Optimalkan kinerja tangan dan jari-jari Anda, untuk
melakukan sentuhan dan pijatan paling erotis yang sanggup membakar gairah si
Dia. Selamat mencoba!
Berdasarkan buku Built for Sex, karya Scott Hays, ada lima teknik memijat yang bisa ‘menggoda’ si Dia, yaitu:
Berdasarkan buku Built for Sex, karya Scott Hays, ada lima teknik memijat yang bisa ‘menggoda’ si Dia, yaitu:
- Gerakan Melingkar. Letakkan salah satu tangan Anda di atas tangan lainnya, lalu tekan di tubuh si Dia dengan kekuatan yang membuatnya nyaman. Buat lingkaran kecil di sekujur tubuhnya, dari atas ke bawah.
- Gerakan Renang. Gunakan kedua tangan Anda untuk membuat dua lingkaran terpisah yang berlawanan arah. Gerakan ini sangat mirip ketika Anda berenang memakai gaya dada –bedanya, satu tangan Anda mengepal dan lainnya dengan jemari terbuka. Tangan dengan jemari terbuka inilah yang bertugas untuk membelai. Teknik ini bisa Anda coba di area punggung, paha, dan pantat. Dijamin, si Dia akan merasa nyaman.
- Gerakan Effleurage (Belaian yang Memiliki Ritme). Merupakan belaian sensual yang menelusuri lekuk tubuh si Dia. Tekan perlahan dan ikuti garis bentuk badannya. Telusuri otot-otot punggung, lengkungan payudara, ketiak, dan perutnya. Atau duduki pahanya saat si Dia berbaring telungkup. Letakkan tangan Anda di pantatnya, dengan jari-jari menunjuk ke arah kepala, lalu tekan dengan kekuatan yang membuatnya nyaman. Lakukan secara perlahan.
- Jempol Asmara. Modal Anda adalah dua jempol tangan. Berikan tekanan secara bergantian pada kedua jempol, ketika Anda menelusuri sisi-sisi tulang punggung si Dia. Lakukan secara perlahan dengan kekuatan yang konstan.
- Belaian Seringan Bulu. Usapkan tangan Anda selembut mungkin di sekujur tubuh pasangan Anda. Upayakan selembut mungkin hingga rasanya –mungkin– lebih mirip bisikan ketimbang sentuhan. Cari bagian-bagian yang paling sensitif di tubuh si Dia, misalnya ujung payudara, belahan di dekat klitoris, atau area antara pusar dan vagina.
- Aturan pertama, lakukan dengan penuh perasaan. Karena, wanita akan menyadari apakah Anda melakukannya dengan penuh kasih-sayang atau sekadar basa-basi ringan sebelum akhirnya si Dia membuka kakinya untuk Anda.
- Aturan kedua, jangan terburu-buru. Berusahalah memberi kesenangan padanya lebih dahulu, karena biasanya wanita akan membalasnya dengan cara yang lebih hebat. Kesabaran adalah kata kunci yang bisa membuat wanita bertingkah gila di depan Anda.
- Aturan ketiga, sebelum menyentuh kulitnya –pilih dulu minyak yang tepat, lalu tuangkan di telapak tangan dan gosokkan sekitar 15 detik hingga kedua telapak tangan Anda terasa hangat. Rasa hangat di tangan adalah energi yang bisa membuatnya lebih cepat terangsang, lebih cepat menggelinjang.
- Aturan terakhir, jaga agar tangan Anda selalu menempel pada tubuhnya. Abaikan bunyi telepon atau keinginan untuk minum. Tahanlah sejenak. Bayangkan, jika Anda minum segelas air dingin, hal itu malah membuat tangan Anda kembali dingin.
Optimize the performance of hand and your fingers, to touch and massage the erotic passion that could burn the He. Good luck!Based on the book Built for Sex, by Scott Hays, there are five massage techniques that can 'tease' the He, namely:
Circular motion. Put one hand on top of your other hand, then hit him on the body with a force that made him uncomfortable. Make small circles all over his body, from top to bottom.
Swimming movements. Use your hands to make two separate circles in the opposite direction. This movement is very similar to when you swim breaststroke wear-difference, one hand with the fingers clenched and the other open. Open hand with fingers to caress this charge. Can you try this technique in the area of the back, thighs, and buttocks. Guaranteed, the He will feel comfortable.
Effleurage movements (which Have Rhythm caress). Is a sensual caress the curves trace him. Press gently and follow the outline of his body. Browse back muscles, arches breasts, underarms, and stomach. Or sit on the thigh when he was lying face down. Put your hand on her buttocks, with fingers pointing towards the head, and then press the power that made him uncomfortable. Do it slowly.
Asmara thumb. Your capital is two thumbs. Alternately apply pressure on both thumbs, when you browse the sides of the backbone of the He. Do it slowly with a constant force.
Light as a Feather caress. Rub your hands gently as possible all over your partner's body. Strive as gently as possible until it feels-perhaps-more like whisper rather than touch. Find the most sensitive parts of the body in the He, for example, the tip of the breast, cleavage near the clitoris, or the area between the navel and vagina.Important tips!
The first rule, do it with feeling. Because, women will be aware of whether you do it with full affection or just lip lightly before the He finally opens her legs for you.
The second rule, do not rush. Try to give her pleasure first, because usually women will respond in a way that is more powerful. Patience is the key word that can make a woman acting crazy in front of you.
The third rule, before touching his skin-select the proper oil first, then pour in the palm of the hand and rub it around 15 seconds until the palms of your hands warm. Warm feeling in the hand is the energy that could make it faster arousal, faster menggelinjang.
The final rule, always keep your hands attached to its body. Ignore the sound of a phone or the desire to drink. Hold for a moment. Imagine, if you drink a glass of cold water, it actually makes your hands cold again.
Optimize the performance of hand and your fingers, to touch and massage the erotic passion that could burn the He. Good luck!Based on the book Built for Sex, by Scott Hays, there are five massage techniques that can 'tease' the He, namely:
Circular motion. Put one hand on top of your other hand, then hit him on the body with a force that made him uncomfortable. Make small circles all over his body, from top to bottom.
Swimming movements. Use your hands to make two separate circles in the opposite direction. This movement is very similar to when you swim breaststroke wear-difference, one hand with the fingers clenched and the other open. Open hand with fingers to caress this charge. Can you try this technique in the area of the back, thighs, and buttocks. Guaranteed, the He will feel comfortable.
Effleurage movements (which Have Rhythm caress). Is a sensual caress the curves trace him. Press gently and follow the outline of his body. Browse back muscles, arches breasts, underarms, and stomach. Or sit on the thigh when he was lying face down. Put your hand on her buttocks, with fingers pointing towards the head, and then press the power that made him uncomfortable. Do it slowly.
Asmara thumb. Your capital is two thumbs. Alternately apply pressure on both thumbs, when you browse the sides of the backbone of the He. Do it slowly with a constant force.
Light as a Feather caress. Rub your hands gently as possible all over your partner's body. Strive as gently as possible until it feels-perhaps-more like whisper rather than touch. Find the most sensitive parts of the body in the He, for example, the tip of the breast, cleavage near the clitoris, or the area between the navel and vagina.Important tips!
The first rule, do it with feeling. Because, women will be aware of whether you do it with full affection or just lip lightly before the He finally opens her legs for you.
The second rule, do not rush. Try to give her pleasure first, because usually women will respond in a way that is more powerful. Patience is the key word that can make a woman acting crazy in front of you.
The third rule, before touching his skin-select the proper oil first, then pour in the palm of the hand and rub it around 15 seconds until the palms of your hands warm. Warm feeling in the hand is the energy that could make it faster arousal, faster menggelinjang.
The final rule, always keep your hands attached to its body. Ignore the sound of a phone or the desire to drink. Hold for a moment. Imagine, if you drink a glass of cold water, it actually makes your hands cold again.
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