28 Februari 2014
Aurora Borealis tampak dari Teluk Embleton Bay di Northumberland, Inggris.
Langit malam yang cerah di
sebagian wilayah Inggris pada Kamis malam (28/02) diwarnai dengan
pemandangan spektakuler Aurora Borealis atau Cahaya Utara.
Pemandangan yang jarang terjadi ini disebabkan
oleh atom-atom di atmosfir Bumi bertabrakan dengan partikel bermuatan
listrik dari Matahari.
Sejumlah astronom mengatakan
fenomena ini biasanya terjadi di garis lintang yang lebih tinggi
sehingga pemandangan cahaya merah, hijau, oranye yang menari-nari
merupakan fenomena yang jarang terjadi di Inggris.
Mark Thompson, seorang astronom yang juga
menjadi pembawa acara Stargazing Live di BBC mengatakan ia sebelumnya
tidak pernah membayangkan melihat pemandangan spektakuler seperti ini di
kawasan Wick, Caithness, Skotlandia.
Ia menjelaskan partikel-partikel yang bermuatan
listrik dari Matahari memerlukan waktu dua atau tiga hari untuk sampai
ke Bumi dan menyebabkan atom gas bersinar di langit.
"Tiga atau empat hari lalu Matahari melepaskan
partikel ini dalam jumlah besar dalam peristiwa yang disebut sebagai
pelepasan massal, dan partikel-partikel itu jatuh ke Bumi. Semua ini
tergantung pada keaktifan Matahari," tutur Mark Thompson.
Cahaya Utara tampak dari Birsay, Pulau Orkney, Skotlandia.
Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis seen from the Gulf of Embleton Bay in Northumberland , England .
Clear night skies in parts of England on Thursday night ( 28 / 02 ) were stained with a spectacular view of the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights .
This rare sight caused by atoms in the Earth's atmosphere collide with charged particles from the Sun .
Some astronomers say the phenomenon usually occurs at higher latitudes so that the views of the red, green , orange dancing is a rare phenomenon in the UK .
Mark Thompson , an astronomer who is also the host of the BBC's Stargazing Live, said he had never imagined seeing such spectacular scenery in the Wick , Caithness , Scotland .
He explained that the charged particles of the solar electricity it takes two or three days to get to Earth and cause the gas atoms glowing in the sky .
" Three or four days ago the sun releases large amounts of particles in an event known as a mass release , and the particles that fall to Earth . All of this depends on the activity of the Sun , " said Mark Thompson .Aurora Borealis
Northern Lights seen from Birsay , Orkney Island , Scotland .
Aurora Borealis seen from the Gulf of Embleton Bay in Northumberland , England .
Clear night skies in parts of England on Thursday night ( 28 / 02 ) were stained with a spectacular view of the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights .
This rare sight caused by atoms in the Earth's atmosphere collide with charged particles from the Sun .
Some astronomers say the phenomenon usually occurs at higher latitudes so that the views of the red, green , orange dancing is a rare phenomenon in the UK .
Mark Thompson , an astronomer who is also the host of the BBC's Stargazing Live, said he had never imagined seeing such spectacular scenery in the Wick , Caithness , Scotland .
He explained that the charged particles of the solar electricity it takes two or three days to get to Earth and cause the gas atoms glowing in the sky .
" Three or four days ago the sun releases large amounts of particles in an event known as a mass release , and the particles that fall to Earth . All of this depends on the activity of the Sun , " said Mark Thompson .Aurora Borealis
Northern Lights seen from Birsay , Orkney Island , Scotland .
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