Harun Yahya
saya tidak munafik kalau mengatakan bahwa saya menyukai sejarah Nazi,
tapi saya pun ingin memberikan ulasan yang berimbang dalam hal ini,
semata atas nama ilmu pengetahuan. Berikut saya kutip pendapat ilmuwan
Turki yang begitu gigih memperjuangkan Islam, Adnan Okhtar alias Harun
Yahya (betapa saya mencintainya atas nama Allah!), tentang Nazisme :Nazisme lahir di tengah konflik politik yang dialami Jerman setelah Perang Dunia Pertama. Pemimpin Partai Nazi adalah Adolf Hitler, sosok yang sangat ambisius dan agresif. Hitler memiliki pandangan sangat rasis. Ia sangat meyakini keunggulan bangsa Jerman atau "Arya" di atas ras-ras lain. Ia memimpikan ras "Arya" Jerman akan segera mendirikan imperium yang bertahan selama seribu tahun.
Teori evolusi Darwin muncul untuk memberikan landasan ilmiah bagi teori rasis Hitler. Hitler juga mendapatkan dukungan ideologis dari karya Heinrich von Treitschke, sejarahwan rasis Jerman. Treitschke sangat dipengaruhi oleh teori evolusi Darwin dan mendasarkan pandangan rasisnya pada Darwinisme. Ia berkata: "Bangsa-bangsa hanya dapat berevolusi melalui perjuangan sengit, seperti pandangan Darwin tentang 'Perjuangan Untuk Mempertahankan Hidup'". Hitler juga memperoleh inspirasi dari teori Darwin tentang "Perjuangan untuk Bertahan Hidup". Judul buku terkenalnya "Mein Kampf", yang berarti "Perjuangan Saya", hanyalah pencerminan konsep Darwin ini.
Hitler, sebagaimana Darwin, menganggap ras-ras selain Eropa sedikit lebih dari kera dan menambahkan: "Hapuskan bangsa Jerman Nordik dan tak ada yang tersisa kecuali tarian kera". Dasar berpijak pandangan evolusionis kaum Nazi ada pada konsep "Eugenics". Eugenics berarti "perbaikan" ras manusia dengan membuang orang-orang berpenyakit dan cacat, serta memperbanyak jumlah individu sehat. Menurut teori Eugenics, ras manusia dapat diperbaiki dengan cara yang sama sebagaimana hewan berkualitas baik dapat dihasilkan melalui perkawinan hewan-hewan yang sehat.
Sebagaimana dapat diduga, pendukung eugenics adalah para Darwinis. Pemimpin gerakan eugenics di Inggris adalah sepupu Charles Darwin, yakni Francis Galton, dan anaknya, Leonard Darwin.
Jelas bahwa teori eugenics adalah akibat alamiah dari Darwinisme. Fakta ini juga tampak sangat jelas di berbagai publikasi yang menyebarluaskan sains aneh ini, diantara kutipan berbunyi: "Eugenics adalah pengaturan mandiri evolusi manusia".
Yang pertama mendukung dan menganjurkan eugenics di Jerman adalah Ernst Haeckel, ilmuwan biologi evolusionis terkenal. Ia mencetuskan teori "rekapitulasi", yang menyatakan bahwa embryo spesies berbeda, menyerupai satu sama lain. Di kemudian hari diketahui bahwa Haeckel telah memalsukan gambar-gambar yang ia gunakan untuk menyebarkan teorinya. Haeckel memalsukan gambar-gambar untuk menunjukkan bahwa embryo ikan, manusia atau ayam mirip satu sama lain. Beberapa bagian dari embryo ia hilangkan dan beberapa lainnya ia rubah. Bahkan Haeckel sendiri kemudian mengaku bahwa gambar-gambar yang dibuatnya adalah palsu. Tapi, kalangan evolusionis mengabaikan pemalsuan ini demi mempertahankan teori tersebut.
Selain membuat pemalsuan ilmiah, Haeckel juga menyebarkan propaganda Eugenics. Ia manganjurkan agar bayi-bayi cacat baru lahir segera dibunuh untuk mempercepat proses evolusi pada masyarakat manusia. Ia melangkah lebih jauh dan mengusulkan agar orang-orang cacat, lemah mental dan berpenyakit genetis hendaknya langsung dibunuh saja. Jika tidak, kata Haeckel, mereka ini akan membebani masyarakat dan memperlambat evolusi.
Haeckel meninggal tahun 1919, namun kaum Nazi mewarisi gagasan biadabnya. Tak lama setelah Hitler meraih kekuasaan, ia menerapkan kebijakan Eugenics. Mereka yang lemah mental, cacat, dan berpenyakit keturunan dikumpulkan dalam "pusat-pusat sterilisasi" khusus. Orang-orang ini dianggap parasit yang megancam kemurnian ras Jerman dan menghambat kemajuan evolusi. Dalam waktu singkat, orang-orang ini kemudian dibunuh atas perintah rahasia Hitler.
Dalam upayanya mempercepat evolusi ras Jerman, Hitler telah membunuh banyak orang. Selain itu, ia melaksanakan hal lain yang "diperlukan" dalam Eugenics. Muda mudi berambut pirang dan bermata biru, yang dianggap mewakili ras murni Jerman, dianjurkan untuk saling berhubungan seks. Pada tahun 1935, ladang-ladang khusus reproduksi manusia didirikan. Perwira SS Nazi sering mengunjungi ladang ini, yang didalamnya tinggal wanita muda yang memiliki kriteria ras "Arya". Bayi-bayi haram yang lahir di ladang-ladang ini akan menjadi prajurit masa depan Imperium Jerman.
Dalam rangka memperbaiki keunggulan ras Arya, kaum Nazi menggunakan konsep Darwin. Darwin menyatakan bahwa ukuran tengkorak manusia membesar tatkala ia menaiki tangga evolusi. Kaum Nazi sangat mempercayai gagasan ini dan mengadakan pengukuran tengkorak untuk menunjukkan bahwa Jerman adalah ras unggul. Di seluruh Jerman Nazi, pengukuran dilakukan demi membuktikan bahwa tengkorak Jerman lebih besar dibanding ras-ras lain. Ciri fisik seperti gigi, mata dan rambut diperiksa berdasarkan kriteria evolusionis. Mereka yang kedapatan berukuran di luar kriteria resmi ras Jerman dibinasakan menurut kebijakan Eugenics Nazi.
Semua kebijakan aneh ini diterapkan atas nama Darwinisme. Michael Grodin, sejarahwan Amerika dan penulis buku, The Nazi Doctors and the Nurenberg Code menyatakan fakta ini. Saya pikir apa yang telah terjadi adalah adanya kesesuaian sempurna antara ideologi Nazi dan Darwinisme Sosial dan pemurnian ras ketika terjadi perkembangan di peralihan abad ke-20. Dan para dokter beranggapan bahwa terdapat penyimpangan sosial dan penyimpangan perilaku yang berhubungan secara genetis. Dan terdapat gen baik dan gen buruk. Dan Darwinisme social ini berkembang di seluruh dunia. Para dokter Nazi berkiblat ke Amerika Serikat tempat dimana mereka belajar seluk beluk pemurnian ras ini.
George Stein, peneliti asal Amerika, menjelaskan hal ini dalam majalah American Scientist, "Sosialisme nasional, atau apapun namanya, pada intinya adalah usaha pertama kali yang secara sadar dilakukan untuk membangun komunitas politis di atas sebuah landasan satu kebijakan yang jelas", kebijakan yang sejalan penuh dengan fakta ilmiah revolusi Darwin.
Sir Arthur Keith, seorang evolusionis terkenal berkata tentang Hitler: "Pemimpin Jerman, Hitler, adalah seorang evolusionis; ia dengan sengaja menjadikan Jerman sejalan dengan teori evolusi". Alasan penting lain mengapa Hitler meyakini evolusi adalah bahwa ia menganggap teori ini sebagai senjata melawan agama. Hitler sangat anti terhadap keyakinan monoteistik. Ajaran agama seperti cinta, kasih sayang dan kelembutan sangatlah bertentangan dengan model ras Arya yang bengis dan kejam. Itulah mengapa, sejak Nazi merebut kekuasaan tahun 1933, mereka bertujuan mengembalikan agama paganisme kuno pada masyarakat Jerman. Swastika, simbul yang berasal dari kebudayaan pagan kuno, menjadi simbul bagi perubahan ini.
Perayaan-perayaan Nazi di setiap penjuru Jerman ternyata merupakan penghidupan kembali ritual-ritual pagan kuno.
Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, teori evolusi sendiri adalah warisan dari kebudayaan pagan. Di sini kita saksikan kaitan tak terpisahkan antara Paganisme, Darwinisme dan Nazisme. Semua pembunuhan yang dilakukan Nazi berawal dari kepercayaan pagan ini. Kaum Nazi menghidupkan kembali kebudayaan biadab pagan dan mendapat dukungan kuat dari teori atheis Darwin untuk membenarkannya.
Sebaliknya, kekejaman, pembunuhan dan kerusakan di bumi sangat dilarang dan dikutuk oleh agama. Dalam Alqur'an, Allah menyeru manusia kepada keadilan, kasing sayang dan kelembutan. Kekejaman dan kesombongan adalah perbuatan terkutuk. Sebagaimana Allah firmankan ayat-Nya; "...dan Allah tidak menyukai kebinasaan". (QS. Al-Baqarah [2]:205).
Benito Musolini, diktator Italia dan termasuk sekutu terpenting Hitler, juga terinspirasi oleh teori evolusi. Di masa mudanya, ia menulis artikel yang menyanjung Darwin sebagai ilmuwan terbesar yang pernah ada. Setelah meraih kekuasaan, Italia fasis menduduki Ethiopia. Ia membenarkan pendudukannya atas Ethiopia dengan pandangan rasis Darwin dan gagasan tentang perjuangan untuk bertahan hidup. Menurut Mussolini, Ethiopia adalah bangsa kelas rendah sebab mereka termasuk ras hitam; karenanya, diperintah oleh ras unggul seperti Italia sudah merupakan akibat alamiah dari evolusi. Mussolini juga terpengaruh oleh pemikiran bahwa bangsa-bangsa berevolusi melalui peperangan. Menurut Mussolini, "keengganan Inggris untuk turut dalam kancah peperangan hanya membuktikan kemunduran evolusi Imperium Inggris".
Akhirnya, imperium Nazi kalah dalam Perang Dunia Kedua dan tercatat dalam sejarah sebagai pembunuh jutaan rakyat tak berdosa. Di sisi lain, Mussolini dihukum mati oleh rakyatnya sendiri. Tetapi sungguh memprihatinkan bahwa pemikiran Darwinis, yang menyediakan landasan berpijak bagi ideologi Nazi, masih tetap bercokol.
Sumber :
I am not a hypocrite if I said that I liked the history of the Nazis ,
but I also want to give impartial review in this case , only the name of
science . Here I quote the opinion of scientists who are so determined to fight
Turkish Islam , aka Harun Yahya , Adnan Okhtar ( how I love the name of
God ! ) , About Nazism :
Nazism was born in the midst of political conflict experienced by Germany after the First World War . Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler is , someone who is very ambitious and aggressive . Hitler had a very racist view . He believes strongly in the superiority of the Germans or " Aryan " on top of the other races . He dreamed race " Aryan " Germans will soon establish an empire that lasted for a thousand years .
Darwin's theory of evolution appears to provide a scientific basis for the theory of Hitler's racist . Hitler also gain ideological support of the work of Heinrich von Treitschke , German historian racist . Treitschke was strongly influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution and based his racist views on Darwinism . He said : "Nations can only evolve through a fierce struggle , such as his view of the ' struggle for life ' " . Hitler also gained inspiration from Darwin's theory of " Struggle to Survive " . The title of his famous book " Mein Kampf " , which means " My Struggle " , is simply a reflection of Darwin 's concept .
Hitler , as Darwin , consider non-European races a little more than apes and added : "Remove the Nordic Germans and nothing remains but the dance of apes " . Rationale evolutionist view of the Nazis is on the concept of " Eugenics " . Eugenics means " improvement " of the human race by removing the diseased and disabled , as well as expanding the number of healthy individuals . According to the theory of Eugenics , the human race can be improved in the same way as animals of good quality can be produced by mating animals healthy .
As might be expected , is the Darwinist eugenics advocates . Leader eugenics movement in England was Charles Darwin's cousin , Francis Galton that , and his son , Leonard Darwin .
It is clear that the theory of eugenics is a natural consequence of Darwinism . This fact is also visible in various publications that disseminate this weird science , between the quote reads : " Eugenics is the self- regulation of human evolution " .
The first supporting and advocating eugenics in Germany was Ernst Haeckel , the famous evolutionary biologist . He sparked the theory of " recapitulation " , which states that the embryos of different species , resembling each other . It later emerged that Haeckel faked pictures he used to spread his theory . Haeckel's faked drawings to show that fish embryos , human or chicken similar to each other . Some parts of the embryo he removed it and several other foxes . Even Haeckel himself later admitted that the pictures he made was false . But , among evolutionists ignore this fraud to sustain the theory.
In addition to making scientific forgery , Haeckel also Eugenics propaganda . He manganjurkan that babies newborn defects immediately killed to speed up the process of the evolution of society . He went further and suggested that people with disabilities , and the mentally weak genetic disease should be directly killed. If not , said Haeckel , they will be a burden on society and a slow evolution .
Haeckel died in 1919 , but the Nazis inherited ideas ferocious . Shortly after Hitler came to power , he implemented the policy of Eugenics . They are mentally weak , deformed , and diseased offspring collected in " sterilization centers " special . These people are considered parasites megancam German racial purity and inhibit the progress of evolution . In a short time , these people then killed on the orders of Hitler's secret .
In its efforts to accelerate the evolution of the German race , Hitler had killed many people . In addition , he exercises the other " necessary " in Eugenics . Amy blond and blue-eyed , which is considered to represent a pure German race , it is recommended to have sex with each other . In 1935 , special fields of human reproduction is established . Nazi SS officers often visit these fields , in which there lived a young woman who had a criterion race " Aryan " . Illegitimate babies were born in these fields will be the future of the German Reich soldiers .
In order to fix the superiority of the Aryan race , the Nazis used the concept of Darwin . Darwin claimed that the size of a human skull when he enlarged up the evolutionary ladder . The Nazis believed this idea and held a skull measurements to show that the Germans were a superior race . Across the German Nazis , the measurement is done in order to prove that the German skull larger than the other races . Physical characteristics such as teeth , hair and eyes examined by evolutionary criteria . They were caught sized outside the official criteria of the German race to be exterminated in the Nazi Eugenics policies .
All these bizarre policies implemented in the name of Darwinism . Michael Grodin , American historian and author of the book , The Nazi Doctors and the Nurenberg Code stating this fact . I think what has happened is the perfect fit between Nazi ideology and Social Darwinism and racial purification when the transition occurs in the development of the 20th century . And the doctor considers that there are irregularities social and deviant behavior are genetically related . And there are good genes and bad genes . And social Darwinism is growing around the world . The Nazi doctors oriented to the United States where they learn the ins and outs of the race purification .
George Stein , an American researcher , explains this in American Scientist magazine , " National Socialism , or whatever the name is , in essence, is the first attempt to consciously do to build political communities on a foundation of clear policy " , a policy which is in line filled with scientific facts Darwinian revolution .
Sir Arthur Keith , a famous evolutionist said of Hitler : " The leader of Germany , Hitler , is an evolutionist ; she deliberately made Germany in line with the theory of evolution " . Another important reason why Hitler believe in evolution is that he considers this theory as a weapon against religion . Hitler was very anti the monotheistic belief . Religious teachings such as love , affection and tenderness is contrary to the Aryan model of violent and cruel . That is why , since the Nazis seized power in 1933 , they aim to restore the ancient pagan religion of the German society . Swastika , symbols derived from ancient pagan culture , became a symbol for this change .
Nazi celebrations in every corner of Germany proved to be a revival of ancient pagan rituals .
As mentioned earlier , the theory of evolution itself is inherited from the pagan culture . Here we see an integral connection between Paganism , Darwinism and Nazism . All murders committed Nazis originated from the pagan belief . The Nazis revive barbaric pagan culture and the strong support of Darwin's theory to justify atheism .
Conversely , cruelty , murder and destruction of the earth is strictly prohibited and condemned by religion . In the Qur'an , God calls human beings to justice , affection and tenderness casing . Is an act of cruelty and vanity be damned . As God says His verse : " ... and Allah does not love corruption " . (Surat Al - Baqarah [ 2 ] : 205 ) .
Benito Musolini , Italian dictator and Hitler's most important allies , also inspired by the theory of evolution . In his youth , he wrote articles that praise Darwin as the greatest scientist who ever lived. After coming to power, Fascist Italy occupied Ethiopia . He justifies his occupation of Ethiopia by Darwin's racist views and ideas on the struggle for survival . According to Mussolini , Ethiopia is a nation of low grade because they include the black race ; therefore , governed by a superior race like Italy has been a natural result of evolution . Mussolini was also influenced by the idea that nations evolve through battle . According to Mussolini , " Britain 's reluctance to participate in a war zone only proved the evolutionary decadence of the British Empire " .
Finally , the Nazi empire lost the Second World War and is recorded in history as a killer of millions of innocent people . On the other hand , Mussolini was executed by his own people . But it is alarming that the Darwinist ideology , which provides a stepping stone for the Nazi ideology , still remains entrenched .
sources :www.harunyahya.infowww.harunyahya.org
Nazism was born in the midst of political conflict experienced by Germany after the First World War . Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler is , someone who is very ambitious and aggressive . Hitler had a very racist view . He believes strongly in the superiority of the Germans or " Aryan " on top of the other races . He dreamed race " Aryan " Germans will soon establish an empire that lasted for a thousand years .
Darwin's theory of evolution appears to provide a scientific basis for the theory of Hitler's racist . Hitler also gain ideological support of the work of Heinrich von Treitschke , German historian racist . Treitschke was strongly influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution and based his racist views on Darwinism . He said : "Nations can only evolve through a fierce struggle , such as his view of the ' struggle for life ' " . Hitler also gained inspiration from Darwin's theory of " Struggle to Survive " . The title of his famous book " Mein Kampf " , which means " My Struggle " , is simply a reflection of Darwin 's concept .
Hitler , as Darwin , consider non-European races a little more than apes and added : "Remove the Nordic Germans and nothing remains but the dance of apes " . Rationale evolutionist view of the Nazis is on the concept of " Eugenics " . Eugenics means " improvement " of the human race by removing the diseased and disabled , as well as expanding the number of healthy individuals . According to the theory of Eugenics , the human race can be improved in the same way as animals of good quality can be produced by mating animals healthy .
As might be expected , is the Darwinist eugenics advocates . Leader eugenics movement in England was Charles Darwin's cousin , Francis Galton that , and his son , Leonard Darwin .
It is clear that the theory of eugenics is a natural consequence of Darwinism . This fact is also visible in various publications that disseminate this weird science , between the quote reads : " Eugenics is the self- regulation of human evolution " .
The first supporting and advocating eugenics in Germany was Ernst Haeckel , the famous evolutionary biologist . He sparked the theory of " recapitulation " , which states that the embryos of different species , resembling each other . It later emerged that Haeckel faked pictures he used to spread his theory . Haeckel's faked drawings to show that fish embryos , human or chicken similar to each other . Some parts of the embryo he removed it and several other foxes . Even Haeckel himself later admitted that the pictures he made was false . But , among evolutionists ignore this fraud to sustain the theory.
In addition to making scientific forgery , Haeckel also Eugenics propaganda . He manganjurkan that babies newborn defects immediately killed to speed up the process of the evolution of society . He went further and suggested that people with disabilities , and the mentally weak genetic disease should be directly killed. If not , said Haeckel , they will be a burden on society and a slow evolution .
Haeckel died in 1919 , but the Nazis inherited ideas ferocious . Shortly after Hitler came to power , he implemented the policy of Eugenics . They are mentally weak , deformed , and diseased offspring collected in " sterilization centers " special . These people are considered parasites megancam German racial purity and inhibit the progress of evolution . In a short time , these people then killed on the orders of Hitler's secret .
In its efforts to accelerate the evolution of the German race , Hitler had killed many people . In addition , he exercises the other " necessary " in Eugenics . Amy blond and blue-eyed , which is considered to represent a pure German race , it is recommended to have sex with each other . In 1935 , special fields of human reproduction is established . Nazi SS officers often visit these fields , in which there lived a young woman who had a criterion race " Aryan " . Illegitimate babies were born in these fields will be the future of the German Reich soldiers .
In order to fix the superiority of the Aryan race , the Nazis used the concept of Darwin . Darwin claimed that the size of a human skull when he enlarged up the evolutionary ladder . The Nazis believed this idea and held a skull measurements to show that the Germans were a superior race . Across the German Nazis , the measurement is done in order to prove that the German skull larger than the other races . Physical characteristics such as teeth , hair and eyes examined by evolutionary criteria . They were caught sized outside the official criteria of the German race to be exterminated in the Nazi Eugenics policies .
All these bizarre policies implemented in the name of Darwinism . Michael Grodin , American historian and author of the book , The Nazi Doctors and the Nurenberg Code stating this fact . I think what has happened is the perfect fit between Nazi ideology and Social Darwinism and racial purification when the transition occurs in the development of the 20th century . And the doctor considers that there are irregularities social and deviant behavior are genetically related . And there are good genes and bad genes . And social Darwinism is growing around the world . The Nazi doctors oriented to the United States where they learn the ins and outs of the race purification .
George Stein , an American researcher , explains this in American Scientist magazine , " National Socialism , or whatever the name is , in essence, is the first attempt to consciously do to build political communities on a foundation of clear policy " , a policy which is in line filled with scientific facts Darwinian revolution .
Sir Arthur Keith , a famous evolutionist said of Hitler : " The leader of Germany , Hitler , is an evolutionist ; she deliberately made Germany in line with the theory of evolution " . Another important reason why Hitler believe in evolution is that he considers this theory as a weapon against religion . Hitler was very anti the monotheistic belief . Religious teachings such as love , affection and tenderness is contrary to the Aryan model of violent and cruel . That is why , since the Nazis seized power in 1933 , they aim to restore the ancient pagan religion of the German society . Swastika , symbols derived from ancient pagan culture , became a symbol for this change .
Nazi celebrations in every corner of Germany proved to be a revival of ancient pagan rituals .
As mentioned earlier , the theory of evolution itself is inherited from the pagan culture . Here we see an integral connection between Paganism , Darwinism and Nazism . All murders committed Nazis originated from the pagan belief . The Nazis revive barbaric pagan culture and the strong support of Darwin's theory to justify atheism .
Conversely , cruelty , murder and destruction of the earth is strictly prohibited and condemned by religion . In the Qur'an , God calls human beings to justice , affection and tenderness casing . Is an act of cruelty and vanity be damned . As God says His verse : " ... and Allah does not love corruption " . (Surat Al - Baqarah [ 2 ] : 205 ) .
Benito Musolini , Italian dictator and Hitler's most important allies , also inspired by the theory of evolution . In his youth , he wrote articles that praise Darwin as the greatest scientist who ever lived. After coming to power, Fascist Italy occupied Ethiopia . He justifies his occupation of Ethiopia by Darwin's racist views and ideas on the struggle for survival . According to Mussolini , Ethiopia is a nation of low grade because they include the black race ; therefore , governed by a superior race like Italy has been a natural result of evolution . Mussolini was also influenced by the idea that nations evolve through battle . According to Mussolini , " Britain 's reluctance to participate in a war zone only proved the evolutionary decadence of the British Empire " .
Finally , the Nazi empire lost the Second World War and is recorded in history as a killer of millions of innocent people . On the other hand , Mussolini was executed by his own people . But it is alarming that the Darwinist ideology , which provides a stepping stone for the Nazi ideology , still remains entrenched .
sources :www.harunyahya.infowww.harunyahya.org
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