Wah, Ada Lele Raksasa Sepanjang 2,75 Meter - Well, There Throughout the Giant Catfish 2.75 Meters

Wah, Ada Lele Raksasa Sepanjang 2,75 Meter
Jessica Wanstall berpose bersama lele sepanjang 2,75 meter.
Kamis, 16 Juli 2009 | 09:25 WIB

EBRO, KAMIS — Jessica Wanstall (14) memang jago memancing. Namun, mendapatkan lele raksasa sudah di luar kemampuannya. Beberapa waktu lalu, seperti dilaporkan Daily Mail, Rabu (15/7), Jessica dan ayahnya, Mark, memancing di Sungai Ebro, Spanyol. Kesempatan itu merupakan hadiah dari sang ayah. Lalu mata pancingnya dicaplok ikan.

Semula sang ayah yakin itu ikan kecil seperti yang biasa ditangkap Jessica. Akan tetapi, ABG itu berpikiran lain dan minta bantuan sang ayah untuk menarik ikan itu. Benar saja, butuh waktu 20 menit untuk menaklukkan binatang itu.

Ternyata, hasilnya benar-benar di luar dugaan. Yang muncul adalah ikan lele yang panjangnya mencapai 2,75 meter dengan berat 87 kg. Jauh lebih besar ketimbang penangkapnya, Jessica, yang hanya setinggi 1,24 meter dan beratnya cuma 36 kg.

Pemandu mereka, Bodo Kunkel, yang mengelola Bavarian Guiding Services di Sungai Ebro mengakui keberuntungan Jessica. ”Mulutnya terus menganga seolah tak percaya dengan tangkapannya. Dialah satu-satunya bocah dengan tangkapan ikan air tawar terbesar di Spanyol, mungkin juga di Eropa,” kata Bodo. (dai/sas)


EBRO , THURSDAY - Jessica Wanstall ( 14 ) is good at fishing . However , getting the giant catfish have been beyond their means . Some time ago , as reported by the Daily Mail , Wednesday ( 15/7 ) , Jessica and her father , Mark , fishing on the River Ebro , Spain . The opportunity was a gift from his father . Then the eyes of captured fish pole .

Initially the father was sure the small fish as they are commonly caught Jessica . However , the ABG -minded others and enlist the help of his father to draw the fish . Sure enough , it took 20 minutes to subdue the beast .

As it turned out , the results are really unexpected . What emerged is a catfish reached 2.75 meters in length with a weight of 87 kg . Much larger than the captors , Jessica , who is only 1.24 meters tall and weighs just 36 kg .

Their guide , Bodo Kunkel , who runs Bavarian Guiding Services on the River Ebro Jessica admits fortune . " His mouth dropped open as if in disbelief continues with its catch . He was the only boy to catch the largest freshwater fish in Spain , probably in Europe , " said Bodo . ( dai / sas )

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