Dibawah bendera Matahari Terbit dan Swastika (yang dipasang terbalik!), para pelaut Jerman & Jepang dalam resepsi penyambutan awak U-511 di Penang tahun 1943 |
Fregattenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes, Jagoan kapal selam yang berhasil menenggelamkan 8 kapal musuh dan menjadi komandan armada U-boat Jerman di Asia Tenggara |
Wilhelm Dommes (kiri) bersama dengan Kapten Ariizumi (tengah) di bekas pangkalan udara Inggris di Penang |
Tugu peringatan mengenang armada Jerman yang dihancurkan Inggris tahun 1914 di Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof, Cikopo - Bogor |
banyak orang yang mengetahui bahwa selama penjajahan militer Jepang di
bumi Indonesia (1942-1945), beberapa satuan kapal selam Jerman ikut
“bercokol” disini untuk membantu Jepang dalam peperangannya melawan
Sekutu di Asia (seperti diketahui, Jerman dan Jepang bersekutu melawan
Amerika dan kawan-kawan selama berlangsungnya Perang Dunia II). Meskipun
peranan mereka nyaris dilupakan dan bahkan tak banyak orang yang
mengetahuinya, tapi satuan kapal selam Jerman ini, tak bisa dipungkiri,
telah mewarnai salah satu babakan dalam sejarah Indonesia yang paling
merasa “terpanggil” (bahasanya gitu loh!) untuk mengangkat masalah ini
setelah melihat betapa sedikitnya pemberitaan/penulisan sejarah mengenai
mereka. Padahal peranan mereka bisa dikatakan penting mengingat betapa
besarnya kerugian Sekutu akibat serangan dari kapal-kapal selam ini.
Tercatat, 13 kapal laut, baik kapal perang maupun kapal barang, dan 1
buah pesawat tempur Sekutu menjadi korban keganasan satuan kapal selam
Jerman yang biasa disebut Wolfpack ini. Dari pihak Jerman sendiri
bukannya tidak menderita kerugian, tercatat 8 buah kapal selamnya yang
ditenggelamkan oleh Sekutu (2 di antaranya ditenggelamkan sesudah Perang
Dunia berakhir), dan 283 pelaut terbaiknya yang tewas!
penulisan ini tidak akan menambah apa-apa, tapi saya pribadi berharap
bahwa ia akan menambah pengetahuan baru bagi yang membacanya, kalau
militer Jerman pernah mengisi lembaran dalam salah satu periode sejarah
Indonesia, dan lembaran tersebut adalah Perang Dunia II (1939-1940),
meskipun kemunculan bangsa Jerman di bumi Nusantara sendiri telah
berlangsung jauh sebelumnya. Baiklah, tanpa banyak cingcong lagi... mari
kita mulai!
selam Jerman (U-boat) bersiaga di samudera Hindia. Itu terjadi dalam
Perang Dunia II. Bagi Jerman, itu merupakan sebuah keputusan politik
strategis. Memang, kawasan ini jauh dari Jerman dan juga negara-negara
taklukannya di Eropa dan Afrika. Yang pasti, armada kapal selam Asia
Pasifik yang biasa disebut Wolfpack itu mempunyai jumlah personil
terbesar setelah armada milik Jepang sendiri yang berbasis di perairan
Indonesia. Penang, Jakarta dan Sabang adalah tempat yang biasa menjadi
utama para U-boat tersebut sebenarnya di Atlantik Utara, meskipun
sebenarnya satuan U-boat Jerman telah beroperasi di seluruh bagian
perairan dunia kecuali Antartika! Meskipun U-boat yang bertugas di Timur
Jauh tidak seterkenal yang lain, tapi sebenarnya lingkup tugas mereka
membutuhkan sumber daya yang tidak sedikit, juga jumlah U-boat yang
banyak. Masalahnya terletak karena ketidakmampuan Jerman bila harus
mengirim satuan kapal selamnya ke tempat-tempat yang jauh. Saat itu
teknologi kapal selam belumlah secanggih sekarang. Karenanya, pada akhir
tahun 1942 Hitler memutuskan untuk membangun saja pangkalan kapal selam
di Asia, dan mulailah berdatangan selusin U-boat yang bertugas untuk
menyerang kapal-kapal Sekutu di perairan tersebut, sekaligus menjadi
‘kurir’ mengangkut sumber daya alam mentah yang sangat dibutuhkan Jerman
(yang paling utama adalah karet). Kenyataannya, dari total 41 U-boat
yang pernah merasakan bertugas di perairan Indonesia, hanya dua yang
kembali ke Jerman!
Grup pertama kapal selam Jerman yang berangkat adalah Gruppe Monsun, yang terdiri dari 11 kapal.
kehadiran U-boat Jerman di Indonesia menjalani hari-hari yang
menyenangkan. Waktu itu situasinya masih sepi dari perang di laut.
Setidaknya, happy days itu terasa bila dibandingkan dengan situasi di
Samudera Hindia selebihnya. Namun, ketika memasuki tahun 1943, keadaan
jadi genting, dan situasinya tak kalah berbahaya bila dibandingkan
dengan situasi di Laut Utara.
menguasai seluruh semenanjung Asia di tahun 1943. Inggris disingkirkan,
dan Belanda digusur dari bumi Indonesia. Meningkatlah ketegangan di
Pasifik Selatan. Inggris dan Belanda tentu saja tidak rela meninggalkan
wilayah jajahan yang telah dikuasainya beratus tahun begitu saja. Mereka
berusaha untuk kembali menuntut balas sekaligus berupaya merebut
kembali bekas wilayah kolonialismenya. Mereka datang tidak
sendiri-sendiri, tapi beserta kekuatan Sekutu lainnya.
sekutu Jepang sejak berakhirnya Perang Dunia Pertama, Jerman konsisten
berjuang bahu-membahu. Apalagi musuh yang dihadapinya disini adalah
musuhnya juga di Eropa. Tak tanggung-tanggung, Jerman mengirimkan 8
kapal selamnya, U-859 dan UIT-23 (kapal selam eks Italia yang diserahkan
untuk Jerman di Singapura, 10 September 1943). Kapal-kapal selam
tersebut dipasang di Teluk Benggala sebagai pengaman pintu masuk di
Selat Malaka, yang memakai Sabang dan Penang sebagai pelabuhan sandar.
mengawal Jawa hingga ke Laut Cina Selatan, di utara Jawa ditempatkan
U-168 dan U-183. di Laut Selatan Jawa dipasang U-196. di perairan timur
ditempatkan U-537. di samping itu, terdapat juga kapal-kapal selam U-195
dan U-219 yang turut mendukung operasi melawan Sekutu.
berbagai pertempuran laut yang dijalaninya, para U-boat Jerman itu
telah mencatat berbagai prestasi, juga kegagalan, terutama selama berada
di perairan Indonesia dan sekitarnya. Memang buku-buku sejarah di
Indonesia belum mencatat berbagai peristiwa itu, padahal banyak soal
penting yang berkaitan dengan sejarah bangsa-bangsa. Tapi syukurlah,
beberapa sejarawan dunia mencatatnya.
Jepang dan perkembangan perang menimbulkan krisis bahan baku, dan
krisis itu juga dialami oleh Jerman. Di masa perang, Jerman amat
membutuhkan timah, molybdenum, karet dan kina, yang semuanya harus
didatangkan dari Timur Jauh. Seperti dicatat Bennet dalam bukunya yang
berjudul Arca Domas, 90% kebutuhan kina dunia waktu itu dipenuhi oleh
perkebunan Belanda di Jawa dan Sumatera yang telah jatuh ke tangan
Jepang. Bagi Jerman, tidak mungkin mengangkut komoditi itu tanpa
pengawalan angkatan laut, mengingat pelayaran yang panjang lagi
berbahaya ke Eropa.
mengamankan dan membangun transportasi tertutup, Jerman memodifikasi
kapal-kapal selamnya menjadi kapal kargo. Kapal U-219 yang tadinya
berada di Prancis ditarik kembali untuk mengambil lempengan logam di
Timur Jauh. Begitu pula U-180, U-195, dan U-234, yang tadinya dipakai
sebagai kapal selam tempur, dikonversi menjadi kapal selam transportasi
barang! Betapa pentingnya “misi transportasi” ini dibuktikan dari fakta
ketika pada pertengahan musim gugur tahun 1945 dalam saat-saat terakhir
kekuasaan Hitler, kapal-kapal selam ini masih berlayar ke Timur Jauh!
Namun kapal-kapal selam U-234, U-874, dan U-875, yang memuat 170 ton
merkuri, lempengan logam, dan gelas optik, tidak pernah kembali ke Eropa
dan entah dimana hilang dan karamnya!
akhir perang, terdapat 250 orang serdadu Jerman di Indonesia yang
diangkut dengan kapal selam. Sementara itu, Perang Kemerdekaan
berkecamuk antara Indonesia dan Belanda. Pada waktu itu sejumlah orang
di antara mereka (serdadu-serdadu Jerman) tewas : tiga perwira dibunuh
oleh orang Indonesia, lima lainnya ada yang meninggal karena sakit dan
ada pula yang tertembak dalam perjalanan kereta api dari Bandung ke
Jakarta. Jadi, delapan orang Jerman tewas selama periode tersebut.
Sisanya menyelamatkan diri di pulau Onrust, sebelum dipulangkan kembali
ke Jerman tahun 1946.
Jerman yang meninggal di Indonesia dimakamkan di Arca Domas, Cikopo,
yang berada di kaki Gunung Pangrango, Bogor. Di pemakaman tersebut
terdapat tugu yang didirikan pada tahun 1926 sebagai peringatan atas
Skuadron Asiatik (Ostasiatischen Beschwader), satuan angkatan laut
Jerman pada Perang Dunia I yang melakukan tugas perang di Samudera
Hindia dan Samudera Pasifik. Pada tanggal 1 November 1914 mereka melakukan
konvoy besar-besaran di Coronel, perairan Chili. Dari situ mereka
melakukan pelayaran ke Buenos Aires. Disana kapal perang Inggris yang
berpangkalan di kepulauan Falkland (Malvinas) menghadang dan menyerang
mereka. Dari sekian banyak kapal, hanya satu yang selamat, dan banyak
serdadu Jerman yang tewas!
ke pemakaman Cikopo. Mungkin anda menyukai sajak-sajak J.J. Slauerhoff.
Nah, tempat itu juga jadi semacam “kubur terhormat bagi pelaut”. Tapi
bukan Cuma itu. Kuburan itu juga merupakan jejak tersendiri bagi
kolonialisme Eropa di Hindia Belanda. Di situ orang bisa mengingat
betapa Jerman bukan hanya pernah mengirim serdadu ke sini, tapi orang
Jerman juga pernah membuka perkebunan yang amat luas disini yang
kemudian sebagian kecil darinya menjadi kompleks pekuburan yang kini
menjadi Arca Domas.
Pahlawan Jerman, Arca Domas adalah sebuah kompleks yang terdiri dari
sebuah tugu dan tanah pekuburan dengan sepuluh makam tentara Jerman
dengan nisan berbentuk salib besi berwarna putih salju. Delapan nisan
masih dikenal namanya, sementara dua lagi sudah tidak dapat dikenali dan
tidak bernama. Dari batu-batu nisan ini dapat diketahui bahwa para
tentara Jerman yang dimakamkan di situ meninggal dunia pada 1945. Bentuk
salib nisannya menyerupai tanda tambah dan sangat besar dan berbeda
dengan salib Belanda. Kompleks pekuburan kecil ini dinaungi sebuah pohon
besar yang tinggi dan sangat rindang.
tempat dibangunnya makam tentara Jerman ini mulanya adalah milik dua
orang Jerman bersaudara, yaitu Emil dan Theodor Hellferich. Mereka
membeli tanah seluas 900 hektar di situ dan kemudian dan membangun
pabrik dengan keuntungan dari perkebunan teh. Pabrik teh yang dibangun
di sini dilengkapi dengan kabel pengangkut untuk membawa daun teh dari
perkebunan ke pabrik.
tertua dari dua bersaudara ini adalah Karl Helfferich, yaitu mantan
wakil perdana menteri di bawah Kekaisaran Jerman-Austria. Karena itulah
kedua orang saudaranya kemudian membangun sebuah monumen untuk
memperingati Deutsch-Östasiatisches Geschwader (Armada Jerman Asia
Tenggara) yang dipimpin oleh Admiral Graf Spee yang ditenggelamkan oleh
tentara Britania. Di monumen tersebut ditulis kata-kata dalam bahasa
Jerman yang berbunyi: "Untuk para awak Armada Jerman Asia Tenggara yang
pemberani 1914. Dibangun oleh Emil dan Theodor Helfferich." Sebagai
penghargaan pada agama tua yang telah ada di Jawa, mereka juga membangun
patung Buddha dan Ganesha di kedua sisi monumen itu.
ini diresmikan pada 1926 ketika kapal penjelajah Jerman "Hamburg"
berkunjung ke Jawa. Seorang perwira muda kapal itu, Hans-Georg von
Friedeburg, menulis tentang upacara itu dalam bukunya yang berjudul "32
000 Seemeilen auf blauem Wasser: Erlebnisse auf der Weltreise des
Kreuzers 'Hamburg'" ("32.000 mil laut di laut biru: Pengalaman dalam
perjalanan keliling dunia dengan kapal penjelajah "Hamburg") . Von
Friedeburg di kemudian hari menjadi Admiral Jenderal dan mengakhiri
hidupnya pada 23 Mei 1945 karena Jerman menyerah kalah dalam Perang
Dunia II. Anak laki-lakinya, Ludwig von Friedeburg, adalah seorang
sosiolog terkenal dan antara 1969-1974 menjadi menteri pendidikan di
negara bagian Hessen, Jerman.
1928, Helfferich bersaudara kembali ke Jerman. Mereka menyerahkan
kepercayaan pengelolaan perkebunan teh itu kepada Albert Vehring dari
Bielefeld. Vehring telah banyak berpengalaman dalam mengelola perkebunan
teh di Niugini.
Jerman menginvasi Belanda pada 1939, pemerintah Belanda menangkapi
orang-orang Jerman yang ada di Indonesia, termasuk Albert Vehring.
Perkebunan Helfferich pun diambil alih oleh Belanda. Di kemudian hari,
setelah invasi Jepang ke Indonesia, Vehring berhasil bebas dan
pemerintah Jerman memproklamasikan berdirinya Republik Nias. Fischer,
Komisaris perusahaan Bosch, diangkat menjadi perdana menteri, sedangkan
Albert Vehring menjadi menteri luar negeri.
dengan kedatangan tentara Jepang ke Indonesia, kembali pula pengaruh
Jerman di wilayah ini. Pada Mei 1943, Angkatan Laut Jerman mendapat
persetujuan militer Jepang untuk melakukan usaha dagang di Indonesia.
Atas persetujuan Jepang pula, tanah dan vila Helfferischs di perkebunan
teh Cikopo dekat Arca Domas dikembalikan kepada pihak Jerman. Albert
Vehring pun kembali ke tempat itu. Daerah perkebunan ini dijadikan
tempat istirahat bagi awak kapal setelah melakukan pelayaran panjang
mengelilingi Afrika.
makam pahlawan Jerman ini dipelihara oleh Organisasi Perawatan Taman
Makam Pahlawan Jerman. Karena peraturan pemerintah Indonesia, tanah Arca
Domas ini tidak dapat dibeli oleh pemerintah Jerman.
Pahlawan Jerman ini terletak di lereng Gunung Pangrango, sekitar 15 km
dari Gadog, Ciawi, Jawa Barat. Jalan menuju makam ini sangat sulit dan
ditempuh dari jalan raya Cikopo Selatan, perlu waktu sekira setengah
jam untuk sampai ke lokasi makam di Kampung Arca Domas, Desa Sukaresmi,
Kec. Megamendung, Kab. Bogor. Akan tetapi, kendaraan harus "berjibaku"
dulu menempuh jalan berbatu tanpa aspal dengan jurang di satu sisi.
sepuluh orang angkatan laut Nazi Jerman, dua di antaranya awak kapal
selam U-195 dan U-196, di Kampung Arca Domas Desa Sukaresmi Kab. Bogor,
menjadi saksi bisu kehadiran pasukan Nazi Jerman di Indonesia pada
Perang Dunia II. Anehnya, tidak banyak warga setempat yang tahu
keberadaan makam tentara Jerman tersebut. Mereka hanya tahu ada tempat
pemakaman di ujung jalan. Padahal, di tempat terpencil itu terbaring
jasad sepuluh tentara Angkatan Laut Nazi Jerman (Kriegsmarine) yang
meninggal di Indonesia, sesaat setelah Jepang menyerah pada Sekutu,
Agustus 1945.
areal pemakaman yang diteduhi pohon kamboja itu, kira-kira 300 meter
persegi. Sekeliling makam ditumbuhi tanaman pagar setinggi satu meter.
Pintu masuknya dihalangi pagar bambu. Dekat pintu masuk, berdiri tugu
peringatan Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof yang dibangun Kedubes Republik
Federal Jerman di Jakarta untuk menghormati prajurit Jerman yang gugur.
adalah Komandan U-195 Friederich Steinfeld dan awak U-195, Dr Heinz
Haake. Lainnya adalah pelaut Jerman, Willi Petschow, W. Martens, Wilhelm
Jens, Hermann Tangermann, Willi Schlummer, Schiffszimmermann (tukang
kayu kapal laut) Eduard Onnen. Dua nisan terpisah adalah makam tentara
tidak dikenal (Unbekannt).
itu terletak di lahan Afdeling Cikopo Selatan II Perkebunan Gunung Mas.
Dahulu, makam itu dirawat PT Perkebunan XII (kini PT Perkebunan
Nusantara VIII) selaku pengelola Perkebunan Gunung Mas, namun sejak
beberapa tahun terakhir perawatan makam dibiayai pemerintah Jerman.
Lahan yang bersebelahan dengan makam tadinya areal tanaman teh dan kina.
Akan tetapi, tanaman tersebut habis dijarah, beberapa tahun lalu.
sejarah militer Jerman di Indonesia, Herwig Zahorka, mengatakan bahwa
Letnan Friederich Steinfeld meninggal di Surabaya akibat disentri dan
kurang gizi saat ditawan Sekutu. Keterangan ini diperoleh dari mantan
awak U-195 yang bermukim di Austria, Peter Marl (82 tahun) dan mantan
awak U-195 lainnya, Martin Müller yang datang ke makam tahun 1999.
Letnan Satu Laut Willi Schlummer dan Letnan Insinyur Wilhelm Jens,
tewas dibunuh pejuang kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gedung Jerman di
Bogor, 12 Oktober 1945. Kemungkinan, mereka disangka orang Belanda
apalagi aksen bahasanya mirip.
Laut W. Martens terbunuh dalam perjalanan kereta api dari Jakarta ke
Bogor. Kopral Satu Willi Petschow meninggal 29 September, karena sakit
saat di Perkebunan Cikopo, serta Letnan Kapten Herman Tangermann
meninggal karena kecelakaan pada 23 Agustus tahun yang sama.
saat itu terjadi salah sasaran karena disangka orang Belanda, namun
kemudian banyak orang Indonesia mengenali ternyata mereka orang Jerman.
Ini kemudian menjadikan hubungan tersebut menjadi persaudaraan," kata
Zahorka, pensiunan direktur kehutanan Jerman, yang bermukim di Bogor dan
menikahi wanita Indonesia.
keberadaan dua arca di makam tersebut, Zahorka mengatakan, arca-arca
itu sengaja disimpan sebagai penghormatan kepada budaya warga setempat.
Kampung Arca Domas, Abah Sa'ad (76 th), seorang saksi hidup peristiwa
penguburan tentara Jerman di kampungnya, Oktober 1945. Saat itu, usianya
15 tahun. Ia ingat, prosesi pemakaman dilakukan puluhan tentara Nazi
Jerman secara kemiliteran. Peristiwa itu mengundang perhatian warga.
itu, masyarakat tidak boleh mendekat. Dari kejauhan, tampak empat peti
mati diusung tentara Jerman, serta sebuah kendi yang katanya berisi abu
jenazah. Tentara Jerman itu berpakaian putih, dengan dipimpin seorang
yang tampaknya komandan mereka karena menggunakan topi pet," tuturnya.
Abah Sa'ad, mulanya, makam tentara Jerman itu hanya ditandai nisan
salib biasa, sampai kemudian ada yang memperbaiki makam itu seperti
dan kebersihan makam tersebut tidak lepas dari peran penunggu makam,
Mak Emma (65) yang dibiayai Kedubes Jerman dua kali setahun. " Biasanya,
setiap tahun ada warga Jerman yang menjenguk makam pahlawan negaranya
itu," ujarnya.
dia kurang tahu sejarah makam itu karena baru diboyong suaminya
(pensiunan karyawan Perkebunan Gunung Mas) 10 tahun lalu. Ia meneruskan
pekerjaan suaminya (alm.) menjadi kuncen.
setiap tahun minggu kedua bulan November, yang merupakan Hari
Peringatan (Commemoration Day) di Jerman, banyak orang Jerman disini
yang mempunyai kebiasaan untuk berziarah ke Cikopo dan mengadakan
upacara untuk mengenang korban perang.
Under the Swastika flag and Sunrise ( mounted upside down ! ) , German
and Japanese sailors in the welcome reception U - 511 crew in Penang
Fregattenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes , Stud submarine sank 8 ships and the enemy fleet commander of the German U - boat in Southeast Asia
Wilhelm Dommes ( left ) along with Captain Ariizumi ( middle ) in the former British air base in Penang
Memorials in memory of the German fleet which destroyed England in the 1914 Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof , Cikopo - Bogor
Tomb Leutnant Friedrich Deutscher Steinfeldt at Soldatenfriedhof , Cikopo - Bogor
Graves of German sailors in Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof , Cikopo - Bogor
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof , Cikopo - BogorBy : Alif Rafik KhanNot many people know that during the Japanese military occupation in the land of Indonesia (1942-1945) , some units joined the German submarine " entrenched " here to help Japan in the battle against the Allies in Asia ( as is well known , Germany and Japan were allied against America and friend - comrade during World War II ) . Although their role was almost forgotten and not many people even know it , but the German submarine force , no doubt, have colored the scene of one of the darkest history of Indonesia .I feel "called" ( the language so loh ! ) To raise this issue after seeing how little reporting / writing about their history . Though they can be said to be an important role considering the magnitude of losses due to attack Allied submarines of this . Noted , 13 ships , both warships and ship goods , and 1 piece of Allied fighters become victims of German submarine unit commonly called the Wolfpack . Instead of the Germans themselves do not suffer a loss , recorded 8 pieces of the submarine that sunk by Allied ( 2 of which were sunk after World War ended ) , and 283 sailors killed his best !Perhaps this paper will not add anything , but I personally hope that he will add new knowledge to those who read it , if you ever fill out the German military in one period of Indonesian history , and the sheet is World War II (1939-1940) , despite the emergence of the German nation in the archipelago itself has been going on long before that . Well , without much fuss again ... let's get started !German submarines ( U -boats ) alert in the Indian Ocean . It happened in World War II . For Germany , it is a strategic political decision . Indeed , the region far from Germany and also conquered countries in Europe and Africa . To be sure , the Asia -Pacific submarine fleet is commonly called the Wolfpack has the largest number of personnel after Japan's own fleet based in Indonesian waters . Penang, Jakarta and Sabang is a place that used to be the sojourn .The main theater of the U - boat is actually in the North Atlantic , although the actual units of German U-boats have been operating in all parts of the world except Antarctica waters ! Although the U - boat that served in the Far East are not as well known as the others , but the actual scope of their duties require resources not least , also the number of U-boats that much . The problem lies in the inability of Germany when the submarine force should be sent to distant places . When the technology is not yet sophisticated submarine now . Therefore , at the end of 1942 Hitler decided to build only submarine base in Asia , and began pouring a dozen U-boats were tasked to attack Allied ships in these waters , as well as a ' courier ' transport raw natural resources that are needed Germany ( the main thing is the rubber ) . In fact , out of a total of 41 U-boats ever tasted served in the waters of Indonesia , only two were returned to Germany !The first group departing German submarine is Monsun Gruppe , which consists of 11 ships .Initially , the presence of German U-boats in Indonesia through the day enjoyable . At that time the situation is still quiet of the war at sea . At least , it feels happy days when compared with the situation in the rest of the Indian Ocean . However , when entering 1943 , so precarious situation , and the situation is no less dangerous when compared with the situation in the North Sea .Japan controlled the entire peninsula of Asia in 1943. England removed , and the Dutch evicted from Indonesia . Adds to the tension in the South Pacific . Britain and the Netherlands certainly not willing to leave the colonies that have mastered hundreds of years away. They are trying to take revenge once again attempt to reclaim the former territory of colonialism . They did not come alone , but together with the other Allied powers .As an ally of Japan since the end of the First World War , Germany consistently fought shoulder to shoulder . Moreover, it faces the enemy is the enemy here also in Europe . Unmitigated , Germany sends 8 submarine , U - 859 and UIT - 23 ( ex- Italian submarine handed over to Germany in Singapore , 10 September 1943 ) . Submarines are installed in the Bay of Bengal as a security entrance at the Strait of Malacca , and Penang Sabang wearing a docking port .To oversee Java to the South China Sea , in the north of Java placed U - 168 and U - 183 . in the South Sea of Java installed U - 196 . placed in the eastern waters of the U - 537 . In addition , there are also submarines U - 195 and U - 219 that support the operations against the Allies .Of various sea battles she lived , the German U-boats that have recorded various achievements , shortcomings, especially while in Indonesia and surrounding waters . Indeed, the history books in Indonesia has not recorded the events , but many important questions relating to the history of nations . But thankfully , some historians the world record .The Japanese invasion and war lead to the development of raw material crisis , and the crisis was also experienced by the Germans . In times of war , Germany desperately needs tin , molybdenum , rubber and quinine , all of which must be imported from the Far East . As noted Bennett in his book Arca Domas , 90 % of the time the world was cinchona plantations filled by the Dutch in Java and Sumatra, which had fallen into the hands of the Japanese . For Germany , it is not possible to transport the commodity without a naval escort , considering the long voyage to Europe more dangerous .To secure transportation and building closed , the German modify - submarine ship into a cargo ship . Ship U - 219 which had been on the French pulled back to take a metal plate in the Far East . Similarly, U - 180 , U - 195 and U - 234 , which had been used as a combat submarine , submarine converted to transport goods ! How important " transport mission " is evident from the fact when in mid- autumn of 1945 in the final moments of Hitler's power , submarines still sail to the Far East ! But submarines U - 234 , U - 874 , and U - 875 , which contains 170 tons of mercury , metal plates , and optical glass , never to return to Europe and who knows where the lost and sinking !At the end of the war , there were 250 people on the Indonesian German soldiers were transported by submarine . Meanwhile , the War of Independence raged between Indonesia and the Netherlands . At that time a number of them ( German soldiers ) were killed : three officers were killed by the Indonesian people , there are five others died of illness and some are shot during a train journey from Bandung to Jakarta . So , eight Germans were killed during that period . The rest saved themselves on the island of Onrust , before repatriated back to Germany in 1946.German soldiers who died in Indonesia buried in Arca Domas , Cikopo , which is located at the foot of Mount Pangrango , Bogor . In the cemetery there is a monument that was founded in 1926 as a reminder of the Asiatic Squadron ( Ostasiatischen Beschwader ) , units of the German navy in World War I war doing duty in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean . On November 1, 1914, they did a massive convoy in Coronel , Chile waters . From there they sailed to Buenos Aires . There British warships based in the Falkland Islands ( Malvinas ) block and attack them . Of the many ships , only one survived , and many German soldiers were killed !Back to Cikopo funeral . Maybe you love poems J.J. Slauerhoff . Well , where it also became a kind of " grave honored for sailors " . But it 's just not . The cemetery is also a separate trail for European colonialism in the Dutch East Indies . There people can remember how Germany is not only ever send troops here , but the Germans also had vast plantations here are a few of them later became what is now the cemetery complex Arca Domas .Tugu Pahlawan Germany , Arca Domas is a complex consisting of a monument and tomb burial ground with ten German soldiers with iron cross shaped gravestone white snow . Eight gravestones still known his name , while two more were not to be recognized and named . Of the gravestones can be seen that the German soldiers buried there died in 1945. Cross tombstone shape resembles a plus sign and a very large and different from the cross Holland . This small cemetery complex large tree that shaded a tall and very leafy .Land where the Germans built this tomb was originally owned two German brothers, Emil and Theodor Hellferich . They bought the land area of 900 acres there and then and build a plant with the advantage of the tea plantations . Tea factory built here equipped with cable carriers to carry the tea leaves from the plantation to the factory .The oldest sister of the two brothers is Karl Helfferich , the former deputy prime minister under the German - Austrian Empire . That's why both brothers later built a monument to commemorate the Deutsch - Östasiatisches Geschwader ( German Fleet Southeast Asia ) , led by the Admiral Graf Spee is scuttled by the British army . On the monument is written the words in German which reads : " To the crew of the German Fleet brave Southeast Asia 1914. Built by Emil and Theodor Helfferich . " As a tribute to the old religion which has existed in Java , they are also building a statue of Buddha and Ganesha on both sides of the monument.This monument was inaugurated in 1926 when the German cruiser " Hamburg " visited Java . A young officer of the ship , Hans - Georg von Friedeburg , wrote about the ceremony in his book entitled " 32 000 Seemeilen blauem auf Wasser : Erlebnisse auf der des Kreuzers Weltreise ' Hamburg ' " ( " 32,000 nautical miles in the deep blue sea : Experience the journey cruisers around the world with " Hamburg " ) . von Friedeburg later became Admiral -General and ended his life on May 23, 1945 as the German surrender in World War II . his son , Ludwig von Friedeburg , is a well-known sociologist and between 1969 -1974 became minister of education in the state of Hessen , Germany .In 1928 , Helfferich brothers returned to Germany . They handed over the tea plantation management confidence to Albert Vehring of Bielefeld . Vehring have much experience in managing a tea plantation in New Guinea .When the Germans invaded the Netherlands in 1939 , the Dutch government arresting the German people in Indonesia , including Albert Vehring . Helfferich plantation was taken over by the Dutch . Later, after the Japanese invasion of Indonesia , Vehring free and successful German government proclaimed the establishment of the Republic of Nias . Fischer , Commissioner of the company Bosch , was appointed prime minister , while Albert Vehring became foreign minister .Along with the arrival of Japanese troops in Indonesia , were restored German influence in the region . In May 1943 , the German Navy approved by the Japanese military to conduct trading business in Indonesia . The approval of the Japan anyway , land and villas Helfferischs in tea plantation near Arca Domas Cikopo returned to the Germans . Albert Vehring went back to that place . The plantation area to be a place of rest for the crew after a long voyage around Africa .German hero garden tomb is maintained by the Heroes Cemetery Care Organizations Germany . Because the Indonesian government regulations , Arca Domas land can not be purchased by the German government .German Heroes Monument is located on the slopes of Mount Pangrango , about 15 km from Gadog , Ciawi , West Java . The road to this tomb is very difficult and narrow .If taken from the South Cikopo highway , it takes approximately half an hour to get to the location of the tomb in the village of Arca Domas , Sukaresmi village , district. Megamendung , Kab . Bogor. However , the vehicle must be " struggling " first unpaved road with no pavement on one side of the chasm .Tomb ten naval Nazi Germany , two of them submariners U - 195 and U - 196 , in the village of Arca Domas Sukaresmi Village District. Bogor, a silent witness to the presence of German troops in Indonesia in World War II . Surprisingly , not many locals know where the grave of the German army . They just know there is a burial place down the road . In fact , in remote places that lay the bodies of ten soldiers of Nazi German Navy ( Kriegsmarine ) who died in Indonesia , shortly after Japan surrendered to the Allies , in August 1945 .The area of the cemetery that is shaded by frangipani trees , the approximately 300 square feet . Tomb overgrown hedgerows around one meter . Bamboo fence prevented its entrance . Near the entrance , stood Deutscher memorial built Soldatenfriedhof Federal Republic of Germany Embassy in Jakarta to honor fallen German soldiers .They are U - 195 Commander Friederich Steinfeld and crew of U- 195 , Dr. Heinz Haake . Others were sailors Germany , Willi Petschow , W. Martens , Jens Wilhelm , Hermann Tangermann , Willi Schlummer , Schiffszimmermann ( ship carpenter ) Eduard Onnen . Two separate headstone is the tomb of the unknown soldier ( Unbekannt ) .The tomb is located on land Cambodgien South Cikopo II Plantation Gunung Mas . In the past , the tomb was treated PT Plantation XII ( now PT PTPN VIII ) as the manager of Plantation Gunung Mas , but since the last few years the German government funded treatment tomb . Land adjacent to the tomb had tea and cinchona plant area . However , these plants plundered , several years ago .Observers German military history in Indonesia , Herwig Zahorka , Steinfeld said Lt. Friedrich died in Surabaya due to dysentery and malnutrition while Allied captivity . This information is obtained from the former crew of the U - 195 who settled in Austria , Peter Marl ( 82 years ) and the former crew of the U - 195 Other , Martin Müller who came to the tomb in 1999.Meanwhile, Marine First Lieutenant and Lieutenant Willi Schlummer Engineer Jens Wilhelm , Indonesian freedom fighters were killed in the German Building in Bogor , October 12, 1945 . Chances are, they might expect similar language Dutch accent moreover .Marine Lt. W. Martens was killed in a train journey from Jakarta to Bogor . Sgt Willi Petschow died Sept. 29 , due to illness while in Plantation Cikopo , and Lieutenant Captain Herman Tangermann died in an accident on August 23 the same year ." Although at the time it is misdirected because many people think the Dutch , but later many Indonesian people recognize it turns out they were German . 's Then made into fraternal relations , " said Zahorka , retired director of the German forestry , which is based in Bogor and marry Indonesian women .Regarding the existence of two statues in the tomb , Zahorka said statues were deliberately kept as a tribute to the culture of the local people .Residents of the village of Arca Domas , Abah Sa'ad ( 76 th ) , a living witness to the events in the village burial of the German army , in October 1945 . At that time , he was 15 years old . She remembers the funeral procession made dozens of Nazi German soldiers in the military . The event invites the attention of citizens ."At that time , people should not be approached . From a distance , it appears four German soldiers carried the coffin , and a jug which he says contains the ashes . Was dressed in a white German Army , led by a commander who apparently they have to use cap , " he said .Abah knowledge Sa'ad , initially , the Germans tomb tombstone marked only the usual cross , until then there is the tomb fix it as it is now .Beauty and cleanliness of the tomb could not be separated from the role of guardian of the tomb , Mak Emma ( 65 ), which financed the German Embassy twice a year . " Usually , every year there are German citizens who visit the grave of his country 's hero , " he said .However , he do not know the history of it as a new tomb brought her husband ( retired employees Plantation Mount Mas ) 10 years ago . He continued the work of her husband ( late) into Kuncen .Now , every year the second week of November, which is Remembrance Day ( Commemoration Day ) in Germany , many Germans here who have a habit of pilgrimage to Cikopo and held a ceremony to commemorate the victims of war .
Fregattenkapitän Wilhelm Dommes , Stud submarine sank 8 ships and the enemy fleet commander of the German U - boat in Southeast Asia
Wilhelm Dommes ( left ) along with Captain Ariizumi ( middle ) in the former British air base in Penang
Memorials in memory of the German fleet which destroyed England in the 1914 Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof , Cikopo - Bogor
Tomb Leutnant Friedrich Deutscher Steinfeldt at Soldatenfriedhof , Cikopo - Bogor
Graves of German sailors in Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof , Cikopo - Bogor
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof , Cikopo - BogorBy : Alif Rafik KhanNot many people know that during the Japanese military occupation in the land of Indonesia (1942-1945) , some units joined the German submarine " entrenched " here to help Japan in the battle against the Allies in Asia ( as is well known , Germany and Japan were allied against America and friend - comrade during World War II ) . Although their role was almost forgotten and not many people even know it , but the German submarine force , no doubt, have colored the scene of one of the darkest history of Indonesia .I feel "called" ( the language so loh ! ) To raise this issue after seeing how little reporting / writing about their history . Though they can be said to be an important role considering the magnitude of losses due to attack Allied submarines of this . Noted , 13 ships , both warships and ship goods , and 1 piece of Allied fighters become victims of German submarine unit commonly called the Wolfpack . Instead of the Germans themselves do not suffer a loss , recorded 8 pieces of the submarine that sunk by Allied ( 2 of which were sunk after World War ended ) , and 283 sailors killed his best !Perhaps this paper will not add anything , but I personally hope that he will add new knowledge to those who read it , if you ever fill out the German military in one period of Indonesian history , and the sheet is World War II (1939-1940) , despite the emergence of the German nation in the archipelago itself has been going on long before that . Well , without much fuss again ... let's get started !German submarines ( U -boats ) alert in the Indian Ocean . It happened in World War II . For Germany , it is a strategic political decision . Indeed , the region far from Germany and also conquered countries in Europe and Africa . To be sure , the Asia -Pacific submarine fleet is commonly called the Wolfpack has the largest number of personnel after Japan's own fleet based in Indonesian waters . Penang, Jakarta and Sabang is a place that used to be the sojourn .The main theater of the U - boat is actually in the North Atlantic , although the actual units of German U-boats have been operating in all parts of the world except Antarctica waters ! Although the U - boat that served in the Far East are not as well known as the others , but the actual scope of their duties require resources not least , also the number of U-boats that much . The problem lies in the inability of Germany when the submarine force should be sent to distant places . When the technology is not yet sophisticated submarine now . Therefore , at the end of 1942 Hitler decided to build only submarine base in Asia , and began pouring a dozen U-boats were tasked to attack Allied ships in these waters , as well as a ' courier ' transport raw natural resources that are needed Germany ( the main thing is the rubber ) . In fact , out of a total of 41 U-boats ever tasted served in the waters of Indonesia , only two were returned to Germany !The first group departing German submarine is Monsun Gruppe , which consists of 11 ships .Initially , the presence of German U-boats in Indonesia through the day enjoyable . At that time the situation is still quiet of the war at sea . At least , it feels happy days when compared with the situation in the rest of the Indian Ocean . However , when entering 1943 , so precarious situation , and the situation is no less dangerous when compared with the situation in the North Sea .Japan controlled the entire peninsula of Asia in 1943. England removed , and the Dutch evicted from Indonesia . Adds to the tension in the South Pacific . Britain and the Netherlands certainly not willing to leave the colonies that have mastered hundreds of years away. They are trying to take revenge once again attempt to reclaim the former territory of colonialism . They did not come alone , but together with the other Allied powers .As an ally of Japan since the end of the First World War , Germany consistently fought shoulder to shoulder . Moreover, it faces the enemy is the enemy here also in Europe . Unmitigated , Germany sends 8 submarine , U - 859 and UIT - 23 ( ex- Italian submarine handed over to Germany in Singapore , 10 September 1943 ) . Submarines are installed in the Bay of Bengal as a security entrance at the Strait of Malacca , and Penang Sabang wearing a docking port .To oversee Java to the South China Sea , in the north of Java placed U - 168 and U - 183 . in the South Sea of Java installed U - 196 . placed in the eastern waters of the U - 537 . In addition , there are also submarines U - 195 and U - 219 that support the operations against the Allies .Of various sea battles she lived , the German U-boats that have recorded various achievements , shortcomings, especially while in Indonesia and surrounding waters . Indeed, the history books in Indonesia has not recorded the events , but many important questions relating to the history of nations . But thankfully , some historians the world record .The Japanese invasion and war lead to the development of raw material crisis , and the crisis was also experienced by the Germans . In times of war , Germany desperately needs tin , molybdenum , rubber and quinine , all of which must be imported from the Far East . As noted Bennett in his book Arca Domas , 90 % of the time the world was cinchona plantations filled by the Dutch in Java and Sumatra, which had fallen into the hands of the Japanese . For Germany , it is not possible to transport the commodity without a naval escort , considering the long voyage to Europe more dangerous .To secure transportation and building closed , the German modify - submarine ship into a cargo ship . Ship U - 219 which had been on the French pulled back to take a metal plate in the Far East . Similarly, U - 180 , U - 195 and U - 234 , which had been used as a combat submarine , submarine converted to transport goods ! How important " transport mission " is evident from the fact when in mid- autumn of 1945 in the final moments of Hitler's power , submarines still sail to the Far East ! But submarines U - 234 , U - 874 , and U - 875 , which contains 170 tons of mercury , metal plates , and optical glass , never to return to Europe and who knows where the lost and sinking !At the end of the war , there were 250 people on the Indonesian German soldiers were transported by submarine . Meanwhile , the War of Independence raged between Indonesia and the Netherlands . At that time a number of them ( German soldiers ) were killed : three officers were killed by the Indonesian people , there are five others died of illness and some are shot during a train journey from Bandung to Jakarta . So , eight Germans were killed during that period . The rest saved themselves on the island of Onrust , before repatriated back to Germany in 1946.German soldiers who died in Indonesia buried in Arca Domas , Cikopo , which is located at the foot of Mount Pangrango , Bogor . In the cemetery there is a monument that was founded in 1926 as a reminder of the Asiatic Squadron ( Ostasiatischen Beschwader ) , units of the German navy in World War I war doing duty in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean . On November 1, 1914, they did a massive convoy in Coronel , Chile waters . From there they sailed to Buenos Aires . There British warships based in the Falkland Islands ( Malvinas ) block and attack them . Of the many ships , only one survived , and many German soldiers were killed !Back to Cikopo funeral . Maybe you love poems J.J. Slauerhoff . Well , where it also became a kind of " grave honored for sailors " . But it 's just not . The cemetery is also a separate trail for European colonialism in the Dutch East Indies . There people can remember how Germany is not only ever send troops here , but the Germans also had vast plantations here are a few of them later became what is now the cemetery complex Arca Domas .Tugu Pahlawan Germany , Arca Domas is a complex consisting of a monument and tomb burial ground with ten German soldiers with iron cross shaped gravestone white snow . Eight gravestones still known his name , while two more were not to be recognized and named . Of the gravestones can be seen that the German soldiers buried there died in 1945. Cross tombstone shape resembles a plus sign and a very large and different from the cross Holland . This small cemetery complex large tree that shaded a tall and very leafy .Land where the Germans built this tomb was originally owned two German brothers, Emil and Theodor Hellferich . They bought the land area of 900 acres there and then and build a plant with the advantage of the tea plantations . Tea factory built here equipped with cable carriers to carry the tea leaves from the plantation to the factory .The oldest sister of the two brothers is Karl Helfferich , the former deputy prime minister under the German - Austrian Empire . That's why both brothers later built a monument to commemorate the Deutsch - Östasiatisches Geschwader ( German Fleet Southeast Asia ) , led by the Admiral Graf Spee is scuttled by the British army . On the monument is written the words in German which reads : " To the crew of the German Fleet brave Southeast Asia 1914. Built by Emil and Theodor Helfferich . " As a tribute to the old religion which has existed in Java , they are also building a statue of Buddha and Ganesha on both sides of the monument.This monument was inaugurated in 1926 when the German cruiser " Hamburg " visited Java . A young officer of the ship , Hans - Georg von Friedeburg , wrote about the ceremony in his book entitled " 32 000 Seemeilen blauem auf Wasser : Erlebnisse auf der des Kreuzers Weltreise ' Hamburg ' " ( " 32,000 nautical miles in the deep blue sea : Experience the journey cruisers around the world with " Hamburg " ) . von Friedeburg later became Admiral -General and ended his life on May 23, 1945 as the German surrender in World War II . his son , Ludwig von Friedeburg , is a well-known sociologist and between 1969 -1974 became minister of education in the state of Hessen , Germany .In 1928 , Helfferich brothers returned to Germany . They handed over the tea plantation management confidence to Albert Vehring of Bielefeld . Vehring have much experience in managing a tea plantation in New Guinea .When the Germans invaded the Netherlands in 1939 , the Dutch government arresting the German people in Indonesia , including Albert Vehring . Helfferich plantation was taken over by the Dutch . Later, after the Japanese invasion of Indonesia , Vehring free and successful German government proclaimed the establishment of the Republic of Nias . Fischer , Commissioner of the company Bosch , was appointed prime minister , while Albert Vehring became foreign minister .Along with the arrival of Japanese troops in Indonesia , were restored German influence in the region . In May 1943 , the German Navy approved by the Japanese military to conduct trading business in Indonesia . The approval of the Japan anyway , land and villas Helfferischs in tea plantation near Arca Domas Cikopo returned to the Germans . Albert Vehring went back to that place . The plantation area to be a place of rest for the crew after a long voyage around Africa .German hero garden tomb is maintained by the Heroes Cemetery Care Organizations Germany . Because the Indonesian government regulations , Arca Domas land can not be purchased by the German government .German Heroes Monument is located on the slopes of Mount Pangrango , about 15 km from Gadog , Ciawi , West Java . The road to this tomb is very difficult and narrow .If taken from the South Cikopo highway , it takes approximately half an hour to get to the location of the tomb in the village of Arca Domas , Sukaresmi village , district. Megamendung , Kab . Bogor. However , the vehicle must be " struggling " first unpaved road with no pavement on one side of the chasm .Tomb ten naval Nazi Germany , two of them submariners U - 195 and U - 196 , in the village of Arca Domas Sukaresmi Village District. Bogor, a silent witness to the presence of German troops in Indonesia in World War II . Surprisingly , not many locals know where the grave of the German army . They just know there is a burial place down the road . In fact , in remote places that lay the bodies of ten soldiers of Nazi German Navy ( Kriegsmarine ) who died in Indonesia , shortly after Japan surrendered to the Allies , in August 1945 .The area of the cemetery that is shaded by frangipani trees , the approximately 300 square feet . Tomb overgrown hedgerows around one meter . Bamboo fence prevented its entrance . Near the entrance , stood Deutscher memorial built Soldatenfriedhof Federal Republic of Germany Embassy in Jakarta to honor fallen German soldiers .They are U - 195 Commander Friederich Steinfeld and crew of U- 195 , Dr. Heinz Haake . Others were sailors Germany , Willi Petschow , W. Martens , Jens Wilhelm , Hermann Tangermann , Willi Schlummer , Schiffszimmermann ( ship carpenter ) Eduard Onnen . Two separate headstone is the tomb of the unknown soldier ( Unbekannt ) .The tomb is located on land Cambodgien South Cikopo II Plantation Gunung Mas . In the past , the tomb was treated PT Plantation XII ( now PT PTPN VIII ) as the manager of Plantation Gunung Mas , but since the last few years the German government funded treatment tomb . Land adjacent to the tomb had tea and cinchona plant area . However , these plants plundered , several years ago .Observers German military history in Indonesia , Herwig Zahorka , Steinfeld said Lt. Friedrich died in Surabaya due to dysentery and malnutrition while Allied captivity . This information is obtained from the former crew of the U - 195 who settled in Austria , Peter Marl ( 82 years ) and the former crew of the U - 195 Other , Martin Müller who came to the tomb in 1999.Meanwhile, Marine First Lieutenant and Lieutenant Willi Schlummer Engineer Jens Wilhelm , Indonesian freedom fighters were killed in the German Building in Bogor , October 12, 1945 . Chances are, they might expect similar language Dutch accent moreover .Marine Lt. W. Martens was killed in a train journey from Jakarta to Bogor . Sgt Willi Petschow died Sept. 29 , due to illness while in Plantation Cikopo , and Lieutenant Captain Herman Tangermann died in an accident on August 23 the same year ." Although at the time it is misdirected because many people think the Dutch , but later many Indonesian people recognize it turns out they were German . 's Then made into fraternal relations , " said Zahorka , retired director of the German forestry , which is based in Bogor and marry Indonesian women .Regarding the existence of two statues in the tomb , Zahorka said statues were deliberately kept as a tribute to the culture of the local people .Residents of the village of Arca Domas , Abah Sa'ad ( 76 th ) , a living witness to the events in the village burial of the German army , in October 1945 . At that time , he was 15 years old . She remembers the funeral procession made dozens of Nazi German soldiers in the military . The event invites the attention of citizens ."At that time , people should not be approached . From a distance , it appears four German soldiers carried the coffin , and a jug which he says contains the ashes . Was dressed in a white German Army , led by a commander who apparently they have to use cap , " he said .Abah knowledge Sa'ad , initially , the Germans tomb tombstone marked only the usual cross , until then there is the tomb fix it as it is now .Beauty and cleanliness of the tomb could not be separated from the role of guardian of the tomb , Mak Emma ( 65 ), which financed the German Embassy twice a year . " Usually , every year there are German citizens who visit the grave of his country 's hero , " he said .However , he do not know the history of it as a new tomb brought her husband ( retired employees Plantation Mount Mas ) 10 years ago . He continued the work of her husband ( late) into Kuncen .Now , every year the second week of November, which is Remembrance Day ( Commemoration Day ) in Germany , many Germans here who have a habit of pilgrimage to Cikopo and held a ceremony to commemorate the victims of war .
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