4 Februari 2014
WHO mengatakan banyak orang tidak mengetahui peran diet dalam pencegahan kanker
Dunia menghadapi "gelombang
pasang " kanker dan membatasi alkohol serta gula harus dipertimbangkan,
kata para ilmuan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia.
WHO memprediksi jumlah kasus kanker akan mencapai 24 juta pada tahun 2035 tapi separuhnya bisa dicegah.
Dana Riset Kanker Dunia mengatakan ada tingkat kenaifan yang "menakutkan" mengenai pentingnya diet dalam kanker.
Empat belas juta orang setiap tahunnya didiagnosa dengan kanker, tapi angka itu diprediksi akan naik 19 juta pada 2025, 22 juta pada 2030 dan 24 juta pada 2035.
Negara-negara berkembang akan merasakan dampak dari kasus-kasus ekstra.
WHO meminta masyarakat mencegah kanker dengan olahraga dan diet sehat
"Jika kita melihat biaya perawatan kanker, yang semakin tidak terkenali, bahkan bagi negara-negara dengan pendapatan tinggi. Pencegahan selalu penting dan hal itu kini dilalaikan."
Laporan Kanker Dunia WHO 2014 mengatakan penyebab utama kanker meliputi:
- Merokok
- Infeksi
- Alkohol
- Obesitas dan kurang bergerak
- Radiasi, baik dari matahari atau pemindaian medis
- Polusi air dan faktor-faktor lingkungan lainnya
- Melahirkan pada usia tidak muda lagi, memiliki anak lebih sedikit dan tidak menyusui
Ia juga menegaskan bahwa perilaku manusia adalah penyebab banyak kasus kanker seperti kesukaan berjemur "sampai anda matang di kedua sisi" seperti yang banyak dilakukan orang di Australia.
February 4, 2014cancer hazard
The WHO says many people do not know the role of diet in cancer prevention
The world faces a " tidal wave " of cancer and limit alcohol and sugar should be considered , according to the World Health Organization scientists .
WHO predicts the number of cancer cases would reach 24 million by 2035 but half could be prevented .
The organization said the current cancer prevention " urgently needed " to overcome the habit of smoking , avoiding obesity and drinking alcoholic beverages .
World Cancer Research Fund says there is a level of naivete that " scary " about the importance of diet in cancer .
Fourteen million people are diagnosed with cancer each year , but that figure is expected to rise to 19 million by 2025 , 22 million by 2030 and 24 million by 2035 .
Developing countries will feel the impact of the extra cases .cancer
WHO is asking the public to prevent cancer with exercise and a healthy diet
Dr Chris Wild , director of the International Research Institute for Cancer Research WHO , told the BBC , " the global cancer burden is increasing and it is due to the aging of the population and population growth .
" If we look at the cost of cancer care , which is increasingly not terkenali , even for countries with high income . Prevention is always important and it is now neglected . "
WHO World Cancer Report 2014 said the main causes of cancer include :
Obesity and less mobile
Radiation , either from the sun or medical scanning
Water pollution and other environmental factors
Giving birth at a young age is not longer , have fewer children and not breastfeeding
One of the report's editor , Dr. Bernard Stewart of the University of New South Wales in Australia say prevention has " an important role dalamn prevent a tidal wave of cancer in the world . "
He also asserted that human behavior is the cause of many cases of cancer as favorite sunbathing " until you cooked on both sides " as many people do in Australia .
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