Coba salah satu dari tip-tip di bawah ini (tentu saja malam ini) dan dapatkan kepuasan maksimal di atas ranjang bersama si Dia.
- Biarkan Si Dia di atas. Ketika si Dia berada di atas, rangsangan pada penis Anda akan sedikit berkurang. Dan, jangan lupa untuk minta si Dia melakukannya dengan perlahan. Anda harus paham, penetrasi yang dalam dan dorongan cepat merupakan bencana bagi ketahanan pria. Anda mungkin juga harus mencoba untuk melakukan penetrasi dan tak bergerak selama beberapa waktu untuk beraklimatisasi dengan rasa hangat dan basah di vaginanya.
- Start-Stop. Gagasan ini adalah meminta si Dia memberi rangsangan hingga Anda merasa akan mencapai orgasme, kemudian memintanya berhenti. Ketika ketegangan seksual menghilang (sekitar 15 detik), si Dia bisa melanjutkan kembali usahanya.
- Stop berpikir tentang orgasme. Area di otak yang bertanggung jawab untuk memicu orgasme akan bangkit saat Anda berpikir tentang orgasme atau upaya untuk menahannya. Makin besar perhatian Anda pada hal-hal tersebut, makin besar pula kemungkinan orgasme itu datang. Fokuslah pada apa yang terjadi saat ini dan Anda akan membaurkan kenikmatan di seluruh tubuh Anda.
- Bernapas dari perut. Pernapasan yang pendek dan cepat memiliki kaitan yang erat dengan ejakulasi. Karena itu, bernapaslah secara perlahan dan dalam. Cara ini akan membantu Anda meredakan efek rangsangan dari si Dia. Coba teknik pernapasan dengan perut ketimbang dada. Lakukanlah ketika Anda mempraktekkan teknik start-stop dan menegangkan penis. Gaya bernapas ala yoga mungkin juga bisa membantu Anda.
- Berlatih kendalikan diri. Setelah si Dia cukup terangsang dengan seks oral, gerakkan batang penis Anda di bibir vagina si Dia, memberi rangsangan terhadap klitoris tanpa membuatnya masuk. Lakukan ini 1-2 menit, kemudian dorong ujung penis ke kepala klitorisnya. Posisikan penis di pintu masuk vagina, tempat di mana sebagian besar saraf sensitif berujung. Ketika Anda melakukan penetrasi, fokus pada gerakan kecil dan pendek yang hanya ‘menyerang 5-8 sentimeter ke dalam vagina. Saat Anda merasa akan mengalami ejakulasi, tarik penis dan kendalikan diri Anda. Setelah itu, lakukan penetrasi lagi. Mengubah posisi juga akan membantu Anda bertahan lebih lama.
Try one of these tips below ( of course tonight) and get maximum satisfaction in the bed with him .
Let Si Him above . When the He is above , stimulation on your penis will be slightly reduced . And , do not forget to ask for the He did it slowly . You have to understand , deep penetration and rapidly boost the resilience of a disaster for men . You may also have to try to penetrate and motionless for some time to beraklimatisasi with a sense of warm and wet pussy .
Start- Stop . The idea is to ask the He gives stimulation to reach orgasm you will feel , then ask him to stop . When sexual tension disappears ( about 15 seconds ) , the He can resume his business .
Stop thinking about the orgasm . Areas of the brain responsible for triggering orgasm will rise when you think about orgasm or attempt to restrain him . The more of your attention on these things , the greater the likelihood of orgasm was coming . Focus on what's happening today and you will confound pleasure throughout your body .
Breathing from the belly . Breathing short and fast has a close connection with ejaculation . Therefore , breathe slowly and deeply. This will help you relieve the effects of stimulation of the He . Try breathing techniques with the stomach rather than the chest . Do it when you practice the technique and start-stop thrilling penis . Styles of yoga -style breathing may also help you .
Practicing self- control . He was quite excited after the oral sex , move the shaft of your penis in the vagina lips She gives stimulation to the clitoris without making entry . Do this 1-2 minutes , then push the tip of the penis to the head of her clitoris . Position the penis at the entrance of the vagina , the place where the most sensitive nerve ending. When you penetrate , focusing on small and short movements that only ' attacking 5-8 centimeters into the vagina . When you are going to ejaculate , your penis and pull your self control . After that , do penetration again . Changing positions will also help you last longer .
Let Si Him above . When the He is above , stimulation on your penis will be slightly reduced . And , do not forget to ask for the He did it slowly . You have to understand , deep penetration and rapidly boost the resilience of a disaster for men . You may also have to try to penetrate and motionless for some time to beraklimatisasi with a sense of warm and wet pussy .
Start- Stop . The idea is to ask the He gives stimulation to reach orgasm you will feel , then ask him to stop . When sexual tension disappears ( about 15 seconds ) , the He can resume his business .
Stop thinking about the orgasm . Areas of the brain responsible for triggering orgasm will rise when you think about orgasm or attempt to restrain him . The more of your attention on these things , the greater the likelihood of orgasm was coming . Focus on what's happening today and you will confound pleasure throughout your body .
Breathing from the belly . Breathing short and fast has a close connection with ejaculation . Therefore , breathe slowly and deeply. This will help you relieve the effects of stimulation of the He . Try breathing techniques with the stomach rather than the chest . Do it when you practice the technique and start-stop thrilling penis . Styles of yoga -style breathing may also help you .
Practicing self- control . He was quite excited after the oral sex , move the shaft of your penis in the vagina lips She gives stimulation to the clitoris without making entry . Do this 1-2 minutes , then push the tip of the penis to the head of her clitoris . Position the penis at the entrance of the vagina , the place where the most sensitive nerve ending. When you penetrate , focusing on small and short movements that only ' attacking 5-8 centimeters into the vagina . When you are going to ejaculate , your penis and pull your self control . After that , do penetration again . Changing positions will also help you last longer .
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