Menjawab dengan cerdas, taktis dan optimis

Meski anda merasa pintar dan brilian, jangan keburu yakin bahwa semua pintu perusahaan akan terbuka secara otomatis untuk anda.  Sebab kenyataannya, para tuan dan nyonya pintar ini seringkali gagal dalam wawancara. Alasannya ? tidak smart dan taktis dalam  menjawab pertanyaan.
1. Ceritakan tentang diri anda
Erina Collins, seorang agen rekruitmen di Los Angeles menyatakan seringkali ada perbedaan yang mengejutkan antara ketika kita membaca lamaran seseorang dengan saat berhadapan dengan si pelamar.
"Pengalaman menunjukkan, surat lamaran yang optimis tidak selalu menunjukkan bahwa pelamarnya juga sama optimisnya," kata Erina. Ketika pewawancara menanyakan hal yang sederhana seperti "Di mata anda, siapa anda?" atau "Ceritakan sesuatu tentang anda", banyak pelamar menatap pewawancaranya dengan bingung dan lalu seketika menjadi tak percaya diri.
"Saya merasa biasa-biasa saja" atau "tak banyak yang bisa saya ceritakan tentang diri saya" seringkali menjadi jawaban yang dipilih pelamar sebagai upaya merendahkan diri. Selama ini banyak artikel karir konvensional yang menyarankan agar anda sebaiknya merendahkan diri sebisa mungkin, sebagai upaya mencuri hati si pewawancara.
"Tapi ini jaman modern. Jawaban yang terlalu merendah dan banyak basi-basi hanya menunjukkan bahwa anda sebenarnya tidak yakin dengan diri anda. Dan perusahaan masa kini tidak butuh karyawan seperti itu," tegas Erina.
Pengalaman Eliana Burthon, staf humas sebuah hotel berbintang di New York mungkin menarik untuk disimak. Ketika pewawancara memberinya satu menit untuk bercerita tentang dirinya, Eliana mengatakan "Saya Eliana Burthon, anak pertama dari lima bersaudara. Sejak SMA, saya aktif dikoran sekolah. Disitu saya menulis, mewawancarai orang-orang di sekitar saya dan berhubungan dengan mereka. Dari situ saya sadar alangkah menariknya bisa bertemu dengan orang banyak, berdiskusi dan mengetahui banyak hal dari mereka. Diluar itu, saya senang musik, membaca dan traveling. Ketika kuliah, saya sering menulis pengalaman jalan-jalan saya, atau sekedar memberi referensi kaset yang sedang laris untuk koran kampus saya."
Meski tak memberikan jawaban yang berbunga-bunga, apa yang diungkapkan Eliana tentang dirinya menunjukkan bahwa dirinya terbuka, ramah dan punya rasa ingin tahu. "Jawaban itu cerdas dan efektif untuk menggambarkan bagaimana dia menyatakan secara implisit bahwa dirinya merasa layak ditempatkan di posisi yang diincarnya. Pewawancara butuh jawaban seperti itu. Cukup singkat, tapi menunjukkan optimisme yang alamiah," kata Erina Collins.
Kalau anda dipanggil untuk wawancara, sebisanya persiapkan diri dengan baik. Rasa percaya diri dan menunjukkan bahwa anda menjadi diri sendiri adalah yang terpenting. Pewawancara tidak butuh jawaban yang berbunga-bunga, berapi-api apalagi munafik.
Pada kesempatan pertama, mereka biasanya ingin melihat bagaimana si pelamar menghargai diri sendiri. Sebab itu, buatlah beberapa poin tentang kemahiran anda, hal-hal yang anda sukai dan inginkan untuk masa depan anda. Kalau telah menemukan poin -poin itu, berlatihlah mengemukakan semua itu dalam sebuah jawaban singkat yang cerdas dan optimis.
2. Hati-hati pertanyaan jebakan
Siapapun idealnya tak suka menjawab pertanyaan-pertanya an yang memojokkan. Tapi begitulah kenyataannya ketika anda diwawancara. Seringkali banyak hal tak terduga yang dilontarkan si pewawancara dan membuat anda seringkali kelepasan bicara.
Dalam hal ini, Erina memberi contoh pengalamannya ketika mewawancarai seorang pelamar tentang mengapa ia memutuskan pindah kerja.
"Ketika itu saya tanya 'apa yang membuat anda memutuskan pindah kerja? tadi anda bilang, lingkungan kerjanya cukup nyaman kan?' dan pelamar itu menjawab 'saya tidak suka bos saya. Seringkali ia membuat saya jengkel dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan tambahan dan itupun tidak membuat gaji saya naik.'Saya lalu berpikir, apa yang akan dia katakan jika suatu saat keluar dari perusahaan saya tentulah tak beda buruknya dengan apa yang dia ungkapkan pada saya tentang perusahaan lamanya," ungkap Erina.
Poinnya, taktislah dalam memberi jawaban. Jangan pernah memberi jawaban yang menjelekkan tempat kerja anda yang lama atau apapun yang konotasinya negatif. Lebih baik kalau anda menjawab "saya menginginkan ritme kerja yang teratur dan terjadwal.
Mengenai gaji, sebenarnya di tempat kerja yang lama tak ada masalah, tapi tentu saya senang kalau ada peluang untuk peningkatan gaji." Atau kalau anda ditanya tentang kelemahan anda, lebih baik tidak menjawab "saya sering telat dan lupa waktu." Tetapi jawablah lebih taktis, misalnya "kadang saya memang pelupa, tetapi beberapa waktu ini sudah membaik karena saya selalu mencatat segalanya di buku agenda." atau "saya sering kesal kalau kerja dengan rekan yang lamban, tetapi sebisanya kami berdiskusi bagaimana caranya menyelesaikan kerja dengan lebih cepat."
Dalam wawancara, si pewawancara selalu berupaya mengorek sedapat mungkin tentang kepribadian pelamar. Kadang pertanyaan sepele seperti "Sudah punya pacar? Ada niat menikah dalam waktu dekat?" sering ditanggapi buru-buru oleh si pelamar dengan menjawab misalnya "Sudah, rencananya kami akan menikah akhir tahun ini." Padahal, menurut Erina, jawaban itu bisa jadi penutup peluang kerja anda. "Perusahaan selalu ingin diyakinkan bahwa calon karyawannya hanya akan fokus pada pekerjaan mereka, terutama pada awal masa kerja.
Jawaban bahwa anda akan menikah dalam waktu dekat justru menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan bukanlah fokus anda yang sebenarnya, tetapi hanya seperti selingan," ujar Erina sambil menambahkan bahwa akan lebih baik kalau anda menjawab "sudah, tapi sebenarnya saya ingin mempunyai pengalaman kerja yang cukup sebelum memutuskan untuk menikah."
3. Semangat dan bahasa tubuh
Dalam wawancara kerja, penampilan memang bukan nomor satu tetapi menjadi pendukung yang ikut menentukan. Karena itu selain berpakaian rapi, tidak seronok, mencolok atau banyak pernik, tunjukkan bahasa tubuh yang baik. Jangan pernah melipat tangan di dada pada saat wawancara, karena memberi kesan bahwa anda seorang yang kaku dan defensif. Idealnya, tangan dibiarkan bebas untuk mengekspresikan kata-kata anda, tentu saja dengan tidak berlebihan.

Selama wawancara berlangsung, buatlah kontak mata yang intens. Pelamar yang sering membuat kontak mata menunjukkan keinginan untuk dipercaya serta kesungguhan memberikan jawaban. Rilekslah dan sesekali tersenyum untuk menunjukkan bahwa anda pribadi yang hangat. Umumnya, perusahaan menyukai pelamar yang menyenangkan. Kurangi kata-kata "saya merasa..." atau "saya kurang..." dan sebaiknya gunakan "saya pikir...", "menurut pendapat saya..", "saya yakin...", "saya optimis...". Kata-kata "saya merasa ..." atau "saya kurang..." mengesankan anda lebih sering menduga, menggunakan perasaan, tidak terlalu percaya diri dan tidak menguasai persoalan.
Cara berpakaian yang baik dalam wawancara
Berpakaian yang "baik" dalam wawancara memang tidak dapat digeneralisasikan karena setiap perusahaan memiliki kebiasaan-kebiasaan/budaya perusahaan yang berbeda. Namun, ada beberapa tips yang dapat diingat, antara lain:
· Cari informasi terlebih dahulu tentang perusahaan dan Bapak/Ibu yang akan  mewawancarai anda. Beberapa perusahaan memiliki peraturan atau "kebiasaan" berpakaian secara formal, tetapi ada juga yang semi formal, atau bahkan ada   yang bebas. Hal ini penting, agar anda tidak dilihat sebagai "orang aneh', disesuaikan dengan posisi yang akan dilamar.
  Bagi pelamar pria disarankan menggunakan kemeja lengan panjang dan berdasi, tidak perlu menggunakan jas. Berpakaian rapih dan bersih, tidak kusut. Hal ini memberi kesan bahwa anda menghargai wawancara ini.
· Berpakaian dengan warna yang tidak terlalu menyolok (mis.,mengkilap, ngejreng).
· Bagi pelamar wanita berpakaian yang tidak terlalu ketat (rokbawah, kancing baju atasan).
· Berpakaian dengan disain yang simple (tidak telalu banyak pernik-pernik, toch ini bukan acara pesta).
· Tidak berlebihan dalam menggunakan wangi-wangian dan perhiasan.

Berapa gaji yang anda minta ?
Bila dalam wawancara, Anda ditanya berapa gaji yang anda inginkan, bagaimana cara menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan baik tanpa menimbulkan kesan bahwa Anda pencari gaji tinggi atau memberi kesan berapapun imbalan yang diberikan Anda mau.
Pada umumnya perusahaan sudah mempunyai rentang standar gaji untuk jabatan-jabatan yang ditawarkan. Bagi pelamar untuk posisi yang lebih tinggi dan langka biasanya memiliki kekuatan tawar menawar yang lebih tinggi. Jadi dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut anda harus memperoleh gambaran dulu imbalan total yang akan anda terima dalam setahun.
Imbalan total adalah gaji dan tunjangan lain yang diberikan termasuk insentif dan bonus. Selain itu perlu ditanyakan apakah imbalan yang ditawarkan  itu termasuk PPH atau netto.
Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut jawablah imbalan yang anda harapkan setahun. Berdasarkan harga pasar yang sesuai untuk jabatan tersebut serta nilai tambah yang anda miliki. Jawablah dengan diplomatis: " Saya berpendapat perusahaan ini pasti sudah  mempunyai standar imbalan bagi jabatan ini.
Berdasarkan pengalaman  yang saya miliki dan kontribusi yang dapat saya berikan pada perusahaan ini, saya mengharapkan imbalan yang akan diberikan adalah minimal Rp. .../tahun ditambah fasilitas-fasilitas lain sesuai dengan peraturan perusahaan.
Negosiasi mengenai gaji pada saat ini tidak lagi dipandang tabu oleh sebagian besar perusahaan, namun anda diharapkan mengumpulkan  informasi dulu agar dapat bernegosiasi dengan baik.
Variasi pertanyaan dalam wawancara
Bagi pelamar terutama bagi pemula pencari kerja perlu mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi pertanyaan-pertanya an yang akan dihadapi.
Berikut ini kami berikan variasi-variasi pertanyaan yang kerap muncul dalam wawancara:
Pertanyaan mengenai riwayat pendidikan :
· Mengapa anda memilih jurusan tersebut?
· Mata pelajaran apa yang anda paling suka, jelaskan alasannya.
· Mata pelajaran apa yang kurang anda sukai, jelaskan alasannya.
· Pada tingkat pendidikan mana anda merasa paling berprestasi, mengapa?
· Apakah hasil ujian menggambarkan potensi anda, jelaskan?
· Siapakah yang membiayai studi anda?
· Bagaimana teman-teman atau guru mengambarkan mengenai diri anda?
· Dalam lingkungan macam apakah anda merasa dapat bekerja paling baik?
Pertanyaan mengenai pengalaman kerja :
· Ceritakan mengenai pengalaman kerja anda
· Bagi yang belum pernah bekerja pada umumnya diminta untuk
  mengenai aktivitas ekstra kurikuler selama studi.
· Pekerjaan manakah yang paling menantang bagi anda, mohon dijelaskan.
· Pekerjaan manakah yang paling menantang bagi anda dan bagaimana anda
  menyelesaikan hal tersebut
· Dengan kolega macam apakah anda senang bekerja sama?
· Dengan boss macam apakah anda senang bekerja?
· Bagaimanakah anda memperlakuan anak buah anda?
Pertanyaan mengenai sasaran anda :
· Mengapa anda ingin bekerja dalam industri ini?
· Apakah yang mendorong anda melamar kepada perusahaan kami?
· Apakah yang anda inginkan dalam 5 tahun mendatang?
· Apakah yang anda inginkan dalam hidup anda?
· Apa yang anda lakukan untuk mencapai sasaran anda?
Pertanyaan mengenai organisasi yang ingin anda masuki :
· Apakah yang anda ketahui tentang organisasi yang akan anda masuki?
· Menurut anda faktor faktor sukses apa yang dibutuhkan seseorang untuk
  bekerja disini?
· Apakah yang anda cari dalam bekerja?
· Bagaimana anda dapat berkontribusi dalam perusahaan ini?
· Menurut anda apa visi dan misi dari organisasi ini?
Nah, siap bersaing di dunia kerja? Yang penting, persiapkan diri anda dengan baik dan jangan pernah meremehkan pertanyaan sekecil apapun dalam wawancara kerja. Selamat bersaing!


JOB INTERVIEWAnswered with intelligent , tactical and optimistic
Although you feel smart and brilliant , do not trigger the company believes that all the doors will open automatically for you . Because in fact , the smart ladies and gentlemen this is often unsuccessful in the interview . The reason ? not smart and tactical in answering questions .
1 . Tell me about yourself
Erina Collins , a recruitment agency in Los Angeles stating there is often a surprising difference between when we read your application when dealing with someone with the applicant .
" Experience has shown , upbeat cover letter does not always indicate that the suitors as well as optimism , " said Erina . When the interviewer asks a simple thing like " In your eyes , who are you ? " or " Tell me something about you " , many applicants interviewer stared in bewilderment and then instantly become insecure .
" I feel mediocre " or " not much I can tell about myself " are often the answer selected applicants in order humble. During this time many conventional career articles that suggest that you should humble yourself as much as possible , in an attempt to steal the hearts of the interviewer .
" But this is the modern era . Answer is too humble and much - stale stale just shows that you actually are not sure of yourself . And companies today do not need employees like that , " said Erina .
Eliana Burthon experience , public relations staff a five-star hotel in New York might be interesting to observe . When the interviewer gave him a minute to talk about himself , Eliana says " I'm Eliana Burthon , the first child of five children . Since high school , I was active dikoran school . Moment I write , interviewing people around me and in touch with them . From there I realized it would be pulled to meet with people, talk and learn many things from them . Regardless , I'm happy music , reading and traveling . When in college, I often write my experiences streets , or just give a reference tapes are being sold to newspapers my campus . "
Although not answer flowery , what is revealed about her Eliana shows that he is open , friendly and curious . " The answer was a smart and effective way to describe how he implicitly states that he was placed in a position worthy of his eye . Interviewers need an answer like that . Quite short , but expressed optimism that nature , " said Erina Collins .
If you are called for an interview , hopefully prepare yourself well . Self-confidence and show that you are being yourself is paramount . The interviewer does not need an answer flowery , fiery especially hypocritical .
On the first occasion , they usually want to see how the applicant's self-respect . Therefore , make some points about your skills , the things that you like and want for your future . If you have found the points , all the practice argued in a reply brief are intelligent and optimistic .
2 . Beware trick question
Anyone ideally not like to answer questions that trap early . But that's the reality when you are interviewed . Often many unexpected things that was brought interviewer and make you often let slip .
In this case , Erina gave examples of his experiences when interviewing an applicant about why he decided to change job .
" When I asked ' what made you decide to change job ? Before you say , the work environment comfortable enough right? ' and the applicant replied ' I do not like my boss . Often he made ​​me irritated with additional jobs and even then did not make my pay rise . ' then I thought , what would she say if a time out from my company would have been no different than the poor with what he revealed to me about his old company , "said Erina .
The point , taktislah in giving an answer . Never give an answer that disfigure your old workplace or any negative connotation . It's better if you say " I want a regular rhythm and scheduled work .
Regarding salary , the actual work is no longer a problem , but of course I am glad that there are opportunities for salary increases . " Or if you were asked about your weaknesses , it is better not to answer " I am often late and lost track of time . " But the answer is more tactical , for example, " I really forgetful sometimes , but some time has been improved because I always record everything in the agenda book . " or " I am often annoyed when working with colleagues slow , but as far as possible we discuss how to complete the work more quickly . "
In the interview , the interviewer always attempt to ferret out as much as possible about the applicant's personality . Sometimes trivial questions such as "I have a girlfriend ? There are intentions to marry in the near future ? " often hastily taken by the applicant to answer such as " Yes, we plan to marry later this year . " In fact , according to Erina , the answer could be the cover of your employment . " The company has always wanted to be assured that prospective employees will only focus on their work , especially in the early years of service .
The answer that you are getting married in the near future would indicate that the company is not your real focus , but only as a distraction , "said Erina , adding that it would be better if you answer " already , but actually I want to have enough work experience before deciding to married . "
3 . Spirit and body language
In a job interview , appearance is not number one but being a supporter who will determine . Therefore in addition to well-dressed , not sexy , flashy or many knacks , show good body language . Never folded his arms across his chest at the time of the interview , because it gives the impression that you are a rigid and defensive . Ideally , the hand is left free to express your words , of course in moderation .
During the interview , make eye contact is intense . Applicants who often makes eye contact shows sincerity and willingness to give credible answers . Make yourself and the occasional smile to show that you are warm personal . Generally , applicants are companies like fun . Reduce the words " I feel ... " or " I am not ... " and should use " I think ... " , " in my opinion .. " , " I believe ... " , " I'm optimistic . .. " . The words " I feel ... " or " I am not ... " impress you more often assumed , by feel , not too confident and did not master the problem .
How to dress well in interviews
Dress is " good " in the interview is not generalizable because each company has a different kebiasaan-kebiasaan/budaya company . However , there are some tips that can be remembered , among other things :
· Find information about the company beforehand and Mr / Ms who will be interviewing you . Some companies have rules or " custom" dress formally , but there is also a semi-formal , or even free . This is important , so you are not seen as " weird " , adapted to the position that will be spoken .

For male applicants are advised to use long-sleeved shirt and tie , no need to use the coat . Dressed neat and clean , not wrinkled . This gives the impression that you appreciate this interview .
· Dress in colors that are not too flashy ( eg , shiny , ngejreng ) .· For applicants clad woman who is not too tight ( rokbawah , buttoned tops ) .· Dressed with a simple design ( not too many knick - knacks , this is not a party toch ) .· Do not overdo the use of perfumes and jewelery .
How much salary do you ask ?
When in an interview , you are asked how much salary you want , how to properly answer that question without making it appear that you search high pay or give any consideration given the impression you want .
Most companies already have a standard salary ranges for the positions offered . For applicants for a higher position and rare usually have bargaining power is higher. So in answer to the question you must first obtain a total rewards you will receive in a year .
Total remuneration is salary and other benefits given including incentives and bonuses . In addition it needs to be asked whether the benefits offered including PPH or net .
In answering the question answer the rewards you expect a year . Based on the market price corresponding to the position as well as the added value you have. Answer diplomatically : "I think this company would have to have a standard reward for this position .
Based on the experience I have and the contribution I can give to this company , I was expecting to be given is at least Rp . .. . / year plus other facilities in accordance with company regulations .
Negotiations on the payroll at this point is no longer considered taboo by most companies , but you are expected to gather information first before you can negotiate well .
Variations in the interview questions
For applicants , especially for novice job seekers need to prepare themselves to face the questions that will be encountered late .
Here we give the variations a question that often arises in the interview :
Questions about the history of education :
· Why did you choose these majors ?· What subjects are you most like , explain why.· The subjects less what you like , explain why.· At the educational level where you feel most accomplished , why ?· Is your test results illustrate the potential , explain ?· Who will pay for your studies ?· How do friends or teachers portray about yourself ?· In what kind of environment you find it works best?
Questions about work experience :
· Tell me about your work experience· For those who have never worked are generally asked to


the extra-curricular activities during the study .· The work is most challenging for you , please explain .· The work is most challenging for you and how you

finish it· With what kind of colleague you are happy to work together ?· With what kind of boss you love to work ?· How do you memperlakuan your subordinates ?
Questions about your goals :· Why do you want to work in this industry ?· What prompted you to apply to our company ?· What do you want in the next 5 years ?· What do you want in your life ?· What did you do to achieve your goal ?
Questions about the organization you wish to enter :· What do you know about the organizations that you enter ?· In your opinion what the success factors needed someone to

work here ?· Are you looking to work ?· How can you contribute to this company ?· What do you think the vision and mission of this organization ?
Well , ready to compete in the world of work ? Importantly , prepare yourself well and do not ever underestimate the slightest question in a job interview . Congratulations to compete !ENGLISH
JOB INTERVIEWAnswered with intelligent , tactical and optimistic
Although you feel smart and brilliant , do not trigger certain that allcompany door will open automatically for you . Becausein fact , the smart ladies and gentlemen Often this is unsuccessful ininterview . The reason ? not smart and tactical in answeringquestion .
1 . Tell me about yourself
Erina Collins , a recruitment agency in Los Angeles statesOften there is a surprising difference between when wereading application when dealing with someone with the applicant .
" Experience has shown , the cover letter is not always optimisticindicates that the suitors are also Equally optimistic , " said Erina . WhenInterviewer Asks a simple thing like " In your eyes , whoyou ? " Or " Tell me something about you " , many applicants staringinterviewers with confused and then instantly Become not believeThemselves .
" I feel mediocre" or " not much to metell me about yourself " is Often the answer selectedapplicants as a humble yourself . During this time many articlesconventional career suggest that you should humbleThemselves as much as possible , in an attempt to steal the hearts of the interviewer .
" But this is the modern era . Answer is too modest and muchstale - stale just shows that you actually are not sure of theyourself . And companies today do not need employees likeit , " said Erina .
Eliana Burthon experience , the public relations staff of a five - star hotel in NewYork might be interesting to observe . When the interviewer gave him aminutes to talk about himself , Eliana said " I ElianaBurthon , the first child of five siblings . Since high school , I was active inschool newspaper . At that moment I write , interviewing people aroundme and dealing with them . From there I Realized howpulling people can meet , discuss and find outmany things from them . Beyond that , I'm happy music, reading andtraveling.Ketika college , I wrote Often experiences streetsme , or just give a reference tape being sold formy college newspaper . "
Although not answer flowery , what is disclosedEliana on her show that she was open , friendly andcurious . " The intelligent and effective response todescribed how he implicitly states that hewas placed in a position worthy of his eye . interviewers needanswer like that . Quite short , but Expressed optimism thatnatural , " said Erina Collins .
If you are called for an interview , prepare yourself as best he could withbetter . Self-confidence and show that you are being yourselfis paramount . The interviewer does not need to answer the flowering -flowers , especially fiery hypocritical .
On the first occasion , they usually want to see how theapplicants respect ourselves . Therefore , make some pointsabout your skills , The Things that you like and want toyour future . If you have found the points , practiceexpress all of that in a short answer intelligent andoptimistic .
2 . Beware trick question
Anyone ideally not like to answer questions that ancornered . But that 's the reality when you are interviewed .Often many unexpected Things That the interviewer askedOften and make you let slip .
In this case , Erina gave examples of his experience when interviewingan applicant about why he Decided to change jobs .
" When I asked ' what made ​​you decide to change jobs ?before you say , the work environment comfortable enough right ? ' And applicantsreplied ' I do not like my boss . Often he made ​​meannoyed with additional jobs and even then not makemy pay rise . ' Then I think , what would he say ifa moment out of my company would have been no different than the poorwith what he revealed to me about his old company , "Erina said.
The point , taktislah in giving an answer . Never give an answerthat disfigure your old workplace or any connotationnegative . It's better if you say " I want the rhythm of workRegular and scheduled .
Regarding salary , the actual work is no longer a problem ,but of course I am glad that there are opportunities for salary increases . " OrIf you are asked about your weaknesses , it is better not to answer" Often I was late and lost track of time . " But the answer is more tactical ,eg " I was Forgetful sometimes , but some time has beenimproved because i always record everything in the agenda book . " or" I am annoyed Often when working with colleagues slow , buthis best finish we discuss how to work withmore quickly intervening . "
In the interview , the interviewer always attempt to ferret out as much aspossible about the applicant 's personality . Sometimes trivial questions such as" I have a girlfriend ? There are intentions to marry in the near future ? " Oftenhastily taken by the applicant to answer such as " Yes ,we plan to marry later this year . " In fact , According to Erina ,The answer could be the cover of your employment opportunities . " The company has alwayswant to be Assured that prospective employees will only focus on the jobthem , especially in the early years of service .
The answer that you are getting married in the near future would indicatethat the company is not your real focus, but onlyas a distraction , " said Erina , adding that it would be betterIf you answered " already , but I actually want to havea considerable work experience before Deciding to get married . "
3 . Spirit and body language
In a job interview , appearance is not number one butDetermine that will supporting . Therefore , in addition to dressneat , not sexy , flashy or many piercings , body language showthe which is good . Never folded his arms across his chest at the time of the interview ,Because it gives the impression that you are a rigid and defensive . ideally ,hand is left free to express your words , of coursewith no Exaggeration .
During the interview , make eye contact is intense . applicantOften the which makes eye contact indicates a desire to be trustedas well as seriousness to provide answers . Make yourself and occasionally smilingto show that you are warm personal . Generally , companiesapplicants like fun . Reduce the words " I feel ... "or " I am not ... " and should use " I think ... " , " According tomy opinion .. " , " I believe ... " , " I'm optimistic ... " . 's words " Ifeel ... " or " I am not ... " Often impress you more suspect ,by feel , not too confident and did not controlissue .
How to dress well in interviews
Dress is "good " in the interview did notgeneralizable Because every company has a custom -customs / culture of different companies . However , there are some tipsthat can be remembered , among other Things:
· Find information about the company beforehand and Father / Mother

will interview . Some companies have rules or

" Custom " dress formally , but there is also a semi - formal ,

or even free . This is important , so you do not see

as ' a freak ' , adjusted to a position that will be spoken .

For male applicants are advised to use long - sleeved shirts and

tie , do not need to use the coat . Dressed neat and clean ,

not wrinkled . This gives the impression that you appreciate this interview .
· Dress in colors that are not too flashy ( eg , shiny ,

ngejreng ) .· For applicants clad woman who is not too tight ( rokbawah ,

buttoned tops ) .· Dressed with a simple design ( not too much

knick - knacks , this is not a party toch ) .· Do not overdo the use of perfumes and jewelery .
How much salary do you ask ?
When in an interview , you are asked how much salary you want ,how to answer that question properly without Causingimpression that you search high salary or give any impressiongranted benefits you want .
Most companies already have a standard range of salaries forpositions offered. For applicants for the positionrare and usually have a high bargaining power overhigh . So in answer to the question you must Obtainfirst picture of the total benefits you will receive in a year .
Total remuneration is salary and other benefits are Provided Includingincentives and bonuses . In addition it needs to be askedWhether the benefits Offered Including the PPH or the net .
In answering the questions you would expect rewards answeryear . Based on the market price corresponding to the positionsas well as the added value you have . Answer diplomatically : " IThe company Believes the standard has certainly been rewarded forthis position .
Based on the experience I have and I can Contributegive to this company , I was expecting to begiven is at least Rp . ... / Year plus facilitiesanother in accordance with company regulations .
Negotiations on the payroll at this point is no longer taboo Considered bymost companies , however , you are expected to collect informationfirst to be Able to negotiate well .
Variations in the interview questions
For applicants , especially for novice job seekers need to prepareThemselves to face the questions that will be encountered late .
Here we give the variations Often a question that arisesin the interview :
Questions about the history of education :
· Why did you choose these majors ?· What subjects are you most like , explain why .· The subjects less what you like , explain why .· At the educational level where you feel most accomplished , why?· Is your Illustrate the potential test results , explain ?· Who will pay for your studies ?· How do friends or teachers portray about yourself ?· In what kind of environment you find it works best ?
Questions about work experience :
· Tell me about your work experience· For those who have never worked are Generally asked to


the extra - curricular activities during the study .· The work is most challenging for you , please explain .· The work is most challenging for you and how you

finish it· With what kind of colleague you are happy to work together ?· With what kind of boss you love to work ?· How do you memperlakuan your subordinates ?
Questions about your goals :· Why do you want to work in this industry ?· What prompted you to apply to our company ?· What do you want in the next 5 years ?· What do you want in your life ?· What did you do to Achieve your goal ?
Questions about the organization you wish to enter :· What do you know about the organization that you enter ?· In your opinion what the success factors needed someone to

work here ?· Are you looking to work ?· How can you Contribute to this company ?· What do you think the vision and mission of this organization ?
Well , ready to Compete in the world of work ? Importantly , prepare yourselfwell and do not ever underestimate the slightest question injob interview . Congratulations to Compete !

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