Hukum Oral Seks dalam agama islam
Bismillah wal hamdulillah was Shalatu was Salamu ‘ala Rasulillah wa ‘ala Aalhi wa ashhabihi wa man waalah, wa ba’d:
Hukum oral seks, baik yang melakukan adalah suami (cunilingus), atau isteri (fellatio),
para ulama kontemporer (zaman sekarang) berbeda pendapat. Mereka
terbagi atas tiga golongan. Ada yang mengharamkan, memakruhkan, dan
membolehkan. Sedangkan ulama klasik, setahu saya belum pernah
mendiskusikannya. Wallahu A’lam.
Golongan yang mengharamkan, mereka beralasan dengan najisnya madziyang ada pada kemaluan baik laki atau wanita ketika sedang syahwat, yang jika tertelan maka itu haram. Tentang najisnya madzi, para ulama kita semua sepakat, tidak berbeda pendapat.
عَلِيٍّ قَالَ كُنْتُ رَجُلًا مَذَّاءً فَأَمَرْتُ رَجُلًا أَنْ يَسْأَلَ
النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لِمَكَانِ ابْنَتِهِ
فَسَأَلَ فَقَالَ تَوَضَّأْ وَاغْسِلْ ذَكَرَكَ
Dari ‘Ali, dia berkata: “Saya adalah laki-laki yang mudah keluar madzi,
maka aku perintah seseorang untuk bertanya kepada Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallamlantaran
posisiku sebagai mantu beliau (maksudnya Ali malu bertanya sendiri),
maka orang itu bertanya, lalu Rasulullah menjawab: “Wudhulah dan cuci
kemaluanmu.” (HR. Bukhari No. 269)
Hadits ini menunjukkan kenajisan madzi, hanya saja tidaklah wajib mandi janabah, melainkan hanya wudhu sebagaimana teks hadits tersebut. Oleh karena madzi adalah
najis maka ia haram tertelan, yang sangat mungkin terjadi ketika oral
seks. Alasan lainnya, karena oral seks merupakan cara binatang, dan kita
dilarang menyerupai binatang. Wallahu A’lam.
Golongan yang memakruhkan, mereka beralasan bahwa oral seks belum tentu menelan madzi melainkan hanya sekedar kena, baik karena dikecup atau jilat. Mulut atau lidah yang terkena madzi, tentunya sama saja dengan kemaluan suami yang menyentuh madzi isteri ketika coitus (jima’). Sebab ketika jima’, otomatis madzitersebut
pasti mengenai kemaluan ‘lawannya.’ Nah, jika itu boleh, lalu apa
bedanya jika mengenai anggota tubuh lainnya, seperti mulut? Sama saja.
Hanya saja, hal tersebut merusak muru’ah (akhlak baik) dan menjijikan. Lagi
pula tidak sepantasnya, mulut dan lidah yang senantiasa berdzikir dan
membaca Al Quran, digunakan untuk hal itu. Oleh karena itu bagi mereka
hal tersebut adalah makruh, tidak sampai haram.
Golongan yang membolehkan,
mereka beralasan bahwa suami bagi isteri, atau isteri bagi suami adalah
halal seluruhnya, kecuali dubur dan ketika haid. Sedangkan
alasan-alasan pihak yang mengharamkan (tertelannya madzi) sudah dijawab,
dan alasan pihak yang memakruhkan (merusak muru’ah dan menjijikkan)pun
bagi golongan ini tidak bisa diterima.
Alasan merusak muru’ah (citra diri/akhlak baik) adalah alasan yang lemah, sebab dahulu Umar bin Al Khathab ketika dia menjima’ isterinya dari belakang (tapi bukan dari dubur) istilahnya doggy styleyangjelas-jelas menyerupai binatang, ternyata itu dibolehkan oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. Padahal Umar Radhiallahu ‘Anhu merasa
bersalah, karena itu bukan kebiasaannya dan bukan kebiasaan kaumnya.
Sebagaimana oral seks hari ini bukanlah kebiasaan orang Timur, melainkan
kebiasaan orang Barat. Namun, demikian tidak ada satu pun riwayat yang
berindikasi mencela Umar dalam hal ini, yang ada justru sebaliknya.
Alasan menjijikan juga alasan yang lemah, sebab jijik atau tidak, sifatnya sangat relatif dan personally (pribadi).
Tidak sama pada masing-masing orang. Bila ada orang merasa jijik
dengan kulit ayam, tidak berarti kulit ayam adalah haram atau makruh.
Khalid bin Walid pernah makan biawak di depan Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallamnamun
tidak dilarang oleh Rasulullah, walau pun dia tidak suka, walau itu
menjijikan, karena makan biawak bukanlah kebiasaan manusia di daerah
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam.
Dalam riwayat yang shahih dari Anas bin Malik bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam pernah menyuruh suku Urainah untuk
meminum air kencing Unta untuk obat. Padahal, bisa jadi bagi sebagian
orang kencing Unta adalah menjijikan, tapi riwayat itu dijadikan dalil
oleh sebagian ulama tentang sucinya air kencing Unta. Wal hasil, masalah
‘perasaan’ jijik bukanlah ukuran dan alasan diharamkannya sesuatu.
Golongan yang membolehkan juga beralasan pada ayat berikut:
نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ
“Isteri-isterimu adalah (seperti) tanah tempat kamu bercocok tanam,
Maka datangilah tanah tempat bercocok-tanammu itu bagaimana saja kamu kehendaki.” (QS. Al Baqarah (2): 223)
Anna syi’tum(bagaimana saja kamu kehendaki) hanya berlaku pada qubul(kemaluan) bukan dubur.
Imam Al Qurthubi –seorang ulama tafsir madzhab Maliki- berkata:
وقد قال أصبغ من علمائنا: يجوز له أن يلحسه بلسانه.
“Telah berkata Ashbagh dari golongan ulama kami (Maliki): “Boleh bagi
suami menjilat kemaluan isterinya dengan lidahnya.” (Imam Al Qurthubi, Jami’ Li Ahkamil Qur’an, Juz. 12, Hal. 222. Dar Ihya Ats Turats Al ‘Araby, Beirut – Libanon. 1985M-1405H)
Perlu diketahui, semua hadits-hadits yang melarang melihat kemaluan isteri atau suami, adalah dha’if bahkan ada yang maudhu’ (palsu).
Justru bertentangan dengan hadits-hadits shahih yang menunjukkan
sebaliknya. Insya Allah Ta’ala akan saya bahas di lain kesempatan.
Pandangan Syaikh Al ‘Allamah Yusuf Al Qaradhawy hafizhahullah:
Beliau berkata: “Di dalam masyarakat seperti Amerika dan masyarakat
Barat lainnya, terdapat tradisi dan kebiasaan dalam hubungan biologis
antara suami isteri yang berbeda dengan kebiasaan kita, seperti
bertelanjang bulat, suami melihat kemaluan isteri, atau isteri
mempermainkan kemaluan suami, atau mengecup kemaluan suami, dan
sebagainya yang apabila telah menjadi biasa menjadi tidak menarik dan
membangkitkan syahwat lagi, sehingga memerlukan cara-cara lain yang
kadang hati kita tidak menyetujuinya. Ini merupakan suatu persoalan dan
mengharamkannya –atas nama agama- juga merupakan persoalan lain lagi.
Dan tidak boleh sesuatu diharamkan kecuali jika ditemukan nash (teks agama) yang sharih (jelas) dari Al Quran dan As Sunnah yang mengharamkannya. Kalau tidak ada nash, maka pada dasarnya adalah boleh.
Ternyata, tidak ada nash yang shahih dan sharih yang
menunjukkan haramnya tindakan suami isteri seperti itu. Oleh karena
itu, dalam kunjungan saya ke Amerika yakni ketika menghadiri Muktamar
Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam dan mengunjungi pusat-pusat Islam di berbagai
wilayah di sana, apabila saya menerima pertanyaan mengenai masalah itu
–biasanya pertanyaan datangnya dari wanita muslimah Amerika- maka saya
cenderung memudahkannya, bukan mempersulit, melonggarkannya bukan
mengetatkannya, memperbolehkannya dan tidak melarangnya.” (Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradhawy, Fatwa-Fatwa Kontemporer, Jilid. 2, Hal. 492-493. Cet. 2 1996M. Gema Insani Press, Jakarta)
Demikian. Wallahu A’lam.
Penjawab: Ustadz Farid Nu’man
20 Larangan ketika melakukan hubungan seks di dalam Islam
Berhubungan berjimak suami istri harus dilakukan penuh adab
dan ada waktu-waktu yang dibolehkan dan ada waktu – waktu yang dilarang untuk
melakukan hubungan jimak suami istri. Hal ini disebabkan karena dalam Islam
hubungan suami istri adalah ibadah dan bernilai pahala.
Adapun Hadis Rasulullah saw mengenai waktu waktu yang dilarang untuk berjima yaitu:
1. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah engkau berjima’ dengan istri mu pada awal (hari pertama) bulan, pada pertengahan nya (sehari) dan pada akhir (dua hari) di hujung bulan. Maka sesungguhnya penyakit gila, gila babi dan sopak mudah mengenainya dan anaknya.”
2. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah berjima’ dengan isterimu selepas zuhor, sesungguhnya jika Allah swt. mengaruniakan kepada kamu berdua anak karena jima’ pada waktu itu, maka ia akan bermata juling dan syaitan sangat suka kepada manusia yang bermata juling.”
3. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah bercakap-cakap semasa jima’, sesungguhnya jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak dengan jima’ yang demikian, maka anak itu tidak selamat daripada bisu.”
4. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah berjima’ dengan perempuanmu dengan syahwat terhadap perempuan lain, maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepadamu berdua anak, anak itu akan menjadi pondan yang bersifat benci dan hina.”
5. “Wahai Ali..! jika kamu berjunub di tempat tidur, janganlah membaca Al-Quran, maka sesungguhnya aku bimbang akan turun kepada kamu berdua api (bala) dari langit yang membakar kamu berdua.”
6. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah berjima’ dengan isterimu kecuali ada padamu satu tuala dan pada isterimu satu tuala.”
7. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berdua menyapu dengan menggunakan satu tuala, nanti akan jatuh syahwat keatas syahwat (salah seorang akan kuat syahwatnya daripada yang lagi satu), maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu akan mengakibatkan permusuhan kemudian membawa kamu berdua kepada berpecah dan talak.”
8. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah berjima’ dengan isterimu pada malam ‘Aidil Fitri (Raya Puasa), maka sesungguhnya jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak anak itu seorang yang cacat dan tidak mendapat anak baginya kecuali sudah tua.”
9. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada malam ‘Aidil Adha, maka sesungguhnya jika kamu berdua berjima’ pada malam tersebut, apabila Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak aku bimbang ia akan menjadi seorang yang berjari enam atau empat.”
10. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu di bawah cahaya matahari (secara langsung – direct) dan terkena warna (cahayanya), kecuali kamu mengenakan tutupan (bumbung), jika tidak maka sesungguhnya kalau Allah mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak, nanti anak itu akan menjadi seorang sentiasa hidup dalam meminta-minta dan faqir sehingga mati.”
11. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu di bawah pohon kayu yang berbuah, maka sesungguhnya jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kamu berdua anak, nanti anak itu akan menjadi seorang tukang gojo, tukang sebat atau seorang ketua yang bengis,”
12. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu sewaktu antara azan dan iqomah, jika berjima’ pada waktu demikian, sesungguhnya jika Allah mengurniakan anak pada kamu berdua, nanti ia menjadi seorang yang menumpahkan darah.”
13. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu semasa ia hamil kecuali kamu berdua berwudhu’, jika tidak maka sesungguhnya jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kamu berdua anak, nanti ia akan menjadi seorang yang buta hati dan bakhil tangan.”
14. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada pertengahan (Nisfu) Sya’ban, maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kamu berdua anak,nanti anak itu akan mempunyai tanda yang jelek pada muka dan rambutnya.”
15. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada akhir bulan (yakni tinggal dua hari) maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak nanti anak tersebut menjadi seorang yang sentiasa perlu meminta-minta. “
16. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu dengan syahwat terhadap saudara perempuannya ! (ipar kamu) kerana yang demikian itu sesungguhnya kalau Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak, nanti anak itu akan menjadi penolong dan pembantu kepada orang yang zalim dan pada tangannya membuat kebinasaan kepada manusia.”
17. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu di atas loteng maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan anak kepada kamu berdua nanti anak itu menjadi seorang munafiq, pelampau yang melewati batas.”
18. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada malam kamu hendak keluar musafir kerana yang demikian itu sesungguhnya kalau Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak, ia akan membelanjakan harta kepada yang tidak Haq,” dan Rasulullah s.a.w. membaca ayat Al-Quran : “Innal Mubazziriina kaanu – ikhwan Nas – Syayathin.”
19. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu bila kamu keluar bermusafir dalam tempoh tiga hari tiga malam, maka yang demikian itu sesungguhnya bila Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak, nanti ia menjadi seorang pembantu kepada setiap orang yang zalim.”
20. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada awal malam, maka sesungguhnya jika dikurniakan anak kepada kamu berdua, ia menjadi seorang tukang sihir, sunglap, dan menghendaki dunia daripada akhirat.”
Adapun Hadis Rasulullah saw mengenai waktu waktu yang dilarang untuk berjima yaitu:
1. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah engkau berjima’ dengan istri mu pada awal (hari pertama) bulan, pada pertengahan nya (sehari) dan pada akhir (dua hari) di hujung bulan. Maka sesungguhnya penyakit gila, gila babi dan sopak mudah mengenainya dan anaknya.”
2. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah berjima’ dengan isterimu selepas zuhor, sesungguhnya jika Allah swt. mengaruniakan kepada kamu berdua anak karena jima’ pada waktu itu, maka ia akan bermata juling dan syaitan sangat suka kepada manusia yang bermata juling.”
3. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah bercakap-cakap semasa jima’, sesungguhnya jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak dengan jima’ yang demikian, maka anak itu tidak selamat daripada bisu.”
4. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah berjima’ dengan perempuanmu dengan syahwat terhadap perempuan lain, maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepadamu berdua anak, anak itu akan menjadi pondan yang bersifat benci dan hina.”
5. “Wahai Ali..! jika kamu berjunub di tempat tidur, janganlah membaca Al-Quran, maka sesungguhnya aku bimbang akan turun kepada kamu berdua api (bala) dari langit yang membakar kamu berdua.”
6. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah berjima’ dengan isterimu kecuali ada padamu satu tuala dan pada isterimu satu tuala.”
7. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berdua menyapu dengan menggunakan satu tuala, nanti akan jatuh syahwat keatas syahwat (salah seorang akan kuat syahwatnya daripada yang lagi satu), maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu akan mengakibatkan permusuhan kemudian membawa kamu berdua kepada berpecah dan talak.”
8. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah berjima’ dengan isterimu pada malam ‘Aidil Fitri (Raya Puasa), maka sesungguhnya jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak anak itu seorang yang cacat dan tidak mendapat anak baginya kecuali sudah tua.”
9. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada malam ‘Aidil Adha, maka sesungguhnya jika kamu berdua berjima’ pada malam tersebut, apabila Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak aku bimbang ia akan menjadi seorang yang berjari enam atau empat.”
10. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu di bawah cahaya matahari (secara langsung – direct) dan terkena warna (cahayanya), kecuali kamu mengenakan tutupan (bumbung), jika tidak maka sesungguhnya kalau Allah mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak, nanti anak itu akan menjadi seorang sentiasa hidup dalam meminta-minta dan faqir sehingga mati.”
11. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu di bawah pohon kayu yang berbuah, maka sesungguhnya jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kamu berdua anak, nanti anak itu akan menjadi seorang tukang gojo, tukang sebat atau seorang ketua yang bengis,”
12. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu sewaktu antara azan dan iqomah, jika berjima’ pada waktu demikian, sesungguhnya jika Allah mengurniakan anak pada kamu berdua, nanti ia menjadi seorang yang menumpahkan darah.”
13. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu semasa ia hamil kecuali kamu berdua berwudhu’, jika tidak maka sesungguhnya jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kamu berdua anak, nanti ia akan menjadi seorang yang buta hati dan bakhil tangan.”
14. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada pertengahan (Nisfu) Sya’ban, maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kamu berdua anak,nanti anak itu akan mempunyai tanda yang jelek pada muka dan rambutnya.”
15. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada akhir bulan (yakni tinggal dua hari) maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak nanti anak tersebut menjadi seorang yang sentiasa perlu meminta-minta. “
16. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu dengan syahwat terhadap saudara perempuannya ! (ipar kamu) kerana yang demikian itu sesungguhnya kalau Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak, nanti anak itu akan menjadi penolong dan pembantu kepada orang yang zalim dan pada tangannya membuat kebinasaan kepada manusia.”
17. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu di atas loteng maka sesungguhnya yang demikian itu jika Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan anak kepada kamu berdua nanti anak itu menjadi seorang munafiq, pelampau yang melewati batas.”
18. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada malam kamu hendak keluar musafir kerana yang demikian itu sesungguhnya kalau Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak, ia akan membelanjakan harta kepada yang tidak Haq,” dan Rasulullah s.a.w. membaca ayat Al-Quran : “Innal Mubazziriina kaanu – ikhwan Nas – Syayathin.”
19. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu bila kamu keluar bermusafir dalam tempoh tiga hari tiga malam, maka yang demikian itu sesungguhnya bila Allah s.w.t. mengurniakan kepada kamu berdua anak, nanti ia menjadi seorang pembantu kepada setiap orang yang zalim.”
20. “Wahai Ali..! janganlah kamu berjima’ dengan isterimu pada awal malam, maka sesungguhnya jika dikurniakan anak kepada kamu berdua, ia menjadi seorang tukang sihir, sunglap, dan menghendaki dunia daripada akhirat.”
Cara Berhubungan Intim Menurut Ajaran Islam
Setiap Pasutri pasti menginginkan hubungan yang romantis. Istimewanya
ajaran Islam, aturan ketika di ranjang pun diajarkan demi mewujudkan
keharmonisan rumah tangga. Aturan di sini ada yang menjelaskan mengenai
larangan yang mesti dijauhi, ada pula beberapa hal yang sunnah
(anjuran), ditambah lagi dengan pelurusan terhadap hal-hal yang dianggap
tidak boleh oleh sebagian kalangan padahal asalnya boleh. Semoga dengan
semakin mengetahui aturan-aturan Islam ini, hubungan intim dengan sang
istri semakin mesra dan tidak sampai melanggar yang Allah larang, yang
diinginkan hanyalah ridho Allah.
1 . Disunnahkan bercumbu rayu sebagai pemanasan terlebih dahulu di awal-awal hubungan badan.
Inilah alasan kenapa Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menganjurkan
untuk menikahi wanita perawan karena kita pun bisa menikmati manisnya.
Ketika Jabir menikah, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bertanya
« هَلْ تَزَوَّجْتَ بِكْرًا أَمْ ثَيِّبًا » . فَقُلْتُ تَزَوَّجْتُ
ثَيِّبًا . فَقَالَ « هَلاَّ تَزَوَّجْتَ بِكْرًا تُلاَعِبُهَا
وَتُلاَعِبُكَ »
“Apakah engkau menikahi gadis (perawan) atau janda?” “Aku menikahi
janda”, kata Jabir. “Kenapa engkau tidak menikahi gadis saja karena
engkau bisa bercumbu dengannya dan juga sebaliknya ia bisa bercumbu
mesra denganmu?” (HR. Bukhari no. 2967 dan Muslim no. 715). Ibnu Hajar
mengatakan bahwa hal ini sebagai isyarat kalau gadis sangat menyenangkan
jika diisap lidahnya ketika bermain-main atau menciumnya (Fathul Bari,
9: 122).
2. Menyetubuhi istri di kemaluan, terserah dari depan atau belakang.
Allah Ta’ala berfirman,
نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ
“Isteri-isterimu adalah (seperti) tanah tempat kamu bercocok tanam, maka
datangilah tanah tempat bercocok-tanammu itu bagaimana saja kamu
kehendaki” (QS. Al Baqarah: 223). Imam Nawawi rahimahullah berkata,
“Yang namanya ladang (tempat bercocok tanam) pada wanita adalah di
kemaluannya yaitu tempat mani bersemai untuk mendapatkan keturunan. Ini
adalah dalil bolehnya menyetubuhi istri di kemaluannya, terserah dari
arah depan, belakang atau istri dibalikkan.” (Syarh Muslim, 10: 6)
Dari Jabir bin ‘Abdillah, ia berkata bahwa orang Yahudi berkata kepada
kaum muslimin, “Barangsiapa yang menyetubuhi istrinya dari arah
belakang, maka anaknya nanti bisa juling (matanya). Turunlah firman
Allah Ta’ala,
نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ
“Isteri-isterimu adalah (seperti) tanah tempat kamu bercocok tanam, maka
datangilah tanah tempat bercocok-tanammu itu bagaimana saja kamu
kehendaki” (QS. Al Baqarah: 223). Lantas Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi
wa sallam bersabda,
مُقْبِلَةً وَمُدْبِرَةً مَا كَانَ فِي الفَرْجِ
“Terserah mau dari arah depan atau belakang selama di kemaluan.” (HR.
Ath Thohawi 3: 41 dalam Syarh Ma’anil Atsar dengan sanad yang shahih)
3. Tidak boleh menyetubuhi istri di dubur
Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam surat Al Baqarah ayat 223 di atas bahwa
istri adalah seperti ladang kita bercocok tanam. Tempat benih tersebut
disemai adalah di kemaluan, bukanlah di dubur sebagaimana kata Imam
Nawawi dalam Syarh Shahih Muslim (10: 6).
Hadits yang mendasari larangan ini adalah sabda Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,
مَلْعُونٌ مَنْ أَتَى امْرَأَةً فِى دُبُرِهَا
“Benar-benar terlaknat orang yang menyetubuhi istrinya di duburnya.”
(HR. Ahmad 2: 479. Syaikh Syu’aib Al Arnauth mengatakan bahwa hadits
tersebut hasan)
Begitu juga sabda Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,
مَنْ أَتَى حَائِضًا أَوِ امْرَأَةً فِى دُبُرِهَا أَوْ كَاهِنًا فَقَدْ كَفَرَ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ -صلى الله عليه وسلم-
“Barangsiapa yang menyetubuhi wanita haid atau menyetubuhi wanita di
duburnya, maka ia telah kufur terhadap apa yang diturunkan kepada
Muhammad –shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam-.” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 135, Ibnu
Majah no. 639. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih).
Ancaman yang ditunjukkan pada dua hadits di atas menunjukkan bahwa
perbuatan ini termasuk dosa besar karena disertai laknat (jauh dari
rahmat Allah) dan dinyatakan sebagai suatu kekufuran.
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah mengatakan, “Ulama Syafi’iyah berpendapat bahwa
tidak halal menyetubuhi di dubur sedikit pun baik pada manusia maupun
hewan dalam segala macam keadaan.” (Syarh Muslim, 10: 6)
Ibnu Taimiyah rahimahullah berkata, “Allah Ta’ala sendiri mengharamkan
menyetubuhi wanita haid karena adanya haid di kemaluaannya. Bagaimana
lagi jika yang disetubuhi adalah tempat yang keluarnya najis
mughollazhoh (najis yang berat)? Seks anal tidak dipungkuri lagi
termasuk jenis liwath (sodomi). Menurut madzhab Abu Hanifah, Syafi’iyah,
pendapat Imam Ahmad dan Hambali, perbuatan seks anal ini haram, tanpa
adanya perselisihan di antara mereka. Demikian pula hal ini menjadi
pendapat yang nampak pada Imam Malik dan pengikutnya.” (Majmu’ Al
Fatawa, 32: 267-268)
4. Tidak boleh menyetubuhi wanita di masa haid
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah berkata, “Kaum muslimin sepakat akan haramnya
menyetubuhi wanita haid berdasarkan ayat Al Qur’an dan hadits-hadits
yang shahih” (Al Majmu’, 2: 359). Ibnu Taimiyah rahimahullah berkata,
“Menyetubuhi wanita nifas adalah sebagaimana wanita haid yaitu haram
berdasarkan kesepakatan para ulama.” (Majmu’ Al Fatawa, 21: 624)
Dalam hadits disebutkan,
مَنْ أَتَى حَائِضًا أَوِ امْرَأَةً فِى دُبُرِهَا أَوْ كَاهِنًا فَقَدْ كَفَرَ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ -صلى الله عليه وسلم-
“Barangsiapa yang menyetubuhi wanita haid atau menyetubuhi wanita di
duburnya, maka ia telah kufur terhadap apa yang diturunkan kepada
Muhammad –shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam-.” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 135, Ibnu
Majah no. 639. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih). Al
Muhamili dalam Al Majmu’ (2: 359) menyebutkan bahwa Imam Asy Syafi’i
rahimahullah berkata, “Barangsiapa yang menyetubuhi wanita haid, maka ia
telah terjerumus dalam dosa besar.”
Hubungan seks yang dibolehkan dengan wanita haid adalah bercumbu selama
tidak melakukan jima’ (senggama) di kemaluan. Dalam hadits disebutkan,
اصْنَعُوا كُلَّ شَىْءٍ إِلاَّ النِّكَاحَ
“Lakukanlah segala sesuatu (terhadap wanita haid) selain jima’ (di kemaluan).” (HR. Muslim no. 302)
Dalam riwayat yang muttafaqun ‘alaih disebutkan,
عَنْ عَائِشَةَ قَالَتْ كَانَتْ إِحْدَانَا إِذَا كَانَتْ حَائِضًا ،
فَأَرَادَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – أَنْ يُبَاشِرَهَا ،
أَمَرَهَا أَنْ تَتَّزِرَ فِى فَوْرِ حَيْضَتِهَا ثُمَّ يُبَاشِرُهَا .
قَالَتْ وَأَيُّكُمْ يَمْلِكُ إِرْبَهُ كَمَا كَانَ النَّبِىُّ – صلى الله
عليه وسلم – يَمْلِكُ إِرْبَهُ
Dari ‘Aisyah, ia berkata bahwa di antara istri-istri Nabi shallallahu
‘alaihi wa sallam ada yang mengalami haid. Rasulullah shallallahu
‘alaihi wa sallam ingin bercumbu dengannya. Lantas beliau
memerintahkannya untuk memakai sarung agar menutupi tempat memancarnya
darah haid, kemudian beliau tetap mencumbunya (di atas sarung). Aisyah
berkata, “Adakah di antara kalian yang bisa menahan hasratnya (untuk
berjima’) sebagaimana Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menahannya?”
(HR. Bukhari no. 302 dan Muslim no. 293). Imam Nawawi menyebutkan judul
bab dari hadits di atas, “Bab mencumbu wanita haid di atas sarungnya”.
Artinya di selain tempat keluarnya darah haid atau selain kemaluannya.
5. Jika seorang pria kuat, ia boleh mengulangi hubungan intim untuk kedua kalinya, namun hendaknya berwudhu terlebih dahulu
Dari Abu Sa’id Al Khudri, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
إِذَا أَتَى أَحَدُكُمْ أَهْلَهُ ثُمَّ أَرَادَ أَنْ يَعُودَ فَلْيَتَوَضَّأْ
“Jika salah seorang di antara kalian menyetubuhi istrinya, lalu ia ingin
mengulanginya kembali, maka berwudhulah” (HR. Muslim no. 308). Perintah
wudhu di sini adalah sunnah (anjuran) dan bukan wajib (Syarh Shahih
Muslim, 3: 217)
6. Boleh-boleh saja suami istri tidak berpakaian sehingga bisa saling melihat satu dan lainnya
Hal ini dibolehkan karena tidak ada batasan aurat antara suami istri.
Kita dapat melihat bukti hal ini dari hadits ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha,
ia berkata,
كُنْتُ أَغْتَسِلُ أَنَا وَالنَّبِىُّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – مِنْ إِنَاءٍ وَاحِدٍ مِنْ جَنَابَةٍ
“Aku pernah mandi bersama Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dari satu
bejana dan kami berdua dalam keadaan junub” (HR. Bukhari no. 263 dan
Muslim no. 321). Al-Hafizh lbnu Hajar Al Asqalani rahimahullah berkata,
“Ad-Dawudi berdalil dengan hadits ini untuk menyatakan bolehnya seorang
suami melihat aurat istrinya dan sebaliknya. Pendapat ini dikuatkan
dengan kabar yang diriwayatkan lbnu Hibban dari jalan Sulaiman bin Musa
bahwasanya ia ditanya tentang hukum seorang suami melihat aurat
istrinya. Maka Sulaiman pun berkata, ‘Aku pernah bertanya kepada ‘Atha
tentang hal ini, ia menjawab, ‘Aku pernah menanyakan permasalahan ini
kepada ‘Aisyah maka ‘Aisyah membawakan hadits ini dengan maknanya’.”
(Fathul Bari, 1: 364).
Sebagai pendukung lagi adalah dari ayat Al Qur’an berikut, Allah Ta’ala berfirman,
وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ (5) إِلَّا عَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِمْ
أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ (6)
“Dan orang-orang yang menjaga kemaluannya, kecuali terhadap
isteri-isteri mereka atau hamba sahaya yang mereka miliki; maka
sesungguhnya mereka dalam hal ini tiada tercela” (QS. Al Mu’minun: 5-6).
Ibnu Hazm berkata, “Ayat ini umum, menjaga kemaluan hanya pada istri
dan hamba sahaya berarti dibolehkan melihat, menyentuh dan bercampur
dengannya.” (Al Muhalla, 10: 33)
Sedangkan hadits,
إِذَا أَتَى أَهْلَهُ فَلاَ يَتَجَرَّدَا تَجَرُّدَ العَيْرَيْن
“Jika seseorang menyetubuhi istrinya, janganlah saling telanjang.” (HR.
An Nasai dalam Al Kubro 5: 327 dan Al Baihaqi dalam Syu’abul Iman 6:
163. Abu Zur’ah mengatakan Mandal yang meriwayatkan hadits ini adalah
keliru). Penulis Shahih Fiqh Sunnah (3: 188) mengatakan bahwa hadits ini
munkar, tidak shahih. Maka asalnya boleh suami istri saling telanjang
ketika hubungan intim. Wallahu a’lam.
7. Istri hendaklah tidak menolak ketika diajak hubungan intim oleh suaminya
Dari Abu Hurairah, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
إِذَا دَعَا الرَّجُلُ امْرَأَتَهُ إِلَى فِرَاشِهِ فَأَبَتْ أَنْ تَجِىءَ لَعَنَتْهَا الْمَلاَئِكَةُ حَتَّى تُصْبِحَ
“Jika seorang pria mengajak istrinya ke ranjang, lantas si istri enggan
memenuhinya, maka malaikat akan melaknatnya hingga waktu Shubuh” (HR.
Bukhari no. 5193 dan Muslim no. 1436). Namun jika istri ada halangan,
seperti sakit atau kecapekan, maka itu termasuk uzur dan suami harus
memaklumi hal ini. Imam Nawawi rahimahullah berkata, “Ini adalah dalil
haramnya wanita enggan mendatangi ranjang jika tidak ada uzur. Termasuk
haid bukanlah uzur karena suami masih bisa menikmati istri di atas
kemaluannya.” (Syarh Shahih Muslim, 10: 7)
8. Jika seseorang tidak sengaja memandang wanita lain, lantas ia begitu takjub, maka segeralah datangi istrinya
Dari Jabir bin ‘Abdillah, dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam
bahwasanya beliau pernah melihat seorang wanita, lalu ia mendatangi
istrinya Zainab yang saat itu sedang menyamak kulit miliknya. Lantas
beliau menyelasaikan hajatnya (dengan berjima’, hubungan intim), lalu
keluar menuju para sahabatnya seraya berkata,
إِنَّ الْمَرْأَةَ تُقْبِلُ فِى صُورَةِ شَيْطَانٍ وَتُدْبِرُ فِى صُورَةِ
شَيْطَانٍ فَإِذَا أَبْصَرَ أَحَدُكُمُ امْرَأَةً فَلْيَأْتِ أَهْلَهُ
فَإِنَّ ذَلِكَ يَرُدُّ مَا فِى نَفْسِهِ
“Sesungguhnya wanita datang dalam rupa setan, dan pergi dalam rupa
setan. Jika seorang di antara kalian melihat seorang wanita yang
menakjubkan (tanpa sengaja), maka hendaknya ia mendatangi (bersetubuh
dengan) istrinya, karena hal itu akan menolak sesuatu (berupa syahwat)
yang terdapat pada dirinya” (HR. Muslim no. 1403)
Para ulama berkata bahwa Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melakukan
seperti ini sebagai penjelasan bagi para sahabat mengenai apa yang mesti
mereka lakukan dalam keadaan demikian (yaitu ketika melihat wanita yang
tidak halal, pen). Beliau mencontohkan dengan perbuatan dan perkataan
sekaligus. Hadits ini juga menunjukkan tidak mengapa mengajak istri
untuk hubungan intim di siang hari atau waktu lain yang menyibukkan
selama pekerjaan yang ada mungkin ditinggalkan. Karena bisa jadi
laki-laki sangat tinggi sekali syahwatnya ketika itu yang bisa jadi
membahayakan badan, hati atau pandangannya jika ditunda (Lihat Syarh
Shahih Muslim, 9: 179).
9. Tidak boleh menyebarkan rahasia hubungan ranjang
Dari Abu Sa’id Al Khudri, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
إِنَّ مِنْ أَشَرِّ النَّاسِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ مَنْزِلَةً يَوْمَ
الْقِيَامَةِ الرَّجُلَ يُفْضِى إِلَى امْرَأَتِهِ وَتُفْضِى إِلَيْهِ
ثُمَّ يَنْشُرُ سِرَّهَا
“Sesungguhnya termasuk manusia paling jelek kedudukannya di sisi Allah
pada hari kiamat adalah laki-laki yang menggauli istrinya kemudian dia
sebarkan rahasia ranjangnya.” (HR. Muslim no. 1437). Syaikh Abu Malik
berkata, “Namun jika ada maslahat syar’i sebagaimana yang dilakukan
istri Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam yang menyebarkan bagaimana
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam berinteraksi dengan istrinya,
maka tidaklah masalah” (Shahih Fiqh Sunnah, 3: 189).
10. Jika seseorang datang dari safar, hendaklah dia mengabarkan istrinya dan jangan datang sembunyi-sembunyi
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
إِذَا قَدِمَ أَحَدُكُمْ لَيْلاً فَلاَ يَأْتِيَنَّ أَهْلَهُ طُرُوْقًا حَتَّى تَسْتَحِدَّ الْمَغِيْبَةُ وَتَمْتَشِطَ الشَّعِثَةُ
“Jika salah seorang dari kalian datang pada malam hari maka janganlah ia
mendatangi istrinya. (Berilah kabar terlebih dahulu) agar wanita yang
ditinggal suaminya mencukur bulu-bulu kemaluannya dan menyisir
rambutnya” (HR. Bukhari no. 5246 dan Muslim no. 715).
Dari Jabir bin Abdillah, ia berkata,
نَهَى رَسُوْلُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنْ يَطْرُقَ الرَّجُلُ أَهْلَهُ لَيْلاً يَتَخَوَّنُهُمْ أَوْ يَلْتَمِسُ عَثَرَاتِهِمْ
“Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alihi wa sallam melarang seseorang mendatangi
istrinya di malam hari untuk mencari-cari tahu apakah istrinya
berkhianat kepadanya atau untuk mencari-cari kesalahannya” (HR. Muslim
no. 715).
11. Boleh menyetubuhi wanita yang sedang menyusui
Dari ‘Aisyah, dari Judaamah binti Wahb, saudara perempuan ‘Ukaasyah, ia
berkata bahwasanya ia mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam
لَقَدْ هَمَمْتُ أَنْ أَنْهَى عَنِ الْغِيلَةِ حَتَّى ذَكَرْتُ أَنَّ
الرُّومَ وَفَارِسَ يَصْنَعُونَ ذَلِكَ فَلاَ يَضُرُّ أَوْلاَدَهُمْ
“Sungguh, semula aku ingin melarang (kalian) dari perbuatan ghiilah.
Lalu aku melihat bangsa Romawi dan Persia dimana mereka melakukan
ghiilah terhadap anak-anak mereka. Ternyata hal itu tidak membahayakan
anak-anak mereka” (HR. Muslim no. 1442). Ghiilah bisa bermakna
menyutubuhi wanita yang sedang menyusui. Ada pula yang mengartikan
wanita menyusui yang sedang hamil (Lihat Syarh Shahih Muslim, 10: 16).
Kebolehan menyetubuhi wanita yang sedang menyusui tentu saja dengan
melihat maslahat dan mudhorot (bahaya) sebagai pertimbangan.
Dari artikel 'Aturan dalam Hubungan Intim — Muslim.Or.Id'
Menjilati Kemaluan Istri “Oral Sex”Hukum & Pandangan Ulama
Firman Allah Ta’ala, “Dan Dia mengharamkan atas kalian yang buruk-buruk.” (QS. Al-A’raf: 157)
Menjilat kemaluan isteri adalah perkara yang jarang dibincangkan secara
terbuka karena masyarakat kita sangat sensitif dan pemalu. Jika
dibuat kajian pasangan suami isteri melakukan “oral sex” ini. Jika
ini membahagiakan pasangan suami isteri dalam menikmati hubungan seks
dengan cara ini.
dalam hubungan suami istri adalah mubah, kecuali apa yang disebutkan
larangannya oleh nash: berupa mendatangi istri pada dubur (anus)-nya,
menggaulinya saat haid dan nifas, saat istri menjalankan puasa fardhu,
atau saat berihram haji atau umrah.
“Istri-istrimu adalah (seperti) tanah tempat kamu bercocok-tanam, maka datangilah tanah tempat bercocok-tanammu itu bagaimana saja kamu kehendaki. Dan kerjakanlah (amal yang baik) untuk dirimu, dan bertakwalah kepada Allah dan ketahuilah bahwa kamu kelak akan menemui-Nya. Dan berilah kabar gembira orang-orang yang beriman.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 223)Ibnu Abidin al-Hanafi berkata dalam Radd al-Mukhtar: Abu Yusuf pernah bertanya kepada Abu Hanifah tentang seorang laki-laki yang membelai farji istrinya dan sang istri membelai kemaluan suaminya untuk membangkitkan syahwatnya, apakah menurut Anda itu tidak boleh? Beliau menjawab, “Tidak, aku berharap itu pahalanya besar.”
Al-Qadhi Ibnul Arabi al-Maliki berkata, “Manusia telah berbeda pendapat tentang bolehnya seorang suami melihat farji (kemaluan) istrinya atas dua pendapat: salah satunya,membolehkan, karena jika ia dibolehkan menikmati (istrinya dengan jima’) maka melihat itu lebih layak (bolehnya). . . . . salah seorang ulama kami, Asbagh (Ulama besar Madhab Maliki di Mesir) berkata: Boleh baginya (suami) untuk menjilati –kemaluan istrinya- dengan lidahnya.”
Al-Fannani al-Syafi’i berkata: “Seorang suami boleh apa saja setiap melakukan hubungan dengan istrinya selain lubang duburnya, bahkan menghisap clitorisnya.
Al-Mardawi al-Hambali berkata dalam al-Inshaf: Al-Qadhi berkata dalam al-Jami’: “Boleh mencium farji (kemaluan) istri sebelum jima’ dan memakruhkannya sesudahnya . . istri juga boleh memegang dan menciumnya dengan syahwat. Ini dikuatkan dalam kitab al-Ri’ayah, diikuti dalam al-Furu’, dan diperjelas oleh Ibnu ‘Aqil.
Namun jika terbukti jelas cara bercumbu semacam itu menyebabkan penyakit dan membahayakan pelakunya, maka saat itu ia wajib meninggalkannya berdasarkan sabda nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam, “Tidak boleh (melakukan sesuatu) yang membahayakan diri sendiri dan membahayakan orang lain.” (HR. Ibnu Majah dalam sunannya)
Begitu pula apabila salah seorang pasangan merasa tersakiti (tidak nyaman) karena perbuatan tersebut dan membencinya: maka wajib atas pelaku (suami)-nya untuk menghentikannya.
Hal ini berdasarkan firman Allah Ta’ala:
“Dan bergaullah dengan mereka secara patut.” (QS. Al-Nisa’: 19)Dalam hal ini harus diperhatikan tujuan dasar dari hubungan suami istri, yakni permanen dan kontinuitasnya. Asal dari akad nikah adalah dibangun di atas kelanggengan. Allah Ta’ala telah meliput akad ini dengan beberapa peraturan untuk menjaga kelestariannya dan menguatkan orang yang menjalaninya sesuai dengan ketentuan syariat bukan dengan sesuatu yang menyelisihinya.
Allah SWT menciptakan tubuh manusia
dengan fungsi masing-masing. Justru Islam melarang dari mendatangi
isteri dari ‘duburnya’ dan juga semasa haid atau nifas, kesemua
pengharaman ini mempunyai dalil dan nas yang khusus. Namun isu ‘oral
seks’ tidak mempunyai dalil khusus yang melarang, ini menyebabkan
berlakunya perbezaan pendapat di kalangan ulama Islam.
para ulama sepakat bahwa jika sekadar
menyentuh atau menggosok kemaluan suami dan isteri tanpa ‘oral seks’,
adalah dibenarkan menurut para ulama Islam kerana ia tergolong dalam
bentuk aktiviti menaikkan syahwat antara suami isteri yang diharuskan.
Yang mengharuskanDr Syeikh Yusof Al-Qaradawi (rujuk berfatwa harus untuk mencium kemaluan isteri atau suami dengan syarat tidak menghisap atau menelan apa saja ceceran air yang keluar darinya. Menelan atau menghisap adalah MAKRUH disisi Islam karena ia salah satu bentuk perlakuan zalim (meletakkan sesuatu tidak pada tempatnya) dan melampaui batas dalam hubungan seksual.
Apa yang pasti diharamkan menurut beliau adalah ‘anal sex’ atau seks melalui lubang dubur, karena terdapat nas yang jelas mengharamkannya, adapun ‘oral seks’ tiada sebarang nas jelas dari Al-Quran dan hadis yang melarangnya.
Pandangan ‘harus’ atau boleh dilakukan ini dikongsi oleh Mufti Mesir, Syeikh Dr Ali Al-Jumaah dan juga Dr. Sabri ‘Abdul Ra’ouf (Prof Fiqh di Univ Al-Azhar) apabila mereka menegaskan, tindakan ini harus selagi mana ianya benar-benar dirasakan perlu bagi menghadirkan kepuasan kepada pasangan suami dan isteri, terutamanya jika ia dapat menghindarkan pasangan ini dari ketidakpuasan yang boleh membawa mereka ke lembah zina kelak.
Namun kesemua mereka yang mengharuskan termasuk Syeikh Yusof Al-Qaradawi tidak pula menghuraikan satu isu yang mungkin boleh dipanjangkan perbahasannya, iaitu bab kenajisan air mazi dan air mani. fatwa beliau mungkin boleh digunakan jika dalam keadaan tiada sebarang ceceran air dikeluarkan semasa aktivti oral sex ini dilakukan. Namun keadaan ini dikira sukar berlaku kerana bagi seseorang yang normal, nafsu yang meningkat pastinya akan mengeluarkan cecair pelincir iaitu mazi.
Air mani lelaki dan wanita dianggap najis menurut mazhab Hanafi dan Maliki. Mazhab Syafie dan Hanbali pula mengganggapnya suci.Namun semua ulama setuju air mazi adalah najis. Hasilnya, majoriti pandangan ulama yang menyatakan menelan dan hisap termasuk cecaran ir mazi ini adalah haram atau makruh berat. Beberapa ulama kontemporari menegaskan perlu membasuh dengan segera jika terkena mazi tadi.
Mazi ibarat najis lain yang dianggap kotor dalam Islam, justeru haram memakan tahi, meminum air kencing dan termasuk juga air mazi ini. Bukan sekadar haram memakan najis malah ulama empat mazhab juga memfatwakan haram menjual najis (kecuali diketika wujudnya teknologi untuk menggunakannya sebagai baja), apatah lagi untuk menjilat, hisap dan menelannya. Sudah tentulah ia lebih lagi diharamkan.
Selain itu, menurut undang-undang Malaysia juga ia adalah satu perkara yang tidak normal, khusus buat orang yang agak luar biasa nafsunya.
Kebanyakan ulama Saudi mengharamkan perbuatan ini, ini dapat dilihat dari fatwa-fatwa berikut:-
Mufti Saudi Arabia bahagian Selatan, Asy-Syaikh Al’Allamah Ahmad bin Yahya An-Najmi menjawab sebagai berikut,
“Adapun hisapan isteri terhadap kemaluan suaminya (oral sex), maka ini adalah haram, tidak dibolehkan. Ini Kerana ia (kemaluan suami) dapat memancarkan mani, mazi dan lain-lain. Kalau memancar, maka akan keluar darinya air mazi yang ia najis menurut kesepakatan (ulama’). Apabila (air mazi itu) masuk ke dalam mulutnya lalu ke perutnya maka boleh jadi akan menyebabkan penyakit baginya.”Melalui pandangan ini, kita dapat melihat satu point yang penting,yaitu sejauh mana tindakan ini boleh memberikan kesan buruk kepada kesehatan pasangan. Menurut pembacaan, ulama yang membolehkan perilaku ini juga bersetuju untuk mengganggapnya haram jika dapat dipastikan dan dibuktikan dari sudut saintifik, ia boleh membawa bakteria dan menyebabkan penyakit yang serius.
Saya teringat pakar berkata, Dr Ismail Thambi pernah menyatakan bahawa bakteria yang berada di mulut adalah sangat banyak berbanding di kemaluan, justeru beliau menyatakan tindakan ‘oral sex’ dibimbangi boleh membawa penyakit kemaluan disebabkan bahagian mulut pasangan yang mempunyai banyak bakteria dan
Selain itu, seorang lagi ilmuan Islam iaitu Syeikh Nasiruddin Albani berkata :-
“Ini adalah perbuatan sebahagian binatang, seperti anjing. Dan kita mempunyai dasar umum bahawa di dalam banyak hadits, Ar-Rasul melarang untuk tasyabbuh (menyerupai) haiwan-haiwan, seperti larangan beliau turun (sujud) seperti turunnya unta, dan menoleh seperti tolehan serigala dan mematuk seperti patukan burung gagak. Dan telah dimaklumi pula bahawa Nabi Shallallahu ‘alahi wa sallam telah melarang untuk tasyabbuh (menyerupai) dengan orang kafir, maka diambil juga daripada makna larangan tersebut pelarangan tasyabbuh dengan haiwan-haiwan-sebagai penguat yang telah lalu, apalagi haiwan yang telah diketahui keburukan tabiatnya. Maka sewajarnya seorang muslim – dan keadaannya seperti ini – merasa tinggi untuk menyerupai haiwan-haiwan”Namun, pendapat peribadi saya mendapati pandangan dan dalil yang digunapakai oleh Syeikh Albani ini adalah tidak begitu kukuh, namun saya tidak berhasrat untuk membincangkannya dengan panjang lebar di ruang ini.
Tindakan men’generalize’ semua jenis persamaan (tasyyabbuh) sebagai haram secara total juga boleh didebatkan kesohihannya. Demikian juga menyamakannya dengan perilaku binatang, benarkah binatang melakukan ‘oral seks’?, jika sekadar menjilat mungkin ya, namun menghisap kemaluan si jantan? Adakah binatang yang melakukannya?. Saya tidak pasti. Bagaimana pula binatang ada juga yang mencium dan memeluk pasangannya. Adakah mencium dan memeluk juga diharamkan kerana menyerupai binatang.? Sudah tentu tidak.
Jadi Kesimpulannya:
1. menjauhi aktivitas ini dan menghadkan kepada perilaku seks yang lebih sehat bersama pasangan. Ini bagi menjauhi perkara khilaf.
2. Harus bagi suami isteri untuk mencumbu kemaluan pasangan mereka dengan syarat tidak menghisap, jilat dan menelan apa jua ceceran air. Ia juga dituntut untuk membersihkan mulut dan kemaluan mereka sebelum melakukan aktiviti ini sebaik mungkin bagai meninimakan kemungkinan penyakit. Namun ia makruh yang cenderung kepada haram (makruh tahrimi) jika perbuatan ini sengaja untuk meniru-meniru perbuatan aksi seks melampau golongan bukan Islam dan juga binatang.
3. Haram hukumnya menelan mazi dan mani pasangan karena Islam mengharamkan umatnya dari melakukan perkara kotor sebegini, sama juga seperti diharamkan menjual najis (kecuali baja yang akan diproses melalui dengan bahagian kimia).
4. Hukumnya menjadi harus berdasarkan keringanan khusus yang diberi oleh Islam atau disebut ‘rukhshah’ kepada pasangan yang amat perlukannya bagi mengelakkan ketidakpuasan dan membawa masalah besar rumah tangga atau lebih dahsyat lagi, zina secara rambang diluar rumah.
5. Hukum melakukannya bersama pasangan kekasih atau mana-mana pasangan sebelum nikah yang sah adalah haram, dosa besar dan boleh didakwa dengan hukuman 20 tahun penjara di Malaysia. Namun ia tidak dianggap berzina dalam erti kata dan takrif zina yang disebut di dalam kitab-kitab Fiqh Islam. Ia hanya dianggap sebagai muqaddimah zina atau perdahuluan zina. Dalam kaedah fiqh Islam, “Apa-apa yang membawa kepada haram, hukumnya adalah haram jua”.
Bahwa hukum Islam sentiasa ingin melahirkan keutuhan rumah tangga dan masyarakat. Kita mesti sadar dan berfikir sama, tindakan oral seks ini benar-benar membawa sesuatu yang berharga buat keharmonian rumah tangga kita, dan apa pula kesannya kepada nafsu diri. Adakah ia semakin mampu dikawal atau semakin buas sebenarnya.
Kita bimbang, tindakan ini boleh membawa kepada keinginan nafsu yang semakin membara dan tidak terkawal sehingga membahayakan diri dan masyarakat di sekeliling kita disebabkan nafsu buas dan luar biasa yang sentiasa dilayan ini. Layanlah nafsu secara berpada-pada agar tidak ditawan olehnya kelak.
rujukan sumber :
Oral Sex in the religious law of Islam
Bismillah wal hamdulillah was Shalatu was salamu ' ala Rasulillah wa ' ala Aalhi ashhabihi wa wa man waalah , wa ba'd :
Oral sex law , both who are husband ( cunilingus ) , or wife ( fellatio ) , the contemporary scholars ( today ) disagree . They were divided into three groups . There are forbid , memakruhkan , and allow . While the classical scholars , to my knowledge has never been discussed . And Allaah knows best .
Groups which forbid , they reasoned with filthy madziyang exist in either male or female genitalia while lust , which if ingested it is forbidden . About filthy madhiy , the scholars we all agree , not disagree.
عن علي قال كنت رجلا مذاء فأمرت رجلا أن يسأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لمكان ابنته فسأل فقال توضأ واغسل ذكرك
Of ' Ali , he said : " I am a simple man out madhiy , then I order someone to ask the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa Sallamlantaran position as his in-law ( meaning Ali embarrassed to ask yourself ) , then the man asked , then the Messenger replied : " Wudhulah and wash your dick . " ( Narrated by Bukhari No. . 269 )
This hadith shows impurity madhiy , only it is not obligatory to perform ghusl , ablution but just as the hadith text . Therefore madhiy he is unclean unclean ingested , which is likely to occur when the oral sex . Other reasons , because oral sex is a way of animals , and we are forbidden to resemble animals . And Allaah knows best .
Memakruhkan factions , they reasoned that oral sex is not necessarily swallow madhiy but just hit , either because kissed or licked . Mouth or tongue madhiy affected , of course, just the same as touching the pubic madhiy husband and wife when coitus ( jima ' ) . Because when jima ' , automatically madzitersebut sure about pubic ' opponent . ' Well , if it is allowed , then what does it matter if the other body , such as mouth ? Same thing . However, it undermined muru'ah ( good morals ) and disgusting . Anyway do not deserve , mouth and tongue are always dhikr and reading Qur'an, is used to it . Therefore, for them it is makruh , not until unclean .
Groups that allow , they reasoned that the husband for the wife , or the wife for the husband is entirely lawful , except rectum and when menstruation . While the reasons which forbid ( swallowing madhiy ) has been answered , and the reason that memakruhkan ( muru'ah destructive and repulsive ) for this group was not acceptable .
Reason damage muru'ah (self image / good morals ) is a weak excuse , because Umar bin Al Khathab ago when he menjima ' wife from behind ( but not of the rectum ) styleyangjelas doggy - term clearly resemble the animal , it was allowed by the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa Sallam . In fact, 'Umar felt guilty , because it was not his habit and not a habit of his people . As oral sex today is not the custom of the East , but the habits of the West . However , as none of the indications of a history of denouncing Umar in this case , that is just the opposite .
Reason disgusting too weak excuse , because disgust or not , are highly relative and personally ( personal ) . Not the same on each person . If someone was disgusted with chicken skin , chicken skin does not mean it is haraam or makrooh . Khalid bin Walid had been eating lizard in front of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa Sallamnamun not prohibited by the Prophet , even if he did not like , although it 's disgusting , because eating lizard is not a man in the habit of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa Sallam .
In the history of saheeh from Anas ibn Malik that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam never told tribal Urainah to drink camel urine for drugs . In fact , it could be for some camel piss is disgusting , but history was made by some scholars ' arguments about the sacred camel urine . Wal result , the problem of ' feeling ' disgust is not the measure and the reasons diharamkannya something .
Also reasoned that allowing groups in the following verse :نساؤكم حرث لكم فأتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم
" Wife - wives are ( as ) the land where you grow crops , so go to the land where farming - tanammu it just how you want. " ( Surat al- Baqarah ( 2 ) : 223 )
Anna syi'tum ( how were you want ) only applies to qubul ( pubic ) instead of the rectum .
Imam Al - Qurtubi tafsir scholar - Maliki schools say :وقد قال أصبغ من علمائنا : يجوز له أن يلحسه بلسانه .
" It has been said Ashbagh of our scholars group ( Maliki ) : " May the husband lick his wife's genitals with his tongue . " ( Al-Qurtubi , Jami ' Li Ahkamil Qur'an , Juz . 12 , p . 222 . Dar Ihya Turath al Ats ' Araby , Beirut - Lebanon . 1985M - 1405H )
Keep in mind , all the hadiths that forbid see pubic wife or husband , is there even the maudhu Da'eef ' ( false ) . Quite contrary to the saheeh ahaadeeth that indicate otherwise . Insha Allaah I will discuss in another occasion .
The views of Sheikh Al- ' Allama Yusuf Al Qaradhawy Hafizhahullah :
He said : " In a society like the United States and other Western societies , there are traditions and customs of the biological relationship between husband and wife is different from our customs , such as naked , husband saw pubic wife, husband or wife playing with genitals or pubic kiss husband , and so that if it has become commonplace becomes unattractive and arouse lust again , thus requiring other ways that sometimes our hearts do not agree . It is a problem and mengharamkannya - in the name of religion is also another problem . And must not be prohibited unless something is found texts ( religious text ) that sharih ( clear ) from Quran and Sunnah are mengharamkannya . If there are no texts , it is basically a must .
Apparently, there is no saheeh texts and sharih which shows illegitimate act of marriage like that . Therefore , in my visit to the United States while attending the Congress of the Union of Muslim Students and visiting Islamic centers in many regions there , when I received a question regarding the problem - usually a question of the arrival of American - Muslim woman then I tend to make it easier , not complicate , instead of tightening it loose , and let him not forbid it. " (Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradhawy , Fatwa - Fatwa Contemporary , Vol . 2 , p . 492-493 . Cet . 2 1996M . Gema Insani Press , New York)Thus . And Allaah knows best .
Answering : Ustadz Farid Nu'man20 Prohibition when having sex in IslamAssociated berjimak husband and wife should be done full -time manners and no time is allowed and there is time - time that is forbidden to have marital sexual intercourse . This is because in Islam between husband and wife is worth the reward of worship .
As for the Hadith of the Prophet prohibited time period for berjima namely :
1 . "Ali .. ! thou shalt not berjima ' with your wife at the beginning ( first day ) a month , on his mid ( day ) and at the end ( two days ) in hujung month . Then surely madness , crazy pig and easy about it and his hairpiece . "
2 . "Ali .. ! Do not berjima ' with wife after zuhor , if indeed Allah . ye blessed children both because jima ' at that time , then he will be cross-eyed and the devil really like the cross-eyed man . "
3 . "Ali .. ! Do not carry on a conversation during jima ' , if indeed Allah mengurniakan to you both children with jima ' is so, then the child did not survive than dumb . "
4 . "Ali .. ! Do not berjima ' with your daughter with lust towards other women , then surely such that if Allah swt mengurniakan you were both children , the child will be PONDAN who are hated and despised . "
5 . "Ali .. ! if you berjunub in bed , do not read the Koran , then surely I would falter down to you both fire ( bala ) of the sky burn you both . "
6 . "Ali .. ! Do not berjima ' wives with you unless there is a towel and a towel on your wife . "
7 . "Ali .. ! ye both sweep by using a towel , then will fall upwards lust lust ( one of which will be strong again syahwatnya than one ) , then surely it would lead to such hostility then bring you both to berpecah and divorce . "
8 . "Ali .. ! Do not berjima ' with your wife at night ' Aidil Fitri ( Raya Puasa ) , then surely if God Almighty mengurniakan to you both children 's someone with a disability and no child is old except for him . "
9 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife at night ' Aidil Adha , then surely if you 're both berjima ' on the night , if Allah mengurniakan to you both child I hesitated he would be a six- or four -fingered . "
10 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife in the sunlight ( direct - direct ) and exposed to color ( light ) , unless you wear a cover ( tube ) , if not then surely if God mengurniakan to you two children , later the boy was always going to be a live in and faqir begging to death . "
11 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife under the tree that bears fruit , then surely if God Almighty mengurniakan you two children , then the child will become an executioner handyman , handyman Sebat or a ruthless chairman , "
12 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife when the call to prayer and iqomah , if berjima ' at such time , in fact if God mengurniakan children at both of you , he 'll be a blood shed . "
13 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with wife during her pregnancy unless you both wudoo ' , if not then surely if God Almighty mengurniakan you two children , she will be a blind heart and griping hand . "
14 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife in mid ( Nisfu ) Sha'ban , then surely such that if Allah swt mengurniakan you two children , then the child will have a bad mark on the face and hair. "
15 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife at the end of the month ( ie two days ) then surely such that if Allah swt mengurniakan to you both later child becomes a child who was always the need to beg. "
16 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife with lust towards his sister ! ( you -in-law ) so that the real you indulge that if God Almighty mengurniakan to you both of the child, the child would later become a helper and helper to those who do wrong and to make the destruction of the human hand . "
17 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife in the attic so that if the actual Allah mengurniakan child to you two later the child became a hypocrite , pelampau who crossed the line . "
18 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife on the night you want to go out you indulge such traveler was actually that Allah swt mengurniakan to you both of the child , he would spend the treasure that no Haq , " and the Messenger of Allah read the Quranic verse : " Innal Mubazziriina kaanu - brothers Nas - Syayathin . "
19 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife when you get out bermusafir the entire period of three days and three nights , then the thus it actually when Allah swt mengurniakan to you two children , later he became an aide to everyone who do wrong . "
20 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife in the early evening , then surely if dikurniakan child to you both , he became a sorcerer , juggle , and wants the world rather than the hereafter . "
According to Associated Intimate How Islamic Teachings
Every married couple would want a romantic relationship . Special teachings of Islam , when in bed rules were taught in order to bring domestic harmony . The rules here are that explains the restrictions that should be shunned , there are some things that sunnah ( recommended ) , coupled with the alignment of the things that should not be considered by some to be when it came . Hopefully by getting to know the Islamic rules , intimate relationship with his wife more intimate and not to violate God forbid , you want only the blessing of God .
1 . Disunnahkan making out cooed as warm up in the early days of intercourse.
This is why the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam advocate for women marry a virgin because we can enjoy the sweetness . When Jabir married , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam asked him ,
« هل تزوجت بكرا أم ثيبا » . فقلت تزوجت ثيبا . فقال « هلا تزوجت بكرا تلاعبها وتلاعبك »
" Are you married the girl ( virgin ) or a widow ? " "I married the widow ," Jabir said . " Why did you not marry a girl just because you can flirt with him and also otherwise he could make out tenderly with you ? " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 2967 and Muslim no. 715 ) . Ibn Hajar said that this is a very nice gesture if the girl if sucked his tongue when playing around or kiss her ( Fathul Bari , 9 : 122 ) .
2 . Wife fucked in pubic , up from the front or rear .
Allah the Exalted says ,
نساؤكم حرث لكم فأتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم
" Wife - wives are ( as ) the land where you grow crops , so go to the land where farming - tanammu it just how you want " ( Surat al- Baqara : 223 ) . Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said , " The name of the field ( where farming ) in women is on the cock that seminal place it is found to have a child . It is the argument of bolehnya wife fucked on his cock , up from the front , rear or wife reversed . " ( Sharh Muslim , 10 : 6 )
From Jabir ibn ' Abdillah , he said that the Jews said to the Muslims , " Whoever has intercourse with his wife from behind , then his children would be cross-eyed ( eyes ) . Descend the word of Allah, the Exalted ,
نساؤكم حرث لكم فأتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم
" Wife - wives are ( as ) the land where you grow crops , so go to the land where farming - tanammu it just how you want " ( Surat al- Baqara : 223 ) . Then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
مقبلة ومدبرة ما كان في الفرج
" It is up to from the front or rear for in pubic . " (Narrated Ath Thohawi 3 : 41 in Sharh Ma'anil Atsar with a saheeh isnaad )
3 . Not to be anal intercourse with wife
As mentioned in the surah Al Baqarah verse 223 above that the wife is like planting our field . Place the seeds are sown in the genitals, the anus is not as Imam Nawawi said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim ( 10 : 6 ) .
Hadith underlying this prohibition are the words of the Apostle sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ,
ملعون من أتى امرأة فى دبرها
" Really accursed person who has intercourse with his wife in the anus . " ( Narrated by Ahmad, 2 : 479 . Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth said that the hadith is hasan )
So also the words of the Apostle sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ,
من أتى حائضا أو امرأة فى دبرها أو كاهنا فقد كفر بما أنزل على محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم -
" Whoever has intercourse with menstruating woman or a woman in their anus , then he has Kufr against what was revealed to Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - . " ( Narrated by Tirmidhi no. 135 , Ibn Majah no. 639 . Shaykh Al Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh ) . Threats are shown in the two above hadith indicates that this act includes major sin because with anathema ( away from the grace of God ) and is expressed as a kufr .
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said , " Ulama Syafi'iyah found not kosher in anal intercourse whit both humans and animals in all kinds of circumstances . " ( Sharh Muslim , 10 : 6 )
Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said , " Allah Almighty alone forbids intercourse with a woman in menstruation due to menstruation kemaluaannya . How to get laid again if the discharge is unclean place mughollazhoh ( unclean heavy ) ? Anal sex no longer dipungkuri including liwath types ( sodomy ) . According to the madhhab of Abu Hanifa , Syafi'iyah , the opinion of Imam Ahmad and Hambali , anal sex is forbidden act , without any dispute between them . Similarly, it is becoming apparent in the opinion of Imam Malik and his followers . " ( Majmu ' Al Fataawa , 32 : 267-268 )
4 . There should not be a woman in menstrual periods
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said , " The Muslims agreed to illicit intercourse with a woman menstruating based on Qur'anic verses and hadiths are saheeh " ( Al Majmu ' , 2 : 359 ) . Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said , " intercourse with puerperal woman is menstruating woman is forbidden as it is based on the consensus of the scholars . " ( Majmu ' Al Fataawa , 21 : 624 )
Mentioned in the hadith ,
من أتى حائضا أو امرأة فى دبرها أو كاهنا فقد كفر بما أنزل على محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم -
" Whoever has intercourse with menstruating woman or a woman in their anus , then he has Kufr against what was revealed to Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - . " ( Narrated by Tirmidhi no. 135 , Ibn Majah no. 639 . Shaykh Al Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh ) . Al Muhamili in Al Majmu ' ( 2 : 359 ) mentions that Imam ash-Shafi'i rahimahullah said , "Whoever has intercourse with menstruating women , then he has fallen into great sin . "
Intercourse with a menstruating woman is allowed to flirt for not doing Jima ' ( coitus ) in pubic . Mentioned in the hadith ,
اصنعوا كل شىء إلا النكاح
" Do everything ( the menstruating woman ) in addition Jima ' ( pubic ) . " (Narrated by Muslim . 302 )
In the history of the Agreed alaih mentioned ,
عن عائشة قالت كانت إحدانا إذا كانت حائضا , فأراد رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - أن يباشرها , أمرها أن تتزر فى فور حيضتها ثم يباشرها . قالت وأيكم يملك إربه كما كان النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يملك إربه
From ' A'isha , he said that among the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam anyone having periods . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam wanted to flirt with her . Then he ordered him to wear gloves in order to cover the memancarnya menstrual blood , then he kept caressing her (above gloves ) . Aisha said , " Can any of you guys who could withstand his desire ( for berjima ' ) as the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam hold him ? " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 302 and Muslim no. 293 ) . Imam Nawawi mentions crosshead of the above hadith , " Chapter fondle female menstrual above holster " . This means that in addition to menstrual blood discharge or place other than his cock .
5 . If a strong man , he must repeat the intimate relationship for a second time , but should perform ablutions beforehand
From Abu Sa'eed al Khudri , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
إذا أتى أحدكم أهله ثم أراد أن يعود فليتوضأ
" If any one of you has intercourse with his wife, and he wants to repeat it again , then berwudhulah " (Narrated by Muslim . 308 ) . Ablution command here is the sunnah ( recommended ) and not obligatory ( Sharh Sahih Muslim , 3 : 217 )
6 . It's OK not to dress so that husband and wife can see each other one
This is allowed because there are no limits within between husband and wife . We can see evidence of this from the hadeeth of ' Aisha radi ' anha , he said ,
كنت أغتسل أنا والنبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - من إناء واحد من جنابة
" I never bathe with the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam from one vessel and we were both in a state junub " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 263 and Muslim no. 321 ) . Al - Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani rahimahullah said , " Ad - Dawudi evidence the hadith is to declare bolehnya husband saw the nakedness of his wife and vice versa . This opinion is strengthened by the news that Ibn Hibban narrated from Sulayman ibn Musa way that he was asked about the law for a man to look at her genitalia . Then Solomon said, " I once asked ' Atha about this , he replied , ' I 've asked this problem to ' Aisha then ' Aisha brought this hadith with meaning ' . " ( Fathul Bari , 1 : 364 ) .
As another supporter is of the following verse of the Qur'an , Allah the Exalted says ,
والذين هم لفروجهم حافظون ( 5 ) إلا على أزواجهم أو ما ملكت أيمانهم فإنهم غير ملومين ( 6 )
" And those who keep his cock , except against their wives or their slaves ; then indeed they are in this case not blameworthy " ( Surat al Mu'minun : 5-6 ) . Ibn Hazm said , " This verse is general , keeping only the pubic wives and slave means allowed to see , touch and mixed with it . " ( Al Muhalla , 10 : 33 )
As for the hadith ,
إذا أتى أهله فلا يتجردا تجرد العيرين
" If a person has intercourse with his wife , let each other naked . " ( Narrated by An Nasai in Al Kubro 5 : 327 and Al Bayhaqi in Syu'abul Faith 6 : 163 . Abu Zur'ah said Mandal who narrated this hadith is wrong ) . Author Saheeh Sunnah Fiqh ( 3 : 188 ) says that this hadith munkar , not saheeh . Origin may then married each other naked when intercourse. Allah knows best .
7 . Wife ought not refuse when invited by her husband's intimate relationship
From Abu Hurairah , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
إذا دعا الرجل امرأته إلى فراشه فأبت أن تجىء لعنتها الملائكة حتى تصبح
" If a man invites his wife to bed , then the wife is reluctant to comply, then the angels will curse him until the time Shubuh " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 5193 and Muslim no. 1436 ) . But if the wife is no obstacle , such as sick or exhausted , then it includes the elderly and the husband should understand this . Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said , " It is the argument of the prohibition of women are reluctant to go to bed when there was no excuse . Including menstruation is not an excuse because the husband can still enjoy his wife over his cock . " ( Sharh Saheeh Muslim , 10 : 7 )
8 . If someone accidentally looked at another woman , then he was so amazed , then immediately go his wife
From Jabir ibn ' Abdillah , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam, that he never saw a woman , then he came to his wife Zainab , who was tanning her skin . Then he completion of his business ( with berjima ' , intercourse ) , then out towards his companions and said ,
إن المرأة تقبل فى صورة شيطان وتدبر فى صورة شيطان فإذا أبصر أحدكم امرأة فليأت أهله فإن ذلك يرد ما فى نفسه
" Indeed, such a devil woman came in , and go in the likeness of the devil. If one of you sees a stunning woman ( accidentally ) , then he should come ( have intercourse with ) his wife , because it will reject something ( such as lust ) that there is in him " (Narrated by Muslim . 1403 )
The scholars say that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam did like this as an explanation for the friends about what they should do in such circumstances ( ie when looking at a woman who is not lawful , pen ) . He pointed to the actions and words at once . This hadith also shows why not invite his wife to have intercourse during the day or any other time during the busy work that there may be abandoned . Because men can be very high once syahwatnya when it could be harmful to the body , the liver or view at a later stage (see Sharh Saheeh Muslim , 9 : 179 ) .
9 . Should not disseminate confidential relationship beds
From Abu Sa'eed al Khudri , he said that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
إن من أشر الناس عند الله منزلة يوم القيامة الرجل يفضى إلى امرأته وتفضى إليه ثم ينشر سرها
" Verily including position ugliest man in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection is a man who intercourse with his wife then he scattered his bed secret . " (Narrated by Muslim . 1437 ) . Shaykh Abu Malik said , " But if there are serious benefits Sharai as did the wife of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam which propagate how the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam interact with his wife , it is not a problem " ( Sahih Fiqh Sunnah , 3 : 189 ) .
10 . If someone comes out of Safar , let him proclaim his wife and do not come sneaking
Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
إذا قدم أحدكم ليلا فلا يأتين أهله طروقا حتى تستحد المغيبة وتمتشط الشعثة
" If any one of you come at night then let him go to his wife . ( Give the first word ) that a woman who left her husband shave her pubic hairs and combing his hair " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 5246 and Muslim no. 715 ) .
From Jabir bin Abdillah , he said ,
نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يطرق الرجل أهله ليلا يتخونهم أو يلتمس عثراتهم
" Prophet sallallaahu ' alihi wa sallam forbade a man came to her at night to search out if she betrayed him or to search his guilt " (Narrated by Muslim . 715 ) .
11 . Friendly intercourse with a woman who is breastfeeding
Of ' Aisha , from Judaamah bint Wahb , sister ' Ukaasyah , he said that he heard the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
لقد هممت أن أنهى عن الغيلة حتى ذكرت أن الروم وفارس يصنعون ذلك فلا يضر أولادهم
" Really , I originally wanted to forbid ( you ) of action ghiilah . Then I saw the Romans and Persians where they do ghiilah against their children . It turns out that it does not harm their children " (Narrated by Muslim . 1442) . Ghiilah can significantly menyutubuhi women who are breastfeeding . There also interpret lactating women who are pregnant ( See Sharh Saheeh Muslim , 10 : 16 ) . Permissibility of intercourse with a woman who was nursing course by looking at beneficiaries and mudhorot ( hazard ) for consideration .
From the article ' Rules in Intimate Relationships - Muslim.Or.Id '
Pubic licking Wife " Oral Sex " Law & view Cleric
Word of Allah, the Exalted , " And He forbids over - bad bad guys . " ( Surat al - A'raf : 157 )Pubic lick wife is rarely the case that dealt openly because our society is very sensitive and shy . If the assessment is made the couple perform " oral sex " is. If this happy married couple enjoy sex in this way .Indeed in the marital relationship is permissible , except what is mentioned prohibitions by nash : a wife came to the rectum ( anus ) his , menggaulinya during menstruation and post-partum , when the wife of obligatory fasting , or the Hajj or Umrah berihram moment .
" Your wives are ( as ) the land where you are planting, so go to the land where the grow - tanammu it just how you want. And serve ( good deeds ) for yourselves , and fear Allah and know that ye are to meet Him . And give the good news to the believers. " ( Surat al - Baqara : 223 )
Ibn Abidin al - Hanafi said in Radd al - Mukhtar : Abu Yusuf once asked Abu Haneefah about a man caressing his wife and the wife's pussy stroked her genitals to arouse syahwatnya , do you think it should not be ? He replied , "No , I hope it's a great reward . "
Al - Qadi Ibn al- Arabi al - Maliki said , "People have different opinions about a husband bolehnya see vulva ( genitals ) wife of two opinions: one of them , allow , because if he is allowed to enjoy ( his wife with jima ' ) then see it more feasible ( bolehnya ) . . . . . one of our scholars , Asbagh ( Maliki Madhab great scholar in Egypt ) said : Perhaps for him ( husband ) to his wife - licking - genitals with his tongue . "
Al - Fannani al - Shafi'i said : " A husband should any intercourse with his wife every hole other than the anus , even sucking her clitoris .
Al - Mardawi al - Hanbali said in al - Inshaf : Al - Qadi said in al - Jami ' : " It may kiss the vulva ( genitals ) wife before Jima' and memakruhkannya afterwards . . wife also may hold and kiss her with lust . This is confirmed in the book of al - Ri'ayah , followed in al - Furu ' , and clarified by Ibn ' Aqil .
However, if proved clear how such a flirt cause disease and harm the culprit , then at that time he was obliged to leave by the Prophet sallallaahu ' Alaihi Wasallam , " There should be ( doing something ) that endanger themselves and others harm . " ( Narrated by Ibn Majah in prompting its )
Similarly, when one partner feels hurt ( not comfortable ) because the actions and hate : it is obligatory upon the perpetrator ( husband ) her to stop .
It is based on the word of Allah the Exalted :
" And hang out with their worth . " ( Surat al - Nisa ' : 19 )
In this case must be considered the basic purpose of the marital relationship , which is permanent and continuity . The origin of the ceremony is built on longevity . Allah Ta'ala has covered this contract with several rules to maintain its sustainability and strengthen those who live in accordance with the provisions of the law is not something that menyelisihinya .God created the human body with the function of each . Precisely Islam prohibits from visiting the wife of ' anus ' and also during menstruation or parturition , this prohibition has all the arguments and specific passages . However, the issue of ' oral sex ' does not have a specific argument of prohibiting , this led to the distinction of opinion among Islamic scholars .the scholars agreed that if just touching or rubbing the genitals husband and wife without the ' oral sex ' , is justified according to Islamic scholars belonging to the shape you indulge her lust aktiviti raise between husband and wife are required .
which requires
Dr Sheikh Yusof Al - Qaradawi ( refer ) berfatwa must for pubic kiss your wife or husband on the condition that does not suck or swallow any water that spills out of it . Swallowing or sucking is makruh side of Islam as a form of treatment he do wrong ( put something out of place ) and beyond in a sexual relationship .
What is certain is forbidden according to him is ' anal sex ' or sex through the anus , because there is a clear passage mengharamkannya , as for ' oral sex ' not any clear passage from the Koran and Hadith that prohibit it.
The view ' should ' be done or is shared by the Mufti of Egypt , Sheikh Dr. Ali Al - Jumaah and also Dr . Sabri Abdul Ra'ouf ( Professor of Fiqh at Al - Azhar Univ ) when they asserted that this action should be while where it really is necessary to bring satisfaction to the husband and wife , especially if he can keep this pair of discontent may be brought them to the valley of adultery later .
But all those who require including Sheikh Yusof Al - Qaradawi nor menghuraikan one issue that may be extended perbahasannya , namely chapter Mazi water impurity and semen . His fatwa may be used if in any circumstances there is no water spills aktivti issued during oral sex is done . However, this situation applies his deep thought hard for a person who is normal, increased appetite will certainly issue a lubricant cecair namely Mazi .
Semen of men and women are considered unclean according to the Hanafi and Maliki schools . Syafie and Hanbali sect also consider it suci.Namun all scholars agree Mazi water is unclean . As a result, the views of scholars stating majoriti swallow and suck ir Mazi including shedding the weight is haram or makruh . Some contemporary scholars assert should wash immediately when exposed to Mazi earlier .
Mazi like other unclean considered dirty in Islam , precisely unclean eating dung , urine and drinking water as well as Mazi 's . Not just eating unclean unclean even scholars memfatwakan four schools also forbidden to sell unclean ( except diketika his form technology for use as steel ) , let alone to lick , suck and swallow . Already over again he would have been forbidden .
In addition , according to Malaysian law also he is one case that is not normal , especially for people who rather unusual desires .
Most Saudi clerics forbid this act , it can be seen from the following fatwa : -
Mufti of Saudi Arabia South Courant , ash- Shaykh Ahmad bin Yahya Al'Allamah An - Najmi replied as follows ,
" The suction wife against her husband's genitals ( oral sex ) , then it is illegal , is prohibited. It's you indulge it ( pubic husband ) can emit semen , Mazi and others. If it radiates , then the water will come out of it that he Mazi unclean according to the agreement ( ulama ' ) . If ( Mazi 's water ) into the mouth and into the stomach it would probably lead to her illness . "
Through this view , we can see an important point , namely the extent to which these measures may give a bad impression to the partner's health . According to the readings , scholars who allow this behavior also agree to consider it haram if it can be ascertained and proved from scientific angle , he may carry bacteria and cause serious illness .
I remember experts say , Dr. Ismail Thambi never stated bahawa bacteria residing in the mouth is very much directly in pubic , stating precisely the action he ' oral sex ' dibimbangi may carry diseases caused pubic mouth portion couples who have a lot of bacteria and kuman.mazeermohamad.blogspot . com
In addition , a more Islamic scholars Sheikh Nasiruddin Albani said namely : -
" It is an act settled some animals, such as dogs . And we have a common base bahawa in many hadith , Ar - Rasul forbade to tasyabbuh ( resemble ) Haiwan - Haiwan , such as a ban on his descent ( prostration ) like a camel downs , and looked like a wolf tolehan and peck like a crow pecks . And have understood anyway bahawa Prophet sallallaahu ' alahi wa sallam has forbidden to tasyabbuh ( resemble ) the unbelievers , then it is taken rather than the meaning of such bans also banning tasyabbuh with Haiwan - Haiwan - as an amplifier that has past , let alone the known evils Haiwan temperament. So naturally a Muslim - and the situation is like this - feel high to resemble Haiwan - Haiwan "
However , I found the view peribadi opinion and arguments digunapakai by Sheikh Albani is not so firm , but I do not desire to membincangkannya at length in this space .
Men'generalize action ' all kinds of equation ( tasyyabbuh ) as totally illegitimate kesohihannya also be debated . Similarly, equating it with the behavior of animals , did the animals perform ' oral sex ' ? , If just licked probably yes , but suck the male genitalia ? Are there any animals that do ? . I'm not sure . How did the animals there is also a kissing and hugging her partner . Is there also forbidden kiss and hug you indulge resemble animals . ? Of course not .
So in conclusion :
1 . away from this activity and menghadkan to healthier sexual behavior as a couple . This is to avoid cases blunder .
2 . Should the husband and wife to fondle their genitals couples with terms not suck , lick and swallow any water spills nevertheless . He is also required to clean their mouth and genitals before doing this activity as possible like meninimakan possibility of disease . But he Makruh that tend to illicit ( tahrimi makruh ) if the act is deliberately to mimic the action of the sex acts beyond imitating non-Muslim groups as well as animals .
3 . Mazi and unlawful swallow semen because Islam forbids pair of his people do the dirty case This much , the same as selling unclean forbidden ( except for the steel to be processed through the chemistry portion ) .
4 . The statute should be given special dispensation by Islam or the so-called ' rukhshah ' to pair very perlukannya to deflect dissatisfaction and lead to big trouble household or even more powerful , adultery is Rambang outside the home .
5 . Laws do it with friends or lovers everywhere legitimate spouse before marriage is forbidden , a great sin and be charged with a 20-year sentence in Malaysia . But he was not considered adultery in word and takrif adultery erties mentioned in the books of Islamic jurisprudence . He simply regarded as adultery or perdahuluan Muqaddima adultery . In kaedah Islamic fiqh , " Anything that brings the unclean , the law is nevertheless forbidden " .
That Islamic law was always wanted to give birth to the integrity of households and communities . We must be aware and think the same , act of oral sex is really bring something precious to the harmony of our homes , and what it felt too self to lust . Is there more he is able to actually escorted or more wild .
We hesitated , this action may lead to a more burning desire and lust are not guarded so that endanger themselves and the people around us caused ferocious appetite and was always remarkable that this serv . Layanlah berpada lust - in order not captured by it later .
referral source :
Bismillah wal hamdulillah was Shalatu was salamu ' ala Rasulillah wa ' ala Aalhi ashhabihi wa wa man waalah , wa ba'd :
Oral sex law , both who are husband ( cunilingus ) , or wife ( fellatio ) , the contemporary scholars ( today ) disagree . They were divided into three groups . There are forbid , memakruhkan , and allow . While the classical scholars , to my knowledge has never been discussed . And Allaah knows best .
Groups which forbid , they reasoned with filthy madziyang exist in either male or female genitalia while lust , which if ingested it is forbidden . About filthy madhiy , the scholars we all agree , not disagree.
عن علي قال كنت رجلا مذاء فأمرت رجلا أن يسأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لمكان ابنته فسأل فقال توضأ واغسل ذكرك
Of ' Ali , he said : " I am a simple man out madhiy , then I order someone to ask the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa Sallamlantaran position as his in-law ( meaning Ali embarrassed to ask yourself ) , then the man asked , then the Messenger replied : " Wudhulah and wash your dick . " ( Narrated by Bukhari No. . 269 )
This hadith shows impurity madhiy , only it is not obligatory to perform ghusl , ablution but just as the hadith text . Therefore madhiy he is unclean unclean ingested , which is likely to occur when the oral sex . Other reasons , because oral sex is a way of animals , and we are forbidden to resemble animals . And Allaah knows best .
Memakruhkan factions , they reasoned that oral sex is not necessarily swallow madhiy but just hit , either because kissed or licked . Mouth or tongue madhiy affected , of course, just the same as touching the pubic madhiy husband and wife when coitus ( jima ' ) . Because when jima ' , automatically madzitersebut sure about pubic ' opponent . ' Well , if it is allowed , then what does it matter if the other body , such as mouth ? Same thing . However, it undermined muru'ah ( good morals ) and disgusting . Anyway do not deserve , mouth and tongue are always dhikr and reading Qur'an, is used to it . Therefore, for them it is makruh , not until unclean .
Groups that allow , they reasoned that the husband for the wife , or the wife for the husband is entirely lawful , except rectum and when menstruation . While the reasons which forbid ( swallowing madhiy ) has been answered , and the reason that memakruhkan ( muru'ah destructive and repulsive ) for this group was not acceptable .
Reason damage muru'ah (self image / good morals ) is a weak excuse , because Umar bin Al Khathab ago when he menjima ' wife from behind ( but not of the rectum ) styleyangjelas doggy - term clearly resemble the animal , it was allowed by the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa Sallam . In fact, 'Umar felt guilty , because it was not his habit and not a habit of his people . As oral sex today is not the custom of the East , but the habits of the West . However , as none of the indications of a history of denouncing Umar in this case , that is just the opposite .
Reason disgusting too weak excuse , because disgust or not , are highly relative and personally ( personal ) . Not the same on each person . If someone was disgusted with chicken skin , chicken skin does not mean it is haraam or makrooh . Khalid bin Walid had been eating lizard in front of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa Sallamnamun not prohibited by the Prophet , even if he did not like , although it 's disgusting , because eating lizard is not a man in the habit of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa Sallam .
In the history of saheeh from Anas ibn Malik that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam never told tribal Urainah to drink camel urine for drugs . In fact , it could be for some camel piss is disgusting , but history was made by some scholars ' arguments about the sacred camel urine . Wal result , the problem of ' feeling ' disgust is not the measure and the reasons diharamkannya something .
Also reasoned that allowing groups in the following verse :نساؤكم حرث لكم فأتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم
" Wife - wives are ( as ) the land where you grow crops , so go to the land where farming - tanammu it just how you want. " ( Surat al- Baqarah ( 2 ) : 223 )
Anna syi'tum ( how were you want ) only applies to qubul ( pubic ) instead of the rectum .
Imam Al - Qurtubi tafsir scholar - Maliki schools say :وقد قال أصبغ من علمائنا : يجوز له أن يلحسه بلسانه .
" It has been said Ashbagh of our scholars group ( Maliki ) : " May the husband lick his wife's genitals with his tongue . " ( Al-Qurtubi , Jami ' Li Ahkamil Qur'an , Juz . 12 , p . 222 . Dar Ihya Turath al Ats ' Araby , Beirut - Lebanon . 1985M - 1405H )
Keep in mind , all the hadiths that forbid see pubic wife or husband , is there even the maudhu Da'eef ' ( false ) . Quite contrary to the saheeh ahaadeeth that indicate otherwise . Insha Allaah I will discuss in another occasion .
The views of Sheikh Al- ' Allama Yusuf Al Qaradhawy Hafizhahullah :
He said : " In a society like the United States and other Western societies , there are traditions and customs of the biological relationship between husband and wife is different from our customs , such as naked , husband saw pubic wife, husband or wife playing with genitals or pubic kiss husband , and so that if it has become commonplace becomes unattractive and arouse lust again , thus requiring other ways that sometimes our hearts do not agree . It is a problem and mengharamkannya - in the name of religion is also another problem . And must not be prohibited unless something is found texts ( religious text ) that sharih ( clear ) from Quran and Sunnah are mengharamkannya . If there are no texts , it is basically a must .
Apparently, there is no saheeh texts and sharih which shows illegitimate act of marriage like that . Therefore , in my visit to the United States while attending the Congress of the Union of Muslim Students and visiting Islamic centers in many regions there , when I received a question regarding the problem - usually a question of the arrival of American - Muslim woman then I tend to make it easier , not complicate , instead of tightening it loose , and let him not forbid it. " (Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradhawy , Fatwa - Fatwa Contemporary , Vol . 2 , p . 492-493 . Cet . 2 1996M . Gema Insani Press , New York)Thus . And Allaah knows best .
Answering : Ustadz Farid Nu'man20 Prohibition when having sex in IslamAssociated berjimak husband and wife should be done full -time manners and no time is allowed and there is time - time that is forbidden to have marital sexual intercourse . This is because in Islam between husband and wife is worth the reward of worship .
As for the Hadith of the Prophet prohibited time period for berjima namely :
1 . "Ali .. ! thou shalt not berjima ' with your wife at the beginning ( first day ) a month , on his mid ( day ) and at the end ( two days ) in hujung month . Then surely madness , crazy pig and easy about it and his hairpiece . "
2 . "Ali .. ! Do not berjima ' with wife after zuhor , if indeed Allah . ye blessed children both because jima ' at that time , then he will be cross-eyed and the devil really like the cross-eyed man . "
3 . "Ali .. ! Do not carry on a conversation during jima ' , if indeed Allah mengurniakan to you both children with jima ' is so, then the child did not survive than dumb . "
4 . "Ali .. ! Do not berjima ' with your daughter with lust towards other women , then surely such that if Allah swt mengurniakan you were both children , the child will be PONDAN who are hated and despised . "
5 . "Ali .. ! if you berjunub in bed , do not read the Koran , then surely I would falter down to you both fire ( bala ) of the sky burn you both . "
6 . "Ali .. ! Do not berjima ' wives with you unless there is a towel and a towel on your wife . "
7 . "Ali .. ! ye both sweep by using a towel , then will fall upwards lust lust ( one of which will be strong again syahwatnya than one ) , then surely it would lead to such hostility then bring you both to berpecah and divorce . "
8 . "Ali .. ! Do not berjima ' with your wife at night ' Aidil Fitri ( Raya Puasa ) , then surely if God Almighty mengurniakan to you both children 's someone with a disability and no child is old except for him . "
9 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife at night ' Aidil Adha , then surely if you 're both berjima ' on the night , if Allah mengurniakan to you both child I hesitated he would be a six- or four -fingered . "
10 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife in the sunlight ( direct - direct ) and exposed to color ( light ) , unless you wear a cover ( tube ) , if not then surely if God mengurniakan to you two children , later the boy was always going to be a live in and faqir begging to death . "
11 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife under the tree that bears fruit , then surely if God Almighty mengurniakan you two children , then the child will become an executioner handyman , handyman Sebat or a ruthless chairman , "
12 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife when the call to prayer and iqomah , if berjima ' at such time , in fact if God mengurniakan children at both of you , he 'll be a blood shed . "
13 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with wife during her pregnancy unless you both wudoo ' , if not then surely if God Almighty mengurniakan you two children , she will be a blind heart and griping hand . "
14 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife in mid ( Nisfu ) Sha'ban , then surely such that if Allah swt mengurniakan you two children , then the child will have a bad mark on the face and hair. "
15 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife at the end of the month ( ie two days ) then surely such that if Allah swt mengurniakan to you both later child becomes a child who was always the need to beg. "
16 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife with lust towards his sister ! ( you -in-law ) so that the real you indulge that if God Almighty mengurniakan to you both of the child, the child would later become a helper and helper to those who do wrong and to make the destruction of the human hand . "
17 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife in the attic so that if the actual Allah mengurniakan child to you two later the child became a hypocrite , pelampau who crossed the line . "
18 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife on the night you want to go out you indulge such traveler was actually that Allah swt mengurniakan to you both of the child , he would spend the treasure that no Haq , " and the Messenger of Allah read the Quranic verse : " Innal Mubazziriina kaanu - brothers Nas - Syayathin . "
19 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife when you get out bermusafir the entire period of three days and three nights , then the thus it actually when Allah swt mengurniakan to you two children , later he became an aide to everyone who do wrong . "
20 . "Ali .. ! ye berjima ' with your wife in the early evening , then surely if dikurniakan child to you both , he became a sorcerer , juggle , and wants the world rather than the hereafter . "
According to Associated Intimate How Islamic Teachings
Every married couple would want a romantic relationship . Special teachings of Islam , when in bed rules were taught in order to bring domestic harmony . The rules here are that explains the restrictions that should be shunned , there are some things that sunnah ( recommended ) , coupled with the alignment of the things that should not be considered by some to be when it came . Hopefully by getting to know the Islamic rules , intimate relationship with his wife more intimate and not to violate God forbid , you want only the blessing of God .
1 . Disunnahkan making out cooed as warm up in the early days of intercourse.
This is why the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam advocate for women marry a virgin because we can enjoy the sweetness . When Jabir married , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam asked him ,
« هل تزوجت بكرا أم ثيبا » . فقلت تزوجت ثيبا . فقال « هلا تزوجت بكرا تلاعبها وتلاعبك »
" Are you married the girl ( virgin ) or a widow ? " "I married the widow ," Jabir said . " Why did you not marry a girl just because you can flirt with him and also otherwise he could make out tenderly with you ? " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 2967 and Muslim no. 715 ) . Ibn Hajar said that this is a very nice gesture if the girl if sucked his tongue when playing around or kiss her ( Fathul Bari , 9 : 122 ) .
2 . Wife fucked in pubic , up from the front or rear .
Allah the Exalted says ,
نساؤكم حرث لكم فأتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم
" Wife - wives are ( as ) the land where you grow crops , so go to the land where farming - tanammu it just how you want " ( Surat al- Baqara : 223 ) . Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said , " The name of the field ( where farming ) in women is on the cock that seminal place it is found to have a child . It is the argument of bolehnya wife fucked on his cock , up from the front , rear or wife reversed . " ( Sharh Muslim , 10 : 6 )
From Jabir ibn ' Abdillah , he said that the Jews said to the Muslims , " Whoever has intercourse with his wife from behind , then his children would be cross-eyed ( eyes ) . Descend the word of Allah, the Exalted ,
نساؤكم حرث لكم فأتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم
" Wife - wives are ( as ) the land where you grow crops , so go to the land where farming - tanammu it just how you want " ( Surat al- Baqara : 223 ) . Then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
مقبلة ومدبرة ما كان في الفرج
" It is up to from the front or rear for in pubic . " (Narrated Ath Thohawi 3 : 41 in Sharh Ma'anil Atsar with a saheeh isnaad )
3 . Not to be anal intercourse with wife
As mentioned in the surah Al Baqarah verse 223 above that the wife is like planting our field . Place the seeds are sown in the genitals, the anus is not as Imam Nawawi said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim ( 10 : 6 ) .
Hadith underlying this prohibition are the words of the Apostle sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ,
ملعون من أتى امرأة فى دبرها
" Really accursed person who has intercourse with his wife in the anus . " ( Narrated by Ahmad, 2 : 479 . Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth said that the hadith is hasan )
So also the words of the Apostle sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ,
من أتى حائضا أو امرأة فى دبرها أو كاهنا فقد كفر بما أنزل على محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم -
" Whoever has intercourse with menstruating woman or a woman in their anus , then he has Kufr against what was revealed to Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - . " ( Narrated by Tirmidhi no. 135 , Ibn Majah no. 639 . Shaykh Al Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh ) . Threats are shown in the two above hadith indicates that this act includes major sin because with anathema ( away from the grace of God ) and is expressed as a kufr .
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said , " Ulama Syafi'iyah found not kosher in anal intercourse whit both humans and animals in all kinds of circumstances . " ( Sharh Muslim , 10 : 6 )
Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said , " Allah Almighty alone forbids intercourse with a woman in menstruation due to menstruation kemaluaannya . How to get laid again if the discharge is unclean place mughollazhoh ( unclean heavy ) ? Anal sex no longer dipungkuri including liwath types ( sodomy ) . According to the madhhab of Abu Hanifa , Syafi'iyah , the opinion of Imam Ahmad and Hambali , anal sex is forbidden act , without any dispute between them . Similarly, it is becoming apparent in the opinion of Imam Malik and his followers . " ( Majmu ' Al Fataawa , 32 : 267-268 )
4 . There should not be a woman in menstrual periods
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said , " The Muslims agreed to illicit intercourse with a woman menstruating based on Qur'anic verses and hadiths are saheeh " ( Al Majmu ' , 2 : 359 ) . Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said , " intercourse with puerperal woman is menstruating woman is forbidden as it is based on the consensus of the scholars . " ( Majmu ' Al Fataawa , 21 : 624 )
Mentioned in the hadith ,
من أتى حائضا أو امرأة فى دبرها أو كاهنا فقد كفر بما أنزل على محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم -
" Whoever has intercourse with menstruating woman or a woman in their anus , then he has Kufr against what was revealed to Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam - . " ( Narrated by Tirmidhi no. 135 , Ibn Majah no. 639 . Shaykh Al Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh ) . Al Muhamili in Al Majmu ' ( 2 : 359 ) mentions that Imam ash-Shafi'i rahimahullah said , "Whoever has intercourse with menstruating women , then he has fallen into great sin . "
Intercourse with a menstruating woman is allowed to flirt for not doing Jima ' ( coitus ) in pubic . Mentioned in the hadith ,
اصنعوا كل شىء إلا النكاح
" Do everything ( the menstruating woman ) in addition Jima ' ( pubic ) . " (Narrated by Muslim . 302 )
In the history of the Agreed alaih mentioned ,
عن عائشة قالت كانت إحدانا إذا كانت حائضا , فأراد رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - أن يباشرها , أمرها أن تتزر فى فور حيضتها ثم يباشرها . قالت وأيكم يملك إربه كما كان النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يملك إربه
From ' A'isha , he said that among the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam anyone having periods . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam wanted to flirt with her . Then he ordered him to wear gloves in order to cover the memancarnya menstrual blood , then he kept caressing her (above gloves ) . Aisha said , " Can any of you guys who could withstand his desire ( for berjima ' ) as the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam hold him ? " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 302 and Muslim no. 293 ) . Imam Nawawi mentions crosshead of the above hadith , " Chapter fondle female menstrual above holster " . This means that in addition to menstrual blood discharge or place other than his cock .
5 . If a strong man , he must repeat the intimate relationship for a second time , but should perform ablutions beforehand
From Abu Sa'eed al Khudri , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
إذا أتى أحدكم أهله ثم أراد أن يعود فليتوضأ
" If any one of you has intercourse with his wife, and he wants to repeat it again , then berwudhulah " (Narrated by Muslim . 308 ) . Ablution command here is the sunnah ( recommended ) and not obligatory ( Sharh Sahih Muslim , 3 : 217 )
6 . It's OK not to dress so that husband and wife can see each other one
This is allowed because there are no limits within between husband and wife . We can see evidence of this from the hadeeth of ' Aisha radi ' anha , he said ,
كنت أغتسل أنا والنبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - من إناء واحد من جنابة
" I never bathe with the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam from one vessel and we were both in a state junub " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 263 and Muslim no. 321 ) . Al - Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani rahimahullah said , " Ad - Dawudi evidence the hadith is to declare bolehnya husband saw the nakedness of his wife and vice versa . This opinion is strengthened by the news that Ibn Hibban narrated from Sulayman ibn Musa way that he was asked about the law for a man to look at her genitalia . Then Solomon said, " I once asked ' Atha about this , he replied , ' I 've asked this problem to ' Aisha then ' Aisha brought this hadith with meaning ' . " ( Fathul Bari , 1 : 364 ) .
As another supporter is of the following verse of the Qur'an , Allah the Exalted says ,
والذين هم لفروجهم حافظون ( 5 ) إلا على أزواجهم أو ما ملكت أيمانهم فإنهم غير ملومين ( 6 )
" And those who keep his cock , except against their wives or their slaves ; then indeed they are in this case not blameworthy " ( Surat al Mu'minun : 5-6 ) . Ibn Hazm said , " This verse is general , keeping only the pubic wives and slave means allowed to see , touch and mixed with it . " ( Al Muhalla , 10 : 33 )
As for the hadith ,
إذا أتى أهله فلا يتجردا تجرد العيرين
" If a person has intercourse with his wife , let each other naked . " ( Narrated by An Nasai in Al Kubro 5 : 327 and Al Bayhaqi in Syu'abul Faith 6 : 163 . Abu Zur'ah said Mandal who narrated this hadith is wrong ) . Author Saheeh Sunnah Fiqh ( 3 : 188 ) says that this hadith munkar , not saheeh . Origin may then married each other naked when intercourse. Allah knows best .
7 . Wife ought not refuse when invited by her husband's intimate relationship
From Abu Hurairah , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
إذا دعا الرجل امرأته إلى فراشه فأبت أن تجىء لعنتها الملائكة حتى تصبح
" If a man invites his wife to bed , then the wife is reluctant to comply, then the angels will curse him until the time Shubuh " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 5193 and Muslim no. 1436 ) . But if the wife is no obstacle , such as sick or exhausted , then it includes the elderly and the husband should understand this . Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said , " It is the argument of the prohibition of women are reluctant to go to bed when there was no excuse . Including menstruation is not an excuse because the husband can still enjoy his wife over his cock . " ( Sharh Saheeh Muslim , 10 : 7 )
8 . If someone accidentally looked at another woman , then he was so amazed , then immediately go his wife
From Jabir ibn ' Abdillah , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam, that he never saw a woman , then he came to his wife Zainab , who was tanning her skin . Then he completion of his business ( with berjima ' , intercourse ) , then out towards his companions and said ,
إن المرأة تقبل فى صورة شيطان وتدبر فى صورة شيطان فإذا أبصر أحدكم امرأة فليأت أهله فإن ذلك يرد ما فى نفسه
" Indeed, such a devil woman came in , and go in the likeness of the devil. If one of you sees a stunning woman ( accidentally ) , then he should come ( have intercourse with ) his wife , because it will reject something ( such as lust ) that there is in him " (Narrated by Muslim . 1403 )
The scholars say that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam did like this as an explanation for the friends about what they should do in such circumstances ( ie when looking at a woman who is not lawful , pen ) . He pointed to the actions and words at once . This hadith also shows why not invite his wife to have intercourse during the day or any other time during the busy work that there may be abandoned . Because men can be very high once syahwatnya when it could be harmful to the body , the liver or view at a later stage (see Sharh Saheeh Muslim , 9 : 179 ) .
9 . Should not disseminate confidential relationship beds
From Abu Sa'eed al Khudri , he said that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
إن من أشر الناس عند الله منزلة يوم القيامة الرجل يفضى إلى امرأته وتفضى إليه ثم ينشر سرها
" Verily including position ugliest man in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection is a man who intercourse with his wife then he scattered his bed secret . " (Narrated by Muslim . 1437 ) . Shaykh Abu Malik said , " But if there are serious benefits Sharai as did the wife of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam which propagate how the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam interact with his wife , it is not a problem " ( Sahih Fiqh Sunnah , 3 : 189 ) .
10 . If someone comes out of Safar , let him proclaim his wife and do not come sneaking
Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
إذا قدم أحدكم ليلا فلا يأتين أهله طروقا حتى تستحد المغيبة وتمتشط الشعثة
" If any one of you come at night then let him go to his wife . ( Give the first word ) that a woman who left her husband shave her pubic hairs and combing his hair " ( Narrated by Bukhari no. 5246 and Muslim no. 715 ) .
From Jabir bin Abdillah , he said ,
نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يطرق الرجل أهله ليلا يتخونهم أو يلتمس عثراتهم
" Prophet sallallaahu ' alihi wa sallam forbade a man came to her at night to search out if she betrayed him or to search his guilt " (Narrated by Muslim . 715 ) .
11 . Friendly intercourse with a woman who is breastfeeding
Of ' Aisha , from Judaamah bint Wahb , sister ' Ukaasyah , he said that he heard the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said ,
لقد هممت أن أنهى عن الغيلة حتى ذكرت أن الروم وفارس يصنعون ذلك فلا يضر أولادهم
" Really , I originally wanted to forbid ( you ) of action ghiilah . Then I saw the Romans and Persians where they do ghiilah against their children . It turns out that it does not harm their children " (Narrated by Muslim . 1442) . Ghiilah can significantly menyutubuhi women who are breastfeeding . There also interpret lactating women who are pregnant ( See Sharh Saheeh Muslim , 10 : 16 ) . Permissibility of intercourse with a woman who was nursing course by looking at beneficiaries and mudhorot ( hazard ) for consideration .
From the article ' Rules in Intimate Relationships - Muslim.Or.Id '
Pubic licking Wife " Oral Sex " Law & view Cleric
Word of Allah, the Exalted , " And He forbids over - bad bad guys . " ( Surat al - A'raf : 157 )Pubic lick wife is rarely the case that dealt openly because our society is very sensitive and shy . If the assessment is made the couple perform " oral sex " is. If this happy married couple enjoy sex in this way .Indeed in the marital relationship is permissible , except what is mentioned prohibitions by nash : a wife came to the rectum ( anus ) his , menggaulinya during menstruation and post-partum , when the wife of obligatory fasting , or the Hajj or Umrah berihram moment .
" Your wives are ( as ) the land where you are planting, so go to the land where the grow - tanammu it just how you want. And serve ( good deeds ) for yourselves , and fear Allah and know that ye are to meet Him . And give the good news to the believers. " ( Surat al - Baqara : 223 )
Ibn Abidin al - Hanafi said in Radd al - Mukhtar : Abu Yusuf once asked Abu Haneefah about a man caressing his wife and the wife's pussy stroked her genitals to arouse syahwatnya , do you think it should not be ? He replied , "No , I hope it's a great reward . "
Al - Qadi Ibn al- Arabi al - Maliki said , "People have different opinions about a husband bolehnya see vulva ( genitals ) wife of two opinions: one of them , allow , because if he is allowed to enjoy ( his wife with jima ' ) then see it more feasible ( bolehnya ) . . . . . one of our scholars , Asbagh ( Maliki Madhab great scholar in Egypt ) said : Perhaps for him ( husband ) to his wife - licking - genitals with his tongue . "
Al - Fannani al - Shafi'i said : " A husband should any intercourse with his wife every hole other than the anus , even sucking her clitoris .
Al - Mardawi al - Hanbali said in al - Inshaf : Al - Qadi said in al - Jami ' : " It may kiss the vulva ( genitals ) wife before Jima' and memakruhkannya afterwards . . wife also may hold and kiss her with lust . This is confirmed in the book of al - Ri'ayah , followed in al - Furu ' , and clarified by Ibn ' Aqil .
However, if proved clear how such a flirt cause disease and harm the culprit , then at that time he was obliged to leave by the Prophet sallallaahu ' Alaihi Wasallam , " There should be ( doing something ) that endanger themselves and others harm . " ( Narrated by Ibn Majah in prompting its )
Similarly, when one partner feels hurt ( not comfortable ) because the actions and hate : it is obligatory upon the perpetrator ( husband ) her to stop .
It is based on the word of Allah the Exalted :
" And hang out with their worth . " ( Surat al - Nisa ' : 19 )
In this case must be considered the basic purpose of the marital relationship , which is permanent and continuity . The origin of the ceremony is built on longevity . Allah Ta'ala has covered this contract with several rules to maintain its sustainability and strengthen those who live in accordance with the provisions of the law is not something that menyelisihinya .God created the human body with the function of each . Precisely Islam prohibits from visiting the wife of ' anus ' and also during menstruation or parturition , this prohibition has all the arguments and specific passages . However, the issue of ' oral sex ' does not have a specific argument of prohibiting , this led to the distinction of opinion among Islamic scholars .the scholars agreed that if just touching or rubbing the genitals husband and wife without the ' oral sex ' , is justified according to Islamic scholars belonging to the shape you indulge her lust aktiviti raise between husband and wife are required .
which requires
Dr Sheikh Yusof Al - Qaradawi ( refer ) berfatwa must for pubic kiss your wife or husband on the condition that does not suck or swallow any water that spills out of it . Swallowing or sucking is makruh side of Islam as a form of treatment he do wrong ( put something out of place ) and beyond in a sexual relationship .
What is certain is forbidden according to him is ' anal sex ' or sex through the anus , because there is a clear passage mengharamkannya , as for ' oral sex ' not any clear passage from the Koran and Hadith that prohibit it.
The view ' should ' be done or is shared by the Mufti of Egypt , Sheikh Dr. Ali Al - Jumaah and also Dr . Sabri Abdul Ra'ouf ( Professor of Fiqh at Al - Azhar Univ ) when they asserted that this action should be while where it really is necessary to bring satisfaction to the husband and wife , especially if he can keep this pair of discontent may be brought them to the valley of adultery later .
But all those who require including Sheikh Yusof Al - Qaradawi nor menghuraikan one issue that may be extended perbahasannya , namely chapter Mazi water impurity and semen . His fatwa may be used if in any circumstances there is no water spills aktivti issued during oral sex is done . However, this situation applies his deep thought hard for a person who is normal, increased appetite will certainly issue a lubricant cecair namely Mazi .
Semen of men and women are considered unclean according to the Hanafi and Maliki schools . Syafie and Hanbali sect also consider it suci.Namun all scholars agree Mazi water is unclean . As a result, the views of scholars stating majoriti swallow and suck ir Mazi including shedding the weight is haram or makruh . Some contemporary scholars assert should wash immediately when exposed to Mazi earlier .
Mazi like other unclean considered dirty in Islam , precisely unclean eating dung , urine and drinking water as well as Mazi 's . Not just eating unclean unclean even scholars memfatwakan four schools also forbidden to sell unclean ( except diketika his form technology for use as steel ) , let alone to lick , suck and swallow . Already over again he would have been forbidden .
In addition , according to Malaysian law also he is one case that is not normal , especially for people who rather unusual desires .
Most Saudi clerics forbid this act , it can be seen from the following fatwa : -
Mufti of Saudi Arabia South Courant , ash- Shaykh Ahmad bin Yahya Al'Allamah An - Najmi replied as follows ,
" The suction wife against her husband's genitals ( oral sex ) , then it is illegal , is prohibited. It's you indulge it ( pubic husband ) can emit semen , Mazi and others. If it radiates , then the water will come out of it that he Mazi unclean according to the agreement ( ulama ' ) . If ( Mazi 's water ) into the mouth and into the stomach it would probably lead to her illness . "
Through this view , we can see an important point , namely the extent to which these measures may give a bad impression to the partner's health . According to the readings , scholars who allow this behavior also agree to consider it haram if it can be ascertained and proved from scientific angle , he may carry bacteria and cause serious illness .
I remember experts say , Dr. Ismail Thambi never stated bahawa bacteria residing in the mouth is very much directly in pubic , stating precisely the action he ' oral sex ' dibimbangi may carry diseases caused pubic mouth portion couples who have a lot of bacteria and kuman.mazeermohamad.blogspot . com
In addition , a more Islamic scholars Sheikh Nasiruddin Albani said namely : -
" It is an act settled some animals, such as dogs . And we have a common base bahawa in many hadith , Ar - Rasul forbade to tasyabbuh ( resemble ) Haiwan - Haiwan , such as a ban on his descent ( prostration ) like a camel downs , and looked like a wolf tolehan and peck like a crow pecks . And have understood anyway bahawa Prophet sallallaahu ' alahi wa sallam has forbidden to tasyabbuh ( resemble ) the unbelievers , then it is taken rather than the meaning of such bans also banning tasyabbuh with Haiwan - Haiwan - as an amplifier that has past , let alone the known evils Haiwan temperament. So naturally a Muslim - and the situation is like this - feel high to resemble Haiwan - Haiwan "
However , I found the view peribadi opinion and arguments digunapakai by Sheikh Albani is not so firm , but I do not desire to membincangkannya at length in this space .
Men'generalize action ' all kinds of equation ( tasyyabbuh ) as totally illegitimate kesohihannya also be debated . Similarly, equating it with the behavior of animals , did the animals perform ' oral sex ' ? , If just licked probably yes , but suck the male genitalia ? Are there any animals that do ? . I'm not sure . How did the animals there is also a kissing and hugging her partner . Is there also forbidden kiss and hug you indulge resemble animals . ? Of course not .
So in conclusion :
1 . away from this activity and menghadkan to healthier sexual behavior as a couple . This is to avoid cases blunder .
2 . Should the husband and wife to fondle their genitals couples with terms not suck , lick and swallow any water spills nevertheless . He is also required to clean their mouth and genitals before doing this activity as possible like meninimakan possibility of disease . But he Makruh that tend to illicit ( tahrimi makruh ) if the act is deliberately to mimic the action of the sex acts beyond imitating non-Muslim groups as well as animals .
3 . Mazi and unlawful swallow semen because Islam forbids pair of his people do the dirty case This much , the same as selling unclean forbidden ( except for the steel to be processed through the chemistry portion ) .
4 . The statute should be given special dispensation by Islam or the so-called ' rukhshah ' to pair very perlukannya to deflect dissatisfaction and lead to big trouble household or even more powerful , adultery is Rambang outside the home .
5 . Laws do it with friends or lovers everywhere legitimate spouse before marriage is forbidden , a great sin and be charged with a 20-year sentence in Malaysia . But he was not considered adultery in word and takrif adultery erties mentioned in the books of Islamic jurisprudence . He simply regarded as adultery or perdahuluan Muqaddima adultery . In kaedah Islamic fiqh , " Anything that brings the unclean , the law is nevertheless forbidden " .
That Islamic law was always wanted to give birth to the integrity of households and communities . We must be aware and think the same , act of oral sex is really bring something precious to the harmony of our homes , and what it felt too self to lust . Is there more he is able to actually escorted or more wild .
We hesitated , this action may lead to a more burning desire and lust are not guarded so that endanger themselves and the people around us caused ferocious appetite and was always remarkable that this serv . Layanlah berpada lust - in order not captured by it later .
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