Seks Men’s Health Indonesia menyebutkan bahwa 48% wanita Indonesia
sebenarnya mau untuk melakukan beberapa ekseperimen seks –tapi, di suatu
hari nanti. Saat dia benar-benar memercayai Anda. (Kecuali, jika si Dia
adalah tipe wanita bebas dan bisa menerima one night stand). Lalu,
bagaimana mempercepat hal ini? “Buat si Dia merasa bahwa dirinya tidak
akan dihakimi,” kata Candida Royalle, seorang produser film erotis dan pengarang buku Tell a Naked Man What To Do. Dan, berikut ini adalah tiga tahap untuk membangkitkan sisi liarnya.
- Picu Imajinasi. “Wanita sebenarnya menyukai bagian cerita dari film porno,” kata Patti Britton Ph.D., penulis The Art of Sex Coaching. “Namun, kadang kala film porno dapat mengejutkan mereka.” Jadi, jangan harap dia mau inisiatif memutar dan menonton film tersebut. Lakukan cara yang lebih halus untuk memenuhi imajinasinya: Sisipkan pembatas buku di beberapa adegan-adegan seksi dari suatu novel klasik agar dia dapat membacanya. Misalnya, The Garden of Eden karangan Ernest Hemingway, atau sesuatu yang kontemporer seperti buku Saman karya Ayu Utami. Percayalah, buku akan lebih memicu gairahnya ketimbang film.
- Buat si Dia Terbiasa. Perkenalkan padanya beberapa ide, secara tidak langsung. Anda butuh media pembantu, seperti film romantis berjudul Out of Sight (di mana George Clooney dan Jenifer Lopez bercinta di kap mobil yang didahului oleh pancingan-pancingan gairah yang makin intensif), Betty Blue (film yang dipenuhi adegan seks liar antara Beatrice Dalle dan Gean Hughes Anglade), 91/2 Weeks, The Hunger, dan sebagainya. Gunakan adegan seks dalam film tersebut sebagai sarana komunikasi. Atau referensikan hal-hal seksi yang Anda lihat di majalah. Saran Royalle, “Katakan padanya: “Pernahkah kamu berpikir untuk melakukan adegan seperti itu?”. Dan jangan mengatakannya langsung seperti: “Inilah teknik yang aku inginkan”.”
- Tunda Dulu Serangan Anda. Jangan langsung naik ke atas tempat tidur dalam keadaan tanpa celana, bila Anda tak ingin tidur sendirian malam ini. Cobalah ‘bermain’ mencukur rambut kemaluan sebagai permulaan. Kebanyakan wanita senang melakukannya. “Cara ini membantu dirinya untuk lebih berani dan menganggap eksperimen seks menjadi lebih menyenangkan,” kata Royalle, “biarkan si Dia mencukur habis rambut kemaluan Anda.” Selain penis Anda akan tampak lebih panjang, si Dia akan mulai akrab dengannya.
Men's Health Survey of Indonesia stated that 48% of Indonesian women
actually want to do some ekseperimen sex-but, in one day. When she really trusts you. (Except, if the type of woman he is free and can accept one night stand). Then, how to speed this up? "Make
the He feels that he will not be judged," says Candida Royalle, an
erotic film producer and author of the book Tell a Naked Man What To Do.
And, here are three phases to generate wild side.
Trigger Imagination. "Women actually liked that part of the story porn movies," says Patti Britton Ph.D., author of The Art of Sex Coaching. "However, sometimes porn can surprise them." So, do not expect the initiative he wants to play and watch the film. Do a more subtle way to meet his imagination: Insert bookmarks in some sexy scenes from a classic novel that he can read it. For example, The Garden of Eden written by Ernest Hemingway, or something like a contemporary work of Ayu Utami's Saman books. Trust me, the book will be triggered his passion rather than a movie.
Create the She Used to. Introduce him some ideas, indirectly. You need a media aide, romantic movie titled Out of Sight (where George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez having sex on the hood of the car, which is preceded by a teaser-teaser intensifying arousal), Betty Blue (movie filled with wild sex scene between Beatrice Dalle and Gean Hughes Anglade), 91/2 Weeks, The Hunger, and so on. Use the sex scenes in the film as a means of communication. Or refer sexy things that you see in magazines. Suggestions Royalle, "Tell him:" Have you ever thought of doing a scene like that? ". And do not say it directly, such as: "This is a technique I want '."
Delay used to attack you. Do not jump up on a bed in a state with no pants, if you do not want to sleep alone tonight. Try the 'play' shave pubic hair for starters. Most women love to do. "It helps him to be more daring and experimental consider sex to be more enjoyable," says Royalle, "let the He shave off your pubic hair." In addition to your penis will look longer, he will start the familiar with it.
Trigger Imagination. "Women actually liked that part of the story porn movies," says Patti Britton Ph.D., author of The Art of Sex Coaching. "However, sometimes porn can surprise them." So, do not expect the initiative he wants to play and watch the film. Do a more subtle way to meet his imagination: Insert bookmarks in some sexy scenes from a classic novel that he can read it. For example, The Garden of Eden written by Ernest Hemingway, or something like a contemporary work of Ayu Utami's Saman books. Trust me, the book will be triggered his passion rather than a movie.
Create the She Used to. Introduce him some ideas, indirectly. You need a media aide, romantic movie titled Out of Sight (where George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez having sex on the hood of the car, which is preceded by a teaser-teaser intensifying arousal), Betty Blue (movie filled with wild sex scene between Beatrice Dalle and Gean Hughes Anglade), 91/2 Weeks, The Hunger, and so on. Use the sex scenes in the film as a means of communication. Or refer sexy things that you see in magazines. Suggestions Royalle, "Tell him:" Have you ever thought of doing a scene like that? ". And do not say it directly, such as: "This is a technique I want '."
Delay used to attack you. Do not jump up on a bed in a state with no pants, if you do not want to sleep alone tonight. Try the 'play' shave pubic hair for starters. Most women love to do. "It helps him to be more daring and experimental consider sex to be more enjoyable," says Royalle, "let the He shave off your pubic hair." In addition to your penis will look longer, he will start the familiar with it.
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