percaya masing masing bulu ditubuh kita diciptakan tentu ada maksud dan
tujuannya termasuk bulu yang ada diseputar kelamin kita.
Saat ini saya ingin membahas khusus soal perlu tidaknya perempuan mencukur bulu kelaminnya.
kelamin biasanya akan bertumbuh pada ukuran tertentu dan berhenti, rata
rata perempuan akan memiliki bulu kelamin yang sama panjangnya. Yang
menjadi pembeda tentu hanya banyak atau sedikitnya.
Persoalan kemudian ada perempuan yang membiarkan seperti keadaan alaminya
begitu ada juga yang memotongnya sekedar merapikan atau memodelkannya
tergantung niat dan tujuannya ada juga yang mencukur habis.
Semua ini tentu saja terserah si perempuan dengan alasan alasanannya masing masing,akan tetapi perlu diketahui juga
bahwa pada bulu kemaluan yang terbiarkan tumbuh akan mudah menjadi
sarang bakteri,kerimbuanan bulu dan kelembapan akan mempercepat
pertumbuhan bakteri yang bisa mempengaruhi aktifitas seksual dan
menyebabkan ruam atau bahkan infeksi.
Jadi perempuan disarankan jika memilihara bulunya harus rajin merawat dan membersihkannya.
Nah lantas kalo dicukur?
perempuan melakukan ini bahkan kalo diluar negeri sudah ada salon
khusus waxing. Apa untungnya? Mungkin hanya agar biar kelihatan
lucu,imut seperti abg dan atau permintaan pasangannya atau juga dengan
tujuan tertentu yang bersifat personal.
sarankan sebaiknya perempuan jangan mencukur bulu kemaluannya akan
tetapi merapihkannya dan rajin membersihkannya karena pada bulu kemaluan
tersebut mengandung zat Feromon.
Feromon merupakan sejenis zat kimia yang memiliki daya pikat seks Zat ini berasal dari kelenjar endokrin dan digunakan untuk
mengenali jenis, individu lain, kelompok, dan untuk membantu proses
reproduksi. Berbeda dengan hormon, feromon menyebar ke luar tubuh.
pada manusia ternyata juga berfungsi sebagai daya tarik seksual. Para
ahli kimia dari Huddinge University Hospital di Swedia malah mengklaim
bahwa feromon juga punya andil dalam menghasilkan perasaan suka, naksir,
cinta, bahkan gairah seksual seorang manusia pada manusia lainnya. Ini
mereka buktikan saat melakukan penelitian terhadap reaksi otak 12 pasang
pria-wanita sehabis mencium bau senyawa sintetik mirip feromon. Bebauan
tersebut langsung bereaksi terhadap hormon estrogen (pada wanita) dan
hormon testoteron (pria).
Singkat cerita dengan ada nya bulu kelamin si wanita dapat membantu membangkitkan gairah seksual dari pasangannya.
tentu saja kehadiran bulu tersebut akan mengurangi gesekan saat
berhubungan dan menambah sensasi serta seni bagi yang bisa menikmatinya
karena bagi sebagian orang adanya bulu malah menghambat untuk pose pose
Apapun keputusan anda pertimbangkanlah nilai gunanya bukan sekedar gaya gayaan atau model modelan.
Jadi mencukur atau tidak masing masing ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya.
Yang punya pasangan sebaiknya tanyakan dan diskusikan juga maunya dia apa. Semoga persoalan bulu tidak mengganggu keharmonisan.
“Jangan hanya melihat yang tersurat tetapi maknai juga yang tersirat”
I believe each of our body hair is created of course there is the
intent and purpose including existing feathers around each of our sex .
At this point I would like to discuss specifically about whether or not women shave pubic hair .
Pubic hair will usually grow to a certain size and stop , the average woman will have pubic hair the same length. The distinction is certainly just a lot or a little .
The issue then there are women who like to let their natural state so there is also a cut just smoothed or model it depends on the intention and purpose there is also shave off .
All this is of course up to the women on the basis of each alasanannya , but keep in mind also that the pubic hair that grows terbiarkan will easily become a hotbed of bacteria , kerimbuanan fur and humidity will accelerate the growth of bacteria that can affect sexual activity and cause rashes or even infections .
So women should be advised if memilihara fur diligent care and cleaning .
Well then if shaved ?
Many women do this even if the existing overseas waxing salons . What's in it ? Maybe just to let me look funny, cute or like abg and partner requests or even with specific goals that are personal .
I suggest women should not shave her pubic hair but merapihkannya and diligent cleaning because the pubic hair containing pheromones .
Pheromones are chemical substances that have a similar allure sex This substance is derived from endocrine glands and is used to identify the type , other individuals , groups , and to assist the process of reproduction . In contrast to hormones , pheromones spread to outside the body .
Pheromones in humans it also serves as a sexual attraction . The chemists of Huddinge University Hospital in Sweden instead claiming that pheromones also have a hand in generating feelings of love , a crush , love , and even sex drive of a man at the other man . This they proved when doing research on brain reaction 12 male - female pairs of smell after a similar synthetic pheromone compounds . The smells immediately react to the hormone estrogen ( in women ) and the hormone testosterone ( male ) .
Her short story with no pubic hair a woman can help her partner's sexual arousal .
And of course the presence of fur will reduce friction during intercourse and increase the sensation and the arts for those who can enjoy it because for some of feathers instead blocks to pose a particular pose .
Whatever decision you consider the value of the point is not just the style or model modelan gayaan .
So each shave or not there are advantages and disadvantages .
Who had couple should ask and discuss what he wants too . Hopefully the fur issue not disturb the harmony .
" Do not just look at the explicit but also the implicit interpret "
At this point I would like to discuss specifically about whether or not women shave pubic hair .
Pubic hair will usually grow to a certain size and stop , the average woman will have pubic hair the same length. The distinction is certainly just a lot or a little .
The issue then there are women who like to let their natural state so there is also a cut just smoothed or model it depends on the intention and purpose there is also shave off .
All this is of course up to the women on the basis of each alasanannya , but keep in mind also that the pubic hair that grows terbiarkan will easily become a hotbed of bacteria , kerimbuanan fur and humidity will accelerate the growth of bacteria that can affect sexual activity and cause rashes or even infections .
So women should be advised if memilihara fur diligent care and cleaning .
Well then if shaved ?
Many women do this even if the existing overseas waxing salons . What's in it ? Maybe just to let me look funny, cute or like abg and partner requests or even with specific goals that are personal .
I suggest women should not shave her pubic hair but merapihkannya and diligent cleaning because the pubic hair containing pheromones .
Pheromones are chemical substances that have a similar allure sex This substance is derived from endocrine glands and is used to identify the type , other individuals , groups , and to assist the process of reproduction . In contrast to hormones , pheromones spread to outside the body .
Pheromones in humans it also serves as a sexual attraction . The chemists of Huddinge University Hospital in Sweden instead claiming that pheromones also have a hand in generating feelings of love , a crush , love , and even sex drive of a man at the other man . This they proved when doing research on brain reaction 12 male - female pairs of smell after a similar synthetic pheromone compounds . The smells immediately react to the hormone estrogen ( in women ) and the hormone testosterone ( male ) .
Her short story with no pubic hair a woman can help her partner's sexual arousal .
And of course the presence of fur will reduce friction during intercourse and increase the sensation and the arts for those who can enjoy it because for some of feathers instead blocks to pose a particular pose .
Whatever decision you consider the value of the point is not just the style or model modelan gayaan .
So each shave or not there are advantages and disadvantages .
Who had couple should ask and discuss what he wants too . Hopefully the fur issue not disturb the harmony .
" Do not just look at the explicit but also the implicit interpret "
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