position . Do as much as 20-25 times in one count . Perform this exercise routine gradually 3 to 4 times .
2 . Swing legShaping Legs Beautiful - Shaping Legs BeautifulThis is one exercise for the thighs and legs mengecangkan . Swinging leg is also a simple exercise that is very enjoyable . Simply take any seat or poles , then stood up straight and place your hands straight side edge of the seat . Make sure your spine was straight . Then lift both legs straight ahead and then swing your legs forward and backward to form an angle of 90 degrees . Make sure your legs straight with toes pointing outwards , like a ballet dancer .
First swing your legs to the front , and is aimed at 90 degrees from the ground . Then swing your legs towards the back in the same position . Try to hold the position of a short corner . Then return to a standing position for relaxation . Repeat this as much as possible and you can, at least 30 minutes .
3 . hamstringsShaping Legs Beautiful - Shaping Legs BeautifulThis exercise focuses on the hamstrings tighten , and make legs look toned and firm . The trick grab a seat to hold the body then the body bent forward and palms touching the chair , and straighten your legs . Then drag one leg straight back and bend one leg . Hold for a few moments and then back to the starting position . Repeat as many times as possible in one count , but did according to ability . Do it 4-5 times a day is gradually
4 . A step upShaping Legs Beautiful - Shaping Legs BeautifulThis is most easily done sports . In addition to this simple exercise fun and easy to do anywhere . How to simply stand on the floor with one rung . Stand straight under the stairs then pijakkan one foot to one foot and then rung again . Repeat with the alternate leg . This sport is very convenient as we climb the stairs . Do it in a matter of 8-10 , at least for 30 minutes .
Tips beautiful legs of Korean Artist - Tips kaki indah dari Artis Korea
Para artis Korea tak segan memberikan tips kepada penggemarnya dalam menjaga dan merawat kaki indah dan paha mulusnya.
Berikut tips agar memiliki kaki ramping, sexy, dan indah ala artis Korea:
Korea ini memiliki aktivitas yang biasa ia lakukan sebelum pergi tidur.
Kata Son Ye Jin, ia selalu melakukan pelatihan peregangan untuk
meringankan otot-otot pada kakinya.
X seminggu, Jin selalu melakukan latihan Pilates. Tak hanya itu, ia
juga suka memanjakan dirinya untuk menambahkan efek relaksasi aromatik
saat mandi. Itu bertujuan untuk menghilangkan rasa lelah pada kaki.
A Jung punya cara khusus agar pahanya mulus dan kakinya indah. Usut
punya usut, rupanya Jung paling pantang duduk bersila. Ia mengatakan,
duduk bersila justru akan membuat otot-otot paha dalam keadaan tegang.
hanya itu, Jung juga selalu memakai body lotion dan gel setiap waktu.
Hal ini diyakini dapat menambah kelembaban dan juga meningkatkan
elastisitas pada kulitnya. Jika kakinya bengkak ia akan diet. Dan ia
juga menghindari makanan pedas serta asin.
kakinya terlihat indah dan jenjang ( terlihat lebih tinggi), Lee Hye
Young mempunyai resep tersendiri. Hye Young sering memakai sepatu berhak
tinggi. Ia mengaku caranya tersebut adalah salah satu alternatif untuk
membentuk kaki terlihat indah.
juga mengungkapkan resep rahasia lainnya, yakni dengan memperbanyak
pijat dan latihan. Itu bertujuan untuk mendapatkan paha mulus dan kaki
juga sering melakukan latihan jongkok untuk otot paha dalam. Itu
dilakukannya setiap 3 menit setelah mandi, lalu ia memakai lotion khusus
dan memijat kakinya.
Ye Seul mempunyai tips khusus untuk mendapatkan kaki indahnya. Han Ye
Seul mengaku selalu melakukan pijat 2 X dalam seminggu. Selain dipijat,
dia juga melakukan pijat terapis pada dua kakinya dan spa.
sengang dan istirahat, Ye Seul selalu mengolesi kakinya dengan body
lotion. Ia mengungkapkan cara seperti itu juga bisa membantu
menghilangkan rasa lelah pada kaki.
Hyeon mengaku kunci rahasia untuk mendapatkan kaki seksinya yaitu tidak
pernah lupa untuk berolahraga. Meskipun sibuk, ia selalu meluangkan
waktu untuk berolahraga. Baik hanya sekedar jalan-jalan ataupun naik
lainnya adalah melakukan gerakan jinjit. Hyeon sering menggunakan waktu
luangnya melakukan gerakan jinjit, yakni tangan menyentuh dinding, kaki
dilebarkan sebahu. Kemudian luruskan tubuh dan lakukan gerakan jinjit.
bentuk kaki indah, Han Chae Young rajin mengunjungi pusat kebugaran
tubuh di Korea. Disela kesibukan syutingnya, ia juga tak pernah lupa
untuk melakoni aktivitas fitnes.
Chae Young mempercayai, jika fitnes sangat penting untuk menjaga kebugaran tubuh dan juga pembentukan kaki yang indah.
juga sering datang ke pusat kebugaran 5 X dalam seminggu. Ia juga
melakukan pilates dan juga latihan gravitasi. Dengan gaya gravitasi,
kata Young, gaya gravitasi dapat mempertahankan bentuk tubuh indah.
Ryeo Won merupakan salah satu artis Korea yang gemar mengenakan rok
mini dan celana pendek yang ketat. Maka, tidak heran ia sangat peduli
pada bentuk tubuh dan keindahan kakinya.
kata Ryeo, produk pelangsing. Ia percaya jika bentuk tubuh yang
langsing maka kaki juga akan terlihat indah. Ia sering menggunakan
produk pelangsing pijat setiap hari.
Dia juga gemar berolahraga kuda. Dengan berkuda, menurutnya, akan membentuk otot paha yang kuat dan seksi.
Tips beautiful legs of Korean Artist - Tips beautiful legs of Korean ArtistThe Korean artist did not hesitate to give tips to the fans in maintaining and caring for beautiful legs and smooth thighs .Here are tips that have slender legs , sexy , and beautiful style Korean artist :
Korean artist has activities he used to do before going to bed . Son Ye Jin said , he was always doing training stretching to relieve the muscles in his legs .2 X a week , Jin always doing Pilates exercises . Not only that , he also likes to pamper himself to add the effect of relaxing aromatic bath. It aims to relieve fatigue in the legs .
Kim A Jung has a special way so that her thighs smooth and beautiful legs . Investigate a investigate , Jung apparently most abstinence sitting cross-legged . He said , sitting cross-legged it would make thigh muscles in a state of tension .Not only that , Jung also always wear body lotion and gel every time . It is believed to increase the humidity and also improve elasticity in the skin . If his legs were swollen he would diet . And he also avoid spicy and salty foods .
So that her legs look beautiful and levels ( look taller ) , Lee Hye Young has its own recipe . Hye Young often wear high heels . He claimed that the way is one alternative to form legs look beautiful .He also revealed another secret recipe , namely by extending massage and exercise . It aims to get sexy smooth thighs and legs .He also frequently perform squat exercises for the muscles in the thigh . That was done every 3 minutes after bathing , then he wears a special lotion and massaging her feet .
Han Ye Seul has special tips to get beautiful legs . Han Ye Seul claim to always do massage 2 X a week . In addition to massage , he also did a massage therapist on two legs and a spa .At a time when Sengang and rest , Ye Seul always smear his legs with a body lotion . He expressed this way can also help relieve fatigue in the legs .
Hyeon Yeong confessed the secret key to get sexy legs that never forget to exercise . Although busy , he always took the time to exercise . Whether simply a walk or climb stairs .Another secret is to tiptoe movement . Hyeon often using his spare time doing tiptoe movement , the hand touching the wall , feet shoulder length widened . Then straighten your body and do the tiptoe .
Keeping the form of beautiful legs , Han Chae Young diligently visiting fitness centers in Korea . Interrupted flurry of shooting , he also never forget to carry fitness activities .Chae Young believe , if fitness is very important to keep in shape and also the formation of beautiful legs .He also often come to the gym 5X a week . He also did Pilates exercises and also gravity . With the force of gravity , said Young , the force of gravity to maintain a beautiful body shape .
Jung Ryeo Won is a Korean artist who likes to wear short skirts and tight shorts . So , no wonder she was very concerned with the shape of the body and the beauty of her legs .The secret , says Ryeo , slimming products . He believes if a slim body shape then the legs will also look beautiful . He often uses the massage slimming products every day .She also likes to exercise horses . With riding , he said , will form a strong thigh muscles and sexy .
Korean artist has activities he used to do before going to bed . Son Ye Jin said , he was always doing training stretching to relieve the muscles in his legs .2 X a week , Jin always doing Pilates exercises . Not only that , he also likes to pamper himself to add the effect of relaxing aromatic bath. It aims to relieve fatigue in the legs .
Kim A Jung has a special way so that her thighs smooth and beautiful legs . Investigate a investigate , Jung apparently most abstinence sitting cross-legged . He said , sitting cross-legged it would make thigh muscles in a state of tension .Not only that , Jung also always wear body lotion and gel every time . It is believed to increase the humidity and also improve elasticity in the skin . If his legs were swollen he would diet . And he also avoid spicy and salty foods .
So that her legs look beautiful and levels ( look taller ) , Lee Hye Young has its own recipe . Hye Young often wear high heels . He claimed that the way is one alternative to form legs look beautiful .He also revealed another secret recipe , namely by extending massage and exercise . It aims to get sexy smooth thighs and legs .He also frequently perform squat exercises for the muscles in the thigh . That was done every 3 minutes after bathing , then he wears a special lotion and massaging her feet .
Han Ye Seul has special tips to get beautiful legs . Han Ye Seul claim to always do massage 2 X a week . In addition to massage , he also did a massage therapist on two legs and a spa .At a time when Sengang and rest , Ye Seul always smear his legs with a body lotion . He expressed this way can also help relieve fatigue in the legs .
Hyeon Yeong confessed the secret key to get sexy legs that never forget to exercise . Although busy , he always took the time to exercise . Whether simply a walk or climb stairs .Another secret is to tiptoe movement . Hyeon often using his spare time doing tiptoe movement , the hand touching the wall , feet shoulder length widened . Then straighten your body and do the tiptoe .
Keeping the form of beautiful legs , Han Chae Young diligently visiting fitness centers in Korea . Interrupted flurry of shooting , he also never forget to carry fitness activities .Chae Young believe , if fitness is very important to keep in shape and also the formation of beautiful legs .He also often come to the gym 5X a week . He also did Pilates exercises and also gravity . With the force of gravity , said Young , the force of gravity to maintain a beautiful body shape .
Jung Ryeo Won is a Korean artist who likes to wear short skirts and tight shorts . So , no wonder she was very concerned with the shape of the body and the beauty of her legs .The secret , says Ryeo , slimming products . He believes if a slim body shape then the legs will also look beautiful . He often uses the massage slimming products every day .She also likes to exercise horses . With riding , he said , will form a strong thigh muscles and sexy .
Mempunyai kaki
indah sangat diidamkan oleh semua wanita, karena bisa membuat wanita
lebih percaya diri disaat memakai busana mini. Tetapi banyak wanita yang
kurang memahami cara merawat kaki agar terlihat indah.
Untuk Mengatasi masalah kaki pada wanita yaitu mempunyai betis dan kaki yang kusam. Beberapa tips untuk mengatasinya antara lain :Memijat kaki
Untuk memijat kaki secara rutin gunakanlah minyak esensial yang anda sukai. Bisa dilakukan dengan sendiri dirumah, atau di tempat refleksi. Dengan memijat menggunakan minyak esensial akan membuat kaki sehat dan berkilau.
Menggunakan Buah Lemon
Segarkanlah kaki yang lelah dengan menggunakan air dingin yang telah diberi perasan lemon dan minyak esensial. Gunakanlah minyak esensial mint agar memberi rasa dingin sampai ke dalam otot-otot kaki. Rendamlah kaki selama 15 menit.
Bersepeda dapat menjadikan kaki kita menjadi langsing dan kuat. Apabila rajin bersepeda otomatis otot kaki kita menjadi lebih kuat dan lemak pada kaki dan betis akan menghilang. Juga akan menghindarkan kita dari masalah varises.
Untuk Mengatasi masalah kaki pada wanita yaitu mempunyai betis dan kaki yang kusam. Beberapa tips untuk mengatasinya antara lain :Memijat kaki
Untuk memijat kaki secara rutin gunakanlah minyak esensial yang anda sukai. Bisa dilakukan dengan sendiri dirumah, atau di tempat refleksi. Dengan memijat menggunakan minyak esensial akan membuat kaki sehat dan berkilau.
Menggunakan Buah Lemon
Segarkanlah kaki yang lelah dengan menggunakan air dingin yang telah diberi perasan lemon dan minyak esensial. Gunakanlah minyak esensial mint agar memberi rasa dingin sampai ke dalam otot-otot kaki. Rendamlah kaki selama 15 menit.
Bersepeda dapat menjadikan kaki kita menjadi langsing dan kuat. Apabila rajin bersepeda otomatis otot kaki kita menjadi lebih kuat dan lemak pada kaki dan betis akan menghilang. Juga akan menghindarkan kita dari masalah varises.
Having Beautiful Legs - Has Beautiful Legs
Having beautiful feet is very coveted by all women, because it can make women more confident when wearing a mini dress. But many women do not understand how to care for the feet to make it look beautiful.
Overcoming problems in women that have legs and feet are dull calf. Some tips to overcome include:
Massaging foot To use a regular foot massage essential oil that you like. Can be done by yourself at home, or in a place of reflection. With a massage using essential oils will make your feet healthy and shiny.
Using Lemon Fruit Segarkanlah tired legs with cold water that has been given a lemon juice and essential oils. Use of mint essential oils to give a sense of cool to the leg muscles. Soak feet for 15 minutes.
Bicycle Cycling can make our feet become slender and strong. If the automatic cycling diligent our leg muscles become stronger and fat in the legs and calves will disappear. Also it will prevent us from varicose veins problem.
Having beautiful feet is very coveted by all women, because it can make women more confident when wearing a mini dress. But many women do not understand how to care for the feet to make it look beautiful.
Overcoming problems in women that have legs and feet are dull calf. Some tips to overcome include:
Massaging foot To use a regular foot massage essential oil that you like. Can be done by yourself at home, or in a place of reflection. With a massage using essential oils will make your feet healthy and shiny.
Using Lemon Fruit Segarkanlah tired legs with cold water that has been given a lemon juice and essential oils. Use of mint essential oils to give a sense of cool to the leg muscles. Soak feet for 15 minutes.
Bicycle Cycling can make our feet become slender and strong. If the automatic cycling diligent our leg muscles become stronger and fat in the legs and calves will disappear. Also it will prevent us from varicose veins problem.
30 Minutes to Get Beautiful Legs - 30 Menit untuk Mendapatkan Kaki Indah
Jangan lupa untuk memberi perhatian khusus pada kaki karena ini
merupakan Bagian paling krusial untuk menopang tubuh. Sayangnya,
perawatan kaki sering terlupakan dibandingkan wajah atau rambut, padahal
masalah kesehatan seperti selulit dan varises sangat fatal mengganggu
penampilan Anda. Coba tip instan ini untuk membuat kaki Anda terlihat
lebih indah.
1. Lima menit menghapus pigmentasi tidak merata.
Pulas body bronzer atau tinted body moisturizer yang mengandung taburan shimmer pada sekujur tungkai kaki untuk menyamarkannya.
2. Sepuluh menit pijat stimulasi untuk menghilangkan kulit kering.
15 tetes minyak rosemary dan juniper, dengan dua ons minyak esensial
jojoba, almond, dan grapeseed lalu pijat lembut kaki segera setiap
sehabis mandi. Jika Anda tidak punya banyak waktu, cukup balurkan body
milk yang mengandung antioksidan dan kaya pelembap serta pangkas waktu
mandi air hangat Anda menjadi maksimal 10 menit.
3. Lima belas menit melawan gravitasi untuk mencegah varises.
selesai beraktivitas menggunakan stiletto kesayangan, angkat kaki dalam
posisi berbaring. Untuk lebih relaks lagi, coba sandarkan kaki pada
ujung luar bathtub sambil berendam dan menyesap segelas wine. Jadikan
ini rutinitas.
4. Tiga puluh menit jalan cepat untuk mencegah dan menghilangkan selulit.
5 kali dalam seminggu, usahakan untuk berjalan cepat selama 30 menit
dan lakukan standing leg circles, yaitu mengangkat salah satu kaki dan
memutarnya membentuk lingkaran sebanyak 50 putaran untuk kedua kaki
setiap hari. Selain itu, kenakan pakaian dalam yang tidak terlalu ketat
dapat membuat peredaran darah lancar dan mencegah hadirnya varises
ataupun spider veins.
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