Wanita menyukai obrolan yang sedikit seru setelah bercinta. Tapi, sebaiknya berhati-hatilah dengan apa yang akan Anda katakan. Jika Anda berupaya mengerahkan kemampuan untuk ambil bagian dalam obrolan bantal, perhatikan perasaannya dengan menghindari tiga pernyataan yang dapat membunuh mood ini:
- Tadi adalah seks terbaik yang pernah aku alami! Pastinya maksud Anda memang baik. Tapi membandingkan si Dia dengan mantan Anda di masa lalu setelah si Dia melakukannya dengan Anda, dapat memicu pertengkaran. Sebaliknya, puji dirinya pada sesuatu yang spesifik yang terjadi di antara Anda berdua. Misalnya, tidak bisa melepaskan mata Anda dari payudaranya saat si Dia berada di atas, atau tidak bisa melupakan betapa nikmatnya bercinta dengannya.
- Sesi bercinta tadi butuh waktu yang lama dari biasanya. Kamu tidak apa-apa, kan? “Wanita cenderung merasa sangat rentan setelah bercinta, sehingga kritikan terhadap penampilan atau kemampuannya dapat benar-benar menyakitkan,” kata Denes. Sebaliknya, “Kagumi fisiknya, atau bagaimana ia terlihat seksi setelah bercinta,” kata Ginger Bercaw, terapis seks dan penulis The Couple’s Guide to Intimacy. Lebih baik lagi, biarkan si Dia tahu bahwa tidak ada wanita lain lagi yang lebih Anda sukai.
- Berapa kali kamu orgasme? “Menanyakan hal ini membuat Anda tampak seperti sedang memancing pujian untuk kemampuan Anda,” tegas Bercaw. Jika Anda benar-benar membutuhkan pendapatnya, tanyakan dengan cara yang lebih produktif, demikian saran Jenn Berman, pemandu acara Couple’s Therapy di VH1. Sebagai contoh: “Katakan padaku dua hal yang kamu suka dan dua hal yang tidak kamu suka.” Dengan cara itu maka Anda bisa mendapatkan reaksi yang sesungguhnya bagaimana si Dia merasakannya.
Women love a little fun chat after sex . But , you should be careful with what you say . If you attempt to deploy capabilities to take part in the chat
pillows , note feelings by avoiding the three statements that can kill
the mood :
That was the best sex I 've ever experienced ! Surely you mean it is good . But comparing the He with your ex in the past after the He did it with you , can trigger a fight. Instead , praise him on something specific that happened between the two of you . For example , you can not take your eyes off of her breasts as the He is above , or can not get over how delicious love to her .
Last sex session that took longer than usual . You did nothing , right? " Women tend to feel very vulnerable after sex , so criticism of the appearance or ability can be really painful , " said Denes . Instead , " Admire physical , or how he looks sexy as fuck , " said Ginger Bercaw , sex therapist and author of The Couple 's Guide to Intimacy . Better yet , let the He knew that no other woman could be more to your liking.
How many times do you orgasm ? " Asking it makes you look like you are fishing for compliments for your abilities , " said Bercaw . If you really need its opinion , ask a more productive manner , so suggestions Jenn Berman , host of the show Couple's Therapy on VH1 . For example : " Tell me two things you liked and two things you do not like . " That way you can get a real reaction to how the He felt it.
That was the best sex I 've ever experienced ! Surely you mean it is good . But comparing the He with your ex in the past after the He did it with you , can trigger a fight. Instead , praise him on something specific that happened between the two of you . For example , you can not take your eyes off of her breasts as the He is above , or can not get over how delicious love to her .
Last sex session that took longer than usual . You did nothing , right? " Women tend to feel very vulnerable after sex , so criticism of the appearance or ability can be really painful , " said Denes . Instead , " Admire physical , or how he looks sexy as fuck , " said Ginger Bercaw , sex therapist and author of The Couple 's Guide to Intimacy . Better yet , let the He knew that no other woman could be more to your liking.
How many times do you orgasm ? " Asking it makes you look like you are fishing for compliments for your abilities , " said Bercaw . If you really need its opinion , ask a more productive manner , so suggestions Jenn Berman , host of the show Couple's Therapy on VH1 . For example : " Tell me two things you liked and two things you do not like . " That way you can get a real reaction to how the He felt it.
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