Sudahkah Anda menggunakan kondom dengan cara yang benar? Para peneliti dari Indiana University menganalisa 50 studi tentang penggunaan kondom, dan setelah melakukan pengumpulan data selama 16 tahun, mereka menemukan sederet daftar kesalahan. Cek 12 kesalahan teratas yang kerap dilakukan pasangan ketika bersiap-siap untuk melakukan eksekusi di atas ranjang.
- Telat pasang: Menurut banyak penelitian, antara 17-51,1?% orang dilaporkan memakai kondom justru setelah mulai melakukan intercourse.
- Terlalu cepat dilepas: Antara 13,6-44,7?% dari responden dilaporkan melepaskan kondom sebelum intercourse benar-benar selesai.
- Membuka seluruh gulungan kondom sebelum dipasang; Antara 2,1-25,3% orang mengaku benar-benar membuka seluruh gulungan kondom sebelum digunakan. Bagaimana piranti ini bisa bekerja?
- Tidak ada ruang pada ujungnya: Kesalahan untuk memberikan ruang bagi air mani di ujung kondom dilaporkan 24,3-45,7% responden.
- Kondom terbalik: Antara 4- 30,4 % partisipan dilaporkan bahwa mereka mulai membuka kondom dengan terbalik, tapi kemudian membaliknya lagi dan selanjutnya dipakai. Dan itu buruk karena cairan pra-ejakulasi Anda bisa mengenai si Dia, yang bisa membuatnya hamil.
- Paparan benda tajam: Antara 2,1 - 11,2 % orang membuka bungkus kondom dengan benda tajam. Masalahnya: Jika itu cukup tajam untuk merobek bungkusnya, itu cukup tajam juga untuk merobek kondomnya.
- Kesalahan memeriksa kerusakan: Saat melepas kondom dari bungkusnya, 82,7% wanita dan 74,5% pria dilaporkan tidak memeriksa kerusakan sebelum digunakan. Apa yang harus dicek: Pastikan bungkusnya tidak lecek atau robek, pastikan mata Anda telah memeriksa tanggal kadaluwarsa dan memeriksa ketidaksempurnaan yang terlihat saat membuka gulungannya.
- Tanpa pelumas: Antara 16 - 25,8% orang dilaporkan menggunakan kondom tanpa pelumas. Masalahnya? Jika Anda berhubungan seks hingga jangka waktu tertentu, kondom lebih mungkin sobek jika tanpa pelumas.
- Komplikasi pelumas: Sekitar 3,2% wanita dan 4,7% pria dilaporkan menggunakan pelumas berbahan dasar minyak dengan kondom lateks. Itu adalah hal yang melemahkan lateks, yang dapat membuatnya rentan terhadap kerusakan.
- Pencabutan yang kurang tepat: Hampir 31% pria dan 27% wanita dilaporkan bahwa (pascaseks) mereka gagal untuk mencabut penis –dan kondomnya– tepat pada waktunya setelah ejakulasi. Hey, itu bukan waktunya untuk berlama-lama.
- Menggunakan ulang satu kondom: Antara 1,4 - 3,3% orang dilaporkan menggunakan ulang kondom setidaknya dua kali selama hubungan seksual. Tidak mau rugi?
- Salah tempat penyimpanan: Antara 3,3 - 19,1% orang pada studi menyimpan kondom mereka dalam kondisi yang tidak sesuai dengan rekomendasi pada kemasan. Hindari terkena sinar matahari langsung atau disimpan dalam dompet. Kedua tindakan tersebut bisa merusak lateks kondom di dalam kemasan.
Did you use a condom the right way? Researchers from Indiana University analyzed 50 studies on the use of condoms, and after collecting data for 16 years, they found a series of error list. Check the top 12 mistakes that often do couples when getting ready to execute on the bed.
Late pairs: According to many studies, between 17 to 51.1?% Of people reported using a condom even after starting intercourse.
Too quickly disposed of: Between 13.6 to 44.7?% Of respondents reported condom before intercourse releasing completely finished.
Opens up a whole roll of condoms before being installed; Between 2.1 to 25.3% of people claim to really open up a whole roll of condoms before use. How does this tool work?
No room at the end: Error to make room for semen at the end of the 24.3 to 45.7% of respondents reported condom.
Condoms are reversed: Between 4 to 30.4% of participants reported that they began to open the condom upside down, but then turned it over again and then used. And it's bad because pre-ejaculation fluid you can about the He, which could make it pregnant.
Sharps Exposure: Between 2.1 to 11.2% of people unwrapping a condom with sharp objects. The problem: If it's sharp enough to tear the wrapper, it's also sharp enough to tear the condom.
Error check for damage: When removing the condom from the wrapper, 82.7% women and 74.5% of men reported not check for damage before use. What to check: Make sure that the packaging is not crumpled or torn, make sure your eyes have checked the expiry date and check the imperfections are visible when unrolled.
Without lubrication: Between 16 to 25.8% of people reported using condoms without lubrication. The problem? If you have sex until a certain time period, condoms are more likely to tear if no lubricant.
Complications lubricant: Approximately 3.2% of women and 4.7% of men reported using oil-based lubricants with latex condoms. That is the thing that weakens the latex, which may make it vulnerable to damage.
Revocation is not quite right: Nearly 31% of men and 27% of women reported that (pascaseks) they failed to repeal penis and condom-just in time after ejaculation. Hey, it's not time to linger.
Re using a condom: Between 1.4 to 3.3% of people reported using condoms repeated at least two times during intercourse. Do not want to lose?
Wrong storage: Between 3.3 to 19.1% of people in the study condom store them in a condition that does not comply with the recommendation on the packaging. Avoid direct sunlight or stored in a wallet. Both of these actions can damage the latex condom in the package.
Did you use a condom the right way? Researchers from Indiana University analyzed 50 studies on the use of condoms, and after collecting data for 16 years, they found a series of error list. Check the top 12 mistakes that often do couples when getting ready to execute on the bed.
Late pairs: According to many studies, between 17 to 51.1?% Of people reported using a condom even after starting intercourse.
Too quickly disposed of: Between 13.6 to 44.7?% Of respondents reported condom before intercourse releasing completely finished.
Opens up a whole roll of condoms before being installed; Between 2.1 to 25.3% of people claim to really open up a whole roll of condoms before use. How does this tool work?
No room at the end: Error to make room for semen at the end of the 24.3 to 45.7% of respondents reported condom.
Condoms are reversed: Between 4 to 30.4% of participants reported that they began to open the condom upside down, but then turned it over again and then used. And it's bad because pre-ejaculation fluid you can about the He, which could make it pregnant.
Sharps Exposure: Between 2.1 to 11.2% of people unwrapping a condom with sharp objects. The problem: If it's sharp enough to tear the wrapper, it's also sharp enough to tear the condom.
Error check for damage: When removing the condom from the wrapper, 82.7% women and 74.5% of men reported not check for damage before use. What to check: Make sure that the packaging is not crumpled or torn, make sure your eyes have checked the expiry date and check the imperfections are visible when unrolled.
Without lubrication: Between 16 to 25.8% of people reported using condoms without lubrication. The problem? If you have sex until a certain time period, condoms are more likely to tear if no lubricant.
Complications lubricant: Approximately 3.2% of women and 4.7% of men reported using oil-based lubricants with latex condoms. That is the thing that weakens the latex, which may make it vulnerable to damage.
Revocation is not quite right: Nearly 31% of men and 27% of women reported that (pascaseks) they failed to repeal penis and condom-just in time after ejaculation. Hey, it's not time to linger.
Re using a condom: Between 1.4 to 3.3% of people reported using condoms repeated at least two times during intercourse. Do not want to lose?
Wrong storage: Between 3.3 to 19.1% of people in the study condom store them in a condition that does not comply with the recommendation on the packaging. Avoid direct sunlight or stored in a wallet. Both of these actions can damage the latex condom in the package.
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